#this was the very first post I ever reblogged on roscoe
missryorinechan · 2 years
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I posted 346 times in 2022
That's 346 more posts than 2021!
14 posts created (4%)
332 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 279 of my posts in 2022
Only 19% of my posts had no tags
#writeblr - 109 posts
#writeblr community - 85 posts
#save for later - 60 posts
#other’s writing - 46 posts
#other’s ocs - 32 posts
#writing - 25 posts
#not my writing - 25 posts
#writing advice - 21 posts
#other’s wips - 19 posts
#other’s wip - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i’ve had this fire and ice things going for a long time; ever since i first made them but i never thought their personalities would evolve
My Top Posts in 2022:
1 and 7 for the oc ask game?
this will be fun 😄 thanks for your ask!
1. What are your OC’s best and worst qualities? What do they think are their best and worst qualities?
Reince - His best quality would be his ablility to analyze problems and situations. As for his worst, he doesn’t trust anyone to help him with any *personal* problems (Lyra and/or his dad have to find out/drag it out of him). He believes his logistics are his best quality and temperament to be his worst (he’s more chill than he realizes).
Lyra - She’s a great a listener! Very engaging, too. It’s easy to talk to her, and can keep any secret if any are passed on to her. At the moment, she has no bad qualities! :3 I’ll find out what it is later, I’m sure. She knows her buoyant personality is her best quality, and she believes her inability to shapeshift is her worst.
Spyro - He’s actually pretty good at running Verdure, as he considers all sides of diplomatic matters, then filters through the nonsense, firm in whatever decision he thinks best for all involved. When he’s not working though, he’s a worrywart and subservient. He doesn’t think he has any good qualities, and he knows his inability to standup for himself is his worst.
Perpetua - She knows how to wield a number of weapons, and she knows how to use her transpose ability along with them. She’s not all that great (or willing) to understand perspectives other than her own. She knows she’s good at everything (is she wrong)? And doesn’t think she has any bad qualities.
Paprika - So…At the moment, I don’t know any of this? She’s been the evil sibling for so long, this softer version of her is still new to me.
7. What is their biggest insecurity?
Reince - Honestly? Losing self-sustainability physically, mentally and especially financially.
Lyra - Not being accepted by others.
Spyro - He has a lot, but the fear of being treated differently once people find out he’s the prince a major one.
Perpetua - None at all, of course! (Not being the center of attention, unbeknownst to her.)
Paprika - After losing her parents, she doesn’t want anything unexpected to happen to her siblings, either. At least, not without making amends.
2 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
Last line tag!
Thanks for the tag, @dontjudgemeimawriter ! For some reason I completely missed myself on the taglist and just realized it today? Ah, anyway—
Bianca twirls the glittering black-to-green pendant between her fingertips, a fondness upturning her lips. “No, no one I’ve featured before. On my birthday a few years back, my little sister made me this necklace. Roscoe has a few of her pieces as well—the bracelet he’s wearing she—“
/“Little sister? Is there a reason you never featured her? Roscoe, do you know her?”/
“Well, I do…and I don’t.” Roscoe scans the audience behind the cameras. “I would like to get to know her more, but—“
“She can be a little prickly, especially with people she doesn’t know well. She’s so adorable when she gets like that!”
2 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
tag game!
Thank you @ashen-crest and @thegreatobsesso for the tags! I actually felt like working on my wip today! I like how this turned out for right now. This is an open tag for anyone!
Swallowing air was a chore, with his throat still course from unknown powder. Reince claws at his arm as he watches people rushing out of Rinse and Rave. Some of them made it out themselves, others weren’t even conscious. Lyra grapples onto his shoulder, loosening and tightening and loosening her grip as if it would relieve her. Blinding, blaring blue and red paint the early evening thick. Why… No, what was his next step?
“Are you the owner? Could you please tell us what you understand of the situation?”
He pushes the mic down as suddenly as it was thrust in his face.
