#sebs is available next year
molliemoo3 · 8 months
I just made myself sad at 2am by thinking about how I only got to see Seb race for a year, I never got to see Kimi race, I don't have many years left of Danny. People can be really annoying about new fans of the sport, but I missed the best of some of my favourite drivers, I can go back and watch those races online, but I'll never get to experience what those races were actually like in real time and it's awful. Someone needs to invent time travel so I can make child me love this sport sooner.
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theealbatross · 4 months
kiss me (s.s.)
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Plot | You fought, kissed, and made up. But it could never be that easy.
or, Sebastian took two steps forward and three steps back.
Tags | insecurities, social pressures, obsessive tendencies, slytherin!reader, dark!seb and reader if you squint, but not really, underage drinking (theyre all 16-18 in this), they're just crazy about each other and can't tell anyone, kissing (duh) nothing too PG, happy ending?, read 4k words and figure it out, if the end made you scream say 'aye'
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[ 6th Year ]
“Spin that fucking bottle!”
If you had known what absolute monstrosity you would create when you introduced muggle sleepover games to your housemates you would’ve gone to bed early.
But now, you were surrounded by drunk, nosy, Slytherins that were dead-set on exposing each other’s most embarrassing secrets. No one was safe.
“Imelda!” Everyone cheered, Grace quickly hooked her arms around the other girl’s neck when she tried to escape.
The party had long since been over, most of the students from other houses had already retired to their own rooms but those who had friends in Slytherin (like Poppy and Natty) or were too drunk to journey back to the spiraling staircases of their houses safely (like Everett and Samantha) decided to sober up for a while in the Quidditch Grand Champion’s common room.
“Are you actually as mean as you pretend to be or do you just not know how to make friends,” Natty slurred, pointing and wagging a finger at her.
If she was in a better constitution, she would’ve been able to brush off that accusation easily and with confidence but a dozen of improved (thanks Garreth) Firewhiskey shots later and the ever-guarded Imelda flushed in embarrassment to the surprise of everyone. The small circle burst out laughing, Imelda pushed Grace away in annoyance.
“It’s okay, ‘melda. We love you as you are!” Poppy was definitely still hammered.
“Next, next, next!”
The bottle spun and spun but your eyes were at the boy who had just returned from tucking Ominis in their shared dorm. You smiled up at him as he sat in the reserved space available just for him right beside you. “Omi?” you mouthed.
He squeezed your hands, silently letting you know your lightweight friend was now safely tucked in his own bed and ready to welcome the worst hangover he had ever known tomorrow.
“Well, well, well! Our brilliant, beloved, beater!”
It was when you turned your eyes back down on the ground that you saw that the mouth of the bottle was now undoubtedly pointed at Sebastian.
“Mate, I just got here!”
The crowd booed, Sebastian receiving light punches and playful jeers. “It’s the rules, Sallow!”
Everyone looked at you expectantly, the false inventor of such guidelines. You smirked, shrugging, “Rules are rules.”
Sebastian gaped at the betrayal. He gave you a look that lets you know he’ll get you back for this, even secretly poking your waist sharply. You didn’t like the way your housemate’s eyes glinted at the small interaction. Oh no.
“Alright, Alright,” Garreth shushed the crowd with two outstretched hands. “I have the million galleon question! I’m sure everyone will praise my genius for it!”
“Get on with it already!”
The Gryffindor threw a drunken glare at the voice from the back of the common room. “Now, I’m sure our dear Sebastian, despite receiving many letters of admiration and flutters of pretty lashes –”
“Gross,” Imelda grumbled.
“—has yet to officially court someone!” Garreth announced, arms stretched wide like he was a ringmaster about to start his greatest show. Everyone oo-ed and ahh-ed and cheered.
You didn’t like where this was going.
Sebastian, for all the eyes that were on him, managed to maintain the small smile on his cocky face.
It was true. You were not blind to the … physical developments he had undergone the last two years nor to the attention it had garnered him. The boy you had sneaked around Hogwarts with in your fifth year had disappeared and was replaced by a man. An unfairly tall, tanned, attractive man. You damn near walked past him again if he had not pulled you to his side on your first day during your 6th year.
You weren’t ignorant of it, nor were you dumb enough to deny your attraction to your friend.
But you are a lady. And his friend.
His most trusted, beloved friend (his words not yours).
You’d rather not risk your lifelong connection if he won’t. You know how to read between the lines as blurry as it had become. He’s lost too much and you refuse to become another scar in his soul. The both of you have had enough of that to last you till the next lifetime.
“So, my question is,” your eyes widened when you felt two hands on each of your shoulders, in your deep reverie you have failed to notice Garreth sneaking behind your back or that all conniving eyes and raised eyebrows were now on you.
Sebastian smiled.
“Kiss, Marry, Kill.”
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[ 7th Year ]
It was by incredible luck that your 7th year of Hogwarts called for the Triwizard tournaments to be held in Hogwarts.
You were prepared to enjoy the event in relative peace. Happy that for once you would be the spectator of all the action instead of being the one in the middle of it.
Life just can’t make it that easy for you.
You did not even realize that Sebastian of all people had thrown his name in as consideration until he had been called and your dreams of a quiet last year in Hogwarts were shot to the depths of hell. It was the first time in a while that you felt true fear, the type that froze all your blood solid.
The fight that followed in the Undercroft was explosive.
“How could you be so reckless, Sebastian?! People die in these games! Why would you do this?!”
Just the thought of it makes your stomach sink. Sebastian will be front and center of this bloody battle of pride that is broadcasted to the entire wizarding world. It was different when it was the two of you jumping through all types of danger – this time you won’t be able to help him. He will be alone.
Yet, when you had expected a valid explanation and a plan out of all this madness he instead looked at you with such anger and vitriol that you physically flinched.
“Because I am sick of being just your friend!” Even Ominis pushed himself off the wall he had been leaning on. Foreseeing a tragedy about to uncontrollably unroll. “I’m constantly surrounded by you two! Ominis Gaunt, the scion of the purest bloodline in the wizarding world, the Heir of Slytherin who could do no wrong! How brilliant!”
He cackled a laugh, he looked like a man at the brink of insanity. How long had he been holding on to these thoughts?
“And you!”
“Sebastian enough –” Ominis tried to cut through his mania but he wasn’t having any of it. Once the words were out, there was no taking them back in. He was cursed – he will have to see it through.
“Famed Hero of Hogwarts,” each word was dripped in poison, the insecurities bubbling inside him caused him to lash out at anyone and everyone who dared question his decision. How could they understand? How would they understand a nobody? “Do you know how tired I am of being in your shadow?”
He felt the sting before he heard it, the slap drowned the Undercroft in silence. Then, the weight of his grave words sunk in. The green haze in his head cleared just to see the boiling tears falling down your distraught face.
What has he –
“Then let me free you of such shadow, Sebastian,” your face crumpled, physically pained by such cruelty from your dearest companion. “You’re on your own this time.”
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That had been months ago, aside from the few classes you had together he had not even seen you anywhere else. Not even in the first game when he had sent you an owl begging you for a chance to apologize and dedicating his win to you. The victory over the other contestants tasted bitter when he couldn’t find your face in the celebrating crowd.
And the pit in his chest turned into a black hole when he caught Ominis at the edge of the celebration shaking his head. She didn’t come. He’s lost her.
Ominis refused to help him – not that he deserved any. In retrospect, it was ... silly – the insecurities he had been shamefully hiding. He knew his friends had never seen him short of an equal but it’s difficult to see the good when the entire world is looking down at you with cruel, disapproving eyes when your back is turned. Cruel whispers they made sure only he could hear.
“I thought he’d live somewhere more posh.” “Sallow? Dating her? That’s preposterous he’s an orphan with barely a galleon to his name.” “Why do you think they keep him around?”
It was stupid and irrational and he handled it in the worst possible way. Lashed out at the one person who least deserved it, who went through hell to drag him back out, then benevolently tended to all the wounds and scars in his humanity till he was himself again.
“Let me free you of such shadow, Sebastian.”
He slammed his head on the wall he was leaning on, the heartbreaking image of her distressed face was a nightmare that had chased him awake or asleep.  Sebastian may deserve this but you most definitely didn’t. He never deserved you.
Yet, here he was, sitting on the floor of the Ravenclaw Tower with a wilted bouquet of wildflowers he had picked before breakfast, hoping he could catch her somehow. He ignored the giggles, snickers, and confused questions thrown his way no matter how embarrassed he felt. He wasn’t moving from this spot until he can apologize – the silent treatment was torture worse than Crucio. And he had been hit with one.
At the first sound of the walls transforming, he was already up on his feet, his hands instinctively brushing his hair as if looking presentable would even out his chances of repairing his most treasured friendship.
The door opened and finally, your eyes met his. The tension was something that would choke even the greediest puffskein. Your eyes were wide, unblinking and your lips were pursed in a fine line that communicated how much you loathed being in his presence. He hopes you know that you could never hate him as much as he hated himself at this very moment.
“For you!” It was only when it was being offered to you did he realize how abysmal the dying bouquet he had been carrying in his hands since this morning looked. But it was too late now, she was already here, looking at the flower then back to him and all the lines he had practiced flew out of his head.
Instead, he just fell to his knees, prostrating, tears already threatening to fall down his face. He had never been an honorable man. “Sebastian! Get up!”
“I will do anything you ask me to,” The feel of her touch made his skin tingle. After months of not even catching your eyes or hearing your voice and it was more than worth it to suffer through all this humiliation just for this moment. Even if you may never forgive him at least he could apologize. He’ll have a better last moment with you than your fight. “I’ll win the games. I’ll quit. I’ll drop out of Hogwarts if that’s what you want just, please … forgive me.”
He felt your arms wrap around him but he was too distraught, barely comprehending that you had somehow pulled him back into the room until the two of you fell on the ground and the door of the room slammed shut. Still, he continued sobbing in your arms, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he drenched your neck with his anguished tears. “I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Sebastian wasn’t playing fair but your forgiveness was a prize he was willing to cheat to earn. There would be no point of honor if he lost you – anyone else but you.
“It wasn’t anything you did. It was me,” he sobbed. “I just – you and Ominis became such incredible people that I realized it was me who had not become anyone. I am a nobody!”
“Sebastian that is just not true –”
“It’s moronic I know! But I just thought … if I could win these games … if I could stop being just myself and be a champion then I can finally earn the spot beside you.”
It was embarrassing to admit all that, the deep insecurities that had festered inside of him the moment he was finally faced with the reality of the world. That he was surround by great people who has and will achieve great things and he was … him. A failure, a murderer, a burden.
“Don’t make me slap you again,” your cold voice woke him up from his self-lashings.
He sniffed, nodding, finally finding the strength and shame to sit up on his knees in front of you. “I … I really am so sorry.”
He pinched his eyes shut, preparing himself for the worst. His nails digging in his palm in an effort to stop it from shaking. However, it took one touch of your palms to break through all his pretenses. “I forgive you.”
He crumbled in relief, jumping into your open arms in a mess of tears, snot, and even more apologies.
“I know, I know,” you shushed him, hands tight even as he soaked your shirt through. “Ominis talked to me and … Sebastian you really are so silly. What do you mean you're a nobody? You're the top student in our year! So much so that all those Ravenclaws have declared you their enemy. You're the greatest beater in our generation that even I have been receiving owls begging me to somehow convince you to play for their team when you graduate! I can't even imagine how many times I would have gotten in trouble or straight-up died if it wasn't for you! I swear you're so fucking daft sometimes!”
He nodded eagerly, taking any jabs you may have if it meant you were talking to him. Even if it was still difficult for him to accept that any of those achievements you dictated could ever surmount to what you had achieved he knew it wasn't smart to try and correct it now when you had just forgiven his transgressions. “Stupid, stupid, boy.”
It was there in that room that your fractured friendship was mended with a bunch of dead flowers and Sebastian’s tears.
To celebrate, you had produced a couple of leftover Hogshead Brew for the two of you to enjoy till you were tipsy enough to forget the past horrible months without each other and were now giggling to each other’s face as if to make up for all the laughs you were owed in the months of silence.
“Lay back down, your eyes are going to be swollen shut.”
He’s been crying so hard for so long that he was too tired to do anything but follow your words, laying at the center of the bed you’ve conjured and sighing at the warm cloth you pressed on his eyes that miraculously stopped the world from spinning.
If he thinks too hard about the shameful faces he had shown you, he fears he’s going to combust, instead he focused on the rake of your nails on his hair, the familiar scent of your perfume he had given to you as a gift for your birthday last year, and the weight of your head as you laid on his stomach while the alcohol coursed through his body.
“You shouldn’t quit.”
He folded the cloth in one eye to take a peek at you. You giggled sweetly, clearly taking the drink harder than him, and gods above did he miss it. His happiness was cut short however when you crawled over the length of his body and instead plopped next to him, your head resting on his outstretched arm.
Physical affection wasn’t new to the two of you – after what you had been through hugs and holding hands were something the two of you found comfort in, a reminder that despite everything, the two of you made it out together – but after a few months without it he was faced with the realization of how unconventionally intimate your friendship truly was.
“Like I said, Ominis explained to me how you’ve been feeling – only another man would ever understand a bruised man’s ego. And if this is what’s going to make you feel better then I will support you till the end.” He turned his head so he can look at your eyes. When you cupped his face he felt his gut curl on itself from adoration. “But make no mistake Sebastian, the two of us have always been equals. We’re kindred spirits, remember?”
Kindred spirits, he thought. He remembers the first time he called the two of you that -- something a little cheeky for the first witch who didn't sneer in disgust at the prospects of his less than favorable past time. The curiosity in your eyes then was one he had seen in his own, even then he had this funny feeling that you were going to get along very well.
If he only knew how right he was, he would've thought he was a prodigy in divination.
A tear once again pebbled at the memory but just as he closed his eyes ready to wipe it away you were already sitting up, throwing the wet cloth and pressing a kiss on the edge of it. Sebastian sucked in a breath, blinking to see you hovering over him now. He’s never seen you this zealous. The passion in your eyes is almost mirroring his own.
It would seem whatever was in that brew had smashed through your inhibitions and his pride as he let you continue peppering kisses all over his face.
“You are very precious to me,” she whispered fondly, her gaze soft, drunk and adoring then it turned dark, an emotion crossed your face that he’d only seen when you had been fighting the meanest of foes. “I’d blow this entire school up before I let any of them think they could take your place in my life.”
Sebastian shuddered, his entire body burning under your gaze.
Leaning over again, you pressed another kiss on his other eyelid. “I won’t allow anyone to take you away from me.”
On his forehead. “And you are not allowed to leave me. I forbid it, Sebastian.”
As pathetic as it was, the words were everything he needed to hear. The possession healing over all his insecurities like a balm.
He has always been a selfish lad. His parents and everything he had ever known were ripped away from him at too early of an age that it made him realize that he needed to protect Anne because she was all he had but even that exploded spectacularly into a tragedy.
And then he met you and finally, finally, he met his person. Someone who was seemingly made just for him. Someone who understood him for all his secrets and flaws and still called him a friend.
However, it would seem that he was cursed of a cruel fate. Because the one person who was supposed to be just his turned out to be the most sought-after witch of their generation with the type of magic that had not been seen in centuries. At first, it didn’t matter, he was confident of his place in your life. But as the two of you grew up, the reality that your position in society were skies apart was when his insecurities began to painfully blossom.
But this … it was nice to be claimed like this. To be able to hear and see the crazed obsession he had only seen in his own reflection be mirrored by the one person he needed it from the most. The whole world can laugh behind his back, it didn’t matter anymore. The most brilliant witch in history is in this bed with him, kissing all his insecurities away and branding him as hers.
He chuckled but was cut short when you pressed a softer kiss just by the edge of his smile. His heart threatened to pound out of his chest, his ears failing to hear anything else but the next words out of your mouth. “Do you understand me, Sebastian?”
It has never been clearer: she is his.
“You are mine.”
