#this was supposed to be a 'reiju has feelings bc she's a girl and so that's like a metaphor for transfem sanji'
beanghostprincess · 11 months
reiju being the only vinsmoke child that has feelings and can empathize is pretty much obviously referencing the whole "unlike boys, girls are emotional" thing that has always been said to disregard women's positions of power and strengths, assuming that empathy is not a strength itself.
from men's pov, girls are: emotional, weak, sensitive, empathetic... they're the ones doing the "simple" house tasks like cooking, cleaning, taking care of things instead of destroying them.
that sounds, kind of, exactly to what sanji is. sanji's "failures, weaknesses, malfunctions..." are literally what is expected to see in women.
they tell him to man up. to be stronger. to stop crying because boys don't cry. how could he cry?! how could he dream?! how could he cook and be nice to others and feel? how could he be a good person when he's a man and men are expected to be bigger than anyone else. he should take up space, not give it to the ones who need it. he should scream at the top of his lungs, deeply and loudly, not gently. he should take and take and take and he should not give because men are meant to own, not to offer. he shouldn't be clever, he should act. he shouldn't be sad or in pain because men are supposed to take it and swallow and bear with it. he shouldn't be hungry. hunger is for the people who lack food and if you lack food you're weak and if you're weak you're not a man. and lack means wanting, but why's he craving something when he should just take it and take it and take it? so he shouldn't eat because eating is meant to be for pleasure only, if you're a man, and if you need it you're weak because he shouldn't need. he should want and take and never need.
he cries when they kick him and he begs when they take someone away from him. because he's weak. because he loses and loses and loses and never wins only because he isn't man enough to cheat. he goes through life asking first, acting second. he doesn't play dirty, like a man should, but lives in a clean state of pureness and delicacy. he has to be clean to cook, of course. clean to be good. but men don't cook and they are allowed to be as bad as they want. but he isn't, is he? because he feels. and feels and feels until it's too much. so much that it explodes and it breaks and his soul shatters. soul that he shouldn't have in the first place because men are a fortress with enough strength to ignore what's inside. and he is weak. he is small. he is hungry.
god, he's so hungry. but not for power or money or women- well, he is hungry for women. for their soothing voices and soft touches and angry glances that are always a bit too much for his poor heart to handle. he never asks much, just a bit of them. crumbs to feed his starving heart. he finds comfort in women the same way a man destined to death would consume his last meal. he's on the verge of falling but he can't, because men do not fall, they are the ones to push. so he's hungry, but he doesn't eat because if he did, that would mean he needs it and then he wouldn't be a man.
men should fight and not defend, but he's always protecting and never fighting. he fights to protect, never himself, always others. he fights to defend his weak self, but it can't be called fighting when the only thing he does is taking. and he learns to take it without a single word or prayer escaping his lips because a man should not do that.
he's different. a failure. a mistake. a good for nothing. not a man. not powerful like a vinsmoke should be. not godly and royal like his family is. machines built to kill and destroy and take and take instead of living. but sanji likes living. he likes breathing and eating and smiling and feeling and giving and giving and giving until he doesn't have anything to offer. he likes being alive and feeling.
so he has to be human, if not only a malfunction in their mom's womb.
human, but not quite, because being human means being like the rest. the definition for human is "not a vinsmoke", in his perception, so he has to be. he is. he is human. he wishes to be, at least, part of the mankind.
man. man. a man. that's what he should be. that's what he is. vinsmoke men are not just men. they're men. and being only a man should be different, but it isn't. it will never be.
he is human, but not really. he's not a vinsmoke, that's for sure. but he's not human, either, he's still different.
because when he gets out of there, the fire of the stove still burns his hands. and he can cook. yes. he realizes he can cook and he can enjoy and live and give and give and it's liberating to know he can and will live. but he can't dream because dreaming of impossible things —like blue, deep, magic seas— isn't meant for rational men. he's following the recipe wrong, all over again, and he doesn't know what the hell is going on if all the ingredients are right.
then he is hungry again. hungry for life. and food, too. and he has never felt weaker and less of a vinsmoke, but more of a human. he bleeds and cries and begs and starves like any human would and yet... he isn't a man. he isn't a real person. and maybe it's still in his blood, despite having ran away, the malfunction in his veins. there is something deeply wrong with him. down to his core.
