#defense is the hardest position
hockeylovee12 · 4 months
WHO decided it was a good idea to make Jack and Luke speak to the media tonight? Like who? Like especially Luke he had a shitty game we know that, why did you make him do an interview, he’s not a captain he’s not an alternate, he’s not a star player (not yet) he’s a fucking rookie, how many rookies have a shitty ass game and have to speak to the media. And y’all go off screaming he’s a bust, he would be in the AHL if it wasn’t for his last name, for the love of god stop. Unless you’re going to start comparing him to Jack and Quinn their rookies years I don’t wanna fucking hear, ya he’s not on an 50 goal pace, he’s never played an NHL game in March, he hasn’t been in the league for a fucking year. He’s not Jack he’s not Quinn and he hasn’t been in the league for last 5 years. The mistakes he makes ya they suck, ya they costs us goals, but does that mean he’s gonna go out there and do it in every game? NO so stop fucking bashing him for every fucking thing, when half of y’all tweeting can’t even fucking skate
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wizardnuke · 8 months
getting bitched at for leaving a bit early by mr "if anyone should leave early it's me" and i have to say. one, we had to convince his ass to leave when he had a fucking family emergency, he would not leave if asked he would tell me to go, and two, i have been so quiet and brave about my nausea levels today and i want to lay down
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dughole · 4 months
radiohead’s complicity in israeli-occupied palestine
my feelings on radiohead are complicated these days, as i’m sure they are for many. i'm using this post as a method of sorting out my own thoughts & to provide sources.
for me, the bottom line is this: radiohead is both a brand & a musical group. the brand of radiohead has always had deep roots in the israeli colonial project - they have played many, many shows there throughout their career. their breakout single - creep, was intially only a hit in israel (x, x) & the personal choices of some of radiohead's members remain just as involved. jonny greenwood met his future wife - the israeli artist, antivaxxer & vehement zionist (x) sharona katan - at a show radiohead played in israel in 1993 (x). jonny consistently collaborated with zionist musician shye ben tzur & his projects continue to tour in tel aviv as recently as last september. as for jonny himself - his only statement in regards to the war on gaza has been in mourning for the israeli concert goers on october 10th - w no such empathy spared to the 100,000 palestinians dead, injured, or missing. as for thom, while he’s thrown a few bitchfits (x) through the years abt criticism of radiohead’s shows in israel, he has imo - only paid lipservice to the criticism, saying “playing in a country isn’t the same as endorsing its government” going against the pleas of his peers & coworkers in the music industry. as well as the pro-palestine activism undertaken by his long term friend micheal stipe (x & x). (note: stipe stood by radiohead’s performance in israel in 2017, but his current political choices suggest his understanding of the situation has evolved). even his own son - noah yorke, a fellow working musician, has voiced his opposition to the genocide in gaza via instagram stories. as for the other members, rhythm guitarist ed o'brien has called for a ceasefire, as well as making a few tweets about "solidarity with palestinians & israeli peacemakers". while bassist colin greenwood reportedly refused to accept letters of dialogue from the fan-run organization radiohead fans for palestine. drummer phillip selway's commentary is similarly brief but defensive, saying radiohead's 2017 tel aviv concert "felt right"
to me, this paints a picture of a band who's members stances on israel range from abhorrent to simply not enough. & as a brand, their particular combination of action & inaction amounts to a fundamentally zionist perspective. you cannot separate radiohead as artists from radiohead as a brand name.
i've loved radiohead since i was 14. i was brought into it by another longtime fan. i cried & danced when i saw them live back in 2017 - it was, & remains, a moment that allowed me to live through the hardest parts of my life. i felt for the longest time, that radiohead's music & political positions encouraged my empathy - my questioning of conservative political authority. & while all celebrities are failures in some sense - it is still heartbreaking to know how wrong i was.
i don't think it's possible to disconnect the decade of connection & love i have for their music - I won't ask that of myself or anyone else. & the idea of scrubbing one's taste of the "morally impure" is useless effort & an inappropriate simplification of both art & our conceptions of what makes someone "bad". but i can say with certainty - i will not be giving them any more of my money, whether that be streaming their music or buying their merch - & i encourage you to do the same. silence is complicity - this is beyond silence.
in the words of nina simone - "an artist's duty, as far as i'm concerned, is to reflect the times. how can you be an artist and not reflect the times? that to me is the definition of an artist."
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jwonsite · 7 months
“happy birthday, pretty boy” - sim jaeyun
part 2 of e(nnn)- (a nnn series)
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pairing: switch!jake x switch!fem!reader
warnings: oral (f&m receiving), making out, 69 position, lingerie mentioned, idk what else to put help me
synopsis: while your boyfriend is trying his hardest to win a bet made by his best friends to not have sex for a month, you couldn’t help but give him a little show on his birthday
"jake i'm telling you right now there's no way you're winning that ps5"
"you really have that little faith in me?!"
"have you met yourself? last week you begged me to let you eat me out because you were 'pussy deprived' while i was on my period. it had been 3 days."
your boyfriend sighed in defeat, knowing you were right. but was it really his fault? you were just so perfect, he could never get enough of you!
"well i'm going to prove you wrong, just watch. on december 1st when i'm collecting my ps5 from sunghoon i'll remind you of this very moment," jake said, crossing his arms as he dramatically turned away from you
you laughed to yourself, rolling your eyes at his dramatics. you knew your boyfriend, and you knew there was absolutely no way that he was lasting this entire month, especially with his birthday being a few weeks away. he can tell himself whatever he wants, but you both know in the end, he's not getting that ps5.
it had been two weeks and he was honestly doing way better than anybody expected. everyday the boys waited for a text message saying he lost, some even placing further bets on how many hours days he could last before he lost
"can you believe them?! i was on the phone with hoon earlier and i heard heeseung give jungwon money after saying i lasted longer than he thought! i can't believe theyre making bets on me, like, am i really that horny?" he complained to you as you were eating dinner together
"in their defense, you are a pretty big man whore. i mean, have you seen the videos of yourself from the concerts? licking your lips, showing your abs, grinding the air, they definitely aren't wrong for thinking that. plus i am 100 percent sure they have heard us have sex in the dorms multiple times", you said back to him. everybody knows that jake practically lives off of sex. not in a weird way, but you just energize him so much. with so much stress of being an idol, getting to come home and fuck his frustrations out, or eat you out for hours until you're overstimulated, it's an instant destresser
"well, yeah but, they could at least have a little more confidence in me", he said with a pout, continuing to eat the food you had made for him earlier
"okay you big baby", you said with a laugh, getting up to take your empty plate to the sink to wash
your boyfriend followed soon behind with his empty plate, slightly pushing you out of the way and taking the sponge out of your hand to wash the dishes for you. you smiled at him fondly as you moved to sit on the counter directly next to the sink. you sat and admired your boyfriend, looking so domestic as he washed the dishes in your apartment. you looked forward to the day that he could finally move in with you full-time, after the pressures of being an idol aren't so heavy
"you're staring, pretty girl", he said with a smirk, not moving his attention from the plates in front of him
"yeah cause you're just so handsome", you said not being able to hold back your smile
he giggled a bit at your statement before refocusing on the task in front of him
"so!" you said, clapping your hands together, "what are we doing tomorrow, birthday boy?"
"i didn't really have any plans in mind, probably hang with the boys for a bit, get dinner or whatever then come back and chill here with you. nothing too crazy", he said nonchalantly, turning of the sink and drying his hands as he finished washing everything
"are you serious? its your 21st birthday jakey, you have to do something!" you said, wrapping your arms around his neck as he stood between your legs. because you were sitting on the counter you were eye level with him. he put his hands on your thighs as he looked at you with a smile
"yeah yeah i know but... i dont know. not really in the going out mood, id rather just chill and spend it here with you", he said moving his face close to yours, noses rubbing together. you hummed as you closed the gap between you both, lips molding together as your hands played with the hair at the nape of his neck. he pulled away, rubbing your noses together once more before standing back to look at you
"you sure you don't wanna go out somewhere tomorrow? nothing at all you can think of?" you asked once more, intertwining your hands together
"nothing, i promise. we can go out to eat with the boys and then come back and have a movie night or something. just wanna be with you", he said with a smile. you flushed at his words. even after dating for so long he never failed to make you flustered
"okay, now come on pretty boy let's go to bed, i'm tired", you said, wrapping your arms and legs around your boyfriend to signal him to carry you to your bedroom. he laughed and shook his head before putting his hands under your thighs and picking you up, walking to your room
the next day was filled with multiple surprises for your boyfriend, waking him up to breakfast in bed, giving him a beautiful white gold bracelet you had found for him a few weeks ago, the boys showing up early to your house to give him the gifts they had bought him before all going out to dinner together that night.
you all had a great time, talking and laughing loudly for hours, probably annoying the rest of the patrons in the restaurant. your boyfriend thanked his friends, as well as you for making his birthday such a fun day, but what he didn't know was that you had one more surprise for him.
you had been planning this for a while, being very glad he opted to staying in for his birthday as it helped your plan go smoother. you knew he had that bet with his friends but, we all knew he was gonna lose at one point or another, so why not have it be on his birthday? he wasn't even a big gamer anyways, it wasn't like he would be super disappointed if he didnt get the gaming console.
