#she and i had a completely different experience just on account of her being white
shalegas34 · 2 months
sigh, as much as i dislike jenny tian’s comedy (a lot of her humour falls flat and she comes across as kinda inauthetic) i will fight to the death against the racists that crop up like weeds on all her videos
some examples:
• (that accent) isn’t hot on asians • voice doesn’t match the face • i love (that accent) on a pretty asian babe 😍😍
yeah all of these are racist, and if you don’t agree you can kindly go fuck yourself <3
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Am i the A-hole for trying to protect a women focused space?
I'm the mod from the super one sided retelling of the "Refusing to change OC's sexuality to bi/pan" situation. Shin (the person who wrote that post) know i don't use tumblr so of course he bring the drama here so that people would judge "Laura" and me without knowing the full truth. Thankfully, a dear friend of mine who followed this blog told me about this and was kind enough to allowed me to send this ask using her account.
First of all, it's pretty clear that Shin is lying about his identity. Shin said he is a trans man but he admitted that he don't want to transition beside wanting flat chest. Shin also said that he is south east asian but his display name and his OC's name are all japanese, which is a huge sign of white weeb fetishizing japanese culture. The fact that his english and understanding of slangs is way too good to be south east asian.
Secondly, Shin joining this server knowing that 90% of the members are yumejoshi, he should be grateful of the fact that we even allowed those yaoi characters invading what basically a space for women. I know we advertised the RP as a non-shipping focus death game story but you should have read the room and know what type of people this space is catering to and not bring your gay character in if you didn't want him to be shipped with women.
Thirdly, if Shin was uncomfortable then he should have made it clear from the start instead of letting "Laura"s character flirting with his, like having him respond rudely or out right rejecting her or something. Shin said he is having undiagnosed autism in his bio then he should have understand how it feel when people don't state what they mean clearly. His OC still being nice to "Laura"'s OC even if he didn't like the flirting, of course she would misunderstand that his OC developed romantic feeling for her OC.
Fourthly, Shin said before that he didn't count alternate timeline versions of a character from a visual novel he likes the same as the original timeline version because of their different life experiences then why can't he do the same to his OC? Why can't he just agree to let "Laura" make an alternate version of his character if in his logic they are completely different people? Hypocrite much?
And finally, "Laura" was very upset about this and it took her a while to move on, she could have hurt herself back then because of you. Also, we had to revised our server's rules and banned all the non-yumejoshies, which cut several RPs short.
So who is really the A-hole here?
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randomsillyfangirl · 11 months
Actress - Pablo Gavi x Reader
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If alot of people like this- I'll write a part two with the exs reaction <3
Background: You, Y/N L/N, had broken up with your controlling and manipulative boyfriend, (ex boyfriend) who was one of the most successful male singers of Spain. While you were the youngest most successful actress of Spain. You were never seen in public without your boyfriend before you two split up. Why? He didn't like people seeing you, he accepted it in film buy couldn't when the paparazzi was involved.
When you broke up with (ex boyfriend), you decided to go out with your friends. Multiple different friends, each time multiple photos were taken of you. It actually wasn't bad, even when there was s crowed around you- you always felt as if you missed this experience of being famous plus you liked the attention.
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Images were posted all over social media, on every news company, every tiktok and Instagram post from Spain seemed to be about you. Multiple of your friends reposted the pictures with you onto their accounts. ( sorry if you don't like the celebrities I'm using, you can use your imagination lol. And ik all these celebrities aren't Spanish or in Spain, but it's a fan fiction so 🤷‍♀️ ignore the like numbers, I literally just smashed my keyboard lol)
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And a certain football player, you had a secret crush on saw all the posts, and smiled when he heard you might be single. Who's that football player? Pablo Gavi of Barça <3
" y/n l/n!! What's your relationship status? " one reporter asked while you were out with (your favorite celebrity). You smiled and faced the reporter, " single. Me and (ex boyfriend) broke up last week, now I'm just hanging out with friends." you said and then walked away with your friends, smiling and giggling.
Meanwhile, the Barça players were finishing training and Pablo heard the interview and smiled. Pedri noticed and said, " is it about y/n? We all know you have a crush on her. " and the rest of Barça laughed. Gavi scoffed, " she's single. What do you think I should do? " . His teammates all explained how he should shoot his shot- the worse that'll happen id simple rejection. But how..?
You kept on going out. Breakfast with (celeb), lunch with (celeb), dinner with (celeb), drinks with (celeb). You were finally having fun with friends. One of your friends, (celeb), told you about the young famous people of Spain party and you obviously wanted to go.
Pablo, also got invited to this party and was getting ready for the party. And you were also getting dressed. This wasn't a fancy party, a club type party. You were wearing a red dress with some accessories and Pablo was wearing a white shirt with black cover and pants (see pictures below).
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You came in with one of your friends and you immediately saw Pablo. Secretly, he'd always been your celebrity crush- even when you were with (ex boyfriend). You went up to him and sat next to him by the bar. He was stunned to see you, and honestly you were stunned with your actions.
" So, what's it like being a footballer? " you asked him. Pablo coughed, clearing his throat, " tiring sometimes, but overall fun." he said chuckling. You smiled and nodded, " you here alone? " you asked him and he noded, " lost my friend." he answered and you smiled, " I don't know where (your friend) is.. " you said laughing abit.
The two of you chatted, completely forgetting about your ex. You and Pablo even exchanged numbers. " wanna go get something to eat? This party is boring." Pablo suggested and you nodded. The pair of you went to the door and went to find a restaurant. The two of you were talking, about anything. Football , acting, aliens, music; anything.
The two of you ended up in some random pizza restaurant and shared a pizza together. Pablo and you were really getting along and Pablo tried to hold your hand, you let him smiling. You were brushing, for being such a confident actor, you were really shy naturally.
Pablo noticed and smiling, " this ok? "He asked and you nodded smiling. " it's ok, yeah." you responded, making him smile more.
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tavyliasin · 4 months
Tricks and Treats in the House of Hope - An ATG Side Story, Halloween Special
Haarlep hosts a party with a number of surprises...
Pairing: Astarion/Halsin/Tav/Haarlep/Raphael SPICE Rating: 6/5 Content Warnings: Sex, Bondage, Double Penetration, Oral Sex, Biting, Blood, Vampire Bite, Aphrodisiac (consenting), Costumes, Brat Taming, Orgy,  Collar/Mild Pet Play,   
Spoilers Act 3 House of Hope (Mild) Canon Compliance Not in the slightest this was purely for fun. Other Notes What was meant to be a short Halloween special turned into 5k words of a very hot orgy scene which I had far too much fun with! Mood/Music The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience, ORION, Linda XO "Orgiastic dances, Nymphs in trances, Yeah, we'll be the envy of the gods above. I'm feeling devious You're looking glamorous Let's get mischievious And polyamorous Wine and women and wonderful vices Welcome to the cult of Dionysus"
Raphael moaned beneath the white sheet. By all accounts this was completely ridiculous, it barely even counted as a costume, but Haarlep had insisted ...
He had been made to keep his human form, brown eyes just visible through the roughly cut holes in the white cotton, the hint of his expression somewhere caught between pleading and anger. "You're not even-" he shuddered, keeping a tenuous hold on his composure, "in a costume, Harlot. "
"Of course I am, Archduke , do I usually carry a pitchfork?"  The incubus let a sinister grin form upon their lips, with a hint of sharp teeth. They were in their usual harness, which had been embellished with a few ribbons and charms to count as being different . Their tail flickered swiftly, striking the "ghost" on the behind. "Good," they drawled seductively, "do keep *moaning* like that and I might give you a treat when we're home."
Beneath the "outfit" that covered him, Raphael was, of course, entirely naked. Well, except for the cruelly twisted ropes, and the various little devices that Haarlep had attached. The incubus made a slight motion with their hand and the intensity of the toy increased, drawing a prolonged groan from deep within the cambion.
"Oh this is such fun~ We should do this far more often." Haarlep grinned wickedly, tying the ornate masquerade mask over their face before pushing open the door to the ballroom. "Now, shall we have you greet your guests?" ---
“This isn’t…do we have to?” Tav looked over her shoulder, the muscular elf holding the other end of the chain attached to her collar. It was very…secure.
“You wished to attend the party, my heart, don’t you think you should dress the part?” He tugged the chain slightly, just enough so she could feel the pressure on her throat. “It’s not like I have a particularly comfortable outfit either, though. I would question Astarion’s taste, but he made quite the offer.” He pulled the chain wrapped around his other chain, earning a small moan from Tav’s left.
“Well,” the pale elf just about choked out, “perhaps I’m having some second thoughts about that.”
The three of them were making their way out to the House of Hope, the invitation was one they couldn’t really refuse. Halsin was dressed head to toe in fine silks, a gold edged mask secured over his eyes and forehead, adorned with sparkling jewels and feathers. The fine cloth was struggling to contain his large form, and he was clearly railing against the ruffled collar at his neck every time he moved. He channeled his irritation towards his partners, however, and had to cast mending on his lower clothing all too often as their reactions continued to rile him up.
Astarion was dressed like a cat, tail protruding from a hole in some rather short and tight leather leggings, leaving most of his legs exposed to the cool breeze. His upper body was still permitted a silk shirt, to cover his back, but the front was left far more open than usual. A little…overexcitement had torn it open when getting dressed, the slight mark of a bear claw on his chest. His collar, a little joke from the druid, read “Meowstarion”.
Tav, on the other hand, was dressed in what might have been called servant’s attire, if said servant worked exclusively for Haarlep. She was almost certain that this was who had sent the outfits for her and the vampire beside her. The collar was sturdy but covered in frills, her top revealing her entire bosom and a hint of the leather straps of the harness underneath. She fussed with the hem of her skirt, desperately wishing for it to at least reach the top of the stockings that rose up to her mid thigh.
“Oakfather preserve me, my heart, I believe I made myself clear already.” Halsin yanked her back to him, wrapping his arm around her throat and growling dangerously in her ear. “Your outfit will remain as it is. I want to feast upon you with my eyes, and if you are very lucky…” He left the sentence unfinished, instead running his tongue along the edge of her ear. “Now, behave. ”
Tav whimpered, the heat rising within her to an unbearable degree as she felt the druid’s outfit straining once more with the effort of keeping his excitement contained. She couldn’t resist the temptation. She rose up on her toes and rolled her hips to grind against him, relishing the gasp of heated breath against the back of her neck.
“Do not tempt me.” He warned, suddenly pushing her forwards again. “We do not want to be late.”
Haarlep grinned as they looked around at their soiree. It was hellishly divine, they had truly outdone themselves this year with the gifts they had sent out. Even the gith and the half elf were dancing together seductively, neither of their outfits leaving much to the imagination. When the doors opened next, they felt the frustration rise from the cambion “ghost” next to them. They manipulated their little toys again, pinching just a bit harder… “Did you have to invite all of them?” Raphael snarled through gritted teeth.
