#this is your 258932058 reminder that rachel didn't just start behaving like this recently
genericpuff · 1 year
i came home from my trip to find some HOT STEAMING TEA.
so it's been sorta talked about for a while now that there was an incident a long time ago involving a Minthe cosplayer and an in-character caption that Rachel responded to with... well, not grace, let's just put it that way lmao but it's always just been sorta mentioned in passing, never really fully confirmed beyond hearsay, so we didn't have any details or information to back up the claims.
but we FINALLY got actual definitive proof of it not JUST in the form of screenshots-
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-but then we were BLESSED by the appearance of the PERSON WHO HAD DONE THIS COSPLAY.
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(names have been censored for obvious privacy reasons)
sooo yeah. It's been a great day for tea. But I also feel really bad for the cosplayer, I'm glad she's moved past it but the fact that she was made to feel targeted like that just for playing one of Rachel's own characters from her own comic? Rachel, honey, please, for the love of god, get a grip. I would have been willing to be a bit less scrutinizing if this thing that happened 4 years ago was obviously something she had grown from, but no, she's doubled down in her behavior over the past 4 years and now her comic has fallen to the same level of shittiness to boot.
Anyways, to the Minthe cosplayer, I hope you're still cosplaying, even if it's not LO anymore. I'm glad you've moved past it and hopefully gone on to better things :' ) You def didn't deserve any of that shit and it's frankly appalling that the LO fanbase and its creator still manage to get away with this childish af behavior four years later.
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