#this was on an aesthetic post. you know the wanderlust type
shalegas34 · 2 months
sigh, as much as i dislike jenny tian’s comedy (a lot of her humour falls flat and she comes across as kinda inauthetic) i will fight to the death against the racists that crop up like weeds on all her videos
some examples:
• (that accent) isn’t hot on asians • voice doesn’t match the face • i love (that accent) on a pretty asian babe 😍😍
yeah all of these are racist, and if you don’t agree you can kindly go fuck yourself <3
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morkofday · 1 year
~ getting to know your BL mutuals ~
got tagged by @wanderlust-in-my-soul​ ♥ thank you so much and sorry i’m so late!
rules: answer the questions and @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answer.
What have been the BLs that took you by surprise this year?
i’ve watched so many bls this year it feels a bit insane but at least i have stuff to choose from! all those shows have also brought me amongst a large group of amazing ppl here :’) i wish i could talk about all of them bc of that but well.
Bad Buddy - when i got into this one, i did not expect it to fill my mind, heart, and soul the way it did. the title made me expect something very silly, especially knowing how ohm and his roles are. but i am incredibly happy we have something like bb, it means so much to me ♥
Blueming - i remember seeing snippets of this one and semantic error around the same time. the general feeling i got was that ppl preferred semantic error, or that there was more talk about that one. personally, i prefer this bc there’s something in it that made me fee extremely seen ♥
Enchanté - didn’t really expect anything from this show once i finally got into it. i basically went there just to get a bit more of jimmy content (which i did. my boy ♥). but jokes on me, i adored akktheo too. the ending could’ve been different but they had one of the best slow burns i’ve seen in a while ♥
You’re My Sky - i will never get over how good this show was. i was very surprised bc i didn’t think a sports bl could do something like this. but this one just feels like there’s been a lot of thought put into it and it managed to get under my skin in similar ways as blueming did ♥
Triage - expected something as wild and kind of silly as manner of death was as these two happen in the same universe. also exected something very aesthetically pleasing once i learned who the director was. got both but on top of that triage was an interesting look at life, death, and everything in between ♥
Color Rush 2 - i was very into the first season but saw other ppl being kind of let down by this second one. i was also a bit confused about the second main lead getting changed/left out but then decided to just watch this one night. was very happy with everything i got and despite the runtime obviously being a bit too short for what they were attempting here, i got filled with a lot of love and some heartache ♥
Bonus: The Shipper - i don’t want to label this strictly a bl bc this doesn’t feel like it belongs there. but i still want to mention it here bc it totally blew me away. after i go over the cringe at the beginning of this show and settled into its humor, i adored this show to bits. i will always think about this one very fondly, even after all the heartbreak it gave me ♥
What have been the BLs that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
none of this is intended as hate, just saying
KinnPorsche - don’t get me wrong, kp is one of the most stunning shows i’ve seen in a while. their cinematography was amazing, they had obviously paid attention to detail, and i liked many of the characters. i just thought the plot fell a bit flat and some of the characters didn’t make sense as the story developed. maybe i expected too much or just wanted something different from what i got? vegaspete still makes me insane tho, god bless. 
Not Me - the show is a masterpiece and i am very, very happy we got it. it was a blast to follow it all way through and it has some of my fave scenes, themes, and characters ever. but then the obvious issues they had with the writing and especially the ending of the show kind of took away some of the shine. i know it was not the team’s fault entirely bc they weren’t given much but i still mourn a type of loss, even more so when over half of the show promised so much. also am still somewhat bitter about gramblack. 
The Eclipse - i looked forward to this one a lot once i watched most of the gmmtv2022 trailers at the beginning of the year. this, vv and never let me go were the ones that drove me insane. i had a lot of theories about how the plot for this might go and i was very on board with what they did until like. maybe ep 7? i cannot remember. but at some point the plot just totally flew out the window and i was not satisfied with how things ended :/ i still love that we got both akkayan and kanthua. they are very important to me. 
What has been your favorite BL this year?
The two bls that became my personality for a while aka Bad Buddy and Vice Versa. I know I am very biased. I do not care. I adore both to bits and find such comfort from both of these shows and their characters ♥ I can also thank both from various amazing friendships on this site plus a lot of inspiration I still keep treasuring and using every day. 
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(is it even me if i don’t somehow make it about vice versa?)
Favorite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
i have waaay too many but let me list a few then (hopefully i can remember any from other years bc it’s been so long):
PatPran (but also WaiKorn)
FahPrince (from Sky in Your Heart)
PureFolk (from My Gear and Your Gown)
MingKit (from 2Moons, speciafically 2Moons2)
Haoting x Xigu (from Make Our Days Count)
KornKnock (from Together With Me)
NubsibGene (from Lovely Writer)
What's your non-BL favorite this year?
i think it’s a tie between 55:15 Never Too Late and My Dear Loser: Edge of 17. i dunno what it says about me that both of these are nanon led series but this is where i am at the moment :’D 
i haven’t watched that many non bls this year but both of these left an impression. 55:15 was amazing, both with the plot and the characters. i kind of want to watch it again just to see more of the details. both the older and younger actors were acting their asses off, and i enjoyed the whole experience down to every emotion the show tore out of me. my dear loser then again surprised me by being super sweet but also very rough. young nanon as oh is a treasure (i wish i could just pat his head and pinch his cheeks), but i can also see a lot of pain in there under his goofy smile. he and his personal journey made me feel a lot, and the show also brought up some issues that hit close to home. 
thank you so much once more for tagging me into this ^^ i dunno how many ppl have already done this but am still tagging a few! feel free to ignore, or just link me your post if you’ve already done this! also wishing everyone very happy holidays, may it be warm and cozy ♥
@oswlld​ @dimpledpran​ @stormyoceans​ @nongnaos​ @snimeat​ @thanawins​ @phukaoapologist​ @winmon​ @machikeita​ ♥
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Hello to my new followers, and thank you so much!!
This is just a post to let you know a little bit about me and what you can expect on this blog:
My name is Maddy and I am 31 y.o. Aegosex and idemro. She/her. INFP.
For as long as I can remember, I've loved the sea, and nature in general. My favorite animals are sharks, jellies, and cats.
Someday, I want ALL the pets!
I love to read and am also a big film-buff.
I'm your typical pot-smoking, faux-hippie liberal; complete with multiple tattoos, dyed hair, and strong beliefs in feminism and environmentalism.
I'm a pacifist, but also a bit of a misanthrope and a nihilist.
I have been Neo-Pagan for most of my life, but I’ve never worked outside of a group. This blog is partly to help me start forging my solo identity as a witch and do my own thing. Some things you can expect to find are:
witchy tips for getting into the craft (for myself and other beginners like me)
general knowledge (on plants, the elements, etc.)
fun witchy-related projects
Some of the specific aesthetics you can expect to find here are:
for a comprehensive list of all the "core" type stuff I post, look here
dark and light academia
vintage and retro stuff
mystical and fantasy-type things
zodiac memes
cute animals
food and recipes
beautiful people
quotes and poetry
landscapes, seascapes, and other scenery
calming or otherwise pleasant music
interiors, exteriors, and architecture
cozy vibes and rustic vibes
beautiful spooky things
seasonal pretty things (including holidays)
All NSFW posts are tagged as such so you can block them if you want. I tag literally everything.
Find more pretty things and other stuff on my Pinterest. Since Polyvore shut down, I use trendMe and Combyne (my name there is 90sbitch.) for fun fashion things.
Occasionally I get creative. I will post my own photos and videos that I have collected, as well as original works of writing, and my OCs. All of this stuff is also tagged as such. If it is not tagged as mine, it is not mine.
I am welcoming to all genders, all orientations, all races, all disabilities, and all ages. Please feel free to message me about anything, I love love love to talk, and am an open book. :)
My blog for all fandom things is erectionsandtea, and my blog for science things is bruce-had-jaws.
This post may be updated as I think of more.
Welcome, and thanks for being here!
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thecaduceusclay · 3 years
Hey what are some songs or albums that came out this year that you really like?
Oh boy, alright. I’m very into music. But I have a tendency to discover things late. I do know of a few good things that came out this year though! 
Public Void - Penelope Scott
Public Void had two types of songs, to boil it down; “I’m in a rough spot” and “I’m angry at the world”. Penelope Scott’s creative process is a really visible one, she posts a lot of rough drafts on tiktok and engages with fans. I love the kind of lightly-gritty sound a lot of her songs have. There’s clear emotion in all of her songs. In this album I do miss the acoustic sound of her rough drafts and earlier songs, but the more “glitzy” techno sound is still great!
My favorite song on this album is Lotta True Crime. I love talking about wanting to fucking kill serial killers!
The Normal Album - Will Wood
Now Will Wood is a recent discovery of mine. His music is unique, very unique. His genre is sort of hard to define. The Normal Album is a sort of 40′s-50′s pop or jazz sound that sort of covers the harsh or dark lyrics. I have no idea how to even describe Will Wood’s sound or vibes. The most glowing recommendation I can give is “Night Vale Weather” or “Magnus Archives Playlist”. 
My favorite song on this album is either Masha Thankk You For the Dialectics[...] or Love Me, Normally. I / Me / Myself would be my top one but I just really prefer the live version that isn’t on the album.
The Horror and the Wild - The Amazing Devil
If you’ve seen the Witcher, this is Joey Batey (Jaskier)’s band. It truly sounds like fantasy bard songs. His voice is good, but Madeleine blows me out of the water. The use of harmonies and overlapping parts it’s stunning. The Amazing Devil really is the band I never knew I was missing. I wish I’d discovered them sooner.
My favorite song on this album is That Unwanted Animal or Farewell Wanderlust. They’re both dark and smoky songs that just hit me in the chest.
Worldwide Torture - Jazmin Bean
Melanie Martinez wishes she had what Jazmin Bean has. This album is that candy floss bubble gum saccharine sweet sound mixed with a much harsher sound and lyrics. Jazmin’s sound here brings to mind those alt kids in platform boots and chains with solid black contacts. In a good way. It’s like that old pastel gore aesthetic. Which the music videos utilize heavily. 
My favorite song on this album is Saccharine. It makes me feel a lil unhinged.
My Agenda - Dorian Electra
This one barely wins out over Dorian’s earlier 2020 album Flamboyant (Deluxe). I may prefer some songs on Flamboyant, but the Deluxe version is the only one that came out this year, and My Agenda is...impressive to say the least. It features Rebecca Black, Village People, and Pussy Riot, along with many others. It’s an impressive album. I’m not usually a fan of this sort of electronic sound, but Dorian pulls it off wonderfully.
My favorite song from this album is the titular My Agenda. I’m sorry it has the Village People in it? How can you not love that?? But also it’s about the gay agenda...
And! A quick honorable mention!
Lili Furfaro
She write critical role fansongs. I’d compare her work to PhemieC if you’re familiar with them. (They’re best known for Homestuck songs, but they have one about Taako and one about Nott too). Lili has a song for each of the Mighty Nein and Matt. None are officially an album, per se, but the ones on spotify were all released this year. My favorite is either Jester’s song or Yasha’s song.
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ghoulciifer · 4 years
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@msbyslut: “cloud here for a hq boy matchup! ☁️ i'm around 5'8, have dark hair and blue greenish eyes. my favorite color is pink! my aesthetic is anything soft and i love sanrio. 🥺 outside of writing as a hobby, i draw and paint! i also love traveling. i look for security but i get bored easily, so i tend to gravitate towards people who are passionate and a bit spontaneous. anyone who i can joke around with and keeps me laughing for hours. oh and happy 100 tum bby! you deserve it all. 💗”
notes: hi honeybun, thank you so much for your support ❥ i’m very grateful to have you and your wonderful brain as a mutual, you’re literally the sweetest person and you sound like an adorable little cinnamon roll. i hope you like your discount atsumu matchup! muah! ❥
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why i matched you:
» okay, we all know terushima can come off as a bit of a fuckboy (*coughkiyokoscenecough*) BUT we did see how he acts on the court - this boy is just a big bundle of energy who wants to have fun! i firmly believe he uses that ‘ladies man’ act to hide just how much a dork he is. but, once he realizes you actually want to stick around, you’ll see firsthand just how much of a goofball he really is, and beneath that suave facade is a good guy who wants nothing more than to give his heart to someone who’ll take care of it. and that’s where you come in!
» terushima loves your creativity and how easy it is for you to express yourself through whatever art platform you use. he’ll beg you to let him read your writing, get a sneak peak at your latest sketch, ‘paint him like one of your french girls’, etc. he just wants to support you! he’s a firm believer in self expression and knows it’s a huge confidence booster when someone shows intrugue in whatever he’s doing, so he’s going to do whatever he can to make sure you know he’s genuinely interested in everything you do.