With her final words, Sebastian’s brain seems to finally function again. A surge of alcohol and courage caused him to raise his limbs to cup your face, pulling you closer and closer so he could finally do what he had been dreaming about since your first duel.
A kiss. A promise. The final bind that would lock your souls together forevermore.
You gasped, smiling through the kiss before you plopped your entire body on top of his, your body finally getting overwhelmed by the alcohol and all that has happened in the past hours – knocking you straight into a dreamless sleep.
For the first time in a long, long while, he was at peace.
The two of you may never remember this moment but he’ll know it in his soul. In this dim room, surrounded by her scent, and her skin, and her kisses – he has finally found where he belongs and who belonged to him.
He pulled you into him – tighter, closer. It didn’t matter, you were his.
Only his.
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“Guess we made up?”
When you woke up Sebastian was already lounging in the ottoman by the end of the bed, casually reading a book while you were crawling towards him with your blanket over your head and suffering through a hangover.
If not for the redness in his eyes you would’ve thought you hallucinated his teary apologies.
He was quick to open up his form, grabbing a decorative pillow for you as you laid down on his lap dramatically. You don’t remember much but you knew enough that the big fight was forgotten and forgiven.
“Guess so, darling,” he chuckled nonchalantly, back to his cool, charming self as if he hadn’t been a crybaby in your arms just yesterday.
‘Darling’? That’s new.
You grinned, letting him pet you. You weren’t complaining, not being friends with Sebastian felt wrong and it was a miracle you stood your ground as hard as you did.
“Aren’t I so gracious, dear?” you teased, poking his stomach to make him flinch. The two of you laughed. “What happened after I popped out that blasted poison from Hogshead?”
When you try to comb through your memories your headache fights back with a vengeance so you had hoped he would supply the blank pages in your mind.
He stared at you for a beat before sighing, looking truly as miffed as you. “I wish I remembered, I’m in the dark as much as you.”
And as much as he knows it was wrong to not try to remember, he also knew he wouldn’t be able to live through the embarrassment of what he might’ve been telling you while he was drunk and emotional again. It was a mistake but he was more than happy to let those blank memories remain blank. What’s important is that you are friends again.
“Let’s focus on the future now, hm? No sense digging through what would definitely be an embarrassing moment for me,” he groaned, pinching your cheeks when you gave him a teasing smile.
You hesitated, biting your lip but then nodded. “If you say so.” It was in the past after all.
Sebastian was glad you let it go. (He will regret this in years to come.)
“Speaking of futures, I had wanted to ask you,” he played with the short strands of your hair, heart full of adoration as he looked down at your face. “Go to the Yule Ball with me? Gotta have a pretty date for this year.”
You dramatically gasped, “The Future Triwizard Champion asking little old me? Also, I was your date last year, scoundrel!”
He burst out laughing, you jumped into his arms, pressing a kiss on his cheeks.
His lips tingled, his head ached as it begged him to remember. But then you flashed him that bright smile and nothing else mattered.
“I would love to.”
The two of you were back to what you had once been. It would just be greedy to ask for more.
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  ° i would do
you want me to…. ✧ ⁺ ┊
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PART 4 of the Spitfire Saga
TRAILER: A home race that doesn’t feel like home anymore
(2018!f1grid x fem!Genz!driver!reader, max verstappen x reader (platonic), lewis hamilton x reader (platonic) sebastian vettel x reader (platonic))
For more Spitfire content go to my account and it’s my pinned post since tumblr hates me and won’t let me link anything :)
WARNINGS: FAMILY ISSUES, mentioned child abuse, swearing, gratuitous hurt/comfort, reader’s birthday happens before the gp, mention of a suicidal thought, ANGST, barely edited :)
fc: an assortment of female celebs
Aaaaannnnd ACTION!
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f1: 🇺🇸🦅💥💥💥HOME RACE FOR Y/N L/N 🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅 
 American fans - be there or be 🟦
📍Circuit of the Americas
tagged: yourusername, mercedesamgf1
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yourusername just shared a story!
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this story is no longer available
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You arrive early, per usual, to make sure you have time for every fan, and maybe to catch a glimpse of Taylor Swift, who will be singing the national anthem today.
Your phone call with Seb last night quickly turned into him and Hanna knocking on your hotel room door and enveloping you in their arms. You fell asleep between the two of them, a comfort show playing on low volume in the background.
You hate that it caught you off guard. A small, stupid part of you actually believed that your family - your mother - could love you like they - like she- was meant to. 
It was supposed to be fun. You dressed up, treated them to one of the nicest restaurants in Austin. The second they arrived, though, it all turned to shit. 
At least your fans are majorly little girls and they couldn’t care less if you’re having widely photographed, public arguments with your older brother after a family dinner turned sour. 
Miraculously, you get into the paddock unscathed by prying questions into your personal life. You just get set up in your drivers room for Qualifying and try to put it all behind you. You don’t see Taylor, and unlike any other day, you don’t have the energy to face the paddock.
As you rearrange your hangers for the hundredth time, there’s a knock on your door. You sigh. Most of the team knows that you like your private time before any event, especially your first home race. 
The door opens slowly. It’s Lewis. Since the beginning of the season, your relationship with him has definitely developed. He’s good friends with Seb and you have a sneaking suspicion that he has told Lewis to keep an eye on you where Seb can’t. He’s become a sort of mentor-slash-friend and you couldn’t be happier, especially since you’ve both signed on for another few years at Mercedes. 
“Hey,” you say. 
Lewis sent me this. 
“Did you hear about Taylor Swift?” You exclaim. “How cool is that?”
He grants you a trademark half-smile. 
“Consider it a belated birthday gift.”
You eyes widen and your mouth drips open.
“It was you?”
He shrugs.
“It wasn’t very hard to convince her.”
You hurry over to him, hesitate for a second, then hug him gently. You’ve never hugged him in a normal setting. You break off of him and stand there, not quite knowing what to say next.
“Home race,” He says awkwardly. Lewis is hardly ever awkward. “Big deal.”
“Yeah.” You don’t mean to sound annoyed. Or tired. Or defeated. 
“Family coming? I’d like to meet them. I don’t think I have, yet. “
That’s true. Your mother has been to two Grand Prix since the start of the season and your father and brother one, respectively. They’re busy people, but after last night, some part of you wonders if your mother intentionally schedules conflicts so that they can never make it. 
That’s stupid, she says in your head. We love you. You’re the one who makes this whole thing impossible. 
When they have shown up, you’ve kept them as far away as possible from cameras, and Lewis draws every camera in every room he steps foot in. Maybe your brother is right. Maybe you hide them because of some secret shame you hold for them. The only thing you’re ashamed of is how complicated your relationship with your family is. 
“No. I-“
Sent them home? 
Told them to never show their faces around the paddock again?
Cried into Seb’s chest all of last night wishing I was dead because of how horrible they make me feel?
“Couldn’t deal with them today,” you say decisively. The media might see you as a stone cold bitch, so why not Lewis, too. 
“They’re your family.”
“They hate me,” you whisper, turning back you your hangers. You’ve never said it out loud. Not to Max or Charles, not even to Hanna last night when she was helping you wash your face through swollen eyes and a runny nose.
“I’m sure they don’t-“
“You’ve never met them. My mom hates me. She loathes me and for the life of me I can’t figure out why. I have given her everything and she still don’t bring herself to even like me a little bit. The rest this I’m too independent, too liberal, not liberal enough, too opinionated, too young, too smart, whatever. My dad and his side wish I went to university and my mom’s side tries to chase the fame. It sucks. It didn’t use to be like this, but it is now.”
You spare a glance back at him. He’s wide- eyed. This is probably the most he’s heard you talk without cracking a joke or bursting out laughing.
“Have you told Seb? Or… Max, Charles?”
“Seb, yes. Max would order a hit on my entire family if I told him this type of thing and Charles would hide the evidence.”
What you told Charles at Christmas, he didn’t acknowledge then and there, but he was noticeably cold to your mother when you brought her to see him.  
Lewis studied you, then a look dawns on his face. It’s a mix of dread and fury, but he schools it quickly.
“Y/n,” He says in a very serious tone. “Don’t lie to me.”
Your brow furrows.
“Do they - does your mother or your father hit you?”
It wasn’t the question you’d expected, but it still makes your blood turn cold.
You think for a second, contemplate his expression, run the risks of him exploding if you tell him the truth. 
“No…” you trail off. “Once. I made her mad when I was fifteen and-“ you raise your own hand and slap your face. “Never after though.”
She cried into your shoulder for hours after, telling you just how sorry she was, how she would never dream of laying another violent hand on you again. 
Lewis’s mouth opens then closes. You purse your lips. 
“I don’t need my family,” you whisper. “And I don’t need you to worry about me. I’m fine.”
He gives you a look, one that says:
There’s no way in hell I believe you.
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chalmaxy/nship: Max and Charles (+Pierre) teaming up to cheer Y/n up 😫 they are sooooo whipped for her (even tho they pretend they hate each other 🙄)
tagged: max33verstappen, charles_leclerc, pierregasly, yourusername, f1
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The video starts with the camera fixed on a very angry - looking Y/n. Her brow is set and her mouth is distorted in a flat line, which of course, is to be expected. She was obviously off her usual top-five worthy game today and has earned herself a starting position of P20.
The interviewer asks her a series of questions that she responds to very flatly and emotionlessly, so much so that her press officer elbows her in the side more than once to get an actual, genuinely not sarcastic answer out of her. 
And then -
“Do you think your family issues are the reason you’ve performed so miserably today?”
She stops. Pauses, opens her mouth then closes it again. 
“That,” she drags out bitingly. “was an incredibly stupid and insensitive question. Every question you’ve asked me today has been either completely patronizing or borderline inappropriate.”
She shoots a look at her press officer, shakes her head slightly, then leans into the microphone.
“You’ll understand why we’re choosing to cut this interview short.”
And then she turns and leaves the media pen.
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mercedesamgf1: AAAAAaaaaaannnnnddd she’s done it again! A home race win is yet another thing our Spitfire can check off of her bucket list 💪 
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user6: Admin really said yes she’s a spitfire yes she’s OUR Spitfire 
user7: did anyone else notice how down Y/n seemed up on the podium tho
⮑ user11: Yeah, definitely not the energy we’re used to up there
yourusername: 🖤🖤
⮑user12: girl I need to know the tea behind the story and the tweet 🙏🙏🙏
user7: Call me crazy but she’s the biggest talent of her generation, not Verstappen 
⮑ user8: you’re crazy
⮑user9: @/user8: did we not just watch the same race? 
user10: she’s making the sport annoying.
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yourusername: Great home race win guys! 🇺🇸💥💥🦅💥 lovely to share the podium with maxie and lewie
tagged: mercedesamgf1
liked by max33verstappen, charles_leclerc and 738291 others 
view 7329 comments
max33verstappen: Get ready, I’m coming to get you in an hour to celebrate 
⮑yourusername: I can’t drink here dumbass
⮑user13: MaxY/n confirmed???
taylorswift: So glad I finally got to meet you in person! 
⮑ yourusername: 🖤
user15: U go Spitfire!!
user16: Y/n is such a bitch. 
lewishamilton: This is starting to sound redundant, but congrats Y/n!
user17: I still can’t get over how rude she was to that reporter 
⮑user18: EVERY reporter is rude and/or patronizing towards her. She deserves to bite back once and a while
True to his word, Max knocks on your door. You get up from the spot you’ve been staring out the window and open it.
He’s dressed up, ready to go out drinking, you suppose. You’ve changed into your pajamas and tied your hair up sloppily. 
He arches his eyebrows.
“Ready to celebrate?”
You shrug. 
“Not really in the mood. Plus I can’t drink here. You go ahead, tell the team to send me the bill and I’ll pick it up.”
You go to close the door then. He kicks his foot between the door and the doorframe. 
“Come out. It could still be fun,” He offers. “It’s your home race. I’d be happy if I won at spa.”
He raised his eyes brows at you and you look down guiltily. You should be happy. You’ve broken a record of some kind, you’re pretty sure, and every other driver dreams of winning his home race. 
“You’d be happy because your family would be there to see it,” you say bitterly. “Because then you’d be able to prove to them it wasn’t all for nothing. That you’re not selfish or - or something.”
Max closes the door when he hears your voice tremor. There’s a hard concern in his eyes. 
“Go, Max. You should celebrate.”
“I don’t want to anymore.”
You look him up and down. He’s gelled his hair and put on a non redbull shirt. Obviously he’s gearing up for a big night of celebrating. 
“Tell me,” He says. “You can talk to me. I’m not a stranger to family issues.”
You scoff and flop onto your bed. 
“It’s not a big deal.”
“You love partying. It’s a big deal.”
It’s quiet, except for his slightly heavy breathing. Here’s Mad Max Verstappen, standing at the foot of your bed begging you to confide in him with his eyes. His big, sad, droopy eyes.
You cover your face with the your arm.
“I can’t believe they actually left,” you choke out. “I told them to go and they just … left. The first time my entire family could muster up the time and effort to spend an entire weekend supporting me and they decide to just go home.”
Max moves towards you, hesitates, then settles himself on the floor next to your bedside table. 
You huff. 
“I don’t know. I push them away. I get on my mom’s nerves. I try too hard to impress my dad. Did you know,” you take a deep breath. “Did you know my mother hasn’t told me good night or I love you in five years?”
He sits and stares out the window. 
“Why doesn’t she love me, Max?”
It comes out more pathetic than you wanted it to. Max is probably one of the only people who might get it, just a little. 
“Schat…” he trails off. “I don’t know.”
Max is two years older than you. Sometimes those two years feel like a lifetime. You wish he was a lifetime older than you so he would know.
“Maybe…” He trails off. “Fuck. Maybe some people just aren’t made to be parents.”
You squeeze your eyes shut to try and push down the sobs building in your chest. Max, thankfully, doesn’t react when you let out a soft gasp and sniff wetly. He just sits there and stares out the window
Eventually, you curl up in your bed and Max sits a on the other side (on top of the covers, a safe two feet away) and turn on Star wars (The prequels - he’s a huge nerd, surprise, surprise).
Maybe some people aren’t made to be parents.
Maybe some people aren’t made to be daughters. 
✧ ⁺ ⁺ Yelled down the hall
but nobody answered ┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Aaannnnnnddd scene!
DIRECTOR’S CUT: A short and sad angsty hurt comfort type of thing… next chapter i swear will be happier !!
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princessconsuela120 · 8 months
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Summary: after the amortentia lesson, you avoid Sebastian, afraid of what you smelt in your potion.
Warnings: Cursing, nothing it’s so cute and fluffy
Authors Note: I love Sebastian so much. Be ready for Seb content guys!
SINCE DEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ART CLASS, almost three classes ago now, Sebastian had been following you around like a lost puppy. To every class you had together, he’d watch as you squeezed yourself into a seat next to someone, so he wouldn’t be able to sit beside you. After DADA class, usually you and Sebastian would be inseparable, seeing as you shared the rest of your schedule, but not today. Or yesterday, or all of this week now that Sebastian thought of it. Every since last Wednesday actually, it seemed you just didn’t speak to him the same as you usually did. So now that you were taking your usual midday stroll into the room of requirements to feed your beasts, Sebastian had decided to catch you off guard.
You weren’t even entirely sure how he had managed to sneak into the room of requirements, seeing as it was an exclusive room Professor Weasley had sectioned it off just for your spell practice and vivariums. And now Sebastian had you cornered in the room, causing you to grow angrily.
“Sebastian please…” you whispered, pushing him away to no avail. He was set in place like a statue, unmoveable.
“Then why have you been ignoring me!” He shouted angrily, making you sigh, shaking your head as you looked to the ground.
“I haven’t been ignoring you!” You replied shortly, finally meeting Sebastian’s eyes to see the hint of fear on his expression.
“Oh, I’m sorry, is there a new word for not speaking to someone and avoiding them for weeks!?” He replied sarcastically, making you roll your eyes.
“You know you’re starting to get really annoying.” You said, pushing him back as you begin walking out the room.