“Was I meant to leave your favourite client at home? Take a good look at her, Archduke , don’t you want to greet her?” Haarlep’s tail slid up the cambion’s leg, lighting up his nerves with fresh desires. “I can’t have them-” he gasped, the tip of Haarlep’s tail now threatening to join the toy that already filled him, “seeing me like this!” The incubus leaned in close to where his ear should be beneath the white sheet. “But they can’t see a single thing, not with this sheet here. Just keep up your ghostly moans, it’s very in character~” They laughed, an edge of cruelty in their voice as they withdrew their tail once more. The little whine of disappointment was the cherry on top of the delicious treat they were savouring. ---
“Is Haarlep even trying? I thought they’d come up with something inventive… And…Good gods is that Raphael in a sheet?!” Astarion could barely hold back the laugh, stopped only by Halsin looping a finger through his collar and growling in his ear. “We are guests here, Astarion, so remember to be a good pet or you will be taken out into the alley.” He punctuated the threat with a hand at the base of the “tail”, giving it just a little push and drinking in the moan like wine. Astarion didn’t seem to baulk at the threat in the slightest. Instead he leaned back, seductively reclining against the druid’s broad chest and tilting his head back to nibble along the edge of Halsin’s jaw. “If you want to take me outside, darling, all you need do is ask. I can think of plenty that we can do in a nice quiet spot-” “Control yourself,” Halsin groaned, finding it ever more difficult to follow his own order, “or you will be spending the night alone.” He gave the other man a short shove, quickly casting Mending on straining seams once again.
Tav felt a little jealous, or she did until Astarion collided with her back. His theatrical act of holding on to her to steady himself was fooling nobody, least of all Tav, but she let him anyway. She ached for the touch, and the firm grip on soft curves was almost as arousing as the whisper against her neck. “Keep riling him up, darling, and we will have quite the evening ahead of us. I do hope you weren’t planning on sleeping tonight. Or doing anything tomorrow.” He chuckled, taking just the smallest bite just beneath where her dress exposed her shoulder, quickly covering it up again to hide it from their lover. The incubus approached them, a swagger in their step and a grin on their face a mile wide. “I’m so very glad you could all make it, and don’t you look delicious ~” They were assessing each of the three in turn, sampling the flavours of arousal that were emanating from them even at several paces distance. “There will be time for the grand tour later, but perhaps you should get something to drink first? You do look so terribly thirsty.” Their look was more pointed than the claws they gestured with, a table laden with fine glasses waiting to be taken. Astarion gave the fare a sideways glance, before looking back at Haarlep. “That’s not some kind of rotten trickery again is it? I am dying - again - for a good wine right now.” Haarlep summoned a servant, ironically wearing more than the outfit that was barely covering Tav, who brought a tray of drinks across to them. “No devil trickery here, you are all more than valued guests tonight.” They took a glass and passed it to the almost silent spirit beside them. “Here, even your most gracious host will take a drink, right in front of you.” “Wait,” Tav butted in, calculating several different equations in her head to find the angle they were taking here. “I’ll choose the glass he drinks from, that way we know you haven’t planted one safe one amongst the others.” “Feeling bold today, are we?~” Haarlep crooned, laughing at the audacity of their guests. “That’s fine by me, each of these are the same. Although having you choose the Archduke’s fate, what an interesting thought.” Unseen behind cloth, they upped their wicked game again, giving a brief moment of further stimulation to the cambion. Raphael struggled to prevent his legs from quivering. If it weren’t for the tight ring at his base, the cotton sheet would need to be replaced already. He looked towards Haarlep, eyes almost watering. “The sheet.” He tried to keep the tough edge in his voice. “The costume ,” Haarlep corrected, “of course, I forgot to leave a hole for your mouth. How careless.” They pressed the fabric to the skin of his face and neck, one clawed hand gripping his chin and pulling the cotton tighter. Their other hand traced a lazy line to find the edge of his lips. “Ah, here you are.”
Raphael silently cursed under his breath as the incubus did exactly what they wanted, like they always did. Their claw cut a slit in the cotton in a smooth little line, just enough pressure to drag across his lip but not quite enough to draw blood. They brought their face closer, gazing deep into his eyes like a twisted mirror of all his darkest desire. He could smell the hot cinnamon and perfume, the soap he had massaged into their hair just hours earlier… When those infernal lips came just close enough to his own to feel the heat, yet still denying him the slightest physical touch, he nearly broke his veneer of calm to take the kiss he craved. Haarlep drew back, very satisfied with the helpless look in the eyes of the so-called “Master of the House”, lifting the glass to the newly torn hole. “Drink up, Archduke , taste the fruits of your labour, the treat that the Little Mouse chose just for you. ” He knew it wasn’t poison. That would be pointless, you don’t sacrifice the pieces from your own side of the board without very good reason and something much better to gain. But he also knew Haarlep was not playing idle games. No, the bitch was playing for keeps and loving every second. He caught the Little Mouse’s eyes, and drained the wine without pause. The temperature was both cooling and warming, and that hint of familiar flavour lingering on his lips confirmed his suspicions. It is going to be a long night, Little Mouse, you should have been more careful whose den you walked into.
Tav watched Raphael, or at least the sheet she assumed contained him, drink the wine in one leisurely motion as Haarlep poured it into his mouth. It was almost impossible to make out his expression, but he didn’t keel over. It would be difficult to know if he were simply immune to a poison that would kill her, but she couldn’t seem to find a reason why it might be dangerous. “The ghost isn’t dead,” Astarion said simply, stepping past her to take a glass from the tray, “so if the wine is safe for one undead then it’s safe enough for another. ” Despite his bold words, his first sip was tentative. “Wait.” Halsin commanded. “Like a cat, if you please, Meowstarion.” He tugged the vampire’s chain, encouraging him to face him again. “Meow~” Astarion returned Halsin’s intense gaze and began to lap at the wine, first almost comically with his tongue dipping in and out of the glass, but after a good few sips his motions became slower. Purposefully seductive. The heat was rising in him once again, and it showed both in the provocative way he drank the wine, and in the pink colour rising from his cheeks to the tips of his ears. Tav was captivated momentarily, watching the indecent display. Her focus was broken by a clawed hand on her shoulder, the other reaching around her holding two glasses. Haarlep was close enough to feel their heat on her back, but did not touch her beyond the fingers just pressing on her shoulder enough to feel. “You should both have some too, you know. Slake your thirst, there’s plenty of time to enjoy the party.” The way they spoke should’ve been ringing alarm bells in her mind, but even just watching the way her partners were riling each other up was making her skimpy outfit feel like far too much clothing. Haarlep was not blind to any of this either, subtly inhaling the scent of arousal from the hint of sweat beading on her bare skin. They slid around her depositing the glasses in her hand almost without her noticing.
“Come.” Halsin commanded, almost too effectively as he gestured to Tav. She curled herself into his outstretched arm, leaning against his chest and cursing the layers of silks keeping her from the warmth of his bare body. He took the second glass from her hand, inviting her to watch their lover seduce them both now. Tav took a sip of her own drink, finding the flavour pleasantly fruity, with a slight hint of cinnamon and clove that would likely make some overpaid journalist write a full page about ages and barrels. “This is…good…” She muttered cautiously, feeling the delightful warmth seeping through her body, blossoming and spreading into- Oh, shit. She realised too late what the trick was. She could feel Halsin breathing more heavily behind her now, too, the effects of the incubus’s saliva disguised in the wine taking hold of all of them. She looked back at Raphael, wondering if she was imagining the sheet shivering…
Haarlep spread their wings, stretching out and allowing themselves a pleased little flutter. All around the ballroom, glasses were being drained. Even Tav, who had clearly worked out the ruse, continued to drink. I knew I liked you for a reason, Little Mouse, you step into my trap and continue to take the cheese. 
The soiree had been decorated and laid out to Haarlep’s very specific instructions. Heavy velvet curtains had been hung strategically, disguising the entrances to side rooms laden with cushions, beds, and even…tools… One by one they began to fill, the curtains drawing closed, except from those who preferred an audience. Shadowheart and Lae’zel looked as if they were fighting as they disappeared through a curtain themselves, though it was anyone’s guess as to what methods they were like to use or who was likely to “win”. Haarlep enjoyed listening out to that one particularly, it was…unexpected. Somewhere in a dark corner, a tall human dressed in an intimidating outfit that barely tried to hide a tapestry of scars lead an elf with a white raven into a room which had been laid out with their very specific complement of instruments. That one was Haarlep’s very favourite little friend, and they could tell the man with tentacle tattoos around his eyes would be the perfect playmate for him. The music they would make… They could dance to it all night. Other couples and groups slowly left the ballroom, aside from one pair who were simply dancing. Haarlep wondered if they should intervene, encourage them to drink if they hadn’t yet, but seeing the fiery Tiefling dance with the horned gentleman was in its own way endearing. They were enraptured with each other, in a way the incubus no longer wished to interrupt. They had enough of a banquet already. 
They turned back to their…plate? They had picked out their morsels with care, and seasoned them just perfectly. “Why don’t we all make ourselves more comfortable, follow me~” 
Halsin dragged his two lovers behind him, admittedly curious about the incubus and feeling a desperate need that perhaps even two hot bodies would not be enough to sate. His nails dug into his palms as he gripped the chains, the seams in his clothes finally forgotten and coming undone as he marched them into the room behind the devil and the ghost. Raphael walked alongside Haarlep, just half a step behind them, struggling to walk straight. It was maddening, his home, even his body being used by the bastard strutting without a single care in the world. But he was too lust-drunk to protest, and he knew he would end the night satisfied one way or another. In some ways that was worse, knowing that Haarlep was right and usually were, too. Tav stared in wonder, the room was positively decadent, and yet there were so many hidden secrets. It wasn’t Haarlep and Raphael’s usual bedchamber, this place was…different. A pool still sat behind screens on the far side of the room, healing was clearly considered a necessity. Remembering her prior experiences, that was almost a relief. Haarlep gestured to the bed, winking to Halsin. “Make yourself at home, I just have one last loose end to tie up .” Raphael moaned as the gag was pressed against his lips. His arms had been bound beneath the sheet the entire time, he was completely unable to resist, not that he had any intention. He wouldn’t admit it, but he craved this. He needed it. The incubus was extremely good at everything they did. He gave them just one crumb of recognition, a hissed whisper before he bit down on the leather bar. “Fine, Haarlep, do as you wish.”  “Oh, I planned to, Raphael.” The dropping of insulting pet names was as close to a declaration of affection as the two would ever get. There was no kindness in clawed red fingers that scraped against heated skin, drawing down the hooks from above and carefully securing them through tiny cuts made in the fabric. 
Halsin wasn’t sure where to look. He stood on the opposite side of the bed to where the incubus was beginning to make the moaning ghost float in the air, suspended by carefully placed rope, the cotton sheet just barely revealing what was beneath as the spirit was fixed facing the bed. In Between them, however, were his two personal pets, crawling onto the sheets as he tugged their chains to direct them. Astarion’s bare chest looked delicious, and Tav…the blush on every area of her skin was just as enticing. With a quiet rip, more seams were obliterated silks giving way to tense muscles and tenser-
Halsin didn’t notice. He didn’t care. He only wanted one thing. Well, three things, if he was honest. The two lovers on the bed, and the incubus who turned to watch them with a smile, their tail flicking upwards to make the ghost moan once more.
The command from the druid’s lips reached Astarion’s pointed ears like a drug more intoxicating than the aphrodisiac-spiked wine. He didn’t need a second word.
Tav leaned back automatically, reclining against the soft pillows and tilting her head to expose her neck. Astarion approached her on all fours, crawling as cat-like as he could, swishing his hips to move the tail behind him. He could feel the eyes on him, and he was ready to put on a show. He nuzzled into Tav’s neck, the bell on his collar jingling next to the tag, and ran his tongue slowly along the line of her veins. The noise caught in her throat was almost enough to drive him to a frenzy, and he bit hard, relishing the latest sound to spill from her lips as heated blood poured into his own.
Halsin frowned, the vampire might go too far if he did not remember to rein in his lust-parched thirst. Haarlep caught his eye and simply winked, an unspoken thought passing between the two.