“No, wait—we’d like to understand who you think would do this—”
He walks onto the sidewalk instead of standing in the midst of the road, Lyra refusing to let him go. The damage didn’t look too bad farther away… he drags a hand down his face. The door his father carved was off it’s hinges, the glass wall had been blown outwards. Furniture within had withstood the blast better, so he could salvage most of it.
3 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
✨writeblr intro✨
Hey there! So, I’m pretty new to the writeblr community, so I think an introduction is due. Welcome to my blog, and thanks for stopping by!
about me - I’m ryorine, I go by she/her pronouns and in my late teens. I’m the type of writer who’ll sit down to write, but actually just scroll through tumblr. I’m currently studying Japanese and wondering if I’ll become a proper adult when the time comes. I’m really into Dragalia Lost and Project Sekai fandoms (this blog is strictly for writing stuff though, so don’t worry, I’m not clogging it up with random stuff).
wip status - I haven’t started on the first draft yet, since I’m typing up an outline. Currently calling it “natural hues”. I’ve been watching documentaries and reasearching just so I could build my wip’s world, and it’s super fun.
blog navigation - Currently figuring out how to run and sort this blog, but you can find anything I write under the tag “#my writing”. I often repost other authors’ works, so you’ll find that under “other’s writing, other’s wip, not my writing” etc.
about natural hues
genre - So, it’s a fantasy world (not sure if it’s high or low fantasy, but I think it’ll be closer to low fantasy) where people can shapeshift into, possess the traits and skills of a certain animal. There isn’t really “magic”, since a person’s skills come naturally in animals, but there is technology that is slightly more advanced than the modern world but take that with a grain of salt I’m not sure yet. Depending on where a person is born, they’ll have the traits of a local animal. Traits can also be passed down, but I’m almost certain this would spark problems like in Zootopia, which, eh, maybe, but that isn’t set in stone. I also think parents may be able to assign their children an animal, and that way is less spontaneous than the first way and less problematic than the second—I’m undecided with this concept at the moment.
setting - There’s a continent (no name yet) with five major habitats, each with subdivisions and at least one monarch. (Bear with me here, I wrote these little biome notes for myself really).
Cosmopolis of Verdure
A biome with lots of trees and grasses, and rounded seasonal changes. A biome with a thick canopy of green and lots of rain.
Verdure is by far the richest and most populated habitat due to the Temperate District being a suitable and prosperous place for all throughout the year, while the Misty District remains humid for those who prefer year-round warmth.
Umi Emirate
A biome with endless portions of salty water and aquatic vegetation. A biome with freshwater surrounded by land with lots of plants. A biome with freshwater running through land and often meet oceans.
The Salted Deluge is the most populated body of water within Umi and have relations with Arktinen. Fresh Settlements are wealthier because of their close ties with Verdure and Woestyn.
The Woestyn Territories
A biome with tumbleweeds and cacti, harsh weather in the days and nights, and endless sand. A biome with dry grasses and open trees.
The Scorch Zone is harsher for most to live in with extreme year-round heat and drought. The Arid Zone is well off with a habitat closer to that of Verdure’s Temperate District.
Arktinen Dominion
A biome with snow and ice, surrounded by seawater, and a handful of vegetation.
The permafrost of the Tundra Division supports a small population, while the Glacier Division is partially governed by Umi.
Kingdom of Cueva
A biome with lots of high rock formations, tunnels running through them, and valleys dipping in between them.
The Tunnels and the Ravine are safe havens for those struggling to get by or for those in hiding. The Peaks are seldom inhabited by outsiders.
plot - Reince and Lyra have known Spyro for a couple of years—the kid became a regular at Reince’s cafe after gaining a crush on Lyra. After Spyro reveals his identity as Verdure’s prince to them, he stops visiting. Shady and inexplicable incidents within the cafe force Reince to shut it down. He receives a text that promises the sender can help get his business running again, but only if he agrees to meet in person and showcase all of his transpose forms….
characters - As far as my outline goes, I’ve got four characters that appear, so that’s who I’ll put (for now).
