#this was about zane and kai bc of kai picking a fight with garmadon in s1 and zane jumping off the boat to free the leviathan in s2 (and.
un-pearable · 1 year
wu in the pilots, sacrificing himself so kai and nya can escape: surely this is a one time thing and will not model an extremely unhealthy behavior in all of my ninja
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getthisbread · 2 years
Hello! I love you work and was wondering if you could make hc for the ninja with an S/O who cooks them luches/snacks/food packets, if they are going on a mission, Bc they don't want the them going hungry?
Ty sooo much <3
I love you so.
This request is actually adorable </3 I LOVE STUPID FLUFFY DOMESTIC STUFF!!!!!
title creds: The Walters, I love you so
Summary: While the ninja are away, they miss you more than anything. How would they react if they found you were taking care of them from across Ninjago?
Lloyd Garmadon, Nya Smith, Kai Smith, Cole Brookstone, Jay Walker, Zane Julien (separate) x gn!reader
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Lloyd was heartbroken to leave for the mission in the first place. Poor baby has attachment and abandonment issues, so he hates to leave. So, when he finds your care package it really brightens his mood for the rest of the mission.
Someone, probably Kai, makes a comment in passing about how Lloyd didn't leave anything for you. Lloyd instantly feels worse, but he gets over it. He knows you, and he knows that you wouldn't be angry.
If the mission is going to last a while longer, he will send you a letter. It contains how much he misses you, a very large thank you, and ramblings about how cool he was in his most recent fight. Extremely unorganized, but cute nonetheless.
When he feels lonely without you near him, he re-reads the little note you sent him, 'Hi, honey! I hope you like everything I packed, I tried to pick your favorites. I miss you so much, LOVE YOU!' It makes him feel a little less far.
When he gets back, he is going to be ALL over you. He went so without cuddles, and you even took care of him from across Ninjago!! He is so thankful for you. <3
Outwardly, Nya doesn't seem to be affected by having to leave, she most definitely is, though. Nya doesn't want emotions to cloud her view, so she just pushes them down.
When she's alone, she finally allows herself to miss you. Doing so, she looks for the picture of you two she always carries, and happens to find the little package hidden in her luggage.
Nya goes red as soon as she realizes that you knew, you knew that she was horribly sad to leave you. You can read her like a book, and she hates it.
She takes her time to enjoy everything you packed for her when she gets down-time. She is so grateful to you for looking out for her even if you aren't there physically.
Once she gets back, she will be more affectionate in private. It's how she's able to show her feelings without embarrassing herself. She isn't good at verbalizing feelings. (I feel like Nya shows affection like a cat, she comes to you.)
Some little mission? Nothing the fire ninja can't handle! Kai is so confident, almost to a fault, so he acts like nothing bothers him. When, in actuality, a lot of things easily get under his skin. Leaving you, especially.
Kai is very emotional when he finds the little package, he will even start to brag to the other ninja about how amazing you are, how you're all his, the ninja start to get annoyed with him lmao.
Kai being dramatic aside, the smallest most unnoticeable things you do make his heart melt every time. He thinks he's all big a nd tough, but you just make him so soft.
Kai will lay in his cot, and think about you at night. <3 He'll hold his pillow and pretend it's you to finally be able to sleep. Poor baby wishes you were here to take care of him and dote like you always do.
But seriously, he falls even more in love with you, if that's even possible. Kai is rough and fiery, much like his element, the sweet things you do always seem to brighten his flame tenfold. He is always willing to complete a mission if it means he can see you afterwards.
Cole probably didn't notice till like the last day- In his defense, the mission did take most of his time, and the only free time he had was spent training. When he does find it, he's like, "Who the fuck put smashed cake in my clothes????? >:( I'm still going to eat it!!"
When he does notice, he is so happy, especially because you packed him a slice of cake, SCORE! He'll even eat it out of his clothes, he's cute, not clean...
He is genuinely so touched that you would bake/buy a cake and send him some for the mission. <3 The way to his heart is through his stomach, that's for sure.
Next time, he will check first thing if you sent him any goodies. He's like a kid on Christmas. The other ninja see him rip all his clothes out of his suitcase as soon as they get to their destination and are like, wtf??
