#this manip looked much better icon sized
tinderbox210 · 9 months
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ranveer--singh · 4 years
A little boy’s idol
A/N - I decided to write a fluffy one shot with Henry Cavil having a son because of his ig post for father’s day. Hope you all enjoy this, likes, comments and reblogs are much appreciated. 
Thanks to my lovely betas @footballfangurl and @lawsandother for reading this and helping me expand my ideas. Love edit/manip by @eastwesthomeisbest​
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Tags: @sciapod @littlefreya @yespolkadotkitty @chamomilebottom @iloveyouyen @fishcustardandclintbarton @hell1129-blog @captainbigdy @jolly-polly @demivampirew @ellixthea @shellbilee @dangerouslovefanfic @luclittlepond @mary-ann84 @avsensio @madbaddic7ed @brexrif @dancingwendigo @wondersofdreaming @viking-raider @evnscvll @penwieldingdreamer @emelinelovesjc @seb-owns-these-tatas @iguessweallcrazyithinktho
"Daddy," 4-year-old Aarush spoke, waddling into the main bedroom in his superman onesie. Henry had just woken up, rubbing his eyes and letting out a huge yawn. "Daddy," Aarush spoke, not able to get on the bed which made him cry softly.
Henry jumped out of the bed like a lightning bolt when he heard his son cry. He embraced the 4-year-old in his arms, rubbing his back softly. 
"Daddy," Aarush repeated, wiping his eyes with his hands, looking up at Henry with such admiration.
"Yes buddy," Henry said, stroking his son's curls and giving him a kiss on the forehead.
"I want to be like you," Aarush said softly poking at Henry's arm. This made Henry's heart burst with joy, his son had his curls and his nose but had his wife’s eyes and pout. They were so similar, even in their actions, that his wife sometimes teased him about it.
Aarush showed his arms, making Henry smile just watching his kid imitate him. Only a week ago did Henry sit with Aarush as they watched the movie man of steel. He took a real liking to superman and wanted to be just like him. 
"Buddy, do you know what makes superman strong?" he asked softly, trying to not wake his wife up. Aarush shook his head no, looking at Henry talk with his eyes opened curiously. Henry placed a hand on Aarush's chest.
"His heart, it makes him stronger. Gives him the strength and courage to succeed," Henry spoke softly, getting this warm fuzzy feeling just talking about superman to his son. Aarush crookes his head to the right just like Henry does, looking confused about what was said. 
"Buddy, you know superman has an 's' on his chest," Henry spoke, looking at Aarush trying to process the information.
"Yes daddy, it's the red 's'," he giggled, smiling as he remembered the iconic 's'.
"Well done, buddy," Henry smiled, ruffling his son's hair. "Now that 's' is a sign of hope, it means you're striving to become a better person." Aarush smiled, listening to Henry talk so fondly about superman made him happy. He clapped his hands, excitement coursing through his body.
"Daddy can we go watch sups," He couldn't say superman, so would end up saying sups. Henry smiled again at the reminder that his son was almost a carbon copy of him, loving superhero movies and enjoying watching him play video games. Aarush also idolised superman and was always sleeping in superman pyjamas.
Henry turned his head to see his angelic wife fast asleep next to him. She is currently pregnant with their second child, which they were overjoyed about. He was looking forward to meet his new little princess and see her running around like a little copy of his wife. 
He swooped Aarush into his arms, leaning down to shower him with multiple kisses to the face.
"Daddy," Aarush squealed, looking up at Henry with such love. Henry smiled down at his son, cannot believe how lucky he was to have Aarush as a son. He leans down again to pepper him with more kisses, enjoying the little squeals coming out of his son's mouth. 
Henry held onto his son firmly, getting up from the bed as quietly as possible so as to not disturb his wife. He walked down 2 flights of stairs to the cinema room slowly, which was located in the basement. He pushed the door open, switching on the lights, every few seconds glancing down to see Aarush clutching at his chest hair. His head resting on Henry's chest gave the perfect opportunity for Henry to stroke his hair again.
"Buddy you look tired, let's watch the movie another time," Henry said quietly, stroking Aarush's chubby cheeks with his index finger.
"Nooo, daddy, sups time, sups time," Aarush insisted, lifting his head up to look at Henry with a tired half-smile. This made Henry melt inside, could his son be any cuter. He walked towards the big red leather recliners, slowly sitting down with Aarush in his hands.
Henry grabbed the remote and flicked through countless movies stored on the TV. Finally, he finds Man of Steel and presses play, telling Aarush to turn around as the movie is starting. Henry couldn't help himself from hugging his only son.
Aarush would clap every time superman was on screen, calling out "sups, sups," making Henry feel immensely proud. Henry now started to play with Aarush's curls, exactly how his wife would do. It always made both father and son relaxed as they lay into her arms.
In the middle of the movie, Aarush shuffled around trying to find a comfortable position on Henry's lap. He could tell Aarush was tired, by the number of times he yawned and by the way that he started leaning against Henry's chest.  
The movie was coming to an end, Henry looking down to see Aarush was fast asleep. His small hands grabbed at his chest hair for support. Henry smiled, brushing the small curls away, bending down to give Aarush soft kisses on his chubby cheeks. 
Henry didn't want to move from his seat, he was happy and content with Aarush laying on him. He enjoyed stroking those curls, just humming a soft melody. This was the perfect way to spend his morning with his son watching superman.
He didn't hear his wife had now come down the stairs, walking towards the door and peering in to see Henry and Aarush bonding. The sight in front of her, got her heart melting as a huge smile spread across her lips. 
She unlocked her phone and raised it, snapping many photos of the father and son duo. When she had told Henry she was pregnant with their first child, he was over the moon, buying many baby books and getting advice from his brothers.
When Henry found out she was pregnant with their second child, he couldn't keep his hands off her. Any spare time he got, he would rub her feet, make her some cheesy dish, even take Aarush to the park. 
He was a very hands-on father, since the pregnancy of their second child, he took it upon himself to look after a very active Aarush. While she would sleep or need her alone time, Henry would read to his son, helping him count as well as teaching him about life. 
She found it hard to choose one particular photo of her two favourite boys. Then finding the perfect one of Henry wrapping his arms around Aarush, kissing his face which showed how much he loved him. Since Henry was married and had children he didn't mind posting about his personal life from time to time.
