#this message made me SO HAPPY to see cause like i've been thriving on writing something like this
izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
I’m enjoying your rp with @mr-tony-stark more than I should be. The angst is just….👌
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Oh gosh, thank you anon ! I wouldn't even call it angst, it's us getting to address something that is glaring to me in clint's comic canon, and then fixing up/exploring other plot lines again the way; and just so much we wanna write. it's just the both of us absolutely feral for doing these characters justice, and rewriting the comics with our skewing to ironhawk (which is happening totally unintentional/proper slow burn).
It's one of my favorite roleplays ever, it gets me so passionate to write any time. I will keep going on forever with them if I can help it. I am so here for what we've established. We are over 500 reblogs, that's over 250 replies for us both. It's beautiful.
Fun fact, @mr-tony-stark was the first I ever wrote a starter for when I started this blog up and returned to the marvel rpc. It's been going great. I absolutely adore them as a writing partner so much and I am so thankful to be writing them, and just <3 <;3 <3
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
Hello!! Hope you are doing well hehhe
Just wanted to say that I love your sephiroth love letters so so much! I was so happy when I stumbled across them like bestie you had me giggling and swinging my feet in the air 🧚‍♂️
Not sure if you still accept requests but when you have time would you be able to write another one??!! If you want to course, I’m happy with the current ones (don’t tell anyone that I reread them almost daily shhhh)
Anyways, sorry for the long message JSJDJND have a good day/night muah 💞💞💞
A/N: Aww, I am glad you enjoyed them!
Well, I actually only do love letters during certain times of the year. However, since I wasn't exactly clear on that, I'm fine to do this one. Besides, I think the main reason as to why I would only do them once or twice a year has mainly passed, so it should be okay for me to open them through the year.
I looked up ideas through a prompt generator, and I think I'll write down one from when he's transitioned to being a villain (in one sort of AU given what I know about the original lol).
Thanks again for the lovely words!
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I left the letter addressed only for you and you alone.
I am certain you can understand why, my dear. Given your actions against me, I will assume they were meant to be enforced by your 'superiors'—those Shinra lapdogs.
I am not your enemy. I never was. With all my power, I would see to it that the world would burn, save only for yourself and I. We could live together in a paradise fit for the two of us under her rule. A utopia where our love could flourish without the suffocation of the world around us.
She merely needs to be freed. The moment I free the very creation that made me possible, she will snuff out those who are unworthy. I need but whisper your name to her to have my mother spare you and all that you desire.
The worms of this world can tremble, bow down before my feet be them lifeless husks or thralls to my command. The silence can consume the world, but all I need hear is your voice beckoning to me alone. That will prevent the madness from burrowing deeper into my mind and heart.
In a way, you are my savior as well. Imprisoned within the cracks of the earth, it is your light that encourages me to thrive.
I will not have the world chain you away from me in turn. They can dare try. I warn you of the whispers I hear upon the wind: Shinra seeks to cage you just to keep me under control.
My dearest light in the suffocating dark, come to me and be free upon the wings I only can offer you. I will see to it that we both fly to paradise, undisturbed. For you alone, I would be but a mere servant to and bow before your feet as though you were the very gods themselves.
I can do better...
I can see to it that I grant you such a title, and should you bask with me in the glow of the catastrophic events to unfold, we will become gods together. You and I, we can and will rule the world as it slowly rebuilds itself from the chaos I aim to unleash.
Look upon me as you once did—with love and wanting. The last I looked into your eyes, they gazed at me as though I were a stranger; as if I were your enemy and one to be killed. It is what stayed my hand last I swung my blade at your party. They were not the cherished vision I once held dear. They were cold, almost lifeless in a way.
The very memory wounds me, my star, and I pray you know this.
But those tears. Did I cause those? Do not weep for me, my angel. I am the same as I've always been—merely, awakened.
I will see to it that you too will be unchained from the prison of mortality, ready at my side as I have always wanted and wished.
I have a future planned for us both. I will see to it we are born as the new gods of this future paradise.
Forever yours,
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greedisgreen · 7 years
I hope you are so much better! I've read all your fics, and I wanted to thank you for writing and sharing them. Your plots are clever and coherent, and that makes me ask you, If you would have written the script of seasons 5, 6 and 7, how would Sansa and Petyr arc have been?
Sorry for putting this ask off for so long, anon, but I needed time to think this one through because it requires a LOT of speculation, and it would need to be approached from a television angle and not literary. My thoughts below the cut.
