#this summer and spring too passed by quicker than i expected haha
puppy-phum · 1 year
Hello Vish! Congratulations on your milestone. Thank you for creating and sharing all your beautiful edits with us, I really love and enjoy seeing them on my dash. I hope I'm not too late for sending you prompts. I have several of them because I'm not really good at choosing a show/pairing + text combination, so I'm not sure if these will work but I'm just going to try. Please feel free to choose whichever combination that meets your interest, or just ignore them if you think they're not something you prefer to do.
1) The Eclipse (AkkAyan) + Quotes from George Orwell, 1984: (a) “Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood.” or (b) “If you loved someone, you loved him, and when you had nothing else to give, you still gave him love.” or (c) “We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.”
2) Enchanté (AkkTheo) + Quotes from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince: (a) “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” or (b) “It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”
I hope one of these combinations works for you, if not, that's okay too :) Thank you, and I hope you have a lovely day! 💜
hello april ♥ thank you for all your lovely words and the prompts ^^ i've enjoyed them and i'm so very happy to have you here! i knew ever since i received this ask that i'd go for one of the akktheo prompts you gifted me. i adored enchante and never got to make any edits for it before, so i wanted to try. both quotes were lovely, but for some reason, i got stuck on the rose.
here's what i came up with
i hope you enjoy the edit ♥ have a wonderful rest of your week!
(some extra rambles under the cut!)
so i didn't have a very definite plan for this edit, other than that i wanted this to work as some type of "bookmark" visually. as the little prince is, well, a book and they tie akktheo's journey with the said book very tightly, i wanted this bookmark to work as their timeline? does this make sense? i hope it does haha.
the rose travels with them through their relationship ever since it first appears before akktheo's first kiss. this made me think about the "time wasted for your rose" as they both kind of... idk. they both waste time on each other and figuring out this thing between them. but they willingly do it. every time, it's time willingly given away. that wasted time, it matters to them.
so i wanted the rose to just appear a lot in this edit. to be present and show these changes in their relationship. how it all starts with a little spark, in an unlikely place, and grows despite the hard circumstances (within theo as he guards it by himself for a long while). then it finally gets a home as akk starts discovering his own feelings and accepts them.
then akk moves the rose to theo's care, thinking it will be better off there. i took this as a way of akk giving his heart away. the rose symbolises that. he took care of it with all his might and now it's with theo where it belongs. he tries to take care of theo but feels that theo is better at taking care of both of them.
and then... well, the petals scene was supposed to symbolise their romance and the romantic moments between them. the celebration kind of. the cheer and joy and falling even deeper in love. the soft moments, spent surrounded by their now blooming love.
and then there's the rose that withers as theo gets hurt and akktheo separate. the rose that hurts theo (literally as he pricks his finger on it) and starts dropping its petals. the rose theo no longer knows how to take care of and the rose that eventually witnesses theo leave back to france, alone.
but bc this was supposed to be happy, i ofc had to include the akktheo reunion in france (in that very horrible cgi france XD) so the hug is there. with the lonely rose... well. let's just think that the rose now has a new life somewhere. all that time wasted on it wasn't for nothing.
i hope any of this makes sense! i loved making this edit and i personally enjoy the colors in this a lot ^^ also it was fun going through enchanté again, i miss that show and i miss the soft, sweet forcebook ♥
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maidofstars · 6 years
as time flies
seasonal feathers au.  pairing: soji okita / mc. summary: winter brings nostalgia. spring brings song. summer brings illness. fall brings flight.
The cold winds of the season were always associated with chaos, but to her, this was when she felt most at peace. With her loving husband at her side, snuggling against the fire, there was no way she could feel anything else. Everything outside was frozen, but with her love, she felt warm. 
Winter may be white, but it was anything but cold. 
She looks over to her Soji, only to discover his gaze already on her. His eyes are gentle, much like always.  MC gives him a warm smile and Soji does the same before leaning in to press a kiss against her lips. 
“What are you thinking about?” MC asks as she leans against him. Soji laughs. He replies, admitting that he was thinking of her.
“I was just thinking of the day we met,” Soji begins, wrapping an arm around her, “You showed up to my house out of nowhere, begging me for a place to stay. How could I say no to someone like you?” 
“It was snowing then too.” 
“It was. You were beautiful amongst the snow.” 
MC closes her eyes. 
“I’m glad I met you, Soji.”
“I’m glad I met you too.”
Spring was the time for life. The tress grew back their color and the animals came rushing back in. What wasn’t there to adore? 
Pleased at the wave of new life, MC can’t help but hum. It soon escalates into a song, one with lyrics that had no meaning in particular. Her only audience was her love (and, well, the birds surrounding her too.) 
Soji claps the moment she stops singing. He claps like it’s the loveliest thing he’s ever heard. 
It might just be. 
Playing along, MC gives a bow. 
“I love everything about you,” Soji comments, “but I especially adore your voice. Keep singing for me, will you?”
“If you keep complimenting me.” MC giggles, embarrassed. Despite her playful tone, MC could feel her heart racing a mile a minute. There was no playing cool around him. His words would always bring her such joy. 
“If that’s what you want, then I’ll never stop. Encore, encore!” 
“If that's the case, then I’ll never stop singing, silly.”
“Then we’ll both continue on, until our voices run out.” 