Opening Instagram, she selected the picture to post, writing the caption which defined Henry:
"A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the size of his heart."
She tagged him in the post, smiling as the picture was now out online for everyone to see. Closing the phone, she shoved it back into her pocket watching as his phone pinged with a notification. 
She watched as Henry grabbed his phone, unlocking it to see what he was tagged in. A huge grin spread across his face, the picture melted his heart. He read the caption, looking up to see his wife had walked into the room. 
"Hey baby," she chimed, walking over to sit on the armrest. She reaches out to run her fingers through Henry's curls, moving them away from his face. 
"Hi," he spoke, yawning softly. She leaned across to press a delicate kiss to his lips, making sure not to wake up Aarush. Henry smiled, pulling back to place his free hand on the baby bump. Her eyes fluttered as she felt the baby kick.
Henry grinned, looking up at his wife with such admiration. 
"Thank you for the post, love, you made me the happiest man." She smiled, stroking his cheek with the back of her hand. 
"You're welcome baby," she said softly. Suddenly her stomach rumbled, making them both laugh, looking down at her stomach.
"Let's go put Aarush to bed, then make some food," she chimed.
"Sounds like a plan," he chuckled, wrapping his arms tightly around Aarush so he wouldn't fall as he got up. 
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prue84 · 3 years
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Hellfire Gala Dauterman's Angel and Captain Britain
Fandom: X-Men (comics) Pairing: Warren/Elizabeth Characters: Elizabeth Braddock, Warren Worthington III Credits: Russell Dauterman (pencils, inks) and Matthew Wilson (colors)
Captain Britain and CXO Angel reunite at the Hellfire Gala.
After like two years since the last time these two were in the same bloody comic title (Betsy meeting an alternate!sexy!Warren and feeling all insecure around him not counting), this panel had me smiling like an idiot. They both look so gorgeous near each other in the Hellfire Gala looks (Warren seems to modeling for a shooting in here, he found his inner!model standing near former model Betsy, I guess) and all that was in the panel (Emma Frost, Bobby Drake, a guest, Jean's telepathy, balloons, people) was in the way. Their magnificence deserved better. And so I humbly tried, hoping I haven't ruined too much Dauterman's lines.
Transparent png: feel free to use for icons: how to, under the read more
Well, nowhere the comic implies they even said hello to each other (I'm mildly angered about it). Just let me indulge myself? I mean, nowadays a Warren/Betsy fan has to do with what little is given. So, I’ll pretend they were hanging out. This manip has actually been made because after I saw this panel my shippy heart missed a beat and I wanted them alone (and not in the middle of a crowd).
I feel this is rushed (I leave any manip of mine to decant some weeks before feeling ready to post them), but I wanted to post this before Planet-Size X-Men and X-Corp #2 are released, in the (vain) hope that the panel meant that they do talk and the scene is show in one of the titles above (making therefore this manip obsolete and useless). I mean, in Excalibur Betsy's back almost touches one wing (and it's doubtful it belongs to someone else's rather than Warren) and, since the Gala is re-told in all of the titles, I hope this means that at sometime they do interact. (please, Tini: you promised you'd deal with the whole Warren/Betsy elephant in the room! I refuse to acknowledge you meant it with the Betsy's in Queen!Betsy's body founding an half-naked alternate!Warren hanging around in the Queen's rooms like the glorified handsome lover he is).
Transparent png because backgrounds are overrated. You are free to take it to make icons, have fun with adding backgrounds. I did waste an embarrassing huge time on this. I would like to be credited or at least let me know, so I can see what you did! And if you need a frame-less version, just ask: I added it because it looked too empty without it.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) Abused of the copy/paste and clone stamp tool, plus the help of other Dauterman's arts (see credits under the manip), to turn an actual panel into some kind of pin-up. This is what I did while fighting with a mouse that keeps hiccuping: removed the flute from Betsy's hand and therefore reconstructed a small part of her chest plate; fixed what was missing of Betsy's sleeve after removing Emma Frost from the scene; removed the flashing light of Jean's telepathy on both foreheads, added Betsy's floating telepathy butterflies and, especially, redone almost all of Warren's left wing (and partially his covered arm) because there was a guest in that spot and also a telepathy balloon to cover his magnificent wings.
Credits All arts (pencils/inks) belong to Russel Dauterman, with colors by Matthew Wilson. Original art from X-Men (2019) #21. Some missing parts taken from the Dauterman's Connecting Variants (Betsy's Excalibur #21, Warren's X-Corp #2) and from his design sketch for the Hellfire Gala Angel (released as a Design Variant for Hellions #12).
Crossposted Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/76058.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/68576.html Deviantart: deviantart.com/prue84/art/Hellfire-Gala-Dauterman-s-Angel-Captain-Britain-882818510
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kathillards · 5 years
rangerstop 2019 memories
every convention i think “it can’t get better than this” and then every convention it DOES!!! anyway this was the year of #brodysbitches click the read more to check out all the good times we had:
so first of all we all got a booth! and by “we all” i mean abbey @kimberlyannharts​ and ben @brodyromero​ to sell their art, it was called super mega art and it was super mega fun! we all hung out there a lot but we also walked around to meet the rangers and lot of them stopped by to hang out with us too which was so sweet :’)
(if you’re interested in our rangerstop 2018 memories, check out tabby @operationoverdrive​‘s post here; i’m gonna steal her format and go in chronological order by season because ohmygod so much happened all the time!!)
carla perez / rita repulsa, mmpr
carla is literally the nicest warmest person in the world i’m ready to lay down my life for her! she exudes fun mom energy and she’s so pretty and she was so happy to talk with us about rita, i think we visited her booth pretty much every day and also said hi every time she passed by our booth
we told her that we loved rita and stan villainesses!! and she loved it! and that we loved her portrayal of rita as more fun and childish and full of energy and she said yeah, the directors asked her to take rita in a new direction when she was cast while still staying true to who rita was so she decided to make rita more childish and fun with the sticking out her tongue and everything and we told her it was perfect bc rita with her tongue out is literally iconic
tabby asked how she felt about rita turning good and she said she liked it bc she got to be on screen without all the rita makeup/wardrobe but she also loved playing evil rita! i asked her if she heard about thrax and she was like OH YEAH I HEARD THEY GAVE US A SON but she definitely had not watched it (respect) and we were trying to figure out how thrax could exist and we collectively decided (mostly tabby and carla) that thrax was adopted and rita and zedd were trying to turn him good, which she loved
tabby showed her the mean girls video and she fucking loved it so much!!! she was SO impressed by how tabby manipped rita and tommy making out and she went around telling everybody “she made me kiss jdf!!” which was sooo cute and when abbey and i went to see her on our own and i was like “i heard you saw the mean girls video” she said “i did!! she’s so cute and talented!” about tabby, we love a tabby thunderpunks stan!!
