#this was probably a heavier and more baggage-filled response than anon meant to get
thefloatingstone · 6 years
How do you think Sans would take it if/when Pap moves out of his house? (For normal reaching-adulthood reasons or for angsty fight reasons, your choice). Would he be really chill with it bc he has Toriel and the others, or would it be hard for him?
This is a really difficult question for me to answer. Not because I can’t think of a proper response, but because irl I have... serious issues with abandonment which bleeds into how I enjoy my hyperfixations and stuff X’D meaning, basically, I don’t like to think about things like that in too much of a “real world” setting. Even if it makes 0 logical sense, I want them to be together forever and never have to accept reality in terms of “it’s what should be done” or “it’s the healthy thing to do” or “it’s how these things happen naturally.” because, frankly, I just can’t take it.
I prefer thinking they’ll just always live together forever.
I will say, the game itself makes it pretty clear Sans is not a person who will be ok living by himself. Not emotionally. In the one neutral ending where you don’t kill anyone but Papyrus, Sans moves into the ruins with Toriel. Something that is by no means a simply situation. Toriel has holed herself up in the ruins specifically to avoid people. The other monsters in the ruins keep their distance from her because they find her intimidating. And she has a self-imposed banishment she feels she needs to live out. Staying in the ruins by herself forever.
For Sans to move in with her... it’s very clear things were serious enough where Toriel literally threw away everything about her core character and beliefs and trauma and because THAT’S how badly Sans needed someone. Of course is this mostly because in this ending Papyrus didn’t just leave or move out, but died. But I think it I feel it’s a strong indicator how Sans needs his brother to be around.
Honestly, the best I can do is consider the two of them getting a joined duplex on the surface, with one side belonging to Sans and the other Papyrus. So they each technically have their own house and their own space, but they are still together at the same time. Honestly it’s the only way my heart can bare splitting them up and not having them live together. Because the idea is a little too crushing for me. (Or perhaps if you are the kind to subscribe to Sans and Toriel moving in together eventually anyway, two small houses directly next door to each other with a low picket fence. That’s the best I am willing to accept)
Honestly they’d probably still spend almost all their free time together when they’re not doing other stuff anyway. And just kinda split it in half as to which one of their houses they’re passing the time at. Sometimes Sans crashes in Papyrus’ house (without his permission, really) and sometimes Papyrus crashes at Sans’ (Because it needs someone to clean it). But if they’re both home and not doing anything else, they’re not gonna spend their time separately in their own individual houses. Sans would get lonely, and Papyrus would get bored.
*koff* although that being said, somebody please give me a flash-fic where Papyrus storms out of their house after an angsty fight reason and stays out just a LITTLE too long. Prompting Sans to go look for him without much luck, getting him freaked out and worried, only to come home, (ready to call someone to help him look because he’s starting to stress something bad might have happened) to get some proper rainboots on, to find Papyrus sheepishly sitting on the couch waiting for him. So we can have them make up, apologise, and reaffirm that Papyrus would never really run away from their home permanently no matter how badly they may fight.
I implore you. It’s what my dumb Fear of Abandonment ass needs in my life to counteract my own childhood-born fears and anxieties.
But uhm... yes. I hope that kind of answers your question, Anon ^^; and hopefully at least my suggestion for close-by-living as a substitute for “always living together forever” is a good substitute for the “it’s healthy to have independence” argument.
Sometimes I just want characters who love each other to never be apart and be happy forever. Because that thought gives me some security.
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