“I’m getting annoying?” He took a step back, shaking his head with shock. “I’m getting annoying?! Why the bloody hell have you been avoiding me y/n!?” He shouted, making you clench your fists as you whip you’re hair around to look at him.
“You wanna know why I’m avoiding you Sebastian, fine.” You shook you head, holding your hands out before letting them fall angrily at your sides. “I smelt you in my amortentia potion. Yeah. I smelt, honey dukes chocolate, peaches, and wet pavement.” You explained, sighing as you continued, now avoiding Sebastians eyes. “And you know what else I smelt? I smelt, old books, and the dust from old rocks, and slight smoke, the kind that wafts off clothes.” You explained.
Now that one took you a second to realize it was Sebastian. Until you realized, the dust was the undercroft, and the books and fire was Sebastian. He was always finding new books in the library, books that usually smelt of old parchment. And the fire, from confringo, the spell Sebastian had taught you last year. The one spell that you see him use on every mission you’ve ever gone on together.
“And I smelt teakwood, and Bergamot.” You said, now meeting his eyes, you heart breaking at the thought that now your friendship was fractured. “Smells I know you smell like, because i only know what those are because Anne had explained to me when she forced you to start wearing cologne.” You said, pointing a finger hard on Sebastian’s chest. It was quiet for a moment, as the two of you looked at each other. Sharing empty soft glances of worry, until you finally had enough
“Well, say something!” You shouted, making Sebastian stutter in response.
“I-I um.”
“You forced me to say it, didn’t you? Isn’t it what you wanted me to say?” You yelled, shaking your head with an eye roll. You met his expression again to see him smirking evilly, making you scoff. “Why are you smirking? Stop that.” You said, pointing at him.
“Stop what?” He asked, his smirk growing wider.
“Stop smirking.”
“So you smelt me huh?”
“You’re such a dog Sebastian.” You said with an eye roll, pushing him.
“Last I checked I was a man. A rather handsome one at that.” He teased, looking down his body as you rolled your eyes again.
“Oh please, I’ve fought prettier trolls.” You teased, as Sebastian stepped closer to you.
“They must have been very good looking trolls then.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“Look, Sebastian, I don’t want this to be awkward between us now. You’re my best friend, there’s no reason why things should be weird…” you explained, pinching your forehead with worry.
“Do you know what I smelt in my amortentia?” He whispered, making you shake your head.
“I don’t know, gasoline probably.”
His nose scrunched up with disgust.
“Ew, gasoline?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“I don’t know Sebastian, every man in that class smelt gasoline.”
“Well I didn’t. I smelt quill ink, and butter beer. And the smell of old dusty rocks.” He explained, making you sigh as you stared at the ground.
“Cause of the undercroft I’m sure.”
“And you know what else?” He asked, interrupting you before you could continue.
“You don’t have to do this Sebastian..” you whispered. You felt Sebastian lift your chin gently, causing you to look up at him.
“Fire. I smelt fire. The kind of fire that you smell the second you light a candle opera.”
“Is that supposed to mean something to me?” You asked, your heart beating faster every moment his hand held your chin.
“You really don’t understand?” He asked, raising an eyebrow as he smiled softly.
“You smelt fire, what’s there to understand?”
“Do you not remember, when I had taught you spells in the undercroft? Freshly lit candle operas, and old rocks.” He explained, smiling happily as he remembered.
“That doesn’t mean anything..” you said, but Sebastian shook his head, holding your hands.
“Right, it doesn’t. Until I realized that I also smelt vanilla, and lilacs. And a hint of strawberry mango.”
He smiled wider, chuckling to himself.
“Now, I know that smell couldn’t be anyone else. Because I also know that you are the only girl in all of Hogwarts who buys strawberry mango chapstick.”
“How do you…”
“I know that, because everytime I’m looking at your lips thinking about kissing you, you put that exact chapstick on.”
The room felt heavy, you smiled at him in response. Your cheeks were now a dark red hue, and you couldn’t help but let out a small huff of air as you felt your chest start closing in.
“And the smell drives me mad, y/n.” He said, getting closer. He grabbed your cheeks.
“Sebastian…” you mumbled, holding his wrists with your hands as he looked at you adoringly.
“I’ve loved you, since you walked into defense against the dark arts two years ago, and wiped the floor with my arse in front of everyone. The only reason I even realized you had been avoiding me, is because I spent every second of every day anticipating your presence. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this strongly about anyone before, at all. Never in a million years would I have dreamt that you would smell even a hint of me in your potion.” He explained, causing you to smile as your heart melted.
“Who said I smelt you?” You asked teasingly, raising an eyebrow at him as he laughed.
“Only the most beautiful girl in the world.”
You blushed even deeper, before he pulled you into a kiss, his hands holding both your cheeks to pull you in.
“Hand them over Gaunt.” You heard Anne mumble from behind you both, as Ominis grunted.
“Blasted.” He said, though it came out muffled since you could barely hear them from where they stood. You also had been too enamored in Sebastian’s kiss.
“You may know your friends, but I know my brother. He wouldn’t let love get away from him.”
“He let it get away for two years.” Ominous teased, the sound of clanging money being heard as Sebastian pulled away.
“Would you two please be quiet? I’m trying to make out here.” He teased, pulling you back in with a smirk.
“We have to deal with that now?” Ominis said, scoffing loudly as Anne chuckled.
“It’s better than the two of them mindlessly pining for each other.”
“Is it?” Ominis asked, causing you to pull away, leaning your forehead against Sebastian’s as you both erupted into giggles. All your love, he owned all your love, and your life. You owed this boy your whole years at Hogwarts. You couldn’t be happier that finally you could call him yours.
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miaowitch · 6 months
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What Makes a Date? (18+)
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Read on Ao3 or below !!
Sam (SDV) / Fem! Farmer OC
cw ⋆。‧˚♡ swearing, smut, porn with plot, grinding over clothes, blowjobs, cumming without warning, sam pov, sams a loser?, canon/oc
summary ⋆。‧˚♡
Sam has two tickets to his favorite band, but none of his friends want to come with him. What does he do instead? Ask the farmer on a totally platonic outing, just as friends with no underlying feelings! Everything should go according to plan, especially the part where he ends up in her house! Right?
5k words
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Sam found himself in an odd situation. Two tickets to a concert in Zuzu City, two busy friends, and one available farmer. He’d been talking with Bella for a few months. Every time she came around he couldn’t help feeling like his heart would burst from his chest alien-style, but all in all he tried his hardest to be normal around her. Even if he’d written hundreds of scrapped melodies about her, even if he dreamt of her constantly, even if he wanted her laugh as his alarm clock. Samuel Neilson was a normal 20-year-old who could have hot friends. 
He’d been a fan of the band JamPot since middle school, and he figured Sebastian and Abigail would’ve died hearing about the tickets. They were all massive fans in fact, they’d discovered them together on YouTube in fact. Sure, he could only take one, but Sebastian rarely left his house anyway. Abigail was his backup plan for concerts most times, he just liked extending the offer to Seb. Abigail would never turn down the option to go to a concert without paying. 
He decided to ask them both on their weekly pool night, Sebastian was riding on his first win of the night and Abigail was lounging on the couch closest to the table. Sam thumbed the tickets in his pocket before working up the courage to ask, “Hey uh-” He started, pulling out the envelope. “Either of you wanna go with me to see JamPot on Saturday?” Sam’s hopeful tone was instantly crushed by their simultaneous rejection. “Sorry, Sammy. I’ve got plans on Saturday.” Abigail finally looked up from her phone to look at his defeated expression. “Yeah, I’ve gotta catch up on work. It wouldn’t be smart to..” Sebastian had just finished setting up the next game, but Sam couldn’t care less. “Whaat?” Sam whined out, leaning on the pool stick now. “I spent 50 on the other ticket, just hoping one of you’d tag along!” 
Sebastian, as if he was unbothered by his friend's distress, just rolled his eyes in response. “Just ask Bella.” Beginning the match by hitting the cue ball, managing to hit a solid color into a corner pocket. Sam stood dumbfounded. He didn’t want to go alone, but he also didn’t know if Bella would even agree to the…date? Would it be a date? He pondered for a minute before Sebastian cleared his throat in frustration. “You’re stripes, now play the fucking game, dude.”
The rest of the night, Sam was in a sort of daze, wondering if he was even close enough to the farmer to ask her to a concert. What if she rejected him, thinking it was a date? What if he wanted it to be a date? After his…circumstances with Penny, he wasn’t sure if he should even try to make a move. Walking out of the pub at 11, he was still thinking about Sebastian’s suggestion. Abigail waved goodbye, the one sober member of the group. Sam was slumped on Sebastian’s shoulder, the two held each other up with drunk motivation. “Can I..” Sam sighed, tossing his head back. “Just take me to your basement, Sebby.” He didn’t plan on drinking so much, but he knew his mom would kill him if he walked in wasted. “Whatev’r…” Sebastian slurred back, as he lead Sam around the corner to the mountain path. 
Sam didn’t quite remember how he’d gotten to Sebastian’s house. He woke up with a twinging headache, sprawled on the rug next to Sebastian’s bed. An old throw blanket was tossed over top of his body, but no pillow. His mouth was dry, lips cracked slightly as he pried them apart. “Seb…” He groaned, his voice was dangerously hoarse. Clearing it, he called once more as he sat up. “Seb. Get up.” Sam reached up to push at Sebastian’s sleeping back, but only received an angry groan in return. Being friends with Sebastian for so long, he understood that groan as a rejection to waking up.
Sam decided to just leave on his own, his mother was probably concerned about the fact that he hadn’t even come home. The alarm clock on Sebastian’s bedside read off [11:00 am]. He sighed, searching for his shirt that had been thrown off in the night. Picking himself up from the floor, he grabbed his phone, found his shirt, and slipped on his laceless shoes. Hobbling up the stairs was the hardest part, with stiff joints it was hard to even walk a straight line.
“Hello, Sam!” Robin announced to the house as Sam emerged from the basement. He winced at her volume, but still put on a smile. “Hey, Robin, sorry I crashed last night.” Sam adjusted the faded band shirt, hoping she couldn’t tell he’d been half naked two seconds prior. “Seb’s still asleep downstairs, I don’t know if he’s getting up any time soon.” He rubbed the back of his neck, anxious that Robin could still smell the alcohol. She didn’t seem to catch on, laughing softly. “Oh, Sam, you don’t have to apologize for staying over.” She sat back in the chair behind the front counter. “You two always stay up so late at night, at least you’re having fun.” 
Sam said his goodbyes, walking out the front door and closing it silently for the sake of his aching head. He took a deep breath, feeling around in his pocket for his phone to text his mom that he was headed home. Instead, Sam found the tickets that cursed him. “Fuck.” He muttered to himself, but apparently not quiet enough. Bella was rounding the corner at that very moment. 
“Fuck what?” She appeared with a sly, teasing smile. Sam felt his throat tighten up. “Me?” He replied with a violent voice crack. Sam couldn't help feeling like an ass when Bella was around. Something about her jet black hair, piercing blue eyes, and….assets? He didn't want to disrespect her, she was a nice friend. Why would he talk about her like that? He respected her too much. 
Bella laughed, harmoniously (to Sam). While covering her smile, which killed Sam, she dropped it after her giggles. A happy sigh escaped her, straightening up to really get a good look at him. “You look rough.” Bella spoke with almost a hinge of concern, looking him up and down. Sam had been so caught up in overthinking, he forgot completely about why he had been overthinking. “Rough? Yeah, I guess I feel the same too.” His hand nervously rubbed at his neck, Sam had a habit of doing it. “A-Actually I had a question for you!” Bella cocked her head, Sam felt his stomach toss. 
Bella was a girl who loved music. It was her and Sam’s first conversation. Wearing an old TilledSoil shirt, a band Sam had seen upwards of 10 times. After their hour of conversation on their favorite bands, Sam deemed Bella to be cool. He knew she would agree to going to a free concert with him, but was he even confident enough to ask her out? “What’s up?” Bella asked, now actually concerned for Sam. He’d been clutching the tickets for the entire time. The ticket envelope crumpled in his grip. “Do you wanna go to a concert with me- If you’re not busy or- or anything.” He felt like a total ass. 
There was no reason for her to actually reject him, but every bone in his body was cringing out. Standing in front of his best friend’s house, asking someone to go on a maybe-date. If Sebastian had been awake, he’d be instantly cooked. “What band?” Bella spoke up to break the internal panic that fogged his brain. That and the hangover headache. “JamPot!” Sam blurted out, making his headache come back with a vengeance. “They’re just…some dumb pop punk band from overseas.. I just have another ticket!” Yet she was already smiling, “JamPot? I don’t think I’ve listened to them since middle school!” Pulling out her phone, she looked back up at him. “When’s the show?”
Sam seemingly forgot every single detail about the show in that very minute. After frantically opening the envelope to look at the tickets, he looked back up. “Tomorrow, doors at 7?” Bella then started looking through her phone for a moment. “I’ll drive too! All you gotta do is tag along!” Sam wasn’t trying to beg, but god, he just didn’t want to waste the money. She looked back up with a smile, “Deal, I’m free to go tomorrow.” Stammering to himself for a moment, Sam finally got out a sentence. “Cool! I’ll pick you up at 6?” Bella agreed, and Sam floated back into town on a high.
Sure, his mom was pissed, and he was slightly late to work. Sam just couldn’t care. He was just really excited to hang out with his friend Bella. There wasn’t anything else lingering there, no matter how many times Sebastian and Abigail brought it up. This was just two really good friends going to hang out at a concert. Getting close, and sweaty…and doing normal friend things. Sam wasn’t going to ruin anything. Surely. 
Sebastian and Abigail heard the ‘news’ from him over a text, both were convinced it was going to end in Sam’s demise. Abigail bet on Bella thinking it was a date, but Sam shut her down immediately. There’s no way Bella would think it was a date. Even as he put a little bit of extra time into getting ready the next day, he was positive that Bella was on the same page as him. After assuring himself that his hair was perfectly quaffed, he headed out to pick up Bella. 
His car was just a hand-me-down from Jodie, her old car from before they’d gotten a family van. Sam wasted a few minutes throwing trash from the passenger to the backseat. Scrambling just to make it to the farm at six. Pelican Town wasn’t the most drivable, but it was still nice to have a car for longer trips. He just hoped it was comfortable enough for Bella. Not that it was a big deal, of course, she was just like every other friend. He just wanted her to enjoy her first ride in his car.
Sam arrived at the farm at 5:52, pulling into the gravel driveway just after he was done freaking out about being late. He fixed his hair in the rearview mirror, fussing over nothing at all. Waiting for just another minute, he was too impatient and honked at the horn once. He didn’t have her number, but he also wasn’t sure if he could just walk up to the front door. What if she thought he was rushing her? At the moment Sam honked– Bella opened her front door. A black cat ran from the house, and Bella locked up the front door. Sam was leaning on the steering wheel, watching her. When she looked at him with a smile, he instantly straightened up. His palms were grossly sweaty, and suddenly he felt underdressed. 
Bella walked to the passenger side of the car. Sam for a moment felt compelled to brush off the seat before she sat down, but still held himself back. Sharing greetings, Sam took a moment to really look at her. Trying to get his breath back, he smiled. “Ready for the show?” Sam managed to get out, gripping the wheel with white knuckles. Bella could probably wear a burlap sack and look good, but her black skinny jeans and cropped tee suited her perfectly. Bella smiled back, buckling in. “You know it.” 
It was hard to pay attention to the road with her in the passenger seat. Bella wasn’t distracting in a bad way, but Sam couldn’t help wondering what the feeling in his gut was. He just didn’t want to mess anything up. The drive wasn’t boring by any means, Bella and Sam talked the whole way there. Bella mentioned listening to JamPot’s new album, and Sam had to hold himself back from gushing about each detail in the chord progressions. But– It wasn’t long until he did start gushing about it. It was really difficult for Sam to not spill every thought around her. Normally, people would just grin and bare it while Sam rambled about music, but Bella listened to him. She seemed like she really was interested, a rare find. The drive and the time spent waiting in line was mostly just the pair talking about shared interests. Finding out she also preferred Hawaiian Pizza was a game changer for him. 