you were gonna make some excuse to get him back to your place, changing into your brand new black lingerie set you got specifically for this occasion. you knew he loved when you wore black, since it was one of his favorite colors. you hoped the lingerie set would get him to break, giving up on his bet with his friends
after dinner was paid for (thank you jay🙏🏼), your boyfriend bid goodbye to his friends, walking back to your car with you
you drove home in a comfortable silence, his hand on your thigh as you looked out the window, music lowly playing in the background. you were getting excited for your plans, feeling the heat in your core grow as you slightly shifted in your seat
"you okay babe?" jake asked, looking at you slightly
"yeah, i'm fine" you said with a smile, grabbing his hand off your thigh to intertwine it with yours, as the close proximity to your core was getting you more worked up than you already were
you thought you were being slick, but your boyfriend knew about this whole ordeal. he had accidentally seen the lingerie in your dresser, and when he didnt recognize it he figured you had bought it for this reason. and after seeing the way you tried to hide yourself getting worked up during dinner, snd in the car next to him just now, confirmed his suspicions. he smiled to himself before focusing back on the road, feeling your stare on the side of his face. usually he would tease you, but right now he wanted nothing more than to get you home and fuck you til you can't walk
the ride back to your apartment felt longer than usual, your arousal continuing to pool in your panties the more you thought about the night to come. you finally arrived, and jake got out the car quickly to open the door for you, helping you out of the car. he grabbed your hand as he led you inside. he unlocked the door to your apartment, letting you go in first, following behind closely
before you knew it, you were pushed up against your front door, your boyfriends lips clashing with yours passionately as his hands roamed over your body
your eyes widened in surprise, not expecting him to be the one to initiate the intimacy. you soon melted into your boyfriends arms, wrapping your arms around his neck to tangle in his hair as your tongues clashed in each others mouths. he picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, not breaking the kiss as he walked to your bedroom, placing you down on the bed, leaning back to take of his shirt, throwing it across the room before coming back down to kiss you again
"fuck, jakey, what about your bet?" you moaned out as he moved his lips down your neck and chest
"first of all, fuck the bet. second of all, you think i didn't know all about your little plan for tonight? that pretty little lingerie set that you bought just for me. lucky for you, i'm gonna let you save that for another day, right now i just wanna feel you around me" he said as he continued to leave open mouthed kisses down your neck and chest, putting his hands up your shirt to massage your breasts over your bra
you moaned as you moved your hands to take off your shirt, sitting up for a second to lift it over your head, discarding it somewhere in your room
jake moved further down your chest now that he had more access, taking one of his hands to unbuckle your bra skillfully, like he had done it a billion times
after your bra was off, he moved his mouth down to suck your nipples, licking and kissing then as he used one of his hands to roll your other nipple between his fingertips. your hands were in his hair, pulling and tugging on it slightly, making him moan into your breasts, sending vibrations all through your body
"baby please, i need you so bad" you moaned out, becoming impatient
"so needy, my baby. can't believe i was gonna make you wait a whole month without my dick" he said, kissing down your body as he made his way to where you were craving him most
"wait", you said, putting your hand on his head to stop his motions. you put your hand under his chin to pull him back up to your face, before pushing him over so he was under you
he gasped at the sudden movement before smirking at you, immediately putting his hands behind his head
"wanna take care of my pretty boy" you said as you moved down to his dick, kissing and lick his defined abs on the way down. you unbuttoned his pants, pulling them down off his legs before cupping his clothed dick in your hands
he moaned out at the feeling as you palmed him through the thin fabric of his underwear, cursing lowly under his breath
"please don't tease princess, it's been way too long i need to feel your mouth around me already" he said with a whine
"whatever my birthday boy wants" you said, slipping your fingers into the sides of his boxers, sliding them down his thighs. his dick sprung up from the fabric, stand so tall and prettily. you swear his dick was the prettiest one in the world, the veins going up the side were just so perfect, he wasn't bigger than average, but he was so thick, and his tip was so red and pretty, already leaking precum
he groaned as he was finally released from the constraints of any fabrics, moving his hands down to tangle in your hair
you took his dick in your hands as you slowly licked all the way from the base to the tip, your boyfriend moaning out loudly as you did so. you began to suck his tip gently, licking his slit and tasting his precum on your tongue
"fuck, baby, you said anything i want right? i want you to sit on my face please. you take my dick so well in your mouth but i want to taste you too. please baby", he whined out as you continued to suck only the tip. you smiled up at him before standing up to remove your pants and underwear
"of course pretty boy, it's your night" you said as you climbed onto the bed seductively, moving your legs over your boyfriends head so you were hovering above his mouth. you could feel his warm breath on your pussy, and his nose rubbing against your clit. you moaned slightly as you leaned forward to take his dick into your moth again
you began sucking on it harshly, before feeling jake pull your hips down harshly, suffocating himself with your pussy. he was licking and sucking on your clit so well, you could barely concentrate on what you were doing. you continued to bob your head up and down over his cock as he keep eating you out, your moans being muffled by his dick. the vibrations of your moans over his dick made him approach his orgasm faster than usual, already feeling his stomach tighten and his dick twitching in your mouth. he didn't want to cum before you, so he started to speed up his actions, hands tightly gripping your thighs, probably leaving a mark tomorrow
he heard your moans get higher in pitch, and your hips began to grind onto his face slightly, signaling you were close. you continued moving up and down on his dick, hands massaging his balls as you felt his dick twitch in your mouth. your orgasm hit you hard, hips bucking onto your boyfriends face as you tried to continue sucking on his dick, becoming too distracted on by your own orgasm hitting you. jake didn't stop his ministrations, riding you through your orgasm, making sure to lick up every last drop of your juices. your hand continued to move up and down his dick, and you moved your head back down to his dick so he could come too. not long after he was cumming in your mouth, moaning into your pussy sending vibrations and overstimulating you
you gathered all his cum into your mouth, sitting up and turning around so he could see your face as you swallowed it. that was one of his favorite parts when you sucked his dick, getting to see you swallow his load
his hands moved to your waist as you sat over his abs, feeling your juices spread over his stomach. you leaned down to kiss him, and he practically got hard again tasting himself on your lips. you smiled into the kiss as you pulled away, biting his lip before you pulled away and let go
"happy birthday, pretty boy"
you rolled off his stomach to lay next to him, turning your head to look at him with a smile. he looked back at you, returning the smile fondly. he rolled to the side to cuddle into you, but you put a hand on his chest to stop him before he could
"you thought we were done baby? oh no, were just getting started"
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a/n: GUYS FINALLY I KNOW ITS OUT AHHHHH. i wrote this all in one sitting cuz i was determined to finally get it out for you guys after weeks of not being able to😭 i hope you guys enjoy, and sorry it’s a little short🥲🥲🥲
taglist (closed!): @yannew @hanienie @beomgyusonlywife @akirakinimi @multifandomgurllll @boutyouwonu @kissmunalodz @5xiang @ibsysbsfsunsbs @guqsnfics @hellaboredd @wvnkoi @kpopslover @heerinnie @climbingmandevillas @rikisly @simeonswhore @lilriswife4life @daegutowns @harrietbarnesblog @wonniie3 @ariadores @yizhoutv @lilizinho @firstclassjaylee @olivehues @ikeusol @bunhoons @electrobutterfly @choijxn @baekxo07 @youronevia @eneiyri @soobery @heeseungshim @furious-eagle @nyxluvethn @jongseongslvr @wonniewonwon @sunsunl0ver @mixtape-racha @jakeslvt @lomlj4ke @neocockthotology @babyy-bambii @fluerz @adriana7863 @trashx678 @yelleloww @brownsugarbaybee @kaislinging-slasher01 @jena4realz @deobitifull @heartzhailey @stuckonclouds @sunoosgf001 @jwnghyuns @auraxyzz @kaisplushies @dazzlingligth @hoseokteardrop
(if your name is NOT greyed out i cannot tag you!)
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sorrowedpickle · 11 months
Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
A/N: I was eating donuts making this
A lil short
Warning: smut, strap_on sex, p in v, overstim, bottom!wednesday, top!reader
Minors and men, DNI
Request: pickle, pickle, pickle. i neeeeeeeeed a fic of just fucking anyone of jenna’s characters. like just making them go dumb from r’s strap or something
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Your eyes roaming over her arched back covered in dark hickeys and scratch marks, ass red and sensitive from you smacking it so much and so hard.
Her usual pale skin now different shades of colors scattered across her along her body that’s shakes and shivers with every touch you give her.
Her face buried deep into the pillow as she grips the sides bunching it up to cover her dark red ears as moans that were once silent escape her, trying to hide them as much as possible but she was too loud for it to work. It just sounded muffled or like it was through the walls.
As you looked over her, a small smirk rested on your face, relishing in the fact that you had turned this once well-kept and stoic woman into a mere sensitive mess. Her usual calm and collected demeanor had completely melted away under your touch, leaving nothing but her vulnerability.
You couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride deep inside, knowing that you had the power to affect her in such a way. You had conquered her defenses and broken down her walls, leaving her completely at your mercy. In this moment, you held onto her hips tightly, making sure she couldn’t get away from your grasp.
In your hands, she was a crumbling mess, her body writhing beneath yours as you thrusted into her. Oh, you could get used to this.
Your hands grip her already bruised hips, helping her push back against you as your relentless thrust continue into her.
She had said this was the only position she’d do when you requested to switch, just a little something more than you usually do to switch things up a bit. She claimed it was the least embarrassing position possible, with you not being able to see her face as you fucked her.
She seemed to ultimately regret this decision, she couldn’t control anything. Where your hands went, how fast or slow you thrusted into her, how many times you’d two do it.
No, you were in control it seemed and didn’t plan on stopping as your hips drilled into hers. Not only that, but the amount of times she came was embarrassing to admit in the time you’ve been going at it.
You, of course, couldn’t get enough. Watching her come undone — because for once you had the strap on on — only made you want to see it again which caused a cycle, a never ending cycle it seemed and Wednesday had to bare through it.
Her legs that gave out ages ago shook as you held her up, no longer being able to do anything but sit there and moan and whine into the pillow, trying her hardest to keep breathing and not let out choked moans.
One hand moves along her hip and up to her back, tracing the marks and soothingly trying to ease her a bit. Your touch soft and tender compared to your hips that slam against her as the straps to the strap-on dug into your skin, leaving rope burns in its wake but that was the last thing you were worried about with this girl in front of you.
Her once neatly kept hair now sprawled across her back in wavy curls, moving with her as she moves against the bed.
You pull her ass further up to get a better angle, forcing her face to bury deeper into the pillow as she lets out a long whine that’s quickly replaced by a quiet moan as you continue to pound into her.
If only you could actually feel her, how she’d throb around the cock after the continuous orgasms you gave her. Oh that must have felt like heaven if you could even keep up without growing weak yourself.
How could you not? With such a sight you could only imagine the way she felt wrapped around you.
Her legs start to shake more, her grip on the pillow tightening as her moans come out more frequent and your movements speed up, hold on her hips becoming firm to keep her in place while moved against her.
You watched her slowly turn her head to look back at you, a very rare sight to her. Her dark, lust filled eyes full of tears as she tried to hold back her moans, sensitive from the many orgasms you were giving her could have been the only cause of such a thing.
This only spurs you one, thrust becoming harder and her eyes widen. Her back arches further as a loud moan escapes her before she shoves her face back into the pillow, high pitches noises leaving her throat as you slam into her.
Her body continues to shake against you as you hold her hips up for her, leaning down to press a kiss to the back of her neck and soaking in the feeling of her shiver as thrust into her.
Eventually her body tenses, stuttering against you as you lean back up and she lets out a low moan into the pillow and her grip stays tight.
Her body had been thoroughly exhausted after the pleasure she had just experienced. Her limbs were barely capable of responding to any outside stimuli, and her breathing was shallow and laboured. Her face was hidden in the pillow as her chest rose up and down.
This doesn’t stop you though, your thrust only become faster as you desperately try to get her to do it one last time, pulling her hips back into you with force.
She cries out, hands gripping the pillow tighter. Still sensitive from her recent orgasm, more tears fall from her face eyes staring forward at the beds headboard unfocused.
You press your palm into her back to steady yourself and keep to motions going, watching the way she shakes and moans under you.
She had overstimulated you plenty of times, so you knew exactly how it worked and what to do. But to be the one actually doing and not receiving? You couldn’t decide which one you liked more.
Your hips continue to snap to hers in a repeated motion, keeping a steady pace as you fuck into her sensitive heat before she lets out another loud moan, this time it’s choked up and broken.
She’s had enough, you had decided as you slow your movements letting her breathing in heavily. Her grip on the pillow had turned her knuckles white and her fingers shook along with her sensitive body.
You smile, movements completely stopped as you sit behind her in between her legs with the fake cock still buried deep inside.
Letting her come down from her final high you gently rub her hips, running your hands up and down her back to help her calm down a bit before placing a kiss from the small of her back up to the back of her neck, gently moving her hair out of the way letting your fingers linger on the dark red and purple skin you had sucked and scratched.
While you do this, she says something incoherently under her breath. Her eyes still unfocused as she stared to the side not longer trying to stay up as she blinks slowly muttering and mumbling.
Leaning back a bit, you pull the dildo out not letting the small whine from her go unnoticed as you took the straps off and laid back against her, arms wrapping around her to trap them between her and bed as you nuzzle into her shoulder. Just feeling her breath against or simply be against you could calm you down in an instant and you hoped it’d work on her as well as you lazily place kisses on her shoulder.
“Still think this was a bad idea?” You ask, small smirk on your face and she mumbles something eye brows pinching together and her nose scrunching up before she relaxes again.
And before you know it, you feel her body completely relax and her breathing even out. She hasn’t even given you a chance to do anything like gloat or ask if she was okay. She was knocked out and would probably not wake up for a while.
You snort, sitting up to just admire the sight. Her face relaxed as marks liter across her bare body, mouth slightly agape and her breathing finally normal again.
A soft smile plays onto your lips, pulling the blanket over the two of you and you lay next to her. Body firmly pressed against hers as you wrap your arms around and rest your head on her shoulder and close your eyes. A soft sigh leaving you as you breath in her scent and feel her warm skin.
Tagslist: @bluetreecloud20 @skate-to-breathee @wol-fica @raven-ss @restlessdot @dumb-fvck104 @tabberthecat @crazyoffher @rhythm-catsandwine @makncheese12 @alexkolax @jennasfav @melthedwarf @t-wylia @unknownuserzdjdh @pnsteblnme
A/N: not my best, probably gonna edit it a bit later on
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updownlately · 7 months
save your tears, it’ll be okay (all i know is you’re here with me)
| leah williamson x reader | hurt/comfort | 5.1k | a/n: this video's been living rent free in my head for a minute now so i thought i'd write about it. this was originally supposed to be a blurb but oh well. no plot just comfort. definitely not my best work, but we move. happy reading 🫶
You weren’t thinking as you watched the events unfold in front of you.
You weren’t thinking as you immediately started back tracking, sprinting to where you had just run from.
