#this started as a rant about how annoying the process is to watch infinity train
mischiefmanifold · 7 months
eternally pissed off that I can't watch infinity train on any streaming services because while the last two seasons are available to buy you can only buy like two episodes in the first season and maybe three in the second, which like. why
also I cannot find DVD sets that include all four seasons, just the first two (which I suppose solves the problem, but if I'm paying for a physical copy of a media I want all of that media)
it's the same for over the garden wall, while the show is available on hulu there were rumors that the show would be removed about a year ago so I decided to find a box set for it, and it doesn't fucking exist. you can either find the show on a streaming service or pirate it, I could not find a single box set
it is so eternally frustrating to be unable to find shows you want to watch without downloading new streaming services every three months or buying physical copies (that sometimes don't exist, especially for TV shows and ESPECIALLY for kids' TV shows). right now I can only watch the first 4 seasons of b99 on netflix because hulu removed it, and I could buy the box set but I don't have a dvd player (yet, I'm saving)
just. the inconsistency of streaming services is horrendous
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
Sand Grains
Fandom: Avengers Pairing: Peter Parker x Male!Stark!Reader Summary: How much love is there? Well, it depends on how many sand grains there is in the world Word Count: 4,025 (Oof this is a long one guys) A/n: Okay, this bitch has been reading all the Field Trip trope in AO3 and lemme me tell you something, I love them, especially all the Avengers showing up at random times of the day like yes - so this is inspired this insert. CIVIL WAR/INFINITY WAR/ENDGAME NOT COMPLIANT (we’re all family here)
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Peter has a great life.
He has a loving aunt, a weird second family, the two best friends ever, and a devoted boyfriend. He could not ask for a better life. He adored you, you were the most handsome person he’s ever laid eyes on and the smartest person. Well, at least for your age of nineteen. Being a year younger than you means that he still had school, bummer for him, but it was very easy to conceal the relationship between you and him.
It wasn’t because you weren’t ready to come out as a couple, you weren’t mentally prepared of the teasing the team had come up with. But, your moments were much more intimate. Especially that time when he first said those three special words.
“I love you,” He had said, as you turned around in his room with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh, is that so?” There was a playful tease to your voice, “How much?”
“Every sand grain in the world,” He replied as you look taken aback, your eyes flickering above his head to process what he had admitted before you turned your attention back to him.
“Wow, that’s a lot,” You breathes out as you leaned closer to him, inches apart, “Then I love you, just a grain more.”
You mostly hang out his apartment in Queens, with his aunt taking the night shift, you’re at his for movie nights or just nights where you don’t have to conceal your relationship. Peter comes over to the Stark Tower, which was sold for a bit before your dad rebought it to spite Ross before he got detained, to do some interning.
Wednesdays are strictly interning, Fridays are Avenger bonding and the weekends are a mixture of both. Peter had his own room in the Stark Tower when he sleeps over for the weekend, starting on Friday and leaving on Sunday night. Which means he gets to see your face quite frequently.
He adores watching you tinkering in your part of the lab, advancing the tech for the Avengers. He also watches you get trained to take over the Stark Industries as Pepper and Tony had been coaxing you in your training. On top of that, you get training with the Avengers.
But, it was Wednesday and after dinner, he’ll be going home soon.
“Pete,” You hummed, knocking on the glass window next to the glass door, “Dinner.”
He looks up from his update on the Spider-man suit, “Coming, what is it?”
“Steve made Mac and Cheese whilst Natasha made Pot-roast Bombay chicken,” You explained as Peter and you make your way to the dinner table, “They were having a competition who is the better cook, try and not get in the firing line.”
“I’ll try not to.”
Peter loves hanging around with his second family, they were loud and fun. So, his happy mood was dampened quickly the next day.
“Alright guys,” Mr Harrington vocalised at Decathlon team meeting, “I’ve managed to snag us a field trip to the one and only, Stark Towers.”
“You- what?” Peter mutters under his breath.
“He said-” MJ started as Peter gave her a look, “You need a better hearing.”
She was teasing, she knew full well of his superhero status. Permission slips were being handed out and Peter bolted out of school to avoid Flash from taunting him anymore. He got home in record time as May was there to greet him.
“How’s school, kid?”
“Not bad, got a thing for you to sign,” Peter waved the sheet that needed signing, though by his look on his face May could tell he wasn’t happy, “A trip to the Stark Tower.”
