#this was great for getting my brain going for the ep tonight tho lol thanks
sea-buns · 1 year
On the chance.of things getting 'messy' with Orym. I think they already sort of have started hitting a building crisis point, if we're truly at the point that even among his friends he's now resorting to losing still more sleep just so he can sneak off in the middle of the night to genuinely pray to a light aligned being in order to ask for help without feeling like he'll be judged for or otherwise condescended to for it. That's actually kind of alarming honestly in how it shows another way he's feeling isolated/set apart from the rest of them and I am very curious is Tal made Ashton's perception role and caught he was doing so because I want to see how they in particular will respond to that decision, not because of what it says about about how Orym feels about the Gods but because of what it says about how isolated emotionally Orym still feels from them.
He and Ashton have a great restart at supporting each other from their chat last week...I loved it. But they are no where near done with the things they need to discuss. I mean I very much doubt Ashton or Laudna understand the breath of what happened back there with Vax and what it means to Orym personally just yet...
Yes, god, there are so many moving parts and concerns that I am constantly re-remembering another heartbreaking detail about how he's doing. And specifically the "feeling the need to isolate/not feeling safe enough to express yourself" hits home so hard. It rings like a kid who hides their totally normal interests from their friends and family, out of fear of being ridiculed or punished for it. It's that distinct paranoia you get from strict parents when they make any sort of acknowledgment about your hobbies or views.
It is devastating that he's resorted to secrecy and private moments in the dead of night. Always looking over his shoulder. Tensing up at the start of every gods-related conversation. Discussion and debate are fine and normal, in fact I think it'd be insane if nobody was talking about or questioning literally everything right now. But the constant reminders he had to give to Bells Hells were weighing on him enough. Now, more than half of the group that should have been a safe-space for him have been replaced with complete strangers. And his two remaining companions are dealing with a lot in their own right. Introspection is important, but he has no way of knowing what "coming to a conclusion" is gonna look like for these people. What if they side with Ludinus? What if they turn violent? What if they keep him from getting back to his family?
All of that is why Ashton reaching out has been SO goddamn important to me. Out of everyone right now, they've been the least oppositional and argumentative towards Orym's takes on the situation. I really can't think of a moment where they made a comment, not even directly at Orym, that had any sort of underlying hostility towards believing in the good of the gods. They've expressed that it's the people who are the problem, while still leaving that door open for the belief that good worshippers exist. I love that Tal is making those perception checks. It's the absolute perfect way of saying "if my character sees this something is gonna get done" without like metagaming or anything. It makes even more sense cuz we've already established that Ashton is actively keeping on eye on him and Laudna. They understand more than anyone that no one is the "stable" one anymore, and all they can do is help each other.
Orym very clearing feels backed into a corner right now and he would have NEVER said "if you see me fall, pick me up" if Ash wasn't purposely trying so hard to make sure he knows that they are a safe-space for him.
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 years
late amnesty liveblog because my sleep schedule has betrayed me :P
i've scheduled this liveblog to come out around 10:00 am on friday, but as i'm typing this it's around three in the morning. summer has utterly fucked my sleeping schedule lmao, i literally went to bed around 6:00 am yesterday and didn't wake up until a little before 4:00 pm... which is about a normal amount of time to sleep for me tbh, just at a wack time. oi vae. i’m going to try and get to bed a little earlier tonight, but i had to get this done now so i didn’t have to avoid tumblr altogether for fear of spoilers while me and my parents are driving to IKEA tomorrow :P
i've been procrastinating listening to the new ep all day because of well, the same reason i tend to procrastinate listening to every new ep of amnesty: i'm scared as fuck for all of these characters and a lil bit nervous about how griffin intends to unify all the disparate plot threads in a way i wasn't during balance. i'd say that nervousness is less of a product of me being distrustful in the boys’ abilities and more a product of me binging all of balance over the course of a month and only catching up in time for reunion tour, aka when all the main mystery threads were either solved or would be in the next few eps. also, ngl, still a little shaken by ned's death, along with how bloody the last arc was in general and what that means going forward vis a vis character mortality. please griffin, all i ask is that you don’t kill off duck and aubrey, p l e a s e
tl;dr: my sleep schedule is fucked and i'm a nervous wreck about fictional characters, what else is new lol? anyways, onto the liveblog!