Astarion broke his connection to Tav’s neck as the fiend’s tail curled around his forehead and eyes pulling him back and taking his vision. Behind him, he felt the tail of his costume moving, quickening his breath as the weight of the druid settled on the bed behind him.
“He told you to drink, little kitten, not to kill. The Rat is not to be emptied like your last meal.” Haarlep growled a slight warning, while stroking the elf’s silvered hair.
“I was fine,” Tav gasped, longing for the fangs to return with their incredible heat and the edge of pain that drove her wild every time, “I can handle being a little drained.”
“You will need your energy, Rat. You are dressed as a servant, perhaps it is time for you to serve.” Haarlep looked her in the eye, the searing gaze of the flames carrying several levels of meaning. “Druid, handle your animal.”
Halsin wrapped a strong arm around Astarion’s chest, holding him tight but firm as he pulled him down the bed, stopping as the vampire’s shoulders were just below Tav’s hips. “This time, drink nicely. Just like you did with the wine earlier.”
Astarion thought for a moment about disobeying, but the druid’s hand was already at his “tail” again, stirring it in a way that made him moan loudly even as he began to dip his tongue with swift flickering motions, tasting Tav like she was indeed his favourite drink. Which wouldn’t even be an inaccurate sentiment…
Meanwhile, Haarlep had mounted Tav’s chest, their knees pinning her shoulders and arms to her sides. They licked their finger and held it to her lips. “Show me. You can handle a little more, Rat, I know what you’re capable of.”
The feeling of her lover’s tongue made her mouth open anyway, her breath seeking a quicker exit from her body as her nerves lit up. Tav obeyed the incubus above her, wrapping her lips around their finger, savouring the slight heat and cinnamon, relishing in the feeling of the aphrodisiac effect heating her entire body like a hundred fires lit within her all at once. Still…the look on their face…it was too self-satisfied. She bit down on their knuckle, drawing just the smallest drop of blood that tasted like molten iron.
Haarlep laughed. Somewhere behind them, Raphael rolled his eyes. He knew that sound, he knew it all too well. The Mouse was pushing her luck…but at least this time, it would work in his favour. His own finger still felt warm, the slight edge of pain carrying across through Haarlep’s connection. Using his form like this…it was exciting.
Halsin watched his pet go to work on his other love, not caring much about what the incubus was doing. As long as neither of his hearts signalled their wish to stop, he would continue to indulge all of them. And he was so very intrigued by the huge red wings spread out before him and the long tail curling of its own accord.
Astarion wiggled his hips, an invitation to the man behind him, knowing his usual…preferences. He moaned a little, letting the vibrations of his voice move his tongue more as he continued to savour Tav’s warmth and the way she would writhe beneath him.
The invitation was clear to Halsin, but he hadn’t decided exactly what he wanted… The tail was clearly still stimulating, so that toy could remain in place, but he needed something… The idea sparked in his mind as he saw the incubus sliding their harness to one side. The druid shuffled, glad of the huge bed space they had, and rolled onto his back. He pulled himself up the bed so he was right beneath Astarion’s hips, and tore away all the clothing in the way of his prize with his teeth.
The vampire yelped, almost stopping his work, but a swift grip on his rear put him back to work. Halsin did not waste time either, taking the entire length between his lips and working his tongue in maddening patterns across every sensitive inch.
Tav was in a similar situation, faced with the perfect copy of Raphael’s cambion form. She grabbed Haarlep’s harness and pulled them close, almost choking as she took them too deep into her throat too fast. The sensation, however, was intense. She stubbornly kept going, delighting in the words of praise that rained down from above her, encouraging her to keep going. She was almost certain she heard a spirit whining pitifully somewhere off to the side, too, but her mind - and mouth - were too full to give it a second thought.
Raphael hung in the air, eyes fixed on the scene before him. All four of them were ravenous, insatiable, and Haarlep was feasting on their desire as well as his own. They looked at him again, a wicked smile curling across their features, and finally gave the quiet permission for him to transform.
Red wings wanted to spread behind him, but Haarlep had planned ahead. Slack rope that had sat around his shoulders was now taut around the wings, preventing them from doing anything more but helplessly struggle. The rest of the bindings had just enough give to account for the growth of his body, and the only thing left free was his tail. He flicked it in the air below him, the end the only part sticking out from beneath the sheet. He knew Haarlep would have no time for him, so he curled the tail up between his own legs and took a grip to mirror what the Little Mouse’s lips were doing, eyes fixed on her every motion.
Mouths, lips, tongues, they all danced in the night’s soiree. Haarlep conducted the infernal orchestra, feeling an intense power flooding through them as their favourite Rat and her Vampire were both overcome by the waves of intense pleasure. They held back from their own precipice though, denying Raphael his own for now. No, that would be too easy.
Besides, the most interesting participant at the end of the bed had been too busy giving to receive. Haarlep sensed his would be the most delectable climax to sample, the sheer lust emanating from him was palpable even to those without the incubus’s senses.
Tav gasped for air, partly from having her mouth full for some time, and partly from the orgasm that had just ripped through her body without mercy. Haarlep moved off her now, kneeling to one side and waiting patiently for the other two elves to finish, drinking in the sight of the larger man taking every last drop from his pale lover.
“Do any of you wish to stop?” Haarlep looked over with a smirk, knowing the answer even as the others still licked the moisture from their lips.
“More.” Halsin nodded.
“Now.” Astarion gasped.
“Please.” Tav whined.
Somewhere above them, the "ghost" whimpered his agreement.
It took only a few minutes for Haarlep to reorganise things to their satisfaction. They lay on their back for once, arms behind their head, looking towards the three before them. “Rat, you should be prepared.”
Tav swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. But she was nothing if not determined. The incubus saliva had certainly helped. Behind her, Halsin and Astarion were readying themselves with scented lotion and careful fingers, and in front of her the incubus was licking their hand once again.
“Not for your mouth, this time, Rat. No, this will make things…easier.” They caressed her hip with one hand, whilst plunging their prepared fingers deep within her core.
Tav wasn’t sure she needed the extra lubrication, she was already a mess, but she soon felt the other effect of their saliva. Tense and heated muscles began to relax a little around his fingers, allowing for more to slip inside, stretching carefully. The groan from behind her told her that the situation there was hardly any different. The desire within her to be completely filled was becoming insatiable. The incubus merely smirked at her.
“You are so very delicious~” They whispered, so only she might hear. The words alone had her voice mingling with her heavy breaths, not forming any language but that of pure lust.
It wasn’t long before Astarion’s hands were caressing her back, his lips coming to meet her shoulders and kissing lines of affection up to her ear. “Are you ready, darling? For us?”
She nodded, understanding the meaning in his words. Haarlep guided her hips to above them, lowering her down carefully, slowly, so she could feel the friction of every ridge. Flush to their body, they were not done.
“Closer, Rat.” They pulled her body forward, leaving her exposed to the lover behind her.
She was grateful for the incubus’s ministrations now, as Astarion carefully lined up and gradually entered her, groaning himself as he felt the incubus against him.
Raphael watched on, almost impressed as well as overwhelmed by the phantom tight feelings gripping him harder than his own tail did, as the last of the four manoeuvred on his knees, entering the pale elf with a gentle care and delicacy. The “tail” had long since been discarded, but most of the clothes remained on. Well, except for the druid’s. Muscles, and more, had long since turned the fine outfit into little more than rags, only the ruffled collar and cuffs remaining in one piece.
It was an utterly debauched sight. He strained at all of the ropes, desperate to feel more, to be where Haarlep was, where any of them were. He was not entirely immune to Haarlep’s abilities, and it had been hours since the toys had been set to their dastardly work on his body. He needed more, wanted more, he tried to cry out around the gag loud enough for the others to hear but their own lewd sounds were drowning him out.
Haarlep glanced over at their captive, deeply satisfied with how needy he looked. They grinned wickedly as they licked the tip of their tail, curling it around beneath them. They were delighted with their work, seeing their favourite toy filled with not one but two of them, moving in tandem and making her feel every single nerve and muscle as she rode out wave after wave of pleasure from their motion.
The druid on the other side of the complex equation was adding to it all, matching the pace that the incubus set at every turn, taking his cues from them and savouring the pleasure of both of his lovers. Haarlep wondered, perhaps, what the man might be like on his own, but that didn’t matter now. They considered this a test of his worth, to see which would outlast the other. Perhaps not a fair test, as the elf only had one partner clenched around him, whilst Haarlep not only filled Tav but ground against Astarion inside her, their own tail teasing within them at the same time just to add to Raphael’s torture.
Indeed, Haarlep was almost completely overwhelmed. Every room in their halls was filled with a similar scene, pleasure echoing off the walls, seeping into every stone, heating the hells themselves far beyond their usual searing flame. For once, it became hard for them to hold back. This was their finest hour, their masterpiece, the culmination of multiple carefully laid plan coming to one excruciatingly delicious climax. — The ghost was the first to lose the game, spilling forth across the floor from where he remained hanging, breathless, helpless, and utterly satisfied. Tav had lost count of the amount of peaks her pleasure had reached, but when she felt the shuddering climax of Astarion throbbing inside her, her head damn near burst. The white hot pleasure was followed not long after by the incubus adding to it, pulsing through the aftershock and leaving her entire body weak. It would have been impossible to say who won between the incubus and the druid, as Halsin roared like a wild beast the moment he felt his lover tighten around him with his own release. He held on tight to Astarion’s chest, soothing him through the intensity, pressing loving kisses across his shoulders and neck even as he was overcome by his own mind shattering climax. 
— They almost collapsed in the aftermath, sprawling out across the bed, unable to form words, just sounds, the odd giggle as the intense pleasure subsided. Halsin gathered his lovers into his arms, one either side, and lay holding them close, soothing them and caressing them with gentle hands. Haarlep glanced down at the trio as they went to release Raphael from his bindings, even indulging him by carrying him over to the pool when his legs refused to stay upright. It took a while before the lovers on the sheets were ready to move to the healing waters, Halsin supporting them both with his arms around their waists, their own arms linking behind his back. Haarlep noted, with some approval, that the man didn’t even seem fully satisfied. They guessed he might well be able to continue far longer, had his partners had any ability to move at all. This would be something to consider later… They spent a long time resting, tending to each other, gradually coming down from the dizzying heights they had ascended to in Haarlep’s little game. By morning, a lot of exhausted but satisfied bodies were leaving through the portals, and barely any still had the clothes they arrived in. Fresh outfits had been laid out in each room, almost in anticipation of this very outcome. The sight of so many walking home might have been described by some as a Mass Exodus of Shame, but there was no room for shame in Haarlep’s domain. They smiled and waved, knowing their delightful little trick meant they wouldn’t need to feed again for weeks. Although, they wouldn’t mind a little treat …
----------- ----------- ENDING NOTES ----------- -----------
If you're wondering "where in the hells was Gale for all this", honestly? He might've been accidentally left at camp. He got a one shot and a side story sequel later so I consider that I have made it up to him now.
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As to what we're interested in delving into and trying to make sense of--my current Big Question is about Lex and Hannah and their parentage. Do they have the same father? Nick implied they didn't. Who are their dads? Do they have anything to do with the story? In the Black Friday commentary, Nick and Angela talk about how there's a big story behind Lex's dad and how she was conceived...
(Also I have yet to come up with a theory I'm completely satisfied with for How Wilbur Works in terms of the branching timelines and being able to go into the Black and White. Do multiple Wilburs ever meet up in the Black and White?)