“Oh honey, is that why you looked all glum?” May asked, grabbing the sheet and scanning it before promptly signing it off, “Why don’t you ask (Y/n) to come over, that always cheer you up.”
“Oh, don’t act stupid now, Pete,” May laughs as he tilts his head in disbelief, “I know a smitten boy when I see one and it certainly wasn’t MJ that caught your attention this time.”
Sure, he had a slight crush on MJ for a bit but in his current situation, he loved you with all of his heart, if not more. Though his shoulders relax that his aunt had known, she wasn’t mad nor disappointed. 
“Well, call him, I’m sure he’ll make up an excuse to come see you - I always wonder how that boy gets a lot of freedom.”
“(Y/n) has good lies,” Peter replies, “I once witnessed him lie to the team about being at conference meeting out of the country but had decided to take a holiday to India because he was getting sick and tired of the team.”
May shake her head as Peter calls you up, without a doubt you had come up with an excuse and had got at his apartment within half an hour. Hugging him tightly as you greeted May with a hug.
“You two have fun in the living room, no funny business going on our I will call your dad (Y/n).”
You put your hand up in defence, “I promise May, there is nothing funny than a good comedy film.”
May nodded in approval, as she shoos you off the living room, you smile at Peter, who looked down. 
“I’m guessing this is about the trip, huh?” You asked, slinging your arm over your boyfriend.
“You know?”
“Yeah, everyone knows and I mean they know,” You emphasised, “Listen, it’s next Friday, there’s nothing to sweat, you know other than the impending embarrassment...”
Peter groaned, “This is the worst, it’s just my luck, Parker luck!”
“Hey, at least you get to prove that kid wrong, no?” You bumped shoulders with him, “I love you.”
“Oh, yeah how much because it’s hard to believe.”
You chuckle as you tenderly kissed his cheek, “With all the sand grains in the world.”
Peter looks up at you as he relaxes under you, letting out a wistful sigh, “I love you too, just a sand grain more.”
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The days that were leading up to the trip had been eventful, with the team teasing and coming up with plans in front of Peter on how to embarrass him for the whole weekend. They even had started to tease Peter on a crush on MJ, and whilst Peter continues to redden it had contributed to the teasing.
Whilst you came off a little bit annoyed, which has caused the team to ask about why you had suddenly dislike MJ. So, over the weekend, you were actively ignoring or leave the room once they started to mention MJ.
“Come on, Petey,” You drawled out, ruffling his hair on Wednesday’s dinner, it was in two days that he will be back to face his death, “It’s not gonna be that bad.”
“Isn’t it Steve’s job to be optimistic about stuff like this?”
“Hey, the old man has been bouncing walls to embarrass you, give it to him,” You sat down at the dinner table next to Sam as Peter rolls his eyes whilst Steve calls out a ‘hey’ at being called old, “You’re staying after the trip, yeah? Don’t forget to have May have a note to leave you here.”
He had dreaded the day to come, sitting by Ned and the window with MJ behind, he was hoping that he could vanish out of thin air. 
“Hey, Penis Parker,” Flash’s voice echoed.
“Flash, that behaviour is not acceptable,” Mr Harrington had warned, though it wasn’t going to stop the teenager from his bullying.
“You’re ready to be exposed for all your lies?” The boy had asked.
Whilst the rest of the team had rolled their eyes - whilst they hadn’t believed Peter and his internship they weren’t going to harass him every minute of the day. The only people who believed him was Ned and MJ, even Mr Harrington was sceptical of the whole thing and warned Peter not to say anything about this fake internship around Stark Industries to embarrass Midtown High.
So, when they had stepped off the bus, he wasn’t surprised to get pushed past by Flash, who got off the bus before Peter but held back just to dig at Peter. Ned had patted Peter on the shoulder with a reassuring smile as MJ started to scowl at Flash as she was captain of the team she took her role very seriously.
“Hi Midtown!” A preppy girl greeted the small group, her name was Emily, Peter had worked with her on some of her intern projects, “I’m Emily and I’m an intern at Stark Industries, I will be your tour guide of the day.”
Peter sighs, straightening his back as he listens to Emily rant about how they will be not allowed to take any pictures unless said otherwise. 