Reince Osage - My main man, a little rough around the edges but he’s got a cool head on his shoulders. Since he took over his father’s cafe, he’s enjoyed a quiet and content life running it with his best friend, Lyra.
Lyra Meij - Reince’s closest confident, and the only one who knows that he has multiple transpose forms. A medical condition she developed as a child prevents her from using her skills and transforming.
Spyro Meela - Verdure’s prince, and their only responsible royal. Since his parents passed, he’s been handling Verdure’s affairs with the help of the royal librarian.
Paprika Meela - Verdure’s runaway princess turned mercenary. While she still holds resentment toward her siblings, returning their just desserts is a relatively new concept for her.
5 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A semi edited piece of something. not part of a grand wip novel, I just like these characters ahaha
Prompt: “How are you all so cruel to each other?”
“You are such a single child. Listen, we say these things and smack each other with the knowledge that if something is truly bothering someone, they will tell us.”
Prompt by @givethispromptatry!
Dacre examines as Tabitha fishes her phone from her purse and presses her lips together when she sees the caller-ID. He leans over her shoulder and tries to catch the name, but she drops it back in her purse and lets it ring out. With exasperation in his breath, he straightens his posture so that his now damp shoulder is back under the umbrella he holds. Tabitha keeps her eyes on the library as they wait at the crosswalk.
“Sooooo who are you ignoring?”
Her phone buzzes again, and she picks up her phone and nervously chews her lip. She plays a new voicemail, leaning away from Dacre as he tries to listen.
「Tabitha, I can’t believe you just did that! We came to visit our favorite little sister for a while and you just ignore me? Ohhh well, I was tryna be nice and ask you for directions for your place, but I’ll find it myself. Oh, and who’s that with you? He’s cute! Are you on a date right now?!」
“Vivienne!” Tabitha powers off her phone and clutches her arms tightly to her chest and resists the urge to gnaw off her recently painted nails.
“Your…sister?” there was an innocent perplex in his tone.
“H-How much of that did you hear?”
“All of it?“
Tabitha dashes into the library as soon as the silhouette pedestrian appears, hoping against hope Dacre wouldn’t chase her. Technically, since they were still on the clock…she sighs, wondering how she kept her job as long as she had. Dacre says nothing when he reaches her. Oftentimes, she puzzles him—her reactions and mannerisms leave him yearning to unravel her mind. Aware of the calculating plum irises boring into her, Tabitha clears her throat and approaches the empty information desk. A kid pops up from behind it, enthusiastically waving at them. Like a fish out of water, Tabitha seizes up, struggling to get a word past her lips. Dacre snaps in front of her face, but she refuses to budge. He turns to the boy for inspection—sea green eyes and a tawny complexion…
Firmly placing his hands on the desk, the kid leans forward, “Aw, don’t be be like that, ‘onee-san’!”
Chuckles echo from the behind the desk, and two individuals with striking white-to-smalt gradient hair, their grins widening from ear to ear. Dacre wonders what their eyes looks like.
“Tabs!” the man with his hair loosely tied back chirps, resting his head in his hands, “Tabs, our dear sister, we missed you so much!”
“Miss you and all that…but I can’t forgive you for purposely ignoring us!” An inkling tells Dacre that this one is “Vivienne”.
Tabitha discovers the ability to function again, her quivers hardly noticeable, “I-I thought you…you were going to find where I live, not…”
“Ahem,” as her employer and partner, Dacre figured he had some leeway to interfere. The chance is stolen right from him, though.
“Oh, right, you. The name’s Raymond,” Raymond offers his hand to him. “Nice to ‘meet’ you.”
“Vivienne, here. And this lil’ baby is Nico. Ain’t he cute?”
Nico beams, pointing to his dimples, “‘Course I am! We came to abduct Tabs though, so…”
Tabitha chews hard on her lip, “I’m still working, so, that’s—“
“We can call it a day. It’s not a priority commission anyway.”