and he can't figure out what, but he can starve. so that means he's human. but he's not a man. because men don't starve. they take what life gives them and don't need to eat if they can't. zeff is strong and wide and the manliest man he has ever met. and yet he's hungry, but he doesn't eat. he doesn't eat because he gives. he gives food to a kid who doesn't even deserve to eat. he gives food to a kid, not a man, because if he was a man he wouldn't need to eat.
so he just needs to grow up and become a man, he thinks. that's it. time. time. that's what he lacks and what he should take. years.
but he doesn't become a man.
he grows fond of women as years pass by. they're gorgeous. pieces of art. delicate, emotional, calculative, strategic, pretty, soothing, and perfect in every way. they're everything a vinsmoke shouldn't be. they're everything sanji is- wants to be. he isn't like them. he is a man.
he likes watching them and giving them the pleasures he's refused of, because at least he gets to taste the other end of the stick when dreaming about impossible things turns out to be something too emotional for him to handle as the man he has become.
skirts. dresses. high heels. make up.
it must be hard to fight in those. that's why men don't wear them. because men are meant to fight. girls are meant to just exist. they give peace and love to a world full of destruction just by breathing, they don't need to do anything in order to give.
nami's ruthless. like a storm. and pretty, obviously, like a faint, calm rain. gorgeous and bright, like the sun. and she's feminine in such a strong way that it makes sanji shiver and get on his knees quicker than any woman has ever done. because she's different, too. she's a girl but she's not a girl. and she's not a man but she's more of a man than sanji could ever be in a million years, he realizes, because she's not afraid. and men shouldn't be afraid.
sanji always is. he just doesn't show. showing emotions is a cry for help and boys don't- men don't cry.
she's a girl without being like any other girls. so that means sanji can be a man without being exactly like the rest.
and yet, he's still not a man.
because dresses aren't meant or men, and still he can easily run wearing high heels without any problem. and they feel good, too, not because they fit in but because they fit him. they match the dress and the lip gloss. the world used to be black and white but now it's fucking pink and it makes him feel good and brave and strong and he's not afraid.
then the world shatters again. pops like those bubbles again. and again. like the day he lost himself to the pleasurable feeling of comfort he's been fighting his whole life. because he's a man and comfort means not being able to handle pain. and he fought pain that day until he gave in to his desires. but desiring something is only a thing men can afford, and he didn't actually desire it. he needed it. needs it to breathe and to laugh and to live. needs it because he can't handle pain and if he can't handle pain he's not a man.
so he goes back to hiding and wanting and giving and giving but without needing. and he doesn't take, because he's not a vinsmoke, but he is a man, because he only eats the crumbs women throw at him.
it's raining when he hears it, and he can't help thinking about nami. ruthless, strong, gorgeous and feminine nami.
pudding wouldn't. nami wouldn't.
he wouldn't marry himself either, if asked.
and there's gotta be something wrong with him. something that doesn't work. because he's not a vinsmoke but he's not a man and he's not human and he's not even a failure. he isn't a failure because his mom said so. and if someone as honest and good and kind and feminine as her said that, it has to be true.
and yet he's not a man. he looks at himself from far away. he's always seen himself like that. like a soul flying around an empty body. a shell.
and then it breaks.
it's still raining.
luffy is beautiful. and he is a man. but just like nami isn't a girl, luffy isn't a man.
because he dreams, bigger than anybody else. he shines, brighter than the sun. he feels, louder than any woman. he fights, with his whole heart and fists and punches way harder than any vinsmoke. and he's hungry. luffy's hungry due to a promise. a promise lead by loyalty and love and passion and everything sanji wishes he could let himself feel.
the thing is, luffy can feel all of those and still be a man.
if sanji feels, he won't be a man. nor a vinsmoke.
niji called him girl once. because he cried. and the punches hurt, but for some reason the thought of being allowed to feel if he were to be a woman made the wound heal faster.
luffy sees him cry.
and dream and wish and ask and beg and break.
and he's trying to give, but luffy is asking him to take and be selfish. he wonders if taking something for himself will turn him into a man, finally.
but he cries again.