» baby, you’re almost too soft for this boy. he swears if you were any cuter you would be the death of him, but would he want to go any other way? absolutely not. he finds your love of all things pink and cutesy incredibly adorable. so much so that he can’t help but buy things that remind him of you when he comes across them, or even if you show the slightest bit of interest in them. that cute little gudetama pillow you saw online the other day? he’s got it ordered, it’ll be here friday. that set of kuromi and melody socks he saw in a store window at the mall? he swooped in and got ‘em for you. boy will spoil you to no end because he just wants to see your cute lil’ face light up when he gives you those gifts!
» teru is more than willing to drop everything and go anywhere you want, at any time at all. he also shares your wanderlust and eventually wants to see the world, whether it be watching the sun set over the glittering waters of italy’s canals or watching it rise above the mountains of peru, he’s gonna do whatever he can to make sure you’re by his side to share those experiences. because what better way to take in all the world has to offer than to do it with the one you love?
» like i said before, terushima often presents himself as a bit of a womanizer before pursuing any type of relationship, but once he finds someone he can actually see himself giving his time to? you’re stuck with him. boy will NOT leave your side unless you explicitly told him you never wanted to see him again. he’s going to be hesitant at first, but when he finally opens up, he truly bares his heart and gives you full consent to hold it within the palm of your hand. he’ll only get to that point when he knows without a shadow of a doubt he trusts you, and that you trust him. so as far as security goes? terushima’s got you covered.
» and again, teru’s a HUGE dork. like he almost rivals kuroo on this one because he craves entertainment 24/7, and never fails to make those around him giddy with laughter or anticipation of what’ll come out of his mouth next. he’s serious when he needs to be, but when it’s just the two of you alone, he’ll have you constantly gripping your sides in laughter, and you’re certain to get a good ab workout every time because he’s never not doing something that’ll make you giggle to the point of wheezing. sometimes he feels like he’s too much of a silly hooligan but you’re always the first to remind him that’s what you love about him the most. terushima is definitely one to keep you on your toes, so i hope you’re ready for that challenge!
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“Yuuji, what’s all this?” Your hand slides off the handle on your front door, eyes wide and skimming across your living room to take in the scene before you.
“Sh-Shit! Uh… Surprise?”
You were aware your boyfriend would be home before you, but what you didn’t expect was to walk into a cheesy, teenage romance movie.
Terushima was sheepishly rubbing the back of his head with a throw pillow in his other hand, casually tossing it onto the sofa already smothered in pillows and blankets that weren’t there before. The coffee table was piled high with an array of snacks ranging from your favorite baked goods to a partly opened box of pizza, and a tin bucket filled to the brim with ice and canned drinks sat flush against one of the table’s legs. The entire living area was bathed in a soft glow from fairy lights strung up haphazardly across the walls and the smell of strawberries and cream wafted in the air from the scented candles resting on the end tables beside the couch. It was all so much, and it made your heart melt just thinking about how much time and effort this must’ve taken your lover to set up.
“Baby, I-...” Your eyes finally return to Terushima’s nervous gaze and you instinctively bring a hand to cover your mouth, tears gathering below your lash line. The second he saw the familiar twitch of your furrowing brow he nearly leapt over the coffee table to reach you.
“Hey, heyheyhey, I can clean it all up, I promise I didn’t mean to make such a big mess. And I can take the lights down if you don’t like the-“ Teru panics when he catches your tears slipping down your cheeks, but you’re quick to cut him off with a quick, sweet kiss before he completely loses it. You wrap your arms around his neck and bury your nose into the space below his jaw, while his hands find purchase against your hips, pulling you impossibly closer to fully indulge in the sudden affection.
“Yuuji, I love it… how did you-...?” You pull back after a moment, hands rising to his neck and thumbing the curve of his jawline. You lose the sentence halfway through, the surprise finally settling in leaving you at a loss for words.
Your boyfriend smiles, nuzzling your temple with the top of his nose in relief, “You told me earlier how bad work was stressing you out, so I took the rest of the day off and put together a little movie night for you. I wanted you to be able to relax when you got home.” His lips leave a chaste kiss to your cheekbone, “I, uh-... just wasn’t expecting you to get here so soon.”
You giggle at his remark - of course the one day you manage to leave early you walk in on his surprise. But as you take another long look at the dreamy layout around you, you couldn’t help but be glad you got here when you did. You didn’t realize you needed this until it was right here in front of you. Now all that was left was to enjoy it.
“Thank you… It’s perfect.”
Too engrossed in your gift, you don’t seem to catch the loving look Terushima was casting down at you, smile growing wider as his response leaves his lips.
“Yea… it really is.”
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matchups are CLOSED! thank you to those who entered or have been keeping up with this event! remember you can check to see updates on matchups + if your matchup has been posted via the #tumplaysmatchmaker tag!
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Happy STS! What aesthetic do you associate with your OCs?
Oooh, I love these type of questions!! Okay so prepare for a long post! Also, I hope this is what you meant...
Faye: Fog over open water. A still lake, and a quiet forest. Crows lurking in the distance, but making no sound. Green like the woods during a rain shower. Tattered clothing and long hair tangled in a breeze. The knowledge that you’re alone, but you can’t shake the feeling you’re being watched.
Clarissa: A discarded sword. Bruised skin. Warrior braids, and a battle cry. A gilded cage, and a lone tree burning in a field. Shaking hands and a huffed breath. Armor strapped on with a joke, and a stormy gaze. Thunder rumbling in the distance.
Aislin: A sea of brambles. You can’t get out. A lone flower right in the center. A spark of hope. A shred of sunlight. A gentle hand and a soft smile. Kindness to spite the thorns. A song heard in the distance. It calls of home. A yearning for safety and warmth.
Castor: A diamond refusing to break. From pressure it was forged. Cold steel. Unbending iron. A forest in winters grasp. Cold yet somehow still clinging to life. A quiet resilience.
Jace: A loud joke. A laugh and smirk. Tossed hair, and proud eyes. A bow and arrow. Bends but never breaks. A question. And a challenge. A fox running through the snow. Goosebumps on your skin from a whisper. The anticipation of discovering something new.
Tyde: A wink. Warm food and a home. Safety. Welcoming. Calm. A hearth burning in the fall. Leaves of orange and brown. A son left for war, returning home. A smile and a hand clutched in yours.
Serena: A bubbling creek. Rocks skipping over water. And butterflies floating through the breeze. A quiet calm. But a knowing smile. A sense of wonder. And a steadfast wisdom. A question and the taunt of truth. A soft green. Red.
Elise: Chains. Burning embers and a slow wind raising an inferno. Melted gold. Ash. A forest caught in a wildfire. Birds soaring for freedom. A dusty tome. Dried flowers. A question. And a curse.
Ciáran: A frozen lake. The first signs of spring. A stem peaking up from the ground. A decorative box. Blue and silver. Ice. Distant memories you’d rather forget. The stars shining through the dark.
Aliana: A Phoenix rising out of the ashes. A lonely mountain. Strength and calm and fire. The wind tainted with smoke. A stream shaping rock. A solitary tower pericing through the fog. A thunderous cry of a thousand voices.
Dragon: A dusty library. Rebirth. Steady hands tracing over worn covers. Cinnamon on the air. Curled with a book beside a window. A late night. A dim candle. The crackle of the hearth. And a steaming mug of tea. Orange and fall breezes. A wanderlust.
Deirdre: A tall oak, unswaying in the breeze. The crack of two staffs meeting together. A wildfire. Sunlight filtering through a window. Books stacked neatly in a row. A quiet gallery. Paint stained hands. An empty church.
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glaeddyv · 4 years
thanks for @thinking-about-jaskier, i feel cared about when someone tags me in a post 🥺
Nickname: i dont have a nickname i think? but my real close friends call me pederast (as a joke ofc). it's weird ik but it has a historical meaning, which is weirder.
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 165 cm
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Last Thing I Googled: "alright then keep your secrets meme"
Song Stuck in My Head: "The Horror and The Wild" by The Amazing Devil and Blinding Lights by The Weeknd (my playlists have a wide range of music types)
Following and Followers: All my followers (only 65) are in The Witcher fandom i think but i follow The Witcher, Marvel and Stranger Things.
Amount of Sleep: it's mixed. depends on when my homework or project done but usually around 6 hours
Dream Job: parents pushing me to be a doctor but i dont know what i want to be in future
Favourite Songs:
"Her Sweet Kiss" by Jaskier :D
"Farewell Wanderlust" by The Amazing Devil
"everything I wanted" by Billie Eilish
"Sick Boy" by The Chainsmokers
"thoughts & prayers" and "Blood//Water" by grandson
"Right Here" by Chase Atlantic
i could write more but thats enough for now
Instruments: i cant play anything except a few nursery rhymes with piano. and i use only five keys or something i am no pianist
Random Fact: Me and my family is adopting every stray cat in the street. Some in home, some in the cathouse we put in our balcony, and some just comes by to eat then they left.
We also know mothers of every cat in our neighbourhood. We can make a family tree. We know grand-grand-grandma of one of the cats.
Favourite Author: Well i like Reşat Nuri Güntekin but i don't think you guys know him. He's a Turkish author. I recommend you to read his books if there are English translations.
Favourite Animal Sounds: CATS MEOWING. not every meow though some of them annoying and some of them sad. i like it when they are trying to get my attention and get me give them a belly rub.
Aesthetic: i like pixelwave and retrowave kind of stuff my phone wallpapers are pixelwave wallpaper for example. but i also like dark themed stuff and dark edits and they both exact opposite of each other. nice.
random fact was longer actually but i accidentaly deleted it :)
i don't know who to tag rn so imma tag the blogs that i reblog the most
@jaskieriest @random-nerd-3 @ironfamilycult
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gaylortruther · 5 years
(many) tag games
saw someone else do this so i figured i’d go through all my tag games in one looong post instead of spamming you all with a bunch of separate posts!
i’m gonna tag everyone now and yall can choose which tag games you want to do or whether you want to do them all (or whether you want to do any)!!
thanks to everyone who tagged me in all of these! i LOVE being tagged in tag games and i am always up for more! <3
tagging THE SANCTION (including ppl that i haven’t gotten up on the page yet im sorry abfjffsdhsjbjsdf it will happen SOON):  @newdivinities @wolvesofarcadia @maskedlady @victoiirres @sancta-silje @bumblebeesonpaper @wasting-ink-not-youth @horrorspell @ya-lady-tauriel @awritinglen @purpleshadows1989 @ivonoris @theforgottencoolkid @the-ichor-of-ruination @grotesqu-e @lucacangettathisass @tea-ndi @hazeywrites @lunar895 @thewordsinthesky-andstars
TAGGED BY  @melwrotethat AND @hazeywrites
thank you both for the tags! these are the last few lines of the prologue-excerpt-thing i wrote for the page i’m working on for WHERE THE CELLAR MEETS THE SKY
Somehow, Collin hears them. Silently, she rolls up her sleeve, and Rowan feels the Collin Sutherland they knew is somewhere far, far away. The tattoos are black, geometric in design, two on each arm, and eerily similar to the ones Rowan has just discovered on their own left arm. They're sure if they were to roll up their right sleeve, they would find more.
"I should have told you a long time ago," Collin whispers. "I didn't know you were a part of it, but I should have guessed. I didn't want to put you in danger."
"I'm not- I don't- in danger of what?"
The waves crash onto the shore, and in the distance, a seagull cries, sending Collin into action. She grabs Rowan's hand and starts pulling, dragging them back behind the house.
"Come on. We don't have a lot of time, we have to get going. I can tell you everything on the way. I don't know why he brought me here instead of straight to the veil, damn it-,"
"Wait!," they say, wrenching their hand out of her grasp. "Just- stop! Where are we going?!"
Collin's eyes flash bright, despite the lack of sunlight. "Home."
yeah, a bit long, a bit unedited, but *shrugs*
TAGGED BY @tea-ndi
thank you sage!!! <3
hard feelings/loveless | lorde
another one of those days | cavetown
let’s fall in love for the night | FINNEAS
ocean eyes | billie eilish
honey and milk | flower face
i know | king princess ft fiona apple
dreamz | sara king
nobody’s home | gnash
greek god | conan gray
sycamore girl | rex orange county 
and there you have a small sample of my music taste! add in literally every taylor swift song (dont judge me), some lo-fi tunes without ANY words whatsoever, and the occasional fall out boy or panic at the disco goddamn absolute banger, and you have my XANDERS JAMS playlist on spotify. ENJOY
[11/11/11 TAG]
TAGGED BY @awritinglen <333333333333333333333333
thank you for tagging me len!!! your questions were so fun!! i’m doing this for WHERE THE CELLAR MEETS THE SKY
Name all OCs in your WIP
OMFG okay,,, wait do you mean full names?? POV characters as of rn are Collin Aisling Sutherland, Rowan Tilley (doesn’t have a middle name) and Avery Bristol Charter. then the next most important one is Isaac Michael Rosewell, even though he’s the antagonist. then the side characters that are still very featured are Noah Rosalyn Pratten, Reese Iseul Radley, and Sage Emarosa Delgado. THEN we get into the very very side characters, Willa Robinson and her son August Robinson. then we have Avery’s parents, Alaric and the late Octavia Charter. and thennnnn we have Beldane Moreno, Avery’s uncle and Collin’s grandfather (undecided abt that last name but going w it for now). i promise it all makes sense. i promise anfnfsjnfdjsfd
Name at least one hobby your Main character love
i’ll give this one to Collin, she is a musician! Avery’s mother always taught her music before The Accident (dun dun dunnn) and after Collin was abandoned in the Nigh she threw herself into music. she plays guitar mostly, but she secretly loves piano the best out of every instrument she knows
3 sentences about your current WIP
OOF. im so bad at summaries why would you do this to meee abfhshjbsbshfjsbf. “A determined believer wants to return to a home that never wanted her. Almost 4000 miles away, an incisive, intellectual outcast of a dreamer muses over getting out of their hometown. And infinities away from them both, a teenage revolutionary disappears into thin air, on his way to bring back his past and fix his (and everyone’s) future.”