You weren’t thinking as you skidded to a stop beside Leah, mind a frenzy, panic clear on your face as your hand immediately went to rest on the blonde’s shoulders. 
All you knew was you had to make sure she was okay, something that you knew she definitely wasn’t.
You knew the last corner ball sent in had hit her in the face, but you hadn’t seen just how badly it had hit her. 
You had watched with mild concern as you saw her pinch the bridge of her nose afterwards, jogging up to her as you ran back to your defensive half, quietly asking her if she was truly okay as you matched her step for a brief moment.
Not fully convinced when she waved off your worries, you had cautiously taken her word for truth, hesitantly double checking but not pressing, for fear of being overbearing.
But as you watched in horror as Leah fell to her knees shortly after, head hung low in pain, you wondered if you maybe should’ve asked her to pause for a minute. 
Maybe you should’ve gotten her to take a breather. Maybe you should’ve asked her to look up at you. Because then maybe you would’ve seen the dazed look in her eyes, would’ve seen the way her face was wretched in pain. 
Maybe then, you would’ve been there to catch her as she fell forwards, teetering on the edge of unconsciousness.
But for now you’d settle for being by her side, the pounding in your chest increasing with worry as you did your best to steady the other woman, only moving slightly as the medics came in to check on her. 
Taking measured breaths to try and stop your heart from climbing up your throat, you watched nervously as the blonde didn’t lift her head as the medics checked her out, her weight resting on her closed fists as she barely moved. 
The fact that she had a concussion was clear as day- the way the english skipper refused to move her head, eyes screwed shut in a somewhat successful attempt to block out the surrounding light, slipping in out of consciousness as she was forced into a sitting position, being propped up by you and another team medic. 
Watching carefully as the blonde finally came to a slightly more coherent state, you kept your eyes firmly on her as she faltered through the basic series of on-pitch tests. 
Guessing randomly that she was at a training, unable to tell what day it was or what had just happened, and the clear dizziness as she tried to stand up in an futile attempt to convince you all that she was okay, never mind the increased irritability, it seemed that even she knew she was about to be ushered off, shooting you a pout as you lifted an arm of hers over your shoulder to stabilise her. 
“‘m fine. I can play…” the mumbled words directed at you were followed immediately by her staggering slightly, a groan escaping her lips as she swallowed hard and steadied herself. 
Sighing at the stubbornness you were well familiar with, you nodded along to the statement, keeping your voice low as you responded so as to not worsen the headache you just knew the blonde had, even though she didn’t say it.
“They’re just gonna check you out, yeah? Make sure you’re all a-okay before you come back.”
Even through the fog that clouded her mind, the defender could see right through your bullshit.
“If I go…I can’t play.”
The blonde just barely managed to mumble the words out, wrinkles littering her forehead as she tried her hardest to sound coherent.
Stopping in her tracks to prevent the inevitable, Leah planted herself to the ground, mere metres from the edge of the field.
Trying to nudge her to move along, you stepped forward, only to be pulled back abruptly by the arm over your shoulder.
“Leah…” Pleading, you looked over your shoulder to see the ref patiently waiting near the middle of the field, eyeing the pair of you as she waited for the Gooner to exit off the pitch so that play could resume.
“No,” the blonde repeated, obstinate, the trainers around you two looking at you imploringly.
Trying again, you tried to be firm, not wanting to annoy the blonde but still get your point across.
“Leah, you’re hurt and you’ve got to get off the pitch- it’s not up for debate.”
Keeping a straight face, you did your best to put on a hard facade. 
You watched as the girl hesitated for a second, nearly stepping forwards before pausing and standing still again, this time turning towards you and then the pitch, trying to move towards her position on the field.
Frustrated at the clear dismissal, you gently tugged Leah back towards you, catching her as she stumbled ever so slightly.
Lowering your voice just enough that your words would stay nestled between you, you brought Leah close to you.
“Leah, I’m not messing around. You’re headed off and that’s final. No ifs, no buts, especially if you don’t want to be sleeping alone for the next few days.”
“Leah. Catherine. Williamson.”
The clear use of her full name was enough to cause the blonde to decide against any retort she had on the tip of her tongue, your rigid tone solidifying the decision for the blonde to listen to you, albeit quite annoyedly.
Muttering a quiet ‘fine’ as she turned around again, you sighed in relief. 
Quickly placing your hand on her cheek and gently turning her head to face you, you kissed the blonde on her forehead before stepping back.
“Be good to the trainers, yeah? I don’t wanna hear a single complaint from them.”
And with a relieved look crossing your face as you saw Leah nod meekly in response, you watched anxiously as she was led the last few metres off the pitch, you sprinting back to your position in midfield, eager for the game to move on quickly. 
The faster the game ended, the faster you could be beside your girlfriend. 
All that you could hear was the rapid clicking sound of your studs against tile echoing as you raced through the hallway. 
You’d made a break for the medical room as soon as the team had been dismissed from the field, foregoing meeting with the fans and the media, more important things for you to attend to- namely your girlfriend.
Reaching the medical room you were told Leah was in, you slowed to a stop, rapidly unlacing your cleats and slipping them off, opting to hold them as you walked in with only your socks.
Skipping the knocking for the same reason you took off your cleats, you instead cracked the door open slightly, softly calling out for your girlfriend, permission to enter granted as the blonde grunted in return.
‘Awwing’ audibly in sympathy, your shoulders dropped in relief at the sight of the blonde sitting up. 
Making your way to stand beside the cot she was resting on, you navigated the room slowly in the extremely dim light and dropped your cleats gently by your side, hands instinctively reaching out as you neared your girlfriend.
“How are we feeling little miss stubborn?”
Letting out a soft chuckle at the immediate pout that crossed the blue eyed girl’s face, you grabbed her hands in your own, thumbs coming to gently rub the back of her hands.
“Shite. Everything hurts.”
The skipper kept the words to a minimum, it still clearly taking a lot out of her for them to be said.
Shaking your head amusedly at the clearly concussed, stubborn individual you got the joy of calling your girlfriend, you huffed in amusement.
“But I thought you were perfectly fine?” you teased, not wanting to pass the opportunity to rub the blonde’s stubbornness in her face. 
God, she really needed to start listening to you more.
The quiet plea combined with the midfielders head coming forward to rest against your chest had you immediately taking a more protective nature, one hand coming to rub her back in sympathy as another gently carded through her hair in an attempt to bring her some sort of reprieve from the pain. 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” 
Bending down, you placed a small kiss on her temple, lips lingering for a second as relief washed over you.
She was okay. She was awake, and okay, and doing alright, minus a concussion.
You wouldn’t tell the blonde, but you had initially feared the worst when you had turned around to see her dropping to her knees, dazed and confused. 
Call it your anxiety, but the way your heart had sunk so deep, nearly burying itself beneath you, you’d felt so utterly terrified, nearly rooted to the spot if it hadn’t been for your adrenaline kicking in and causing you to sprint back across the field.
So for your own sake primarily (and then Leah’s), you stood there in the silence, revelling in the blonde’s touch as her hands loosely wrapped around your hips, you able to just barely feel her heartbeat as she sat slumped against your body. 
The intimacy of just being able to hold her, her messy mop of blonde hair sticking out in every direction as it pressed against your jersey had your breathing slowing to a peaceful lull. 
You knew that if it ever came down to it, all you’d ever want is the blonde in your arms, alive and well, regardless of what it meant for you or anyone else.
Closing your eyes as you stood there for a little while longer, you nearly let yourself forget where you were, the ease of the weight on your chest and the girl in your arms, your heaven on earth.
It was only when the team’s doc came in to brief you both (mainly you) on the injury, did you pull apart, only going as far as standing beside the blonde instead of in front of her, tucking her into your side as you listened intently. 
You needed to feel her touch, it reassuring you that she was, in fact, alright. 
Jotting down the key points the doctor mentioned into your phone’s notes app, you made a mental list of it all as well, one arm still firmly planted across the defender’s shoulders as she leaned against you. 
‘No bright lights, no screens, no alcohol, no caffeine, make sure to hydrate, eat healthy, and get plenty of rest’- plus a few more you had listed on your phone.
And as he told you that they’d suggested taking Leah to the hospital just to ensure that further medical attention wasn’t needed, you nodded in agreement, worrying as the blonde muttered about how she was feeling slightly nauseous. 
Pulling away from her, your eyes rolling fondly as the blonde whined in displeasure, you quickly grabbed your forgotten boots, straightening up immediately and beginning to help Leah stand. 
“Boots before me? Ouch?” 
The words were slurred as the blonde tried her best to string together a sentence and you couldn’t help but shake in laughter at her sad tone and pout.
“Love, it’s so I could help you walk without both of us toppling over…”
“Why take ‘em off anyways?”
Looking away as a red hue painted itself on your cheeks, you contemplated whether you should tell Leah the real reasoning, no doubt going to be mocked for how much of a simp you were- her words, not yours (damnit Beth for teaching her the word).
“I may or may not have taken them off so the clicking didn’t worsen your headache…”
“You’re cute…” 
The words were muttered quietly as the midfielder rested more of her weight on you, nearly fully leaning against you as she closed her eyes, blindly trusting you to lead her, a comical sight really- the taller blonde nearly smothering you with her weight.
Raising your eyebrows in surprise at the lack of a teasing comment, you shrugged and accepted Leah’s admission without much of a fight, wrapping your arm around her waist as you both slowly began to walk out.
If it wasn’t clear before, then you most definitely knew now that Leah Williamson had a concussion, the easy chance to tease you overlooked, leaving you surprised.
But, as you led the blonde out however, the pair of you slowly making your way to the locker room to collect your things, it appeared that you spoke too soon, much to your chagrin.
“God, you’re such a simp…”
The words were spoken clearly, the blonde clearly having waited for the right moment to say them, lulling you into a false sense of comfort, you able to feel the lazy grin on her face as her cheeks pressed against your shoulder.
Cheeky woman.
Rolling your eyes because of course you weren’t that lucky, you shook your head fondly, your annoyance at her comment clear as the smile on your face grew slightly with adoration.
“God you’re such a little shit…I love you too babe…”
It’s a few hours later that the two of you are pulling up to your shared home, you in the driver’s seat, a rare occasion if you were honest.
Having driven ever so carefully, Leah very much reminding you how much she loved her car, you had been laser focused on the road, albeit only one hand on the steering wheel as the other sat intertwined with Leah’s in her lap.
You weren’t a bad driver, not at all. But, having only sat passenger in this car, you had definitely been cautious about being behind the wheel for the first time.
“Honestly, I think I’ll stick to passenger princess…that was a headache and a half…” you groaned, putting the suv in park and running a hand through your hair.
Clicking open your seatbelt, you paused your movement as Leah spoke, her voice quiet.
“I know…never again…”
Her comment had you whipping your head up immediately, an incredulous look on your face as you threw your hands up, facing the taller girl slumped back in the passenger seat, an arsenal hoodie nearly covering her whole face.
“Hey. Not fair! I wasn’t bad, it was just…stressful.”
“Whatever you say…”
Shaking your head, you turned the car off, muttering to yourself playfully as you did so.
“How are you so annoying with a near third degree concussion? Surely you’d be knackered by now…”
After leaving the Arsenal medical room, you had both waited outside the locker room for a handful of minutes, watching as your teammates slowly filed out, many of them patting Leah encouragingly, murmuring a few teasing words and some that were encouraging. 
Even McCabe had managed to be nice, only going as far as mussing up the blonde’s hair before wishing her a speedy recovery, somehow miraculously managing to keep her voice at a reasonable decibel for the injured skipper.
You’d been leant against the wall, Leah pulled protectively to your chest, soft words of reassurance and comfort murmured to her in the passing moments, the two of you stood there patiently until you were absolutely sure the rest of the locker room was nearly empty, and most importantly, quiet. 
It was only then did you slowly lead the blonde in, settling her down for a few minutes as you took what had to be the quickest shower of your life.
Helping Leah with her jacket and slides and lending her the baseball cap you stored in your locker for bad hair days, you had quickly packed both your kits and made your way to the parkade. 
It was then that you had realized the conundrum that the injury brought upon- you’d have to drive home.
Now, driving wasn’t the issue. It was more so what you’d be driving- Leah’s car- a significantly larger suv compared to the sedan you typically drove. 