She nods and fiddles with one of her chocolate dreads, still aswoon from her siblings sudden appearance act, and the expectant stares she gained were crippling. Although the desire to pry comes to mind, Dacre holds his tongue and offers a farewell. Vivienne clicks her tongue, folds her arms and invites him for their impromptu reunion dinner. Tabitha avoids giving any gestures that tells him he couldn’t join them…he liked to think he could read her well. He dispels a tinge of guilt and accepts.
Would nothing let Tabitha loosen up her defenses even a little? The only person who successfully held conversations with her was Nico, yet she acted like she needed to keep up appearances. Perhaps his presence overwhelms her—perhaps she caught on how often Dacre observed her throughout dinner as her “Raydiennt” siblings had. As dessert arrives at their table, Dacre recalls the slights aimed at her…no, he wouldn’t go there. Absentmindedly digging into his slice of pie, the zingy key lime flavor helps him round up his wayward thoughts as it melts on his tongue.
“Hey, Tabs—” Raymond swills another bite of affogato, “—Pop’s been wondering about those roommates of yours. From what I gather, they’re both…interesting.”
“Mm?!” Tabitha chokes on her water, earning pats on her back from Nico. “Have you been here all day?! Please tell me you weren’t listening to me all day.”
See the full post
29 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ajbwasntwriting · 3 years
Daughter!Reader X Negan, Reader x Daryl: Chapter 12. Shots Fired
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I’ll only post more chapters if previous chapters get a good reaction so if you enjoy this please heart it, reblog it, and/or reply to it. Interaction inspires.
if you wish to be added to the tag list please dm me. All chapters can be found under the tag AJ’s Negan’s Daughter AU
Everything had started so perfect.
You slept in the tent next to the infirmary in Daryl’s arms through the night and in the morning you helped the crew make breakfast. Rick had rode home to Alexandria and there was news on the walkie that food was coming from the hilltop. You grabbed food for yourself and Aaron and headed back to the infirmary.
Aaron was sitting up and talking with Daryl.
“Morning” You announced as you strode into the tent.
“Morning” Daryl said with a smile.
“I’m not looking,” Aaron joked, covering his eyes with his hand.
“Very funny,” You shoved the plate against Aaron and he took it, setting it down on his lap. “So what’s got you bothering my patient, Mr Dixon.”
“Wanted to see how he was doing before I head out for the day” Daryl spoke.
“You get breakfast yet?” You asked
“I don’t need-” Before he could finish you thrust your plate into his hands.
“Eat up. You’ll need it” You said turning back and leaving the tent to get yourself a new plate.
“You sure know how to pick ‘em” Aaron said through a mouthful of food.
“Yeah” Daryl said, getting into his food.
“How’d you meet?” Aaron pressed. Daryl glanced at him in question. “C’mon everyone’s heard how she appeared from thin air and you jumped to her defence.”
“Ya make it sound like a fairy tale” Daryl commented.
“It is.” Aaron replied. Aaron took a bite of some bread and kept staring at Daryl “C’mon you can tell me.”
Daryl thought back on it for a moment. ‘I tried to kill her’ he thought. Now he couldn’t think of hurting you. “Before the winter, me, Tara, and Rick went into DC. I got hurt. We had to camp for the night in this bank.” Daryl spoke through his food. “She walked in, started pulling the place apart. We said stop. She seen I was hurt and offered to help me.” He lost interest in his food for a moment, thinking back to that little apartment in DC that you had fixed up and made a home for yourself. “She was starving. I couldn’t sit by and do nothing, not after she helped me. At first I just brought her the surplus but she insisted on giving me stuff in return. ‘Not gonna leave you short’ she said.” Daryl stopped when he realised how long he had been talking about you, and the soft look Aaron had listening to him. Daryl went back to his food “Can’t let good people suffer”
“She is good.” Aaron spoke, “You should have brought her home sooner.”