Because he found it closer to the end of the mission, it will be fresh on his mind, so he will be sure to give you a big thank you in person. He will be yours for like the next two days, all over you.
It would probably be so hard to sneak something in Jay's stuff. He definitely checks that he has everything over and over again. It's like five minutes before the ninja need to leave and he's re-packing his underwear lmao.
If you somehow are able to hide a care package in his stuff, he'll find it almost immediately, it's like he's got a nose for it I swear-
It makes him really happy though, his mom used to pack him little things when either of them would be away, so it's like a sweet little burst of nostalgia, he cries.
He rants to Cole about how amazing you are, Bestie Things™, Cole is lowkey so thankful Jay has you to look out for him, it makes Cole happy too. :)
When they get back, Jay will tackle you in a hug, he is so mushy and sentimental all of the sudden you think something happened. He has to explain, no, nothing happened he just loves you and wants you to know it. <3
Zane is a robot, so it's a bit hard to choose what to send him. Like what does he eat??? Batteries?? You genuinely do not know what he can eat, if anything. So you send him some nice double A batteries and oil, yummy, right?
He leaves something for you too, he's like a 5-star chef, so he cooks all your favorites before he goes, sweet boy wants you well fed and happy!
When he finds everything, he is a tad confused. He eventually realizes that you just want him taken care of however that may be for a robot.
There are times that he wishes he was human like you, there will be a point when you pass away and he will be alone. So seeing you try to take care of him, albeit in a strange-ish manner, he forgets about his past worries.
Even if he can't enjoy what you sent, it's the thought that counts. Zane was made to protect those who cannot protect themselves, so having you doing your best to help from the sidelines motivates him to do his best.
I am sosososoos sorry this took so long. I'm actually sick rn, but I'm starting to get better!! I hope this isn't bad- I guess my writing gets worse when I'm sick lmao. Thank you for waiting though!!! <3
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colesluvr · 11 months
I saw that in the ninja and male reader best friend u asked if you could share your head canons‼️YOU TOTALLY SHOULD SHARE THEM‼️I WANT to see the head canons you have (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)‼️‼️
Ninjago Headcanons/Opinions | Made By Rue <3
all of these are my headcanons for the ninja's and others(+ their sexuality's) don't like? block or don't interact with me :)
lloyd's aroace
cole's gay
nya, kai, and jay are bisexual
zane is pansexual
pixal is demi-girl (gonna start using these more and more)
harumi, vania, and skylor are lesbian.
lloyd sleep with stuffed animals, and he makes sure they each get his love.
the reason cole loves cake is because before he mother passed away, they would both bake cakes together </3
pixal is the therapist for the group, while zane is also someone they go to to talk to :)
lloyd had trust issues, before and after harumi
zane and pixal are the only ones with a proper sleep sceduale
jay hates being alone, he needs someone by his side
lloyd doesn't like social interaction, (not a lot, but kinda)
lloyrumi is toxic
each one of them have frienship braclets. (this>>anything else)
cole see's vania has a friend, best friend almost
lou wasn't a bad father
jay fidgets when he's nervous (so does lloyd a little bit)
nya gives jay kisses to the head, forehead, temple, cheek, nose, or lip when he's asleep. just wants to see his reactions
zane cooks for everyone, no questions asked
pixal and nya talk about new samurai x builds
morro deserved better
kai still doesn't know how to skate, so nya and jay teach him from time to time
cole forgets to take care of himself sometimes
jay has adhd and autisum
kai accdentily burned himself first using his powers
jay shocks himself sometimes when he gets nervous
kai rarely asks for help because he thinks it's a weakness
when wu and garmadon were younger they would always pick fights (think this is pretty obvious but)
zane hasn't forgotten about the time he was the ice emperor. he has flashbacks that make him isolate himself from a little while.
uhhh yeah, this is all i have for now!! if none of you agree with their sexuality, feel free to block me bc i don't want to argue :( have any of your own?? fee free to comment &lt;3
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alien-bluez · 2 years
ahaha... satbk stands for sonic and the black knight btw it's a wii game and it has a whole grip on my brain so now i'm combining my two fixations bc i can..!
this will be a long post btw, designs n ideas are all mine and just an FYI.. It is heavily inspired by satbk but i will probably develop it as an au outside of the satbk story.. for my own entertainment idk. also idk much about the knights of the round table / king arthur story so don't expect anything related to them besides the names..? idk
anyways let's start!