The venue was old. It’d been there since the early 70s, but was still kept up with. High ceilings, low concrete floors and bars located on both sides. It was already halfway packed in, the merch tables weren’t busy either. Small fairy lights decorated the trim of the brick walls, highlighting the merch tables easily. 
When they were actually in the venue, Bella split off to find the merch table while Sam grabbed a spot on the floor. “I’ll see you in a few.” She smiled, softly placing a hand on his upper arm before walking off. Before Sam melted to the sticky concrete, he had to text his friends. Sending a frantic text to Sebastian, Sam felt his head swimming. [ “Is this a date?” ] He typed the words with nervous, shaking thumbs. Sam was wrong, kicking himself in the ass. What if he was in the process of destroying any chance with Bella? What if he did like her more than he was allowing himself? 
[ “Yes.”  ] Sebastian responded, Sam mentally crumbled.
This was the issue with Sam. He didn’t read the room properly, didn’t understand most situations. It’s what ruined a lot of past relationships for him. Bella didn’t seem like she was hating their conversations, but girls were just so confusing to him. During his overthinking, Bella returned. A new beanie on her head, and a CD in her hand. The new JamPot album. “I got this for you, I wasn’t sure if you had it already.” Holding it out to him, Bella had no clue what had been occurring in Sam’s head. “What?! I’ll pay you back, Bella, I swear.” All fear dropped from his mind, her presence was enough for him to stop overthinking. She shook her head, “It’s for the ticket, don’t worry about it.” Bella’s hand touched his arm again. Soothing his anxiety, but slightly raising his blood pressure. 
After each of the two openers, Bella and Sam kept getting closer and closer. The crowd crushed together in excitement, filling the air with the heat of upwards of 200 people. “Are you okay?” Sam spoke up, bending to Bella’s ear just so she could hear him. She responded with a thumbs up, but still moved closer to Sam. Somehow they’d pressed forward to the barricade, in the middle-left. The headliner hadn’t come on yet, but Sam was preparing. His hands were holding the barricade, with Bella standing between them. He knew she’d be fine on her own in the crowd, but he wanted to keep her safe. The crowd had been rough all night, the openers being much heavier than JamPot, but Sam didn’t want her getting crushed against anyone else. 
Music played across the loudspeakers to fill the silence for the crowd during the stage set. The energy throughout the show had made him less high-strung, less worried on the topic of their night. “You’re having fun, right?” Sam asked, again at a higher volume, just so she could hear him. Bella nodded, leaning against the barricade and looking up at him. “Thanks for bringing me, Sam!” She hadn’t been able to stop smiling that night. 
It was honestly rare that Sam had seen her leave the farm. She and Abigail hung out by the mines occasionally, and he’d see her on walks by the water. Sam just rarely saw her doing anything out of Pelican Town in the few months they’d known each other. He liked taking her out, taking her places with him. “N-No problem.” Feeling that same tossing in his stomach, for some reason his face felt hotter. Maybe it was just the room? 
If Sam thought the first half of the show was close quarters, he wasn’t ready for the second half. Pressing up tightly to Bella’s back as she jumped around was the hardest thing Sam had to endure. On one hand, Bella was safe and comfortable at the barricade, while Sam had to get knocked into continuously. On the other, every single movement against Sam’s dick was like the purest form of torture. It’s not like she was grinding into him, but every once in a while they’d make contact when Bella would start jumping around. Gritting his teeth through it, Sam stood strong. Even if he ached, feeling the slightest brush of her hair against him. Her perfume with hints of clove, brushing by him, was his own heaven. The only thing Sam could circle back to at that moment was the original question.
Was it a date? Sam really tried to focus on the band, but how could he? He’d tune in for a song, then get lost in thought, staring at the back of Bella’s head. The end of the show came quicker than he’d been paying attention. The encore was really just one song, then the whole night was over. Sam felt like an ass, once again, for letting his mind wander all night. Walking out of the venue, Sam stayed close behind Bella. He felt like he’d been a weird freak all night, he just watched her. Bella didn’t notice anything, she’d been talking about how great the show was all the way to the car. Sam bantered back, acting as if he had really watched the concert.
After finally making it to the car, everything sort of shifted. Bella felt a little shyer now that they were fully alone. “Um– Sam?” She asked, as Sam put his keys in to start the car. “Yeah, Bella?” He looked over to her, the radio in the car started playing some obnoxious radio song. The CD hadn’t been automatically reading, so he reached up to press the button. “Well, I just wanted to thank you for taking me on this date. I really had a lot of fun with you tonight.” 
Sam froze in place.
Date? It was a Date?
The annoying pop track played its repetitive tune. Sam was staring at Bella with a dumb look on his face. “It was a–?” He managed to catch himself before saying his first thought, “Right– Well, I just thought..” His extended hand toward the stereo retracted, holding the back of his neck to feel at any beads of sweat. “I just thought it was about time, y’know?” A goofy grin cracked on his face, feeling suddenly free of his worries. “Me too..” Bella had been messing with a strand of hair framing her face. “I really appreciate it, Sam. We should really do this again, okay?” She smiled again, softly. The fluorescent lights in the garage gave her an outer glow, a soft halo on her black hair. Sam had to look away before he forgot the route home. 
Still, a sort of tension lingered in the car. They talked like normal, joking about the show. They talked about typical things from the daily special at the saloon, to weather during the week. Sam considered for a moment that he was just being dense, not understanding the palpable pauses between each topic. Bella adjusted in her seat every few minutes, Sam could’ve sworn he caught her looking his way every few minutes. His energy was high from the concert’s atmosphere, so maybe his mind was just working overtime. 
Eventually, though, they made it to Bella’s home. Pulling in the same gravel driveway as a few hours prior. Sitting in silence for a moment, neither truly wanted the night to be over with. Bella finally offered though, “Sam, I think I might have a pizza in the house. If you’re hungry or something..” Bella played with the fabric of her beanie, now clutched in her lap. Her hair was slightly messed up from hat hair, but to Sam, she hardly looked imperfect. 
“Yeah, uh.. I don’t see why not.” Sam turned off the car a little too enthusiastically. Mentally high-fiving himself for making it this far. Considering how the situation started, he didn’t even think he’d be in a car with Bella. Let alone be on a date with Bella. It was only midnight, his mom knew he’d be back late, so Sam didn’t have any reason to say no. 
“Sorry if it’s a little messy, I don’t normally have people over..” She apologized, unlocking the door with a set of keys attached to a decorated keychain. Sam figured it would probably be cleaner than his room, and he was right in assumption. Bella was exaggerating. Only a couple of cups laid on the coffee table, a few sweatshirts and jackets were draped on one of the dining room tables, and burnt out candles littered the main living room. “It’s not messy, don’t worry.” Sam made sure to close the door behind him, only slightly jumping when a black cat ran through the house and towards the bedroom. 
Sam quickly followed Bella into the kitchen, where she was staring at the box of frozen pizza branded with JojaMart logos. “Have you had this before?” She asked with a pensive tone, looking over her shoulder and back at Sam standing in the doorway. He felt a knot in his throat. “Please, I think I’ve had every frozen pizza in the Joja aisles.” Sam tried to push past it, leaning on the dining table to keep himself from collapsing. 
“It says it’ll take 30 minutes, can you wait that long?” Bella set the box on the counter and turned to him. It was one of those fancier brands with a rising crust. “I could make us some sandwiches if you’re too tired, I know I’m already keeping you out pretty late..” Her lips pursed in thought, but Sam scrambled. “I-I can wait!” Bella began opening the box, and setting the frozen disk pizza onto the tin tray. Watching her preheat the oven, Sam felt his heart race. Two peers, in a house…alone. Sam hadn’t thought this far ahead. 
Sure, he’d kept a condom in his wallet, but that didn’t mean he just expected to get laid. He wasn’t that cocky. He understood that they were just two friends, fresh off an unexpected date. Two very available people that liked each other a considerable amount. Sam just knew the kind of guy that he was. He wasn’t the type to hold off if he wanted something. And god, did he want Bella. 
She turned around now, unaware of the horrible thoughts in Sam’s brain. He wondered if he should just go home. “Well, we’ve got a 30-minute wait… anything you wanna do while we wait?” Bella took a few steps closer, setting the flannel she was wearing on the kitchen table behind Sam. “You.” He felt tempted to say his desires out loud, but held himself firm. “Oh, I could just watch TV if you want.” He was lying, but it was late. Sam doubted that she was that into him. 
Following Bella into her living room, he took a spot on one end of her blue, velvet couch. Bella placed herself on the other side after getting the remote to her tiny television set. She sat forward, stiff as she tapped through channels, just trying to find something to fill their silence. The tension between the two was thick, Sam just tried to relax. Leaning back in his seat and getting comfortable. It was almost 11 at night, there was nothing to be worried about. As if the notorious early bird farmer Bella would stay up much later than 12. 
A couple of minutes passed, but Bella didn’t seem to relax. Sam kept stealing glances, but each time she would lock eyes with him. Her panic hidden as she looked back to the boring music documentary they landed on. “Are you comfortable?” Sam finally offered, figuring that it was an innocent question. Bella finally looked at him, “Um… Well…” She shifted in her seat, “I guess not, I just can’t rest after concerts..” Bella seemed almost embarrassed, “I just have such a hard time laying down..” 
Sam opened an arm at the instant. “C’mere then, I’ll show you how to relax, Bella.” He didn’t have bad intentions at all. Sebastian was the same way, you had to force him down to get any sleep after going through concert adrenaline. Sam had no problem getting cozy, he just wanted to help her out. 
He was more than surprised when she actually agreed to it, Bella gladly crawled over to lay on his chest. Sam positioned himself to lay along the couch, one hand behind his head to pad the hard arm of the couch. Bella just draped herself on the inside of the couch, pressed onto him, but hardly comfortable. She still felt like she wasn't quite comfortable, so Sam let a hand creep down and rub the space between her shoulders. A sigh released, and Bella let her guard down.
Sam’s hand continued to rub circles around her back, and Bella’s sighs became more frequent. Every shift she’d make against his thigh, every shudder as his hand shifted to her mid-back. He wasn’t sure what he was doing to make her react that way, but he’d always been told he had magic hands when it came to massages. “Are you still comfortable?” He asked again, not sure why he was whispering. Bella could hardly be heard as she softly moaned at his touch. Sam felt himself going insane as their eyes met. Her lashes fluttered, his heart could’ve given out at any time. 
It only took a second for Sam to realize what was actually going on. Bella moved up, now straddling him to the couch. A mere centimeter away from his lips as she felt her own hesitation. “Bella? C-Can we…” Sam started, but Bella cut him off. Their lips met with sparks under Sam’s skin. His hands drifted to her waist, rubbing slow circles with his thumb as their tongues mingled. One of Bella’s hands moved to his hair, lacing together with gelled, blonde strands. Even lightly brushed against his hair almost made him burst, but whatever Bella was doing to him made him weaker to the touch. 
Their kiss broke with Sam panting, holding on tighter with one hand on Bella’s waist. Basically guiding her to grind against the center of his crotch. “Ohhh… Oh god, Bella…” Sam couldn’t help begging for her, what else was he supposed to do with a beautiful woman on his dick? Her hips gyrated, moving forwards and back to tease at his quickly hardening cock. 
It’d been too long for Sam. He didn’t fool around as much as he had before Bella came to town, but she was enough to dedicate his life to a monogamous relationship. “Y-You’re so fucking good, holy shit…” He gasped as her hands trailed up his chest. Holding herself firm as she now stopped and held herself up. Moving down, she positioned herself between his legs. Sam propped himself up, sweaty and confused. Watching Bella lay on her stomach with a determined look in her eyes, she understood her intentions as she unbuckled his checkered belt. Her soft hands pulled down blue checkered boxers, taking in everything slowly. 
Sam’s ears were burning hot, he threw his head back to avoid her seeing his embarrassment. Bella, on the other hand, slid her hand around his cock with love. Licking her lips with anticipation as she took it all in. Gently kissing the blushing head of his cock, leaking precum and begging for more. Sam writhed under her, missing her lips after every sweet peck down the shaft. He begged, desperate for something that wasn’t a teasing kiss. Bella listened, smiling devilishly as she swept her long black hair behind her. 
Bella’s hands firmly stayed on Sam’s hips, making sure he wasn’t bucking too hard. Her mouth wrapped around him warmly, lowering slowly to halfway, then bobbing back up. “S-Shit..” Sam cursed, biting his lip to stop from exclusively swearing. His right hand gripped at the back of the couch, while his left hand trailed to Bella’s head. Softly petting as she moved with intention. Her big eyes looking up as if she wasn’t melting him with each move she made. 
“B-Bella slow down, Please-” She bobbed faster, and stopped teasing him. His hand now gripped in her hair, inky black strands lacing between his fingers. “Fuck- Fuck, you’re so good to me, Wh-” Sam’s rambling was cut short by his body near folding from her mouth hitting the base of his cock. Sam wasn’t monstrously lengthy, but he was still slightly longer than average. Aside from the fact that he wasn’t getting very many blowjobs, he’d just assumed deepthroating didn’t exist. Tortuously, she moved her mouth up, with her tongue pressed to the bottom of his shaft. Sam couldn’t keep his mouth closed. A mixture of her name, whimpering, and swears poured out as she worked her head up and down. His head pounded, a whooshing in his ears grew louder.
Without warning her, Sam crumpled under her. Cumming into her mouth, now holding onto her head gently to keep her still. Bella moaned, the vibrations only making him moan out louder as he bottomed out. She pulled herself off as his hands fell, a quiet ‘pop’ broke the humming in his head. As she got up and left towards the kitchen. He’d realized the timer started going off when Sam heard the creaking of her oven door. “Bella?” Sam called out, almost missing her after she left the room. A second later, Bella’s head peeked around the wall of the kitchen. “Do you still want pizza?” She acted like she hadn’t just been on his cock, like she still couldn’t taste him in her throat. 
“No, I think I want something else.” He propped himself up, smiling back at her. 
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nicolesainz · 9 months
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kiss kiss bang bang (SV5) - part 2 from “Tricks and champions”
Sebastian Vettel x f!reader
Author’s note: Thanks to the lovely comments I received from @maverick-mwah the seb one shot will have a second part. I dearly appreciate the love you showed for this fic!
Warnings: smut, minors dni, 18+, age gap, hints of fluff, major daddy issues, aftercare, taking her virginity, its pure porn!
Summary: After the wild ride you had with Seb, the visits at your house don't stop. Especially when your parents aren't home either. This leads Seb to control you since vulnerability has taken over.
My parents decided to fly away to Spain for the week in order to celebrate their anniversary. It's very sweet that my father still deeply cares about mum after all these years of marriage. That's how all couples should be.
People my age, having an empty house like mine, would definitely use it in order to invite friends and party until very early the next morning. Or get fully wasted with a mix of drinks. Which was my original plan. And yet, I don't really regret how things turned out.
The first night being alone sled by lonely and boring. I ordered some food and had a marathon of The Office, followed by a small concert with all of Taylor Swift's songs. In an empty house, almost in the middle of nowhere in Germany, activities are limited. Or so I thought.
"You need to come to the party. Don't be a buzzkill now." My best friend said over the phone as I was cleaning the mess of a room I have. I usually am up for any available party but I just wasn't in the mood. I would rather drink my feelings away than dress up in uncomfortable heels.
"Sorry bae, not in the mood. Plus, I am feeling a bit unwell. Probably was the Chinese food I had last night." This was a lie, obviously. I was perfectly fine, plainly bored.
"Do you want me to come over? Do you need any help girl?" There's an apparent worry in her voice, which I am trying to dodge very quickly.
"Thank you lovely but I will be alright. Go have fun and text me if anything occurs." I reassure her genuinely touched with her worry.
"I will but if you need me for anything I will rush to you. Take care y/n." We exchange our goodbyes and hang up.