Coupled with the fact that you’d never driven this large of a vehicle around London’s smaller streets before, not for a lack of you trying- the damn thing was just too expensive for you to enjoy being behind the wheel like you normally would- you weren’t looking forward to the trip home.
And neither was the blonde apparently. 
It was only after a lot of convincing, grumpy looks, dejected sighs, and pinky promises of dinner and unlimited cuddles that Leah agreed to hand you her keys, unhappy about the outcome but wanting to go home.
And with that you had been off, headed to the hospital for a checkup on the concussion.
Having your suspicions confirmed during the visit, it was cemented that the blonde likely had a second, possibly third degree concussion.
With another list of do’s and don’ts written safely in your notes app, the two of you had finally taken off for home, nearly two and a half hours later.
It’s what led you to now, you making your way out of the car, rounding it as you opened Leah’s door to help the other girl out.
“Okay drunky, careful now…” you teased, hand coming to hold hers as you helped her out of the vehicle. 
“Y’know I’m not drunk…” the blonde grumpily stated, nevertheless taking your help as she slowly but surely made her way out. 
Shrugging in response as your eyes twinkled with mirth, you just hummed in confirmation as you shut the door behind her and made your way to the front door.
Unlocking it, you led her to sit down on the ottoman by your entryway, kneeling down to help unlace her muddy cleats- something you’d deal with later. 
“Gosh. Take a woman out to dinner first…”
You looked up from your knelt position just in time to see Leah’s poor attempt to roll her eyes, followed by a wince as her shoulder’s curled in at the pain that no doubt flashed through her head. 
“You’re insufferable. I hope you know that.”
“You love me anyways.”
Sighing in faux displeasure, you shrugged your shoulders.
“Sometimes I wonder why I do…” 
Pleased at the scowl that crossed the other girl’s face, you bit back your smile as you rose to stand.
“Not so fun when you’re on the other end now, is it?”
Silently laughing as she crossed her arms at your words, looking nearly like a toddler throwing a tantrum, you pressed a gentle kiss to the top of the blonde’s head as you straightened, placing the dirty shoes on the mat by the shoe rack.
“I’m going to grab our bags, yeah? Don’t move from here.”
“And if I do?”
“Then I’d love to see exactly how far your old, concussed arse could crawl...”
Chuckling to yourself as you heard Leah sputter, you turned around to head back to the garage. 
“I’m only 8 months older!”
You couldn’t believe you managed it, but you somehow got Leah cleaned up and into a fresh set of clothes- the blonde now slumped on a barstool, head resting on the cool counter as you slowly shuffled around your dark kitchen. 
It had taken the bribery of letting her pick dinner (resulting in ham sandwiches for her of course) and letting her sit at the island, hence the dim hue of the range the only light on in the apartment- to get Leah to step into the shower for a quick wash, you keeping a close eye as you sat on the counter, ready to help if needed. 
After wrapping the midfielder-turned-defender in the fluffiest towel you could find afterwards, you had helped her dress into the comfiest pair of sweats you could find. 
It combined with you returning an old hoodie of hers that you’d borrowed eons ago, one that now smelled like you, much to the blonde’s liking, all that was left to focus on was having a bit of food before the two of you headed to bed for some much needed rest. 
“Would you be mad if I told you I wasn’t feeling hungry?”
The soft words have you stopping your tracks, a nearly assembled sandwich glaring at you as you stared at it, contemplating your next move.
“If you’re not hungry I won’t force it down your throat, but I do ask that you have a few bites.”
“My head hurts too much…just wanna sleep.”
Eyebrows furrowing in concern, you grabbed the plate and a glass of water and made your way towards the blonde, gently putting the sad excuse of a ham sandwich in front of her, grimacing at just how plain it looked. 
Placing a comforting hand on the other girl’s shoulder you rubbed gentle circles and kept your voice low. 
“Three good bites, yeah? And then you’re all done.”
Seeing Leah gingerly lift her head and eye the sandwich warily, you held your breath.
You really needed her to eat, even if it was just a few bites. The last meal she had was nearly six hours ago, before the game. 
“It might not stay down…”
Gentle concern taking a hold of you, you tried not to let your worry seep into your voice.
“That’s alright. If it stays down, great. And if it doesn’t, then so be it. I just need you to have a little bit so I won’t worry when you sleep.”
You figured if you could convince her she wouldn’t throw up, then she just might not.
Letting out a small sigh of relief as you watched the blonde nod in understanding and pick up the sandwich to take a small bite, you relaxed into your own seat, your own sandwich you had prepared earlier waiting for you. 
Sitting in the peaceful silence, the pair of you made quick work of your basic dinner, you finishing yours off as Leah picked at hers, managing to get a little under halfway through until she set the sandwich down and began to rest her head on your shoulder. 
You kept your voice low, wrapping a gentle arm around her shoulder as you rubbed it soothingly in an attempt to bring her comfort. 
Hearing the blonde grumble in response only to nuzzle closer to you, barstool scraping against tile as her forehead went to rest in the crook of your neck, you couldn’t help but smile amusedly.
Of course the big, scary, stern English skipper was an absolutely softie- an oh-so-fluffy teddy bear- at heart. 
Bringing your hand to lovingly comb through her hair, you let Leah have her moment, content with passing a few minutes providing her the comfort she craved.
Moments like these- minus the concussion- were your favourite if you were honest.
Times where it was just you and your girl, one in the other’s arms searching for a comfort you knew would only be found with your other half, the tender blanket of your love wrapping the pair of you up, did you finally understand what all the poets and artists would rave about.
It was as you could feel her relaxed heart beat against yours, small puffs of breath fanning the expanse of your neck or the top of your head did you realize what feeling ‘light’ meant. 
Wrapped up in her arms on days that felt just a tad bit too hard was when you understood what having a rock, a constant support, a shoulder to lean on, a hand to grab, always and forever was.
And when you got to hold her- the few times that you would- each time it would hit you like a truck, the understanding that you’d die for her but you’d also fight anyone who tried to take her peace away, without a second though, wanting to wrap her in a bubble of happiness for the rest of her life, only a smile on her face if you were in charge of the universe.
Snapping out of your thoughts as you felt the blonde shuffle, the barstools most definitely not made for the tangle of limbs the pair of you were, your smile didn’t leave your face as you quickly placed another comforting kiss on the blonde’s temple.
“Let’s get you to bed, yeah?”
The single word had you stopping in your tracks.
You were headed to the bathroom after having helped Leah settle in.
Deciding early on that you’d get her sorted first so she could get her much needed rest in peace, and you be able to actually cleanse your face with a light on, you’d tucked her into bed, kissing her cheek with the promise of only being gone a few minutes. 
Ignoring the whine of protest you got, you figured she’d get over your brief absence rather quickly.
You were proven wrong however, the quiet utterance laced with a desperation you’d never heard tugging at your heart strings ever so persistently. 
Turning around to face the blonde in the dim light of the moon, your shoulders dropped at the absolutely miserable look on her face, one eye barely open as she looked at you pleadingly. 
“Three minutes, yeah? I’ll be back before you know it.”
Squeezing her hand, you nearly sprinted to the bathroom, and began running through your night time routine, easily making the decision to skip a handful of skincare steps- you had more important things to take care of anyways. 
Brushing your teeth and washing your face, you listened carefully for any sounds of discomfort from the other girl, relaxing marginally as it seemed that the day was finally catching up to her. 
Leah wasn’t the overly affectionate type, so to have her press you to stay, you’d be lying if it didn’t kill you a little inside. 
It’s why you ended up tucking yourself into your side of the bed within two minutes and fifty-three seconds of your promise, with seven seconds to spare on your watch and a proud smile on your face as you invitingly opened your arms. 
And with the way Leah immediately snuggled up to you, head tucked easily into the crook of your neck, her arm coming to wrap around your stomach as her leg came to rest across your torso, you knew you made the right call. 
Your bedroom felt oddly quiet with the pin-drop silence that covered it as night descended. 
With only Leah’s and your gentle breathing to be heard as she tucked herself into your side, you let your shoulders relax, wrapping your arm around her waist as you pulled her closer. 
Nights spent together were rarely this quiet for you two. 
They more often than not consisted of gentle murmurs and jokes, the blonde always, and you mean always, finding one way or another to tease you or get on your nerves. 
And if it wasn’t the lot of you annoying each other good-naturedly to your wits ends, it was soft murmurs, dreams quietly being spoken into existence as you discussed your futures, your plans, ideas, goals. 
Careers, education, kids, dream wedding, homes, families, champions league games, world cups- nothing was off the table as you’d both be cuddled up into each other, a head on a chest or the barest of space as you two laid on your sides in the dim moonlight. hands intertwining with each other in the space between your bodies as promises of a ‘forever’ kind of love were whispered between chaste kisses and soft touches. 
Of course you had other nights, where the hours bled into one another, the pair of you only falling asleep when matching sated smiles crossed your faces, an early night turning to a late one, the rising sun signalling for you to go to bed. 
But right now? 
Right now, as pitch black darkness covered your room, you wondered if this was what true, unconditional love was like. 
Missing the ordinary, the mundane that you never thought you would once achieve- it now something you felt odd without, a hole in your heart- yet you didn’t mind. 
You didn’t mind if the rest of your nights went like this- curtains drawn shut, not a single sliver of moonlight peeking through.
You didn’t mind the silence (yes, you missed your late night confessions with the blonde but you’d survive without them). 
And you definitely didn’t mind the way Leah was curled up into you, a sight you didn’t see often, her typically the bigger spoon, but one you wished to ingrain into your memory. 
Swallowing hard as you realized you were a safe space for the blonde- a safe haven for her to heal whilst she trusted you to keep her well, you let your fingertips absentmindedly trace gentle patterns into her back. 
You knew she wasn’t asleep, she never fell asleep easily, hence chattering your ear off (not that you ever minded- though you wouldn’t tell her, teasing her for her late night energy always amusing). 
“How you feeling bub?”
Feeling her exhale deeply against you, you nearly audibly awed as she sunk impossibly closer.
“Head still hurts, but better now.”
Feeling her nod, you hummed in response, choosing to close your eyes and let the day wash over you. 
What you didn’t account for in your attempt to relax was the mumbled statement that came your way.
“These next few weeks are going to be weird…”
Well aware of how much the English woman breathed football, you nodded in understanding. 
“They probably will be, and nothing can be done about it. but, I can promise you infinite cuddles, kisses, and snackies to make up for it?”
Feeling Leah nod sluggishly at your words, you squeezed her waist gently, letting out a deep breath as you mentally reminded yourself she was okay. 
You knew she was right- these next few weeks were going to be weird, but you were damned if you were going to let the blonde suffer through her concussion alone, very much ready to be at her beck and call, her rock through the storm. 
Feeling your heartbeat match Leah’s slow inhales and exhales, you closed your eyes as your hold on her got a tad bit stronger, grounding you, and your touch grounding her, as the both of you let the comfort of each other lull you to sleep.
She’d be okay. She was okay. It would all be okay, with her beside you, snuggled up into your hold.
All would be okay as long as she was with you.
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dabisqueen · 2 years
Virgin Headcanons
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, creampie, overstimulation || Header by me (edit of a manga panel) || biggest shoutout to @/crumbly-scrombly for co-writing this with me
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Virgin Dabi 
He will try his hardest, literally his absolute hardest to not cum immediately, but he will as soon as his thick spongy tip breaches the entrance of your tight cunt.
His fat cock will unmistakably twitch and throb, shooting thick creamy cum inside of you.
A shudder will run up his spine, a broken groan spilling from his parted gnarled lips as his eyes flutter shut.
And he'll breathe hard, letting out a choked, throaty "Oh fuck—"
If you move against him, slow and sensually, he will try his best to keep it down but literally cannot help himself — your name will be on his lips with every roll of your hips.
Will get all defensive when you start giggling "That good, huh?” and huff in annoyance, averting his gaze, a cute blush spreading across his cheeks.
He doesn’t have much feeling in the rest of his body so this new sensation of orgasmic bliss is literally out of this world for him. 
After he cums, he'll stay inside you until he gets hard again, cause it's so comfy and soft in there.
