#this was a 3am crack thought dont judge me
antis-hell · 10 months
Darkstache vs Danti ship dynamics cus I can
Darkstache: they love each other but don't fully understand why💗 they help each other heal🥰 forever, and ever🥺
Danti: yeah that lil shit manwhored/bullied his way into Darks house idk what to tell ya🤨
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soobasaur · 3 years
buzzfeed said i like-like you..
— a lee felix x au
(half felix pov half y/n pov)
lee felix x gender!neutral reader genre: best friends to lovers
a/n: this is mainly in felix’s pov since i thought it would fit better, the next felix au will be in y/n’s pov (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ and if you have any requests just ask away and i’ll try my best <3
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felix was currently very calm!! c a l m!!
certainly not panicking, nope not him!
it started when he flopped onto his bed in defeat after giving up on his art history essay
he could only analyze medieval paintings for so long >:((
so he ended up clicking on his folder of bookmarks and scrolling for the buzzfeed quiz one
dont judge him it was very relaxing !!
he did a couple weird ones like ‘what type of bread are you?’ (he was a challah bread apparently?!) and ‘what is your horror movie death scene?’ (he was going to be murdered!!)
he started clicking on the recommended ones until he landed on the romance section
he usually ignored these since they were typically very boring but just for the sake of it he chose one titled ‘are you in love with your best friend?
he scoffed as he let the quiz load and his mind wandered off to you
you and felix had met in grade school due to the both of you being the new kids and immediately being stuck together since no other kids wanted anything to do with you
and every since then you had been glued to the hip
he loved you sure, but being in love with you? he didn’t think he was.. he wouldn’t be opposed to it though
‘do you think your best friend is beautiful?’
obviously!! felix thought, choosing said option, how could he not? u were the most ethereal person he had ever been blessed to see, other then himself of course
‘when you get into arguments, are you reluctant to apologize and end it quickly or wait for them to apologize first?’
felix had to think about this one
you both didn’t rlly fight, it was usually over stupid things like the both of you needing to take care of yourselves more and such
but felix found himself apologizing more since he knew you were too stubborn to make the first move even if you wanted to
and whenever he did apologize you always broke down and did the same
he chose ‘i apologize first to get it over with’
‘do you often cuddle and kiss your best friend?’
doesnt everyone? felix thought, hovering his cursor over ‘duh!’
he often gave you cheek kisses and pulled you into hugs whenever he saw you, even if you were always shy and flustered afterwards
he thought it was cute to see you like that
and you often fell asleep in his bed during movie nights and the both of you woke up tangled into one another
now that he thought about it he didn’t really kiss his other best friends, he shuddered at the thought
‘would you get jealous if someone else were to kiss your best friend?’
felix frowned at the mere thought of someone else kissing you
only he could give you cheek kisses goddamnit !!
he wouldn’t be mad if jisung got kisses from someone else though, he’d be happy his friend had found a partner
but if you found a partner...he didn’t know how to feel about that
it would fall between wanting you to be happy and he should be making you happy
he quickly filled out the question and moved on, that was too much for him
the rest of the questions were things like ‘do you know their favorite color?’ ‘do you have their birthday memorized?’ (yes to both!)
he clicked done and waited for his old laptop to boot up the results
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oh...O H
WTF ?/$:&:@;
felix squinted at screen once more before pulling up a google tab
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he went through multiple wikihow articles before just shutting down his laptop and taking his head into his hands
did he have a crush on you??? weren’t crushes supposed to give you butterflies and shit?
well...he did get butterflies whenever you complimented him,,,
oh shit he did have a crush on you
he dove headfirst into his pillow and kicked his legs before sitting up, coming to a conclusion
he couldn’t just hold this vital piece of information to himself!!
and that’s how felix found himself in front of your dorm building, freezing in nothing but basketball shorts and a hoodie he was pretty sure he stole from you
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felix came barreling towards you, picking you up in a hug despite his tiny size
once he finally stopped spinning you and set you down was when you have him a confused look
“your welcome over whenever but why the sudden visit at 3am?” you ask, leading felix towards your dorm room
“fun news!! i realized i’m in love with you, thanks to a buzzfeed quiz!” he answered, doing jazz hands as you locked the dorm door behind you
“you’re...what now?” questioning if you heard right, ignoring your heart beat thumping loudly against your chest
“yeah like, i’m in love with you and realized it just now so i came here to tell you and-,”
/!&:@:@;@;@@, you were malfunctioning
how was?? felix so?? casual?? about this??
u had known you were in love with him since like /forever/ aND THIS MF JUST REALIZED A MINUTE AGO??
and you told him so, stalking towards him and reaching him in just two strides, shaking his shoulders
“what took you so long oh my god-,”
“wait does this mean you feel the same? cus if not it’s cool we can be homies ahah-,”
you did the cliche thing where you shut him up with a kiss
it made him go ∴◠‿◠∴
“we are not homies-,”
“we’re homies with benefits!”
*deep sigh*
from then on your relationship didn’t change that much
you were just best friends who know kissed one another and made out
bonus: headcanons
felix took on a new routine of coming over to your place at the ass crack of dawn
it drove you mad but you never slept anyways so you always opened the door
which was why felix came over in the first place!! to seduce you into a healthy sleeping schedule ;)
“y/n you would look so good tucked into your covers, all warm and cuddly as i hug you close-,”
“are you really trying to seduce me into sleeping right now??”
“...well is it working?” felix winked
(side note felix’s morning voice was to die for so if staying up late got felix to come over then that was another excuse for you to not sleep)
and since he was a dance major you always bought him bouquets and gifts after every single showcase
one time you got him a bunch of red roses and when you guys went back to his place he stuck one in his mouth and pulled you into a slow dance
it didn’t last very long though cus a thorn was left on the stem and caught his lip and you ended up having to help stop the bleeding
he still gave you a smile throughout it all though
“you look so creepy smiling with a mouthful of blood-,”
which made him smile even bigger
college with your best friend was fun but was even more fun with your boyfriend
the two of you often went on double dates with your friends jeongin and jisung, who recently got together, and had a blast going to parties
felix was a clingy drunk
if you thought he was clingy before just you wait
he would latch onto your arm like a koala and let you drag him around
and he would back hug you as you walked around
it was endearing though so you always let him get away with it
but if felix got too much to drink all hell broke loose
you still have flashbacks to that one time he started stripping on the pool table
you got a nice sight of his abs but so did everyone else !!
felix was willing to do anything with you and vice versa
if you even had the smallest inconvenience he was there to help
like that one time your coffee wouldn’t come out of the vending machine he karate kicked it until it did, and dragging you to run away when he spotted a hall monitor walking towards you
all in all he made you happy
it was perfect :’)
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thank you for reading !!
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