"i want to go back to sunny."
and he's not a vinsmoke. nor a man.
he isn't sure exactly what he is.
and then luffy says: "that's just how you are!" about him being too kind for his own good and too empathetic for him to be considered a man.
luffy smiles when he says it, as if it was the most brilliant quality of the cook.
he's not a vinsmoke. he's not a man.
sanji lets himself dream about what he could be. lets himself feel what he truly is.
he has never liked feeling weak because that's just what women are supposed to be. delicate and soft and meant to be rescued by the prince he should be.
luffy looks at him like he's the most beautiful thing to ever be under the rain. dirty and messy and crying and shattered. but still beautiful. and clean. and pure. and soothing. and everything a woman is and everything he wants to be and everything he could be.
and it's a very complex recipe and perhaps he still lacks some ingredients and maybe he could use less of others and let it cook for a bit longer.
but it tastes good. to dream. to feel. to exist. not like a mistake but as a human.
as herself.
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doctortonytchopper · 9 months
So like. The thing. TO ME. Is that. Sanji and all of his siblings were genetically engineered.
And so ok. So with Reiju they werent able or didn't want to mess with her emotions yet. So she's like. Normal mostly, like in a nature-not-nurture sense. Like she's traumatized obviously but she didn't get her emotions messed with genetically.
And so Sanji and his brothers, they tried to mess with all of them, and their mom took a poison which was supposed to make them all not be genetically modified at all but it only worked on sanji. And I'm only halfway through wano but from accidentally seeing spoilers I'm getting the sense his gene mods were just like. Latent. In some way. Like he is mostly normal but in some quantity, he's still carrying the latent expression of the gene mods, though it seems like he probs still has emotions cause apparently due to an agreement zoro would kill him if he obviously stopped having those. Ok ✔️
So but all three of the others apparently are modified not to have emotions. And they have like some leeway there for story reasons - they laugh and are derisive and angry/cruel and stuff. But the one real genuine emotion they really display, the one that's least possibly a show they put on to seem more human, is they are really 😍😍😍 about girls. Like. The EXACT same way as sanji. Like seem to have one emotion, strongly, and that is: Cute Girl™️
Ok and bear with me here but I'm just saying that . I'm not SAYING but I'm just out loud wondering , maybe, if it may have seemed advantageous to Vinsmoke Judge specifically. If his sons. Whose emotions he chopped off. Were maybe genetically conditioned to actually have to one single emotion. One that would maybe make them easier to force into political marriage.
That like, . That sanji already is less heart eyes swooning over Nami and less willing to bend to her every whim even on the ship to wano, like when luffy goes and rides the giant koi. We saw sanji deliberately put himself (or pretend to) in that swooning heart eyes mode when he wanted to avoid worrying about his future and his friends. He literally uses his Germa suit ONE time and IMMEDIATELY uses it to spy on naked women - which is something he's always talked about, wanting to be invisible for that, but it defines that aspect of his character more to me.
Bc if Sanji was genetically modified to be obsessed with women and sex, but told by his father never to hurt women, he's at the mercy of those two pieces of programming, and being unaware of either, he wouldn't really think through any of his actions or feelings around them. Which would make his inability to see the contradiction between wanting to protect women and wanting to violate them via spying on them (but not necessarily willing to touch them in a majorly violating way) make sense.
And didn't Ivan say there was a reason he was sent to the kamabakka kingdom? I know the obvious reading is he was sent there to get better at cooking but they never said that straight out. It would make a lot of sense, whether sanji is queer or not, to have him spend time discovering his programming by spending time with people who have dedicated themselves to unworking social programming in themselves. If he would have stopped running away from any personal introspection or identity self-interrogation for one DAMN second I s2g
Idk I just mean that especially starting at WCI there's not NOTHING there in terms of strong hints Sanji's girl-crazy creep thing is like...not authentically his own, unmodified self.
(Two more things, specifically relating to zoro here and his pact, and their rivalry from back on that island with the giant pirates way back when. Obviously there's so much more than just this and it might be way off base but like -
It would make sense that zoro is so attuned to sanji being annoying at women since he's pretty much using observation haki since before the first time we meet him, just doesn't know it and it's not strongly developed. It would make sense if he senses some stuff about Sanji's actions being caused by something else, which pings his haki and bothers him but he doesnt know why, which makes him yell at sanji. A stretch but could be a thing esp if tied into -
If sanji's starting to go outside that programming and be less girl crazy, it would probably fit into zoro's definition of sanji acting "different" which could lead to an ironic kinda conflict of misunderstanding which would be a fascinating way to have sanji figure out he was programmed to be that way.)
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