#this was fun thank u for the tagggg eheheheh
cankersoregirl · 2 months
get to know me 💗💗
tysm for the tag rin @markpakin!! <333
🦑 do you make your bed? sometimes? not that often tho lol
🦑 what's your favourite number? 3!
🦑 what is your job? idk why I feel like I don’t wanna share this one for privacy reasons so ummm…
🦑 if you could go back to school, would you? I have to go back tomorrow anyway bc my break is ending </3
🦑 can you parallel park? I guess technically yeah but I will literally avoid it at all costs bc I hate doing it LMAO
🦑 a job you had that would surprise people? I don’t think anything would be surprising skdjfj
🦑 do you think aliens are real? YES. and I unironically want to be abducted so bad don’t even get me started… (also see: my pinned post lol)
🦑 can you drive a manual car? probably not bc I’ve never tried
🦑 what's your guilty pleasure? I’m sure I have one but rn I can’t think of any which maybe is a good thing…??
🦑 tattoos? currently two, one of my dog’s paw print on my ankle & one of two aliens above my elbow that chuu from loona drew for me when I met her at a fansign hehe (+ I have another one planned in less than a month that I’ll likely share here later lol) (& I have other ones I wanna get sometime in the future…)
🦑 favorite color? red! or more specifically burgundy
🦑 favorite type of music? alternative is so vague but I guess technically that… whatever you call paramore’s music. and also fun stuff like kpop !
🦑 do you like puzzles? YESSSSS they’re addictive I love anything from 2000 piece puzzles to brain teasers lol
🦑 any phobias? spiders, jellyfish, & leeches
🦑 favorite childhood sport? swimming was & still is a lot of fun hehe
🦑 do you talk to yourself? ya
🦑 what movies do you adore? SECRETS IN THE HOT SPRING MY FAVORITE MOVIE EVER, utsukushii kare eternal, the way he looks, and dear ex come to mind
🦑 coffee or tea? neither but I guess I like tea slightly more…?
🦑 first thing you wanted to be growing up? I have a memory of me saying I wanted to be a scientist when I was like 5 but I don’t think I rlly actually did sndkdjdj
tagging: @idletype @loserlesbianongsa @iliketodecompose @celestial-sapphicss @brightokyolights @serene-skies but no pressure :P
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