#this is your capxhin speaking.
ranposama · 6 years
On the topic of Dead Apple and Tsujimura’s appearance now that I’ve reblogged something in relation to her: I myself intend on seeing Dead Apple for my birthday next month and intend on making a post about her appearance, as she’s tgds’ precious daughter and she’s Gaiden’s protagonist of course. It will be tagged appropriately, as it will be spoilers to those who have yet to see it, so keep this in mind when it’s posted!
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ranposama · 7 years
handy dandy icon change, because a certain silver can’t get over ayatsuji doing the wan-chan hand motion.
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ranposama · 7 years
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Hello all! the next chapter of gaiden is currently in the works, but i’ll be passing over the duty of posting this chapter over to the other translator in teal girl defense scans, Lette, as i’ll be out of town.
I hope everyone celebrating christmas has a good one, and if you don’t, dress warm and don’t get sick before the new year begins!
-- Silver
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ranposama · 7 years
HELLO EVERYONE AND CONGRATULATIONS TO GAIDEN FOR FINALLY BEING GIVEN THE ATTENTION IT DESERVES -- it’s own manga serialization, can you believe it! we’ve come so far!
myself and a friend of mine have intention of translating the manga when it’s released on youngace, so in the future, it may be posted here as well along with the novel translations. assuming no one else intends on it / posts it first, of course.
in other good news, i’m finally done with all my obligations for the time being, so i will most likely be posting some of chapter 3 later on! i happily welcome all the new followers who have followed this blog due to this stupendous news, and i hope you will come to love and enjoy gaiden and its characters as much as i do!
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-- silver
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ranposama · 7 years
update on the manga situation: some others have joined in the adventure of translating the manga and the other skills necessary, therefore this blog will officially be posting the translations of the manga chapters in the future. look forward to it!
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ranposama · 7 years
For those of you who are curious: Gaiden the manga serialization will update every 3 weeks! The next chapter comes out on December 22, so look forward to your monthly dose of Gaiden, everyone~
edit: in addition, December 22 is one day before the real life Ayatsuji-sensei’s birthday! Coincidence? On purpose? Who knows!
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ranposama · 8 years
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long time no see, everybody!! i am happy to announce that i once again have stable internet connection, and therefore, will be resuming translation of gaiden!
i sincerely apologize for the wait you all have endured, and i’ll try to get things done as quickly as i can! ;;
-- Silver
On another note: the prologue has finally been edited, courtesy of Leah’s generous proofreading / @looking-for-stray-dogs
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ranposama · 6 years
On that note: the group is still behind a chapter, as we of TGS have all been busy with our own lives and have kinda-sorta been waiting for Oyoyo-sensei to return. We’ll aim to get chapter 6 (and 7) out as soon as we can - thank you for your patience, and let’s all celebrate Oyoyo-sensei’s return!
-- Silver
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ranposama · 7 years
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(on a more serious note: thank you everyone so much for supporting gaiden! we love you all and we’re so honored to have you following us!)
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ranposama · 8 years
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update on some things:
the post regarding chuuya’s appearance has been edited and fixed after being proofread!
on that note, i’d like to take a moment to say thank you to @looking-for-stray-dogs who’s been kind enough to offer proofreading gaiden for me! ( they’re translating v3 / the untold story of the founding of the agency and i’d 100% suggest following them! also, their dazatsu hogwarts au is very cute! )
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ranposama · 8 years
There are a few things I wonder about in life.
How come irl Kyogoku can drag his own chara about his design, yet irl Ayatsuji is completely fine with his own chara having a doll collection in his basement in the most creepy way possible.
is irl ayatsuji ok.
but most importantly how does irl kyogoku feel about his chara wanting to become a meme? does he also want to be a meme? i’m asking the real questions here.
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ranposama · 8 years
Even though the government has its bad and dark side of it, there IS a good side and genuine people like Tsujmura and it makes me very happy. She’s so important.
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ranposama · 8 years
So I’ve been skipping through Gaiden reading various parts and I found something interesting for you all that isn’t too spoilery to share! While translating random pages for my own amusement, I came across a name I wasn’t familiar with: Asukai-san, written as 飛鳥井さん.
Turns out, it’s another writer!! 
Specifically, his name is ‘Asukai Gayu’/ 飛鳥井雅有 and he was a nobleman and poet in the Kamakura period in Japan. His wiki is right here, though there’s barely anything to it unfortunately ; v;
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ranposama · 8 years
department, division, which is it. we just dont know.gif.
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ranposama · 8 years
solcluster replied to your post “Due to the amount of asks I’ve gotten regarding our lovely Nakahara...”
i just want to say thank you for translating all of it!
Thank you so much! All your words of encouragement and enthusiasm make me aim to do my best!
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ranposama · 8 years
Due to the amount of asks I’ve gotten regarding our lovely Nakahara Chuuya, I’ll admit I’ll be late in spoiling you guys what he and Ango speak about, how Ango saved him, etc etc since my main obligation is translating this linearly. Naturally though, I have been translating that on the side and will answer anons regarding such at a later date! Thank you for your patience, understanding, and enthusiasm for Gaiden and its content! ♥
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