#this isn’t an egalitarianism/complementarianism post btw
dimsilver · 1 year
just thinking about the endless ways to be a godly woman that I see exemplified around me…
like I know women who love wrestling and jujitsu and making chainmail and leading caving tours. I know women who love baking pies and handsewing historical clothing and can knit a mile a minute. I know women who are awesome wives. I know women who are awesome singles. I know women who have children and enjoy raising them and women who don’t. I know women who wear makeup and women who don’t. I know women who are quiet and women who are loud. I know women who are more logical and women who are more emotional. I know women who teach, lead, protect. I know women who learn, follow, serve.
and all of them fit into multiple of these categories. and all of them love and follow Jesus with all the heart and mind and passion they’ve been given. it’s just really cool :)
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