#this might be a bit shit writers block’s coming back so im just tryna power thru it
formulaes5 · 10 months
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lets be lucky people (you and me)
“Hey sweetheart,” Mark whispered, pressing a kiss just under his ear, “you awake?” Seb smiled softly, tilting his head back for easier access as Mark continued to drop kisses down his neck and over his shoulder, stroking his hand gently over Seb’s hip. “Mmmm,” Seb mumbled, face pressed into his pillow, “I’m asleep, Mark… So asleep.” Or, Sebastian is sleepy and Mark is whipped. They have a nice morning together.
☆ 1.8k, T, ao3 ☆
The morning brought with it a soft kind of quiet. Seb cracked an eye open blearily, the sun filtering gently through the sheer curtains, illuminating the room with a soft glow. Mark was a solid reassuring presence pressed tightly against his back, one arm looped securely around his waist and the other resting on the pillow close to Seb’s head. It was peaceful in a way that things very rarely had the chance to be.
They floated in and out of consciousness for a while, enjoying their moment of peace together, revelling in the gentle press of skin on skin. 
“Hey sweetheart,” Mark whispered, placing a kiss just under his ear, “you awake?”
Seb smiled softly, tilting his head back for easier access as Mark continued to drop kisses down his neck and over his shoulder, stroking his hand gently over Seb’s hip. 
“Mmmm,” Seb mumbled, face pressed into his pillow, “I’m asleep, Mark… So asleep.”
“Course you are Sebi.”
Mark nuzzled his face into Seb’s hair one last time, before throwing the covers off and easing himself out of bed with the skill of a man that actually enjoyed getting out of bed early in the morning. Disgusting, Seb thought as he sank further into the duvet in protest, rolling into the nice warm spot left in Mark’s absence. He let out an indignant sleepy grumble, pressing his face into Mark’s pillow, taking in his comforting scent.
“C’mon mate, up and at ‘em,” encouraged Mark from where he was sat on the side of the bed, reaching out to run his hand through Seb’s curls, “shower, yeah?”
Seb opened his eyes. That got his attention.
Mark gently coaxed Seb into the shower, taking him by the shoulders and positioning him under the spray as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Mark wrapped his arms around Seb’s waist from behind and rested his cheek against the back of Seb’s head, just holding onto him as the water beat down on his back. 
Seb hummed happily as he leant back into Mark behind him, feeling contentedly sleepy standing under the warm spray of the shower, with the strong line of Mark pressed up against him. There was nothing sexual here, nothing suggested or implied. Neither of them wanted anything more in this moment than to simply be wrapped up in each other. 
Seb could have happily kept leaning back until he melted into Mark, until he somehow found a way to become one with him, to be completely and totally enveloped by him; his arms and his scent and his unreasonably calming presence. 
Mark reached for the shampoo, pouring it into his hands before moving to lather it into Seb’s hair, darkened by the water. He pressed his fingers into Seb’s scalp, massaging and scratching gently as he worked the product into his hair. Seb groaned in approval, pushing his head back into Mark’s hands like a cat. 
“That good, sweetheart?” 
“Hmmmmm,” Seb murmured, “s’good Mark.”
Mark huffed a laugh at Seb’s response, “Okay, tilt your head back for me now.”
Seb obliged, slowly waking up as Mark rinsed the shampoo from his hair, taking care to make sure the water ran backwards into his hair and not forwards into his eyes. He worked his fingers through Seb’s hair, rubbing at his scalp with just the right amount of pressure to make Seb let out a drawn out sigh at the feeling of Mark's fingers against his scalp.
Now more awake, but still happy to let Mark take the lead, Seb relaxed into the gentle movement of Mark’s hands in his hair, letting the sound and feel the water wash over him as Mark worked conditioner into his hair, before rinsing that out as well, once again tilting his head back into the stream of the shower to rinse it from his hair. 
Mark smiled to himself as Seb allowed his head to be tilted back and forth. He was especially pliable like this on their quiet mornings together, not wanting to let the haze of sleep after a night well spent leave him entirely, just happy to float in the space between conscious and unconscious, letting Mark take care of him because he knew that he always would. 
Seb turned around and pressed his face into the space where Mark’s shoulder met his neck, wrapping his arms around his waist, letting out a soft sigh as Mark did the same. Mark stroked his hand up and down Seb’s back, feeling the wet skin move up and down under his touch. He lifted his head to meet Mark's gaze, thinking how lovely his eyes were; a deep hazel that never failed to set him at ease. Coming to the natural conclusion that kissing Mark was always a good idea, he rocked up on his toes and moved his arms up to rest on Mark's shoulders, leaning up to meet his lips in a lazy kiss as the water flowed over them. 
