#this post has been sponsored by britt for making me figure this out
noblehcart · 10 months
HC Dump: Rookheey.a Kh.an (favorite flower)
Persia is well known for its many flora, especially that of the Saffron flower and the Persian rose, but Rookheeya's favorite flower is that of the Gulnar flower otherwise known as the Pomegranate flower (LINK).
Pomegranates were her favorite part of fall to eat but its in June to watching to see the flower bloom on some trees (males do not produce fruit) to later watching in fall for the other trees as the green fruit to turn to a luscious crimson.
She loves the fringing white of the red petals of the pomegranate flower and her best memories are beneath the tree with her late brother Masoud as he told her all he had learned that day at school and all the medicinal properties of the flowers before tucking it into her hair fondly.
He regaled her with every story he had ever heard relating to the fruit and the flower like that of Hades and Persephone. He'd tease her as he tucked the flower behind her ear and told her the fruit symbolized fertility then tweaked her nose saying that one day she'd have children of her own to tell these stories to. She argued that she'd have him tell the stories because he was the best storyteller she had ever heard. Its these memories she clings to when he's buried and gone long before she ever meets her husband.
And so every season she looks forward to the blooming of the gulnar flower and the fruit of the fall in fond remembrance of her brother Masoud.
and yes- she loves Fesenjan which is a is a traditional Persian stew made with chicken simmered in a pomegranate molasses and walnut sauce. The combination of earthy walnuts, slightly sour pomegranate molasses and tender, juicy chicken create an unparalleled balance of flavors in this special occasion dish.
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