we went to get a video message from her and melody for kels (cassiechans on twitter) because kels is the og villainess stan and they were so excited and REHEARSED what they were gonna say (we just asked them to do “the voice” and say “live fast die young bad girls do it well”, they came up with everything else!) and here they are, aren’t they the literal cutest things on the planet?!?!
she loved abbey’s zedd/rita design and wanted a shirt but we didn’t have her size so she told abbey to dm her when her online store is open!!!! she also signed my zedd/rita print with “bad girls do it well” bc i asked and i would DIE FOR HER
catherine sutherland / kat hillard, mmpr/zeo/turbo pink
so the first night we get to the hotel, tabby tells me to close my eyes and come over and she hands me A PINK ZEO RANGER FUNKO POP, custom made by jalenv515 on instagram (check his stuff out!) and i lost my mind because its SO good and it’s my girl and i love it and tabby and katherine so much <3 the guy who made it asked her to ask me to get a pic with it so ofc i had to do that and show catherine 
she definitely did not remember us from the last two cons we saw her at but you know what i respect that! queen of being too popular to remember faces (brennan mejia take notes) but i think she did remember me after this time :’)
i said “so tabby actually got me this as a gift because i literally love kat hillard so much she is my entire soul” and she was SO touched and delighted to see the funko pop she was like “oh my god this is so cool!” and i was like, she’s going on the center of my power rangers shrine for reals
we asked her which season she liked better for kat and she said zeo but me and tabby were like “no, turbo rights only” and listed off the amazing kat episodes in turbo and she agreed with us that the episode with the ballerina and the weight gain episode were so good! i think she says zeo automatically bc it’s her only full season and dudebros love it so she was probably surprised that we were like fuck zeo lives turbo is skinny but... turbo IS skinny :)
i asked if she read soul of the dragon and she said she did! and i said it was the only comic i read bc i have to read everything kat is in and she laughed and she said she liked it and i said i loved that kat and tommy were a partnership but i was mad kat didn’t get to morph! and she was like “i know! but it has to be all about tommy as ALWAYS” with an EYE ROLL and me and tabby were ascending THE SHADE...I LOVE HER SO MUCH
we took a pic with her holding the funko pop and then i posted the pic on instagram w/ a cheesy caption of how much i love kat and she commented “aww you are too sweet” with a pink heart emoji... my actual mother who raised me
AND THEN at the end of the last day when we were standing around waiting to say goodbyes, she was heading out and we all started saying GOODBYE QUEEN and she stopped when she saw me and said she loved the pic and the pop on instagram!!!! she remembered me!!!!! and i told her the guy who made them was really happy she liked it and he’s working on more kat pops including unmorphed kat and turbo kat and she was so thrilled!!
nakia burisse / tanya sloan, zeo/turbo yellow
so because the originals are kinda super overpriced we do not get pics w/ most of them ever dfgjkdfd IM SORRY NAKIA I <3 YOU FOREVER but she looked so beautiful in all her outfits this con im gay
but anyway i was walking around the con by myself in my yellow shirt and i passed her booth and said hi and she said she liked my shirt!! and i was like thank you its for the yellow ranger culture
she was selling these rangers as infinity war t-shirts and i asked if she designed them and she said she did!! they were so cool i almost bought one but deadass i had no fucking room left in my luggage lmao
anyway her handler was looking at me and he goes “aren’t there like..... three of you?” and im like yeah they’re not here rn but we are codependent so i cant buy anything without them dfhgkfhd and hes like “yeah i worked other cons and i remember seeing y’all as a unit” which dfhjgkdfhgd HE WAS NOT THE ONLY HANDLER TO REMEMBER US SPECIFICALLY and i said “ur right we cant function without each other” and nakia was like “aww i love that” queen of supporting our codependent dumbasses!!
melody perkins / astronema, karone, lost galaxy pink
she is soooo nice she has this high-pitched voice it’s so sweet i always feel so soothed whenever she speaks near me she is also so pretty!! 
the others talked to her without me on day 1 and melody said she liked astronema’s purple wig best and didn’t like the white wig w/ the black things in it bc they kept getting in her way, and she loved karone’s outfit because it was easier to fight in
i went with abbey to drop off her astronema doodle for melody and she loved it!! shes so cuuuute
she was so excited to do the video message for kels and it was so adorable when she messed up the first time (live fast die well bad girls do it young!) lmaoo and we showed her kels’ reaction later and she was so flattered!! she also looks so cute in her reading glasses and she LOVED the mean girls video too!!!!!!!
we told her that we hosted a villainess appreciation week online and so many people picked astronema as their faves and she was so touched <3 a literal angel sent from heaven
ann marie crouch / princess shayla, wild force
only there saturday and sunday, limited edition queen! we met her on saturday so kat could get her fanart from gazbot signed and she was ofc in her princess shayla dress and looked soooo pretty
she was so impressed by gazbot’s art that she asked we take him over to her booth and we were all like OKAY PRINCESS COMING THROUGH MAKE WAY FOR THE PRINCESS and took her over to meet him and he was so happy and she was also happy and it was just so nice.... god i love ranger cons! everyone loves power rangers! its the dream!