It's a very gloomy day and the house is very quiet. Going to this party was probably my only chance to hook up with someone just to remove Sebastian from my thoughts. Which has become impossible after the ride we had two weeks ago.
After the tricks in the circuit, wherever I look, he is there. Either in real life or in my imagination. I imagine him inside the shower with me, in between my thighs, on my bed.
Literally fucking everywhere.
Last week, at the annual Sunday dinner my family hosts with Sebastian, he was caressing my thigh under the table, as he was casually chatting with my father. It was probably a bad idea to wear that short skirt.
I decide to take matters into my own hands and fully clear out my bed, lay a towel, light up some vanilla scented candles and finish the job by myself so I can take off the thought of Sebastian from my mind.
I put on a complication of his 'dirtiest' team radios where he curses every time either in English or German, dropping sexual hints while he is frustrated.
I plug in my AirPods and put the video on replay until I manage to finish. I put some lube on my fingers and start rubbing it against my pussy. The moment Seb's voice echoes inside my ears, I feel a wave of pleasure taking over me, as slight groans come out of my mouth.
Along with Sebastian's voice, I moan some 'fuck'' and 'shit' as I slide and pump my fingers inside my wet self in a faster pace. My womanhood clenches around my fingers although the desperation in my voice shows how needy I am of Sebastian.
"Jesus Seb." I let out during the thought that my fingers are Sebastian's, pushing me to my limits.
I open my eyes slightly only to be met with a blurry figure of a blonde haired man. I was so obsessed with Sebastian that I was hallucinating.
And yet I wasn't.
He was indeed in the room.
Watching me masturbate with the help of his voice.
I panicked instantly and pulled the covers on top of my body, trying to hide from the feeling of embarrassment and Sebastian's gawking eyes that were scanning me from head to toe.
"So when the cats are away, the mice come out and play. Or in your case, simply come." He jokes around with a massive smirk plastered on his face.
"I-it's not what it looks like, I was, uh" I didn't know how to excuse my actions.
"And yet it so is what it looks like." He rolls his eyes but immediately looks back at me, licking his lips.
"Okay fine, you caught me in a vulnerable moment. I have needs but no boyfriend to satisfy me. I would've gone to a party just to release my frustration but better safe than sorry." I don't know why I said all those things to Sebastian but for some reason I open up to him more easily.
Literally and figuratively.
"So it was very difficult for you to think of me, right?" He exclaims but quickly silences himself as the audio from my phone hasn't paused and the cursing is loud and clear.
He looks around the room to see from where this sound is coming from and when he notices I am trying to mute my phone, he grabs it from my hands and takes a lot at the content amused.
"So you were thinking of me. Just not calling me but simply replacing me."
Sebastian kneeled down to my height and removed the covers from my legs. My panties were still wrapped around my thighs and small hints of wetness were apparent. No shame took over me. Which was oddly weird.
"You know I am here for you if you ever need me, baby. For anything." He positions my body right in front of his face, looking me deeply into my eyes with such innocence, yet I knew that none of his following actions were gonna be the same.
"It's not right Sebastian. You're twice my age and a friend of my father's. You are a person I admire, not someone I should be thinking of in that way." That was the moment where I felt truly ashamed of myself but with a few words, Sebastian made me feel like what was going to happen between us is the most right thing in the world.
"Admiring someone doesn't necessarily mean you can't love them or want them in any other way. I know the kind of girl you are, Y/n. You've literally confessed to me your entire love life, pleading for a man that will treat you right and be there for you."
I didn't know if I wanted to cry or smile at his words. I was right there in front of him, spread legs and needy of a mans touch. He barely looked down at my womanhood or removed his eyes from mine. I needed a man who could bring the best of both worlds.
He was right in front of me.
"I need you Seb. Madly. I can't get you out of my head. Help me." I cooed softly, my desperation is clearly showing more than it should.
"All I will ask is, are you willing to let me take care of your need 100% dear? Because there is no going back after that." The fact that he asked me for reassurance and didn't throw himself at me the moment I begged him, proved to me that no man can be like Sebastian.
"I trust you blindly." I put my forehead softly against his and he instantly captures my lips into a soft kiss, full of reassurance, trust and emotion. His hands are on the sides of my thighs, holding against them firmly and climbing on top of my body feeling more of his warmth.
Sebastian's piercing blue eyes focus on the rhythm of my breathing that is being patterned on the mannerism the way by breasts bounce up and down. I can feel myself blushing given that no matter how many men have looked this tensely at me, only he can cause butterflies to my stomach.
With one arm, he removes his t-shirt, revealing a very well fitted 36 year old on whose body I want to lay my hands on and worship like he is a greek god. I softly trace the V-line on top of his belt and the kiss becomes even more tense with a simple touch.
"You don't know what you're doing to me." He mumbles against my lips as he is trying to unbuckle his belt and get rid of the trousers that are hiding from my sight the hardened erection I caused.
"Then show me." I so easily say, yet I don't know the mix of pain and pleasure I am about to experience because of my actions. Sebastian grunts and with my help, his trousers are on the floor and I can feel against my wet unclothed pussy his erected cock.
Sebastian breaks the kiss and stands up, in the process of which he is picking me up as well. My breathing becomes harder as he takes my top off and now we are semi naked in front of each other. Only a few barriers which in a few seconds are gone. I strap off my bra slowly, revealing my breast to his sight.
"You are beautiful. Absolutely mesmerising. My god" he sighs and kneels in front of me. I am absolutely shocked by what he is doing. I feel his hands holding firmly my thighs and in matters of seconds his lips on my pussy, eating me up like a starved man. His tongue flicking against my clit, sending euphoric vibration at my entire body.
"Fuck, Seb" I moan uncontrollably as he keeps feasting on the juices that are covering my womanhood and his jaw. My fingers tangle on his blonde curls, pulling them slightly as I am trying with all my willpower not to crush his face with my trembling thighs.
My head falls back and my moans become louder and louder as Sebastian slowly removes his his mouth from my pussy and slams it against mine, while inserting his index and middle finger inside my wetness.
"So innocent and yet you're clenching around my fingers like a needy whore." His fingers are pumping inside me in quite a fast pace but just the perfect one to send me into fucking oblivion. My fingers are scratching his back like a wild animal.
"I need to cum, Seb, please." I have never begged anyone for anything in my life and yet, another first time of mine had just been ticked off the box with the help of Sebastian. He applies a bit more pressure to my very swollen pussy, by using his thumb to play along with my clit.
"Then do so baby. All over my fingers." The moment he says it, I release immediately along with a tense groan from both of us. God that felt amazing. Sebastian grabs me back, laying me on the bed, knees weaker than wooden sticks but surely needy for more.
"I need you to be fully sure of what is about to happen darling. Allow me?" My heart drops to my stomach with his words. A few minutes ago he was fucking me with his fingers with such ease and now he is asking for permission.
Best of both worlds.
"There is no man on this earth I trust more than you, Seb. Yes, I am fully aware." I reply with a kind smile on my face, reassuring him that he is the only man I need and want.
His lips connect with mine once more, although this time the kiss was more meaningful than anything. It was me showing Sebastian that I trust him with something so sacred and fragile but something I would only want him to have.
His fingers are toying with my nipples while his mouth is occupied with my neck, trying to leave as many hickies humanly possible. I do not mind at all, though I will need many formulas of makeup to hide his mess.
"Can I touch you?" I quietly ask him as he still was wearing his underwear that were trying to hold on his frustrated cock. I was so afraid of asking him such a thing even though it wouldn't be my first time touching a man.
"Your touch is what I am craving." He grabs my hand and places it on top of his edged bulge that wants to be taken care of. Having his confirmation, I remove the barrier, the boxers, in swift movements, with his cock springing out.
I wrap my hands around his erection, feeling the hints of pre cum on the tip, I spread the minimum liquid all over, pumping him slowly and teasingly sliding him through my wet folds, causing him to moan on the crook of my neck.
"Jesus baby. I need you." He blurts out and my excitement reaches extremely high levels. When I feel Seb's body lowering on me, I remove my hands from his cock and hold on against his butt. In very slow movements, Sebastian slides himself inside me, as softly as he can, whilst I am trying to adjust to his size.
Sebastian has filled me up entirely and my pussy has been stretched to its limits. He tried to play safe at first with slow trusts that would help him find my sweet spot. Tears of exhaustion and pleasure were covering my eyes.
Suddenly, he picks up the pace, thrusting harder into me, pushing my limits to the maximum and earning multiple moans of his name along the way. The room smells sex. The air smells sex. He and I smell like sex.
"Oh my Seb." I moan as if there is no tomorrow, shamelessly, giving him the satisfaction of achieving to make the first time of a woman better than half of the female's population. Not even better. Heavenly good.
"This is for you. All for you my good girl."
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embrosegraves · 9 months
𝕊𝕚𝕥 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕄𝕖
(request) Sebastian Vettel x Reader  The reader just wants to spend time with their boyfriend  Cuddles! Lots of them!
Warnings: None! I love these fluffy requests so much omg
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It wasn’t often that Sebastian was home for the week. Usually during the mid year break you would both go for a holiday in some other country, and during the end of year break you would be spending only a few weeks in Switzerland before going to England so that he could be closer to Aston Martin’s HQ. This was the routine ever since you and Seb had started dating during his RedBull days.
If there was ever any down time between races, you insisted on going straight to where the next race was being hosted, no matter how long it was until the next race, because you liked being organised and Seb just liked making you happy. 
It was mid January and you had both gotten to England only three days ago. Seb had been in his office for at least far too many hours today and while you were fine on your own, you wanted to spend some of your time with him before his schedule would pick up for the year. 
Quietly peeking your head through his office door, you called out for his attention. 
“Sebby?” you whispered. 
He looked up from the desk and smiled when he saw you. He always smiled when he looked at you. You were his favourite thing to look at. 
“Yes, Liebe?” 
You loved it when he used sweet pet names with you. Especially when they were in his mother tongue. They made you feel extra special. 
“Can I spend some time in here? I just want to be around you for a bit.” 
If anyone were to ask you what you thought was the one thing that kept your relationship as strong as it was, you would tell them that the best thing you both had done for your relationship was being completely honest with each other. You had agreed pretty early on that you would always speak your mind to the other person so that there was no chance of things being miscommunicated. It was your biggest peeve in your previous relationship and you would always thank the stars that Sebastian had agreed on the unnecessity of being vague with a romantic partner. 
“Of course, Blume. I would be delighted with your company.” 
Sebastian prided himself on always making himself available for you. He never wanted you to feel like you were second fiddle to his racing career. If his schedule was jam packed with things to do, he would go out of his way to spend at least an hour of his day with you. An hour that was not allocated to sleeping or waking up. 
He watched as you quietly entered the room, even though there was no need to be quiet. Seeing you look around the room for somewhere to put yourself while he worked, an idea came to his head. 
“C’mere, you can sit on my lap until I’m done.” He held his hand out for you to grab as you came around the side of his desk. You would never give up an opportunity to sit with him. 
Pushing the chair back so you could sit down, he guided you to sit facing him, with your legs on either side of his. Once you were comfortable, you wrapped your arms around his waist and nuzzled your head into his neck. As you settled he gave a kiss to your head before scooting back towards his desk, one hand rubbing your back and the other flipping pages of development data for him to read over before he went to HQ in the morning. 
You spent 2 hours like this just enjoying the close proximity and presence of your lover. These were the times you treasured the most. It didn’t matter that Seb’s legs had fallen asleep 30 minutes in, and it didn’t matter that your arms were a little sore between his back and the chair. What mattered was spending time with each other. 
What mattered was the fact that no matter how hectic the rest of the year got, you would always have a place to rest on Sebastian’s lap.
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I'm actually so in love with this because it's just so simple, yet so?? Cute? Adorable? Am I just naming synonyms?? Anyway, It's a little shorter that what I've posted previously but I wanted to keep it sweet and simple.
I hope you all enjoyed and are having a wonderful holiday season!
requests, likes and reblogs are ALWAYS appreciated xx
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bon2bonn · 10 months
This City
2022!F1 grid X female!driver!reader
Daniel Ricciardo, Lando Norris, Max Verstappen, Carlos Sainz, Charles leclerc X female!driver!reader.
Words count : 1.2k
*the song belongs to : Sam fisherr , and the version I chose features Anne Marie , it's one of my favourites, and in a way it reflects how the female!driver felt through her 22 season and I saw that it fits with both Charles struggles with Ferrari through 23 , and Danny's through his journey after red bull till he went back in 23 , so I hope you enjoy it ✨. If you have anything to say, add or thoughts on this au! share let me know .
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*First side/extra chapter of Weathering Your Storm au! (WYS) ✨
Lando sat back as he returned from refilling his drink for the second time that evening , the chatter of his friends going around him as they conversed and joked with eachother , not long ago they had dinner , all of those who could attend argued on who'll do the dishes and he unfortunately lost the rock paper scissors to both Daniel and Max, along with Charles who lost to Carlos and y/n . Both of them grumpled under their breath as y/n (the host for the night) teased them about breaking her dishes .
Their monthly dinner started off as a spontaneous get-together but extended to turn into an ongoing tradition , everyone took turn to host it once a month for whoever is available to attend , hosting or going out in lando's case (he almost burned his house down, twice) except for Christmas where it's almost mandatory to attend the end of year dinner .
This month it's y/n's turn and she did not disappoint, a decent homemade meal along with desert's and everyone's favourite drink of choice . now they scattered around catching up on what's everyone is up to , Carlos and Charles along with Max, Daniel and himself were the ones who stayed back as Seb , Lewis , Mick ,Lance , Pierre and yuki left earlier all having flights to catch the next day , but the rest opting to stay and enjoy the rest of the night night .
After few drinks Charles took a seat at her Grande piano, playing some tunes but still engaged in a conversation with Max and Carlos , arguing while they both shook their heads in denial, Daniel had his guitar (that he always leave at her place and she'd always jokingly say that she'd sell it to a junk yard if he keeps on leaving it behind) strumming it mindlessly as he and y/n who sat next to him with her feet kicked up on the table before them were talking about something that Danny nods at , his eyes are focused on her as she went on explaining before turning to Charles who started off a new tune getting his attention along with the others as he called "I know this song" before humming for a moment then strumming the stings following up the tune Charles started .
He turned to y/n who started humming along to the music stopping to nudge her to sing along "com'on , it's one of your favourites " , she shook her head " I can't sing to save my life" he gave her an eye roll scoffing as he say " you keep saying that but we all know that not true , and anyone who can sing better than lando is a great singer " earning a cushion to the head from the offended driver as everyone around fell into a fit of laughter agreeing to Daniel statement , but also ushering their friends to sing . As she finally obliged they restarted from the top . Lando took it as a chance to set his phone on one of the shelves adjusting the angle to get everyone in the frame " I'll send it to the group chat later" before sitting down .
Daniel started the first verse softly :
"I've been seeing lonely people in crowded rooms
Covering the old heart breaks with new tattoos
It's all about small screens and cigarettes
Looking through low lights at silhouettes
But all I see is lonely people in crowded rooms"
Nodding at her to start the chorus along with him :
" This city is gonna break my heart
This city is gonna love me then leave me alone
This city is got me chasing stars
It's been a couple months since I felt like I'm home
Am I getting closer to knowing where I belong ?
This city is gonna break my heart
She's always gonna break your heart"
Letting her carry on with the second verse :
"Monday through Friday I don't do so well
I wanna call you but I stop myself
And you're the only one I wanna run to , yeah
Cause I've been drinking lately , so I forget
Wondering what this place will give me next
Cause all I see are lonely people with broken hearts"
This time Charles joined in the chorus all three sang in harmony :
" oh This city is gonna break my heart
This city is gonna love me then leave me alone
This city is got me chasing stars
It's been a couple months since I felt like I'm home
Am I getting closer to knowing where I belong ?
This city is gonna break my heart
She's always gonna break your heart".
Her and Daniel joined together in the third verse :
" She's got a hold on me
I got a hold on you
She got me wrapped round her fingers
Yeah, yeah , yeah
She got a hold on me
I got a hold on you
She got me wrapped round her fingers".