“You will all be given a visitor pass, these passes allow clearance to certain aspects of the tower. Level one and two have the lowest clearance, level ones are usually tourist, visitors on tours such as you guys. Level two are guest who frequently visits so they could be friends and family of people who work here.”
“What level are you?” Cindy asked as Emily smiles softly.
“I’m level four, there are ten levels in total. Level three and four are usually interns or on the business side of the Industries such as sales. Usually starting interns or starting employees of the business management start at three before ranking up to four. Levels five to seven are the scientist in research and development or better known as R&D, like level three and four, they can be ranked up depending on how well they work.”
“What levels are the Avengers?” Abe asked.
“I was about to get to that!” Emily chirped, “Level eight are Lab directors, they oversee the whole lab they work in, check on interns work and all. Avengers are level nine and level ten are only to the Starks, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, James Rhodes and anyone who have a connection to them that needs a full grant to areas of the tower.”
Flash was about to ask an important question before she had started to hand out passes before smiling at Peter. Flash was about to exclaim why Peter hadn’t been given a Level 1 pass that was a plain white card held in a black lanyard.
“We will be passing a metal detector, it’s for FRIDAY - Starks’ AI, to make sure you are safe to enter the building.” She had explained, swiping her pass like so and passing through the metal detection.
“Emily Robinson, Level 4: Intern,  all clear.” The AI voice had startled the team before Emily had beckoned the group to pass.
The group was passing through until they had noticed that Peter was pushed back with MJ and Ned coming through with white passes but with a blue, a white and red lanyard around their neck.
“Ned Leeds, Level 2: Frequent Visitor, all clear,” Friday sounded slightly warmer, “Welcome back Ned!”
MJ was quick to scan her pass and walk through, “Michelle Jones, Level 2: Frequent Visitor, all clear,” whilst the Decathlon team looked shocked MJ just rolls her eyes, “Welcome back MJ!”
Peter sighs and scans his pass, which was a light blue with the lanyard designed with red and blue with intricate details of spider webs, “Peter Parker, Level 10: Personal Intern, all clear.”
Peter had sighed out in relief when Friday hadn’t called out he was an Avenger, but then again, he was never called out as an Avenger if he as entering from the entrance like a normal person.
“Welcome back, Peter, the Starks have been informed of the arrival.” Friday had warmed her voice, Peter almost senses a smile in the tone despite being only an AI.
“WHAT!” Flash had exploded, that was one for MJ’s sketchbook.
“Miniboss has sent down a message, Peter, would you like to hear it?”
Peter chuckles at your nickname, you were either referred as Mini boss by FRIDAY or Mini Stark by the rest of the team, you don’t seem to mind it despite being grumpy about the nickname. Peter was sure you were secretly fond of the nickname.
“No, he can wait.”
He knew you couldn’t wait, it’s a Stark trait that you and your dad cannot wait. But, he was going to do it anyway, because admittedly he was a little shit. This was only the start of the tour and he was ready to end himself.
“Okay, but he said sand grains but I don’t understand.”
“I understand perfectly, thanks, Friday.”
He smiles to himself, at least you were trying to cheer him up.
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He wishes the day couldn’t get any worst but it had. He had run in with each Avengers so far. Steve and Bucky coming down at the museum of the Avengers History to say hi to Peter, who turned red when they heard a girl gasp only to find it was only Ned.
Sam came down a few minutes later after Steve and Bucky tried to answer questions only to rile the Decathlon team to ask more questions. They all leave grinning and ruffling his hair.
“I’m showing Tony the PSA videos,” Peter muttered, unhappy as the three men just continue to grin.
“Bold enough of you to think I haven’t shown him already.”
Peter glanced at Sam with a raised eyebrow, “Hey, don’t look at me, blame Mini Stark on making these two old men catch up with the memes.”
Trust you to make Steve and Bucky too aware of the teenage world.
“See you later, squirt,” Steve beams, “I’m making tacos tonight.” 
Then, after the Decathlon team had gotten over Peter’s interaction with three Avengers,  they still haven’t gotten over Peter bantering with the Avengers. As Flash was about to hurl more abuse to Peter about his fake internship, despite many people telling already it was true, he refused to believe it. 
“Hey, Penis-” The elevator door slide open earlier than usual, they were not at their stop.
“Oh, hey,” Peter offers weakly, his voice breaking, “Hi Nat.”