and then after that we took her to our booth bc it was just two away from gazbot’s and she loved it everyone always loves ben and abbey’s art bc its the greatest in the world :’)
glenn mcmillan / dustin brooks, ninja storm yellow
first of all, ben abbey and i saw him passing by while we were having dinner at gatorville and we all GASPED and he noticed and grinned and waved at us while he was walking by.... an angel literally an angel
he’s so cute and sweet! he wore his yellow shirt w/ dustin’s logo on it all three days, king of branding
i got abbey’s dustin sticker signed by him and she gave him one of his own and he loved itttt
tabby asked him about his role in zenon z3 and you could tell his brain was processing loading while he tried to rmr what the fuck that movie was but he got into it and actually answered her questions about it, it was so sweet
i overheard him telling another fan he was trying to get “sally and the others” to morphicon for a reunion!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come to pmc next september pasadena california to see if he succeeds
john tui / doggie cruger, spd shadow, daggeron, solaris knight
LITERALLY THE STAR ATTRACTION every time we passed by his booth his line was a mile long, meanwhile all the originals’ booths right across from him were like [crickets chirping] it was so funny lmao
so we only got to see him on the last day bc his line was so long and nobody wanted to stand in it but tabby wanted to meet him! and then she got scared and almost walked away but a really nice girl (i think part of chris khayman lee’s team??) stopped her and was like THIS IS UR MOMENT and it was!!!
he is literally so sweet and handsome and cuddly he’s just a big teddy bear and he’s soooo charming and nice, he was wearing a manbun and like a full suit w/ a dress shirt, absolutely flexing on all the other boys in their t-shirts and jeans
tabby asked if he would do a pose holding her hand like he’s about to kiss it and he laughed and was like “okay but don’t show my wife!!” loyal king
he also hugged her twice hes so cuddly!! and we asked him about his other roles (he was in solo!) and he said he really enjoys expanding his filmography and stuff but power rangers is close to his heart and he also really likes doing parts that his kids can watch... it was the cutest thing
and we said how cool it was to see him represent his culture and he said he loved that too ugh rangers of color only valid rangers tbhonest honestly
richard brancatisano / xander bly, mystic force green
ok so firass is really hot and at one point he stopped by our table (bc richard called him over to look at abbey’s nick and fireheart print) and he was really nice but he’s. he’s so hot. we did not go to his table all weekend bc we were so intimidated hfdghfgd so thats why he doesnt get a section. but i do still love him i just cant speak w/ him or my brain will turn to jello probably
nic also won’t get a section bc i didnt really interact w/ him much but he stopped by the table twice to talk w/ abbey he loved her and her art!! chip squared!! he ranted about how hard it was to say fireheart in an american accent for all of them it sounded cute go talk to abbey for more details
anyway back to richard: somehow we just attract green rangers like bees to honey and idk why but i’m not complaining he’s so nice and handsome and funny! and he just LOVED talking with us like we stopped by his table every day and i dont think we even talked about mystic force or anything in particular, we were just chatting and he just loved it and like never wanted us to leave basically
i did ask him a question about xander’s personality and he legit went “uhh idk” and then started talking about himself???? KING OF NOT KNOWING SHIT ABOUT HIS OWN CHARACTER love that for him bc i also dont know shit about xander
he stopped by the table a couple times (well mostly we yelled HEY RICHARD and he came over) and he was so sweet and also when we told him we didn’t have xander art at our booth he jokingly rolled his eyes and said “of course” but then ben and abbey both doodled xander and came over to show him and he was SO TOUCHED 
he hugged us all goodbye individually and then at the end we were waiting to say goodbye to aljin, richard was leaving his booth and abbey waved at him and his eyes LIT UP and he switched course to walk over to us and say goodbye again!!!! he loves us and i love him so much!!!
dwayne cameron / tyzonn, operation overdrive mercury
hes so fun to talk to, we went to him on day 1 to get my tyzonn print (from gazbot) signed and we were just talking to him about all his roles and tabby asked “was that ur real hair” and he was like lmao no can’t you tell?? and was talking about how they originally were gonna dye his hair platinum blonde but he thought it looked awful so they went w/ the ugly wig and he said they wanted to differentiate him from his previous two power rangers characters so tyzonn had to be blond
and then he kept saying wig and we kept giggling about it and we had to explain to him that wig is teen slang for something really cool and awesome and he said to try it out and gestured with his arms and it was SO funny... king of memes
my first suggestion for a video message was to have him say “operation overdrive is the best season ever and if you dont like it go suck a dick” but he vetoed that (but he was laughing) lmao
and HE’S the one who suggested he say “operation overdrive is wig” and it was perfect go check out the video on my blog 
he hugged me so tight and kissed my cheek after our pic together and i love him so much
aljin abella / theo martin, jungle fury blue
SHORT KING!!! literally the kindest nicest sweetest person ever i just wanna be in his presence all the time he’s such a ray of light he’s so smart and remembers fucking everything about his season KING OF JUNGLE FURY
his fiancee was there with him!! her name is lyndie she’s sooooo nice and she LOVED abbey’s shirts and bought an alpha one and wore it two days in a row! i fucking loved her she was so much fun to talk to and she told us about their proposal story it was so romantic and sweet
he told us so many things about jungle fury behind the scenes and how it was filming stuff and everything i honestly cant even rmr but i loved how much he knew, he told us that the actress who played fran was dating the actor who played master swoop at the time of filming and we were all like omfg (how random?? but cute)
he said he thinks theo and lily are probably still together but even if they’re not they’re still bffs bc they have such a rich history between them :’) brennan mejia take fucking notes
he said he thought they were gonna leave the theo/lily plot hanging after dance the night away and he was surprised it coming back!! but he really enjoyed it and he loves anna and i told him to get a jungle fury reunion together at pmc
he told us that this is just the first time he’s ever been properly invited to a con (i think he was sponsored by one of the toy booths or smth); people would ask him casually “hey would you wanna come to a con” and he was down but nobody ever actually officially invited him till now so @ PEOPLE WHO SPONSOR ACTORS TAKE NOTES INVITE MORE DISNEY ERA PEOPLE thank you
at the end we went to say goodbye to him and lyndie, he had been saying goodbye to some other ppl so we waited in line politely and as soon as he turned around and saw us he smiled so big and was like YOU GUYS! GROUP HUG! and he only group hugged the five of us because he loved us so much and he was so cute!! i wanna hug him forever, literally a blue angel sent from heaven
rj cyler / billy cranston, reboot blue
TALL KING!! his section goes after aljin specifically so i could say that
he is soo tall and SO handsome and FUNNY and CUTE and charming and he hugged EVERYONE AS SOON AS HE SAW US he’s so bouncy and excited and just. good vibes. so many good vibes!!!
