#this thesis/dissertation is kicking my butt rn
daydreamindollie · 2 years
again not to force or rush u at all but do u think you’ll ever update peculiar pack or do u feel disconnected to writing it ? I’m just curious bc I check ur blog a lot for that one but again I’m not gonna trying to be mean and I’m really sorry if I come off that way 💕
i really feel so guilty since you darlings are such sweethearts when you ask me for updates
honestly, right now, i'm feeling a little disconnected with writing for BTS but i honestly think it's because i'm also writing for other fandoms on my other acc, that and i'm in my final year of uni with a thesis/dissertation to take most of my attention
i can see myself returning to write for BTS but maybe not until this summer when i finally graduate
for now, my love, think nothing of this account and look into other brilliant writers out there, they'll keep you preoccupied and i hope to surprise you with a fic or two come summertime ;)
you're not mean at all, you're a polite, sweet, precious, darling, sweetheart that makes me want to hop back into writing for BTS as soon as possible but i'm afraid that, for the time being, i have to focus on my uni x
all my love, beautiful x
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