#this took forever to post so pls fill the submission form next time!
thechanbaeklibrary · 6 years
Summary: Criminals do deserve love and affection as much as the innocent one. If they turned the way they are now, it is probably because of the lack of love towards them but the public will never blame themselves for creating monsters. Author: kiffypoof Side Pairing: Sekai, Laysoo Length: Twoshots Status: Completed Genre: Mafia au, Romance Rating: NC-17 Warning: Gore
Submitted by: yeolliepotato Why You Submitted: It is so good! Chanyeol is a wanted criminal and Baekhyun is a designer and oh my lord I can’t! The author is still not KNOWN she deserves so much love so I hope you’ll give her the love she deserves! ALSO TRIGGER WARNINGS!
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