Okay, so first! The Winterfell plotline with the rape has to happen. I know, I know, saying that rape has to happen is a horrible thing, but the issue is that it’s the rape plotline that develops Theon’s character. With that said, it didn’t need to be Sansa that went there. I saw months back someone suggest that they shouldn’t have killed off Ros, and that Ros should have been the fake!Sansa for the Winterfell plot and I 100% agree. Here’s why: Ros and Theon had an established relationship. He frequented her at the brothel on the regular, and even bids her farewell in the first season. And point two, it would make more sense for Petyr to utilize Ros this way once her betrayal was discovered than it would for him to place his most valuable asset (Sansa) in the hands of Roose and Ramsay Bolton. So with that switcheroo made, let’s delve into the Vale plot.
I like that Sansa revealed herself to the Lords Declarant at Baelish’s trial. That I would keep, but I would make it out to be this big secret that the Vale lords are harboring Sansa Stark. It would be a point of pride with them to have Eddard Stark’s daughter in their midst, and I would have Littlefinger tell them of Lysa’s original plan to marry Sansa to Sweetrobin (no Harrold Hardyng here because there’s no reason to add in a new character when you have an old character that will serve the same purpose), and they will all back it, insisting that it happen just as soon as the boy is of age. Until then, Sansa remains in disguise as Alayne Stone.
Now supposedly, Sansa remains in the Vale for at least two years in the show. They fast forwarded straight through that time apparently. I would not. I would bring in Myranda Royce (only she’d be the daughter of Yohn instead of Nestor because, again: television), and we see Sansa observing how she weaves in and out of Vale society, and from her Sansa learns how to use her own feminine wiles, ensnaring the Vale lords with her beauty and charm. Meanwhile, she is also quietly learning politics and how to rule from Baelish. We see a growing trust between them (cue the majority of the audience screaming in horror), and the development of feelings, though we never see anything beyond those chaste kisses we saw in S5.
Now, the show did not establish any sort of bounty on Sansa’s head – not really. Cersei is more obsessed with Tyrion than Sansa, and she is really more an afterthought to our Mad Queen so long as she doesn't hold any power. The only person we know is looking for Sansa is Brienne (and Podrick by extension), but she will likely hear of the marriage of Sansa Stark to Ramsay Bolton, and set off on a wild goose chase to the North. So no rescues or kidnappings will happen in the Vale.
At the end of the two years, Sansa and Sweetrobin marry, but as we see in the show, the Lord of the Eyrie is still very much a child. The marriage goes unconsummated, but Cersei is still a threat, and upon hearing of Sansa Stark in the Vale, she demands answers of Littlefinger. He will song and dance about how Yohn Royce and the other Vale lords had been hiding her away, and by the time he discovered her, that it was too late. The marriage was already set in motion. Then, he would offer to aid her in gathering information (our naughty boy). Cersei, of course, accepts, and Baelish feeds her just enough information to keep her happy, but not enough to cause any real harm to Sansa.
Several months into the marriage, with the Vale lords breathing down her neck about producing an heir and her husband wanting her more for a mother than a wife, Sansa sneaks out of her chambers in the middle of the night to seek Petyr out, and discuss how she might entice Sweetrobin to the marriage bed. Petyr being Petyr, however, convinces her that it’s not Sweetrobin that she needs (or wants) in her bed, and fade to black. 
After months of sneaking from the bed she shares with Sweetrobin and into Petyr’s, Sansa discovers she is with child. The Vale rejoices, Petyr is a smug, happy fucker, and clueless Sweetrobin is like “oh yay!” Cersei is not so happy with the news, and having pieced together enough from the random tidbits of information Littlefinger has sent, hires a Sorrowful Man to assassinate Sansa (Note: Sorrowful Men have been established in the show, i.e. the wine seller that tried to poison Dany, so it wouldn’t be a leap for the Crown to employ them again). This backfires dreadfully. He sneaks into the castle disguised as a servant, and into Sansa and Sweetrobin’s chambers in the middle of the night. Sansa had already snuck off to Petyr’s chambers, but Sweetrobin, with his frail form and long hair, is mistaken for her, and he is stabbed to death, but not before his screams alert the castle guards to the assassin. The Sorrowful Man is killed, but on his person, there is a note meant for Littlefinger. (Dun dun dun!)
Sansa, as Lady of the Eyrie, takes possession of the note, and finds a message from Cersei that implicates Baelish in the attempt on her life. She confronts him, not wanting to believe that the father of her child was complicit in such a plan. Petyr explains, that yes, he has been in touch with Cersei, offering her nuggets of information in an effort to keep a war from their gates, but that it was all useless (or so he thought), and that he had no knowledge of what she planned, and backs this up with receipts (all the scrolls he’s received, along with copies of what he has sent because he’s gotta keep track of his lies and promises). Upon examining the evidence, Sansa is reassured that he meant no harm, but just the same becomes far more leery of what she shares with him going forward.
