#this one felt longer and more disjointed than intended so both a readmore and apology if it seems all over the place
askbeannuts · 8 months
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Apparently a group of Pokemon who knew my dad were planning to go into the tree at some point too, so they watched over me when I entered... those guys told me that I came back hours later in a weird trance... and I looked strange and even had a weird rainbow aura. I don't remember what happened after that, I blacked out and apparently changed back to a regular Charizard. Everyone who wasn't close enough to see it, said I looked perfectly fine, except for the guys who were supposed to watch over me, they said I covered in wounds, bloody and bruised. I woke up in a medical tent a few days later on the island... Everyone keeps telling me I somehow awakened a "Mega Evolution" without an Awakening Emera or an empowerment seed... from what they could piece together from my memories of what happened and what I could piece together myself... They're just simplifying it down to an "Awakened State" now, apparently. I felt so drained after it all, but, I was able to do it again reliably after I recovered! A lot of Pokemon started gathering around me, they wanted to know what happened, so... after the begging and pleading for more info got too irritating... I tried to remember...
... Someone took the time to fashion that weird rock into a necklace for me to wear and told me to never remove it, no matter what-I took that to heart, obviously. I went into the tree and, honestly... just wandered until I found the way to a higher floor, the rock was pushing that weird fog away, too, it was amazing... scary, but amazing. I lost track of how many floors I went up... 5, 10, 20? I just kept going until I started hearing something. It wasn't the voice, but movement? Someone was following me...I just kept going until I was in an open area, and it showed itself, a strange Pokemon or some kind. The longer I stared, the more it seemed fake, but its attacks were real and they hurt... a lot! I did everything I could to fend it off, but more of them showed up, they looked like Pokemon I respected, I could've sworn one of them looked like the Absol on my pop's team, too. I just kept pushing them back, but they came back stronger and stronger. I was getting tired, but the feeling kept fading away after a while... but they were so aggressive... I started to lose my nerve and tried to run away, but then... "Keep going." A voice called out to me, telling me to keep going, keep fighting back, become stronger and surpass some limit... because I needed to. The Sky Islands were in chaos and someone needed to be there to help subdue the worst of the worst... no one was doing it, someone had to: "And who better than the child of a Human Hero?" Before I could figure out who it was, I was attacked by another fake Pokemon, one that looked like a large, black Charizard... I tried to run, but it wasn't having it, it kept chasing me down and attacking, I had to fight it and in the heat of that battle, being beaten down, over and over again, it felt like I was dying, but I kept getting back up... then... I felt it, I evolved! But... it didn't help, that black Charizard was still tossing me around like a child's toy... I wasn't strong enough to do whatever that voice wanted, but I could still hear it, reminding me of what my goal was: to revive Rescue Teams... All I remember after that, I let loose a yell so hard that it surely went hoarse... I felt a weird sensation and for the briefest of moments I saw that rainbow aura everyone saw around me, then I blacked out. ...
They accepted that story and I guess that's what happened... either way, we can evolve again, but going through it is a serious trial... it won't ever be easy-not for everyone at least. I accepted that much and... I decided then and there I would continue to follow that goal, and bring Rescue Teams back. Thing is... It wouldn't just be individual teams roaming around... we'd have to get with the current system and make it a Guild. When I told my sister and her Vulpix friend that-outside of them freaking out over what happened and all, they seemed to support it. My drive motivated them to try and help others in their own ways, though their ambitions were more about being leaders in different ways, I guess. A few Pokemon did end up following after me, so I had a "team" so to speak, so, I decided to form a Guild with them and, when it came to names, we all eventually agreed that the best name would be after the one who gave us this wonderful and mysterious gift of evolution and "awakening" or at least... who I think did it...: The Xerneas Guild. Yeah... I like it!
An Excerpt From: "The Founder's Book: The Xerneas Guild"
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