(this is man-down-in-hatchet-town, btw. Unfortunately that account is technically a side account and I'm just trying to keep it as separate from my "main"--which I don't use nearly as much--so that my poor irl friends don't have to suffer through my online Starkid breakdown)
Hiya lovely!! Thank you for these. I'll keep the two separated below - I've gone off on a whole essay! Most of it is definitely theories formed from assumptions but I hope you enjoy!
Lex and Hannah Foster
You're right that we have no real information on Hannah and Lex's fathers. However, I do sometimes think characters are named for a reason, and that is where we might get some clues.
Foster: Forest Warden
Alexandra: Human kind's defender
Hannah: Favoured (by a god)
Alexandra on its own suits Lex, she is often seen protecting people, especially Hannah. However the name on its own isn't what interests me.
Alexandra Foster as a full name could reasonably be put together to mean defender of the forest people. Though I don't necessarily mean defending them, but defending the forest of people.
Hannah meanwhile means favoured or graced, and originally comes from the Book of Samuel, Hannah is indeed favoured by God. Again, this feels obvious - Hannah and Webby are besties. She's literally favoured by a god.
However, contrast the name meaning with that of Lex. Taking in mind that its been mentioned in livestreams etc that they have two different dads, I would go one step further and suggest they have two very opposite fathers.
Lex's father is a Hatchetman, and Hannah's someone involved in the Church of the Starry Children.
Its worth noting that this also fits with their relationship with their fathers. Lex apparently remembers her dad, which means he probably died when she was younger rather than him being a member of Hatchetfield we know of. Equally, the job I'm sure has its risks, and the Witchwood could very well be related to his death. Equally, Hannah's father isn't mentioned as ever having been involved in their lives. So perhaps a rich bloke who wanted nothing to do with them.
Wilbur Cross
Ooooh Wilbur intrigues me so.
We know that prior to 2005, Wilbur was part of PEIP working towards creating the portal, which was then opened. And it's usually told that once opened, Wilbur then went in and was driven mad by the experience - only then becoming evil.
I'm proposing a slightly different theory.
My theory is that Wilbur was already aware of the consequences of the portal, and in fact was the driving force behind pushing PEIP towards creating the portal so he had access to the Lords in Black.
The fella had already decided where his loyalties lay a long time ago.
Only once he was inside did the timelines split off. We still have multiple Wilburs across each timeline, locked in an ongoing battle with Miss H, but because he was in the Black and White when it happened, it allowed him to have knowledge of his temporal doppelgangers. I also think he died and came back within the B&W in a similar vein to evil Ethan in Black Friday - no longer human, which is why he is no longer affected by the Black and White the way Mac is when he enters.
However, in terms of there being multiple Wilburs, I think whilst the B&W exists outside time and space, humans can only experience it within their own timeline. Otherwise, not only would there be multiple Wilburs, but equally Lex's powers could run the risk of her also affecting other timeline versions of herself.
This is why Hannah's gift is so formidable as she can see every possibility.
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majorbaby · 6 months
in my frustration re: the backlash against feminism i've seen online and irl, i've toed the line making comparisons to white privilege in a last-ditch attempt to appeal to left-leaning sensibilities and... idk, convince people that male privilege is real and it is based on perception of others and perception of the self.
and it appears to work in that when confronted with a brown, gay man (i find i usually have to mention this) talking about how racism works - that it is not some inherent, biological trait that makes white people "white" and capable of benefitting from their whitness and that *all* people who are perceived as white, no matter how wonderful and non-racist they are benefit from white privilege - liberal or leftist white people tend to shut down and tensely concede their point.
except that the left is rife with racism, and i don't mean white people vs everyone else. i mean a lack of understanding of class dynamics, an underestimation of how pervasive antiblackness is, a complete ignorance to antisemitism and the limits of the white vs non-white binary.
like sure, people might shut up if i come in and point out that there is there no word for the intersection of racism and misandry. And how despite this, when we talk about police brutality and state violence, we almost always focus on how these things affect men of colour.
the whole thing speaks to a lack of understanding of critical race theory, and my sense is that people only listen to me because they want to performatively appear as though they're listenining. if you really understood what white feminism is, you would know that you cannot replace "white" with "cis". the term "white feminism" already accounts for an ignorance of gender-diverse experience because racialized women are subject to a different standard than white women, and some cultures with differing systems of gender had the gender binary imposed on them by white colonizers.
it makes me just, absolutely insane to see men, especially white men, quoting bell hooks essays on masculinity where she writes the oppression of black men in a white supremacist state and misconstrue those points as being somehow about misandry when they are first and foremost about racism. even her wikipedia article contains this quote: "Allegiance to sexist thinking about the nature of leadership creates a blind spot that effectively prevents masses of black people from making use of theories and practices of liberation when they are offered by women" so like, it's not even that people are unfamiliar with her work, it feels intentional that they're mining it for any statement that can position men as victims who just need to be loved on more *by women* and surely that will end patriarchy which btw "patriarchy affects men too it affects men too!!!" and who is doing patriarchy to men???? the answer is right there in the word...
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bestworstcase · 9 months
Hey I think I remember you talking about the wonderland musical (or maybe just the original book) and mentioning a jabberwocky poem/riddle thing. Would you mind expanding on that thought?
hrgk this is tricky because i did talk about both jabberwocky (the poem, from the book) and the jabberwock’s riddle (from the 2009/2010 iterations of the musical) and they are not at all the same thing BUT as i recall i elaborated quite a bit more on the poem than the riddle at the time. so.
in brief: the earlier iterations of wonderland were premised on alice being a best-selling new author under intense pressure to write a sequel while her marriage and mental health disintegrates on account of her feeling pulled in a million directions at once. in wonderland—which is her dream, or her soul, sort of—she’s repeatedly confronted with the question “who are you?” and repeatedly reminded that this is a very different question from “what’s your name?”. this in no way stops her from answering with her name every time, with increasing frustration. it is gently implied that she literally cannot wake up until she answers it properly. 
the jabberwock, in this world, is a monstrous threshold guardian representing the unwritten pages of the book she hasn’t written. he guards the door to the eighth square (of the chessboard), where she needs to confront the hatter (herself, her dark mirror) and put all her pieces back together before she can go home. his riddle, the final riddle, is sort of a test and also sort of a guiding hand to lead alice to where she needs to be in order to prevail. 
it goes like this:
JABBER: What are you looking for? ALICE: This is a test, right? JABBER: Right! ALICE: Riddles—puzzles—I’ve had enough! JABBER: What are you looking for? ALICE: It’s complicated! JABBER: What are you going to do about it? ALICE: I’m trying to figure that out. JABBER: What are you looking for? ALICE: …I’m looking for my lost child. JABBER: Who’s stopping you? ALICE: I am! I keep getting in my own way, it’s all I do! JABBER: Who do you think you are? ALICE: [frustrated] I’m Alice Cornwinkle— JABBER: NO! Not that answer again!! [skipping a bit where she answers with her name and then uses the backwards watch to force him to give her a second try here] ALICE: I’m Chloe’s mom, I’m married to Jack, these two are my friends, I’m lots of things, I’m my own invention! JABBER: So what are you afraid of? ALICE: …Everyone’s afraid of something. That’s how you know you love someone, when you’re afraid of losing them.
& then he lets her through to face the hatter (and experience that fear through the death of the white knight, who represents her husband)
deep breath
anyway the point of the jabberwock’s riddle is that alice has hitherto spent all of her time ripping herself apart trying to be everything everybody wants her to be. (literally, “there’s just not enough of me/way too much to do and be/too many places to belong/too many right things going wrong/too little left for staying strong” is her establishing character moment and the opening number only gets more desperate from there.) and of course in doing that she’s completely lost touch with who she is and what she wants, and wonderland is a reckoning. 
so she has to find her “lost child” (who is really her, not her daughter) and she has to accept that her family is more important to her than doing what she’s expected to as a new author, first because trying to meet those expectations is making her miserable and second because she loves her family. and doing that breaks her writer’s block because the perfect ideal writer she was trying to be can’t write her book, only she can do that. and the jabberwock is the unwritten book itself screaming out of her subconscious to remind her of that. she’s the only one who can “tame” him, save her friends from him by solving his riddle.
and well,
gestures at 9.9 & 9.10. but especially 10.
RUBY: Are you just trying to tell me that it’s useless? That I shouldn’t even try? Is that the big lesson I’m supposed to learn? Just… give up? Become someone else?
BLACKSMITH: Is that what I’m telling you?
RUBY: What happens if I choose me?
BLACKSMITH: Then maybe that girl is enough. 
(whispers into a cup) that is the lesson the god of light tried to teach salem though. for the record.
the mood of the scenes is different, obviously—rwby strikes a much more somber tone—but the emotional essence is the same. ruby, too, is confronted repeatedly with a question, “what are you?” that she keeps answering wrong because she doesn’t understand what’s really being asked (and it is, fundamentally, the same question that alice has to answer—who are you, what are you, what is the essence of you?). her friends are in danger, and she needs to get to the last door so she can go home, but she has to answer the question properly first. and, like alice, she needs someone to push her reach that answer, because she’s too caught up in her pain and frustration to get it right the first time.
“not that answer again!” “is that what i’m telling you?”—the jabberwock can’t give alice hers answer any more than the blacksmith can give ruby hers, but both of them refute the wrong answer in no uncertain terms.
and that’s the jabberwock’s riddle. the wrong answer, the realization of the wrong answer, and the triumph of the right answer. 
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Bracket E Round 1
Poll 11
Starburst the Rabbit (@scorpiolight-madd) vs. Fate & Deadbeat (@anddrewathing)
277. Starburst the Rabbit (@scorpiolight-madd)
AAUGH SHES MY GORL i am constantly spinning her around on the microwave plate in my brain
shes my version of the Rookie from Sonic Forces and shes a major character in my rewrite of the game. She's from Seaside Hill, and when she's in her element, she's incredibly clever, and quite a bit of a trickster, able to easily pull various Batman Gambits and Bugs Bunny-style antics on the people she knows. However, when she's OUT of her element, like, say, a sudden war that she's tossed into the middle of and surrounded by complete strangers, she's a complete nervous wreck. Over the course of the Forces arc, she manages to gain a bit of confidence, but a lot of the events that happen leave her pretty messed up, and it's hard for her to get back to the lighthearted trickster she used to be. BUT she's made a lot of friends and after the events of Sonic Forces, she decides to leave her home and start going out on adventures of her own.
While she used to be fairly confident back when she lived in Seaside Hill, among other ""ordinary"" people, she developed a bit of a complex once she joined Sonic and his friends, seeing how impressive they all were. However, none of her new friends view her any less because of how ""ordinary"" she supposedly is, since she's proved herself just as impressive, helping to take down Infinite and free the world from Eggman's takeover.
OUGH i feel like I havent done a good job of explaining her BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND I ADORE HER SO MUCH like litteraly i am constantly thinking about this girl she is my absolute favorite
She also has a Toyhouse profile here:
She's a pink bunny with yellow eyes and yellow streaks in her fur. She has freckles and a tooth gap, and her two main outfits are a pair of overalls with a black t-shirt underneath, or a black dress with a yellow cropped jacket. After she gets trapped in Null Space, she gets permanently dyed slightly purple, including even the whites of her eyes and tongue.