Is there a romance in your WIP and did you plan it from the beginning?
yes! there are three! they are definitely a main focus of the plot, but not THE main focus. Reese and Rowan were definitely planned from the beginning. Collin and Noah were, too, but they weren’t originally enemies to lovers, and they are now (hehehehehe). and Isaac and Avery were DEFINITELY not planned from the beginning. in fact, Avery was originally paired up with Sage, but it’s literally so much better this way and i’m so glad it’s been changed. Isaac and Avery has been planned since about when Isaac’s character was thought up, one year into planning WTCMTS.
What genre(s) is it?
a mix of dystopia and urban fantasy. and it’s YA, borderline NA because some of the characters are 19-20, but i still think YA is appropriate because of the style of writing.
What’s the aesthetic of two of your characters?
fun question! Collin’s aesthetic is very emo-punk, with a splash of yellow towards the end of the series. piercings, blue hair, rips on clothing, dirty converse, smudged eyeliner, safety pins. the yellow comes in as part of her character arc, as she learns to accept that her childhood memories are tainted and not actually perfect utopia. Rowan is way more minimalist (sometimes). they’re into the bookstagram type aesthetic, and mom jeans with sneakers, jean jackets, plants against a white wall, colorblocked windbreakers, rain against a car window.
When did you start your current WIP?
WTCMTS was started in august of 2017 
How far along are you in the process (i.e 1st/2nd/3rd draft, worldbuilding)
still worldbuilding, unfortunately, for personal reasons
Who’s the hardest character for you to write?
OOOOOOF. sage or rowan?
What music genre best decribes your main character(s) and whats their favorite?
Collin - alternative (favorite band would be like twenty one pilots, p!atd) 
Rowan - ichillwave (clario, rex orange county)
Avery - emo (fall out boy, all time low)
Isaac - indie alternative OR instrumental lofi (jaymes young, birdy)
Noah - electropop (lorde, halsey, charlie xcx)
Reese - folk rock (the head and the heart, of monsters and men)
Sage - indie pop (lana del ray, florence + the machine)
Are you working on more than one WIP?
yes! i have four currently but only two are important lol, ILLUNIUS and WHERE THE CELLAR MEETS THE SKY (this one). WIP PAGE
how did you come up with the title for your WIP?
is there anything you want to change about your WIP but you are hesitating on?
do you have a favorite character? a character that is your baby?
write a tinder bio for one of your characters.
how do you feel about epilogues? does your wip include an epilogue?
what changes does your MC go through over the course of the story?
what is the most significant insignificant thing that happens in your story? don’t explain why it is significant if it spoils things ;)
do you know what will happen after the ending of your wip, or would you rather not picture it?
how long does your wip span? is it a novel? a series? does it have prequels or spin-off wips?
what is a major internal conflict for your MC? 
do you include flashbacks in your wip? do you like writing flashbacks?
TAGGED BY @writevevo​ AND @wolvesofarcadia​
thank you both for this tag! it’s so much fun and both of your novels sound like novels that would be very interesting to be stuck in :D
inspired by this post
you’re an older sibling and you have a younger sibling. you’re extremely bitter towards your younger sibling for stealing opportunities from you, damning you to a life you never truly wanted. your younger sibling adores you and just wants to please you. they never meant to do it. 
you’re stuck in constant, wistful wanderlust, never feeling like you truly belong, never fitting in anywhere, not with friends, not with family, and when you finally find the place you’ve been looking for, you realize it’s nothing like you dreamed or remembered.
you’re not heterosexual. no one around you is. no one is cisgender either. where are they? no one knows. 
you have a peculiar capability dancing under your skin. it trickles from your pores and muddles with your mind. maybe you asked for it, maybe it was predestined, maybe you never wanted anything to do with it. whatever the reason, it’s there, and you don’t know what’s you and what’s it. maybe you’re not meant to ask. maybe you’re meant to succumb. 
your memories are as fickle as the rain, coming and going and breaking through the clouds, shattering the fog and disappearing with the sun. you can’t recall what you’re doing here, or where you’re meant to be instead. what’s your name?, they ask. you don’t know.
there are two worlds. one world is blissfully unaware of this, or at least, as unaware as any world of millions and millions of people can be. no secret can be kept forever, they tell you. you are desperately trying to keep the secret.
the one closest to you, despite your abhorrent denial of this fact, the one you would trust with your life, will betray you. because of their decision, their selfishness, you will either lose them, or lose yourself.
THOSE WERE SO FUN OMG. they all mostly apply to both of my major wips, which is probably bad. oh well LMAO
SORRY THAT WAS SOOOOOOOO LONG hope at least someone does one of these tag games lol <3 
xander out
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sociallyinsmmagency · 3 years
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Instagram is by far one of our favorite platforms. Why? Because it’s easy to use, great for brand promotion, houses one of the most inclusive, fun, and creative communities, and has a bucket list of tools to use- right at our fingertips.
Not to mention that you can do something as simple as a one word Instagram captions and see the results just...pour in.
Unfortunately, sometimes, the creative well can run a little dry. Especially if you’re a one-man-band type and you’re trying to promote your business, a particular product, or even just get your name out there without coworkers or team members to bounce ideas off of.
We’ve been there. So many times. And before our company was large enough that we could work with a dedicated think tank, writer’s block was a very regular occurrence. And usually only dealt with at one of our favorite Birmingham bars.
(Now we get the same effect with our team from anywhere in the world with nothing but notes and a beer on Zoom!)
However, we decided we wanted to spill some of our fave “secret sauce” one word Instagram captions so that you too could experience the level of ecstasy that takes over when you pair just the right one word Instagram caption with the perfect photo.
But enough talk. Let’s jump in.
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Why Post a One Word Instagram Captions?
Full disclosure, we’re 1000% okay with you simply copy/pasting these ideas, but you might be wondering what’s the point of posting a one word Instagram caption in the first place.
For starters, Instagram photos with captions are much more likely to get engagement than those without. But even more importantly, one word Instagram captions are easy to read AND easy to post.
They can be snappy, quirky, funny, inspiring, creative...the list could go on and on.
And they can stir up emotion in the heart of your readers, pushing them to take action. Whether that means smashing a like or share button, or even giving you a follow!
Find the One Word Captions That Speak to YOUR Audience
Not just any word will do. You have to find one-word captions that spark interest in your audience and drive them to look out for more content.
You can determine what works best for your brand and audience by developing a brand voice and tone that encompasses your quirks, motivations, triumphs, and conversations.
How to Develop the Perfect Brand Voice
If you’ve never actually put time or thought into developing a brand voice, there’s no time like the present! Here’s some tricks to make it easier than ordering your next Starbucks.  
#1 Gather Sample Content to Analyze
In order to get the best, most fitting voice and tone for your brand, you need to analyze everything you’ve created up to this point.
A few examples of content you can gather as a sample to analyze would be things like:
Existing social media content
Web pages
Do you examples sound similar to a competitor? Throw them out. You want to become something distinctive and unique that couldn’t have come from anywhere else. You want to become something that resonates and that is easily identified as all yours.
When you’ve gathered up some of the most distinctive, creative and inspirational things you’ve written, maybe the things you feel embody your brand the most- gather them together and dissect them.
What makes each of these pieces unique? What is similar or significant about them?
Make a note of what you like and dislike about each piece and save the results.
#2 Describe Your Brand Like an Old Friend
Think of your brand as an old friend. What are they like? Quirky? Friendly? Informative? Choose three-five words that you would use to describe your brand if it was a person with its own set of interests and goals.
These words will be the stage for future copy and content, so choose wisely.
#3 Take Your Description One Step Further
Once you have your three words, take it just a little further and describe what that might look like in terms of customer and general audience communication and relation.
For instance:
Passionate: this might look like enthusiastic comments, action-oriented conversations and projects, or heartfelt customer communication, even in the face of negative commentary.
Eccentric: quirky content, contrarian commenting, out-of-the-box projects and off the wall puns.
Trustworthy: always on time, genuine, engaging directly and timely with customer praise and complaints.
This will help you get a handle on the best ways to communicate with your audience on tone, with relevancy.
#4 Outline Voice Characteristics
When you have your basis for what you want, make a list of “do’s” and “don’ts” that fall into each category.
See the example below for how to do this brand voice exercise.
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(P.S. this can be an excellent trick even for long-standing businesses to make sure they’re following through on the messages they’re promoting.)
#5 Revisit, Revise, Improve.
Your brand is always going to be shifting and changing. It’s your job to make sure that your tone and voice is always on par with what you’re looking to communicate.
This means that you need to be regularly re-visiting your brand voice and tone to make sure it’s shifting alongside your business. How regularly you make changes or even just analyze to make sure it’s on target is entirely up to you. Just don’t forget to do it- especially when making major changes to your brands appearance and content on social media.
Our Exhaustive List of One Word Instagram Captions for Any and Every Snapshot
Now it’s time for the REAL fun. Are you ready? Here we go!
#1 Aesthetic One Word Instagram Captions
Hello =)
#2 Personality/People One Word Instagram Captions
Sometimes, you need one-word captions that inspire feelings about the people you know and love. We’ve got some amazing one-word caption ideas. Check it out:
#3 Place One Word Instagram Captions ideas
Whether you’re in the mountains for a hike or at the zoo, sometimes you need the perfect word to help describe and carry over all the feels of your snapshot. Here’s some amazing one-word caption ideas for moments just like this!
More Amazing Short Instagram Captions
Everyone loves an amazing aethetic one-word caption, but sometimes you want...a little bit more. So we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite short instagram captions (2-3 words), just for you. Check it out!
The Best Place
Rocky Mountain High
Sun of a Beach
Just run.
Fishin’ for Compliments
Forever and Always
One More Step
This is Home
Live. Love. Lie.
The best endings are really beginnings
Got love?
Look no further
Look within
Find Your Soul
Finding our way home
Make Your Own Way
Never going home again
Just jump
Lights on
Rock on
Lights on
Namaste time
Just chill
Cold beer? Check
Time to fly
Ready to fly?
Oh D E A R
Just one more dive
Felt cute. Might delete never.
She’s hot.
Rebel on
It’s a date
Perfection has arrived
I’ve got EMOJI
How to Turn ANY Word into an Inspiring One Word Instagram Captions
Really, ANY word can be an inspiring caption if you do it right.
It's all about spacing, format, relevancy, and intent.
For instance: I can write the word "Limitless" several different ways and get totally different results. Check it out a few post examples to get an idea of what I mean:
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"✨ L ✨ I ✨ M ✨ I ✨ T ✨ L ✨ E ✨ S ✨ S ✨"
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"Limitless 🌎"
The way you approach the formatting completely changes the aesthetic, allowing you to use basically ANY word to communicate your meaning. Neat, right?
Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions? Hopefully we've covered the majority of them below, but if we don't, don't hesitate to get in touch so we can send you on your way with everything you need to level up your Instagram presence!
Do One Word Captions Get More Engagement?
The answer is not necessarily.
If you have a CTA in your graphic, then yes. However, you can't direct people to comment, like, etc, if you aren't asking them to do so. After all, there's not much space for communication in one word.
How to Put Two Words with One Caption?
This is simple.
Open the Instagram app and click on the square plus button, now in the top right corner.
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Now press on the photo that you want to show up first and hold it down until a "1" pops up.
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Now you can select as many as you want to share...
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...and TADA! You're ready to create a one word Instagram captions with multiple pictures.
The post Is  AWE-INSPIRING ONE WORD INSTAGRAM CAPTIONS FOR LIMITLESS SUCCESS appeared first on the Sociallyin Insider blog.
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6 Best Brands That Dominate User-Generated Content on Instagram
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User-generated content is a powerful form of marketing for any brand. It allows you to strengthen your relationships with followers and customers and broaden your online presence.