While Soji expected to incite a laugh, he instead finds himself worried. MC’s smile has faded. Instead of a smile on her face, there was sorrow in her eyes. 
“Out of curiosity...what would you do if my voice were to disappear? Would you still love me?”  MC asks. 
Soji loved teasing MC, but he had no hesitation when it came to answering her. 
“Of course I would.”
Spring was pink and a blush of color. 
The summer heat wasn’t for everyone. While summertime was lovely for the harvest, the heavy weather of the season felt exhausting. MC was doing fine herself, but she couldn’t help but worry for her love. 
MC has always disliked Soji overworking himself, but the summer heat on him only made her worry even more. Yet still, Soji refused to let her work on the field by herself. 
“What type of husband would I be to let you work out here yourself?” He would often insist. 
She could never say no to him. 
“Promise you’ll tell me if you’re not feeling well.” 
“MC, my darling, this is the fifth time you told me today,” Soji chuckles, “Though, I do love hearing you scold me.” 
“I’m not kidding, Soji.” MC frowns. “I don’t want your illness acting up. I love you, Soji.” 
“I love you too, MC. And that’s why I’m helping-” 
Summer was red. 
Summer was a splash of red. 
“SOJI!” MC yells, running over to him. She runs the faster than she’s ever in her life.
As blood runs down his mouth, Soji once again lets out another laugh. 
“H-haha....H...How ironic.” He tries to smile, but the blood smeared against his mouth doesn’t give MC much reassurance. He gives up the moment he sees tears running down her face. 
“Soji...Soji...” All MC can do is repeat his name over and over. She was at a loss for what to do. 
There was no cure for his illness, the illness that fought so desperately to take her Soji away. 
The medicine that was available only claimed to prolong his life and didn't ensure a cure. There were no guarantees.  The medicine was also much too expensive. Much too expensive for either of them to afford.
What was there to do?
The tears that dripped down onto his hands didn’t wash away any of the blood. 
There was no time to experience autumn. With her husband ill in bed, the most she could do was work. She has to make enough money to keep him living, there was no time to waste. 
She weaves until her hands are bloody, making sure she has enough fabric to sell. It was a much quicker way of earning money, but it damaged her like nothing else. 
“These look lovely, but please rest for a bit...” Soji compliments her, just like he always does. Unlike before, this compliment only makes her feel sad. Why would he tell her to stop working? His acts as if his life isn’t on the line. 
He notices her change in expression and changes the topic.
“Where did you get all the feathers for these?”
“Don’t worry about it. They were just at hand.” Her smile is bittersweet. It’s been like that a lot, recently.  She tries her best to hide how tired she is, but regardless, it’s still apparent. 
“...Don’t push yourself now.” He repeats himself. 
“I’m not...”
“You always tell me not to overwork myself, and yet here we are.” 
“This is different!” MC raises her voice. “I...I don’t want you dying, Soji! You’re all I have. I don’t want your life to fall as easily as the autumn leaves.” 
“I know that you do! But MC, you have no idea how much it worries me to see you work yourself into exhaustion. What’s the point of all of this if you die first?” 
Heavy matter was an unspoken taboo ever since Soji’s illness got worse. Neither wanted to worry the other, so they kept quiet. It was the first time in a while that it came all pouring out. 
Silence falls upon them. They look at each other through blurred vision, but clear vision wasn’t needed to tell how sadly they looked at one another. 
MC can’t take the tension anymore and finally stands away from her work. She walks over to him, kneels, and wipes away his tears. Soji can’t help but smile despite their argument. He puts his own hands over hers.
Soji’s hands were cold as winter and pale as snow. 
“...Your hands are beautiful.” He mumbles out.  MC’s hands are bloodied and bruised, but she knows well he isn’t lying to her. 
“Would you still love me if I no longer had them?” 
“Of course I would.” Soji closes his eyes. 
Fall was a fitting name for autumn. While it was the season for when leaves began to fall, it was when everything else for them began to fall apart. 
MC remembers a time when it was dear to them, when they innocently spent time walking on the fallen leaves, collecting ones they deemed pretty. It was a time they loved so greatly, but now there wasn’t any left to enjoy it. 
“I have...I have to make more....I can’t stop....until my feathers run out.” She breathes heavily. She continues to work, despite her hands being so bandaged and bruised.  
Before she can take the last feather, she feels a pair of arms wrapped around her. MC gasps in surprise to find her dear Soji behind her. She’s panicked, as it must’ve taken a lot of his energy for him to come over.
He doesn’t say anything, which causes her to cry her heart out. 
“You don’t have to work...so....hard for...me....anymore....” He whispers. His voice was quiet, much too quiet to be comforting. “You’re only human...after all.” 
“What...what would you do if I was no longer human? Would you still l-love me then?” She waits for his answer anxiously. Only moments have passed, but to her, it felt like hours. It wasn’t something she was joking about, as unreal as it sounded.
MC plucks the final feather, not being able to wait any longer. 
Soji smiles into her shoulder, holding her surprisingly tight. It was much tighter than she could ever imagine, with his illness at this level. 
“Of course I would... I...promised to embrace you if you were to lose all your wings...didn’t I?” Soji laughs one last time, but his voice is sincere. “Did you really....think I would really...forget that crane...I helped that day?” 
“I loved you then and I love you now.” 
Fall was a burst of color which was always meant to turn white. 
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