He'll hold you in place and secretly enjoys the intimacy and closeness. Just don’t point that out, he doesn’t want his mask to slip too far (yet) - so he'll pretend to just want cockwarming.
His big cock won't be soft for long, it’ll grow rock hard in no time, especially if you keep praising, complimenting him. It's what fuels his ego - and his cock.
Then RIP, cause he's not gonna stop until you've cummed multiple times. Because in his mind he has to outdo any competition and make you feel the best any guy has ever made - he wants to be the only one in the world for you. 
When his balls are drained, he literally passes out on top of you. He’s so blissed out and if you tell him how well he’s done you might be rewarded with the softest of smiles you've ever seen on his face.
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Virgin Shigaraki
He's rough and doesn't care, because that man has no shame, and also no patience. He's got the “all or nothing” mindset – so you better prepare for a rough ride. 
He also doesn’t really know how to be gentle? At least not at first, that man still has a lot to learn about love and sex and all that. He wants to make you feel good in the only way he knows how. 
Just sheathes himself into you without warning and cums on the spot.
His fat cock will be twitching hard while shooting his load.
But you won't notice, too blissed out by the feeling of being impaled on him, struggling to hold back your own orgasm.
Won't admit he just came either, even though you feel his hot cum dripping down your ass.
He'll stay rock hard and start pumping his cock inside of you, cheeks bright red, ignoring the feeling of getting overstimulated because it means he gets a few more precious moments like this with you.
Eyes screwed shut, his head leans against yours, blissfully enjoying this sweet torture he’s putting himself through. 
He'll have you screaming and moaning in no time while he assaults your tight cunt with his fat gamer cock.
His pleasure is first and foremost at this stage of the relationship. However, if you’re really begging and writing he’ll switch positions to make it a little easier on you. He wants to keep fucking you afterall, and it’s better if you want it too.
Won't stop until you've squirted on his cock at least a couple of times.
Because he secretly adores you so much, just doesn’t know how to appropriately show it yet.
6K notes · View notes
sailorkamino · 3 months
random (soft) bad batch headcannons
a/n: a lot of these are based on the batch being neurodivergent!
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• from oldest to youngest is 99, hunter, wrecker, crosshair, tech
• tech was bullied the most as a cadet since he was the smallest (and mouthiest)
• plus w/o his goggles he can't see well enough to fight back
• his brothers wouldn't let him go anywhere alone
• tech and crosshair have the same dry, sarcastic sense of humor and find each other the funniest batcher
• hunter and wrecker disagree
• if they're in a situation where they have separate rooms hunter always shares w/ crosshair (aka the quietest)
• wrecker and tech share since they don't mind each other's mess
• crosshair or wrecker is always the 1st to notice when hunter is overstimulated
• wrecker is the most emotionally intelligent
• the batch have a rule to never call wrecker dumb or stupid because he's actually really insecure about his intelligence (which is ridiculous, do u know how smart a demolitions expert is?? he's a himbo but he's not an idiot)
• tech prefers info dumping to crosshair cuz he's the best listener
• crosshair loves all his brothers the same but he has a soft spot for tech
• crosshair gets really mad at wrecker for interrupting/ignoring tech cuz it makes tech feel annoying
• then wrecker explains he doesn't cut him off cuz he finds tech annoying, he just has a short attention span
• wrecker likes to see the best in people and can be quite trusting, something that stresses out his protective brothers
• wrecker will physically carry tech away from his work bench if he's not sleeping
• crosshair is the only one who can lie to hunter and get away w/ it bc his heart rate doesn't change
• most of the boys can ignore shit talk but wrecker is somewhat sensitive, making his brothers very protective
• maker help you if you hurt wrecker's feelings
• crosshair and tech would always get hunter to comfort him so they could plot revenge
• losing eyesight is crosshairs worst fear, watching it happen to wrecker broke his heart (he definitely cried on his big brother's chest when they were alone)
• even if they try to hide it hunter can always hear when someone's crying
• hunter tries to stay strong for his batch 24/7 but if he needs comfort, he goes to wrecker
• big guy gives the BEST hugs
• since they were raised very isolated from regs they missed out on a lot of clone culture, they don't speak mando'a
• wrecker loves cuddles!
• hunter and tech have sensory issues so they don't always want to be touched but they usually don't mind it
• as long as it doesn't get in the way of tech's work he'll chill in pretty much any position so wrecker will just use him as a teddy bear
• tech: *reading in bed*
wrecker: *climbs into tech's bunk wordlessly, puts his head against his stomach and wraps around him*
tech: *doesn't stop reading as he pats wrecker's shoulder*
• crosshair is always cold so he doesn't actually mind cuddling but he pretends to hate it
• wrecker hates sparring with crosshair cuz he bites
• crosshair has an oral fixation and used to chew on his shirts w/o realizing it
• would get very embarassed/defensive if anyone brought it up
• tech made lula from scrap fabrics courtesy of 99 when wrecker kept having nightmares
• anytime hunter hears crosshair audibly laughing his stomach drops cuz that usually means someone got hurt (he's a physical comedy guy, what can i say?)
• the hardest crosshair has ever laughed is when wrecker, wearing rocket boots made by tech, flew into a wall
• cross and wrecker are the most playful but in different ways
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edenfenixblogs · 4 months
Escapist Media Recs?
Going to bed soon but would love some recommendations of “safe” TV shows/movies/youtube channels and/or confirmation that they are “safe.” The hardest part of dealing with everything is constantly feeling like I’m in defense mode or don’t know who’s about to gut punch me.
My criteria for a “safe” escapist media are:
Has not said anything about the conflict and (if YouTubers) has not indicated anything about the conflict through their platforms
If they HAVE spoken, they acknowledged pain of ALL civilians in the levant.
Has not attacked/demonized/fomented hatred against Jews or Muslims or Arabs or Palestinians
Has not allowed hateful rhetoric against anyone on their platforms
Has expressed sorrow or sympathy for Jews or Israelis without adding a qualifier of BUT afterwards
So far, KoreanEnglishman/Jolly have seemed safe. I know Rev Chris posted something nice about Israelis and Palestinians and wanting peace.
Drawfee is pending until I can see how the livestream goes.
Are the Try Guys still ok?
Grace Helbig has been safe so far but she’s not purely escapism as she is very much Going Thru Stuff this year. But I’ve been watching her for ages and she’s wonderful.
Is it safe to watch Abbot Elementary?
Any other Recs???
I really just need to watch or engage with something where I don’t have anxiety about whether or not I’m gonna find out the people who write/act/produce the content are gonna turn around and start spouting dogwhistles and tropes.
What’s been calming for y’all? What have you found that gives you a moment of fucking peace?
I’ve read 13 books so far this year already. But i really just want to sit and watch something and turn my brain off.
Anti-Zionists, DNI. I know your feelings on this and about me. You’ve made your position clear. Not looking for a debate right now.
Just looking for something that takes my mind of all *gestures broadly* this.
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spliffymae · 1 year
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synopsis: it’s just you and your ex husband speaking…at three in the morning…with tensions at a crazy high…you’re totally fine.
⚠️, swearing, mentions of cheating, smut, oral (m receiving), toji is a dickhead, reader experiencing body issues during pregnancy, angst with a mix of sadness.
pt.1 if y’all haven’t read it already :)
kio’s notes - guys i am so proud of this part. omfg idk what it is but i ate this shit up. also wanted to just say thank you all so much for interacting with my posts and loving my stories 🫶🏽🥹 honestly makes me so happy to know y’all love it!
now playing:
⊱ ──────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.}──────── ⊰
“so my name can’t be said in your house, toji? what, am i voldemort now?”
“might as well be.” he mumbled, looking anywhere but at you. he couldn’t, not when you wore one of his old college sweaters he had forgotten at your house when you two started dating, four years ago. you ended up keeping it as a part of your wardrobe.
unfortunately, you hadn’t a clue that you were wearing something of his.
you folded your arms, leaning on your right leg. you were going to start with your attitude, you knew that for certain, and you didn’t care. “really? that’s how we’re acting? grow the hell up, toji. i’m not the one who ruined our marriage.”
“no just the one who ended it, right?”
you scoffed, “well i wonder why!” you said sarcastically. if he could play the ass then so could you. hell, you’d do it better.
toji rolled his eyes as a response. “i’m not doing whatever this is with you, (y/n). just tell me what megumi took and let me go take care of him.” he pinched the bridge of his nose with his empty hand. he was stressed, the evidence all over his face.
unbeknownst to you, he had been having the hardest time as a single father, trying to manage the complexities between todays adolescent life and the development of a baby. now add on his hefty paperwork from his missions and he was positive he could be sent to an early grave from stressing so hard. there wasn’t enough time in the day.
“i don’t know what the drug is, he—.” toji cut you off,
“the hell you mean you don’t know?” he spoke as if you should’ve known, almost judging you for not. the tone had your brow raised, now looking at him with narrow eyes. it was your way of telepathy, non-verbally telling him to ‘watch it’, because he was on paper thin ice.
“like i was saying—he got in the car and didn’t say. i didn’t even think to ask at that moment because i was just concerned with bringing him home first. it was a priority but at—.”
he cut you off again, this time with a scoff.
“just not top priority, right?”
you blinked.
you blinked again.
there was a silence between the two of you. a thick silence holding all the tension you two had created from being in the others presence.
toji had regretted the words just as they came out. he knew he messed up. he knew megumi had been your top priority when he didn’t have to be. when you were nothing more than toji’s friend who would just babysit the young boy whenever his father went out on missions.
megumi had been your first child, whether it be by blood or not. you loved him like he was, raised him, and became the parent he never knew he needed.
toji would always say it was your smile that drew him in, or say to his colleagues at work dinners it was your beauty, but truthfully—honestly, it was the way you loved his son like he was your own.
“i’m gonna give you a chance to take that back,” you spoke softly, voice slightly cracking. “because i know right now you’re just saying shit to hurt me. i love megumi, and if you wanna swing low, i promise you, toji, i will swing to hell.” you pointed. your eyes had become glossy with tears and you hated it.
megumi was a soft spot for you, always has been. whenever you and toji would get in spats in regard to him you were always on the defense for megumi. you were his advocate when there was no one else. but you were also reminded by toji (only when boiling points had been reached) that your advocacy did not need to be respected because you were not megumi’s real mom.
toji looked at his daughter, who had fallen asleep against his chest, soft and shallow breaths leaving her lips. she was your twin and he knew it was his karma. karma for his infidelity, his lying ways. he knew he shouldn’t have said anything, but he couldn’t help it.
“say it, toji. tell me i’m not his mom—do it!” you stepped closer. your eyes quickly darted to your daughter to see if your sudden volume increase had startled her awake. thankfully it didn’t.
“tell me he’s not my son, go ahead. tell me i went to every sports game, recital, and parent-teacher interview by myself because he wasn’t my son. say it, i want to hear you say, ‘(y/n), you’re not megumi’s mom. he’s not your son.”
there were tears in your eyes now, droplets falling after you’d blink. “let me remind you while you were out getting your dick wet in another bitch, i was home, pregnant and alone, with megumi who had a high ass fever. i took care of him when his own father put pussy over him. so don’t come to me about my priorities, ight?”
at the mention of his cheating, toji’s lips pressed into a thin line. he had definitely struck a nerve with his previous comment.
“i told you she meant nothing to me. i wasn’t in my right mind and—”
“and were just mad at your pregnant wife, so you decided to cheat on her. that would show me, huh toji?”
how many times was he going to have to apologize for what he did?
for doing the one thing he swore to not do?
he opened his mouth to speak. what he was going to say was what he didn’t quite know just yet. he wasn’t sure if he wanted to defend himself or just fight back. what was even the point of fighting back? everything you were saying was true.
rin had fussed from under him, her little whines being a reminder to her parents she was still present.
“i—” toji began but you cut him off by raising your hand up,
“shut up and feed my child. i’m going to go check on my son.” you didn’t wait for response from him as you turned to head upstairs, stomping away to let out some anger.
you left toji to realize he was in fact about to feed rin before arguing with you. and he cursed himself for forgetting what he originally came downstairs to do.