Around 86% of millennials believe that user-generated content (also known as UGC) is a good indicator of a brand or product’s quality. UGC speaks volumes more about your brand than your own content.
With an average of 60 million + images uploaded to Instagram every day, making Instagram one of the biggest platforms for sharing and finding UGC.
Instagram plus UGC equals marketing gold.
What is User Generated Content (UGC)?
User-generated content (UGC) is content created by individuals outside of the business. It’s authentic and created by people who love your brand.
Interested in adding UGC to your social media content mix?
To learn the best practices for finding and using UGC, here are the six best brands that dominate user-generated content on Instagram.
1. AirBnB
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Airbnb is known for its captivating images of user-generated content, in fact, almost all of Airbnb’s social media content is UGC. The only time you’ll see something fully branded from Airbnb is in its ad campaigns.
Everyday, Airbnb shares UGC from around the world, asking questions, and making suggestions to their followers. Developing discussion with wanderlust travels who might be interested in bookings with Airbnb for their next stay.
A picture is worth a thousand words
It may seem like a simple task, but this marketing strategy has helped to create Airbnb’s online culture. 61% of marketers said authenticity is what makes content marketing most effective.
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Airbnb’s UGC Lesson: Select the Best Images
UGC. Can represent how people genuinely feel about your brand (for better or worse).
Let’s be fair; not every UGC is worth a repost. Try to find the best images that represent your brand and repost them on your social media pages.
Here are a few guidelines for selecting UGC images or posts:
1. Pay Attention to the User’s Profile: You want to make sure the person’s profile matches your brand values. If your followers view the personal profile tagged to the image, they shouldn’t be caught off guard by the person’s own personal values.
2. Check the Caption: It’s easy to get distracted by a good photo, but what the caption says is also important. Read through and see if it’s all words of praise or hint of sarcasm. Also, check to make sure your competitors aren’t mentioned or tagged.
3. Get the Perfect Product Picture: UGC doesn’t always need a face or person present. It can be a creative layout and setting, just be sure that your products and label/logo are prominent at first glance for good publicity.
Luckily, today everyone wants to be an influencer, so it’s become much easier to find content that puts quality at the forefront.
Still need help to decide what kind of UGC to post? Check out this article on how to use User-Generated Content effectively.
2. Adobe Photoshop
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Adobe Photoshop is another account known for sharing and publishing UGC on social media platforms. Each post highlights the tools, features, and the artist in the caption.
Adobe has mastered the art of soft social selling by showing off not only the creative community but also developing discussions and features that put them as the primary focus.
65% of customers agree that UGC is more interesting than the content created by brands. Which explains why Adobe makes little to no effort to sell Adobe products or its monthly subscription. Instead, they let the art do the talking, drawing in each follower.
Adobe Photoshop UGC Lesson: Always Tag or Credit Your UGC
We’ve all heard the term “sharing is caring.”
It’s true; sharing is caring for both the followers posting UGC and the brand reposting it.
People want to share content on social media as badly as they want to be recognized for it. So give your followers some props!
Customer Insight Group and Latitude Research found that people share for these five main reasons:
To bring valuable, enlightening and entertaining content
To define themselves to others (and to themselves, too)
To get and stay connected to others
For self-fulfillment, to be credited by others for what they shared
To support causes they believe in and brands they like.
That’s how important sharing and having content shared is to people.
Which leads me to my next point.
Ask for permission.
I’ve noticed a few big brands have skipped this part, well except for brands like Whole Foods and GymShark. As much as people love sharing content, it’s their content first and foremost, even if your brand is tagged in the picture.
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After you’ve gotten permission, give your fan credit for their content. It’s become a social media etiquette to tag people in UGC on your page. This encourages people to keep sharing content and tagging your brand. It says, “Oh, We notice you.”
3. Xero
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Xero is an accounting software that’s mastered the holy trinity of social media marketing; community, branding, and most importantly, UGC.
Each post speaks more about the customer, their mission, and the results of supporting the community that surrounds them.
Scroll through each post, and Xero’s tools or services are never really mentioned. Only the customers they serve.
Xero’s UGC Lesson: Share Real Experiences
Social media was originally meant to be social. Social selling was just something that we all stumbled on.
Today, people buy experiences, not products.
Customers want to hear more about experiences and stories; they buy into a concept or an idea rather than the product itself.
Sharing real experience also humanizes your brand
Maybe you’ve considered using storytelling for your social media marketing, but you don’t know where to start. Look at these 20 Creative Ways to Use Social Media for Storytelling.
4. Preview App
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Preview is an app for editing, filtering, and cropping images to your Instagram’s aesthetic. So naturally, they use their social media to show off all their users’ Instagood feeds and post.
Did you know custom hashtags help you to find UGC
Preview also has a custom hashtag, #iPreview used by fellow previewers for Preview to find their content.
Instead of waiting to be tagged or lurking around on Instagram or Twitter, promote a branded hashtag that allows you to see content in your explorer feed easily.
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Preview App UGC Lesson: Openly Ask for UGC
Over 50% of consumers want to be told what sort of UGC to create.
Just ask!
Yup, it’s that simple. Letting your followers know you're open to reposting or the type of UGC you want can send them into a creation frenzy.
Preview has been reposting UGC since the first day it created its Instagram page, but now and then they still ask followers to send in UGC. Check out the post below:
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If your followers are camera shy when it comes to providing UGC, you can host a giveaway. Ask customers to submit UGC to enter. Once you’ve selected your winner, you can ask for permission to repost your followers’ favorite giveaway entries.
Ready to run your UGC contest?
Book a free call to learn how our team of contest experts can help you create high converting social media contest today.
5. SuperGoop
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Super Goop is a sunscreen beauty company that prides themselves on their trending hashtag #butfirstsunscreen. Unlike the other UGC brands listed so far, Super Goop publishes a content mix of promotional, educational, and UGC to represent their branding.
How do you create the perfect content mix?
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When you’re planning your content strategy (for marketing or social media), you want to consider the content that represents your brand. Here are five types of content to consider:
Industry expertise: Focus on what your business does best and provide advice to your target audience.
Brand focus: Highlight what your product or services do for your customers and how you’re shaping your niche.
Audience goals: What does your audience want to accomplish? For example, if you’re in fitness, talk about how the gym can get you closer to your fitness goals.
Audience interests: If you sell sports gear it means your audience might be interested in tips related to their sports. You are balancing your industry expertise and their interests.
Free resources: What kind of resources or freebies can you provide your audience? Think of Ebooks, quizzes, giveaways, or infographics.
SuperGoop UGC Lesson: Get Testimonials From Your UGC
UGC can be a great platform for real testimonials. Testimonials and reviews from customers are the icing on your content cake.
According to BigCommerce, the regular use of customer testimonials can help you generate roughly 62% more revenue.
Maybe you found the perfect image for your UGC, but the caption is lacking. Reach out to the person and ask for an honest review.
6. Glossier
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Glossier has been listed as one of “The Social Media Brands to Follow” by marketers consistently over the past four years. Their social media marketing success boils down to their simple but effective content mix of branding, audience interest, goals, and UGC.
One of the key contributors to the brands success is how strong Glossier’s color palettes is for spot-on branding, even with its UGC. Ragan says that 80% of brand recognition regularly comes from color impression alone.
Glossier UGC Lesson: Use UGC to Get Customer Feedback
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UGC can also be a safe medium for customers to give feedback and suggestions on products you might want to consider for your next sale or product idea.
Think about it
Your customers are already talking about you, why not control and direct the conversation to you?
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You can get customer feedback by reading through the comments. You’ll be surprised what customers have to say about you through the content they share. It also allows you to reply and show off your superb customer service skills.
Ask for what you want. Let your customer know that you want to know what and how they think about your products, from dm’s to the comment section.
Building a community, consistently posting and monitoring social media, can feel overwhelming. But with the help of a loyal following and fans, UGC can take away from the day-to-day content struggle.
But with great power comes great responsibility, so consider these six things when curating UGC for your brands:
Select the Best Images
Always Tag or Credit Your UGC
Share Real Experiences
Openly Ask for UGC
Get Testimonials From Your UGC
Use UGC to Get Customer Feedback
Which brand caught your eye on this list? What brands do you think should have been added. Comment below and let me know.
I’d love to hear from you.
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haledamage · 7 years
So my free time has evaporated, but I still want to finish the MEA Countdown thing, so here’s all the ones left that I haven’t done, including the ones that haven’t come up yet, so I can make sure I get them done :)
19 Days: Where would Ryder fall in the classic Paragon/Renegade morality system? What would their D&D alignment be? If you know their personality type in any personality typing systems (such as MBTI and Enneagram - you can find various type descriptions and tests using Google), feel free to add and discuss them here.
Lottie is very strongly paragon, unless you fuck with her brother or her friends, in which case she is not above kicking you out a window. She’d probably be neutral/chaotic good; she’s a good person through and through, but she’s not above sowing a little chaos if the mood strikes, and she can be positively ruthless to enemies.
18 Days: What qualities does Ryder like and dislike in other people? Are there any things they particularly appreciate or can’t stand?
She likes empathy and curiosity. She likes people who care, basically, whether that be about knowledge or experiences or other people, she likes when people care about something. The worst thing a person can be, in her opinion, is apathetic.
17 Days: List some of Ryder’s favorite things - colors, food, music, etc. Is there anything of this nature that they hate? Do they have any hobbies or skills outside of combat?
Lottie loves music, and usually has something playing on her private channel on her com. She also tends to hum to herself, which I imagine would annoy SAM to no end if he’s capable of annoyance. Her favorite color is sea green, and she has a terrible sweet tooth; her favorite foods are mostly desserts, her most favorite being ice cream.
Outside of combat, she’s a tinker. She likes to build little things, or work on cars. She also makes some really nice jewelry, when the mood strikes.
16 Days: How would Ryder define their sexuality?
Pansexual. She cares more about forming connections with people, and it doesn’t really matter to her their gender or species.
15 Days: Delve into the Ryder family background - how is/was their relationship with their father, sibling and mother? Do they get along, hero worship, close twin connection, sibling rivalry, was it strained, was it distant, etc.
Scotty and Lottie have always been very close. Scott is her best friend. Mom and Dad both worked a lot, but tried their best, which Lottie understands, though she sometimes wishes they’d been closer.
14 Days: Describe some important or formative events in Ryder’s history. How did these impact and shape them?
When her biotics developed was pretty important, obviously. The fact that she's a biotic while her twin brother isn't was interesting to a lot of scientists, so she spent a lot of time in labs and hospitals “under observation.” It awakened a curiosity in her about how the world works, though, and she went to college for anthropology. It also awoke her wanderlust, as she learned she really didn't like sitting around all day.
13 Days: Why did Ryder join the Alliance military? Later on, what were Ryder’s reasons for signing up to the Andromeda Initiative? Were they seeking adventure (or glory, or a challenge), wanting a new start, running from something, following their family, trying to secure a future for humanity, did they simply feel railroaded into it, etc.
She joined the Alliance to see the galaxy, and because they'd pay for college. The Andromeda Initiative was a no-brainer. Lottie and Scott were both excited about it as soon as Dad told them about it; wanderlust is a family trait, and the Ryders were all very much on board to boldly go.
12 Days: How will Ryder feel upon waking up from cryo? Relieved, excited, scared, impatient to get going, lost, etc.
All of those, yes. Lottie first felt relieved that she actually woke up, then overwhelmed as the full weight of what they were undertaking settled over her. The excitement of exploring the unknown won her over fairly quickly, though.
11 Days: Once in Andromeda, what are Ryder’s goals? What drives them?
Pursuit of knowledge. Finding a safe place for her people to live. Finding her place in Andromeda.
10 Days: Will Ryder ever miss the Milky Way? What things and places will they miss most?
She does sometimes. She misses her old Alliance friends, and her apartment in the Citadel wards. She misses takeout food and microbrew beer and other little things that she never thought about until they were 600 years behind her.
9 Days: Did Ryder have any notable friends or connections in the Milky Way? How about past relationships? Which friendship or relationship was the most significant to them?
She doesn't have any really close friends she left behind. She was a rambler, and never stayed in one place long enough to form close friendships. She's friendly and open, though, so she made friends easily enough. Her closest friend has always been her brother.
8 Days: How does Ryder feel about aliens? Are they uncomfortable, wary, intrigued, curious, intimidated, not bothered, etc? In the Milky Way, where did they stand on humanity’s place in galactic society - Earth first, Terra Firma, human superiority, peaceful cooperation, pro-galactic integration & unity, etc? How will they feel upon discovering that there are sentient alien races in Andromeda?
Lottie is curious of aliens and other cultures. She loves to learn about other people's perspectives and try and understand their way of life. She is very pro-galactic integration, and wants to take that same approach to any alien races she meets in Andromeda. She believes that we're stronger together than apart.
