#this really got away from me almkgenjbf
the-phoenix-heart · 3 years
Sorting Hat Chats - Castlevania
Castlevania is amazing and I’m finally sorting it.
An explanation of the system I’m using right hyah by @wisteria-lodge​.
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TREVOR BELMONT is the most obvious Burnt Badger primary Lion secondary I have ever seen. He’s like Wolverine and Geralt of Rivia had a baby (fyi a child between Hugh Jackman and Henry Cavill would be SO HOT). Trevor Belmont can’t help himself from helping people no matter how hard he tries-AND GOD DOES HE TRY. He tries everything to stay detached from people, and yet he still helps them. His primary is also very clearly burnt. I like how Sypha’s grandpappy tells Trevor he is “defeated” and that’s just a fancy word for Burnt in my opinion.
And after season one Trevor does backtrack on that and decide yeah I’m gonna do things for people again. This doesn’t mean that he’s completely unburnt, but y’know, he’s getting better.
Trevor cares about his family history and stuff, we see that. And we also see Trevor dehumanizing the monsters he faces and especially the vampires. When they kill Dracula Trevor is very flippant about it like, we did what we had to and he basically was someone else entirely (Sypha is more healthy and allows Alucard to mourn the man Dracula was).
But my favorite part is when Trevor goes to face Death. Saying that they are just two old killers who need to rid them world of themselves so that people who can build things can thrive.
That is CLASSIC Badger Lion talk. Especially somewhat burnt Badger talk. “I am nothing more than a killer who needs to die.” It’s always good to see, especially since Trevor is SUCH a Lion secondary. His signature weapon is an exploding metal whip. He defeats death just by running and hitting and stabbing him a lot. He punches Dracula three times in the face to no avail. He’s a fighter, he thrives on the battlefield. I think he’d be happy to fight for all eternity.
SYPHA BELNADES is Badger Bird. She cares about helping people and that’s pretty much it. I’m really bad at explaining straight up Badger primaries, but I think we see it most on display in season 4 when she is trying her hardest to help out this community of people, and she’s the only one who’s kind of sane here (Trevor also showcases his Lion in this arc by just waltzing in to the throne room saying the king and queen have slept enough).
As for her secondary, she’s a bird. It’s also very obvious. She is party of a community that spreads knowledge through oral tradition and she goes feral when she sees the Belmont Library. She’s also very logical with her solutions often times. It’s a shame that she often doesn’t have a lot of time to plan her attacks and has to slide into a Lion model for fighting, but it totally works and it’s very sexy. I like to think she picked it up from Trevor (seeing as in this show eventually everyone ends up as Trevor Belmont).
I think ADRIAN “ALUCARD” TEPES is a Badger Snake-and yes it is significant that all three of the main trio is a Badger primary, and even more so significant that I think Adrian is a Burnt Badger just like Trevor (they also burnt in similar ways). Adrian likes having a community to help and play around with, but we don’t see a lot of it until season four.
My guess is Adrian burns after Lisa dies for obvious reasons, but unlike Trevor who just hates everything, Adrian lets his secondary kinda carry him along with the vestiges of that Badger primary. “I have to do this because my mom wouldn’t want it to happen and I can’t stop because if I do I might collapse from the weight of all the trauma I’m going through.” He takes one year to recover from his wounds and from there he just doesn’t really stop until the mission is over. He’s the restless one who just wants to go, especially because he’s dealing with a lot. His mom is dead, his dad wants to kill all of humanity, it’s a whole mess. Also note, Alucard is the one really pushing that they have to kill Dracula. Like they’re all okay with killing Dracula but Alucard seems to be the one who is really dehumanizing him as “already dead” because that’s easier to deal with then, “I have to kill my father the man who raised me.”
Except then he DOES kill his father, and then almost immediately after Trevor and Sypha leave to keep fighting the remnants of Dracula’s army and Alucard is left alone to tend to the castle-which he HATES. Alucard has pretty much just been going forward with Snake secondary except now there is nothing to do but work and he hates that because it is slow, and now without shit to do he’s left alone with his trauma which he ignores. Basically, he’s going stir crazy and is incredibly lonely now that Trevor and Sypha left him. He makes the dolls to try and cope, it does not work. Then the shitshow with Taka and Sumi happens and he has some life in him once more. People to talk to?? People to save?? Stuff to do?? Sign him up!!
