#this may not make any sense but its 2am give me some slack :)
molliemoo3 · 8 months
I just made myself sad at 2am by thinking about how I only got to see Seb race for a year, I never got to see Kimi race, I don't have many years left of Danny. People can be really annoying about new fans of the sport, but I missed the best of some of my favourite drivers, I can go back and watch those races online, but I'll never get to experience what those races were actually like in real time and it's awful. Someone needs to invent time travel so I can make child me love this sport sooner.
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devilbat · 5 years
Wolf Man
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A/n: here is the first of my Classic Movie monsters. Staring most of Tom Hiddleston and his characters. First one The wolf Man.
Warning: blood, fluff, violence, sexual tension, puking, stocking..
Detective Magnus Martinsson x corner! Reader
"Morning Magnus," You purred as you approached the poor man. His head full of gold curls rested against his desk. "Ruff night?" He groaned in response, As you stop by the side of his desk. Two cups of piping hot coffee in your hands. You had saw him earlier before you decided to get coffee. He was you neighbor, beside coworker. He looked like hell when he left this morning, you had just finished breakfast when you spotted him leave.
"Something like that. I haven't been sleeping well. Let alone going for drinks with some friends." He mumbled sounding miserable. Peeking up at you. With a bit of a shy smile. "Is that other cup for me by chance?" His head now propped up on his hands. Giving you a puppy dog eyes.
"Well I don't know, maybe this was a two cup problem for me." You teased, slowly reaching you hand out, offering him the white and blue paper cup from the local café on your way into work. "Seeing as you probably need this more then me. I suppose you should have it.
"Thank you. Your too sweet Miss y/l/n." Magnus grind, taking the cup carefully from your hands. His large hand brushed against yours. Making you shiver, It seem every time you had some physical contact with the young detective it would practically bring you to your knees. You heart raced each time. Your stomach would swell with butterflies. And let's not mention what he dose to you between the thighs. To say you had a bit of a crush on the handsome detective was in understatement. But you never seem to catch his eyes. Or so you thought. You were only the new girl that happens to work with the dead. As a forensic coroner most men found it rather disturbing.
So it was a slew of one night stand and short term lover that never really last. But sense you've moved to this small town in Sweden. Which you never thought would come to pass, as you were shipped out here for other reason. The few lovers you had contact with, here or in the town over, always seemed to winded up dead like a wild animal got to then. Well it was a small list. Just two so far not enough to be a coincidence, or so you though. Strange things have been happening ever since you moved. The feeling of Be stocked, someone watching you every movement. But your logical brain shrugged it off as nothing and that this wasn't New York. The town was too quiet compared. You could hear crickets not cars.
"Martinsson, Y/l/n!" Kurt called from his office. Magnus groaned once more. Making you giggle as you walk towards the office. Magnus slowly followed. Keeping his distance. He may have like the way your hips swayed when you walked. He never was one for heels but the way you walked in them with confidence. And did your legs and backside wonders. Every time you were near did something to him. Made the animal side of him go wild. You heart pounding called to him. He could smell you before you could even get close to the building like a damn blood hound. It drove him wild.
"We have another animal attack just out of the town. I need you two out there. Y/n we'll need an autopsy as soon as that body hits your table." Kurt sighed, this was the third animal attack. "I'll need to know what we are looking for."
"I'm telling you sir, it's got to be a bear. The claws are to big to be a wolf or cougar. But I still find it odd for any of these animals to be anywhere near this area." You interrupted knowing he most likely had more to say.
Most of the Animal attacks were not as horrendous as this one. The man was disemboweled body parts scattered everywhere. Heart missing like the others. You walked the crime scene. Knowing what you were doing. While poor Magnus had to step away for a moment. It happens to the best. Didn't make him less of a man. Just this was a small town and things like this never happened. Unlike New York where it was everyday and you would be shocked if you didn't have a body delivery. Collecting evidence as you worked around the body. Off to the side you notice something that looked like bio. Collecting a sample, wanting to analyze to see if it was the victims.
"You all right there Magnus?" You asked, concern laced your sweet voice. He smiled with a nodded as he walked over towards you.
"What did you find?" He cleared his throat. Watching you stand back up. It amazed him how you could work in those damn heels. Let alone in a skirt on some days. Though today you were wearing a lovely shade of blue slacks and a black blouse. Your hair was tied back unlike earlier when you wore it loose.
It was almost midnight you were down in the morgue working overtime trying to get what you needed. Music played loudly over head. You had recognized the man. Well mostly that tattoo on his left severed arm. He was your recent fling. It had only been a month of fooling around with him. Keeping your bed warm. Signing along with the music as you dove into him. You didn't hear the door to the morgue open. You jumped with a loud squeak, when a hand rested on your shoulder. Turning on your heels scalpel in hand. You relaxed when you saw Magnus boys face.
"Christ, Magnus you scared me." You squeak out, hand over your heaving chest.
"Sorry, y/n." He smile that boyish smile that made you heart flip. "I was about to leave and wanted to see if you wanted a ride home. It's late and I would feel better with you not having to walk this late at night."