the description is probably the least terrifying of the last five or six 
"how's the scene doing?" "lil cold" i caught that pun trav
griffin what the fuck
good to know indrid isn't at fault lmao
aww duck :'(
"what a delight" bless
the heathcliff is out of the bag
indrid you dramatic twink jfc
i really love these moments of just... pure dialogue
q u e l l
"why did you invoke submarines?" ilu aubrey
... you're not really being helpful here drid
i love thacker so much holy shit
yep, all bummers sums it up pretty well :|
a very finely feathered cast lol
minerva's voice is so similar to indrid’s jesus
i only know of minority report through the lost in adaptation ep on it lmao
well that's not great
"our- well, your world technically" aww indrid
aubrey you dummy ilu
i forgot kirby was there lol
i need fic of aubrey and thacker watching movies together and getting him caught up to modern day, i don't even like the mcu and i want that fic
d u c k m a n
what was that noise clint???
indeed quite zany lol
which one of them is clicking their computer mouse a bunch???
"gotta getchu a sword" leo ilu
i know there's gonna be fanart of that lmao
ooooh, new music! very good new music!
yes please keep the together party after splitting it caused so much heartache and literal death last arc 
i love thacker's dad energy so much, can't wait to see how that plays out
sammiches c:
keith is just d o n e
i just remembered the throwaway line from the last arc about hollis being into saturday night dead and got sad :(
i need fic of thacker interacting with the baby hornets, i need it so bad
duck you cannot just spring all this on them
"my friend the mothman" D U C K
YUP, you need to roll for that
that's better than failure! that's not complete failure!
they're in it for jake :')
i’m so excited for the new graphic novel!!! hopefully i will have enough money to buy it ha haaaaa for real tho i have no money or autonomy
ghost dewey! :D
who does he need to talk to? pigeon maybe?
that was so good clint! i loved it :D
i know i've said it like eighty times but thacker's peak dad energy is absolute gold and i'm super happy we get to see him interact with juno again after how adorable their last scene was :)
"gross" bless travis
oooh no, i'm getting bad vibes
i have never heard milanos pronounced that way in my entire life
i have to hide mine from my dad lmao
thacker you sound like the goddamn unibomber could you please be more forthright about what the plan is
hmm... here's a fun question: did thacker inherit ned's spent luck???
well that answers that lol
i love juno so goddamn much
sensors? stealth could be an option
why is she so scared? like aubrey brought her coworker back to life, i personally would not be afraid of her murdering me after that
"no one needs to go to chicago" ilu aubrey
federal paperwork is an absolute bastard
some monday what???
"well i don't care for the tone!" aubrey ilu
that's a good way to put it :/
s p e c t r a l  m o m
well dewey is immune to death sooo...
ned was one of aubrey’s best friends... even after everything that happened she still called him one of her best friends... travis you've made me cry ; _ ;
damn this really is a wild ass scenario isn't it
"you're melting my fucking brain" pfff
thank you clint, i completely forgot too
travis is the irl voidfish lmao
i love dewey so much
"can't kill me twice, i think" i hope dewey can't double die lol
d u c k o l a s
why did you go to buffy and winthrop duck??? why did you want to talk to these weird edward and lydia reskins duck?????
yeah that feels right
okay, it's griffin clacking on his mouse
playing what???
i love justin's triumphant laugh so much
i mean i already mentally associated them with the wonderland liches so this isn't much of a jump  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
griffin what on earth is this
"that's it, that's all the latin there is" i wish lmao
we are... so screwed lmao
this was very good! this ep kept up the trend of funnier interactions from the last ep and i’m grateful for it after how sad the past arc was. i am still very worried but i’m happy we’re seeing a lot of npcs that we hadn’t gotten back to in a while just to make sure they’re okay. pretty much anything else i had to say is summed up by the mini rant i made before listening above lol. 
see y’all next right thursday!!!