“I tried. She wouldn’t come.” Daryl put down his now empty plate. “She don’t like camps or nothin’”
“So she was somewhere bad before” Aaron mused
“She deserves something good.” Daryl spoke “We all do.”
A sudden unrest erupted outside the tent. Daryl got onto his feet and went to investigate, finding the camp filled with angry saviours
“Guess they're gonna execute every last one of us!” a man yelled out “Just like Justin!”
“Not if we have guns, too.” a women called out
“Hey, hey, you guys!” Laura was in the middle of the crowd trying to calm people. “No no no no! No!”
“Come on guys!” Arat yelled trying to make herself heard.
“Hey knock it off!” You yelled from the front of the group trying to calm them down.
All the calls fell on deaf ears and you found yourself trying to push saviours and members of the other community away from each other. Aldin quickly made a dent in the condensing crowd.
“Hey! Hey! Stop this shit! Stop it! Stop it!” He yelled, the two sides coming apart around him “We're gonna find out who did this, and we're gonna make sure it never happens to us again, all right?”
“Us?” Jed stood out from the crowd of saviours. “You're not one of us anymore.”
“‘Us’ means all of us” Aldin spoke, turning his back on the saviours to speak to the rest. Jed immediately grabbed Aldin, spinned him around and punched”
“Go shovel that horse shit to whoever killed Justin!” He pulled back his fist to go for another hit when Carol stepped in front of him, hand on his chest to stop him and the other on her gun ready to pull it out. You felt yourself hold your breath. “I thought you were supposed to be our leader.” he remarked.
“Enough” Carol spoke firm. “Turn around, all of you.”
“No can do, Cee.” He replied, “Why don't you go ahead and yank that roscoe, pop me right here? It's better than worrying about getting it in the back.”
At that Carol pulled out her gun, as did the others standing behind her. You stepped forward and put yourself between the man and Carol.
“There’s no need for that.” You said, hands up defensively.
“We don't want this.” Laura spoke, rallying to your side. “Hey, we just need to protect ourselves.”
“No guns!” Dary yelled. Everyone turned to look at him standing on top of a hill looking over everything that was happening.
“That 'cause you're the one took out Justin?” DJ yelled out. He was a saviour with long hair and a beard.
“Nah.” Another saviour said lower, eyeing up a woman near the front of the opposing crowd. “My money's on garbage lady.”
“Revenge for Simon's play, sure.” Regina said, stirring more trouble.
“No.” DJ replied, not taking his eyes off Daryl. “It's him. Finishing what he started.” He stepped past you and towards a tree, picking up the axe that sat there. Another man followed after him. A woman went to walk past you to them but you put your hand against her chest, whispering “Don’t” in the most intimidating voice you could muster, making her fall back into line.
Arat ran up and step in front of DJ “Hey, stop. It's gonna go too far.”
“Nah.” Daryl spoke “It won't.” He raised his crossbow and pointed it at DJ. You felt your breath catch in your lungs. You had seen how dangerous Daryl was with that bow and weren’t interested in being at it’s business end.
“Maybe it's both of them. Come on.” The long haired man rallied the saviours around him. You tried to hold them back but you were quickly pushed to the back of the group and landed on the ground. The saviours moved forward with only the priest meeting them halfway, ready for the fight. In the last moment Rick came riding in on horseback and the crowd divided.
“Everyone back off! Right now!” He yelled from atop the animal, waving his revolver over the crowd. Arat moved to disarm one of the saviours and Laura took to the martyr.
“All right, we are not doing this.” She spoke firm to Jed then brought her attention to the wider crowd. “Let it go.”
“I'll talk to Rick.” You heard Aldin speak “I'll try and find a way to make everybody feel safe, all right?” The crowd slowly dispersed.
“Start the redirect.” Rick ordered. “Pair off to work the grid.”
In the moments past you pulled yourself off the ground and started dusting yourself off. Laura came to you and pat your back.