“Hey ребенок паук,” She smiles, entering the elevator, turning to MJ, “Hey MJ.”
Natasha gives Peter a side glance as Peter rolls his eyes, knowing what she was trying to insinuate, no doubt that you would have heard this hint in your little lab. He can’t seem to shake off the rumours that he doesn’t like MJ in that way without becoming red.
“Good thing, (Y/n) isn’t here,” Natasha hums, “I don’t understand why he’s in a foul mood lately every time we mention MJ, didn’t know he dislikes the girl.”
 MJ raised an eyebrow at Peter, who looks at her with a sheepish smile, “He hears everything, Nat, you know that.”
“Still, that kid needs to sort himself out, he’s just as petty as his dad.”
“I heard that,” Your voice grumbled through the ceiling as Peter’s classmate jumped, “I’m not that petty.”
“You’re pretty petty,” Peter responds back, only to get a string of grumbling from your end.
Natasha chuckles, “Hey Stark, you better get a move on with fixing my bites or I’ll have Parker do it for me.”
The group had gaped at the Avenger, who affectionately bumps his shoulder and the elevator doors slide open.
“This is your stop, ребенок паук, enjoy the rest of your tour,” She teased as Peter’s ears flared hot.
For a split second, he had forgotten that he was on a school trip. The elevator door closed ominously as Peter noticed that they were on the R&D labs, well, one of the many labs.
“Does the rich boy not like me?” MJ asked, though on the outside she seemed like she couldn’t care less however on the inside, she was offended.
“No, he does, but the team thinks I have a crush on you and it’s getting to him so he avoids any conversations with you in it,” Peter explains as MJ nods.
It was his Parker luck that he would run into Bruce and Clint eventually. Clint had been poking at Bruce’s work before greeting Peter as hyper as he could. Bruce tiredly sighs before waving to Peter. The two Avengers leaving their interaction short.
“I can’t believe you, dickwad,” Flash hissed, obviously infuriated that Peter hadn’t been lying, “What money did you give to let you in? Did your aunt sucked dick-”
“I wouldn’t finish that Flash,” Peter growled dangerously low, a sudden protective instinct had washed over him, he will not take May slander.
“Or what, Penis?” Flash taunted.
Peter was about to punch him but Emily had called over that they were going to do a Q&A with Tony, himself as if Peter couldn’t want to bury himself in a hole even more.
Flash scoffs and shoves Peter into Ned, “Ignore him, Pete, he’s just being a dick.”
“He insulted May.”
“He insulted May?” Ned exclaims, “Changed my mind, punch him.”
“That’s not like you to say,” MJ interjected but shrugged, “But, I’m for it.”
The team had sat down in a conference room, it wasn’t just Tony speaking up but it was the rest of the team who had been notified about the bullying that was going on for the rest of the day. Even, Pepper managed to show up despite being very busy. 
“You’re telling me that Parker, puny little Parker actually does work for you?” Flash exclaims as Peter stands up with Flash.
Just as Tony was about to snap at the kid Peter had interrupted, “You know, Flash, you’re gonna wish that it was them that was scowling at you and not him.”
“Me,” You dryly commented at the doorway, eyes were drawn up to you, noticing a terrifying glint in your eyes, “Eugene Thompson, right?”
“You know me?”
“Oh yeah, kid,” You commented, despiting being a year older than him and taking strides to be uncomfortably close to him, Peter winces, “You’re the kid that’s bullying my boyfriend, my boyfriend who was supposed to tell me or May or anyone on the Avengers that if his bullying got worst.”
“Yeah, about that...”
“Not now, Pete.”
“See, we could all endure a 45 minutes presentation that I’ve made on why Peter Parker is fucking-”
“Language-” Tony scowls as the team smirks at the inside joke, but it had dropped that you weren’t dropping 
“Wonderful, smart and amongst everything else that you could never be. I love that kid with all my heart, I love him with every grain of sand in the world. I’ll be damned if anything bad happens to him. So, what do you value more? Your fingers or your toes?”
There was a splutter of fear as the Avengers almost had an uproar when you had threatened the kid, the Decathlon team too afraid to challenge a Stark as Peter stood awkwardly watching his boyfriend confront his bully.
