#this was originally supposed to take place in an ap chem class but then physics whipped my ass more than chem so
threeletterslife · 4 years
Cuss Out
→ summary: As a senior in an old, cockroach-infested school, you’d honestly rather die than take a zero period class at the asscrack of dawn. But there’s a quiet boy who sits next to you that keeps you from ditching. He’s kinda cute (although you’ve never really seen his face). Yikes. But as they say, actions speak louder than words, right? 
→ pairing/rating: jungkook x reader | PG-13
→ genre: this was supposed to be fluff until i realized how fucking funny this whole situation is so now the majority of it is crack | high school!au
→ warnings: profanity as always
→ wordcount: 2.3k
→ a/n: inspiration hit because i hate my physics class and guys this is like my FIRST crack fic on tumblr after having a depressing fic streak 🤭 i hope you laugh as much as i cackled when i wrote this shit 
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Say you're on your deathbed. Your right leg is already crossing the thin line that divides life and the afterlife; you begin to feel your body succumb to death. But an angel appears. She sparkles, glimmers, and asks if you would like a second chance. You nod your head frantically. Anything to see another day, another sunrise. But the angel says there is a price to pay. She twirls her long, curly blonde hair with a perfectly manicured, dainty finger.
She leans in and you catch a whiff of Bath and Body Works' Beautiful Day perfume. It makes you feel uneasy. You don't trust that smell.
"If you want a second chance, my dear Y/N," she sings, her voice light and feathery. "Then you must retake AP Physics C."
I what???
Your daydream skids to a complete stop and you jerk awake, hands flying to steady yourself and eyes wide in confusion.
You look around your stupid zero period AP Physics C class to see if anyone had witnessed your embarrassing actions. But it looks like everyone else is half asleep—except those crazy kids who are actually taking notes. You breathe a sigh of relief before turning towards your uptight teacher, Mr. Chung. He's droning on about magnetism again, his posture annoyingly straight and voice fairly high-pitched—like he never went through puberty. Honestly, if you hear him say 'right-hand rule' one more time, you might just raise your own right hand and slap the shit out of the nearest person. And that person happens to deserve a good slapping, in your opinion.
She's the pesky girl in front of you that won't stop spritzing her stupid perfume in ten-minute intervals. You swear to the heavens you used to like the scent of Beautiful Day. But now, it makes you want to throw up.
Yes, AP Physics C is the epitome of a hellhole.
What's more, you don't know anyone in the class, which makes everything worse than it already is. You wouldn't be surprised if some kids in the period thought you were mute—rightfully, too, because you've never spoken a single word. Frankly, you don't feel the need to.
God, lecture days are the worst. Mr. Chung yaps on and on about a subject that frankly, you don't give two shits about. You're only taking this to fill up your schedule, anyway. Besides, the only unit you enjoy in physics (electric circuits) is over, which means everything else is tedious and stupid.
You don't know how you're going to survive another few months of this.
Then again, you suppose something does keep you coming to your zero period class every day. It's the only thing that actually keeps you from ditching.
There's this quiet boy that sits right next to you. As a fairly reclusive person yourself, you know shy people don't really catch people's attention. But he does.
Well, you barely even know what he looks like since he wears a cap covering his face or pulls a hood over his head every day. So you can safely say the boy doesn't interest you because of his good looks. He piques your interest because he is weirdly considerate.
You're a zero period class, which means when you come into the classroom, the stupid chairs are set on top of the stupid tables so the janitors can clean the stupid floor. It's such a fucking pain in the ass to have to haul your rather heavy chair back down at seven a.m. in the morning so you can sit on it for fifty-seven instructional minutes.
You've embarrassingly struggled over putting your chair back down for the first month of school. But after that first month, magically, your chair would be put down for you.
The boy who sits next to you would be the only one near your seating row. So you know it's his doing. But strangely enough, your seating row consists of four seats. He only puts down the chair for you and himself.