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survivor-kalymnos · 4 years
Ep. 9 - “im running on borrowed time”- Franco
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I would love to see a full list of who everyone voted for. Its VERY fishy and a complete blindside. Makes me feel worse about disadvantage next round
Right when cranjes becomes my ally, they get kicked off. lol. what is happening in this tribe rn? I want to get to the bottom of it.
ive never felt more alone in this game. people clearly lied to me.
according to dusty, Franco and Eliza flipped for the split vote. yuck! what to do now? I don't know. I think if I have any chance of getting Eliza or Michele out, I have to make a new alliance. 
Dusty just said that her franco rain and worm were the ones to flip and that makes me very anxious and I don't know if I can trust rain fully :/ that makes me sad. I really hope I can. 
so michele and I are talking which is v heartwarming. I apologized for being cold towards her. I hope we can work together. 
Well that was messed up LMAO That’s the second time Eliza has flipped on me and taken out my closest ally...anyway I will not be working with her anymore. But I’m gonna make her believe it. And thank you to my amazing acting skills she gave me her half of the super idol..........ma’am. I’m so sorry. She expects me to give it back to her after this round but Idk if I can do that if she isn’t in the game anymore! She also told me that it was her and Franco that flipped with rain and worm. So now I’m trying to work with Lenny and Michele who seem to be on board, and it seems like I’ll also have to working with frank and Sasha. And with this blind round there’s a fear of voting for someone that won immunity buuut at least I have a 10% advantage to help me out :) Wish me luck!
kinda blew up a little so gonna lay low for strategy. i also sometimes take things too personally which is why i only do like 1 org a year so that last tribal got to me a lot. franco messaged me saying he doesnt trust me and even tho his instincts are completely correct idk it just feels weird. i think i just hate general confrontation 
So I’m shocked Cranjes left but I’m quite happy about it. He was leading a lot of things so to have him go is wonderful. After tribal, Michele approached me about getting out Eliza or Franco, so we stan that. Once one of them is gone though the other needs to be taken out as well since they’re both strong and we don’t need one of the having a story of, oh my partner got out but I still made it through so much. After that get rid of Dusty and then Lenny at some point bc who. I’m fairly quiet but Lenny is practically a ghost. Right now the only person I actually trust though is Sasha, which is not something I thought I would say but here we are.
Blind rounds are so SCARY. Mainly the part about no one knowing who wins immunity. Like, we got out 2 idols last round by blindsiding Cranjes and flushing Frank's, but theres still more out there. And no one is going to know how tribal is going to play out Michele was kinda pissed at us for leaving her out of the vote. But? Sis left us out of her alliance with og Plati, and didnt give us ANY information last round despite knowing I was a target. Eliza is also.... Kinda not smart. She gave her half of the idol to Dusty because she wanted to reconcile. Which is nice and all! But thats a direct chance for him to get back at us and take a shot at us. Keeping the idol separate was best for everyone. So I just gotta pray Eliza knows Dusty as well as she says she does!! I dont expect to win this challenge. Im gonna chat around, but I think Im going to have to play my idol this round to save my skin. My name has been thrown around 2 rounds in a row, im running on borrowed time. We'll see how today goes!
So Franco messaged me about if I’m gonna vote him this round and that he doesn’t understand why I’m going after him. So I did the kind thing and explained it and said that I don’t want to work with him because he’s working with everyone and that I don’t see that as being beneficial to my game. So Franco is my target again and michele messaged me last night to get rid of him so we stan. I’m probably gonna get votes but who could be shocked by that.
surprise!! my name is going around AGAIN!! i'm so. not shocked. Frank has it out for my for some reason?? I confronted him this morning, let him know his """allies""" are throwing him under the bus and offered to exchange information or work together in some capacity but he literally turned it down. first rule of survivor is never shut down lines of communication like that!! he is denying any chance of game relationship we could have and thats such bad gameplay. I bombed the challenge because I'm dumb. And now that I know my name is circulating I'm going to have to play my idol. I just have to hope that whatever happens is good for my game. It's so hard to orchestrate votes during an invisible round, everyone is playing strictly for themselves because there's no reason not to. I really really finally want Frank gone. This is the THIRD ROUND in a row I've said that. but seriously I'm over him. he's gotta GO.