Except then they try to kill him and also um...other thing him. So he has to kill them and he kinda just hates himself for like the next month. He says he’s becoming Belmont because now that burnt Badger primary he’s been trying to hide under the floorboards this whole time is showing up again in full, it doesn’t help that he feels like a monster because Taka and Sumi called him one when they tried to kill him and then he killed them which pretty much affirmed that.
(Both Trevor and Alucard have issues with seeing themselves as monsters and have similar backstories for how they burnt, which is why they argue so much. They’re so similar and yet SO different.)
And when he gets the message about the village in trouble he goes and helps them, even though he complains about it the whole time, because he’s still a Badger primary. And this is actually the best thing for him because nothing heals a burnt Badger like getting an entire village on your lawn and a woman who won’t have any of your shit.
I’ve been talking about him being a Badger Snake, but I didn’t go a lot into his secondary, so here we go. He’s definitely improvisational, although he does have some Bird tendencies he likely picked up from his mother and father. But I think he’s a Snake secondary mainly because of how he attacks. He can transform to have wings, be a wolf, and I think at one point he turned into a flock of bats? He teleports around, he uses a magic sword that can fight for him while he’s preoccupied, it’s all very evasive, transformative stuff. Plus, he loves to play, he acts for the Sypha and Trevor dolls and he plays with those kids at the end. It could be a Lion secondary, but he’s too different to housematch Trevor Belmont.
You may note this means the entire main trio is made up of Badger primaries. I really like this! They’re all brought together by both fate and a fundamental wish to help humanity, and they work so well in a fight because they’ve got three out of four of the primaries. Trevor tanks for the team, Sypha does her magic slightly off to the side and is a badass, and Alucard often lurks and then attacks, while also playing support for his squishier teammates.
Is there a more archetypal Snake Bird Mastermind than VLAD “What have you done to my wife” DRACULA “I used to relish the little details” TEPES? The man who declared war on the entire human race over the death of his wife and was petty enough to create an entire plan to destroy all of humanity so he could commit suicide?? There is one things that can snap Dracula out of his warpath and that is having to kill his son. To Dracula, the fact that he ever considered killing his son tears him apart and that’s when he’s finally ready to stop and just die so he can be with Lisa.
His secondary is a Bird, and it’s fairly straightforward. He’s old, he has knowledge from everywhere, he traveled the world, he has all these contacts, but there’s something interesting. In season 2, Dracula’s secondary-is burnt. Killing the world is so grand scale that he can’t really focus on it, and he’s just so tired of everything that he’s burnt and leaves most of the stuff to his lieutenants, with some rare occurrences of pure Dracula.
LISA TEPES is a perfect Badger Bird. She cares about people and wants to help them. It’s pretty simple. She wants to be a doctor and even as she is being burned on a pyre she yells at Dracula not to take vengeance on them.
As for her secondary, she wants to learn. She likes books and she’s a very logical person. When she goes to Dracula she says “I’ve exhausted all my other resources,” which means she had other plans and studies and what not. I love her, she’s a queen.
(You may note Sypha house matches Lisa)
CARMILLA said “You don’t deserve my blood.” Carmilla said, “I’m nothing but ambition, I’m a queen.” Carmilla said, “This is world is mine, because the likes of you never knew what to do with it.” Carmilla said, “None of you are big enough to kill me.” Carmilla said, “And when you die and go to hell I’ll be waiting for you, with a sharp bloody stick and the determination to see if you can die twice.” Carmilla said, “I am Carmilla of Styria and fuck you! I win.”
DOUBLE LION! IF IT WEREN’T OBVIOUS! And like of course I’ll go more into it.
Carmilla is an exploded Lion primary. She wants to take things from evil old men and kill all the evil old vampires because they’re stupid and old. She wants to gaslight gatekeep girlboss until she can’t anymore. When Lenore is asking about her ambitions Carmilla is like, we are going to take over the whole world because I want it and I want to kill a bunch of stupid old men. And Lenore (Double badger she is) is pretty freaked about this of course and is like, “Okay...and will you be happy after that?” And Carmilla is genuinely kinda thrown by that question and is like “I don’t think I care if I’ll be happy, but having the world, having everything, will be enough.” She says it so emptily, that’s an exploded Lion primary all right. BTW none of what was said in this paragraph was a direct quote. The other paragraph was though because I have that whole episode memorized by this point.