She hit every high note with ease as everyone joined them in singing the last chorus :
"This city is gonna break my heart
This city is gonna love me then leave me alone
This city is got me chasing stars
It's been a couple months since I felt like I'm home
Am I getting closer to knowing where I belong?
This city is gonna break my heart
She's always gonna break your heart
I didn't mean to break your Heart"
Letting Danny strum the last note before adding softly:
"I didn't mean to break it ".
They all applaused at the end whooping and whistling as she joined them before covering her face as they turned to her with compliments and praise , groaning into her hands as lando passed her to grab his phone back .
Danny nudged her with a playful smile " if racing didn't turn out well , we could flip a coin and start a band , what do you say ?" she shoved him away "like hell I'd let anyone hear me sing in public!" Then turning to lando who looked like he saw a ghost tilting her head in question" what's wrong?" For him to look at her with guilt then showing her his screen that displayed an Insta live going with her own face now looking back at her , with comments flooding the side of the screen , frowning for a second trying to process what occurred before snapping her head to lando in disbelief , the rest came to take a look in curiousity all fitting in frame as comments rolled up before turning to lando who backed up in attempt to flee the scene .
The screen shook before it changed to Carlos holding the phone along with Max both trying to shut the live down (more like them reading comments and greeting fans instead) , lando is seen screaming for his life in the background where he got tackled by y/n on his way to the door , Danny and Charles trying to prey her off his back .
Max turned to them after reading some comments a hand on his hip as he called aloud over lando's screaming "y/n! Seb said You can't kill him , the live is still on! " Carlos added a second after "Fernando said do it" turning back to the screen right before it's turned off.
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miniwrites1 · 2 years
seb x fem!reader where reader pushes solomon out of the way and gets hit with sebastians avada kedavra 😔
Avada Kadavra - Sebastian Sallow
Word Count - 750
Theme - Angst
Warning - Death
Inferi were everywhere, circling around the fight that Sebastian and his uncle were engaged in. (Y/N)’s spells were having some effect, considering at the start there had been close to thirty, there were now only a few remaining.
(Y/N) sighed, becoming out of breath from the number of spells she’d cast trying to get rid of them but she knew she needed to put an end to this.
“Sebastian!” She called out to no avail; he was too engaged in fighting Solomon. Continuing to fight, finally the last of the Inferi were taken care of. She pushed her hair out of her face, running over to help diffuse the fight between Sebastian and his uncle.
“You need to stop Sebastian! It’s gone too far now!” (Y/N) yelled, going unheard over the sounds of spells being fired back and forth between the two. Out of the corner of her eye, (Y/N) spotted Solomon be thrown by one of Sebastian’s spells that he was unable to block. Sebastian paused for a moment, contemplating his next move.
As Solomon pushed himself up from the floor, Sebastian’s eyes seemed to darken. (Y/N)’s stomach sank, knowing what he was going to do. Sebastian wasn’t afraid to use an unforgivable if he felt that he needed to. As he gripped his wand tighter and took aim at Solomon, adrenaline began to flow through (Y/N)’s veins.
“Sebastian! No!” (Y/N) yelled, sprinting to get to Solomon before Sebastian could cast the curse.
“Avada Kedavra!” Sebastian yelled.
“No!” She yelled, crashing into Solomon’s side as Sebastian cast his final curse. Silence fell across the room. Sebastian saw Solomon hit the floor, groaning as he landed, his eyes quickly glancing between the two bodies on the floor. Solomon pushed himself into a sitting position, noticing the lifeless body laid in front of him.
Your eyes were closed, mouth slightly agape.
“Sebastian, what have you done?” Solomon spoke quietly, shocked at the scene in front of him. (Y/N)’s lifeless body on the floor, seeming almost peacefully asleep. Sebastian rushed over, turning her over and placing his ear to her chest. Silence.
“No, no it can’t be, I can’t have done this. Please don’t leave me. I love you.” Sebastian was yelling, pleading (Y/N) to wake up. He shook her shoulders slightly, looking for any reaction, tears beginning to spill down his cheeks. Solomon looked on at his nephew.
“Get away from her.” Solomon said icily. Sebastian didn’t respond, continuing to cling to (Y/N)’s lifeless body. His tears had began to roll off of his cheeks, creating small damp patches on her robes.
Solomon grabbed Sebastian’s collar, dragging him away as he protested, trying to claw his way back to where (Y/N) laid.
With a crack, Anne apparated in to the catacomb, immediately spotting the three of you. Her mouth dropped open in a silent gasp. (Y/N)’s body on the floor, Sebastian with tears flowing and Solomon trying to keep hold of him.
“Anne. Take her back to Hogwarts.” Solomon said sternly. Anne nodded solemnly, grasping hold of (Y/N)’s hand and quickly apparating away. She’d landed just outside of the main gates, students milling around as they were on their way to Hogsmeade, completely unaware of what had just happened. Anne grabbed the first student that she saw, a startled first year.
“Go and find a professor. Now.” She stated firmly, feeling her eyes sting. Anne had liked (Y/N) since the first time she’d met her. The first year nodded shakily before taking off back inside of the school grounds. A few minutes later the first year returned, followed by Professor Weasley.
A look of confusion and dread spread across Professor Weasley’s face at seeing (Y/N)’s lifeless body. Her lips pursed together as if she was trying to think of what to say.
“Sebastian murdered her.” Anne stated, her own tears flowing now. Her brother was a murderer. Professor Weasley gasped, a small crowd had gathered now, trying to understand what the commotion was. It was soon broken by the sound of another apparation.
Solomon had Sebastian by the arm, dragging him towards the school gates before pushing him to the floor. Professor Weasley took one look at Sebastian’s guilt-ridden face; it confirmed what she didn’t want to believe. More professors arrived, expressing the same shocked and heart broken look at the thought that one student could do this to another.
“Professor Sharp, Professor Ronen, please take Mr Sallow to the headmaster’s office.” Professor Weasley spoke softly. She’d never expected this to happen, not to a student.
(Y/N) was gone.
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ivettel · 1 year
getting that good wood - info post!
hullo! so this info is all from goodwood's site, but i thought i'd consolidate a couple relevant events/times for seb fans to watch out for—y'know, the whole where and when shtick!
<< WHERE >>
if you do not have tickets to attend in person: the 2023 goodwood festival of speed will be streamed live on their youtube channel! you can find their channel HERE.
the livestream schedule is as follows:
Thursday - 09:20 BST
Friday - 08:30 BST
Saturday - 08:30 BST
Sunday -08:30 BST
with the exception of thursday (which is just an hour later), 8:30 BST translates to...
eastern time - 3:30
central time (US) - 9:30
central european time - 2:30
pacific time - 12:30
philippines - 15:30 (3:30 PM)
australian eastern standard - 17:30 (5:30 PM)
if you have access to ITV1: the festival will be shown on saturday at 11:15 BST and sunday at 13:30 BST, with highlights available on itv4 the week after.
<< WHEN >>
goodwood is next weekend, from thursday (july 13) to sunday (july 16). seb has been confirmed for appearances on both saturday and sunday, but he might be there thursday and friday as well to check out the festivities!
you can find the full timetable HERE.* more details under the cut!
*please note that this information is NOT final and may be subject to last-minute changes, but for the most part (a week out from the event, when this post is being written) should be accurate
saturday, july 15
seb has an interview scheduled for 14:45 (2:45 PM) BST!
eastern time - 9:45
central time (US) - 8:45
central european time - 15:45 (3:45 PM)
pacific time - 6:45
philippines - 21:45 (9:45 PM)
australian eastern standard - 23:45 (11:45 PM)
goodwood only says he's slated to drive from his collection, including nigel mansell’s williams fw14b and ayrton senna’s 1993 mclaren mp4/8. so a POTENTIAL event he might drive in is goodwood 75 at 14:05 (2:05 PM) BST
description: experience the rich history and unparalleled excitement of motorsport at goodwood, re-living the most exciting and iconic moments from the past 75 years.
eastern time - 9:05
central time (US) - 8:05
central european time - 15:05 (3:05 PM)
pacific time - 6:05
philippines - 21:05 (9:05 PM)
australian eastern standard - 23:05 (11:05 PM)
sunday, july 16
again, these are only potential events he might drive in!
there's another showing of goodwood 75 at 8:30 BST.
eastern time - 3:30
central time (US) - 2:30
central european time - 9:30
pacific time - 12:30
philippines - 15:30 (3:30 PM)
australian eastern standard - 17:30 (5:30 PM)
and the famous goodwood shootout at 14:00 (2:00 PM) BST
description: the weekend reaches its thrilling climax as motorsport greats fight for the top spot in the timed shootout.
eastern time - 9:00
central time (US) - 8:00
central european time - 15:00 (3:00 PM)
pacific time - 6:00
philippines - 21:00 (9:00 PM)
australian eastern standard - 23:00 (11:00 PM)
and finally, yet another goodwood 75 at 16:30 (4:30 PM) BST.
eastern time - 11:30
central time (US) - 10:30
central european time - 17:30 (5:30 PM)
pacific time - 8:30
philippines - 23:30 (11:30 PM)
australian eastern standard - 1:30 (MONDAY JUL. 17)
no idea what exactly he's going to participate in (save for the interview), so if you have the time to watch all weekend, u might catch him elsewhere in the official stream! but these are the most likely events i could think of, for those who might be busy or only want to pay attention to what he might be doing.
that all said, i encourage people to watch other events at goodwood if possible! it's a fun event and there's lots of cool people scheduled to make an appearance :)
if i missed anything, do feel free to let me know!
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sunnyrealist · 1 month
Chapter 56: Keep Me Close
The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars
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Summary and Details…
Previous Chapter Recap/Context: Sebastian wrote a letter to Ominis, contacting him for the first time in nearly a decade in hopes of reconnecting and learning about Anne's final years and marriage. Unfortunately, Kate's owl returned a day later with the same letter Sebastian had sent out. He was devastated, assuming that Ominis didn't want anything to do with him post-Azkaban. Kate and Sebastian discussed it over a hot cup of tea. He decided he would still attempt to contact Ruby, his close friend from his fifth year at Hogwarts. In this chapter, we see Seb's final day off of work from the DMLE, in which he sends the letter; in addition, he arranges for some romantic surprises for Kate, and takes part in a portrait session with her.
Pairing: 25-year-old, post-Azkaban Sebastian Sallow x 24-year-old Kate Mayflower (my OC), the assistant librarian at Hogwarts
Art Credit: @giselsann-opencommissions made all three of these gorgeous portraits.
Content warnings: In general, this is rated 18+, so minors should not read or interact with this story. This chapter is overall pretty sweet and romantic, but there's a brief mention of making love.
The full chapter is available below the cut; it can also be found on AO3 (link is posted below). Please leave some feedback if possible, especially if you like what you read! 🥰
Chapter 56: Keep Me Close
The next afternoon, Sebastian amends his letter to Ruby to inform her that he was unable to contact Ominis. Maybe she would have some news to share on that front, or maybe she would ignore his correspondence entirely. He wouldn’t know unless he tried, and with the disappointment of Ominis’ silence, he figured it couldn’t hurt much more to take another blow. 
He had taken far worse.
“I’m so sorry about last time, Hootie,” he murmurs soothingly to Kate’s owl, holding up the letter. “Hopefully this won’t be a repeat. I’ve got a field mouse right here as a special treat for your trouble, just in case.” 
Hootie makes an excited noise, chomping onto the dead mouse’s tail and then accepting the letter in his talons.
“Please bring this to Ruby McKinnon.”
Sebastian sighs nervously as the snowy owl takes off, not sure if it is worth the effort to hope.
It had been a busy morning. 
Kate had informed him, without a hint of exaggeration, that it would take her a great deal of time to prepare for their portrait session, and that she did not want him to see her until she was completely ready. It was clear she planned to pull out all the stops when it came to her clothing, accessories, hair, and perhaps even makeup. 
Sebastian knew getting ready would not take him all that long, so he threw himself into rewriting Ruby’s letter and he had gone into town to “run some errands.” Kate hadn’t questioned him at all, which was perfect. 
He smiles, pulling the custom gold locket out of his pocket to admire it. 
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The jeweler had made quick work of the engraving, and Sebastian was quite impressed. He definitely planned to return there for future purchases… and perhaps to sell future treasure. He and Kate would have more adventures - of that he was certain. With the money he kept from the centuries-old jewelry and precious uncut gems he sold, he was also sure that he would likely be back to buy more gifts for Kate. Christmas, Valentine’s Day, her birthday next year… and maybe even surprises in between.
He had also stopped at the Three Broomsticks to make a reservation for a private room on an upper level.
A few moments later, Sebastian knocks on the bathroom door. “Kate - how much more time do you need in there? I still have to shower.”
“Oh!” was her response from behind the door. “Erm… I’ll be moving into the bedroom in just a few minutes, but I’ll still need time in there, too.”
He chuckles. “That’s fine. I’ll lay out my clothes in the study now so that I don’t disturb you.”
“Okay. Tell me when you’re done, and I’ll sneak back into the room,” she requests. 
“Not a problem,” he replies, finding her secretive preparation amusing. He heads right into the bedroom to grab his new tailored suit and undergarments. 
About an hour later, Sebastian is ready. He strolls into the bathroom to view himself in the mirror and to make sure his hair is still mostly cooperating. 
His eyebrows shoot up as he examines himself in the black formal evening suit. He has never seen himself dressed in such… fancy clothing. For his entire life, he never had a need for this kind of attire. He fixes a stray hair, then straightens the tan vest. 
Though he feels a bit out of his element, Sebastian has to admit to himself that he looks good. 
“Almost ready, Kate?” he calls out towards the bedroom.
“Just a few more minutes!” Kate answers. “I’ll come out soon - I promise!”
Sebastian chuffs under his breath and figures he ought to find a way to pass the time. He wanders into the living room and sits, then thinks better of it. He doesn’t want to wrinkle the suit before pictures are taken. 
He wanders towards a shelf with books, reading off some of the titles, none of which he recognizes. Emma, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, Little Women, Jo’s Boys, Wuthering Heights, Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus, The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing… Likely all Muggle books. He pulls out the only title he recognizes - Homer’s Epics: The Iliad and The Odyssey, flipping through the pages to view the illustrations of the ancient Greek gods and goddesses and fierce mortal warriors, lingering on a picture of Odysseus reuniting with Penelope in Ithaca. He’s about to continue on, when he finally realizes he is being stared at.
“Hi,” Kate says shyly, poking her head around the corner. “I’m ready.”
Sebastian immediately shelves the book, then watches her step out, his jaw dropping unironically. He swallows, his eyebrows lifting and pupils dilating.
She looks like an angel. A golden angel.
Kate’s hair is arranged elegantly, half up and half down with soft, blonde curls flowing to her waist. A light dusting of makeup is on her face, showing off curled eyelashes, rosy lips, and a glowing complexion. She’s wearing golden earrings and a golden necklace that perfectly compliment her golden gown, which perfectly accentuates her figure. There are delicate straps on her shoulders and additional wider sleeves that hang just off her shoulders in a gauzy fabric that flows across the top of the bodice. Just a touch of cleavage is visible. The bodice features embroidered golden leaves. In the center of the neckline, the leaves form a kind of flower. The gown hugs her waist, and then the skirt flows out, sweeping the floor with a ruched fabric trim. The skirt features many embroidered leaves in various earth tones, connected by vines. Her shoes are hard to see, but the light yellow shoes poke out just enough that he can see a shiny little accent bow on each.
“You- You look… stunning,” Sebastian stammers, his face getting red. “Gods… you are gorgeous.”
Kate blushes, her cheeks turning a little pink. “Thank you.” She eyes Sebastian up and down, then adds, “And you are incredibly handsome. The formalwear suits you. You look very dapper.” She takes a few steps towards him and kisses his cheek.
Sebastian tells her in a serious tone, “I mean it. You look absolutely beautiful. I don’t think… I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone as beautiful as you.”