(Art by paeon on Toyhouse, not by me)
278. Fate & Deadbeat (@anddrewathing)
Fate is She/Her, Deadbeat is He/They.   
fate is a homeless girl with no family, a criminal record of minor offenses, and diminishing eyesight. deadbeat is an incredibly emotionally tired immortal scythe made for a mission long forgotten passed down from wielder to wielder with the intention of fighting injustice though their experiences with each wielder have been hit or miss. they fight an evil organization doing evil experiments or whatever but also they procrastinate that a lot and chill in the cabin in the woods they're illegally squatting in. chaotic does-their-best good. they both try to come off as badass in different ways but they're both a little dense also in different ways. deadbeat acts as a guide both in general advice from wayyy too many years experience and in describing what is visually happening (especially during combat) should fate need it. fate does her best to empathize with deadbeat on account of deadbeat going hundreds of years without therapy. deadbeat also tries to empathize with fate who has not had an easy life so far. they bicker but are best friends.
oh right why they should win  um  ummm they're  swag your honor. they also both need showers but they're swag ok
fate is somewhat tallish and has bandages over her eyes. always wearing an oversized torn purple jacket, a white shirt with the anarchy symbol on it, & dark purplish blue jeans. wears boots rn but i might change them to be/she might steal some laced boots at some point when i draw her again
deadbeat is a scythe with the metal blade part a light blue with the part covering the blade being purple with a glass area where deadbeats eye is (purple outline with a cyan ""pupil"" represented as a small line).
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hellfireconfessions · 5 months
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since everyone is confessing their stories and their experience on hellfire, after abit of messing around and laughing at the sheer stupidity of some of these groomers im gonna tell EVERYONE what only a very very small handful of hellfire knows about.
Enviosa, as alot of older members know me and her 'dated' for a little bit, this relationship lasted around 6 months and some people found our relationship cute and super loving which was infact not what was happening, at first i thought it was love at first meet and her seemed to naturally keep finding eachother in game and eventually became friends and now that i look back on it i just feel like i was preyed upon and targeted. i was and am a VERY mentally unstable person i struggle with a multitude of mental disorders and i will admit i was at my lowest point when i met enviosa. at first she gave me all the attention and love i had always craved as a love deprived kid i grew up in a very troubled household and the only way i could ever receive any sort of 'validation' was simply me being groomed by older men online, and of course history repeats itself.
enviosa love bombed me completely trapping me, at first i thought we were simply affectionate friends giving eachother the attention and love we both wanted and needed but i quickly learned i was being stringed along into a very serious relationship being completely wrapped around her finger i did whatever she wanted i did whatever i could to please her and keep her i will admit, my behaviors were toxic but i was extremely mentally troubled 14 yr old and im expected to be the perfect lover? she was 17 going onto 18 she knew the maturity difference she knew what she was doing there is no excuse.
with my toxic traits came extreme jealousy that i still struggle with, i would begin to get to angry my vision would quite literally go white from pure jealousy i remember physically puking from it causing me to lash out at my friends by distancing myself from everyone i knew, i was no longer a member of hellfire i was entirely dedicated to enviosa and her needs and wants and she js happened to play on hellfire.
whenever my jealousy would get bad and i would send her sad paragraphs about how i was feeling actively communicating in a healthy manner instead of trying to help me and find solutions and listen to me i was simply guilt tripped and basically told i was "wrong" and would end up with me apologising for communicating how i felt.
when some close friends found out about our age gap i began to lie and tell people i was 15 turning 16 and it turns out enviosa was already telling people i was 15 turning 16 before i even started doing it, we had literaly conversations about how she wouldnt be able to "touch me for a couple years" once she turned 18 and mentioned "well you consent to everything i say and do" im legally UNABLE to consent? hello?
lets not forget reese, me and envi were having a rough patch (again) and she was either actively STREAMING our conversation to HER FRIENDS a very PRIVATE conversation which was once again about my horrible issues with jealousy and in the midst of believing i was about to lose the 'love of my life' i began to receive very hateful and genuinely horrible dms from reese + another person i will not name. i will be honest and admit enviosa manipulated all three of us making me out to be some monster so i do not entirely blame their actions but they are still accountable for what they said and did.
i would LOVE to also mention how obsessive she was with me communicating how i always had to communicate how i felt and what was making me feel like that ect ect but they would NEVER EVER communicate how they felt till it was the breaking point and would get mad at me cuz she needed space and to js leave her alone perhaps tell me? just mayybbee tell me instead of using INGAME BODY LANGUAGE to tell u how u feel LMAO, in the end of our relationship they began to just treat me like i was nobody the affection was suddenly gone and she was super dry with me i would write literally PARAGRAPHS abt how i feel like our relationship is dying and i feel like u dont care abt me anymore and wanna know what i was met with?? "ok lol…well i do so idk what u want me to do??" she couldnt make time to atleast tell me shes busy or lmk like "hey im gonna be doing this" and would js bascially make me feel bad for missing her.
!!!MASSIVE TW!!! At the end of it all she was super sudden and said i would never listen to her when she voiced her concerns, she was complaining abt things i had done the ENTIRE relationship so i didnt fully understand why and would often forget these things that bugged her and i will admit, it was toxic on my part. she had me begging and begging since it was just a "break" and not an actual break up and she practically led me on as i would ask her if there was still a chance and all i got was "idk" then claimed she didnt wanna say yes cuz she didnt wanna give me false hope as if a idk isnt giving me false hope? after i met my current best friend who was previously wrapped around her finger like reese and i were, she helped me come to the realization that SHE was the problem and not me being and it sent me into a rage, being an angry teen i sent her a longg text abt how this was all her fault and a lot of not so nice things
which i understand wasnt very mature and was toxic but i was once again guilt tripped as she threatened me with her death, saying "ill have to go clean up the blood" which sent me into a spiral i begged her so much to get help and not to do that, "heh i guess its my fault :]" type shi, im still unsure if she was lying or not but if she was actually trying to end her own life i regret trying to help her and i know wishing death upon someone is horrible but she has traumatized me in numerous ways and put me into one of the LOWESTS points in my life.
but thats my hellfire story, i know many people within hellfire didnt enjoy me and thought i was rude ect ect but to those that were my actual friends and to my one freind (my pookie) thank you for making hellfire enjoyable while it lasted.
DISCLAIMER i was toxic, i know i was i wasnt entirely in the right but i was and still am just a kid. reese isnt entirely to blame in that situation it was horrible what they said but again they were lied to.
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musical-chick-13 · 5 months
Barbie Movie = White feminism
I do genuinely get what this movie was going for. And I think what it was going for is genuinely admirable: the idea that, as a woman, even if you do everything """right""" according to prejudiced society, if you are thin and white and young and stereotypically pretty and personable and not intimidating, you will still suffer the effects of misogyny. No woman is immune.
However, I think that message got...muddied. This is probably going to get really long, so I'll put the rest under a cut.
The narrative focus is on how different the Real World is from Barbie Land regarding the treatment of women, but in Barbie Land, there are WOC in positions of political power. Racism and transphobia don't seem to exist (at least, not in any way that we see). These things, as we know, do exist in the real world, so if the intention is to highlight the disparity between locations, the fact that other forms of prejudice are never even MENTIONED is a little odd. I don't think this was done with malicious intent, but as you said, the discussion of feminism in this movie is...very white.
Especially since our female co-lead is a Latina woman. She gives a very vulnerable, deeply personal account of what it's like living in the world as a woman and all the angles of oppression she faces for that (something so emotionally weighty it is the key to the plot's resolution), and there is...zero discussion in any of that about what life is like for her as a woman of color, or any of the expectations that are placed on her because of that. If Gloria's experiences with misogyny are so integral to the movie's themes and to her relationship to the world at large, why not include...anything about racism or racial identity?
I also feel like there's just...a very simplistic view of how the patriarchy works. Which, no, you can't break down the intricacies of an entire oppressive social system in the space of a two hour movie. But to suggest that just...acknowledging? Misogyny? Is enough to successfully fight back against it is...the most charitable thing I can call that is "overly-optimistic."
(Like. Trust me. We're aware of the expectations placed on us as women and how much those suck. We can't "rob the patriarchy of its power" just by talking about the patriarchy.)
And the idea that...just coming into contact with patriarchal ideas will completely brainwash you? I get that everything is exaggerated in Barbie Land and that it's not a one-to-one representation of real life, but that sat...weirdly. With me. Yeah, people are absolutely going to internalize some negative or inaccurate things about women by virtue of living in a patriarchal system, but plenty of women (as well as people of other genders) go through life without falling all the way down the misogyny rabbit hole. Outside of Stereotypical Barbie and Weird Barbie (who both had plot reasons for being "immune"), this was every woman. To the most extreme degree. And, again, I just...kind of question why. What is the implication supposed to be here? Are women inherently comically-susceptible to propaganda? Is it impossible for them to de-internalize misogynistic ideas of their own accord, to the point where someone else who is miraculously free of misogyny needs to "debug" them? The optics of this confuse me a little bit.
And there's some other stuff, too, that fell flat for me. Barbie Land is supposed to be a place where the men are treated like women are treated in real life, but we don't...really see that until much later in the movie, when they talk about how the Kens don't have places to stay and have no political representation. (And, sorry, but the solution to "the Kens have no home" is not "the Barbies need to let them stay with them." It's "build the Kens their own homes and make them accessible." You are entitled to safe and secure housing by virtue of being a person. You are not entitled to sharing housing with someone you're romantically interested in.) And the way that Barbie handles her unwanted relationship with Ken is...pretty much exactly the way women try to navigate unwanted advances from men in real life: avoiding explicitly romantic activities by saying she has social obligations, keeping a physical distance in the hope that he'll give up on trying to kiss her, making her annoyance as clear as she can in the hopes that he'll take the hint and leave her to her own devices. Women in real life do these kinds of things to avoid actively rejecting men (because sometimes actively rejecting them means they hurt us, or worse) and although Barbie's behavior isn't done as a defense against potential misogynistic violence, she's still acting in exactly the same way in exactly the same context as people who do have that fear. Ken is the one instigating this relationship, and Ken is the one who keeps trying to reestablish the relationship's boundaries. So even in the face of all of this, the specific takeaway is supposed to be, "The solution to oppression is not to make men oppressed the way that women are because look how equally horrible it is." But between the way Barbie and Ken's relationship is framed and the lack of specificity in how the Kens are treated, we don't actually have a consistent depiction of men being oppressed in the way that women are, which throws that whole message off.
But mostly...maybe this is just a me thing, but I question why we need a story about how It Would Also Be Bad If There Was A Matriarchy. We can barely even get people to discuss the misogyny that currently exists and admit that it's still a problem; we are not in danger of replacing the current system with the inverse by Going Too Far In The Other Direction, not any time soon. I just don't think that discussion is valuable right now because there's no chance of that outcome--of elevating women so much they become Oppressors Of Men--even happening. (Note: I am aware that some r*df*ms/t__fs are VERY much pro-subjugating-men-because-they're-inherently-evil, they are the minority, the general population is not anywhere NEAR that point of view.)
There were some really good things in this movie. America Ferrerra's monologue about how no matter which way you live as a woman, you're "doing it wrong" was incredibly true and incredibly relevant. The Mattel executive being SO insistent that he Loves Women but has exactly zero of them on his board. The fact that the Ken Movie sold out in-universe and made a bunch of money pre-release just because it was about a man. Making fun of the "Just take a girl's glasses off, then she's Pretty™" trope. THE DEPRESSION BARBIE WITH PANIC-ATTACK BARBIE SOLD SEPARATELY. I laughed a lot and there were a lot of genuinely emotionally-resonant moments, including from the standpoint of "Oh hey, I see/suffer from this type of misogyny too!" But I don't think this movie was saying anything particularly new or profound about feminism. Which it's okay if a movie isn't profound! I like plenty of things that exist just to be fun or enjoyable! But I got the feeling this movie was trying to be profound and make some sort of grand, revolutionary statement. And even if it wasn't, a lot of people are acting like it's the key to solving sexism and I just don't think that's merited.