7 Days: Ryder’s father gave the twins informal N7 training in the past. How did Ryder feel about this (pressured, resentful, grateful, motivated, overworked, excited, etc)? What are their feelings on “N7” as a symbol? How do they relate to it, if at all?
She recognized it as what it was: her dad trying to connect with his kids. It wasn't something she was really interested in, but she wanted to know her dad better and that was a way to do it. N7 never really meant much to her, and it was never something she aspired to, but she recognizes that it means a lot to her father, and that's enough for her.
6 Days: Does your Ryder know your Shepard? What do they think of Shepard? Would they get along? What would Shepard think of Ryder?
Lottie knows of Alexi Shepard, of course. Everyone knows of Shepard, but they've never met. She appreciates what the Commander does for humanity's relationship with the other Council races. I think they'd get along, though. Both are people who put others before themselves, and I think they'd find a lot of common ground there.
5 Days: Out of the squadmates, Tempest crewmembers and other characters shown so far, who do you think Ryder will get along well with? Who do you think they will get along best with? Why?
Lottie and Peebee will bond over the joy of exploration, and she and Suvi over a love of science. I don't think there's anyone she won't get along with. She and Liam will get along best, though. Both are idealists and proud space cowboys, and that along with the bonding power of fighting side by side will make them nearly inseparable.
4 Days: Out of the squadmates, Tempest crewmembers and other characters shown so far, is there anyone you think Ryder won’t gel so greatly with, dislike or otherwise come into conflict with? Why?
She'll probably get along with everyone, as least to be polite to, but she and Cora may butt heads a little. Cora knew Alec better than Lottie every did, and she'll always be a little jealous of that; Lottie ended up in a job that should have been Cora's, though, and that'll she'll always be a little jealous of that. They'll be friends, but I think that wedge will always be between them. She and Drack may have trouble seeing eye to eye, as well, as she prefers diplomacy as the answer and he much prefers to punch his way out of an argument; she'd wholeheartedly trust him at her back, though.
3 Days: Do you plan on romancing anyone with Ryder? If so, who? Why? What qualities would Ryder find attractive in a partner (if applicable)?
Lottie will either romance Liam, Peebee, or Vetra. I love all of them a lot and I don't know who I'll choose until it happens. She'd be very attacted to Vetra's intensity, Peebee's curiosity, and Liam's optimism (and to their faces, because they're all beautiful). I think Liam may end up edging out the ladies and winning Lottie's heart, just because they go through a lot of shit together before they ever meet Vetra and Peebee, and his support and compassion when she needed it most is something she would never forget.
2 Days: Provide a “famous quote” from Ryder that sums them up as a character (like the ones for the squadmates in their official character profiles).
“We're like the Enterprise, Scotty! Boldly going where no one has gone before!” (maybe I'll eventually finish and post the thing I wrote in which she says this lol)
1 Day: Which song/songs would be “theme songs” for Ryder? Are there any symbols you associate with Ryder? If you’ve created a moodboard for them, share it here. If not, what sorts of things would be on their moodboard? Describe their aesthetic. What Hogwarts house would they be sorted into? If you’ve written fanfic involving Ryder already, share it here. [you don’t need to do all of these, they’re merely intended as creative exercises]
“Born for This” - Paramore, “Wherever I Roam” - Metallica. Her aesthetic is cups of coffee and half-built machines, long walks under the stars and notebooks full to bursting and piles of photographs, blue and pink and black. She's probably a Griffindor, maybe a Ravenclaw?
1 Day too long: In Citadel space, AIs are illegal. How does Ryder feel about Artificial Intelligence? Are they wary or afraid, are they pro-AI, do they consider AIs to have personhood, etc? How does Ryder feel about SAM and their constant connection to it? Are they glad for the upgrade, do they find it invasive, have mixed feelings, etc?
She doesn't have a problem with AI. I don't know if she considers them all like people, because there are different levels of AI, but she thinks they have the capacity to become person-like. She loves SAM, she loves its bad attempts at humor and the way it always reminds her to eat and makes sure she doesn't overwork herself.
2 Days too long: How does Ryder feel about being thrust into the role of humanity’s Pathfinder (burdened, honored, rewarded, excited, etc)? Are they confident or unsure about this? How will they cope?
She is terrified, but wouldn't admit it even under torture. Pathfinder isn't a role that was meant for her, not really, and the fact that she's now burdened with the literal survival of the human race, maybe even the whole Initiative, is terrifying. She's her father's daughter, though, and knows that nothing was ever accomplished by giving up, so she does the best she can and trusts in her team and her friends. She's not alone, and that's what really keeps her going.
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jjoohallie-blog · 7 years
What Your Group Says About You:
Winner: You have a playful side. You enjoy silly jokes or pranks like throwing ice water on your friends in the shower.You enjoy the present. There are times when people may think you’re too serious but you really are a fluffy cupcake on a stick. Seventeen: There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for your friends. You take pride in the fact that you have a good grip on life. And by that I mean you are comfortable with who you are. For the most part, you’re the one friend everyone confides in. Good at secret keeping. Pentagon: you’re that friend that is a mom to others but can’t mother yourself. Example: telling your friends what to do when they’re sick or asking them if they took care that important thing they needed to but you can’t keep your room clean and still didn’t finish that assignment due by 11:59pm that night. Not a bad thing. Everyone appreciates you. Monsta X: You are a hard worker. That doesn’t mean you’re not lazy, it means you do your best to be your best. You judge yourself a little to harshly. Sometimes you love to act like a child but want the opportunity to grow up. You also can’t stand to be away from home for too long yet are a wanderlust. You’re a very contradictory person in terms of character. Also, empathetic. Infinite:You can’t ride roller coasters. I don’t know why this is what I thought of but i really really think you’re terrified of roller coasters. Also, in terms of who you are, you’re shy. You don’t like to hurt people’s feelings unless you know them well. But in the case of close friends, you may hurt people’s feelings without really meaning anything by it. You’re a harmless butterfly who can be a bit of a reclusive caterpillar sometimes. U-kiss: You can be very emotional but you are VERY good at hiding it. You’re favorite thing is animals. You are a very inviting person whether you know it or not. You are easy to talk to but take awhile to open up. You’re kind hearted and appreciate the little things. Even soap. Who doesn’t love a good fancy bar of soap? Got7: Listen to me when I say you are EXTRA™. That’s not a bad thing because it can be construed as bad. Embrace it. You love having a good laugh even with the dumbest of things. You love art and have an appreciation for aesthetics. You always try sort your thoughts out before speaking. You can be a little indecisive but only because of all the decisions there are to make. Epik High: you have a lot to think about. You love finding the deeper meaning. It doesn’t matter if a duck is a duck because you want to know why it’s a duck. You see what I mean? You will if you fall in this category. You have an appreciation for all types of music and want something that speaks to you. BTS: what would this kind of post be without bangtan? You ,my friend,(can we be “friends”?)are rebellious in your own little way. Whether it’s sneaking out the house or eating desert before dinner you are bad in the best way possible. You want to explore everything the world has to offer you mentally and physically. You sometimes stop to look at the world and think “damn I get to explore all this”. K.A.R.D: I have a few words for you mi amigo. You are something else. You can’t help but do what you feel is natural. You don’t really care what people think. You say things that others need to think about a few times like “did they really say that? What are they talking about?”.You’re gonna do what makes you the happiest. Also, you seem like the type who’d love to just sit and talk at a diner at 2am with pie. (I’m down btw lol) SF9: You love to make others laugh. You’re sense of humor is classic and timeless. You may talk a lot but it’s because you’re a one man show.You want to try and make others feel very comfortable around you. You want to make sure there is always something fun to be done. You loved arts and crafts as a child probably which is pretty rad. Could you make me a bracelet by chance? Lol jk Solo Artists: You value independence. Not just because you like solo artists but because you appreciate hard work. You love gratification of your own hard work paying off whether it be studying or cleaning or achieving a dream. Also, you may have a lot of bottled emotions that you like to express through the music you listen to. Your more deep/scandalous or even sweet/innocent thoughts can be expressed through these soloists. You love to feel connected to those around you and love to be the one to see the pieces click into place Writer’s note:None of these are meant to hurt ANYONE’s feelings. More groups to be included. NCT UNITS WERE NOT INCLUDED BECAUSE THEY WILL HAVE THEIR OWN POST LATER.If And give me feedback please, it helps me out a lot. As always, Happy Reading™ ~J-joo
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ladystylestores · 4 years
B Michael, Tired of Platitudes – WWD
B Michael has dressed celebrities from Cicely Tyson to Beyoncé to Brandy. He and his business and life partner, Mark-Anthony Edwards, run their luxury fashion business from a base in what used to be Manhattan’s Garment Center, before wanderlust and ever-escalating rents caused the exodus of so many fashion companies from the area. For 21 years, B Michael America has been a custom house, creating made-to-order clothes for a roster of tony clients, most U.S.-based but with a sprinkling of internationals. Now, Michael and Edwards are re-branding their company with an expansion into luxury ready-to-wear. They will employ a direct-to-consumer model, set to launch for fall 2021.
It’s not their first attempt at rtw. Over the years, Michael and Edwards, both of whom are Black, tried numerous times to go the wholesale route, but found they could not make inroads at the traditional bastions of American luxury retail. Meanwhile, an exclusive arrangement with Macy’s for a bridge collection ultimately failed. Throughout these efforts, Michael claimed to WWD, he and Edwards encountered “in-store personalities that were very clear to us were racially biased.” Edwards put it more succinctly, attributing the company’s problems with stores to racial bias, “100 percent.”
Discussing the specifics, the two men described disappointing encounters at what were for ages the cornerstones of flourishing New York-based retail — Bergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdale’s and Macy’s — encounters they discussed in detail.
RELATED STORY: B Michael America’s Founding Partners on Racial Bias at Retail
Yet they noted that retail isn’t fashion’s only seat of bias: They also named WWD and myself, which has made this piece difficult to write. (In other contexts, they referenced other journalists as well.) Our conversations resulted after Michael last month posted to Instagram an item calling me out for WWD’s anniversary book, “WWD 100 Years/100 Designers,” published in 2010. I wrote the foreword and worked with others on the edit (one arduous element of the overall arduous anniversary process).
View this post on Instagram
PLEASE SHARE! Our contributions Matter! No More Platitudes! Women’s Wear Daily (WWD) considered by many the Bible of the fashion and retail industry. Bridget Foley the current executive editor at WWD is considered by @bof one of the people shaping the global fashion industry. In researching Bridget Foley’s book about a century of style, “WWD 100 Years, 100 Designers,” executive editor Bridget Foley included only 1 Black Designer Willi Smith. Black fashion designers began to gain recognition during the late 1940s, even while still segregated within the fashion industry, works by New York-based Zelda Wynn Valdes and Ann Lowe, who created custom-made gowns for society women and celebrities such as Jackie Kennedy. Designers such as Arthur McGee, Wesley Tann, and Jon Weston worked for New York manufacturers before establishing their own businesses. We were compelled as a Black American fashion house to share after seeing this retrospect on a century of style, not seeing the contributions of Black Designers INCLUDED in the book. #blackfashiondesignersmatter @samiranasr @alexvadukul @dhwendygoodman @brookebobb
A post shared by B Michael (@bmichaelamerica) on Jun 8, 2020 at 4:58pm PDT
  After seeing the post, I e-mailed. Edwards responded and the three of us talked twice, at length.
Until recently, Michael has been relatively quiet on what it means to be a Black designer. But not anymore. Now he’s embracing a vocal leadership role in combating racism in the industry. “I’ve realized that I have to step up, that my silence is actually not good and that I have a responsibility,” he said. “I recognize that racism is an issue that is not one that I subscribe to or not one that I create. Therefore, it’s really not my problem. But I have to acknowledge its existence.” 
Perhaps to keep me from feeling too uncomfortable, Michael chose to focus our initial conversation on his retail experience. We discussed the anniversary tome in a follow-up. “The fact that a book titled ‘100 Years/100 Designers’ only had one Black designer, I just found unacceptable as a historical account in terms of the designers who have contributed to the tapestry of  American fashion or fashion,” he said. “I believe the only [Black] designer you included was Willi Smith…and so designers like Ann Lowe — you know who she is — Arthur McGee and others [were excluded]. You even mentioned a couple when we last spoke about this, that could have, from a history point of view, been in the book. I even daresay there are contemporary designers such as myself or such as a Tracy Reese or others. Because you include people like Zac Posen, whom, as an example, I consider [that] we are of the same era. Because of that, I just felt like it was a very biased perspective.”
