#this sounds terrible but i wish the academy boys would fight just a leedle bit more. for my situations.
moonshynecybin · 2 months
I was curious so I went to compare following of the riders on Insta and I left vale out cause he’s just gonna have a massive amount so I saw Pecco and Alex and they were mid 1 millions and I was like okay and most of them are mid 1 millions and then I went to Marc and he’s got like 7.1 million and I’m gonna be honest I didn’t now expect the number to be that high and I’m gonna see how much he gains once liberty media start to promote MotoGP but marc having that many really surprised me not that I didn’t think he was popular I just didn’t think MotoGP was that widely known at least to the people that would use Instagram. I did go and check just to see Vale had 16 million.
i will say pecco is a back to back champion and homie had. virtually no presence merch sales wise at cota. HUGE vale tent HUGE marc tent HUGE fabio tent. and then pecco was mixed in with the ducati merch like kind of only slightly edging out enea. BIG oof… like vale is obviously helping these guys manage their branding and sponsorship opportunities and all that and i’m sure it’s EXTREMELY helpful for a young racer to have the vr46 machine to like back them up in merchandising negotiations (he did it for marc !!!) but i DO wonder if it’s smothering the sports ability to have a new TRUE superstar as an individual and distinct entity….
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