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anemonay · 5 months
2023 wrap up ( thanks @spaceoperetta for the idea, hasn't even considered doing one!)
-very long, been a big year for me-
tw: d/ru/g usage discussed positively
- also worst depression since college, but at least it's not the manic-depressive mixed state I was in for most of those 4 years
- BUT I also found the first ever antidepressant that works for me a couple months ago! I've been on a mood stabilizer that's "worked" for me for years in terms of controlling the hypomania, but I would still sink into low, low depressions. Now I just feel capable of happiness, but I need to rebuild those neural pathways since they haven't been used in so long
- my husband and I's relationship is much, much better. Once we moved things got really not great, and he is a lovely and great person but I think he'd never had to /actually/ deal with anything or question himself before and being in a new place, with someone holding him accountable, who wouldn't just ignore any of the ineffective things he was doing or any of the negative things occurring freaked him out a bunch, especially because he had no distress tolerance skills. I have my own stuff to work on too, but his refusal to accept what he doesn't understand really exacerbated my emotional reactivity and now I have to unlearn all of those habits.
- I found a therapist who works with my brain!
- my best friend moved to my city, and it was only supposed to be for like 10 months but she met her boyfriend and is blossoming and getting opportunities in her field like crazy so she's staying longer which means we can hang out more!
- knees got worse, but I finally went to physical therapy (because I maxed out my insurance OOP with the name other medical things I had to do this year) and it helped a bunch!
- a ton of drama with my husband's family. His youngest sister randomly decided that I am abusive (not even during like any interaction or anything, she just randomly started having an attitude with me 2 weeks before their annual (white, well-off people) family vacation), and then was cold to me during the vacation, and went on a walk with my husband where she essentially tried to convince him that I AM abusive. (Husband also handled it poorly - he's the "everyone is right in some way" type and didn't tell her she was completely out of line, but that has also gotten better thanks to couple's therapy). Then over Thanksgiving she decided to create drama with the older sister over her own poor behavior when older sister was doing absolutely nothing mean or wrong. It's been really stressful, we didn't even do a zoom call for Christmas this year which they normally try to make happen no matter what.
- I lost my job at a startup (blessing in disguise) and got a new job. The company is great, but I hate the work. It's not what I applied to do, it's way more technical and I would like that if ANYONE had the time to train me. But they lost a ton of people going from fully remote to hybrid, so everyone I work with has less experience than I do actually. I'm also struggling to do it because of how lost and flustered I feel.
- I picked up journaling and that's been so great and helpful.
- I went to Portland! I adored it very much. Though towards the end something about it felt vaguely threatening/heavy/scary. But I definitely want to visit again.
- I reconnected with my childhood best friend! We definitely grew in different ways but the foundation is still very much clicking. I'm going to stay with her and her husband in Seattle and visit again in May. She's so, so wonderful and I missed her so so much I'm tearing up writing this. We've continued to message frequently since, and once Baldur's Gate's cross play feature is out (fingers crossed) we're going to play together.
- I learned that stimulants don't work for my brain. ADHD stims caused anhedonia, coffee just triggers migraines, and Modafinil semi kinda maybe works but not well. I've managed to quit coffee for a week or so now. It's definitely an addiction. But chai tea lattes are filling the void. And the void also means that I'm getting back into tea! A childhood Internet friend is the one who got me into tea, and it feels very heartwarming to remember them through it.
- I lost my first cat together with my husband. You will be missed dearly forever, little man.
- I found my favorite d/ru/g! Technically I think it's 2-fdck that's my favorite favorite if my testing was correct, but basically ke/tam/ine and its analogues in general. It's so amazing and it checks all my boxes. I haven't personally experienced any negatives from it, though if you ever try it please read up on appropriate doseage, periods between use, and all that. It's helped me a ton with figuring stuff out, feeling motivated, and rewiring my brain. I'm weird and drugs have never worked the same for me as other people now have I ever had it impact my life negatively so please don't take my experience as advice or normal.
- I tripped for real for the first time in forever over Christmas break! My meds make it really, really difficult. Most people can't trip at all no matter how much they take on these meds. But I just kept raising my dose and bam, finally! I also had my first ever LSD epiphany and I feel like I can really move forward with my life. Tripping has also always helped my brain reset - like turning a computer off and on instead of just locking it or hibernating. I always feel so refreshed.
- I generally just feel more compassion for myself and more capable of being the person I want to be. Sometimes it hurts because it feels like I was on such a good trajectory, and then a ton of negative things happened to me with no support system and everything in my life just stopped. And then I was getting better and then COVID really broke me - at least when the bad stuff was happening I had stimulation, but COVID liked my brain. I think I still have it in me to be happy in the ways I want.
I hope we live in unprecedented times where history is made! Precedented times and the continuation of the normal just means the rich get richer and people die at the hands of oppressors. I hope things change for the better, greatly and permanently.
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scary-white · 2 years
People sometimes wonder "Why do people ship Sue and Carrie they barely even interact" and it's like-- Well. It's not necessarily shipping in the cutesy, overly romantic, omg-they'd-be-so-cute-together way. To me, at least, the appeal comes from the fact that these two women come from two completely different worlds, but they are both incredibly similar to eachother. They both have the strongest wills and are highly cynical individuals. And because of that, I imagine that they would often butt heads, but would have a deep mutual respect for each other if they had been able to truly know each other.
The makings of their begining relationship in canon was so interesting! Carrie is the type of girl who holds people accountable, who isn't content to let things go, but is okay with moving on. she has a quiet dignity, and is so very different from the typical adolescent, and is over all a very unique individual. Totally unlike any of the other characters we're ever introduced to in the novel.
Even if Carrie did escape Margaret and Chamberlain and have a happy ending, she would never had ended up in the "white-picket fence, two children, and a husband I can barely stand" type of life that Sue had feared so much. Her life, with her power and life experience, had the makings to be different. Exciting. Sue is the type of person who would recognize this, I think she sort of did, in a way.
Sue would have respected the fact that Carrie, despite her tendency to lie low and keep her head down, isn't a door mat-- not where it really counts. Sure, she endured pranks and bullying with resigned patience, but she snaps at Tommy when she believes he's tricking her by asking her to prom (in fact, part of Carrie's problem was that the idea of kindness was so foreign to her, she assumed people were pulling her leg and ignored them whenever they tried helping her.) When Tommy tells her she's like Galatea, a drudge who turned into a beautiful woman and no one even knew it was her, Carrie responds by saying "I want them to know me." At prom, she stands up to Norma and when Miss Desjardin says "Carrie, anything that's happened before... well it's forgotten", Carrie replies by saying "I can't forget it. But it's over with. Now it's over with." She would always blame everyone for the abuse she was put through, but it was done and she was ready to move on.
Carrie's attitude is so different from that of Sue's old friends. You can tell in the novel, that even with the friends she is closer to, Sue begins to realize that she doesn't actually like these people? Or at the very least, does not have a very sturdy or healthy relationship. When she finds out Chris hates her, she feels an odd mix of dread and excitement. She often wonders why she couldn't just "cut her dead," and is brought to tears the one time we really see her talk to Chris. With Helen, she gets annoyed when Helen is clearly withholding information as to what Chris is planning. Helen, even if she hasn't completely turned on Sue, is being catty and going along with a nasty prank by withholding information. At this point in the novel, Sue is kind of done with that kind of behavior. She hates that she found it in herself, do you really think she would tolerate it in others after all the thought and anguishing she put into her actions and behavior? Sue is clearly a girl who is growing up fast, and all her friends are lagging behind her. But Carrie. Carrie is different.
Carrie, like Tommy, is not at all interested in any of this highschool stuff, in any of the popularity races-- she wants to fit in and be normal, but she certainly doesn't want to go around with people like Chris and Tina. If Sue had talked to Carrie before the end of the novel, I think it probable that she would have been intrigued if not perplexed by whatever Carrie would have to say to her-- and we all know she would certainly have a word or two to share with Suzie, their confrontation at the end of the novel confirms it. An earlier confrontation would have changed the way Sue thought about Carrie before the disaster even struck. I firmly believe her misplaced frustration with Carrie would be turned to grudging respect.
As for Carrie herself, I think after confronting her and getting a genuine apology, would be willing to work past it for the sake of friendship. We know that she wouldn't stop blaming Sue for her actions in the showers, but she'd be willing to forgive--not for Sue's sake-- but her own. I think Carrie, being familiar with repentance herself, would respect seeing it in Sue and would respond in kind.
"Tommy Ross didn't love her; she knew that. This was some strange kind of atonement, and she could understand that and respond to it. She had lain cheek and jowl with the concept of penance since she was old enough to reason."
This is also supported when Carrie spares Sue after she repents and shows remorse at the end of the novel. Fueled by a type of divine rage, Carrie had blindly unleashed chaos and havoc onto a town that had done nothing but hurt her. At the point that Sue finds her dying, she had just killed Chris and Billy after they had tried to kill her. If reasoning follows, she would have also hurt Sue for having hurt her, but she doesn't because Sue was remorseful. It's a very extreme situation, and I will be the first to tell you that Carrie White was not in control of what happened that night, but a part of her was still in there, and you see this when she 1) Pauses her rampage to pray 2)Agrees to pray with Margaret and 3) When she saves Sue. Carrie White is the type of woman who forgives but doesn't forget. If Sue had approached her earlier in the novel, she would have given her a second chance after the initial apology. If they became friends, they would have realized how similar they both are, and I think they would develop a very deep and special bond.
While romance is nice, I really see Sue and Carrie as two characters who would have a really interesting and fulfilling relationship. It doesn't really matter if it's as friends, life partners, girlfriends, wives or whatever else. But from their characters and their limited interaction alone, I personally see a really fascinating dynamic and I am drawn to it.
I might write more on the subject later. I'd really like to truly dissect each of their characters and do a deep exploration of their role in the story in regards to each other. What their relationship started as and what it could have been. I'd also like to analyze it from a queer perspective, as I've noticed many many queer people, like myself, are drawn to the story and I'd really like to examine it to find out why. I've already started annotating and taking notes, it's just a matter of finding the time and motivation.
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coffee-in-veins · 2 years
Day 29: Festival
an entry for darkest prompts promptober 2022  
previous days: 1, 2, 3,  4, 5, 6,  7,  8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
now available on ao3 too
Festival NOUN - a day or period of celebration, typically for religious reasons; an organized series of concerts, plays, or films, typically one held annually in the same place.
* * *
My lover's got humour She's the giggle at a funeral Knows everybody's disapproval I should've worshipped her sooner
-- Take me to church by Hozier
There was no surprise, Dismas supposed, that the Glorious And Blessed And Most Certainly Not Corrupt Church Of Holy And Divine Light was an organization fucked up to its very core. And he was saying that not only because a structure so widespread was inevitably corrupt and fucked up. Hell, he’d say for the most part at least they’ve played pretend well enough and used a lot of gilding to hide their real affairs. Most people genuinely saw them as benign – even those who worked there. Church devotees somehow managed to either turn a blind eye or even justify all of the completely messed up atrocities their beloved Church committed.