“shit.” he muttered as he went to the couch. he took her out the carrier and sat down with her. thankfully her bottle hadn’t spoiled and was still warm. damn you for being aware of your daughters needs.
“sorry, rinny. got distracted.” he kissed her forehead as he put the bottle to her lips. there was that feeling he felt in the kitchen again, that guilt. he hated it.
it was like someone took a fire to the inside of his stomach. it was hot, burning even. he was uncomfortable whenever it came because it was a feeling he couldn’t suppress.
he felt ever since that night, and it only ever grew as the days progressed.
toji had come home later than he told you, he had to stop to bring home food for you and megumi, as well as shower to rid himself of the smell of sex.
he didn’t mean to do it, honestly. he was just mad and needy. you hadn’t been giving him the attention he wanted from you. you wouldn’t let him touch you or even kiss you anywhere that wasn’t on your face. he needed the intimacy, and you only wanted privacy.
you claimed it was because you felt gross. you tried to explain to your husband how the pregnancy was affecting your mental state, mostly how you viewed your body. you already had body issues prior to being pregnant, but now, at your six month mark, you felt like you didn’t know who was staring back at you in the mirror.
but toji couldn’t understand. he kept trying to tell you how pretty you were to him, how beautiful you were all big with his baby, but you would never really take in his words. you just shrugged them and his reassuring kisses off with a fake smile and a quiet “thanks.”
you were supposed to go with him to this big work dinner. you had promised him you’d go and be his pretty little wife months ago. smile big in front of potential clients, mention your husband’s various accolades, basically put toji on a pedestal so they would choose him.
but when the night came, you weren’t feeling up for the event. toji of course wasn’t pleased as he had been telling you about this dinner for months. he tried to convince you to come but like previous disputes you two have had, it ended in yelling and arguments.
you yelled at him for his apathy; not understanding just how tired you were from carrying his baby, working during the pregnancy, and being the present parent for megumi in terms of school while toji went on his missions.
he yelled at you for not giving him the attention he deserves as your husband. for not being there for him when he needed you. honestly he knew it was dumb to have this argument. he should’ve just kissed you and agreed to let you stay home. but his stupid pride got in the way.
so he ended up going alone, dressed in his fancy suit and shoes, silver audemars piguet watch on his wrist and cuff links to match. he walked into the banquet hall and decided he would do it all himself—like he always did.
that’s when he stumbled into her, shoko ieri. she had complimented him on the way he flipped one of the biggest and most stubborn drug lords in the city to hire him for a hit job. she offered to buy him a celebratory drink, whiskey—since she was drinking it too.
it happened fast, at least to toji. the way they went from a playful banter by the bar to sitting next to each other at one of the tables. she had been a guest of his colleague, satorou gojo. she was a doctor for men in his line of work.
“so if i get injured on the job…” toji remembers starting, leaning back in the chair and putting his arm around the back of shoko’s. he had a smirk on his face as he manspread in his seat.
“then just stop by mine and i’ll make it all better.” she patted his cheek, eyes twinkling in mischief.
she ordered another round of whiskey for the two of them. the more he drank, the more you and megumi slipped from his mind. the more he ignored the gnawing sound in the back of his head. the one that kept telling him to stop.
another round of whiskey lowers the volume of his conscience. he can hear shoko better as she tells him about an impromptu surgery she performed on toji’s other colleague—and the godfather to your daughter, suguru geto. she touches toji’s bicep every now and again, as the story reaches turning points and it’s climax. the noise in his head comes back once she finishes the story, reminding him that you are waiting for him at home.
“but i don’t want to talk about me. i want to hear about the one and only toji fushiguro,” she leans in to him and his heart swells.
another round of whiskey. the noise has been minimized to a hum toji now hears every now and again as he tells her about an operation gone wrong in nagasaki. the conversation takes a flirtatious turn when shoko’s hand flies to his knee in a somber stroke, mumbling about how tired toji must’ve been after. his ego bursts.
another round of whiskey and toji does not recall there ever being a noise in his head. it’s quiet now, with only the sound of the jazz band and shoko having his attention. her hand remains on his knee, cherry red nails scraping against his thigh as it inches higher. toji makes a comment about switching to water for the night but shoko reminds him that just like the night they are both young.
another round of whiskey. toji’s hand is squeezing shoko’s thigh, his fingers grazing higher to places he yearns to explore. her lips now the colour plum, stained from the red wine she was nursing in between shots.
“there’s a hotel above us, y’know.” her eyes were piercing into his own. lips in a smirk and cheeks red from being flustered.
“so why are we still sitting here?” toji asked, lifting a brow. shoko smiled and unlocked her phone, passed it to him with the contact page open.
“add yourself. then wait for ten minutes.” she had a confidence about her that toji found captivating. so he did as she said, tapping his thumbs against her screen and filling out the information. when he gave her back the phone, she smiled and stood up, sauntering away.
his dick was hard. he was leaning back in the chair, wiping a hand down his face to calm himself down.
in the moments he spent to himself, the noise he had long forgotten slowly made its way back to max volume. he signaled to the waitress for another round.
the glasses of alcohol were brought in front of him, two tall shot glasses. he took them down without a thought, the liquid burning his throat.
his phone vibrated on his lap,
room 615.
it happened in slow motion, at least to toji. the way his fist knocked against the door of the hotel room and shoko answered with a smirk before pulling him in by his belt. then things started to pick up.
the way he cupped her face and kissed her hungrily. his anger from earlier and passion from the lust he felt were put into the kiss, the sounds of their lips smacking and shoko moaning ringing in his ears.
she broke away to flash a wicked smile before she bent down in her heels, becoming eye level with his crotch. she began pawing at the bulge in his pants, emitting a groan from him. his hand grabbed at her hair, chestnut coloured tresses bunched up in his fist and a gruff “suck it” leaving his lips.
his dick was hard and it was leaking for her. the way she sucked on his reddened tip had his eyes fluttering closed. she opened her mouth wide and took him until her nose was brushing against his freshly trimmed pubic hairs.
those same nails that had his leg jumping traced his prominent v-line. toji was seeing stars as she began to bob her head. he hadn’t gotten head in so long, months probably. her throat was so tight, so warm.
does it help if he said he thought of you during it, the cheating?
when he had her back arched over the bathroom sink and stared at her fucked out expression through the mirror, he saw you for a minute. he blamed the alcohol, of course.
would it make you feel better if he said he used condoms?
he didn’t want to bring anything back to you. and after that night, he got tested sometime that week to make sure everything was okay. it was, and he let out a sigh of relief.
can knowing he felt like absolute shit once he finished bring you solace?
when she had come for the third and final time in the bed, he gave her a kiss to the forehead as she fell to sleep. he walked bear to the shower and at the sight of himself in the mirror he wanted to throw up.
he came home just after midnight to find you were sitting outside megumi’s door with a blanket over your body and head resting back against the wall.
“love,” toji crouched down and shook you softly. you should have been in bed. “(y/n), wake up.”
you stirred, but eventually your eyes opened to see your husband, with a curious look on his face. “you’re on the floor.”
“why didn’t you answer your phone?” was the first thing you asked him. you didn’t say hi, you didn’t ask how the night was—you got straight to it.
toji pulled his phone out from his pants pocket and turned off his do not disturb to see he had five missed calls and ten texts from you.
“i put it on do not disturb so i could focus on the clients, m’sorry baby. what happened, are you okay?” he quickly scrolled through the messages:
you seriously are going to throw a fit bc i’m pregnant and tired?
fine fuck you then
ok not fuck you fuck you. fuck you for now
megs is sick and his head is burning. is your dinner close to finishing?
toji i get we are beefing atm but our son is sick and i need your help
he just told me to leave him alone bc he doesn’t want to get me sick and possibly harm the baby. i told him that won’t happen but he won’t listen to me. toji pls call him
bro can you not be on your petty shit for a hot minute and just answer me?! i don’t know what to do he has chills now! holy fuck
toji !
update: it’s been an hr, idk what tf you got goin on but megs is still sick. i made him soup and he had a little before throwing up. i gave him some medicine and cold towel for his head but there’s no change. idek why i’m texting this shit to you 🙄
if i lock your ass out pls know it was justified.
toji looked at you with apologetic eyes. you were mad, rightfully so. you had expressed to him how uncomfortable you had been lately, with your body in more pain then before. standing up for long was difficult, he knew this. he had heard the doctor tell you not to over exert yourself and take it easy on your body.
“started to think you wouldn’t be coming home.” you pushed the blanket off of you, dressed in one of his tee shirts and a pair of your pajama pants, your cornrows tucked away under your hair scarf.
you struggled to get up on your own, your max weight now being shifted to your front and creating an imbalance. but you did it with a huff, toji standing tall now and watching. he had offered to help but you slapped his hand away.
“shut the fuck up. i’m going to bed and you’re on the couch.” you pushed the blanket into his chest. he was still slightly drunk so he stumbled back a bit, but caught himself.
toji didn’t have any more time to dwell on his past actions. or to recall the night you found out, because you had come back downstairs. “megs’ still high, but he says it’s better than how he was before. he said he and his friends took a pill—probably molly. i ordered him some food to eat so hopefully it comes down fast. rin doing okay?” you stood at the bottom of the stairs, leaning against the banister.
in front of you was toji’s back as he held rin, who was fast asleep in a formula coma. the bottle was empty and she was content, snoring away in her fathers arms.
“she’s fine now.” he mumbled but you heard. and with a nod, you walked to the door to put your shoes back on.
“great, i’ll be on my way. listen out for his food. kiss rin f’me.”
toji heard you unlock the door, and heard the sound of it opening. before you walked out though, he called out to you.
“was there any part of you that would’ve taken me back….after everything?” he turned his head so he could see you in his peripheral. he wasn’t going to look at you as you said it, he couldn’t.
he doesn’t think you understand how hard it’s been to look at you since that night.
you blew air out your mouth, cheeks puffed and eyebrows raised. you hadn’t expected for this to be the question he asks you as you get ready to leave. not at damn near five in the morning.
but might as well, right?
“honestly, yeah. i would always have these random moments where i would feel like i needed you again, in my life or in my bed…but then i would remember that you cheated on me when i was pregnant, and when i was in the darkest period of my pregnancy, at that.”
the emotions were still raw for you, the betrayal and the pain. it was a feeling that felt almost close to that of stabbing. a piercing blade through your heart that turned deeper into the organ anytime you’d think about it.
“i, uh, remember how i stayed up crying for months after because i just knew that whoever that woman was, she must’ve been the definition of gorgeous—because you used to tell me there was not a being alive who could outshine my beauty. and i believed you.”
“i didn’t lie” toji said. his voice was shaky and he honestly didn’t know why he asked you such a question. it was obvious there was no sign of reconciliation between you two. but yet he asked anyways, hoping some higher being somewhere would give him back his family. he didn’t appreciate it at first, but he’s learned now.
you chuckled dryly, “no, you were just proven wrong. goodnight, toji.” you quickly left after that, not wanting to wait around for anything he had to say.
as far as you were concerned, that was the end. it was over.
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pt. 3
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The Use of Robert Moses as a Foil in The Unsleeping City
For those of you who don’t remember 10th grade English and don’t have a degree in Literature from a state school, a foil is a character who exists to contrast another character in order to highlight the characteristics of both characters. There are many great examples of this not only in literature (Hamlet and Laertes, Tybalt and Benvolio, Adam Trask and Cathy Ames) but also in film (Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, Batman and the Joker), comics (see: Batman and the Joker) and a host of other mediums. With all that said, and those examples given, I posit that Robert Moses is a foil for the Heroes of New York in Dimension 20: The Unsleeping City. 
First and most obviously, he is a reflection of Kingston Brown if Kingston Brown wasn’t a strict adherent to Uncle Ben’s axiom. Moses took every bit of power he could for his own use and, in real life, screwed over the city of New York where Brown uses everything he’s given to make the city better (in a flashback, we find out that the first thing Brown asks the Dragon of Bleeker Street after becoming the Vox Populi is how he can use his power to help other people). 
