#this was suuuuuper fun though. now onto actually talking about her personality + interactions with the NDA
wist-eri · 7 months
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hey where did this come from 🤨
I FINALLY FINISHED IT. phew. here’s an mock-up info page for haru allegro, my rain code OC!
might get into talking about her dynamics with the rest of the NDA and such later, but for now have this
official description under cut in case it’s hard to read:
Haru Allegro
Japanese VA: Sora Amamiya English VA: Allanah Fitzgerald
One of the Master Detectives dispatched to Kanai Ward. Her Forte is Soundproofing.
Despite being certified as a Master Detective by the World Detective Organization, she is more often recognized for her work as a contract advisor or an arbitrator. She is a versatile thinker and uses any information she gathers to her advantage, but at times she may be a bit dense and hold certain preconceptions that cloud her judgement.
Forensic Forte: Soundproofing The ability to block sound in a wide variety of spaces, as long as it is within a short distance from her.
also here’s a transparent version of her splash ⬇️
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i also wrote my voice claims for her! for her japanese voice i was mostly imagining sora amamiya’s role as akame in akame ga kiru (though a bit stronger with her diction). for english, literally i just listened to fitzyVA / allanah fitzgerald’s voice demo and i knew her medium/lower voice was perfect
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