Kate smiles, basking in the compliment for a moment. Then, she says, “We should probably apparate. I’d hate to see our clothes get dirty on a walk.”
“Agreed. Let’s go.”
Sebastian had never been inside of a portrait studio. Whenever his family had had pictures taken in the past, a photographer had always come to their home. His parents were proud of their house and always wanted it featured in mementos. 
The photographer was skilled and prepared, with backdrops and furniture ready. He assured the couple that their portraits would be in color and available in just about an hour. That was new. Sebastian had always remembered the development process taking weeks, if not over a month. Kate inquired about new advancements in America that her friends had written about. Lottie and Otty had been able to take moving photographs, just like paintings could be enchanted to do. It became a long conversation, with the photographer excitedly chattering about the intricate spellwork and materials that were supposedly required and that perhaps in a year or so, moving photos would be available in Europe.
About to leave, they finish up by confirming the number of prints and sizes for each. They step out, but Sebastian stops and says, “Oh, wait, I forgot something,” ducking back into the studio on his own.
“Excuse me… I wanted to make another request if I could. I would also like a small portrait of my girlfriend - pocket size. And… also a portrait of myself and our portrait as a couple made for a locket in this size,” he requests, showing the locket to the photographer, who nods in understanding. “I’ll come back later for the prints. It’s for a surprise.”
“This… is lovely. And such a wonderful surprise,” Kate murmurs, dabbing her cloth napkin over her lips. 
Sebastian admires her across the table, their private dinner illuminated by candlelight and accompanied by soft music from a gramophone. He refills their wine and tucks back into their meal of roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, buttery dinner rolls, with a medley of seasoned carrots and green beans. 
Kate sips the Pinot Noir. “Did you know this is my favorite meal?”
He smiles. “You told me when we were hiking in the Highlands.”
Kate gazes at him, raising an eyebrow. “So… What is the occasion? It’s clearly an occasion. I’ve never dined in a private room here, and you’ve arranged my favorite meal.” 
Sebastian replies, “I wanted to end my week off of work perfectly with you.” He pauses, studying her reaction. “It has been… the happiest week of my entire life. Being with you… makes me feel complete. And after all that has happened, all that we have learned, moving in together… Well, a celebration was in order.” 
“It truly has been wonderful,” she agrees. “Thank you for arranging everything. Our trip was a fascinating experience, and… I’m excited to live with you and… experience all that lies ahead. I love you, Sebastian.”
“And I love you,” he echoes, “so deeply, Kate. You’re my sunshine. You’re all that is good in the world, and… I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you as my… future wife.”
Their eyes meet, both of them smiling.
Sebastian glances at his pocketwatch. “I know this might seem a bit silly, but… I am so anxious to see the photographs. Do you mind if I quickly apparate over to the studio after I order dessert and settle the bill? We can look at them here.”
Kate grins even more widely. “By all means, yes. I can’t wait to see them.”
Once they finish up with their dinner, Sebastian heads downstairs to order a blackberry crumble for them to share, which he was told would pair excellently with the Pinot Noir. He pays the bill. Then, he ducks out of the restaurant to head to the studio.
After a refreshing dessert, they finally are ready to look at the portraits. Sebastian scoots his chair right next to Kate, handing the envelope to her. 
She carefully opens the packaging, and the first portrait she pulls out is the portrait of them as a couple. She gasps upon seeing it. They are seated at a bench with the backdrop of a garden. Kate was given a matching parasol as a prop, and the two of them smile, appearing to read a book together with Sebastian leaning in, their foreheads practically touching.
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The next portrait is of Kate. The photographer had asked her to pose for a close-up, insisting this was the most current fashionable style - it would make the subject appear glamorous, soft, and romantic. The photo features her from the bust and above. Her hair is flowing and is voluminous. She rests her hand on her cheek. Sebastian whistles.
“A goddess,” he murmurs.
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Finally, the portrait of Sebastian is revealed. He is seated on a chair, looking right at the camera with a bit of a smirk on his face - an apt depiction.
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“Merlin, what a good-looking man,” Kate murmurs, looking closely at it and then flashing a grin at her boyfriend.
“I suppose we are a rather attractive couple,” he replies with a smirk.
Kate continues looking at the pictures for several minutes, then places them all back inside the envelope.
Sebastian has been waiting for this moment. He reaches over to take Kate’s hand. “I have something for you.”
“You do?” Kate seems surprised.
He pulls out a small box from his pocket and opens it for her. There lies the golden locket. Kate gasps, then examines it closer. 
“It has… a moon! That’s you! And flowers… I suppose that’s… me!” she notes with an excited laugh. “Sebastian… it’s perfect. Absolutely perfect. Just what I would have chosen myself.”
“I’m glad you like it. Here, take it. Open it,” he requests.
She obeys, opening it carefully, and inside are tiny photographs - their portrait as a couple and a portrait of Sebastian. She studies it adoringly, then closes it. Throwing her arms around him, she murmurs “Thank you” in his ear. When she pulls back, she kisses him tenderly and repeats the sentiment: “Thank you.”
Sebastian stands behind her, and she holds her hair up as he fastens the necklace. “You can always keep me close. And I’ll be able to do the same.” He reveals the pocket portrait he had made of her. “It will help me survive being away from you.” He chuckles. “No easy task. I cannot even fathom having to wake up for work tomorrow and leaving you in bed alone.”
Kate reaches out to caress his cheek. “I don’t want you to go back to the Ministry tomorrow. I wish you could have the entire summer off with me.”
“Me, too, sunshine. Me, too,” he whispers wistfully. 
After a few moments, he suggests apparating home, where they immediately make the most of Sebastian’s final evening without responsibilities. Their lovemaking is slow, unhurried, as they thoroughly explore each other’s bodies. 
The only thing Kate wears to bed that night is the locket.
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awkwardrocker · 6 months
My Suzuka conspiracy theory is that Toto Wolff changing his plans to suddenly be available is because Seb might be there and he's trying to recruit him to Merc for next year.
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writingshushf1 · 2 years
Lover - chapter 1
Summary: the next 4 minutes have decided your whole life.
Rating: +16
Warnings: unplanned pregnancy, grief, mention of death, drinking during (unknown) pregnancy, mention of abortion.
Word count: 3.7k
Note: some fluffy mick x you baby fic! but it’s not what it seems- so, jdssjdjssjd i hope you guys enjoy! this one is already completed so i’ll post every 2-3 days, also available on AO3.
APRIL, 2024.
“The smell here is very strong, not liking it.”
"You'll get used to it."
You were walking around the paddock with Sebastian Vettel; he was your godfather and the fatherly figure you had after your father died, his wife also played an important part of your life, you even spent some holidays with them. Now, he was guiding you to meet one of his “paddock kids”. First, it was Charles Leclerc, he was nice with you two, loving the idea of being important enough for the german driver. Then, it was Lewis, he wasn’t one of his “kids”, but a real close friend of his; the Mercedes’ driver was also very nice towards you. And the last one, Mick Schumacher. The other blonde was the closest to Vettel, you heard of him a lot, but never had the time to meet him, your dad hated the sport for some reason - it was ironic, because one of his closest friends was a racing driver.
The boy was exceptionally nice, yet very shy towards you. His blonde hair was tidy, his racing fireproofs down to his waist, showing the shirt of his team, your godfather told you that he changed from Haas to a new one this year, so his hopes were up for possible podiums and wins. The older german excused himself for a while and you had the time to properly talk.
“I heard of you, a lot.” You said, adjusting your cap.
“Same.” He smiled. “So… How come we didn't meet before?”
“Well… Seb is indeed my godfather, but my dad hated Formula 1. Or any sport that involves vehicles.” The blonde chuckled and you felt your heart flutter, it was weird, how fast you were feeling tipsy for someone you just met. “It’s ironic! I know!”
“Did you lie to your dad about going out with your godfather and ended up getting here?”
“I wish.” You smiled.
Before you could explain, he was back to you two.
“Let’s go to our seats? Mick here is the nicest person and gave us access to his garage .”
“I still can’t get over that you retired, uncle.” You said. “See you after the race!”
“See you, guys.”
You walked with Vettel and sat down. Media knew you very well, since you were a kid, even though your dad didn’t allow you to go on races, you would often be seen with Sebastian and his family. He liked to spoil you and in some way, you were the older sibling to his kids.
It was actually weird that Mick and you never crossed paths before, as long as you knew, his dad was close to the german. Maybe it wasn’t the right time.
Vettel and you were closely watching everything that was happening, the older would explain to you things that you didn’t understand. You found that the sport was actually interesting, however you were getting nauseous and your head felt like it was spinning. You grabbed your godfather’s arm lightly.
“Hey… Can you get some water for me? I’m feeling a little sick.”
“Yes, stay here. Anything else?”
“Some painkillers? My head is pounding.”
Soon he got back with what you needed and you could at least put up with the rest of the race. That was weird, you usually didn’t feel sick, or at least not that badly in the middle of the day. Sebastian kept looking at you, he was very worried about your state, but still cheered for Mick when he got P4. The retired driver explained that he was keeping a good pace since the beginning of the season and now it was the closest to a podium, they were hoping by the next race he would get into at least 3rd place.
After the race, you waited longer to meet with Mick and walked together till the parking place, now with only a few fans.
“So… There will be a gathering later, in Ocon’s place… Do you want to join us?” He asked for both of you.
“Nah, I’m too old for this, but you two should go!” Vettel put his arms around both of you. “ Especially you, Olli.”
“Fine! I’ll go, just let me back at my hotel room and change?” You said. “And we agreed to never use that nickname again.”
“But what should I call you then?” Seb loved to tease you with that, Mick looked confused at both of us.
“By my name!”
“Uhm… Can I ask why?”
“Yes!” Of course, he was going to embarrass you. “So, when she was younger, she used to eat trolli gummy bears a lot, but had trouble saying the ‘tr’... And I thought it was the cutest and refused to call her anything except for Olli.”
“I was four.”
“Still the cutest.”
“You want to kill me with embarrassment.”
“I thought it was very cute.” Schumacher intervened into the conversation.
“See? I’m a genius.”
“You’re too old, go to your hotel room to sleep!” You said, the three of you laughing.
You were nervous, no one actually knew you there except for Mick, so the moment you walked in with him, people got closer to him, talking and pulling him, while you stood there, being recognized as “the girl who Sebastian took to the paddock”. The blonde noticed how you were looking like a deer in headlights, so he got you closer and introduced you to people.
The night was going fine, you, Schumacher, three of his friends - that you learnt they were Ocon, Stroll, Albon and their significant others were sitting on the balcony, drinking different types of alcoholic drinks and talking shit about life.
“So, how could we have never seen you before? I mean, paparazzi pictures outside yes, but… Never around.” Esteban asked, he was drunk and genuinely curious.
“My dad hated Formula One, so he never let me be around it.” You smiled, remembering the memories. “I told Mick that and how funny it was one of his closest friends was a four time world champion.”
“Was? But you still go around with Seb.”
“Well…” That was the hard part. It’s been two years already, however it would still hurt you every time you have to tell someone new. You felt tears prick your eyes. “My dad died, it’s been a while actually.” They all felt silent. “He was sick, very sick and it got to a point that there was no way of him being what he was.” You sighed and felt a hand on your shoulder from Schumacher. “We didn’t know how his state actually was. Decided to turn off the machines, it was better than maybe to wake him up to see if it had any brain activity and see him suffering.”
“Wow, that was deep, sorry.”
“It’s okay! I’m happy that I spent the rest of his time with him. I try to always remember him with smiles.” You took another sip, feeling your stomach reject that, so you put the drink aside. “We should always remember people with happy memories, it’s how they would like to be remembered.”
“That’s beautiful.” Mick smiled at you, squeezing your shoulder.
“Who wants more booze?” Lance broke the sad moment because of his drunk self- and you were grateful for that.
Everyone laughed loudly and he got more alcoholic drinks for everyone, but you refused, taking the sparkling water.
“Are you ok, girl? Not the biggest fan?” Elena asked you.
“Not feeling the best. I’ve been feeling weird all day.”
“Did you check the last time you got your period? Maybe there’s a little Mick coming soon.”
“No!” You said out loud, hiding your face with your hands. “Girl... Just friends, nothing else.” You laughed along. “I hope that was a joke.”
You looked at the blonde, who had bright red cheeks, waiting for him to give you support on the answer.
“Yeah, it would be pretty weird-”
“I was a joke, relax you two.” Elena squeezed your shoulder in reassurance.
“And I’m not pregnant. Impossible. It’s been a while that I don’t have a nice time with anyone.” You cringed right after that, earning a sweet smile from the girls, who giggled.
“It’s ok, we’ve all been through that.” Stroll got on the subject again, being even more drunk than before.
“Someone will need to carry him out of here.” Albon commented.
“He’ll sleep on the sofa, probably.” Ocon spoke.
It was around 3am when Mick offered you a ride home, he didn’t drink anything because he knew he was the assigned driver for Albon and Lily - and now you too, not that he hoped all night that you accepted going with him. You were the last one to be dropped off before he went back to his hotel. The movement of the car was making you sick, your eyes were closed, trying to not feel worse than you’ve been after that last drink. Your throat was burning and the sensation was causing the symptoms to be even worse; the car stopping and going back again was driving you mad.
“Mick.” He was too focused on the road and didn’t listen. “Mick.” You called again, which took him out of his trance.
“Stop the car.”
“Why? Did I do something wrong?”
“No.” You took a deep breath, however it was a bad idea. “I’m going to throw up and I don’t want to do that in your car.”
He quickly entered an empty street, stopping suddenly. You opened the door and walked a few steps, until you couldn’t hold anymore, putting everything out of your body. The german got out of the car and closed the doors, running towards you, pulling your accessories and some strands of your hair back. His hands were cold against your body.
“God, this feels awful.” You let go of his touch, it felt too much for you, everything was overwhelming in that moment.
“Do you need me to take you to the hospital?”
“I’m fine, Mick. Maybe that drink didn’t sit right with me. Please, just... Take me to my hotel, I’m exhausted.”
“Okay, but I’ll leave my phone number, in case you don’t want to wake Seb up.”
“Fine. Thank you.”
It still had twenty minutes before you arrived at your hotel, so you ended up drifting off and sleeping on the passenger’s seat. Schumacher was looking at you a few times, smiling at the fact you slept so quickly; he took some of the hair that was sticking to your face due to the sweat, but feeling your skin was cold, so he took his coat from the backseat and put it on top of you.
When you arrived, he squeezed your shoulder slightly, calling your name.
“Hey, we’re here. Do you want me to take you to your room?”
You woke up, taking off your seatbelt and his jacket. “No, I’m fine, I swear. I’ll only call you if it’s an emergency.”
“Right. I’ll believe in you.”
You walked out of his car, getting into your hotel room next to Vettel’s. You got naked and entered the shower, letting the warm water run through your body, calming your nerves. After a long time in the shower, you brushed your teeth and laid on the bed, saving Schumacher's number.
i’m alive, lol
going to sleep
see u
mick: thank god
good night
see u
The next morning, you woke up feeling horrible, with morning sickness, terrible headache. It felt like even though you didn't sleep. Normally, you would think this was some bad hangover, however, things were hitting you differently. One thing you could be sure, you weren't pregnant, the last time you did a test, it came back negative.
You got up, feeling the same as last night, running towards the bathroom and throwing up. Probably it was all the junk food you ate in those last days. You took a shower and changed your outfit; when you were brushing your teeth, a soft knock on your door could be heard.
"Hey, Olli, it's Seb. Good morning."
You smiled, finishing and going towards the door and opening to him.
"Good morning. How are you?" He walked in and opened the curtains before sitting on the couch.
"Me? I'm fine. I want to know about you. Mick left a message in the middle of the night saying you weren't feeling good."
"Oh!" He really needed to tell that to him? "I was, maybe it was the drinks that we had, they weren't strong, but I was with an empty stomach."
"You're sure? Yesterday during the race you were not feeling good either."
"That was the headache, you know I have bad ones."
