#this started with me being pissed he was interviewed than it sprialed
hockeylovee12 · 3 months
WHO decided it was a good idea to make Jack and Luke speak to the media tonight? Like who? Like especially Luke he had a shitty game we know that, why did you make him do an interview, he’s not a captain he’s not an alternate, he’s not a star player (not yet) he’s a fucking rookie, how many rookies have a shitty ass game and have to speak to the media. And y’all go off screaming he’s a bust, he would be in the AHL if it wasn’t for his last name, for the love of god stop. Unless you’re going to start comparing him to Jack and Quinn their rookies years I don’t wanna fucking hear, ya he’s not on an 50 goal pace, he’s never played an NHL game in March, he hasn’t been in the league for a fucking year. He’s not Jack he’s not Quinn and he hasn’t been in the league for last 5 years. The mistakes he makes ya they suck, ya they costs us goals, but does that mean he’s gonna go out there and do it in every game? NO so stop fucking bashing him for every fucking thing, when half of y’all tweeting can’t even fucking skate
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