the energy around his booth is just so much fun he’s ALWAYS laughing and joking and talking with literally anybody he sees, sometimes he did get distracted like when bl*ke f*ster (vomit.emoji) or walter jones would come up to his table and he was also late a lot but i would wait forever and ever.mp3
as soon as tabby walked w/ her blue ranger plushie he goes OH MY DAMN and immediately asks to hold it and just spends five minutes bouncing around cuddling it TEDDY BEAR PRINCE CHARMING <333
he said he already owns 3 and was like “i dont wanna own EVERYTHING w/ my character because that seems weird?” and kat was like “no that’s king behavior” and he was like u kno wat... ur right
tabby talked to him about scream and abbey talked to him about swamp thing when we went back to him on sunday bc my friends are fuckin nerds go ask them about their convos w/ him!! abbey asked him why he was always dying in water and he was like I KNOW and he said he didnt like death scenes bc they made him be still and he’s so bouncy and hates being still and quiet dfgjkkdfdgk
we got two super cute polaroids with him and our whole group i will post them later maybe on twitter? THEYRE SO CUTE I LOVE HIMMMM
james davies / chase randall, dino charge black
ohhh my god he’s so sweet.... he also looks So good w/ a beard.... he’s literally just so nice! he always smiles so big and looks right in your eyes when he talks to you and he’s just...so sweet. when we went back and watched true black in the hotel room we were so weirded out by chase being such an asshole bc its sooo different from james’ entire personality lmao
showed him ben’s chase print and he loved it <33 he signed mine “chase the hotshot” bc i asked him to and i love it
idk what we talked about tbh he’s so pretty.... he started interviewing kat when she asked him to sign her print which was super funny bc we were all like For Why djkfghdg he just wants to get to know everyone...its cute
he asked us “whats the difference between a pillow and a cushion” and we all had a mini existential crisis trying to figure it out
idk what else to say hes just really cool and i hope he comes back bc i would love to see the whole dino charge cast vibing together
brennan mejia / tyler navarro, dino charge red
what a man what a man what a mighty good man.mp3
first time he passed by our booth on day one we all gasped BRENNAN and he waved hi :D he’s very easily distracted he was only at his booth like half the time lmao
i also called him over later to show him ben’s print and he was like omg this is so cool and i was like do u remember him (ben) from last year and he was like of course! idk if he was lying but hes cuuuute
we yelled at him for saying tyler/shelby would break up last year and he laughed but he REFUSED to take back his WRONG opinion even after kat made him sign “tyler + shelby forever” on her print, king of being stubborn
kat asked him if he wanted to make out w/ her tiny pink dino charge figure and he was like i really DONT wanna do that, he was laughing but it was cute bc he didnt even try to humor us at all (the way other actors do when we say “oh we loved this part!” and they go oh yeah totally same lmaoo) just kept joking around with us like we were FRIENDS
WE ASKED HIM TO SING FOR US first i asked for the triceratops song and he was like ummmmmmm so then we suggested the n-zed boys song and he was like ok but i dont rmr the lyrics so ben had to teach them to him and then he asked if ben would sing it with him and i told him to ask nicely and he made PUPPY DOG EYES at ben and well #bennanfirstwin
(we tried to get james to sing after that, and brennan begged him to sing too BECAUSE HE’S A PROFESSIONAL SINGER and actually got cast in hairspray??? omg? but he started blushing and refused every single time we asked dfhgjdd hes so cute!!! he also apparently choreographed the tyler/shelby dance in that episode, multitalented king of the arts)
we talked to him about pokemon and he said he’s getting shield but he hasnt picked a starter yet bc he hasnt seen the evolutions and we (me and ben) were like, well do u wanna see the leaks? and he was like JSUT the evolutions so the next day i saved some pics and went back to him and he looked thru them and he said he liked them all but he really liked the grookey final evo so for all you pokefans out there, that’s where he stands (he also let us add him on pogo altho he does not open gifts ever so far so what is the POINT of you brennan)
he also played smash on the switch w/ our friend jobber and apparently CRUSHED HIM, nerdy ass bitch. love him so much
we mentioned we loved tyler’s og curly hair in s1 and he says it was so hard to maintain bc curly hair does whatever it wants so he likes his new straight hairstyle better bc he can make it do what he wants and like, same, but also :(
he also vibe checked tabby’s phone and it was fucking awesome
literally every time we were talking to james or will or anyone else and he was around and we locked eyes w/ him he would grin or make a funny face god he’s soooo cute. he also commented on my insta post of him doing a handstand and i lost it hes SO CUTE!! the only man in the world except for.......