Lloyd and Harumi (aka Sonic and Merlina)
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Lloyd is a lost prince that gets summoned to this part of the world by Harumi who is a wizard and gets asked to help stop King Arthur (aka Garmadon) from being evil n wrecking shit ig.
Lloyd is chosen to help but he's not a knight! Harumi helps him find an ancient lost sword (aka Excalibur aka Morro in this au. hear me out. i'll explain it in more detail later.) and gets trained to become a knight with his now very annoying talking magic sword haha.
Also spoiler alert ig- Harumi is the real villain all along...! she manipulates lloyd into taking down Garmadon in order to get Excalibur's scabbard (which is in evil king arthur's possession which makes him evil + immortal) and wants to rule Camelot for herself to preserve the dying kingdom and thinks she'll be a better ruler to where Garmadon failed ig. still working out the motivations here.
Morro (aka Caliburn/Excalibur)
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Morro in this au is Lloyd's talking sword. You don't see his ghost form.. at all..? i just mostly wanted to draw him in ghostly prince form lol. Basically he was the crown prince before Lloyd but then died a tragic death and became cursed to haunt a sword..? Yeah sure. So Lloyd picks him up and Morro talks and yeah they're travel buddies now.
Morro basically helps Lloyd become a better knight, but they still bicker and argue like siblings and it is funny.
Okay I'm gonna put a read more here now bc this is gettin long. The rest of the ninjas designs + stories are under the cut!
Knights of the Round Table
Kai (aka Lancelot)
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Kai is Lancelot/Shadow in this au! He's the most loyal to KA / Garmadon in this au which is really funny lmao. As a knight Kai will follow any order given to him, he's one of the strongest knights in the realm and he's quite hotheaded to boot.
He encounters Lloyd first and they fight bc Lloyd is trying to stop Garmadon. Inexperienced as a fighter and a knight he doesn't exactly beat Kai but gets away after a technicality. Umm I like to think they meet a few more times over the course of Lloyd's journey, and maybe there's a part where Kai gets stuck with Lloyd and they have to work together.
Despite having differences of opinion on what it means to be a knight, Kai sort of sees Lloyd as a worthy rival... and lowkey younger brother!
Cole (aka Gawain)
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Cole is the second knight Lloyd encounters and fights on his journey. After having more experience Lloyd does in fact beat him fair and square! But Cole as a knight takes chivalry and honor very seriously. After losing he feels so much shame but Lloyd snaps him out of it because there's more to being a knight than serving a king!
Zane (aka Percival)
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The third knight of the round table that Lloyd encounters and also one of the toughest opponents Lloyd faces. Zane's fighting style is full of poise and grace and even though he doesn't appear to be as heavy hitting or brute forced as Kai or Cole he is most definitely strong! If not stronger for being able to conceal his power!
Lloyd is an experienced knight at this point, when he has Zane on the ropes part of the cliff they stand on falls off, nearly taking Zane with it. But Lloyd swoops in to save him like a true hero. After questioning Lloyd about why he saved him when he shouldn't have, Lloyd says it's because it's what he does! He saves people!
I wanna develop the knights more outside of the satbk encounters, so hehe. Keep ur eyes peeled for that!
Last but not least the other supportive characters in the story!
Jay (aka the Blacksmith)
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yeah it would've been funny to make Kai the blacksmith but i think Jay works better here!
Jay is the town's local inventor / blacksmith and tthe best kind around! Lloyd goes to his shop to sharpen up Morro Sword and probably visits after every fight he has too lol. Jay doesn't mind at all and likes Lloyd's company! Especially because he will get any chance to show off his newest crazy invention for Lloyd!
Nya (aka Nimue Lady of the Lake)
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Nya takes the place of Nimue who gives Lloyd three tests to become a true knight. I had to put her here because of water.. water symbolism n all that.