Just after Sansa gives birth to a healthy son, the Vale receives word from Jon Snow that Stannis Baratheon is hosting an army at the Wall, and that Ramsay Bolton holds Rickon. He requests aid to help take Winterfell and the North back from the Boltons along side Stannis. After some deliberation, it is decided that half the Vale’s forces will head North via White Harbor, and the Manderlys are all too happy to help oust the Flayed Men. Petyr expresses to Sansa that some of the lords are overstepping and trying to quietly supplant her authority, so she takes the opportunity to suggest that Bronze Yohn, as well as several other lords (some already trying to insinuate themselves in her bed) make the trek North with the armies to represent her. For her help, Sansa asks that she be named Wardeness of the North; terms with which Stannis readily agrees. Stannis sets out for Winterfell first, but before Jon can follow he is killed by men of the Watch. On the day that Winterfell is finally won, Sansa weds Petyr in a very lavish, very public wedding, much to many lords chagrin.
Stannis succumbs to his wounds at the Battle for Winterfell, and Melisandre flees back to the Wall with his body(where Shireen and Selyse stayed because no one brings their fucking wife and child on a fucking march into battle, jfc d&d) where she convinces Selyse to sacrifice Shireen. When the lord of light does not raise Stannis, Selyse kills herself. Shortly thereafter, however, Jon wakes from the dead.
It is after Sansa discovers she is pregnant with her second child that she receives word from the Vale lords she sent north that a  resurrected Jon Snow, having returned to Winterfell as Eddard Stark’s only known living son, has been named the King in the North. Both Sansa and Petyr are miffed at this as it was not what was agreed for the Vale’s help(and it supercedes her own legitimate claim), but with the Vale’s army split and the rising threat from Cersei in the south, they opt to accept the cards they were dealt for the time being. It turns out, however, that Ramsay never had Rickon. It was all a trap to lure out Jon after he offered safe harbor to Bolton’s fake Stark wife.
Word reaches the Vale that Daenarys Targaryen has landed at Dragonstone, and Baelish is quick to consult with Sansa in regards to their options. In the end, with Cersei being pissed that Sansa is still alive, thriving, and now having stolen one of her best advisers, they decide to make an offer of peace to Dany; sending her a quarter of the stores of the grain that Baelish had been stockpiling to help keep her army fed, and inviting her to the Vale to discuss the terms of an alliance, explaining that the Lady of the Vale was large with child and unable to travel. Dany consents, arriving in Gulltown with an army of Unsullied and Varys to advise her. We get some fun political back and forth, plus another scene with Varys and Littlefinger sizing each other up, and ultimately the Vale (with some wroth from the older lords) bends the knee to the Mother of Dragons.
It is while Dany is still visiting, that Sansa receives word from Jon Snow about the dead walking. At first she dismisses it as superstitious nonsense, but then a second missive arrives from Bran, a brother long thought lost, and in it he describes the day of their father’s death, that he is the Three Eyed Raven, and that the dead march towards the wall. It is then that she beseeches Dany to go North to aid her family. Dany gives some wordy speech about bending knees, but finally capitulates in the face of a sister desperate to save the only family she has left.
Dany and Jon meet. They fall in love, idk, idgaf about that storyline tbh. But they confirm the dead are marching south (no idiotic fucking wight hunt here folks) and Dany moves her forces north, avoiding conflict with Cersei. Yet, the threat of Cersei is still real, and being the Mad fucking Queen she is, she marches her forces North towards the Vale (because Euron and Yara/Theon are fighting it out between Dragonstone and Gulltown, so entering by sea is not an option att). Petyr and Sansa stay holed up in the Eyrie – where she gives birth to a daughter – as one by one the Lannister forces are decimated at the Bloody Gate. Then, word reaches the Eyrie that Cersei has been assassinated, but nobody knows the culprit. Her face, however, was cut off. We see a short scene of Baelish sending a message off to the North (what does it say? Who knows!) Then, the closing scene is the Vale marching south and Targ/Northern forces marching on the Wall, and a devastated Jaime sitting the Iron Throne.
And that’s where I would stop S7. S8 can be about fighting the dead or whatever, and maybe Petyr would get his comeuppance. Maybe he wouldn’t. I delved a bit deeper than just Petyr and Sansa, but that’s how I would have done S5, 6, 7.
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