As for her secondary, she models Snake because it can get things done. She plays the manipulator but when it gets down to it she kicks a man down the stairs to get him to listen to her. She kills so many night creatures that it fills the entire room with blood to the point that it flows down the stairs and then she keeps fighting more. Dracula fought to but his was always more calculated with him using tricks he had up his sleeve, hers is just mindless bloodshed and I love her for it. She doesn’t say she’ll be on the throne of hell she says she’ll be chasing Issac around with a bloody stick, which again is her single mindedness like girl come on you aren’t even gonna try for hell?? Take the ultimate throne from the ultimate stupid evil old man?? Anyway yeah, that’s why she’s so fucking terrifying. Double Lion with an exploded primary modeling a Snake secondary.
Of all the character endings ISSAC’S was by a long shot my favorite. He also had the one good arc of season 3. My boy traveled the world and learned to live and hope for the future and love humanity. Oh lord. He’s a bird primary, so first of all he is religious, but second of all his journey is one about LEARNING. He meets people and takes in what they say and the kindness they give to him and learns. Even when he hates humanity he explains it in such an eloquent, level way, he’s thought it out, taken in what happened to him and come to his own conclusion. But later, he comes to the conclusion that he wants to HELP people. He describes it in season 3 as being the hand of god that picks damned souls up from hell so that they can live their penance on Earth. And then in season 4 he says that he stopped being the knife and became the hand when he killed the wizard, because he served justice.
And that leads me to his secondary. Issac HELPS people, TEACHES people. His first scene in season four is giving one of his night creatures berries so that he may have memories again. He creates armies, and when he describes his dream to Hector he describes it as creating a place to make FUTURES. He is, quite possibly, the greatest example of a Bird Badger I have ever scene. Certainly my favorite.
And, incidentally, he’s the closest thing we’ve ever gotten to a villain Bird Badger. Now while he ends off the series as a hero he starts as a villain/villain-adjacent. His goal was to kill all of humanity after all. It makes sense that Bird Badger would go on a journey around the world meeting people and learning not to hate humanity and come out a good guy. Prior to his journey, I think his Badger secondary was burnt. In season 2 we see a Issac who doesn’t really care how he does things, and in that respect he and Dracula REALLY get along. And we also see Issac kind of latching on to Dracula as the man who represents his system. At the time he’s in full humanity hatemode and sees Dracula, who wants to kill all of humanity, as the symbol of his system and that’s why he likes him so much in that detached way (Dracula just wants a friend).
(Idealists do this all the time where they see someone fundamentally right/good and make that their entire personality. Ron does it with Harry because he’s the standard, Bakugou does it with All Might because All Might represents all Badassery, and Deku does it with All Might because All Might represents all things good. I know those are all lions but I’m sure there are examples of Birds. Like Harley Quinn)
It’s also fitting that the two sole idealists in this series from opposite ends of the spectrum, duked it out.
HECTOR is a Snake primary. His ideal ending is being left alone with someone he likes, and writing a book. I don’t really want to go into him a lot because his scenes often upset me. Tl;dr, Hector really likes his people, and will do anything for them even if it may be the bad thing. He’s a planner by nature and had an insanely well crafted escape plan that he never got to use.
LENORE is a double Badger. She cares about people, she makes peace, and she’s the most softhearted of the sisters. That is it I am FINALLY done with this post.
Trevor Belmont - Burnt “Defeated” Badger primary that unburns/Lion secondary
Sypha Belnades - Badger primary/Bird secondary, Lion model for fighting that she picked up from Trevor
Adrian “Alucard” Tepes - Burnt Badger primary that unburns/Neutral-ish Snake Secondary
Dracula - Snake primary/Bird secondary, secondary burns after season 1 (because he must already be dead)
Lisa Tepes - Badger primary/Bird secondary
Carmila - Exploded Lion primary/Lion secondary, Snake model
Issac - Bird primary/Badger secondary, formerly burnt
Hector - Snake primary/Bird secondary
Lenore - Badger primary/Courtier Badger secondary
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