She's also very chill and hosts tea parties and invites Lloyd to celebrate after becoming a true knight! She's like an older sister to him too!
And.. yeah that's it i guess lol! I don't have more designs yet to show but I do have ideas and other stuff in mind! if u ever wanna ask about it my ask box is open! i wanna develop more of this funny little au haha
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time episode 7-8
(The time brothers and vermillion warriors joking and goofing up)
Wu (tied up as a prisoner):😐
I love how ppl recognize Nya as a part of the team now
Acronix: Im posting this on instabook.
Krux: Why must you ruin every moment with your devices!!!
theyre just like my family fr
Zane: My temporal scanner was damaged during our fight with the vermillion warriors
Jay: (giggles)
Zane: I dont see what you find funny Jay 🤨
Jay: I still think ‘vermillion warriors’ is a stupid name-
Kai, I get that your dad MADE that helmet but that thing is so clunky and huge like just put it down for a second my guy 😭
Lloyd: Wait, what’ll I use to get to the museum
Misako: Well, I WAS saving this for your birthday…
(Shows a whole ass ship)
where TF are these old parents getting these goddamn military weapon rides 😭💀
Its so fucking funny bc Misako was like ‘no, i shouldnt tell you, Wu made me promise.’ And Lloyd says one sentence and suddenly shes spilling everything
I love how excited Zane looks here.
The Ninja aren’t fazed at the fact that Wus aging AT ALL 😭
Kai: Youre soooo fixated on your samurai x suit 🙄
Nya: Says the guy carrying around the snake warriors helmet 🤨
Love when they act like siblings
Tell your sister Kai she deserves to know
Kai: Do you know who this stamp belongs to?
Nya: No…
Kai: Our father.
Zane how are you NOT worried that Pixals still offline, like shouldnt you be freaking out 😭
He seemed to nonchalantly happy too
Like he was too excited being in Lloyds destinys shadow ship to be worried 💀
Does Lloyd even have a drivers license-
Kai: A blacksmith puts a mark on everything he makes. And our fathers mark is on every vermillion warriors helmet.
This is making me sad.
Wait, Kai doesn’t think his parents are alive? He thinks they USED to work for the hands of time.
Nya, girl, I love you but this IS concrete proof of your parents being traitors. Like, yes, its explained later that theyre not. But Kai IS making total sense and hes allowed to be angry about it 😭
Nya: Kai, that makes no sense!
Kai: (slamming his fists against the machinery)
(Whirs to life)
Nya: Whatd you know! Thought that only worked in cartoons haha…
Jay: All this stuff is junk! (Throwing around artifacts trying to look for a secret door)
Zane: (losing his shit by running after Jay and trying his best to keep all the museum artifacts safe)
Jay: (notices Zanes running after him)
Jay: (picks up a pot, jumps back in forth and watches Zane follow him, throws it purposefully to break it)
Zane: AAAAAA (catches it)
Jays such a little shit 💀
I love how much spotlight Nya and Kai are getting this season :)
Ohhhhh, i get it, the episode name is ‘secrets discovered’ because they all discover secrets…
I already know samurai x is pixal but I wanna know if Nya figures that out this episode
Honestly, this isnt that shocking since we, the audience, already knew half these ‘secrets’
the most exciting discovery is probably Nya and the theif behind her samurai suit
Its finally confirmed.
Pixals such a fucking character i love her sm
Pixal (modifying her voice and changing it to sound like other people to throw off Nya): Maybe im ronin… or maybe Dareth???
This scene literally registered Pixal as a favorite character of mine.
Nya: Good moves, but thats takes you being Dareth out of the question.
Pixal (changing to Misakos voice): Your right, maybe im Misako?
Nya: LIAR.
Pixal: Or maybe im Garmadon, he always did have a nasty side.
You cant tell me Pixal is not having the time of her life toying with Nya.
Zane (in the time brothers secret lab): Whats weird is that theres no computers or modern equipment…
I wonder why.
They found the secret tunnel!!! Itll be so funny if they find the hands of times secret hideout when the time brothers themselves couldnt find it one time
Kai: Theres only ONE person who can understand what Im going through…
Im genuinely curious who the hell else has an evil parent other than Lloyd and even then Garmadons not really evil.