And commit cruelty the Church did! Like human trafficking disguised as finding gifted kids. Or self-torture which was proclaimed as the true path to righteousness. Or ban on food in those few merry months when getting it wasn’t as infuriatingly hard as it was at other times. Or forcing its most devoted lunatics to wake up in the middle of the night to praise the Light which wasn’t even fucking there for at least five more hours. Or any other things which made even bloodthirsty ex-brigand cock a disbelieving brow because what the actual fuck, how is any of this can be alright, Reynauld.
He was thinking this not only because he had the unfortunate experience of working in big voracious groups, and could tell countless tales of how any group which got any real power became fucked up quickly enough. One could argue that happened because he was only working with scum and mercenaries. Dismas could shrug in turn that it wasn’t rogues who invented indulgence. However, mostly he deduced that by being forced to work together with zealots and seeing how the glitter inevitably fell away each time their resolve was tested and failed, revealing tormented, broken people in places of former living saints.
But if there was one thing where even godless highwayman had to admit that the Church knew how to use to sell itself to the masses, it was the festivals it held for the devotees and “silly lost heavens” alike. No expense was too great, to extravagance too opulent, and if it was created by the free labour of its followers, so be it. Even in the forgotten backwaters of Hamlet, church celebrations were a captivating thing of beauty and carefully planted hope.
All Saints Day was no different.
Maybe it was the candles, white and pristine, and not offending his senses for once. Maybe it was the procession, sweet-smelling with frankincense which Dismas inevitably started associating with safety. Maybe it was the rare glimpse of optimism on people’s faces.
However, most likely it was the fact that Reynauld found his white holiday garments and was proudly wearing the new crest. There was an odd satisfaction in the highwayman’s chest when he had seen it – or the subtle yet obvious change in the other man’s posture, in the way the knight held himself. That made the cut spent on ordering the crest so much worth it and made the holiday actually bearable.
“Ready?” Reynauld turned to him, radiating against the sunset seeping into the room. Dismas just huffed with a half-shrug and scratched his unusually shaved chin which felt unpleasantly naked. On top of that, he had bothered to find a clean shirt – mostly because Rey tricked him beforehand and his favourite one was still wet. Still, that should’ve accounted for something.
Apparently, it was enough, since the crusader grabbed their candles and hurried outside to join his flock, babbling happily about The Forerunners of the Light, but made sure to include some of the spicier tales of the saints to keep Dismas entertained. A most welcome precaution, albeit an unneeded one – the rogue was surprising himself by simply enjoying the time they were spending together. The candles drew intricate glowing patterns on Rey’s chiselled face and hearing his voice being so uncharacteristically happy was a treat on its own. Despite hot droplets of wax falling on his fingers and the overall church nonsense around, the ex-brigand was content to be there.
That was, before they met the Abbot.
Because Reynauld immediately rushed to His Holiness, leaving him behind, and Dismas’ good mood burst like a soap bubble.
Sure, “I’ll be right back,” the other man said.
“Just stay here,” the knight threw over his shoulder as he was sprinting away.
“Don’t let the candlelight die,” he reminded the rogue, already from afar.
It was almost poetic that the next gust of wind left rogue’s candle with but a whiff of smoke coming from the glowing wick – but then again, maybe he was merely self-sabotaging as always, and let his hand fall to his side instead of shielding the gentle light. Despite the laughter and flickering candlelight all around him, he remained in the shadows. As one with his background should be, arguably.
He was oh so tired of chasing glisten.
With an exhausted sigh, the seasoned sinner turned and sulked away from the glimmering procession towards the dingy-lit windows of the Tavern – the only light which remained in his life, apparently. So much for trying--
“Dismas? Dis! Where are you?” a familiar voice called behind him, followed by heavy footsteps and a knight stopped in front of him, barely keeping his candle from going out. “There you are! I asked you to wait for me, why wouldn’t you?”
“You… came back,” Dismas muttered, unable to quench the surprise in his voice.
“Of course I did, I told you I would, didn’t I?” the knight cocked a heavy brow. It looked so odd on his usually vexed face, and so familiar. He must’ve picked some of the highwayman’s mannerisms. “I had to remind His Holiness that I cannot do my duties as Relic Bearer this year.”
“You cannot?”
“It’s the head of the procession and I know you hate the limelight. Besides, you’d have to abstain from booze and hearty foods for a week to be allowed there, and I didn’t want to—Dismas, your candle!”
Too stunned by the new information, the highwayman blinked at the half-melted piece of wax in his hand:
“What ‘bout it?”
“It went out,” Reynauld complained as if it was a tragedy.
“Ah,” Dismas paused and technically didn’t even lie when he said. “Wind.”
“Oh, those are holy flames, Dis, you’re supposed to take care of them,” Rey glanced around like a boy who was about to yank someone’s braid and stood towards the ex-brigand. “It’s frowned upon, but I want you to keep the flame…”
Wicks touched, charred against burning, and in a few moments, there were two tiny flickering lights to chase the darkness away, like two unsteady heartbeats suspended in the night. Dismas supposed it was fitting, that Rey’s broad smile was outlined with a golden glow. He was breaking the rules, maybe, but he was breaking the rules for them… whatever they were.
“Let’s go back to the festival, I haven’t told you the story of Saint Elmo, I think you two would have had a lot to talk about if you ever met…”
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regan-arksey · 1 year
Week 3: Local Competition
Anastasiia KWebsite Experience: The website experience was very easy and straightforward. She had three price ranges (Basic, Standard, and Premium). After selecting one, you log in (using a new account or a google account) - fill in some details and pay. You can also contact her for more information, however response times are usually 6 hours. Marketing Positioning: Anastasiia art is soft in aesthetic compared to other artists yet it is clear she has more dedication to the craft considering she not only does lineart - but also colour, shading, lighting, backgrounds, and more. I have seen others do soft art like this. But hers has a uniqueness to it. Reviews: Reviews are mostly 5/5. No 1’s or 2’s. From what I’ve seen, these people love her for her whimsical and somewhat child cartoon style. One person got their order a day early but was not impressed. They claimed that her art was a lot chalkier than what was promised in photos.
Pricing: Pricing differs depending on what package you get. For example, in one of her gigs: Basic 5 day/2 day: $28.33/$56.67 Standard 5 day/2 day: $42.50/$85.00 Premium 5 day/ 2 day: $70.84/$113.34 Overall, a lot of her prices are near $28.00
Social Media: From what I’ve gathered, she does not use other social media nor has any links to other social media. This is a big bonus on my end, considering my marketing strategy is using as many platforms as possible in order to gain traction! Anastasiia
Website Experience: Same as before (considering this is being used on Fiverr just like the first one). Easy to navigate - has three price ranges: Basic, Standard, and Premium. 
Marketing Positioning: This Anastasiia focuses more on fashion concepts and food. From what I’ve seen from her portfolio she does things such as: Detailed foods, jewelry, portraits, clothes, and tattoo designs.
Reviews: Again, five stars. From what I’ve read - she’s incredibly responsive and does excellent work. One slight drawback, however - is that it takes her time to understand her customer’s vision of what needs to be drawn. There was one two star yet it was too vague to understand what the problem was.
Pricing: From what I saw from her gigs, a lot of her gigs are around $15. Her most expensive is $48. Though all these prices vary from what bundle you’re purchasing from (Basic, Standard, and Premium)
Social Media: Perhaps it's just Fiverr, but it seems like there’s no link to other social media. I doubt that these artists only use Fiverr - I’m sure they have other social media that they post on, yet because they cannot link it in Fiverr I am unable to know if they do.
Website Experience: Same as the other two, easy to use and straight to the point!
Marketing Positioning: Whereas the other two were based on coloured/softer aesthetic, Missyozart is the complete opposite. She does stuff harder line-art that is usually in black and white. Very tattoo-like and gothic!
Reviews: Reviews are mostly positive with a couple 1’s and 2’s here and there. What she does well is being able to deliver quickly and go above and beyond. Though she is able to deliver quickly, from what I found from the negative comments - she is not good at communicating and sometimes doesn’t give the customer what they ask for. 
Pricing: A lot of what I saw was around the $50.00 range, where her most expensive work is $78.00 - this is due to added colour.
Social Media: Same as before, no social links coming from here which is odd. I’ve looked up if Fiverr is able to link different social media accounts for people to look at, and it says it can. I wonder if that is not the case.
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thetruthaboutnolan · 6 months
Because she dumb as hell. This has been known since she slithered into this little drama. I mean she makes up people involved, makes new accounts to talk to herself pretending to be people that were supposedly involved that no one remembers existed, and wants to be with us or wear our skins we’re not really sure which is true but one of them is. In a nutshell shell, she thinks I’m like eight other people. Basically, anyone who has anything remotely in common with me, is a friend of mine, or is seen supporting me or plain not openly bashing me apparently is me with that delulu master. The other stalkers hop on this when they need to but quite a few of them know not only do I *gasps* have friends, supports, and people who just don’t care but enjoy posting with me. They do default to this idea when needed.
Right now she’s only going hard one me, the one she’s helping dox, and our mutual buddy Jacob. It’s only us because she can’t track the others at all and honestly, can’t even track Jacob since he just switched to his older discord account and that idiot can’t find him anymore.
Now, we noticed this trend and did play into it with the Doxie telling me to change my ‘personal info’ to his since it got doxxed years ago and proving they will do it again has helped him immensely on his reputation. And I let him use the discord account they primary stalk when he went back to jcink roleplays so that they didn’t get his actual one which he’s been using to safely join servers and advertise his current site with. So maybe that helped feed the delulu the envious one has but I’ll break down the only things we had in common originally that got her on this train.
The doxie and I are both Latino, Mexican to be specific.
We’re both bisexual
We both have something with mental health. I have disorders, he has struggles from when he was sexually assaulted as a child and his pedophile stalker reinforcing the trauma for almost two decades now.
We both were sexually assaulted. He by a cousin and I by a caretaker and an ex.
We both came from jcink to tumblr
We both like supernatural roleplays
We both know how to code
We both at one point lived in California.
We both used Steven R. McQueen back when he was hot and buff in The Vampire Diaries (like a hundred other gay and bisexual people did)
We both know Jacob. But knew him by different names.
Now, the parts thats are ‘contradictions’ and that she thinks work as ‘gotcha bitch’ moments despite comparing the lives of two or three completely different people.
Doxie is light skinned from his small amount of Spaniard blood overpowering his Mexican genetics and looks vaguely Italian.
I am more caramel not really dark skinned but definitely not light either. Also have Cuban ancestors.
Jacob….. is white.
Doxie is a second generation Mexican American and was kept from learning Spanish so his parents could use it as a ‘coded language’ growing up. He also experience racism and shaming from his extended family for not being ‘real Mexican’ for this and his skin tone.
I am what was called an ‘anchor baby’. Spanish was my first language and I didn’t learn to speak, read, or write it well enough til I was like 10 through various ‘special learning’ classes. I was then used as the one to translate for family.
Jacob ….. is white.
Doxie is really into fandom roleplays and he shares an unhealthy amount of fandoms with the pedophile stalking him. He was heavily involved in the X-men then marvel and marvel and dc groups.
I completely despise fandom groups, think they are nothing but trouble and drama. I was however I to ability roleplays and had some experience with DC groups but stopped after like two when I say how toxic they were. Original abilities type role plays are my jam. I also like to base some groups of aspects of various things I like and make them in a way that fits my roleplays.
Jacob…… is white. However, he was a fan of X-men groups and original abilities type ones which is how we both met him.
Doxie is one of those happier single types of people. Raised catholic like a lot of Mexican Americans are.
I’m engaged and currently telling my fiancée that our song to dance to will be in Spanish and I will in exchange keep the large Santeria practicing side of my family from upsetting his white Christian family. And if anyone was wondering, raise catholic but was always watched by my Santeria practicing family members and made to take part in both secretly/not so secretly. so I’m familiar with both religions.