“A biased perspective” — definitely a look-in-the-mirror moment. Michael was right; Willi Smith is the only Black designer featured in the book. I wish I recalled the process well enough to explain why Stephen Burrows, Scott Barrie and Patrick Kelly weren’t included. I can’t, nor can I defend their omissions. Michael was also correct in noting that the other designers he mentioned weren’t on the radar of those of us who worked on the book. Could one go through, designer by designer, and try to defend the lack of coverage? For example, some did mostly custom work, not WWD’s focus. Sure. Could one argue straight-faced against the premise that through WWD’s first 100 years and beyond, the most celebrated part of the fashion industry — and our coverage of it — was almost exclusively white? No. Nor can I claim that I or anyone else involved in putting the book together ever stopped during the process to say, “Where are the Black designers?” Michael said they just weren’t on our radar. I can’t argue that assessment.
Still, Michael and Edwards didn’t dwell on WWD’s and other media’s slights. Conversely, specific accounts of their retail encounters took up a good deal of time. Michael outright dismissed the contentions by those who worked for Saks, Bergdorf’s and Bloomingdale’s that his clothes were not right for their clients. “The women who buy my clothing, they buy Valentino, they buy Dior, they buy Chanel. I mean, I think those are [the stores’] customers.…They’re loyal, and they buy and wear me publicly…” he said, adding that his clients often accessorize his clothes from those stores. “How is it I’m not a brand that they feel is right for their stores? What about it is ‘not right?’”
The Red Zone: B Michael’s timeless, full-skirted silk-and-cotton dress work with the accessory du jour, a face mask.  Masato Onoda/WWD
Yet there’s far more to the B Michael story than retail rejection. As they focus on their rtw launch, the two men see a potential silver lining to the coronavirus quarantine, during which many consumers, including luxury types, have become more accustomed to online shopping than in the past. Michael’s aesthetic approach will remain the same. “This is the collection that we wanted to be in Saks and in Bergdorf’s a long time ago,” Edwards said.
B Michael America rtw will range from day to high evening, with frequent drops to ensure freshness of the site. While the partners wouldn’t divulge price points, Michael placed the collection as competitive with the major names of luxury: “In this country, you could compare us to Carolina Herrera or Oscar; if it’s a European designer, maybe Valentino…in that price range.” Prices for B Michael America’s custom offerings start at about $3,200 for a simple wool day dress — reasonable, by made-to-order standards — with evening ranging from $6,000 to upward of $20,000.
That collection, launched in 1999, was not Michael’s first fashion venture. He found entrée into the industry as a milliner, a path shared by Coco Chanel and Halston. Michael had been bitten by the fashion bug as a student at the University of Connecticut (he grew up in Durham and West Haven), and so moved on to FIT. There, he studied millinery under Prof. Ann Albrizio, who became his mentor. He was soon working with Oscar de la Renta, who eventually sponsored him for the CFDA, and with Louis Féraud. Michael also caught the attention of Nolan Miller, costumer of television’s legendary “Dynasty.” Miller enlisted Michael to craft the hats that helped define Krystle Carrington and Alexis Carrington Colby as the good diva/bad diva archetypes of Eighties power glam. During that period, Michael was creative director at Aldo Hat Corp., which he eventually left, starting his own millinery business, B Michael New York, in 1989.
Soon thereafter, the famed p.r. doyenne Eleanor Lambert approached Michael about a project. (Lambert, long a fashion institution, founded the CFDA in 1962, and was instrumental in establishing the Coty Awards, forerunner to the CFDA Awards. She died in 2003 at the age of 100.) The project for which she recruited Michael was in collaboration with the Plaza Hotel, then run by Ivana Trump; he was to design Easter hats. He accepted the gig, and recalled it fondly. “What I remember loving about it is that I did a wide-brimmed gold hat that was shown with a Carolyne Roehm [suit]; she did an orange silk shantung suit. I remember that so well. I also did a hat, I think, for the designer John Anthony.” Alas, no pictures exist that he knows of. “Unfortunately, no,” Michael said. “It was before the time we ran around taking pictures all day long.”
Michael remained close to Lambert, who encouraged him to make the crossover to a full fashion collection for fall 1999. He and Edwards launched B Michael America as a custom house, making everything in their atelier. Despite that model, with Lambert’s support and encouragement, Michael immediately started showing at New York Fashion Week, first at the Bryant Park Tents, and then as part of the migration to Lincoln Center. Over the years, he also showed at various other venues, including the New York Public Library, the Museum of Natural History and the Museum of the City of New York, always on the official calendar. 
In the realm of event dressing, Michael’s clothes have made it onto the Oscars stage twice, both in 2019, when Cicely Tyson won an honorary Oscar and Ruth E. Carter won for Best Costume Design for “Black Panther.” Obviously, ladies who know a thing or two about expressing personality through clothes appreciate Michael’s work. Colleen Atwood also wore B Michael America to the Oscars in 2010, when she was nominated for Best Costume Design for “Nine.”
As for the B Michael aesthetic, it’s about round-the-clock polish. “I’m into a very architectural kind of construction,” the designer offered. “I like using lots of seams to create detail. For me, seams and structure would be the detail more so than, say, frills and beadings and things like that. So it is very modern, it’s very timeless.”
The re-brand and the development of a rtw collection will be expensive, and the partners said they have sufficient financing in place. As the company’s majority stakeholders, they are joined by a small circle of angel investors — four women, all of whom were clients first, and one man. Kathryn Chenault, wife of former American Express chief executive officer Kenneth Chenault, their initial angel, helped bring in the others. While all of the investors are Black, Michael and Edwards consider retaining 100 percent Black ownership less important than building a company that will endure.
“What is important for us as a Black designer and brand is that we are able to build a business that will live beyond us,” Michael said. “And so for us to make an absolute statement [insisting on all-Black ownership], and negate that, I think we won’t do.”
High Glam: B Michael’s two-piece evening look in silk-and-wool brocade.  Masato Onoda/WWD
He noted that no fashion house established by a Black designer has survived its founder’s death. “You can still go buy Oscar and…Dior.…They are legendary. They have lived beyond the founding designer. That has not happened yet for a Black designer. I mean, Ann Lowe should be a brand that is viable right now but she isn’t. Patrick Kelly?”
As for whether Michael and Edwards would be open to additional investment now, the ceo responded directly. “All companies are always [looking for investment] as they scale and grow,” Edwards said. “So the answer is yes.”
The vertical, d-t-c structure of the upcoming foray into rtw makes sense in light of the dismal state of traditional retail and because of the unwelcome mat the men maintained major stores laid out for B Michael America over the course of 20 years. The problem, Michael stressed, was never with the consumer. “Ninety percent of my clientele are white,” he said. Rather, “the decision-makers who place those dresses on the rack is where the issues lie, OK?…It’s the decision-makers who decide, ‘Who are the brands we are going to support? Who are the brands that we are going to promote?’ That’s where the problem lies.”
Asked what a retailer would gain from withholding an appropriate collection from the consumer based on the designer’s race, Michael circled back to the WWD anniversary book. “When you did the book, ‘100 Years,’ what was in it for you to not include a Black designer?…The point is it was not on your radar. It’s not the way you think.”
Michael considers luxury a particularly tough arena. “As a Black designer competing with the likes of a Dior or a Valentino or Oscar, where do you put me?” he queried. “I’m not doing streetwear; I’m not doing accessories or things that are cute. I mean, I’m talking the luxury sector. And you and I can agree that there are no Black designer brands in the luxury sector.”
He drew on parallel examples from beyond fashion. “It’s a bigger picture,” he said. “It’s this concept that, as a Black artist, I can sing R&B and I can sing the blues or I can sing gospel, but I can’t sing opera. Or, if I’m a dancer, I can do hip-hop, I can do jazz, but how about ballet? So as a designer, to do a luxury collection is just — ‘What do we do with this guy?’ So I can’t answer your question because it’s not my problem.”
Another devil’s advocate query: In 1999, as B Michael America was launching, fashion —  particularly American fashion — was on the front end of what, with hindsight, seems like an overzealous youth obsession. The industry was enamored with a generation of prodigies (now mostly 40ish, and many struggling) who emerged from fashion schools or other formative cocoons to immediately found their own brands. (Also with hindsight, it was an obsession the WWD book did nothing to temper.) As he was a generation older, could Michael’s age have worked against him?
“Given the fact that I started 20 years ago, I was younger and a new name, and I had an Eleanor Lambert [supporting me] — come on,” Michael answered. He continued that today’s young people frequently stop him in the street, both those who recognize him, and those who don’t, but are struck by his personal style. “So your question, I get it, but I think your question doesn’t apply to me. I don’t think that Bergdorf’s said no to me because they said, “‘Oh, [he’s] not young enough.’ So I don’t think so.”
All of that said, Michael doesn’t think racial bias is the fashion machine’s only systemic negative. He was proud to become a member of the CFDA but ultimately found it wanting as an organization. He converted his membership status to “non-active” because “I felt, and feel, that I have not as a designer, or brand, really benefited.” Even after supporting the 2014 CFDA Awards at the “Patron” level (along with companies including American Express, Condé Nast, Hearst Magazines, Dior, HBC/Saks and Tom Ford), he found that “there was absolutely no benefit to us at all. It was as if we never did it. OK? It was as if we never participated at that level.”
  A Big Sweep: B Michael’s metallic silk brocade coat.  Masato Onoda/WWD
One of Michael’s problems with the CFDA: Anna Wintour’s influence on the organization and the greater industry. “Anna is not a designer, and yet she is part of the decisionmaking process of the CFDA and the sanctioning of who gets in and not and so on and so forth. I mean, I don’t get that,” Michael offered. “The CFDA should be a club for designers, and it should be a place where designers go and where we can meet, etc., etc. And now that is under the influence of the same system. I don’t get it.”
Edwards noted that while social media is helping to diffuse fashion’s power structure a bit, “these are just some of the experiences that we have had leading up to this moment.” He mused that such experiences are even worse for other designers, those with less structure and capital to fall back on. As a result, many “give up and walk away.”
Edwards noted, too, a lack of respect shown to  Michael by retailers during various encounters over the years. “When I [would] sit in meetings and listen to buyers who are transient, who come and go, who [would] sit in front of a veteran designer like B Michael, a CFDA member, his association with Eleanor Lambert, being handpicked by Nolan Miller to work with him and so forth and so on, and Oscar de la Renta, to then be told that ‘You’re not ready’ after decades of work and decades of partnership with the likes of Cicely Tyson and Phylicia Rashad and [others], just on and on and on and being told, ‘You’re not ready…’” he said.
At the same time, literal perceptions of luxury are changing. Alessandro Michele has brought an idiosyncratic oddness to Gucci. At LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, in choosing to fully back a new designer for the first time since Christian Lacroix, Bernard Arnault went not with someone skilled in the art and craft of fashion creation but with one of the most famous and coolest people on the planet, with great style and a zillion followers: Rihanna. More recently, LVMH’s Givenchy replaced a traditional designer, Clare Waight Keller, with Matthew Williams, a guy who made his name on the strength of a polished streetwear sensibility, even if he now deflects that characterization.
“[Those moves] are great in terms of conversation,” Michael said. “I’m all for it because it heightens fashion. But at the core of luxury, where the consumer lives, it’s still going to be about beautiful clothing that resonates for women with luxurious taste. I think that is what’s longstanding, I think that that is what will save the business and what will sustain the business.
“The true brands that have long-term meaning, like Chanel — a Chanel handbag, the original Coco handbag is still worth something,” he continued. “So I think it’s about that kind of luxury that I represent…I still appeal to women who are very modern, women who run businesses and run corporations and run philanthropic organizations. So it’s still about a modern-minded person, but it’s the true core of luxury that will sustain luxury.…At the end of the day, the people who live the lifestyle and have the income to support luxury, they are still looking for true luxury.”
In fact, with all of fashion talking about recalibration and slowing down, Michael said the moment is right for a company like his, with an emphasis on high quality, personal service and really knowing the customer. “The luxury consumer [today] — and even more so now that we are in a new world in real time — is a customer that is much more conscientious, who’s not just buying for the sake of buying because it’s some landmark brand. I think the customer now wants to understand the narrative of a brand. I think the fact that I am authentic and that I am a real heritage brand is what they view now as luxury.”
Central to that heritage is Michael’s role as a Black designer. Asked what the industry can do right now to encourage and support Black-led fashion businesses, he said that editorial support is essential, “in terms of getting our story out and getting our point of view out and our narrative. It’s very important. Because that then gives us the kind of collateral for a retailer to recognize us, and that retailer has to see us and look at our product and understand.”
As for retailers, “there has to be a commitment to say, ‘We’ve got to give you this chance.’ And if you feel like I’m not ready, tell me what I need to be ready, what am I missing? In other words, ‘I want your brand, but this is what I need from you.’ You have to have those kinds of conversations.” Finally, investment capital, “but capital that allows us to keep equity in our businesses.…Capital is everything, and that gives us a seat at the table. I read something the other week where 1 percent of Black businesses receive venture capital. That means it doesn’t even exist. That’s nonexistent.”