Pixal (using Nyas voice): I cant tell you my identity! I hide it to protect the innocent, my friends and allies would be at risk if my enemies knew who I really was. You were me once YOU KNEW THIS!!!
Yeah… and when Kai learned Nya was samurai x NOTHING BAD HAPPENED.
Nya isnt gonna tell the enemies who u are, like what??????
Nya: Whoever you are, you have proven you are worthy of having my samurai x suit :).
Pixal (in nyas voice): thank you :)
Nya: but stop using my voice. Its creepy.
I fr didnt get why some people shipped Pixal and Nya until I watched this episode, they have such strong chemistry, especially in understanding each other.
Nya: Also, reds my thing, you gotta find a new color…. Skylor 😏
Pixal (using skylor voice): A girls gotta have her secrets…
Honestly, pixal is so much better than me if I were her id be laughing my ass off in front of nya, tears and everything.
I cant believe Jay and Cole just ambushed and pummeled Scales and scales junior 😭 not to mention they kept beating them even when they weren’t fighting back until Lloyd put the lights on
The ninja are probably like the corrupted police to the serpentine
Scales: And this is my son, scales junior
Jay: Ha! How long did it take you to come up with that imaginative name???
Dude 😭 srsly?????? Not even an apology for beating up a kid like cmon
Scales Jr.: Out of my way, BLUE BOY. (Shoves jay)
Jay: Why are you looking for the vermillion warriors???? Trying to JOIN THEM????
Jay just stfu lay off them pls 💀
Scales: You don’t know what your dealing with, do you? The vermillion warriors are the pure first generation progeny of the great devourer….
THANK YOU SCALES. guess that answers the question of what the vermillion warriors are
I like to think Lloyd visits the serpentine here and there since he did control them in season 1. He had to have had made a few connections with some
Jay: Sorry if i uh, jumped to conclusions junior, haha…
Jay: I kinda like that kid!
Jay: Haha! Now I KNOW I like him.
Kai: Its just so, shocking. To find our your father, someone you idolized your entire life, turns put to be evil… It makes you question everything you know and are…
Kais really going through it huh. like damn
Nya: I figured out who samurai x is!!! Its skylor!!!
Skylor: Am I now? I had no idea… does that mean I get that cool suit?
Love skylor
I am so attracted to her
Kai: Nya… Our parents are alive.
Howd you figure that one out kai 😐
Skylors so right tho, they arent their parents legacies.
Nya: Lloyd found Krux and Acronixs secret base!!!
Kai: Then what are we waiting for? Lets go!
Skylor: Wait! If you guys need any hel-
Nya: To-go bags? No thanks.
Skylor: ….
Skylor: I guess good quality noodles is all im good for…
If Skylor remembered skybound she probably wouldn’t feel this way ☹️
Im so pumped I cant wait for Nya and Kai to see their parents
Lloyd: And if we execute this perfectly… we should be able to save everyone.
Yeah we have 2 more episodes I highly doubt that
Lloyd: No pressure, but all of ninjago is depending on us.
Yeah. No pressure
Damn. Wu really has some issues.
I love how we delve deeper into Wus fears and insecurities this season
It makes you realize hes just human
I also hope Wu realizes hes made a lot more mistakes than he lets on
Wus nightmare Morro: Youve made many mistakes master… many.
“You didnt have to do all this alone, we could have helped you.”
“Just ask for help.”
“You dont have to be alone.”
“You arrogance has left you alone.”
Damn, we’re really going deep into Wus character huh
Zane mission: locate cyrus borg
Jay and Coles mission: rescue the workers
Lloyds mission: save master wu
Nya and Kai’s mission: locating krux and acronix
Fuck yeah lets gooooo
Zanes acting like those guys who dont know wtf to do when their gf leaves for the weekend 😭 like bro do things yourself you dont need Pixal to do everything for you
Wooo lets go bruise team
Jay (whispering as he slips with he grappling hook): Not good not good not good not good 😰
Ohhhh i forgot that the time brothers kidnapped all the blacksmiths in ninjago
Jay: shhhh we’re here to rescue you- AGHH (gets jumped)
Karloff- Karloff. You’re choking him 😭
Cole: DAD?!?!?