Second, he’s a version of Kugrash that never learned the importance of caring for others. Throughout season one, Kugrash acts as a protector for the homeless and dispossessed of New York, feeding and clothing and protecting them from harm, a lesson he learned after he was cursed by a powerful spellcaster. The people he protects are those who Robert Moses’s realm would destroy, the people Robert Moses cares nothing for. This service comes not purely from penance, but also from a heartfelt desire to help others to the point that he sacrifices his body to save New York. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, is his reaction to the final words of Robert Moses’s phylactery after his (Kugrash’s) sacrifice - greed is good. To quote the man himself -  “ Greed is good, for rat motherfuckers like Robert Moses, but not in our town, not in our fuckin' city!”
Third, Robert Moses is a reflection of Pete if Pete had given in to corruption and temptation and hatred and greed, which he almost does multiple times in the series, the final time being in Showdown at the Stock Exchange, the penultimate fight of season one. This final choice is offered as two options on the Wild Magic Table - embrace the darkness to match Robert Moses in power, or resist temptation and rise above, Pete choosing the later. For this rejection of evil, Pete is killed (I choose to read the game of Eenie Miney Minie Mo as being a theatrically show that Robert Moses put on just to prove how evil he is). 
Fourth, both he and Misty/Rowan feed on the power of the city for their own ends, Robert to control it and Misty to maintain her youth and beauty. The difference lies in the fact that, as Nod points out, Misty/Rowan gives back to the people more than she takes, giving them hope and joy (and using her magic to protect the people), while Robert Moses gives nothing in return. She also cares for the immaterial things in life, like beauty and art and entertainment, while he does not.
Fifth, Ricky’s self-sacrificing nature is in stark contrast to Robert Moses’s. Throughout the series, Ricky puts himself on the line to protect others, a good portion of his magic being used to protect others from harm and the rest (notably his smites) used in defense of the innocent. In the final battle of season one, against Robert Moses’s nightmarish American Dream, he uses an ability that he knows will almost certainly kill him. His words to Kingston Brown moments before the sacrifice - “You got me if you got me” - show that while he would like to come back and knows his friend will do what he can to make that happen, he also knows that there’s a chance that this is the end for him, and he does it anyway, a sacrifice Robert Moses would never accept. 
Finally, there’s Sofia. Sofia was the hardest of these to write about, but eventually I realize that the contrast comes in relation to wealth - Sof rejects her family’s ill-gotten wealth, choosing to live (temporarily) as a monk with little more than the contents of a backpack to her name, while Robert Moses craves wealth so much that his whole plan revolves around creating a new realm in New York city specifically for his own gain. It’s not a lot, but it’s something. 
There’s also the fact that the heroes all love New York while Robert Moses sees it as a tool for his own gain, but that mostly goes without saying. 
I’m about 90% sure that this is the longest post I’ve made on this site but I really enjoyed writing it. I definitely plan on making more like it, analyzing D&D series through a serious literary lens and discussing the uses of literary and narrative techniques, although these won’t be as frequent as my shorter observations. 
If you got all the way through this, thank you and you’re awesome. 
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turtleblogatlast · 5 months
Okay back on my Pokémon thoughts- forget the teams for a second that stuff takes longer than expected to narrow down.
Been thinking what types the boys would be and I think I’ve narrowed them down to a select few for each of them.
For Mikey, I’m thinking Electric, Fire, and Fairy. Electric because he just has so much energy, and I feel like his razzmatazz is akin to how Electric types typically are + Electric types are very chaotic and Mikey is also Very Chaotic. For Fire, well I feel like that one is self explanatory with not only how his first weapon operated but also how his ninpo works in general + how he’s generally a very warm-hearted boy. For Fairy, I tend to associate Fairy types with magic, and considering how Mikey is the most tied with mystics, I think this goes well with him + he’s a smol guy. I’m leaning Fire/Fairy though.
For Donnie, I’m thinking Electric, Steel, and Psychic. Electric because TECHNOLOGY. Steel because TECHNOLOGY. Psychic because of how his ninpo works primarily revolving around TECHNOLOGY. Okay but to be more in depth- like I mentioned with Mikey, Electric is a chaotic type and I think Donnie aligns with chaos a lot. For Steel, yes because of technology, but also because of how Donnie tries to portray himself as “emotionally unavailable” so the defenses he puts up in that regard are very Steel like. For Psychic, let’s be real that’s the “smart” type for the most part (plus it’s purple). Donnie could be any combo of these to be honest but I’m leaning Steel/Electric.
For Leo, I’m thinking Steel, Dragon, Dark, and Water. Steel because of his swords (and like I said with Donnie, the defenses that Leo puts up to mask his feelings and true self.) Dragon because I find that to be a big “leader-ly” type, and him having that type works well with his eventual position as team leader. Dark because let’s be real, he is a schemer, and Dark types in general tend to be very scheme-y and misunderstood. Water because he’s a lackadaisical character who goes with the flow a lot of the time, even against his better judgment. This boy makes it a mission to be hard to figure out, so I genuinely have no idea what he’d be. EDIT: I have been successfully convinced to lean Water/Dark for Leo! EDIT 2: HMM maybe flying and ghost now as potentials???? Why is Leo so hard to figure out.😭 EDIT 3: I cannot believe I’m saying this but I’m actually leaning hardest to Dark/Ghost now. Dark is all but confirmed in my mind but Ghost is very quickly making itself make sense here ironically.
For Raph, I’m thinking Fighting, Fire, Ground, and Dragon. Fighting because he LOVES fighting, he’s good at it, and he’s the one who strives to get the actual moves down most + this goes with his protective personality. Fire because he DOES have a temper to him, however much he wants to keep it pushed down, but also he, like Mikey, is a very warm-hearted boy. Ground because he’s the tank!! And he’s solid in his strength and his duty. Dragon because he’s the eldest, the one the boys look to for strength, the one who was the initial leader and-! He looks the most like a dragon lol. Like Leo, it’s kinda hard to have a favorite combo for Raph, but I think I’m leaning Fighting/Dragon. EDIT: I have been convinced that Fighting is a definite for Raph but Ground may work better for his secondary!
This was a lot harder to think of than I thought haha. Please if you have any ideas let me know (especially since I’m not totally convinced or tied to anything in particular quite yet)! While it’s hard to pin down perfect typings, it’s also very fun.
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emoboydefender · 4 months
Here with you
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Summary: After another mission success, the team decides to throw a big party at the Avengers Tower. You though, can’t participate. Staying home because of your agoraphobia, nobody knows about your part of the team. Alone, you receive an unexpected visitor.
Pair: Loki x Agoraphobic Reader
Content: Fluff, small amount of angst, crying, female reader, No use of Y/N
Word Count: 500+
Authors note: take it easy on me! It’s my first time writing in years :) starting to write one shots to start on a big Loki x reader project. THIS IS A SHORT DRABBLE!! Trying to make bigger storys little by little.
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"Alright Great job everyone, It’s safe to head back to base” Sighing with relief, you managed to get the team through another tough fight.
“Couldn’t have done it without you, I'm cutting off contact, we will notify you when we’re back.”
You could hear the huffing coming from Mr. Stark and the murmurs of the team behind him.
“Right, see you guys..” you could only muster a few words till the call cut off. “See you later I guess” You frowned.
Standing up you headed towards the kitchen, it was dark out with a chilly feel in the air. You looked through your fridge finding something suitable to cook at this hour.
While looking you turned on the news for background noise.
Tonight the Avengers have saved the city yet again! I think we can all say we owe them an unforgettable debt for keeping us safe, now the latest gossip is that right now the biggest party of the year is being held in the Avengers penthouse! Right here is the air view..
the sound from the TV began to fade as the sharp pain in your chest grew, why did no one tell you? Why haven’t you gotten word from anyone? thoughts being interrupted by tears falling down your face.
“You know the news isn’t good for you right darling?”
The sudden voice makes you get into a defensive position. He put his hands up in a sarcastic manner, realizing who it was you softened up. “Loki what did I say on using your magic to get in here?! … what are you doing here?”
He looked down at his feet as he smiled softly
“As a prince, it is my duty to help a damsel in distress… Now what are you crying for?” He inched closer to you and laid his hands on each side of your face, caressing it while cleaning your tears away.
“I'm.. I don’t know it’s stupid really” You took his hands off of your face and looked down.
“It isn’t to me” You looked up and met his sincere eyes.
“I just.. I want to be known, I want to see my friends but I'm stuck here in this cage of a house. I open my door and try to take a step but it’s like a pressure pushing me back.” your eyes began to tear up again.
“Look at me, you’re trying your hardest, and that's all that matters to everyone, every day we think of how amazing you are and how far you’ve come.”
You looked at him again, his face was in worry and all you could do was chuckle with how caring he was. His face lightened up seeing you were okay.
You scanned his outfit closely, he stood awkwardly wondering if he looked okay tonight.
“Oh my god.. Loki you were at the party, I'm so sorry”
“Don’t fret, all I could think of was you, so I brought the party here” He pulled movies and snacks out from a bag.
“You are so sweet” You smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he hummed in happiness.
“Shall we?” He lays his hand out leading you to the couch “We shall”
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Lance has always been a light sleeper. There’s a reason he wears all the equipment and shit. People who sleep like a fucking corpse — like, ahem, certain mullet haired boys who could pass out hanging from the ceiling by their big toe and sleep for eight hours — don’t wear eye masks and headphones.
It does, though, have the occasional benefit. Like having a natural defense mechanism to pranks by dickhead siblings, for example. Can’t put butter on his nose in the middle of the night to make him break out if he wakes up at the slightest creak, Marco.
But most of the time it’s a pain in the ass. It means that unless he is wearing those massive headphones, he’ll wake up if someone so much as sneezes four doors down.
Or, perhaps, if his training obsessed boyfriend likes to wake up at the asscrack of castle-simulated dawn, then Lance is rudely dragged from dreamland. And to make matters worse, if Keith thinks Lance is awake, he’ll try to convince Lance to go with him, as if Lance has any interest in all at doing intense cardio at five in the fucking morning.
He’s so goddamn cute when he’s hopeful that it works every time, too. He gets this stupid little smile on his face, like he’s imagining all the stuff they’re going to do together, that Lance physically has to drag himself out of their endlessly comfortable bed and go run laps around the training room or whatever, feeling like he’s half-dead and incapable of speaking in anything but grunts. All while possibly planning the murder of his morning-person boyfriend so he never has to do this again.
Lance has, coincidentally, gotten very good at feigning sleep.
Now, every time he hears Keith’s alarm go off — several fucking times because, as previously mentioned, Keith sleeps like a rock — he concentrates hard on being still, breathing evenly. Holding whatever position he’s in and fighting to urge to so much as crack open one eyelid. He’ll stay where he is as he feels Keith carefully pull his arms out from under Lance’s head and around his waist (because for all Lance grumbles and grouches Keith really does do his best to make sure Lance gets all his beauty sleep. Sometimes he’s so careful that it takes him several minutes to extract himself fully. Those mornings are always the hardest for Lance to pretend he’s still unconscious, fighting the smile that desperately wants to pull its way across Lance’s lips). Then Keith will tiptoe around the room getting ready, slipping on a t-shirt and sweatpants and braiding his hair. Finally there’ll be a few minutes of silence, as if Keith is just standing still, watching Lance sleep, and then he’ll lean over and press the gentlest of kisses to whatever part of Lance peeks out from his mound of blankets, before he’s off to go make himself sweat before he’s even had breakfast.
It is, if Lance is being completely honest, his favourite part of the day. That quiet, secret affection always makes something soft and warm bloom in his chest, making him grin as he fades back to sleep.
Only…one morning he feels Keith pull carefully away from him, hears him patter quietly around the room. The rustling sounds of Keith getting ready are a little louder than usual, a little less muted, as if Keith is rushing. And there’s no period of silence.
No kiss.
Lance sits up straight once he hears Keith’s footsteps fade down the hall, looking at the closed door in confusion.
He considers, for a moment, just dismissing it and going back to sleep. It’s no big deal, after all. It’s not like Keith is getting less affectionate as a whole, or anything. In fact Lance woke up last night because Keith was talking in his sleep — about Lance, saying all sorts of dorky and adorable shit. Lance recorded it.
If he goes back to sleep now, he won’t have to get up for a couple more hours. And when he does, he’ll make his way to the kitchen where Keith will no doubt be waiting with a smile, a kiss, and a cup of coffee because he is literally the best boyfriend in the world, even if he wakes Lance up in the mornings.