Jacob….. is white and I think atheist I dunno really.
Doxie goes by he/him
I go by they/them
Jacob ….. is white and He/him
Doxie is exclusively jcink based now and was joining any place that would have him til now that he has a lot more people welcoming him.
I am almost exclusively tumblr based but did join my first discord group a little while ago.
Jacob is primarily discord based but does dabble in tumblr when convinced but will join jcink groups he thinks are good.
That…… kind of sums it up so far. I mean there are a lot more differences between us but I don’t think they’ve been brought up at all.
It’s because there is a believed curse on both sides of my family. For multiple generations now, absolutely no one on either side has ever had a successful first marriage. Sometimes it’s instantly other times it takes decades but everyone always divorces or annuls the first marriage. I always said I’d get hammered in Vegas and marry some stranger only to annul it in 24 hours to get one over on this ‘curse’ but never did that and don’t live in California anymore so it’s not an 8 hour drive anymore. And I waited too long to enact my little idea. I’m also the type that refuses to tell anyone I love them unless I 100% mean it even to family. I’m also highly protective of my emotions that I have zero control over if I’m not medicated and even then it’s not a sure thing. So having that always in the back of my mind when we talk about it and plan stuff always dampers it.
I mean I could. But honestly, I grew up with telenovelas almost permanently on my house’s TVs. Drama, horrible storylines, lies that only the plot has the power to make people believe are just entertainment to me. Admittedly they did make me attempt to end myself in the past but these days, it’s literally me grabbing my popcorn, a Red Bull, and my favorite lounger and demanding the next episode.
Which is another thing that makes me laugh that the sexist thing keeps coming up. You idiots do realize I grew up with nothing but powerful fiery women in my life and on my tv right? And macho but emotionally unstable men. I mean, it was my momma that taught me how to throw a punch originally, not take anyone’s shit, and if I had to resort to violence, to be the last bitch standing. You people are weird and things seem more your problem than mine.
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Important Shit They Didn’t Teach Me At School
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Education is, as we all know, a vital component in our lives. They do not call them our formative years for nothing. Yet, there are many things, those in charge of teaching, do not include in our learnings. The state or a particular religious organisation are most usually involved in defining the taught curriculum. Somehow, I find, there is always important shit they didn’t teach me at school. Stuff that they left out for reasons unbeknown to me but of which I am now willing to speculate upon. I have extended my research beyond just my own school days to include the experiences of others from different eras.
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My School Education About Aboriginal Australia
In Australia, we are currently about to vote in a referendum about changing the Constitution to recognise First Nations people and to give them a voice to parliament in an advisory role. This has proven to be contentious with those unwilling to grant such recognition calling it divisive. These lively debates in the media have caused me to ponder upon my own education about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. I remember some pretty general historical stuff delivered from the colonising European’s perspective. Although, we had stopped calling them ‘savages’ by this time in the 1970’s the view was fairly bleak. Aborigines were painted as the race time forgot and their future, outside of assimilation, seemed questionable.
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They Didn’t Teach Me About Genocide & Massacres In Australia
I did not learn at school that many native groups were massacred by both settlers and a native frontier police force. I did not learn that mass poisonings were pretty common, where settlers would add arsenic or strychnine to flour given to Aboriginal groups on their land or a water hole would be poisoned. The local Indigenous children, women, and men would die in agony from these crimes against humanity. Indeed, there was a complete absence of such truth telling in my secondary education at school. I canvassed my daughter on this same topic, as she grew up in Queensland where this behaviour by settlers was more prevalent in 19C Australia. Her secondary schooling was done by a Christian College on the Sunshine Coast in 2017-2021. My daughter has no recollection of such shocking historical facts being imparted to her in Australian history classes. Indeed, Aborigines played little part in this Christian based curriculum at all, according to her very recent recall on the matter. Teaching & Whitewashing In Australia I spoke with several acquaintances and friends from different age groups, some older and some younger, about these matters. I asked them to spend some time reviewing these things and to get back to me when convenient. None of them could recollect being taught about these heinous crimes being committed. Yes, references to massacres by gunfire were sketchily mentioned by a few teachers but these were usually pretty thin on details given. Whitewashing our colonial past would not be a too strong categorisation of this policy enacted by our education departments and those of the independent schools. The upshot is that Australians do not know the true extent of what happened to First Nations people during colonisation in the 18C, 19C, and even into the early 20C.
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Killing For Country: A White Agenda David Marr, the respected journalist and writer, has recently published Killing For Country. This is an account of his forebears, who were involved in the Native Frontier Police, an official force tasked with killing native blacks. Marr estimates that they may have conservatively killed some 40, 000 First Nations people. “David Marr was shocked to discover forebears who served with the brutal Native Police in the bloodiest years on the frontier. Killing for Country is the result – a soul-searching Australian history. This is a richly detailed saga of politics and power in the colonial world – of land seized, fortunes made and lost, and the violence let loose as squatters and their allies fought for possession of the country – a war still unresolved in today's Australia. "This book is more than a personal reckoning with Marr's forebears and their crimes. It is an account of an Australian war fought here in our own country, with names, dates, crimes, body counts and the ghastly, remorseless views of the 'settlers'. Thank you, David."—Marcia Langton” - (https://www.blackincbooks.com.au/books/killing-country)
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What you get in modern Australia is a populace largely unaware of the true extent of the genocide that went on to establish a white Australia in a land that had been Aboriginal for around 70, 000 years. This is a direct result of the important shit they didn’t teach me at school. It spurs one to ponder what else was missing from my state run education? Australia, through its less than honest account of its colonial past, has sought to minimise and normalise its treatment of First Nations people. Former PM, John Howard, would not say sorry, as a strategic position in defence of how Australian governments dealt with their Indigenous population. “It all happened a long time ago,” is the common refrain from those unwilling to acknowledge the sins of the past. Well, actually it was not all that long ago in the time frame of history, more generally. Modern Australia is a very young country. Killings were still happening around a hundred years ago. Aboriginal deaths in custody are still occurring at an alarming rate today. The genocide continues in some form or another. “The frontier wars were a series of violent conflicts between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. While conflicts and skirmishes continued between European land holders and Traditional Owners, the military instrument of the Queensland Government was the Native Police. The Native Police was a body of Aboriginal troopers that operated under the command of white officers on the Queensland frontier from 1849 to the 1920s. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men were often forcefully recruited from communities—already diminished due to colonisation—that were normally a great distance from the region in which they were to work. They were offered low pay, along with rations, firearms, a uniform and a horse. Many deserted.” - (https://www.qld.gov.au/recreation/arts/heritage/archives/collection/war/frontier-wars) You cannot mass murder a bunch of people and just move on. There are ramifications and consequences of such appalling behaviour long felt. Truth telling is the next stage in the Uluru Statement from the Heart process. If you do not know the real history of your country and community – you do not know yourself.
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Was White Australia Born Out Of Biological Warfare? There is credible speculation that the huge volume of mass Aboriginal deaths via disease around Port Jackson in the early years of British colonisation was due to small pox infection and was no accident. The first fleet were carrying vials of small pox in their cargo, according to the journals of Captain Watkin Tench. Plus, this form of biological warfare had been used on American Indians by the British. There were marines aboard who had been involved in those actions. The fleet were heavily outnumbered by the natives, running low on ammunition, and getting desperate for provisions to arrive. The military were, also, unhappy with the overly humanitarian leadership of Governor Arthur Philip in relation to dealing with the natives. “In the 18th century, the use of smallpox by British forces was not unprecedented.  This tactic was promoted by Major Robert Donkin and used by General Jeffrey Amherst in 1763, when smallpox-laden blankets and a handkerchief were distributed to Native Americans from Fort Pitt near the Great Lakes.  An outbreak of smallpox in Sydney in 1789 killed thousands of Aborigines and weakened resistance to white settlement. Chris Warren argues that the pandemic was no accident, but rather a deliberate act of biological warfare against Australia’s first inhabitants. In April 1789, a sudden, unusual, epidemic of smallpox was reported amongst the Port Jackson Aboriginal tribes who were actively resisting settlers from the First Fleet.  This outbreak may have killed over 90 per cent of nearby native families and maybe three quarters or half of those between the Hawkesbury River and Port Hacking.  It also killed an unknown number at Jervis Bay and west of the Blue Mountains.” - (https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/ockhamsrazor/was-sydneys-smallpox-outbreak-an-act-of-biological-warfare/5395050)
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The denial of these terrible truths about the birth of white Australia is apparent in the loud No Vote campaign. The awful Sky News Australia, with its tabloid style opinion based journalism (if you can call it journalism), bleats its badly informed and racist message across the airwaves. The Murdoch media empire makes its money from exploiting the likes and dislikes of the dominant white cohort. It appeals to their fears by dog whistling up bogus issues like Aboriginals taking their homes and money. Downward envy is their house speciality. This appalling family has been at the epicentre of the Australian media landscape for decades. The descendants of European invaders and in some cases murderers are thin skinned and sensitive to any perceived slights upon their family name or character. Saying sorry is a bridge too far for many of these folk. Modern Australia Must Embrace Truth Telling To Know Itself Modern Australia wants its children and citizens to refer to a particular interpretation of our history. It does not want the populace to consider the brutal realities of its colonial past. Indeed, for much of the brief history of white Australia the thinking was that Aborigines would die out and be assimilated into the larger pool of a national identity. Unfortunately for the social planners and their political masters this has not happened. Stubbornly, First Nations identities have stuck around despite the institutional racism over centuries. Indeed, generations of Indigenous Australians are taking great heart in their particular identities. Now, they want Constitutional recognition and a voice to parliament advising on those issues directly affecting them. The No Vote campaign is running messages of assimilation with bumper stickers saying, “One Voice, One Mob, One Nation.” This is a denial of Aboriginal culture and a call for Australian homogeneity. This is a campaign based on ignorance from a white population which has been cosseted and protected from the truth. If anything solid has come out of this referendum, whatever the result, it has been a refocusing on First Nations people in Australia. Perhaps, learning about what really occurred during the invasion and colonisation of this land. Maybe, deepening the understanding of the situation now and then. Honest relationships are never built on brushing over the past. Truth telling and treaty are coming.
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Returning to the theme of this article, the important shit they didn’t teach me at school, a society is controlled by what they know and don’t know. This is why education is so important and why we had the history wars back in the 1990’s. The denial of the dark past is just as important as the abuse and injustice that goes on today. It forms of a framework for current reality. “If you don’t know, vote No.” This sums it up because, most of us don’t know and that has been by design. Yes, I hate to say that it is a conspiracy, because there are so many misguided conspiracists out there in the biosphere, but the manipulation of history is always so. Those in power make every effort to control the version of history promulgated within a nation for very good reasons. Culture is moulded out of those voices emerging from history, which are enhanced and amplified according to the wishes of those in power today. The ANZAC myth is the loudest one playing in modern Australia. This heroic story of gallant defeat has become the foundational myth defining our character. White Australia marching to the rescue of the mother country a long way from home. ANZAC day, since John Howard’s time has been amped up unceasingly to become a state religious festival. The nation unifies around this narrative of courage under fire. Murdering Aborigines fades into an uncertain misty past in comparison to the fine upstanding state sanctioned memories of the ANZACS.
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Vote Yes in the referendum on 14th October 2023 for a better, braver future for Australia. Compassion makes for bigger hearts and better human beings. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom. ©WordsForWeb Read the full article
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