#this turned a lot diffrent than i was planning xD
undomielle · 7 years
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Graves: Smart clothing, very handsome, early middle-age, his demeanor differs from those around him. He is watchful, tightly coiled, an air of intense confidence.
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hey! could I have a korrasami au please? or victuuri, whichever is easier
(Sorry for the late response. I was out all day yesterday. I don't know the second ship (I think it's from that figure skating anime I never saw???) So korrasami it is)Korra is the jock of her high school. Not because she's particularly fantastic at one single sport (though she is best at anything to do with water) but because she plays almost all of the sports (it takes her more time to get good at new land sports like football, but she gets there) Asami is the super nerd of the school who loves making cool new inventions and doing her make up and wearing the best cloths she can find. It's considered abnormal, cuz most nerds don't care how they look, but Asami always wants to look good for herself and she hates when people tell her to 'pick a side' (prep or nerd). Korra and Asami first meet after a big swim match. Asami loves watching sports and seeing all the diffrent ways that people move and opporate on various fields. Watching sports has given her a lot of ew ideas for inventions. After the match, Asami runs over to congratulate Korra, because even though she doesn't actually know Korra yet she needs to tell her how amazing she was and it will be detailed. Korra finds it adorable how excited Asami is, and invites her to the soccer match she has tommorow so she can hear all about how diffrent her style is on the field. Asami is a little amazed that Korra plays more than one sport, but she gladly accepts the invitation. She's excited to see what kind of player Korra is on a field compared to water. After the soccer match Asami takes Korra to get some ice cream while she describes all of the ways Korra was amazing and how diffrent she is on a field compared to in the water. It's quiet amusing to hear and Korra actually starts to get a feel for how she can adjust to do better thanks to Asami's observations. They don't realize until it's too late that ice cream has turned into hot chocolate at the cafe nearby, and hot chocolate has turned into 11 at night and their parents showing up in a panic looking for them. They apologize and agree that next time they hang out they will definitly inform their parents where they're going XD Which happens a lot. They find they enjoy each other's company so much that Korra starts going to Asami's lab after practice to see the new things asami makes or plans and asami tries to make ever game that Korra has
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