#this sounds sonnice
faceless-dude · 5 months
That's not even a transpamtion, that's a clear spam XD
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There are nothing special about this page to re-translate but since i personally like consonant words a loooooooooooot, i'm overreacting here.
That is that "dream" is pronounced like "son" (сон). So yeah, Sonic's Son (Сон Соника) sounds fun to me XD
Btw similar to Sonic is "sonnic" which means a book of dream interpretations 😛
And "Sonya" is a sleepyhead 🥺
(help im dumb)
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"For your health" is a sort of saying like "you're welcome" or "take as much as you want".
More than that, i marked with "*" a curious choose of words by translator. That's not regular form of "eat" but a gentle one. Like, when mother feeds her kid and says "eat your veggies, sweetie" 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I just can't help myself, that's so... adorable? Pitiful? I can't decide XD
As if poor guy is starving for any smallest kindness 💀
Ah, and small mistake. Flash here is "much more nimbler" than him 🤓
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Knowing their obsession with Saitama, i'm genuinely surprised that translator didn't use a saying for "idling around" here: "to force a bald one" .
(i just pretend that the second meaning for this one doesn't exist 💀)
More than that, i can't recall using any "bald" expressions in the whole manga when they suit Saitama perfectly, help 🥲
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c4ndl3-w1ck · 2 years
oog. Hiveswap/hauntswitch time.
This is just basically thoughts and stuff whoopee
Dammek thoughts woo woo he lives in my head
Um okay so Dammek is y'know. Mlm and trans yea yep okaie um also. He is a tall mfer. Like he is 5'8. Hes pretty average like body type wise and then he stands up and people are like "haha whAT THE FUCK" and his antlers only make him look taller.
Also he has mutations like any good troll important to the story. His antlers are actual antlers that he sheds twice a sweep and they grow back. And his eyes are sensitive to light and that's why he wears shades. But when its pitch black and even the trolls with the best eyesight cant see he can see eveything.
Also hes a stupid bastard idiot (affectionate)
Like he'd be like "xeff are you recording okay good hey guys Dammek here ttoday I'm gonna be biking offff my rooff and across tthe sttreett tto xeff's hive witth tthis ramp I made" then he points to the shittiest most unstable 'ramp' ever. Then he rides off it and lands in the middle of the street and breaks his nose and knocks some teeth out. Like full on "hi I'm dammek and tthis xeffros welcome tto jackass" (causes severe damage to both of them)
When he gets to earth for a while he and jude are trying to kill eachother and then when they calm down and stop they still have the dynamic of like frenemies "DAMMEK WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING over" (starts breaking shit) "sir ffinishing tthis ffightt"
He plays a lot of video games like troll halo y'know authority director aka troll master chief and he also plays troll nintendo and sonnic the quillbeast and on his gamegrub (gameboy) and his 3ds and he plays on his wii as well and yeah. Hes a gamer.
My man spends his days watching troll vines
Alternia still has vines and tiktok is still music.ly
Okay but also he like. Is kinda hard on Xefros because he genuinely thinks he's helping him and wants to keep himb safe. Also it says on the wiki he likes Xefros' smile and. 🥺🥺🥺 my heart. Also he has repressed flushed feelings for Xefros that he never mentions ever on alternia but as soon as he gets to earth and stops trying to kill jude hes like "ohhhh I miss my boyfriend uggghhhh" and never bothers to explain quadrants so jude just thinks hes dating Xef and Dammek never cares to correct him on that he doesn't find it important to be like "aha. Acttually we are justt moirails aka bestties ahaha" because y'know. Repressed feelings.
Also hes a fucking loser he is nearing 7 sweeps so he is 14 or 15 and as someone who is 14 hes a fucking loser (affectionate)
Also coming back to the antler thing I feel like he would shed them on earth and jude would try to put his mom's makeup on Dammek to make him look human and Dammek is just running around screaming and jude has to physically wrestle him down and put the makeup on him. Hes squirming like a cat and hissing and shit like "gett ttff off me I'm gonna kill you jude you are going tto die" and jude is trying to remain calm as this older alien who could throw him if he wanted to is threatening him. He gets the makeup on and just kinda. Brings him around town.
Before he disguises him tho he parades him around town like "I FOUND AN ALIEN over" and nobody believes him. He takes Dammek in for show and tell and his teacher is like "jude please stop dressing up your sisters friends like aliens" and jude is like "my sister doesn't have any friends" and Dammek starts laughing but it sounds more like clicking and chittering and everyone is confused and hes like "idk wttff a sistter is butt nice ffuckin burn jude"
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