Is airjitzu a thing in newer episodes?
Krux is such an idiot
I feel so had for cyrus borg 🥲 hes trying his best to sabotage them but is always getting caught
Why is borg always kidnapped by villains, give my man a break 😭
Zane sounds so hopeless :(
Why is Lloyd so aggressive 💀 his first move is always a high double kick to the gut and he's ALWAYS the first to swing
Jay. I get that you can't airjitzu karloff out but to say the whole plan it a bust is just stupid. COLE HAS SUPER STRENGTH.
Sometimes ninjago has the stupidest plotholes
Jay: Does anyone know how to independently power a 200-foot industrial-grade carbon elevator in three minutes!!!?!?!!!!
Blacksmiths: ...
Cole: ... I was thinking ladder.
Can Kai stop keeping Nya in the dark-
Like dude just tell her your looking for your parents
God this scene is actually so good though
Kai's father: Your red like a vermillion warrior, but you are no snake...
Kai: I’m not, but you are, TRAITOR.
He must feel so heartbroken right now ☹️
Same for Ray (I think that's his dads name)
Kai: (hands light on fire)
Nya: (extinguishes it)
Idk why but that was such a sibling thing to do
It's like when your sibling is trying to do something and you slap their hand to stop them
At least Nyas being smart about this
Jay: (shakes the ladder)
(ladder collapses)
Can Wu stop almost dying from tall heights
It's safe to say they're not escaping stealthy anymore
Lloyd: Safe... Your finally sa- (has the gut kick happen to him and falls into a ditch)
Can he PLEASE catch a break
Kai's a mommas boy 🥹
Ohhhh I forgot that their parents made the time blades!!!! That's so cool
Ohhh so they kidnapped them as revenge. Got it
Love Ray explaining everything for us.
God it must have killed them to be taken from their children
This is actually so traumatic
I need a fanfic of Kai learning how to take care of his sister at such a young age asap
The thing is, little Kai doesn’t even look as old as Lloyd did in season 1. And Lloyd was like, 10.
Can you imagine this 6 year old having to learn how to cook and clean the house.
Also i cant get enough of little freckled Kai he is too precious to me
Damn. Both Zane AND lloyd failed at their missions
Zane: I sense Jay and Cole nearby!
Lloyd: You sure?
Zane: Yeah, pretty sure.
I love Jays signature nervous laugh :)
Man, EVERYONES failing their missions
Ray: If the time brothers know you're the key to the last time blade then-
Krux: We’ll force you to retrieve it? Great idea!!
Everythings going to shit
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All of the ninja-themed asks. ALL OF THEM.
WHO TFLloyd: On a scale of 1-10, how much do people normally expect from you?I'd say about an 8. I used to be a star student. I always had my things done correctly and I never forgot to go to any school-related events. Can't say I'm like that now,,,Kai: What's the worst burn you've ever received?I was about five or six years old. So I have this bullerjan, which is p much just a fireplace. It's not like one of those typical American ones tho that are made of bricks. But anyways, I was stupid and curious if it was actually hot. So I put my bare hand on it when dad had made a fire in it a while ago. No wonder that I burned it. My hand was blue for at least a week.Cole: What's your favorite type of cake?My mom makes an amazing cookie cake! It's p much vanilla cookies that don't crumble like those fricken other cookies that America has, and vanilla curd paste on top of it. A few layers of it with peach slices in the middle and it makes an amazing cake. The best if you quickly douse the cookies in syrup-water.Zane: Have you ever gotten frostbite?Nope! It's not cold enough in Estonia and I honestly never go outside.Jay: Do you use humor to cover up sadness?Dude it's like my Theme™ to cover up my emotions with jokes.Nya: Are you afraid of failure?Yeah, all the time. I pretend to be nonchalant, but it takes so much not to cry.Wu: What's the most cryptic advice you've ever received?I actually never get advice, so there is no answer to this.Garmadon: What are some things in life you regret?I regret almost everything. I regret that I didn't develop my personality when I was young, so now I'm just all over the place. I regret not exercising, so now I'm very overweight. I regret not learning enough, so now I can barely even get through school.Misako: Have you ever broken someone's heart?I had a girlfriend a while ago. But I broke up