“Thanks for trying to hold them back.” She said, Arat arriving behind her shortly after.
“Didn’t help much.” You replied
“No, it helped.” Arat insisted. “These hot heads need to see more of us working with the others.” Arat let out a sigh, then leaned in close to you “If they knew who you were-” she spoke low.
“No.” You interrupted. “They won’t trust me. Someone needs to be on good terms.”
“They got Aldin for that,” Laura commented. “He’s been playing goodie two shoes since the war.”
“Enough gossip,” Arat said. “Boss says the grid needs work. Later.” She patted your back as she took off.
“What’s on your plate?” Laura asked you.
“Get Aaron on the first trip back to Alexandria. He’s just filling a bed here. You?”
Laura looked around at the grumbling saviours, waving to a small group. “Keeping the peace.” You nodded in acknowledgement and you two parted silently.
After setting Aaron up with a small group that would be journeying back and his bed had been cleared you set out looking for Daryl. He had gotten riled up and you wanted to see how he was. A hilltop man pointed you in the direction he’d taken off in.
When you found him he was talking to Rick. Or rather Rick was talking to him.
“Daryl, I know you don't agree with everything we're doing here. All I ask is that you try. Do it. Let people see it. And maybe everyone moves past what's happened to what could happen and maybe, just maybe, it'd be one of the best decisions you ever made.”
“Like not killing a guy who left your brother on a rooftop to die.” Rick walked past you with a nod. He looked so tired yet determined. You walked up to Daryl, who seemed to be caught a little off guard.
“How much of that did you hear?” He asked nervously.
“About the tail end of what seemed like a speech,  if I’m honest.” You stood in front of him, gently placing your hands to his face to make him look at you. “How are you?”
“I didn’t do it,” he uttered, resting a hand atop of yours.
“I know you didn’t.” You reassured him. His arms came around you so naturally and your hands rested on his shoulders.
“I’m sorry you were in the middle of all that.” he continued, low enough that only you heard. “This crap ain’t your problem.”
“It is now.” you said. “‘Sides, your not the first boyfriend to hold a weapon on me.” You chuckled. He paled drastically.
“I am so sor-” you cut him off with a kiss. He held you as close as he could as he kissed you back. You pulled back and smiled at him sweetly.
“We’ll have plenty of time for sorry later. You have grid work to do”
“Wish I didn’t” he said pulling you into him, making you giggle at the implications.
“Go,” you laughed, punctuating it with a kiss and coming away. “I’ll be here”
Daryl left with the group to check the grid and you returned to camp. Being the doctor everyone wanted you nearby at all times. You mainly cleaned up the areas, helped with food, tended to the occasional cut or burn. You found it all delightfully mundane. It was nearing sunset when Enid showed her face.
“You’re late for work.” You said mockingly.
“Sorry” Enid apologised with a yawning, appearing from the tent next to the infirmary. It was promoted from ‘Saddiq’s Tent’ to ‘Doctor’s Tent’ as you and Enid started working in shifts. “I’m not used to the night shifts yet.”
That made you smirk “Hopefully you never have too” You teased with a laugh. She looked away embarrassed. You patted the spot next to you on the boards the infirmary was built on. “Sit down. We’re not exactly burdened with work.”
“What’re ya doing?” Enid sat down next to you, her leg tucked under her.
“People watching.” You explained. “Me and my old man used to do it all the time.”
Enid looked out at the campsite, “Seems kinda dull,”
“You’re doing it wrong then.” You said then pointed to Regina, a female saviour helping unload a recent delivery. “What do you think her deal is?”
“She’s a saviour” Enid spoke plainly. “Who’s unloading tomatoes”
“Nah, nah.” You leaned back on your elbows “You’re not meant to think about the truth. You’re meant to come up with a story of some kind.”
“A story?” Enid questioned. “Sounds childish”
“That’s what makes it fun.” You reply. You pointed at a table of people playing cards. “What about them. What’s their deal?”