william shewfelt / brody romero, ninja steel red
literally the first thing i blurted out was i love you thank you for brody romero i love seeing a desi character on power ranger SO much and he was just completely shocked that we all KNEW he was desi and he was like, yeah my mom’s indian but my dad’s caucasian and i was like so what bitch you STILL COUNT 
he was, like, so touched that we knew and cared about him being desi and was like “wow you guys really know a lot” and kat the traitor was like “yeah they stalked you to figure out who tf you are” dfgjkdfhgd and we mentioned jasmeet and ppl thinking he was the first indian ranger and will was like “yeah i heard about that and i didnt wanna make it a big thing but...” LIKE HONEY PLEASE WE GOT SHOOTERS OUT HERE FOR BRODY ROMERO 
its so overwhelming to even think about bc brody romero is literally LITERALLY my favorite ranger of all time and we spent SO MUCH time talking to will and all of it was fucking amazing i’ll try to point out the highlights but god there was just so much i love him SO much
he talked a lot about the time he spent in new zealand (bc zali and nari were there from australia and talking to him about it) and he told us a lot of stories about the cast getting drunk and having fun, he told us about the time he and the boys went w/ jordi to his home and learned about maori culture and he had to eat bugs and about the time nico got blackout drunk at star casino and made out w/ a completely random girl and they all gave him hell for it later lmao
he was having so much fun talking to us that at one point a random dudebro came up and brennan was around the booth and we were like “oh did you wanna buy something” and dudebro was like “no i just wanted to show them my comic” which literally was just an mmpr comic and he wasn’t even paying for anything what the fuck?? and will took one look at him and his comic and went “uh one second man” and turned back to us and completely ignored him until he went away and we all DIED laughing i love him SO much (sorry to brennan for leaving him w/ the dudebro lol)
at some point he was talking about other actors that he’s met and i asked if he’s seen other seasons and he made the :grimace: emoji and was like no and i was like good keep it that way ninja steel is the only season :) and he started laughing and was like COME OVER HERE AND HUG ME i could stay wrapped in his arms forever tbh
he called himself daddy once and everyone yelled at him
he said everyone in the ninja steel cast would just kiss each other on the mouth, but platonically, and kelson kissed all of them at least once and he kissed nico twice and it was just like, a thing they did and we were all like okay.gif but it was so cute
he said he felt bad for chip bc the cast was always asking him to adjust things and bringing up their own ideas for writing (things we know from peter complaining about chip’s writing and trying to get his own ideas in...) and said he preferred to not annoy him w/ all of that BUT he did say he got annoyed himself when chip would direct episodes and be VERY particular about exactly how he wanted them to act and we were like fuck him is he an actor??? and he laughed... he literally thought we were so funny even tho we are not at all lmao
at one point he was talking about how jordi was shirtless a lot and had big boobs (his words) and i said, on instinct, “tits out for ninja steel” and he goes what?? and asked me to repeat it and i had a brief moment of panic but i did repeat “tits out for ninja steel” thru my giggles and he burst into laughter again dfhjkgdfd TO BE CLEAR i should not have said that pls dont say that to actors’ faces he so easily could’ve made it uncomfortable or creepy (some actors...not mentioned in this post...are fucking creepy) but he didnt bc hes an angel so i guess its fine
every time we were hovering around brennan’s table on day 3 tabby says will kept looking over in our direction i think he missed us bc we were actually fun to talk to and not fucking dudebros trying to tell him the plots of seasons he does not give a shit about bc he wasnt in them (literally u do not need to explain the plot of dino thunder to actors who were not in dino thunder, pls calm down) and also bc he loves us :)
we all went in to save him from a dudebro at one point by just asking him random questions and the dudebro KEPT HOVERING like trying to be in the conversation as if we were FRIENDS with him (dont do this unless ur paying the actor for his time!!! he wasn’t even buying anything he was like “i’m just here to talk” bitch get his autograph or GO) and the dudebro tried to flex on us by being like “oh were you guys at th power morphicon with the yoshi and peter hug” and tabby got confused (bc we were at the next pmc and said yes) and kat just lied and said yes bc she hates dudebros and ben (the only truthful person) said no and abbey said yes and then will turned his head all the way around to me on the side and was like “were you there?” and i mean... i wasnt....but he wouldnt stop looking at me WHAT WAS I GONNA DO, DISAPPOINT HIM? so i said yes :) 
after the dudebro FINALLY fucking left kat was like “oh thank god we can leave now” and will was so confused until he realized “were you guys just trying to save me from talking to him” and he laughed and was so touched he was like “thank you guys you can see how my face just goes dead when they talk to me” dfhgjkdfg and we were like literally send up the bat signal any time you need us to save you and he said we were the best people to talk to the whole con and he loved ussss
at one point we were talking about indian rep in power rangers and he looks at ME and goes “so what do you think of jazz as desi rep” and idk will what am i supposed to think when you’re staring into my soul??? i said he was cool and i liked ravi but he wasn’t red and i’m red ranger ride or die so :) i just love brody romero so fucking much idk what else i was supposed to say.... ur literally ingrained in my soul william NOBODY ELSE CAN COME CLOSE
i asked “how much money do i have to pay to get you to arm wrestle brennan for me” and he was like “i dont know if there’s enough money in the world but you can ask brennan” and i called brennan over like “brennan will you please arm wrestle will for me” and he DID and it was so fun they were having such a good time, in the second round we all started chanting NINJA STEEL NINJA STEEL and you can see brennan getting shook by that for a second and then later will told us he appreciated our chanting so much and we were like yeah man, ninja steel FOREVER anyway here are the videos: one and two :) (they did not make me pay for it, generous kings)
(and the next day when we went to brennan’s booth like the first thing he does is whip out his phone, show us a video his handler took of the arm wrestling match and go WILLIAM CHEATED. me: and what about it?.gif)
we got a polaroid of all of us + brennan + will (brennan had to phone will to get him to come back to the booth at our request, ty king, and will came right over and brennan was like “sry if we interrupted something” and will was like nah not at all, idk what brennan said but i like to imagine he came running bc he heard it was us lol) and then he refused to let me pay when i came back to get him to autograph it GENEROUS KING OF MY HEART.MP3
brennan signed the polaroid first and his signature took up the whole bottom part of the polaroid and we yelled at him for not leaving any room for will and he was like “oh whoops....well he can sign THE BACK” i love it when he sasses us; so then we went to show will and he was like wow brennan and then signed his autograph EVEN BIGGER in sparkly silver pen all over the top so basically they had a dick-measuring contest over my polaroid and it was awesome, will’s is bigger tho B)
he also followed me and ben on instagram after day 2 and then EARLIER TODAY (11/13) he was stalking and followed ben’s personal acct and also reposted his ninja steel art onto his story and tagged him so in conclusion, brody romero first god second
WAIT IM NOT DONE when we went to say goodbye we were like “oh are you packing up soon” and he was so sparkly eyed over us chilling at his table he was like “nah im not” and then he looked at his phone and it was half hour till the con closed and he was like “oh wait never mind i guess i am” lmaoo king of not keeping track of time AND THEN HE HUGGED US ALL GOODBYE IN A BIG GROUP HUG and his biceps almost crushed abbey
(btw brennan did not hug us goodbye this time i think he was jealous we spent all our time gushing over will) (im kidding we still love you brennan)
william shewfelt i would die for you
phew ok i think that’s pretty much everything??? we also made a lot of cool friends w/ artists and stuff!! we talked to gazbot a lot and that was super fun, the girls next to our booth made custom power rangers pillows and they were really cool! i think kat, tabby, and ben all bought pillows from them they were really soft and cute, we talked to ceevee a lot (he actually gave me his extra exhibitor badge bc his brother couuldnt make it and then a different artist saw my badge saying “ceevee illustrations” and gave me a sticker for free because “you work for chris and he’s awesome” dfhgjdfhd i went back and paid him tho bc you dont take free shit from artists, kids! pay them for their work!) spent a lot of time yelling (nicely) at ceevee to make a poppy pin and he said he would bump it up the list for me :)
other cool stuff:
catherine posting me on insta
jessica replying to this post of super mega art + azim liking it
mike ginn replying to this tweet thread even tho he hasn’t been online in 12 days
check out our twitters for even more details that i undoubtedly missed in this post: me / tabby / kat / ben / abbey
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knockfivetimes · 7 years
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Hello everyone! I’ve been asked by a bunch of people over the years to “pls do a tutorial on how you put [the thing] on [the person]!” And I’ve finally had the time and energy to do one.
full Lena manip posted here
This tutorial will go into how to manip glasses onto a character for gifs. I’m going to try my darndest to explain things clearly but if you get confused/have questions, feel free to hmu!