“Or, we could do it the easy way where you get on your knees, beg for forgiveness, though Peter will not be taking it, and admit that Peter Parker is always going to be ten times the man you’ll never be.”
Flash looks at Peter as you pressed a heavy finger on Flash’s chest to make him look at you.
“You will never have an opportunity at Stark Industries, and don’t get me angry or I will ruin your chances for any Ivy Leagues or MIT or Caltech.”
“You can’t do that!” Flash gasped, whining like a little kid.
“Why not? Going to run to daddy to sue us? Don’t worry, our lawyers are already suing you for assaulting a valuable member of Stark Industries, right babe?”
Peter reddens as eyes look over to him, “He might have bruised a few ribs when kicked me off the ropes in gym class.”
“Peter!” Tony and Pepper stressed out, as Avengers was even taken back with this revelation.
“Is there any other injuries your sustain to him?” Steve asked, concerned.
“I’ll tell you later,” Peter murmured, leaving the Avengers uneasy.
“And you-” You looked over your shoulder, turning away to look at the teacher, “See whilst you were lecturing Peter to not tarnish Midtown’s reputation, you and Flash have done an incredible job at doing so... What teacher ignores bullying?”
“I can answer that!” MJ calls out, looking smug as she was gathering source for her sketchbook, “Flash’s parents contribute a lot to the school, telling him off would put that on the line.”
“You could have focused on students’ mentality, students in general, but no you rather feed to a kid’s ego and in a way, contribute to the bullying, and man,” you looked in distaste, “You’re a bit old to be called in the principal office at your age.”
“You’d be lucky if you still have a job,” You shrugged, looking smug, “Made a few calls and turns out bullying is not tolerated in the school, which has been messaged through on Steve’s PSA.”
“I think that’s enough, babe,” Peter pleaded you looked at him, your shoulders deflating, you had been surprised that no one had stopped you from ranting.
“Alright,” You hummed softly, your eyes softening at Peter who smiles at you, “Only after this.”
You had a good right hook on Flash’s jaw, the Avengers quickly jumping off stage to the scene but you had backed off to go around the table to meet Peter. 
“You just right hooked him.” Peter spoke astonished as you grinned at him, “You’re lucky I love you, but that was embarrassing.”
“Oh? Well, the kid needed his ego knock down a notch,” You snaked your arms around him and pulled him close.
He buried his face in your neck as you chuckled, watching Emily frantically moving the Decathalon kids out and back to the entrance. You knew that you’re going to get a lecture from one of the guys in the room.
“Look after him Stark! He’s had a bad day,” MJ calls before being the last one to exit.
“No problem MJ!” You grinned as Peter groans, “Come on, Petey I can’t be that bad!”
“You just sucker punch a kid-” Bucky exclaims but there was evident amusement in his tone.
“He’s a year younger than me, it’s fine Buck.”
“I admit that was a good hit,” Natasha complimented, “Little bastard deserves it.”
“It’s fine, there’s no video evidence of anything and Peter’s classmates all signed a form about things being slipped out, I might have slipped in some extra stuff.”
“You planned this!” Peter exclaims, burying his face out of your neck as he looks at you.
“Well, not exactly, I wasn’t expecting to punch him but he said some stuff about May but the whole rant thing was planned,” You explained, “Am I the greatest boyfriend or am I the greatest boyfriend.”
“He really is your kid, Stark,” Sam commented, “He’s all cocky now.”
Peter shakes his head, “I love you with every sand grain in the world.”
You chuckled, kissing his temple, “And I love you, just a sand grain more.”
“Okay, was anybody going to tell me that Peter and (Y/n) were dating or was I just supposed to witness the cutest shit ever myself?” Steve asked out loud, quoting that one meme Peter had heard from.
“Language, Steve,” Bucky teased.
You and Peter looked at each other before looking at the superfamily.
“You got to stop teaching the old men memes, (Y/n),” Peter chuckles, you shrugged, holding his hand.
“Can’t help it,” You looked at your dad and offered him a sheepish smile as he looked annoyed, “I can explain?”
“You have a lot to explain young man.” Tony doesn’t use his father voice a lot, but the Avengers cringed because they knew Tony meant business, “I want a full rundown of your relationship with Peter, start to now, not missing details okay? Yay, girl time!”
This was going to be a long weekend, but Peter spares you a glance again and relaxes into your side. But, at least he has you and his large love for you.
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