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s-lycopersicum · 6 months
 "Oh, you look a bit blurry," she said, as she placed her right hand gently on your chin.
 "Hold on, let me just–" Before you could even mutter a response, you felt the snap of a button press. In you face, a simple graphical interface appeared.
┌┤ Settings ├───────────────┐ │ Picture │ │ Color │ │ • Clock/Phase Calibration │ │ Input Source │ └───────────────────────────┘
 "Ah, there we go," she exclaimed, having easily navigated your controls. Recovered from your daze, you tried pulling away, to no avail. "Wait, wait, it will be quick, just," she whispered, both of her hands now holding your face close. "Just relax."
┌┤ Clock/Phase Calibration ├──┐ │ Calibration in progress │ │ ‣ Position │ │ ‣ Clock │ │ ‣ Phase │ └─────────────────────────────┘
 A second button press; streaks and lines glitch in and out of existence, a vertical Moiré pattern quickly sweeps your screen. You notice her eyes, her gaze still fixated on you, as the visual chaos in your display quickly subsides.
┌┤ Clock/Phase Calibration ├──┐ │ Calibration complete │ └─────────────────────────────┘
 "All done, see?"
 Released from her clutches, you quickly turn away from her. She lets out a mischievous giggle as you cover you face with your hands, feeling the heat emanating from it. You worry if she saw the expression on your face. With no doubt, she did. Sharp and clear.
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