What I used: + quicktime player to trim the clip + photoshop CC 2014 to manip
You'll also need basic ps knowledge, a lot of patience and an eye for detail. Ready? Full tutorial under the cut. Let's goooooooo!
First! Get the clip you wanna use at the highest quality you can get it. The closer the character, the better (try for at least a mid shot). This is the clip I chose first vs the one I ended up choosing: The first one is okaaaay but the second one is better for the sake of this tutorial.
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Now this is important- another thing to take into account is the movement in the scene. Don't choose one where: 1. the distance from the character to the camera changes too much (it's doable but tracking that can be an Actual Nightmare) 2. the character barely moves their head (tfw you need to move the glasses less than one pixel over...)
Scene picked out? Sweet. Unnecessary step but I like to trim it in quicktime so it doesn't take so long to load in ps. So in the Motion Workspace in ps: File > Import > Video Frames to Layers... > grab your file > pick out the scene using the sliders/select Limit To Every 2 Frames > OK > delete any frames/layers that cut away from your character > group the remaining layers. Set aside for l8r.
If you're lucky like I was, you'll be able to find a front-facing hq photo (google imgs > tools > any size > large) of the actress wearing a pair of glasses. Chuck it into ps, crop it and Delete Cropped Pixels.
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Mask it out! Don't erase- I'll explain why in a later step. I like using the brush tool but just use whatever. It doesn't have to be perf, we can fix it later. You should be left w just the front of glasses now:
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Still in the Motion Workspace, click Create Frame Animation down at the bottom on the timeline > then this lil button > Copy Frame
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Go back to the psd file of the scene you prepped earlier > make sure you're on the first frame > click the lil button again > Paste Frames... > Paste Over Selection > OK
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Yikes lol. Let's clean that up. Right click the mask > Refine Mask > adjust until it looks a bit better.
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Hold command + click on the layer mask to select the glasses only > using the brush, colour it in on the layer.
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Now you should have some nice looking glasses!
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Ok remember how I said not to erase anything? We're going to use that original image as a guide for resizing/positioning the glasses (doing it this way is a good way to make sure you're giving them glasses that fit well). Set the mask density to about 70% (but really just depends on your images) > resize it- matching the eyes on both imgs is your best bet:
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Set the mask density back to 100%, check the fit and resize as needed. This is what I've got so far:
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Oh! But what's that? That's just the mask giving way a little bit. Just select the layer mask and brush it out (make sure you're using black!). With a little more tweaking and cleaning up, you should have your first frame done!
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If you play the animation/click spacebar, you'll see that the glasses have been placed over all of the frames. To fix this, select the second frame > shift + click the last frame > hide the layer (click the eye icon next to the layer).
Now we're going to meticulously c + p the glasses layer onto every frame, adjusting/rotating as we go! Yay! On the first frame, click that lil button once again > Copy Frame > now on the next frame, Paste Frames... > Paste Over Selection > OK
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What we just did was paste both the glasses layer and the scene layer from Frame 1 so what we're gonna do is delete this "Group" right here (it only has the scene layer from the first frame which we don't need):
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Because this step is too hard to explain w words/screencaps, I've recorded myself do it. This part is all about detail. You're going to want to flick back and forth between the frames and adjust a lot- make it a pixel smaller, rotate it to the left by 0.3˚, skew it to the right etc etc. Just do whatever it needs to make the transition as seamless as possible.
Remember: perspective! When your character starts to turn their head significantly, moving the glasses w just the arrow keys won't be enough. Hit commancd + T and use Pespective, Skew and/or Distort to help you out:
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Watch the placement on the bridge of the nose. The glasses should be sitting on the same spot on the nose for all the frames. The arrow keys are your friends! It's hard to tell, but as I flick between the frames, I'm using the arrow keys to move the glasses bit by bit. Once you're happy w the placement, just like before, you're gonna want to copy and paste Frame 2 onto Frame 3 and delete the "Group" that appears. Adjust the glasses, flicking between Frame 2 and 3, until you get it right. Rinse and repeat.
If you wanna go that lil bit extra, we can add in some light reflections to give the illusion of lenses. Create a new layer, rename it to 'light', drag it under the glasses layers and w the lasso tool, draw some shapes onto each lens like this:
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Tip! If your character is sitting in front of a laptop, you'd draw more of a rectangle near the bottom of the glasses. Think about the environment your character is in.
Colour in the shapes w white/light yellow and set the opacity down real low (but again, depends on the lighting in the scene). I set mine to 10%. There'll be bits peeking out from the glasses but that's okay. Add a mask layer so we can deal w it later.
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Just like how we did the glasses, you're gonna hide that layer for all frames except for the first one. On Frame 1, Copy Frames > on Frame 2, Paste Frames... > Paste Over Selection then delete the doubled up layers and drag the light layer to sit above the first light layer:
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Repeat this until all the frames have individial light layers (you don't need to keep copying the frame, just go ahead and paste over each frame). Go through and black out on the mask layer all the light that falls out of the area of the glasses:
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Or should I say arm??? (sorry) Your character's face will mostly likely be on an angle which means you'll have to give your glasses some arms!
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Grab the pen/brush tool and mark out a shape like this and, on a new layer, fill it in w the same colour as your glasses:
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Four points. Two at the glasses and two going into the hair. Keep in mind that the arms should point somewhere above the ear where they should sit. Do this for all the frames that need it.
And that's it!!! Colour and save as a gif as you normally would (but don’t scale down until you export tho, it’ll mess up the glasses)! YOU DID IT YAY!