Lance considers falling back asleep for one whole minute. It’s just a silly, chaste peck, after all. It’s not such a huge deal.
He scowls, throwing off the blanket and shoving his feet into his lion slippers. It is a huge deal. He needs his secret early morning kiss, dammit, and there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that he’s going to let Keith forget it.
He stomps down the hallway, ignoring an amused Shiro who says something along the lines of “Looking bright eyed this morning, Lance,” and keeping his eyes locked straight ahead.
He will get answers. And apologies. Many of them, in fact.
He pauses right before he enters the training room, messing around with the lockpad settings so he can override the automatic function like Coran showed him.
This feels like a door slam moment.
Once the manual opening has been enabled, he takes a breath, then kicks open the doors with a bang, startling Keith so hard he nearly gets brained by the gladiator.
“So I guess love is dead,” he says once Keith has called for the simulation to end, glaring daggers at the man in question.
“Lance…?” Keith stands a couple feet away from Lance, panting, sword held loosely in his right hand and head tilted to the side. “What’re you doing up this early?”
“Obviously you don’t love me,” Lance says again, well aware that he’s being dramatic and childish and not caring at all.
“What? You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
He’s mad at Keith, dammit. He is. But suddenly he feels silly, barging in here feeling all scorned and a little genuinely upset.
Of course Keith loves him. He — it was easy, for him to say that. Like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Like it was an objective truth.
“You didn’t kiss me before you left,” Lance says, and he’s annoyed with himself for sounding hurt instead of petulant. “You always kiss me when you wake up. But you didn’t today.”
Keith softens immediately, stepping right up to Lance, sword clattering to the ground. “Baby,” he says warmly, cupping Lance’s cheeks and kissing him gently on the forehead. “I didn’t even know you were awake when I did that.”
Lance keeps his gaze trained on the ground, arms still crossed over his chest, stubbornly unreceptive. “Of course I do. You’re noisy. But if I wake up then you pout at me until I come train with you.“
Keith chuckles. “And you give in every time I ask.”
“Stop changing the subject, Mullet. You didn’t kiss me this morning, so obviously love is dead.”
“Love is dead, huh?” Keith presses another kiss to Lance’s forehead, then the bridge of his nose, then the tip of it. Then he moves to his cheekbones, his cheeks, the corner of his mouth. His jaw. The underside of his neck.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Keith mumbles. “We were up late last night and I ended up waking up late. I was distracted. I forgot.”
Lance tries so hard to hold on to his stubbornness, drag this out a little longer. If he’s grouchy long enough, Keith’ll do a face mask with him tonight to make up for it, he’s sure of it.
But then Keith nips gently at a particular sensitive spot, right under his ear, and Lance melts.
“I guess I can forgive you,” he mumbles, undoing Keith’s braid so he can thread his fingers through his hair. “But you have to make it up to me.”
Keith’s hands move down to his waist, and he tightens his grip. He doesn’t lift his lips from Lance’s skin.
“Yes.” Lance shudders on a breath. “You have to — fuck — you have to do a face mask with me tonight.”
“And — read to me. Out loud. I like it when you do that.”
“Whatever you want to read I will, Bluebell.”
Lance squeezes his eyes shut, trying desperately to stay focused, but it’s hard when Keith is so close to him, fingers slipping under his shirt, mouth tracing a line from his neck to his collarbones.
“And you have to come back to bed with me. Right now. I want to go back to sleep and I don’t want to do it alone.“
He’s expecting even a little bit of protest — Keith likes his morning routine and Lance can rarely convince him to sleep in — but instead he feels Keith’s grin press into his skin, feels his grip tighten.
“We can for sure go back to bed,” he says wolfishly.
“To sleep,” Lance insists. “It is five thirty in the goddamn morning. I barely have to energy for this conversation. I want to pass out and I want you to be holding me while it happens.”
He feels Keith’s grin get softer. Then he straightens up and presses one last, lingering kiss to Lance’s lips before pulling away.
“Alright,” he says, clipping his bayard to his belt and entwining their fingers together. “Let’s go back to bed.”
Lance smiles, relishing the feeling of their skin pressed together from the short walk back to their room all the way to sliding back under the covers, wrapped snugly in Keith’s arms.
Maybe he doesn’t mind being a light sleeper all that much.
based on this post (third slide)
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alotofpockets · 1 year
Now the world knows | Jackie Groenen
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Pairing: Jackie Groenen x Reader
Summary: You and Jackie are dating but the public doesn’t know about it, until Jackie gets hurt in a game.
A/n: repost from my old account @woso-x-reader
masterlist | woso masterlist | words: 1400
You've been dating Jackie for a couple months now. Keeping it mostly to yourselves, except for some of your noisy friends and teammates that had figured it out. Dating her had been amazing so far. You spend most your time off from training with her, exploring the surrounding towns. Occasionally some fans would run into you, but they didn't expect anything. Just two close friends hanging out, and that was okay for now. It was nice having some time to figure out what this all meant without having the public interfere.
Jackie decided to get some drinks to go and invite you to come take a short trip to the lake, watch some nature and relax before the game tonight. You always get a bit nervous before games, so it was a nice way to take your mind off of it. And you loved that Jackie remembered and tries to ease your nerves.
Eventually you had to get back for the mandatory team meeting, to go over the game plan for tonight one last time. After that it was time to warm-up on the field. There was an amazing turn out, most of the seats were filled with fans.
The match started and not only ten minutes in Jackie managed to kick the ball over to Vivianne who was able to get a clear shot to the goal and score the team their first point. You all celebrated the first goal, jumping into each other's arms and patting Viv and Jackie on the back for the great work.
Soon after the opposing team managed to move past your teams defense and made a goal as well. Sari was quick to get the ball back into play, keeping it in possession, slowly moving it more towards the other half of the field, where the ball met Jackie again. She noticed she had a clear shot to get the ball to you. The midfielder took the shot you had practiced so many times. It landed perfectly at your feet, you managed to turn in a matter of seconds surprising the goalkeeper with the curve of you shot, landing your second goal.
You point at Jackie immediately after the ball goes over the goal line. She runs towards you and jumps in your arms, quickly being followed by Vivianne and Daniëlle who were standing nearby. The game continues with some more goal opportunities from both teams, but it stays 2-1 until halftime.
Going back into the field after half time, the opposing teams seems to have gotten more energy and aggression around the ball. It's hard to keep up at times, but the defence is doing a great job.
Everyone's positions on the field have lowered a bit, trying your hardest to keep the other team at bay. A long ball flies over the field, Jackie tries to reach for it by jumping in the air, while an opposing player must have wrongly calculated the height of the ball. Thereby kicking Jackie straight into her ribs. She falls down to the ground hard, her hand immediately shoots to her side.
You're half a field a way, but you're by her side in a second. Softly brushing the hair and turf off her face. You know there's not much you can do until the medical team arrives, but you want to be with her.
Once they get there they start asking her questions, where does it hurt? How painful is it? Do you think you can stand? On which Jackie answers "My ribs and my side. Very painful and I don't think so." The medical team tells all the surrounding players to give them some room. When you stay they tell you, "You too, y/l/n."
You're about to get up and walk away against your will, but Jackie grabs your hand. "I need her to stay." The woman from med nods and lets you stay. All through being checked Jackie holds your hand tight and you weren't planning on letting go anytime soon.
When it's time for Jackie to be taken off the field you help walk her to the sidelines. She can barely stand which is breaking your heart. "Can I carry you the rest of the way?" You ask her, making sure it won't hurt too much. She whispers a pleading 'yes' before you carefully pick her up bridal style. Once at the sideline you know you have to go back on, so in putting her gently down on the ground again you hug her side and kiss her cheek. "You're going to be okay, take it easy. We're winning this one for you."
And that's what you did. You and the other girls now got more aggressive with the ball as well, angry that they hurt one of your own this badly. Jackie had been resting in the dressing room with an ice pack on her side, ever since she got taken off the field. "How are you feeling, Jacks?" You ask as you take a seat next to her. "Not so good." She says leaning into you a bit.
The medical staff walks into the dressing room, "Are you ready to go to the hospital, Jackie?" She nods and tries to take off her cleats to put on her own shoes, but when she reaches down a sharp pain in her side makes her sit back up again. Without a second thought you sit down on the floor in front of her and untie her cleats and help her get into her other ones. "I'm coming with you." You say grabbing your own shoes to change in the car.
Luckily Jackie didn't break any bones, she bruised some of her ribs and the print of the opponents cleat was starting to show. But she was free to go back to the hotel you were all staying at.
In the lobby most girls were nervously waiting to her the results of the x-rays. After telling them the good news and telling the coach know how long the doctor said she had to be out for. You took her to her room to get some rest. You lay down on the bed with her and open up Netflix on the TV. She cuddles up to you in a position where it doesn't hurt too much, and you let her pick a movie to watch.
About halfway into the movie someone knocks on the door. You call out, “Come in.” too comfortable to get up. Daniëlle walks in with her phone in her hand. “Hey, how are you feeling?” She asks a sleepy Jackie. “I’m doing alright now, but once I have to get up again it will hurt again.” Daniëlle sits down on the edge of the bed with a sympathetic smile on her face. She truly felt bad for her friend, having been in the same position before she knew how much it hurt, even if Jackie was telling her otherwise. 
“Have either of you been on social media since the game?” Daniëlle starts. When you both shake your head she says, “I think you better look at your notifications.” You reach for your phone and hold it so both you and Jackie can see what’s on the screen.
You’re tagged in hundreds of posts on Instagram of the two of you holding hands and some of the kiss you thought you could give her without anyone seeing. Comments on the fans shipping you two start filling the screen. You’re smiling at your phone. “I see you two are both happy that the world now knows, so that’s my cue to leave.” Daniëlle says as she quickly walks out of the room again.
Jackie’s eyes meet your, a smile evident on both your faces. “So…” you start. “Now the world knows.” Jackie finishes. “How are you feeling about that?” As a response, you cup her cheeks and place a soft kiss on her lips. “I’m glad they know, because now I get to do this all the time. How about you?” You ask her back. “I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I was and am so grateful for your support, I really needed you and I want to be able to hold your hand and kiss you wherever we go too.” After sharing a couple more kisses, Jackie melts into your arms again and you finish watching the movie.
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fandomworld9728 · 1 month
His divorce with Lilith becomes public and now everyone wants a piece of him. He is overwhelmed, just got out of his depression, and is trying to spend time with his beloved daughter. Said daughter is peeved and never had to share her dad's attention and so acts as the #1 defense and official cockblock/clamdam. Vaggie is there to help support her gf and also talk her out of some of her more elaborate plots.
(Requested by @suzaojou)
(I had way too much for with this, so I decided I want to make it into a much longer piece on AO3! Here's some samples of ideas for it ^-^)
Finally ready to move on from Lilith, Lucifer finalized the divorce and stripped her of her power and title. Not being a fan of most people in media and not trusting them to stick to the truth of the situation, Lucifer went to Alastor to announce it.
Things had spiraled from there. With the King of Hell back on the market, everyone was after the new position of queen.
I do mean everyone! Sinners, Hell-born demons, Overlords, even the residents of the hotel. That has to be the hardest for Lucifer to deal with. Especially with a now sinner Adam and a territorial deer demon.
What makes it all the more interesting and stressful to a whole new level is when Charlie and Vaggie start playing bodyguard for him.
Lucifer was both amused and appreciative of it. He was the King of Hell, sure, but he had also isolated himself for so long that he wasn't sure how to handle all this new attention. Though, on the bright side, his confidence shot up.
All Lucifer wanted was to finally spend time bonding with his daughter and her girlfriend, getting to know them better. All Charlie wanted to do was to have her father's attention after so long and wasn't planning on sharing him anytime soon. And Vaggie... she of course was there to support her girlfriend. However, she also was more than happy to have an excuse to jab Alastor with her spear when he got a little too close.
Meanwhile, Lucifer now has a new fan club that tries to one up each and outdo each other. Eventually being joined by Lillith when she sneaks her way back into Hell and wants her now ex-husbands affections back.
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