It's an awfully sweet gesture that doesn't go unnoticed.
And he's been doing that every day without fail since last year.
Honestly, it's your senior year and you wouldn't be too against ditching your zero period class, but he keeps you grounded. You need to come every day to see if he puts down your chair. It's the only interesting thing going on in your life, anyway. College decisions are out, you're completely stress-free and you're only coming to school so the office doesn't report you to your parents.
Come to think of it, you're not even sure what the boy's name is. Jeon... Junook? Joonuk? You've only heard his friends call him by his last name, so that's what you've been calling him in your head.
It sounds kinda dreamy.
Yikes. I cannot be possibly falling for a boy I haven't spoken a word to.
But even the way he makes sweater paws with his oversized hoodies is fucking adorable. And sometimes, his head droops a bit, which means he's dosing off again. See? You have that in common with him. Both of you can't stay awake during Mr. Chung's lecture.
You applaud anyone who can stay awake through Mr. Chung's monotonous lectures, actually. Okay, back on track, though.
You've been keeping your little crush on Jeon to yourself for months. You're sure your secret will stay with you when you graduate this stupid hellhole that they call a school. You can't wait to leave this cockroach-infested high school. Well, you'll miss your friends, a couple of teachers, of course. And you'll miss Jeon too... But other than that, you can't wait to leave.
The sound of Mr. Chung yelling at a fellow student makes your daydreaming come to a halt. You sigh. Every week, that man gives out at least one detention. You figured your best bet to not get one is to not talk at all. It's been working so far, too.
You look over at Jeon to see how he's faring. But his head is on his desk, his arms covering his face entirely.
Must've had a rough night.
You're contemplating whether to wake him or not. Mr. Chung might go on a serious rampage if he catches someone so blatantly ignoring his oh-so-important lecture. You're just about to muster up all your courage to speak your very first word to Jeon—and your first word in the class—when something scuttles beneath your feet.
You freeze.
Oh, fucking hell no.
It is what you think it is.
A big, fat, ugly, winged-ass roach.
It twitches its antennas almost sinisterly, and you scream silently, mouth open in shock. If it flies straight at you, it's game over. You're logging out of the group chat of life.
Ohmygod. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod.
Okay, if you're smart about this, you'll get out of it without a major heart attack. You slowly tug your feet up to your chest, hands shaking and eyes glued onto the disgusting insect.
Apparently, the cockroach does not like being called disgusting in your thoughts. It twitches its antennas again as if to give you a warning signal.
Bitch, you curse at it.
You regret doing that.
The fucking cockroach hears you. And the next thing you know, it's flying straight at you with what you assume is blind rage.
You have no time to think. You scream the first words that come to your brain, "FUCKING SHIT," before nearly falling out of your chair to escape the terror of the fugly cockroach.
The roach manifests itself on your backpack, probably smug about the terror he'd just caused you.
Meanwhile, the whole class is staring at you. You, the quiet, shy girl that some people didn't know existed.
And for the first time, you're able to get a clear look at Jeon's face. His hood had fallen off of his head from the force he had jerked awake when he had heard your vulgar cussing. He's beautiful. His slightly long, curly hair brushes against his wide, doe eyes, and he's staring you down with a shocked look on his face. Your lips part as you examine his features. Oh fuck. I didn't expect that to be under the caps and hoods. And the fact that he's intensely meeting your gaze... You flush, unable to take his blatant stare, you turn away to see your teacher shaking his head at you.
"Y/N. That was unacceptable behavior," Mr. Chung's stern voice yells at you from across the classroom. Your teacher looks a bit shocked at your outburst as everyone else in the room. "We do not... partake in such profanity."
Your eyes grow larger as you stutter, pointing at the cockroach on your backpack. "I-I! Mr. Chung—"
"Detention, Y/N. I'll see you after school."