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Pls remember! It's important you take your time. It's not something you wanna rush. Breaks are also important! Having fresh, not strained eyes can be a big help.
ALSO. This is a guide so you get the gist of the process. Do things your own way to achieve the same effect. Even as I finished this manip, I found different ways to do things. I’m always learning.
Hope you all have fun w this! Pls like/reblog ty ily 👓❤️✨
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azoraahai · 7 years
i've gotten so many questions on my graphic shop, tumblr, and pm on how i make my gifs so i made two different kinds of tutorials. the first one is a normal crackship and the second is a manip. so lets just get right into it.
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normal crackship gif
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manip gif
:: step one :: finding the right gifs
i cannot tell you how important this step is! you always want to use gifs that fit together or else it wouldn't look natural and real. i highly recommend using gif hunts to find your gifs or to follow blogs on tumblr. for example, type in google "nina dobrev gif hunt" or "dean winchester gif hunt" or whoever. for tumblr blogs, search "nina dobrev" and you should blogs that have gifs on your faceclaim.
once you find the right gifs, open photoshop. (i use photoshop cc)
:: crackship ::
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so after you open the gifs that you want, crop the gifs so the sizes are the same. as you can tell in the photo, i like to crop them at 2.819 x 1.556. you can crop them at any size but i like to use this sizing.
next, figure out the order of the gif. by that i mean figure out which gif you want first and which you want second. i chose to use the gif of nina first and use the one of dean second. once you figure that out, go to your second gif and select all the layers and group them into a folder.
to do that, simply select the layer 1, hold "shift" on your keyboard, scroll all the way to your last layer, click on it, and all of it should be selected.
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then, click the folder icon on the bottom and it should all group together in a folder.
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once you've done that, select all of frames and hit copy.
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now go to the first gif you're gonna use. you can either transition into the other gif like this
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or go straight into the other gif with no transition
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since the gif i use to make this tutorial has the transition, i'm gonna show you how to make that. so select the last four frames of the first gif and paste the gifs over the original gif.
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i don't have a screenshot of it being pasted, but you get the gist of it. next, go to the first frame that you pasted over and open the folder of the second gif. once you're at the first layer of the second gif, change the opacity to 20%.
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then next frame and next layer, change the opacity to 40%. then do 60%, 80% and then you should have your transition.
this is how it should look on your timeline.
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next add text. for the font, i use calibri in italics and the size i normally use is 14. so simply add your text onto the gif.
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once you've done that, double click the text layer on the side and select "stroke" and "drop shadow". this helps the text to be more visible and easier to read.
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i also forgot to take a screenshot for drop shadow but i know i use 35% opacity and leave the rest of the settings alone.
also make sure you're on the first frame when you add stroke and drop shadow bc it automatically adds it to all of the frames.
after you add that, you can also use transition on the text like the way i did with the gif i used in the example. you basically do the exact same thing as before with the change in opacities.
then add the psds you want to use. i recommend not using crazy psds because (in my opinion) it wouldn't like quite right. the psds i used were by astraeawrites on tumblr (psd #18 and i only used the brighten filter) and by bluesartgent on tumblr (ouat psd).
also, i like to have the psd layers underneath the text so it doesn't change the coloring of it.
finally, change the speed of the gif. select all frames and hit the number thingy underneath the first frame. change the speed to 0.1 or 0.07 (i normally use those two.)
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and then you're done with the crackship!
:: manip ::
i'm nearing the 20 images limit so i wont add many pictures since it's kinda the same process. so once you figure out which gif you want to insert onto another gif so it's all in one frame, you group all the layers into a folder and select the masking thing on the bottom.
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then copy all frames again, go onto the other gif (the one where you're adding the gif you just grouped together), select all frames, and paste over them.
once you've done that, fix your gif so it fits nicely into the base. go to top bar, select edit, and hit free transform. this helps with making sure that the gifs work together and one is not bigger than the other (if that makes sense).
next, erase any unwanted area. i use 0% hardness when i erase because it helps with blending in and it kinda makes it look more natural i guess. make sure you select the folder layer and not every single layer within the folder because that is just way too much work and it doesn't look as good.
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also keep in mind it doesn't have to be perfect. it is very hard working with manips so do the best you can and don't stress out if it's not flawless. cropping also helps to make the manip look better as well
then delete excess frames, add psds, change the speed and boom you're done!
i hope all of this made sense. if you have any questions, please let me know and i'll do my best to answer them!
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ofdemoniics-blog · 8 years
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SO I DECIDED TO BRING THIS PUPPY BACK . I think it’s safe to say that Photoshop is the bane of my existence but at the same time, it brings me comfort. Some days I come up with worthy trash and other days, I come up with things that makes a four year old’s doodles look like solid gold. I mean...we can’t be Picasso right? TRIAL AND ERROR, FOLKS. 
I’ll spare you the details of a heart quenching story and just say that money is a little tight. I had this service running along for quite some time until I forgot the account information to it’s primary source ( eyeballs my old blog with anger >:ccccc ). A couple of modifications were done to this service, though -- it’s nothing too big but I feel like it might play a small factor, ya feel? MOVING ALONG.
Icons can be done in 100x100, 85x85, 70x70 or any size that you want. If you want it done in a particular way ( borders, psd in particular that you can provide, etc., etc., ), I’ll be more than happy to oblige. I will be using my own PSD for these icons.
Manips will be $10 because of the amount of time / effort that goes into it. Please be as detailed as possible as to what exactly you’re looking for on a manip. The more you give, the better quality your final product will be.
Banners will be a flat $5. This includes mobile banners, offline / online banners, etc., etc., etc. 
Please don’t use my coding for recreational purpose. I took a long time to find these codes, trial and error // all them shenanigans to get my themes looking the way that they do. If you have trouble with anything or need a little somethin’ somethin’, just let me know. Favors/advice go a long way.
PLEASE don’t rush me for any of these projects. Icons can take less than 24 hours to do but themes might take a week’s worth of working to get it done. I don’t like handing someone something half-ass done or just handed over without so much as a little drop of effort put into it. I will take no longer than a week for your request to be fulfilled.
Spread the word! I’m more than happy to do things repeatedly for people. I don’t mind it at all. I know there’s a lot of commission services out there, but it would be a great help if you could give me a hand in a few things.
Submit money here via paypal link
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