Despite what he and Edwards claim have been years of dismissive treatment by the fashion industry, Michael’s spirit is robust. He feels newly invigorated, not only to make a success of the B Michael America business as he and Edwards expand its focus to include luxury rtw, but also to take a leadership role in speaking out against racism within the industry, to inform, enlighten and keep the pressure on.
“We’ve been using the word ‘platitudes,” he said. “A lot of initiatives are taking place…a lot of people are now coming out and saying, ‘We have been wrong, and we have to do things differently.’ I am espousing that; I am embracing that. There is this moment now where we can all, myself included, say, ‘OK, let’s wipe the slate clean,’ so to speak, and, ‘What we can do differently?’ But that’s what exactly has to happen.”
The day after the deaths of legendary civil rights activists Congressman John Lewis and C.T. Vivian, Michael sent me a text. It included a photo of a handwritten note Lewis sent to him in 2000. Under the printed line “Walking With the Wind,” Lewis had written a thank you to Michael for his help on something. He finished the note, “With faith and hope, keep your eyes on the Prize.”
Michael embraces that advice. “’Walking With the Wind…keeping my eyes on the Prize!” his text read. “A cherished lesson!” 
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marymperezga · 6 years
6 Epic Trips To Check Off Your Travel Bucket List—And 5 New Ideas To Add Right Now
What better way to get excited for 2019 than by checking off one of those epic vacation ideas on your travel bucket list? Whether it’s a classic destination, or something off the beaten track to make you the envy of all your Instagram followers, FlipKey has drummed up 11 can’t-miss destinations to throw your wanderlust into high gear!
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6 Classic Travel Bucket List Trips
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3. Unwind in a Balinese Paradise
With its unique culture, stunning scenery, and plethora of activities, it’s no surprise Bali was the top TripAdvisor Traveler’s Choice Destination for 2017. To experience the best of this Indonesian paradise, a modern villa in trendy Seminyak is the perfect base for this bucket list destination!
Where To Stay: Despite its central location, Villa Kailysa offers a relaxing private retreat in the Balinese hotspot. Just minutes from the beach, this beautiful open-concept villa lets guests make the most of Bali’s incredible weather, with a spacious veranda containing its dining, lounge and kitchen, leading to an inviting pool. For adventurous types, this villa is a great base to explore the beaches and nearby rice paddies, or for planning an early morning trek up Mount Batur.
See all our Bali rentals here!
4. Gaze At A Natural Wonder: The Grand Canyon
With its sheer size and majestic beauty, it’s no surprise the Grand Canyon is one of the world’s seven natural wonders. Stay at a cozy vacation rental in nearby national parks to really explore and marvel at the rock formations of this expansive gorge, which date back billions of years!
Where To Stay: Relax at this charming, romantic, and secluded two-bedroom cabin near the Coconino National Forest. Just a few hours from the Northern Rim of the Grand Canyon, it’s the perfect base for day trips to explore the Grand Canyon. After a busy day exploring, head home and relax among nature on the large wraparound terrace and cozy porch swing.
See all our Arizona rentals here!
5. Head on a Wild South African Safari
Always wanted to spot a lion in the wild? What about a rhinoceros? If any of the Big 5 (lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants, and buffalos) are on your bucket list, then pack your bags for a South African safari stay near Kruger National Park!
Where To Stay: This stunning modern 3-bedroom property sits in the heart of South Africa’s wildlife region. With its location on a secure private wildlife estate, you’ll get to know your four-legged neighbors from the expansive terrace, or find yourself sharing the pool with some unexpected furry visitors. Dining and shopping options are only minutes away in nearby Hoedspruit and, of course, don’t miss out on one of Africa’s largest game reserves, Kruger National Park, which is less than an hour away.
See all our South Africa rentals!
6. See An Underwater World: The Great Barrier Reef
There’s no doubt exploring the underwater world is on many bucket lists, but while there’s many places in the world to grab the scuba gear, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is the ultimate destination! Exploring this stunning aquatic wonder with a stay at a vacation home in nearby Port Douglas.
Where To Stay: Base yourself only 300 feet away from the famous Four Mile Beach at this modern 3-bedroom Port Douglas villa. The gated property offers guests plenty of privacy and entertaining options with its outdoor swimming pool, lush gardens, and al fresco dining. Located in a quiet residential area of Port Douglas, this villa is a perfect base for vacationers keen to explore an incredible underwater world at the Great Barrier Reef.
See all our Port Douglas rentals!
5 Fresh Travel Bucket List Ideas To Add
7. Immerse Yourself In Argentina’s Cultural Mecca
Latin passion and classic European glamour converge in electrifying Argentina. With its dual-heritage, the city’s public squares  could easily be mistaken for European piazzas, while its cobblestone streets and vibrant colors ooze Latin charm. Stay near the city’s historical Recoleta Village and watch as the two worlds collide.
Where To Stay: Immerse yourself in Buenos Aires’ rich history with a stay at this stunning 19th century apartment within minutes of Recoleta Village. The 3-bedroom, 4-bathroom property exudes old world charm, with its 15-foot ceilings, exposed beams, and brick walls.
See all our Buenos Aires rentals!
8. Explore Chinese & French Influences In Vietnam
Small, chaotic, yet utterly charming, Hanoi is a full-on sensory experience. The city’s old quarter exudes energy, as mopeds whiz through the narrow roads, street hawkers sell their wares, and crowds spill into the streets. Explore the city’s dynamic fusion of Chinese and French influences, insanely cool local culture, and raw charm from a bright Vietnamese vacation rental.
Where To Stay: This stunning zen apartment offers travelers a quintessential fusion of Vietnam’s Chinese and French influences, with an added modern touch. The one-bedroom rental sits a short walk away from the city’s Old Quarter, making it the perfect retreat from Hanoi’s energy. Soothing whites and neutrals in the apartment complement the greenery and florals throughout, while exposed brick and a heritage clawfoot bathtub add to the magic.
See all our Hanoi rentals!
9. Escape To Fogo Island
Explore nature from one of the world’s four corners. Fogo Island’s intimate and profound entanglement with the sea and forces of nature have helped create the island’s unique culture. From striking landscapes and incredible wildlife, to a much-buzzed about art-scene and delightful gastronomic experiences, a charming rental property along the Atlantic is a great way to see why this small island draws visitors worldwide to its shores.
Where To Stay: Enjoy Fogo Island from this charming colorful Newfie cottage perched along the Atlantic Ocean. Hike along the nearby towering cliffs, watching majestic whales swim along the shores below. If you’re spent after a busy day exploring this historical island, cozy up in front of the cottage’s large picture windows and watch as icebergs float by your living room window.
See all our Fogo Island rentals!
10. Eat Your Way Through Japan’s Foodie City: Osaka
From sushi, to yakitori and Okonomiyaki—arguably the region’s most famous export—Japan’s second largest city offers an unparalleled culinary experience making it a must-visit bucket list destination for any foodie! Base yourself in a comfortable Osaka rental to eat your way through this culinary region.
Where To Stay: Live like the Japanese in a traditionally styled apartment. Neutral colors and minimalist aesthetic adorn the apartment, creating a spacious feel. Located near the historical Osaka Castle, this property boasts wonderful Japanese features, like calligraphy on the walls, a traditional Japanese dining table, as well as Japanese double futons, sleeping up to eight people.
See all our Osaka rentals!
11. Combine Culture & Beaches in the Indian Ocean
If you can’t decide between stunning coastlines and UNESCO World Heritage Sites, why not combine the two and tick Zanzibar off your bucket list? Stay at your own stunning beachside villa to explore the island archipelago’s miles of unspoiled beaches, impressive cultural mélange, awe-inspiring architecture, and delectable aromas.
Where To Stay: Located on the opposite side of the island from bustling and historical Stone Town—yet still within an hour’s drive—this gorgeous private villa puts the warm waters of the Indian Ocean right at your doorstep. This fantastic coastal property features two masters, each with its own en-suite. Both bedrooms have balconies leading to the terrace, with incredible 180-degree views of the beach. The property also boasts an infinity pool, perfect for a night swim.
See all our Zanzibar rentals!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor Rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post 6 Epic Trips To Check Off Your Travel Bucket List—And 5 New Ideas To Add Right Now appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2018/12/12/travel-bucket-list-trip-ideas-vacations/
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kevingbakeruk · 6 years
6 Epic Trips To Check Off Your Travel Bucket List—And 5 New Ideas To Add Right Now
What better way to get excited for 2019 than by checking off one of those epic vacation ideas on your travel bucket list? Whether it’s a classic destination, or something off the beaten track to make you the envy of all your Instagram followers, FlipKey has drummed up 11 can’t-miss destinations to throw your wanderlust into high gear!
From classic bucket list trips like catching the Northern Lights in Iceland or swimming along the Great Barrier Reef, to new experiences like eating your way through Japan’s culinary hotspot and whale-watching on the edge of the world, FlipKey has incredible rental properties that’ll be the perfect base for your bucket list vacation, without breaking the bank! 
6 Classic Travel Bucket List Trips
1. Witness the Northern Lights in Iceland or Norway
The Northern Lights are on many travelers’ bucket lists and during the winter months, from Norway to Iceland, there are many incredible destinations to catch the Aurora’s mesmerizing colors.
Where To Stay: Explore Iceland’s raw beauty with a stay at this charming 3-bedroom cottage. Its remote location, with views of the ocean and mountains, is perfect for spotting the elusive Auroras.
See all our Iceland rentals here!
Where To Stay: For equally spectacular views, this coastal 5-bedroom lodge in Norway’s Lofoten Islands offers the best of both worlds with a completely modern interior, while its picture windows are perfect for cozying up to watch the spectacular light shows at night.
See all our Norway rentals here!
2. Walk Along the Great Wall of China
Walk along one of the world’s most impressive architectural feats—the Great Wall of China. Located just outside Beijing, stay at modern apartment in the city for a dose of excitement from the Chinese cultural capital and a day trip to this impressive UNESCO World Heritage site dating back to the 7th century.
Where To Stay: Enjoy the historical Chinese capital from your own private apartment near the Old City’s east gate. For as little as $21 per person, per night, this modern 1-bedroom apartment, which sleeps three, has easy access to the metropolis’ many sights and is a perfect base for your trip to the Great Wall nearby.
See all our Beijing rentals here!
3. Unwind in a Balinese Paradise
With its unique culture, stunning scenery, and plethora of activities, it’s no surprise Bali was the top TripAdvisor Traveler’s Choice Destination for 2017. To experience the best of this Indonesian paradise, a modern villa in trendy Seminyak is the perfect base for this bucket list destination!
Where To Stay: Despite its central location, Villa Kailysa offers a relaxing private retreat in the Balinese hotspot. Just minutes from the beach, this beautiful open-concept villa lets guests make the most of Bali’s incredible weather, with a spacious veranda containing its dining, lounge and kitchen, leading to an inviting pool. For adventurous types, this villa is a great base to explore the beaches and nearby rice paddies, or for planning an early morning trek up Mount Batur.
See all our Bali rentals here!
4. Gaze At A Natural Wonder: The Grand Canyon
With its sheer size and majestic beauty, it’s no surprise the Grand Canyon is one of the world’s seven natural wonders. Stay at a cozy vacation rental in nearby national parks to really explore and marvel at the rock formations of this expansive gorge, which date back billions of years!
Where To Stay: Relax at this charming, romantic, and secluded two-bedroom cabin near the Coconino National Forest. Just a few hours from the Northern Rim of the Grand Canyon, it’s the perfect base for day trips to explore the Grand Canyon. After a busy day exploring, head home and relax among nature on the large wraparound terrace and cozy porch swing.
See all our Arizona rentals here!
5. Head on a Wild South African Safari
Always wanted to spot a lion in the wild? What about a rhinoceros? If any of the Big 5 (lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants, and buffalos) are on your bucket list, then pack your bags for a South African safari stay near Kruger National Park!
Where To Stay: This stunning modern 3-bedroom property sits in the heart of South Africa’s wildlife region. With its location on a secure private wildlife estate, you’ll get to know your four-legged neighbors from the expansive terrace, or find yourself sharing the pool with some unexpected furry visitors. Dining and shopping options are only minutes away in nearby Hoedspruit and, of course, don’t miss out on one of Africa’s largest game reserves, Kruger National Park, which is less than an hour away.
See all our South Africa rentals!
6. See An Underwater World: The Great Barrier Reef
There’s no doubt exploring the underwater world is on many bucket lists, but while there’s many places in the world to grab the scuba gear, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is the ultimate destination! Exploring this stunning aquatic wonder with a stay at a vacation home in nearby Port Douglas.
Where To Stay: Base yourself only 300 feet away from the famous Four Mile Beach at this modern 3-bedroom Port Douglas villa. The gated property offers guests plenty of privacy and entertaining options with its outdoor swimming pool, lush gardens, and al fresco dining. Located in a quiet residential area of Port Douglas, this villa is a perfect base for vacationers keen to explore an incredible underwater world at the Great Barrier Reef.