Mark ran his hands over Seb’s shoulders and the lithe muscles of his back as the kiss deepened, but kept the same leisurely pace as before. He ran his tongue over Seb’s bottom lip, wordlessly requesting access, which was given as it always was. The kiss was languid and slow, not to mention watery. Seb couldn’t find it in himself to mind that last part. This was the perfect way to spend the morning, he thought to himself; just him and Mark and the gentle drum of the shower against their skin.
They parted from each other softly, Mark bumping his forehead down into Seb’s for a moment before pulling apart from him and taking hold of the bottle of body wash on the shelf.
Seb looked over, noting what Mark had grabbed from the relatively small collection of toiletries, “Waitwaitwait… I wanna” he trailed off, not quite sure if the sentence “I wanna get my hands all over you” was entirely appropriate for this early in the morning.
Seb gestured vaguely, making crab like grabbing hands at Mark, who was bewildered for all of two seconds before he realised that this was Morning Seb’s request for him to hand over the bottle, which he did bemusedly.
Seb washed Mark’s body in a way that seemed to be more about his vested interest in touching Mark as much as physically possible and less about actually getting him clean, but Mark couldn’t really bring himself to care about the relative cleanliness of his body, not when Seb was so clearly enjoying himself running his hands across the flat plane of his stomach and lathering cedar scented product over his chest and down his arms. Mark let him have his fun before rinsing off under the spray and returning the favour with interest, dropping kisses across his cheek and down his neck as he went.
They eventually stepped out of the shower together, after what was no doubt an immense waste of water with very little to show for it other than their own satisfaction. Mark grabbed a towel from the rail and wrapped it around Sebastian, before slinging his own towel around his shoulders to focus on gently towelling Seb’s hair dry, rather than drying himself. He passed the towel through Seb’s hair a few more times before letting Sebastian take over.
Seb dried himself off in a perfunctory manner, then grabbed the edges of his towel and pulled them around himself, stepping forward into Mark, who wrapped his own towel around them both in a hug that was both warm and drying. They finished drying themselves quickly enough after parting from one another, moving back into the bedroom as they ran towels through their hair and down their limbs.
Mark dressed quickly, taking a second to watch Seb rifle through their wardrobe, tongue poked out adorably in concentration, before leaving Sebastian to his own devices to presumably steal yet another hoodie from Mark’s ever shrinking collection. He moved quickly down the stairs and into the kitchen, going through the familiar motions starting the coffee machine, grinding, tamping and slotting the filter handle into the machine, before moving away to find their mugs in the drawer (Beatles mug for Seb, Porsche mug for Mark).
Mark heard Seb before he saw him as he finished making their coffee, quiet footsteps on the stairs and a loud yawn breaking the relative silence. He stood leaning against the kitchen counter, waiting for Seb to inevitably shuffle sleepily towards him for a hug, which he gave gladly.
“There we go mate,” said Mark as he handed Seb his coffee, “this’ll wake you up a bit.”
Seb took the coffee gratefully, gripping the mug through the too-long sleeve of his stolen hoodie, shooting a small smile Mark’s way in thanks. He leant in for another hug, mindful of both of their drinks as he took in the fresh, clean cedar scent that they both shared now.
“Should we go outside?” asked Mark, already heading for the door, “I don’t think it’s too cold out.”
Seb followed him outside, happy enough to sit outside in the fresh air.
Mark sat down in one of the two available outdoor armchairs, leaving his coffee on the table as he did so. Seb took a look at the other armchair dubiously, it wasn’t really cold enough to use the cold as an excuse, but Seb decided that, fuck it, dignity didn’t really count before midday, and he was going to use it as an excuse all he liked. He turned and placed his mug down on the table next to Mark’s chair, before depositing himself into Mark’s lap, tucking his feet up to stay warm. Mark, who wasn’t surprised in the slightest by this turn of events, only huffed a laugh and pressed a kiss to the top of Seb’s head, wrapping one arm around him securely - ensuring that he wouldn’t fall - and using the other to reach for his coffee on the side table. One thing that he had learned early on in their relationship, was that Seb was a cuddler, through and through. If there was a surface that they were both supported by, be it bed, couch, chair, the backseat of a taxi, or even the kitchen counter, Seb would be moving in for whatever would get him the closest to Mark, sometimes even just deciding that the best way to do this was to simply drop down on top of him in bed with zero warning, which often lead to the shock of a lifetime for poor Mark, the innocently dozing victim so cruelly disrupted by a strike from above.
It all worked out pretty well though, Mark thought happily as he sipped at his coffee, feeling nice and warm with a lapful of Seb. He liked when Seb disrupted him.