"I—" you start, fists clenched and eyes watering up with frustration. "I'm sorry, but there was a—"
Your eyes bulge out as you see Jeon of all people yell at the top of his lungs. His voice is surprisingly soft even when he's using it to shriek vulgar profanities. He turns back to grin at you, knocking the breath out of your lungs. Before you can even react to his unthinkable gesture, Mr. Chung begins to yell:
"Jungkook! That is absolutely unacceptable. Profanity will not be tolerated in this classroom! Both of you! Detention after school!" Your teacher huffs. Jungkook. You perk up at the sound of Jeon's actual name, a stupid smile blossoming on your face. Bad timing, though. "What are you smiling about? You know what, both of you leave the class until you are able to behave yourselves."
Humiliation tinges your ears red as you hang your head low. God forbid you were being chided by your teacher like you were back in freshman year.
"There's a cockroach on her backpack, Mr. Chung," Jungkook protests, crossing his arms.
Warmth floods through your cheeks as Jungkook defends you.
"Did I ask?" Mr. Chung counters to your utmost disbelief. "Leave your backpacks and get out of class. We'll talk when the period ends."
Jungkook looks over at you, shrugging. He mouths, Oh, well, we tried. Let's go.
Wait, alone time with Jeon Jungkook outside of class? Maybe the cockroach was a sign of luck. Even so, you shudder as you look at the disgusting piece of shit sitting on your backpack. The ugliest luck on Earth, that is.
You maneuver your way around your bag, quickly following behind Jungkook as he struts out of class as if nothing had happened. You feel the eyes of all of your classmates on your back and you would be lying if you said you weren't sweating up a storm.
The moment you're out of the class and away from the windows and door of the room, Jungkook lets out a large sigh of relief.
"That was one hell of a cockroach," he laughs, his nose scrunching up cutely and bangs falling in front of his eyes.
"Y-Yeah," you manage to answer. "Sorry. I think I might've gotten you in trouble..."
Jungkook grins. "Pity. Guess I'll have to spend time with you in detention."
"Do you think Mr. Chung will kill us?"
The boy snorts, casually leaning against the wall and gives you a sideways glance, tilting his head curiously to look at you. "That man's all talk and no action. He hasn't put a student in detention in thirty years... Although he seems like he does every week. I think we'll be fine."
You nod, cheeks turning red as Jungkook stares you down.
"You know, I've been meaning to talk to you for a while," he confesses, smiling softly at you. "But I'm always drowsy zero period, so I didn't want to say something stupid. You really woke me up today. Thanks, honestly."
"O-Oh," you mumble, "yeah, um, no problem. Oh, and thanks for putting my chair down for me every day."
"No biggie," Jungkook grins. "Oh, and by the way, you free this weekend?"
"Uh, yeah," you say, nodding, heart beating as you realize what this is going to lead to.
"Good!" Jungkook exclaims. "I've always wanted to take you out sometime... Is this Saturday okay?"
You nod, too shell-shocked to speak. Turns out the shy boy isn't so shy at all. He'd been quiet because he was tired.
"Great!" he says, clasping his hands together.
The rest of the conversation flowing nicely. The two of you are really getting to know each other. And you find that your instincts had been very accurate—this boy is godsent.
When the bell rings to signalize the end of zero period, you're honestly a bit disappointed. For the first time, you wish your zero period dragged on longer.
"Well, it was so nice getting to you know," Jungkook says as he waves his phone. "I'll text you the details about our date later!" He begins to walk backward away from you, waving.
You watch him like you're entranced in a deep, magical spell.
"Y/N?" he calls when he's several feet away from you.
"Yeah?" you answer.
"You know, I didn't know you were such a cuss out!" he says, winking at you. "Would've never pinned you as the type!"
You giggle, shaking your head. "Speak for yourself!" you call back, making Jungkook grin wider. "And Jungkook?" God, his name sounds so right, rolling off your tongue.
"You forgot your backpack, silly. It's still in the classroom."
"Oh shit!"
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