He wasn't buying your excuses, but he let it go. For now.
"So what will you do today?"
"I was waiting to tell you this later, but… I got a new job! And I'll move to another country." Vettel looked at you, very surprised. "Uncle Seb, it's the one. I did it."
"I'm so proud of you, kid." He hugged you.
This moment made you tear up, finally getting your dream job as a manager in an entertainment company was a big accomplishment. You wished your dad was the one hugging you, saying that he believed in you and everything was happening because you were good. Before you could understand, the german was wiping the tears that were running down your face. He kissed your forehead, looking a bit too worried about you.
"Everything ok?"
"Yeah, it's just… I've always wanted this, so badly and I wanted to share it with my dad, but he's not here…"
"Olli, I'm sure he's proud of his little girl."
"Thanks, it means a lot to me, you know?"
"I know. Can I tell Hanna?"
"Of course you can!" You laughed between tears.
"Where are you moving?"
"Well… For now, they want me in Monaco, most of their clients live in the countries around it."
"That's good! Mick just moved there too, Daniel lives there as far as I remember, Charles too. They're good people and will make you feel at home."
"Thanks, Seb. I know they will." You smiled. "I just hope I didn't scare Mick after last night."
"I'm sure you didn't."
Both of you laughed together before you started to pack your things.
"I'm going back home tonight and booking a hotel for next week there, in the meantime, I'll find an apartment. They want me working as soon as I can."
"That's good! It means they really are invested in you."
"If you say anything else, I will cry again, uncle."
"Okay! Okay! I'll stop."
Vettel decided to get back home with you, because you lived in the same city, close neighborhoods. That night, after booking the hotel, you started to pack your things, the most important thing that you would need to have on the first week at the new apartment.
You were feeling your body being more tired than usual, but it was a long flight and an even longer weekend you had, so it was understandable your tiredness. The sickness was becoming an obstacle now and it made you madder than usual, resulting in a broken cup and a quick visit to the hospital to get some stitches in your palm; of course that wouldn't stop your moving and working.
Monaco, there you were. New life, new things and a beautiful view from your apartment after a week in a hotel. It was smaller than your old one, but it was worth it. One bathroom, two small bedrooms - which one would be turned into an office - an open plan kitchen with living room and the balcony where you could see the ocean. The feeling of being independent was amazing, especially when you thought that everything was happening because of your dream job.
Immediately you texted Mick. This past week you became closer and your friendship was growing, both of you liked that, because a new city could be lonely for both foreigners.
the view is awesome, omg
*attached picture
mick: how is your view better than mine?
are you jealous?
mick: maybe…
you should come here then lol
mick: i don't have anything to do rn
if you let me…
im knocking on your door in 5
if you bring good wine, im in
mick: then give me 10, ok?
sure, ill get the snacks ready
mick: fine see you xoxo
You got all the snacks into different bowls, most of them healthy because you knew that Mick was usually on a diet to keep his weight, even though the smell and taste of them were feeling weird for you. In 10 minutes, he was knocking on the door, asking to get in; you thought it was very funny how loud and noisy he was being, almost saying no, but then you thought about the wine and let him in.
"Wow. It's cozy."
"I know, right? I'm loving it here."
"Do you want to drink now?"
"Oh, yes! The first two weeks have been good, but it's too much work! I need to chill."
When he gave you a glass, the smell bothered you, but you ignored, trying to give it a shot. On the first sip, it was bad, but you could handle it; however the second made you gag slightly. The nauseous feeling came back and you put down the wine, sitting back on the sofa.
"Maybe I won't drink today. My body is not feeling it."
"Really? That's sad, more wine to me, then!"
"I'm feeling like I'm about to throw up. Again."
"Are you ok? The last time we saw each other, you threw up in a corner of a sidewalk."
"I'm fine, it's probably stress."
"Are you sure?" He was very worried about your state of being.
"I said, I'm fine! Mick, you don't need to get worried, okay?" You snapped at him, soon regretting when you heard his voice.
"Oh. Okay. Sorry for that."
"It's okay… I was rude to you."
Later that night, you were laying with your head on his shoulder, watching some random TV show, when you needed to get up to go to the bathroom again. For the fifth time in 1 hour.
"I'm going to ask you again. Are you ok? It's not normal to get up around every 15 minutes to pee."
You sat down and started to question what he said. He was right. It was indeed weird.
"Now you've got me. But I don't know what it could be.”
"Let's think about the most common problems and get into a solution?"
"That would be fun."
And then, you two spent one hour trying to figure out what could be wrong in your body so you were acting like that. And nothing would match, from the simplest to the most obnoxious diagnosis. This was getting boring when he looked at his phone and back to you three times.
"There's one possibility that we didn't think of." He said.
"Which is…?"
"Pregnancy. You could be pregnant. "
"What?" You scoffed. "Impossible. I did a test and it came back negative!"
"Around six to eight weeks ago?"
"That was a very long time. A lot of times it could be a false negative."
"Mick, you're scaring me." You felt your anxiety crumble up into a pile; your hands were wet with sweat, your breathing was shallow. He held your hands, looking at you.
"You should do a test, just to keep this option out of our mind. Okay?”
"I'm going to buy one. I'll be back in 5. Stay here please. I know it will be negative, but I need a friend around."
"You can count on me."
The nearest pharmacy was walking two blocks down, so in less than 5 minutes you were in the elevator, feeling your nerves running up your sleeve. It was an embarrassing situation asking for the test when your French wasn’t the best. The worry was growing, you couldn’t be pregnant, at least not now.You opened the door, looking at him and walking towards the bathroom.
The next 4 minutes have decided your whole life. From the peeing on the stick, to waiting for the results and the shock when it was positive. You washed your hands and face a couple of times, trying to put yourself back before looking at it again.
You were pregnant.
From there, everything was slow, like your mind was denying what just happened. Before you could understand, your sobbing was so loud that Mick ran to the bathroom door, knocking softly and calling for your name. It took a few minutes before you opened and walked to him, letting the blonde hug you while you cried into his chest for several minutes.
"I can't believe it. Why? Why now?" Your voice was muffled from your face still against his hoodie. "I was having the perfect life and then… Boom! One night of fun turned into this."
"Hey, I'm with you, Seb is with you. We're going to help."
"It's not just that. My career, I just started it. Maybe they won't fire me now, but in a few months? Hell yeah. And I’m in my twenties! I’m too young to have a kid, I don’t know what they will need."
"I'll be ready to sue them and to learn with you about babies, kids, teenagers."
Between your tears you chuckled a little.
"You don't need to do any of that."
"We're friends, right? So I'll do anything for my future godchild."
"You're too good for me." You sniffled and looked at him. "Thank you, for actually wanting to support me. I don't think the father will want anything with it."
"You don't need to thank me, but maybe you'll have to tell Seb about it."
"Yeah, but as soon as he knows, the first thing he'll do is fly over here to talk about the options. "
"I don't know if I want to keep this baby, Mick. Abortion could be an option… But here I can't do it, in Germany either and I don't have that much money left after I got this place."
"Well… We'll work it out with the decision you make. Because you know why?"
"Because friends support each other on anything."
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darlingian · 18 days
Hello! In honour of @energievie 's birthday we are doing a birthday theme! thanks to her, @michellemisfit , @deedala , and @vintagelacerosette for the tags!
When is yours? boxing day 📦
Where were you born? In the next province over! And it was funny because I actually delivered a baby in that hospital 30 years later completely unexpectedly.
How do you feel about your legal name? Are you using it online and/or IRL? I hate it. It's never felt like mine. It truly makes me uncomfortable when people use it. I mostly go by Chani which I do like more, but I definitely don't love it. I've considered changing my name even since I was small, but that also makes me feel weird.
How about your sign? Do you feel it "fits"? I'm a Capricorn but I've literally never read a horoscope that fit me. That's part of why I'd like my chart read someday. Maybe someone could explain why I feel that way!
What's your earliest memory related to your birthday? It was my 3rd birthday and I vividly remember opening The 1995 Fisher Price Little People farm set. Which I kept LONG after I'd technically outgrown the toy. I also remember there being smarties(the Canadian candy) as polka dots on a chocolate cake.
What's one of the best gifts you've ever received? When I was little I only had one cousin. Her and I were like siblings. Our grandma had bought us each a ty beanie buddy bear for Christmas and mine was a cranberry coloured bear with a green ribbon around his neck that I immediately named "Cranberry Bear" (good imagination lil me). Well that same day my little sister who was probably around 3 decided it was HER bear. And essentially the whole family tried to gaslight me into believing that it had always been my sisters. Because my sister was a very hard kid to deal with and she was prone to all day destructive tantrums I guess they figured this was easier. And when I wouldn't give up on the fact it was mine I was told "you have enough toys." Anyways, my best friend knew that story and happens to love researching vintage toys. (she has a great Polly pocket collection.) A couple years ago she gave me cranberry bear for my birthday. In pristine condition and as soft as the day someone bought him. And he's mine. I cried a lot. hahaha
How about one of the best you've given yourself? I'm supposed to say my children or something I think. lol
What's your favourite cake flavour? I actually unabashedly love funfetti cake. But also red velvet. I'll buy red velvet if it's available every time.
How about your favourite flowers? Forget-me-nots or Lily of the Valley.
Have your ever thrown a birthday party? If yes, tell us about your favourite one. I've thrown my kids a combined 14 birthday parties. Plus 3 or so parties for my ex-wife. I really loved my eldest's 7th birthday party which was "Witchy" themed. Her birthday is mid November so I bought so much great Halloween decor for it after Halloween had passed and everything was super duper discounted.
What's the ultimate birthday song? I like the Stevie wonder one?
And last but not least, pick a celebrity with whom you share your birthday. I share my birthday with Jared Leto and Chairman Mao. Soooo apparently it's an evil day to be born. lmao.
tagging @heymrspatel @too-schoolforcool @sgtmickeyslaughter @gardenerian @celestialmickey
@jrooc @sam-loves-seb @iansw0rld @crossmydna @mybrainismelted
@mmmichyyy @sickness-health-all-that-shit @catgrassplantdad @thepupperino @gallawitchxx
@blue-disco-lights @creepkinginc
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Brocedes, 5-year engagement
Lewis asks Nico to marry after that first championship, both crying, drunk, and in each other's arms. Nico shakes his head. "When I become World Champion." And Lewis nods into his shoulder. Like they'd promised in Greece.
It's much more understated, in 2012, after Lewis signs the deal with Mercedes, leaving behind a championship winning car for what everyone thought -- a fat payday. It's an engagement ring, a plain gold band. They'll get married when they both win, but until then... this time Nico says yes, sober and brimming with hope at being teammates with Lewis. Inconspicuous enough no one notices when Nico starts wearing it on his right hand, and Lewis already in 4 rings per hand, no one notices the extra one.
Around 2013, Nico looks at beach weddings in Ibiza. Magazine catalogues, browses the Internet. Lewis wraps an arm around Nico, teasing if he's gonna wear a veil, eyes growing darker at the suggestion of nothing else underneath.
In 2014, Lewis wonders if Riri would show if he sent an invite. There's a mental tallying of his new famous LA friends. Nico snorts, running his hands through Lewis' curls -- finally long enough -- as if Rihanna would miss out on the event of the decade.
It comes to the final race, but Lewis wins again. Nico would never appreciate his pity, but when he comes to congratulate him -- despite being so close, and DNFing -- Lewis cradles his face and doesn't care the cameras are rolling.
Things get rough around 2015. Their friends and family don't understand, why not just get it over with in a private ceremony? Who stays engaged for this long without tying the knot? They don't get it. Lewis wins it with 4 races to spare and Nico locks himself in his room. He gets out, karaokes and parties and celebrates with Lewis, then wins the next 4 races in a row.
They stop talking about the wedding, it'll happen when it happens.
If they weren't having bruising sex after races, they were barely together that year; Lewis moving to his downstairs flat citing needing space and Nico nodding tersely. Nico's barely eating, rigidly sleeping, and occasionally when the flash of gold catches his eye; a weight he's so used to it feels like a part of him; he wonders what it's all for. Lewis resents him, sometimes, for not saying yes back in '08. And now he's killing himself trying.
It's only when Nico needs to be 2nd to win, and Lewis is purposefully slowing down on the corners so Seb backs into him -- fighting for his own championship chances, and Nico doesn't blame him for it -- when he finds that clarity hours of therapy couldn't avail. Nico finally wins it, what they promised each other that night in Greece under the stars. Things are only inevitable until they're not. This is their storybook ending, this is what was always going to happen.
It's been five years since they've been engaged. The letter on the table reads: 'Lewis, it's best if you hear it from me first before I announce it at the Prize Giving Ceremony...'
A plain gold band matching the one on Lewis' hand sits on the dresser.
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f0point5 · 22 days
I actually like that petty bitchy side of Lando. I mean, If I gave up my second win for a teammate AND then he fucked up my next race, only for him to finish second, the same place he would be, if he didn’t attack me, I would probably be disabling that special someones breaks.
I know Lando sucks at starts and thats the root of the problem, but they keep pretending to be family and supportive in McLaren AND they actually aren’t.
Lando’s stayed with them even when everything was shit, even when he could have gone to better team. They expect loyalty, but don’t offer it back.
I read somewhere that when they are winning they’re doing it as a team, but when they are losing it’s just Lando. They are ready to win with him, but not ready to help him win. RBR/Merc/Ferrari would have never let what happen today go.
Remember when Charles ruined Sebs quali, they took away his next win? This is a team sport, but McLaren treat it like that only when it works for them.
I’m a firm believer Lando should have crushed with Oscar today, that would teach him to think twice next time. Baku, Max and DR style. Make McLaren choose.
Personally, I’m a fan only of being a bitch if you are that bitch with your whole chest. And Lando isn’t. He’s passive aggressive and he gets worried and backtracks. Just like in Hungary when he sat up front trying to prove Oscar couldn’t catch him, made the team talk him down off the ledge, and then let him past in the most embarrassing way possible for both of them. Because bitchy would have been to win the race anyway - follow through on who you want to be my guy.
McLaren pretending to be a family when Yak Brown would clearly sell his grandmother to be where Toto Wolff is is pretty hilarious. Especially when you look at the way McLaren as an organisation have been acting across other racing series.
But fundamentally, I think this all comes down to the fact that McLaren want to be keep the lineup they have. And frankly, I think the one they’re in danger of losing is Oscar. He’s younger, he can afford to be a second driver at Red Bull for a couple of years, for example. He has no brand loyalty, he didn’t grow up with McLaren and he is very detached from Zak and the papaya cult, whereas Zak has his claws in Lando deep. And Oscar has Mark Webber In his ear telling him that being a second driver is not an option. Lando can’t afford to leave McLaren now, he wouldn’t. So they can do what they want with him for at least the next couple of years in this current driver market. McLaren want a champion but they don’t care who it is - they don’t have to risk Oscar for it to be Lando when it could be either one of them next year.
I actually don’t go for teams playing this team game and treating their drivers like kids. I like the RB strategy of hire for the job that’s available, you’re either the superstar or the sidekick. I think that’s the best way a team works. Playing “sharing is caring” like kindergarten teachers is silly. You can do what McLaren are doing and say “oil rises to the top” but then you have to wait for it to separate itself out which is messy.
But I have to say this, helping your driver win a championship shouldn’t mean that in every race he needs help. Helping is what Checo did in Abu Dhabi. It’s not telling Oscar to sit behind Lando for 9 races to mitigate Lando’s mistakes. That’s not teamwork, and if a driver needs that much help then how do you justify them being the priority driver? For his part, Lando has said that he doesn’t expect to be handed positions by Oscar and that he’s here to race and I respect that. I think that’s the right attitude, especially when you’re the reason you’re behind him in the first place.
Yes, Lando could have crashed with Oscar to teach him a lesson…a lot of drivers would have. But a Lando that would have crashed with Oscar is also a Lando that wouldn’t have let Oscar last in Hungary. I think that’s a Lando that doesn’t exist. If that Lando did exist I think the situation at McLaren would be very different.
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