#this show is the manifestation of 'when your card declines at therapy'
andi-o-geyser · 4 months
not to interrupt my lotr queue but wtaf is going on with jjk. i feel like ive been given cursed knowledge. my friend convinced me to binge the whole thing and i finished 3 days ago. and now this. what the fuck.
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yourmoonmomma · 1 year
hi maple , can you please help me with answering these questions <3
1.will my family overcome our financial problems soon and when? how can i manifest it?
it’s really a hard time for us it’s sad seeing your parents cry or trying to hold it in and working 2-3 jobs just to make it through but all the money goes in debt paying there’s nothing much saved for us to “enjoy” still my parents do so much and use credit cards and stuff to buy things for me and my sibling to fulfill our wish it’s really sad I want to work and help them too but I am not of the legal age to work but still I am trying to find ways on how to help them , my birthday is in a few days i thought of buying many things inspired by my current fav/comfort show’s lead actress they truly give me so much comfort but my studies are declining a lot i am barely passing it saddens me how I am failing my parents when they practically work 24/7 trying to keep up with 2-3 jobs. So I told my mum at first she thought we will be able to get them but suddenly my father had to pay a lot of debts and all their salary went into that but still my mother got me a dress , shoes and inners for my birthday. I was not happy about wearing that dress on my birthday because I had planned on wearing it on a different occasion but now as i am typing this I think I will just wear that I should appreciate that I should appreciate how much they are giving me.
2.do you think I will get love as in someone a good person liking me and friendship within the next 6 months , i want to date just one person and then marry , one person for lifetime i hope i can do that so I am being careful.
3.how can I be very much better in my studies and be the top of my class?
4.how can I manifest for my family’s and my health to be better and healthy?
Thank you so much and also I am sorry i got carried away a lot and quite literally vented but thank you once again 🙏 i feel better after letting this all out I really have no one to share these issues with in that depth and I am trying to be secretive to not let my plan or goals get evil eye - eg
Thank you once again I feel very much better 💖
Hello! I can certainly do my best <3
The Emperor reversed - Libra season.
Family - Simply by spending more time with your family. Talk to them. Dream up goals together.
This makes me very sad for you :( Especially with your comment about being too young to work yet. I know that doesn't really tell me how old you are, as the legal age to work, I imagine, varies from country to country, but I feel like it is still an indication that you are quite young, and you, as a child, should not have to worry or fret about your parents finances. And in so, so many cases, the child does have to worry, and feels a sense of responsibility to help. And that makes me sad :( I hope, as you grow older, you're able to seek therapy for this <3
Nourish Your Temple - Make sure you are taking care of yourself, and eating properly/enough. It is hard to focus in school or studies when you are not meeting all of your needs, or are hungry.
Dream Journal - Through journaling your manifestations, or lucid dreaming.
You are very welcome, and I hope things begin to improve for you and your family!! Do not ever feel like you have to apologize for ranting or venting or getting something off your chest, I'm happy to be a safe place for you to talk <3 I am glad you were able to get this off your chest!
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