"Thanks Magnus, but I'll be fine beside I have a few more hours here. And you really need sleep." You reassured him.
"Are you sure?" You nodded with a smile.
"I'm a New Yorker I've delt with worse." You teased, but that was very well true and another reason why your here in Ystad. He was hesitant but soon he left. Leaving you to finish up.
It was half past 2am when you locked up. Pulling your coat tightly around you. You made you way home. The moon was full, the light from it made it easier to see in some of the areas. You felt and eire presence in the shadows. Maybe you should have taken Magnus on his offer. The sound of leave crunching eco through the night. Coming to a stop when you hear the unmistakable sound of a growl coming from behind you. Slowly you turned around, suppressing a scream as you stared up at a huge wolf like man. The beast towered over you, standing on his hind legs. Drool fell from his snarling mouth. His pelt was black and mangled. He reeked of blood and death. It was an unmistakable smell, you would know. But as the best breath fanned over you face with a growl. The sent of rotting meat, you wanting to vomit for the first in along time.
          What was in front of you was inhumanly, impossible. And yet here you stood face to face with the wolf man. All logic want out the window. The best snapped its jaws at you. Fear made your blood run cold. As you finally willed yourself to run. Running hard as you could, kicking your heeled shoes off your feet. Yelling for help as you did. Unfortunately the path home took you to a wooded park. Heading in there was probably a mistake, but logic told you nothing. Weaving in and out of the thick bush. You were tired and ready to give up. But you kept going the wolf sounded far behind as he howled. Findings thick tree to hide behind. If only for a moment to catch your breath.
           Quiet was all you could hear and your heart beating. You took a peek around the tree. Seeing nothing as you move, Ready to run. Until a snap of a twig from behind you made you freeze. Slowly you turned to see the best, bearing his teeth at you. You swallow hard. Knowing there was no way out of this now. Your blood curdling scream echoed through the frost, as the best charged at you snapping its Jaws. Collapsing to the floor. Another loud growl came from behind you. Making you jump peeking through your arms, another wolf like man with a tan pelt and slightly smaller frame charged at the other. Taking him down, a fight ensued, the sound of growling, jaws snapping, the sound of bone crunching, and flesh being ripped away. A loud whimper fallowed by silence.
Taking in your surroundings. Trembling in fear as the other wolf like man walk from the clearing. You backed away slowly only to feel your back pressed against the tree stump. The creature closing in on you. Closing your eyes, silently begging to be spared. The breath of the best engulfed you. Before you knew it a long very wet tongue licked along your jawline and up you cheek. Then best nuzzled into your face. From side to side, panting in your ear. You opened your eyes to look. The beast smiled a huge wolffish grin. It had sat down in front of you. It's large tail wagging? Claws lightly pawing at your arms. Even with it sitting down the wolf was taller then you.
         The clouds slowly rolled in, coving the moon and the wolf started to bay at it. You stair at him unsure what to do. It wasn't attacking you. You jump when you heard bones pop and crack. The wolf stepping back as it's body started deforming, twisted, turning. Fur started to fall away leaving only blonde curls. Long claws started to shrink into fingers. The height of the wolf slowly shrunk. There standing before you completely naked was Magnus Martinsson. His face still somewhat hidden from you.
           "M-Magnus?" Your stuttered out. Still a in a bit of shock as you watching him finally face you. Trying your best not to look down as you stepped forward. "Magnus is that really you?"  Reaching out to him.
        "Don't y/n." Slowly backing away. "I'm a monster." He was visibly shaking, before you could get any farther he heaved, throwing up contents of what he had ripped to shreds. Not listening to him you rushed to his side. Pulling your coat off, Placing it over him.
          "Well if you were a monster, I would be dead right now." You calmly spoke. Even if your were shaking uncontrollably and still frightened. Magnus gave you a small smile. This was Magnus the sweetest man you have ever known he couldn't hurt a fly. Well maybe he can. But he did feel really bad about killing the other wolf you could tell. "Well this explains why you haven't been sleeping well. Let's um get you home and you can tell me how this happened? Oh and some clothes, I'm not sure I can talk with a very naked detective right now."  Really you didn't know what to do. All you knew was you needed to get him out of here. Before someone saw him.
Permanent tags: @kitkatkl @lokilvrr @instantnoodlese @drakesfiance @meyoko10 @miraclesoflove @madleiine @teageowen @scorpionchild81 @redlipsinkorea @mintzxi @it-jinxed-us
Tom/Loki Tag's: @theoneanna @graveyard-groupie @silverquartx @moonfaery @kcd15 @moonlightprime @youveseen--thebutcher @shockwavee @sabine-leo @screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms @vethrvolnir @darkprincessloki92 @archy3001 @chaoticwithpurpose @paanchu786 @metalheadspider @myownviperroom @arosewithdaisies @jilldsumner @witchbitch-stuff @too-cold-for-youhere @iamverity @sterwild @hiddlefan81 @matczvkv @desimarie12 @loser-alert @cest-le-temps-de-lamour @lucantis @sherlokiholland @kryptonite2116 @justthatfangirloverthere @littleredstarfish @amore-p-siche
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