with her because she was drinking and smoking and it honestly annoyed me. It was hard to do, since she was so nice. But she never listened, and I hated it.Ronin: Have you ever been caught stealing?A few times. But it's only when I have stolen snacks from the kitchen that I wanted to take up to my room lmaoPixal: Is there anyone you would risk everything for?Of course. I would give everything I have for Fea. She's the best person I have ever known.Borg: What do you think is your greatest achievement?I dunno, being born? I've honestly never been good at anything.Echo Zane: Are you quite as tough as you think you are?Now, I already know I'm the worst. But I used to think I was amazing at drawing. Haha, no.Lil Nelson: What's your favorite color?Oh boi, that changes so often... I'm torn between yellow and green.Dareth: Have you ever won a trophy?No, but I have a few medals. Two for getting second and third place on a dodgeball competition. My team was really good thanks to my relative. She can catch and throw really well.Griffin: What's the fastest you've ever been?Uh.... Dude I run like 500 meters in 3 minutes... I'm slow as hell.Karloff: What is your favorite metallic color?All of them. Metal is my shit yo.Neuro: Have you ever wished you were psychic?A l l t h e t i m e. It just sounds so cool!Toxitkka: Have you ever had a severe allergic reaction?Nope, nothing bad. But I have gotten red dots all over for 1) eating too many strawberries and 2) eating too much chocolate cream.Chamille: If you could change something about your body, would you?I would change everything, honestly. I hate my appearance from every angle.Ash: Do you enjoy the smell of smoke?Yeah, honestly. It's weird since all my life, I have been a passive smoker. That smoke already is nice in my mind, but smoke from a campfire is also nice.Shadow: Have you ever been so embarrassed you just wanted to melt into the shadows and disappear?This would be every day of my life, really. I hate everything I do.Jacob: Have you ever been accidentally forgotten somewhere?No, not really. Buuuut my dad once forgot to pick my sister up from kindergarten.Bolobo: What is your opinion on global warming?This is a bad question,,,, Honestly, I hate it. We're all ruining the weather and then complain. But that's just my opinion.Gravis: Have you ever dreamed of flight?God yes, so many times!Paleman: What is your favorite non-metallic color?O boi my dude, answer is up at Lil NelsonMorro: If you had an elemental power, would you use it for good or evil?Neither probably. I'd just use it to cheat in everyday life.Overlord: What's the Worst Thing™ you've ever done?I was born.Kozu: Are you a leader or a follower?Depends on the situation. Mostly neither. I'm never sure of what I should do, so,,Pythor: Are you manipulated easily?Yep. I just can't say no,,,Preeminent: Are you afraid of water?No, I'm actually not, even though I've almost drowned at least five times.Nadakhan: What would your three wishes be, if there were no consequences?I wish that I could make anyone happy. I would wish that I could get anything by writing it down on a paper (bc I'm a selfish idiot) and I wish that I could meet Fea!Flintlocke: How is your aim?...................... I CAN'T FUCKING SEE I DON'T HAVE GLASSES-Samukai: What's the biggest mistake you've ever made?Becoming an artist. I suck at drawing. So I stopped posting them.Cryptor: Can you switch alliances quickly?Honestly, I just want to help everyone. I want to make everyone kind.MinDroid: Do you wish people would take you more seriously?Yeah. All the time.Chen: What is your favorite food?A certain salad my mom makes! Chinese cabbage, sour cream, pineapple (and the liquid from the can), a lil bit of salt, chicken, grapes, and if we want, boiled eggs and walnuts.Clouse: How skilled are you at darts?AGAIN I CAN'T FUCKING SEELou: Can you dance?I couldn't fight to save my damn life.Ed: Have you ever been crazily innovative?Sometimes, but not that often.Edna: Have you ever had a really good idea for an invention?As a kid, I had the best of ideas. Now, I can't even come up with one!Cliff: Have you ever been in a movie or seen a movie set?No, but I have been in some school plays. I have sun in front of a big audience with a choir. I have been backstage at a ballet theatre.Julien: Have you ever abandoned something?Millions of ideas. That should be all.
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