Dear diary... Literally can’t believe we pulled that blindside off! I had to do some damage control with dusty and because I know what kind of player he is I gave him my half of the super idol. I told him I’d give it to him for this round to prove that the cranjes vote had nothing to do with him and that he is still someone I want to work with. He seemed shocked but obviously took the security and I think I have at least some of his trust back, I mean this IS the second time I blindsided him and voted out his closest ally. Now I know you’re probably thinking, ellie you’re a dumbass, and that I am but I know how dusty works at this point in the game and it’s gonna take a bold move like that one to get ANY of his trust back. Franco didn’t think it was the best move but I can’t just play according to Franco’s standards. The invisible round is absolutely terrifying, everyone agrees that it’s frank but we all know that he could 100% win this challenge. Obviously everyone with a brain wants to split but some of these people won’t wanna split again after they got out smarted, Franco might be playing his idol because we all know frank wants him out but frank has also said I need to go and I have absolutely no security rn so yeah, I’m fucking scared. Let’s see what happens!
So... I haven’t been around much today. I abstained from immunity. My depression is kicking in and even tho I’m doing well in the game, I can’t be bothered to get into it, as much as I want to. So I’ll ride Franco and Eliza’s coattails until either I pull out of this funk or I get voted out. The move tonight is to try to get frank. Except he’s kinda good at challenges (although, tbh, hasn’t been that great since returning - maybe the idol was holding him back?) so we think he may get immunity. I think voting Sasha would be better - like come on, I don’t even think he’s trying (is that hypocritical to say?) and he only talks to his allies. The other side (oh is it just dusty, Sasha, and frank now? Fuckin sweet) doesn’t even attempt to socialize with me. Dusty to some extent, but talking to Sasha and frank is like talking to a fucking wall. I’ll be happy if either of them go. But tbh at this point I’m ready to join the jury. I’m going to keep playing and keep trying because that’s what jay and the people I’ve voted out deserve to see, but whenever I go home, I know I played a good game for my first game in over a year. 
not feeling confident about this challenge or good in general. Rain is most likely working with franco and eliza. I hope I can trust dusty. oof
So last round seemed to have back fired. I think I have alienated myself even more but I'm not sure if saying people not talking to me is showing that. They weren't talking to me before anyway so I guess nothing really changed then lol They goal this round is to target Frank which is okay with me cause I think people will start going after bigger targets next round like Eliza and Franco. Michele seems really mad at me which i can't fault her for so my goal if I survive this round is to talk to her and get her back on my side. Maybe reuniting the alliance of dusty, her, and I could make a huge impact. This challenge is really difficult so I don't think I had any chance of winning. I kinda hope I do for just in case reasons. If I being told the truth and everyone is targeting Frank then it should happen pretty easily. His idol got flushed last round so it should be simple to get rid of him. But until those votes are read I do believe that I will be the one going home.
Watch Franco have an idol and I go home. That would be funny, tbh I guess it just would be. But oh boy I am gonna get myself a nice snack if Franco goes...although let's be real I'm gonna have a nice snack no matter what. But I just want to stay and have Franco or Eliza leave since that would benefit my game to an extreme since they KEEP TRYING TO VOTE ME OUT. Or at least saying my name which is enough for me. Like if you say my name, get out!
Tribal is in a few minutes, and I’ve just had an emotional chat with Franco He is truly an incredible ally and I really look forward to being in the reunion w him and finding out who he is irl (although I have a guess) Anyway, I just wanted to give him some positive edit, because I’m sure he’s very N as the villain of the game :P 
This is crazy idek if I won immunity or what’s happening I changed my vote like 3 times LMAO i voted for Eliza I don’t know what’s happening i think I’m freaking out for no reason. My only fear is michele being very quiet. 
being quiet worked i guess. wasnt really a game move but i didnt get voted out so yay
I really just gave up on trying to have my own strategy/game and just voted how people told me to huh
Dear diary... It was a tie between me and frank, this might be the last time I write in confessions but hopefully I was able to make some sort of impact in the game. Wow this sucks
jflkdsaiof okay a tie well michele being quiet all day meant that she didnt get the chance to know the vote was for eliza... which just made me think someone decided to not flip against eliza/franco so in the revote i reached out to worm and rain to try and get them to flip which they both denied. ugh im so stupid, they would know regardless that i flipped, but now it seems like i was soooo adamant about her going... oh well. Franco is going to be pissed anyway
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