Mark ran his hands over Seb’s shoulders and the lithe muscles of his back as the kiss deepened, but kept the same leisurely pace as before. He ran his tongue over Seb’s bottom lip, wordlessly requesting access, which was given as it always was. The kiss was languid and slow, not to mention watery. Seb couldn’t find it in himself to mind that last part. This was the perfect way to spend the morning, he thought to himself; just him and Mark and the gentle drum of the shower against their skin.
They parted from each other softly, Mark bumping his forehead down into Seb’s for a moment before pulling apart from him and taking hold of the bottle of body wash on the shelf.
Seb looked over, noting what Mark had grabbed from the relatively small collection of toiletries, “Waitwaitwait… I wanna” he trailed off, not quite sure if the sentence “I wanna get my hands all over you” was entirely appropriate for this early in the morning.
Seb gestured vaguely, making crab like grabbing hands at Mark, who was bewildered for all of two seconds before he realised that this was Morning Seb’s request for him to hand over the bottle, which he did bemusedly.
Seb washed Mark’s body in a way that seemed to be more about his vested interest in touching Mark as much as physically possible and less about actually getting him clean, but Mark couldn’t really bring himself to care about the relative cleanliness of his body, not when Seb was so clearly enjoying himself running his hands across the flat plane of his stomach and lathering cedar scented product over his chest and down his arms. Mark let him have his fun before rinsing off under the spray and returning the favour with interest, dropping kisses across his cheek and down his neck as he went.
They eventually stepped out of the shower together, after what was no doubt an immense waste of water with very little to show for it other than their own satisfaction. Mark grabbed a towel from the rail and wrapped it around Sebastian, before slinging his own towel around his shoulders to focus on gently towelling Seb’s hair dry, rather than drying himself. He passed the towel through Seb’s hair a few more times before letting Sebastian take over.
Seb dried himself off in a perfunctory manner, then grabbed the edges of his towel and pulled them around himself, stepping forward into Mark, who wrapped his own towel around them both in a hug that was both warm and drying. They finished drying themselves quickly enough after parting from one another, moving back into the bedroom as they ran towels through their hair and down their limbs.
Mark dressed quickly, taking a second to watch Seb rifle through their wardrobe, tongue poked out adorably in concentration, before leaving Sebastian to his own devices to presumably steal yet another hoodie from Mark’s ever shrinking collection. He moved quickly down the stairs and into the kitchen, going through the familiar motions starting the coffee machine, grinding, tamping and slotting the filter handle into the machine, before moving away to find their mugs in the drawer (Beatles mug for Seb, Porsche mug for Mark).
Mark heard Seb before he saw him as he finished making their coffee, quiet footsteps on the stairs and a loud yawn breaking the relative silence. He stood leaning against the kitchen counter, waiting for Seb to inevitably shuffle sleepily towards him for a hug, which he gave gladly.
“There we go mate,” said Mark as he handed Seb his coffee, “this’ll wake you up a bit.”
Seb took the coffee gratefully, gripping the mug through the too-long sleeve of his stolen hoodie, shooting a small smile Mark’s way in thanks. He leant in for another hug, mindful of both of their drinks as he took in the fresh, clean cedar scent that they both shared now.
“Should we go outside?” asked Mark, already heading for the door, “I don’t think it’s too cold out.”
Seb followed him outside, happy enough to sit outside in the fresh air.
Mark sat down in one of the two available outdoor armchairs, leaving his coffee on the table as he did so. Seb took a look at the other armchair dubiously, it wasn’t really cold enough to use the cold as an excuse, but Seb decided that, fuck it, dignity didn’t really count before midday, and he was going to use it as an excuse all he liked. He turned and placed his mug down on the table next to Mark’s chair, before depositing himself into Mark’s lap, tucking his feet up to stay warm. Mark, who wasn’t surprised in the slightest by this turn of events, only huffed a laugh and pressed a kiss to the top of Seb’s head, wrapping one arm around him securely - ensuring that he wouldn’t fall - and using the other to reach for his coffee on the side table. One thing that he had learned early on in their relationship, was that Seb was a cuddler, through and through. If there was a surface that they were both supported by, be it bed, couch, chair, the backseat of a taxi, or even the kitchen counter, Seb would be moving in for whatever would get him the closest to Mark, sometimes even just deciding that the best way to do this was to simply drop down on top of him in bed with zero warning, which often lead to the shock of a lifetime for poor Mark, the innocently dozing victim so cruelly disrupted by a strike from above.
It all worked out pretty well though, Mark thought happily as he sipped at his coffee, feeling nice and warm with a lapful of Seb. He liked when Seb disrupted him.
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