See all our Port Douglas rentals!
5 Fresh Travel Bucket List Ideas To Add
7. Immerse Yourself In Argentina’s Cultural Mecca
Latin passion and classic European glamour converge in electrifying Argentina. With its dual-heritage, the city’s public squares  could easily be mistaken for European piazzas, while its cobblestone streets and vibrant colors ooze Latin charm. Stay near the city’s historical Recoleta Village and watch as the two worlds collide.
Where To Stay: Immerse yourself in Buenos Aires’ rich history with a stay at this stunning 19th century apartment within minutes of Recoleta Village. The 3-bedroom, 4-bathroom property exudes old world charm, with its 15-foot ceilings, exposed beams, and brick walls.
See all our Buenos Aires rentals!
8. Explore Chinese & French Influences In Vietnam
Small, chaotic, yet utterly charming, Hanoi is a full-on sensory experience. The city’s old quarter exudes energy, as mopeds whiz through the narrow roads, street hawkers sell their wares, and crowds spill into the streets. Explore the city’s dynamic fusion of Chinese and French influences, insanely cool local culture, and raw charm from a bright Vietnamese vacation rental.
Where To Stay: This stunning zen apartment offers travelers a quintessential fusion of Vietnam’s Chinese and French influences, with an added modern touch. The one-bedroom rental sits a short walk away from the city’s Old Quarter, making it the perfect retreat from Hanoi’s energy. Soothing whites and neutrals in the apartment complement the greenery and florals throughout, while exposed brick and a heritage clawfoot bathtub add to the magic.
See all our Hanoi rentals!
9. Escape To Fogo Island
Explore nature from one of the world’s four corners. Fogo Island’s intimate and profound entanglement with the sea and forces of nature have helped create the island’s unique culture. From striking landscapes and incredible wildlife, to a much-buzzed about art-scene and delightful gastronomic experiences, a charming rental property along the Atlantic is a great way to see why this small island draws visitors worldwide to its shores.
Where To Stay: Enjoy Fogo Island from this charming colorful Newfie cottage perched along the Atlantic Ocean. Hike along the nearby towering cliffs, watching majestic whales swim along the shores below. If you’re spent after a busy day exploring this historical island, cozy up in front of the cottage’s large picture windows and watch as icebergs float by your living room window.
See all our Fogo Island rentals!
10. Eat Your Way Through Japan’s Foodie City: Osaka
From sushi, to yakitori and Okonomiyaki—arguably the region’s most famous export—Japan’s second largest city offers an unparalleled culinary experience making it a must-visit bucket list destination for any foodie! Base yourself in a comfortable Osaka rental to eat your way through this culinary region.
Where To Stay: Live like the Japanese in a traditionally styled apartment. Neutral colors and minimalist aesthetic adorn the apartment, creating a spacious feel. Located near the historical Osaka Castle, this property boasts wonderful Japanese features, like calligraphy on the walls, a traditional Japanese dining table, as well as Japanese double futons, sleeping up to eight people.
See all our Osaka rentals!
11. Combine Culture & Beaches in the Indian Ocean
If you can’t decide between stunning coastlines and UNESCO World Heritage Sites, why not combine the two and tick Zanzibar off your bucket list? Stay at your own stunning beachside villa to explore the island archipelago’s miles of unspoiled beaches, impressive cultural mélange, awe-inspiring architecture, and delectable aromas.
Where To Stay: Located on the opposite side of the island from bustling and historical Stone Town—yet still within an hour’s drive—this gorgeous private villa puts the warm waters of the Indian Ocean right at your doorstep. This fantastic coastal property features two masters, each with its own en-suite. Both bedrooms have balconies leading to the terrace, with incredible 180-degree views of the beach. The property also boasts an infinity pool, perfect for a night swim.
See all our Zanzibar rentals!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor Rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post 6 Epic Trips To Check Off Your Travel Bucket List—And 5 New Ideas To Add Right Now appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2018/12/12/travel-bucket-list-trip-ideas-vacations/
0 notes
cynthiabryanuk · 6 years
6 Epic Trips To Check Off Your Travel Bucket List—And 5 New Ideas To Add Right Now
What better way to get excited for 2018 than by checking off one of those epic holiday ideas on your travel bucket list? Whether it’s a classic destination, or something off the beaten track to make you the envy of all your Instagram followers, Holiday Lettings has drummed up 11 can’t-miss destinations to throw your wanderlust into high gear!
From classic bucket list trips like catching the Northern Lights in Iceland or swimming along the Great Barrier Reef, to new experiences like eating your way through Japan’s culinary hotspots and whale-watching on the edge of the world, Holiday Lettings has incredible rental properties that’ll be the perfect base for your bucket list holiday, without breaking the bank! 
6 Classic Travel Bucket List Trips
1. Witness the Northern Lights in Iceland or Norway
The Northern Lights are on many travellers’ bucket lists and during the winter months, from Norway to Iceland, there are many incredible destinations to catch the Aurora’s mesmerising colors.
Where To Stay: Explore Iceland’s raw beauty with a stay at this charming 3-bedroom cottage. Its remote location, with views of the ocean and mountains, is perfect for spotting the elusive Auroras.
See all our Iceland rentals here!
Where To Stay: For equally spectacular views, this coastal 5-bedroom lodge in Norway’s Lofoten Islands offers the best of both worlds with a completely modern interior, while its picture windows are perfect for cosying up to watch the spectacular light shows at night.
See all our Norway rentals here!
2. Walk Along the Great Wall of China
Walk along one of the world’s most impressive architectural feats—the Great Wall of China. Located just outside Beijing, stay at modern apartment in the city for a dose of excitement from the Chinese cultural capital and a day trip to this impressive UNESCO World Heritage site dating back to the 7th century.
Where To Stay: Enjoy the historical Chinese capital from your own private apartment near the Old City’s east gate. For as little as $21 per person, per night, this modern 1-bedroom apartment, which sleeps three, has easy access to the metropolis’ many sights and is a perfect base for your trip to the Great Wall nearby.
See all our Beijing rentals here!
3. Unwind in a Balinese Paradise
With its unique culture, stunning scenery, and plethora of activities, it’s no surprise Bali was the top TripAdvisor Traveller’s Choice Destination for 2017. To experience the best of this Indonesian paradise, a modern villa in trendy Seminyak is the perfect base for this bucket list destination!
Where To Stay: Despite its central location, Villa Kailysa offers a relaxing private retreat in the Balinese hotspot. Just minutes from the beach, this beautiful open-concept villa lets guests make the most of Bali’s incredible weather, with a spacious veranda containing its dining, lounge and kitchen, leading to an inviting pool. For adventurous types, this villa is a great base to explore the beaches and nearby rice paddies, or for planning an early morning trek up Mount Batur.
See all our Bali rentals here!
4. Gaze At A Natural Wonder: The Grand Canyon
With its sheer size and majestic beauty, it’s no surprise the Grand Canyon is one of the world’s seven natural wonders. Stay at a cosy vacation rental in nearby national parks to really explore and marvel at the rock formations of this expansive gorge, which date back billions of years!
Where To Stay: Relax at this charming, romantic, and secluded three-bedroom cabin near the Coconino National Forest. Just a few hours from the Northern Rim of the Grand Canyon, it’s the perfect base for day trips to explore the Grand Canyon. After a busy day exploring, head home and relax among nature on the large wraparound terrace and cosy porch swing.
See all our Arizona rentals here!
5. Head on a Wild South African Safari
Always wanted to spot a lion in the wild? What about a rhinoceros? If any of the Big 5 (lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants, and buffalos) are on your bucket list, then pack your bags for a South African safari stay near Kruger National Park!
Where To Stay: This stunning modern 3-bedroom property sits in the heart of South Africa’s wildlife region. With its location on a secure private wildlife estate, you’ll get to know your four-legged neighbors from the expansive terrace, or find yourself sharing the pool with some unexpected furry visitors. Dining and shopping options are only minutes away in nearby Hoedspruit and, of course, don’t miss out on one of Africa’s largest game reserves, Kruger National Park, which is less than an hour away.
See all our South Africa rentals!
6. See An Underwater World: The Great Barrier Reef
There’s no doubt exploring the underwater world is on many bucket lists, but while there’s many places in the world to grab the scuba gear, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is the ultimate destination! Exploring this stunning aquatic wonder with a stay at a holiday rental in nearby Port Douglas.
Where To Stay: Base yourself by the famous Four Mile Beach at this modern 3-bedroom Port Douglas villa. The property offers guests plenty of privacy and entertaining options with its outdoor swimming pool, lush gardens, and al fresco dining. Located in a quiet residential area of Port Douglas, this villa is a perfect base for vacationers keen to explore an incredible underwater world at the Great Barrier Reef.
See all our Port Douglas rentals!
5 Fresh Travel Bucket List Ideas To Add
7. Immerse Yourself In Argentina’s Cultural Mecca
Latin passion and classic European glamour converge in electrifying Argentina. With its dual-heritage, the city’s public squares  could easily be mistaken for European piazzas, while its cobblestone streets and vibrant colors ooze Latin charm. Stay near the city’s historical Recoleta Village and watch as the two worlds collide.
Where To Stay: Immerse yourself in Buenos Aires’ rich history with a stay at this stunning 19th century apartment within minutes of Recoleta Village. The 3-bedroom, 4-bathroom property exudes old world charm, with its 15-foot ceilings, exposed beams, and brick walls.
See all our Buenos Aires rentals!
8. Explore Chinese & French Influences In Vietnam
Small, chaotic, yet utterly charming, Hanoi is a full-on sensory experience. The city’s old quarter exudes energy, as mopeds whiz through the narrow roads, street hawkers sell their wares, and crowds spill into the streets. Explore the city’s dynamic fusion of Chinese and French influences, insanely cool local culture, and raw charm from a bright Vietnamese holiday rental.
Where To Stay: This stunning zen apartment offers holidaymakers a quintessential fusion of Vietnam’s Chinese and French influences, with an added modern touch. The one-bedroom rental sits a short walk away from the city’s Old Quarter, making it the perfect retreat from Hanoi’s energy. Soothing whites and neutrals in the apartment complement the greenery and florals throughout, while exposed brick and a heritage clawfoot bathtub add to the magic.
See all our Hanoi rentals!
9. Escape To Fogo Island
Explore nature from one of the world’s four corners. Fogo Island’s intimate and profound entanglement with the sea and forces of nature have helped create the island’s unique culture. From striking landscapes and incredible wildlife, to a much-buzzed about art-scene and delightful gastronomic experiences, a charming rental property along the Atlantic is a great way to see why this small island draws visitors worldwide to its shores.
Where To Stay: Enjoy Fogo Island from this charming colorful Newfie cottage perched along the Atlantic Ocean. Hike along the nearby towering cliffs, watching majestic whales swim along the shores below. If you’re spent after a busy day exploring this historical island, cosy up in front of the cottage’s large picture windows and watch as icebergs float by your living room window.
See all our Fogo Island rentals!
10. Eat Your Way Through Japan’s Foodie City: Osaka
From sushi, to yakitori and Okonomiyaki—arguably the region’s most famous export—Japan’s second largest city offers an unparalleled culinary experience making it a must-visit bucket list destination for any foodie! Base yourself in a comfortable Osaka rental to eat your way through this culinary region.
Where To Stay: Live like the Japanese in a traditionally styled apartment. Neutral colours and minimalist aesthetic adorn the apartment, creating a spacious feel. Located near the historical Osaka Castle, this property boasts wonderful Japanese features, like calligraphy on the walls, a traditional Japanese dining table, as well as Japanese double futons, sleeping up to eight people.
See all our Osaka rentals!
11. Combine Culture & Beaches in the Indian Ocean
If you can’t decide between stunning coastlines and UNESCO World Heritage Sites, why not combine the two and tick Zanzibar off your bucket list? Stay at your own stunning beachside villa to explore the island archipelago’s miles of unspoiled beaches, impressive cultural mélange, awe-inspiring architecture, and delectable aromas.
Where To Stay: Located on the opposite side of the island from bustling and historical Stone Town—yet still within an hour’s drive—this gorgeous private villa puts the warm waters of the Indian Ocean right at your doorstep. This fantastic coastal property features two masters, each with its own en-suite. Both bedrooms have balconies leading to the terrace, with incredible 180-degree views of the beach. The property also boasts an infinity pool, perfect for a night swim. 
See all our Zanzibar rentals!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor Rentals blog. Holiday Lettings is a TripAdvisor company.
The post 6 Epic Trips To Check Off Your Travel Bucket List—And 5 New Ideas To Add Right Now appeared first on Holiday Lettings Blog.
from News And Tips For Traveling https://blog.holidaylettings.co.uk/6-epic-trips-check-off-travel-bucket-list-5-new-ideas-add-right-now/
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