“They’re playing cards.” Enid spoke plainly. So it was up to you to make things interesting.
“Ya see the girl with short hair and the tank top?”
“That’s Madam De Tank.” You spoke in a theatrical voice, “She owns most of the land and she’s put it on the table against the guy in the chequer.”
“What’s his name?” Enid pressed
“You tell me.” You shot back
She thought for a moment “Joey...Banks”
“Okay.” you said tongue in cheek. “What’s he put on the table?” Enid sat in silence a moment, then turned to you with a childish smile.
“His first born child!” She announced, equally theatrical. You both chuckled at the absurdity. Laura appeared, dirty from work.
“What’s all the fun?” She asked, taking a seat next to Enid.
“People watching.” Enid replied. “The third guy?”
“That’s Joey Banks’ assistant. He does all the things Joey doesn’t want to do. Like open doors or hold his cup.” You jested
“I hate to break this up but we need to talk.” Laura said to you. Enid went to excuse herself but you sat up and beckoned her to stay.
“Anything you gotta say to me, you can say to Enid.” You said. ‘Because you approached me in front of here and we need to keep a low profile’ you thought.
Laura looked from you to Enid and backed to you, a little unsure. “It’s the saviours,” she ultimately said. “We can’t find Arat.”
You sat forward and turned your body to face Laura, tucking your leg in, “What do you mean? She’s out checking the grids”
“The grid team came back.-”
“Where are they?” You interrupted. Afterall, Daryl and Arat were with the grid team.
“They left again, all quiet like.” Laura explained.
“They’re probably doing the night watch.” Enid interjected. You backed her up, saying it would be logical.
“That’s what I was saying but,” Laura explained then went quiet for a moment. “They think something might have happened. There’s talk of abandoning camp.”
“You can’t do that!” Enid panicked.
“They’re scared, Enid.” You said, her attention flicking back to you. “We have no guns and saviours have been going missing for a month now. At least at sanctuary there’s walls and they know each other.” You looked to Laura seriously “But that’s all we have. There’s no food. No real security and most of the building has been abandoned. It’s a prison.” The last sentence rolled off your tongue before you realised it, but it was no less the truth. “We need this bridge”
“I know,” Laura sighed. “I’m tryna talk to them but…”
The tension hung tight in the air among the three of you. “Sunset’s beautiful” Enid finally broke the silence. You looked over the trees seeing the warm hues sink behind them.
As the last few rays dimmed you stood up. “Guess we just gotta hope.” You said, sounding helpless. You turned to Enid in that moment. “Enid, umm...maybe”
“Not a word,” Enid stood up as the dinner bell rang. “I know.”
“Let’s eat!” Laura announced as she stood up. “I heard we got fresh tomatoes tonight.”
Later that evening Carol and Rick brought back a stabbed man who you stitched up. When questioned how it happened the man gave no reply. You stitched him up in silence then Rick took him out. You stopped Carol before she could leave, pressing for what had happened.
Carol turned back to you. It was just the two of you in the tent and you’d already developed a history together. She sighed through her nose before speaking. “We got jumped. They wanted our guns and were ready to kill us to get them,”
“Maybe if you gave them a couple-” you began
“That’s not happening now.” Carol replied. She turned to leave again and you grabbed her by the arm to stop her.
“Why were you out there?” you questioned. You released her arm once she stopped. “You’re not on night watch and checking the grid doesn’t take all day.”
“Why do you care?” Carol questioned, seeming already tired of the conversation. This did little but anger you.
“Cause these are our people!” You bit back “Remember?”
Carol nodded solemnly. “You know?”
“There’s suspicion.” You explained. “I just wanna know whether or not it’s founded.”
“Arat is missing” Carol finally said. You stepped back, struggling to process this information. You turned away and leaned on a nearby table, your head reeling. “She and Beatrice got jumped and we’re looking for her.”
This was it. The saviours were going to abandon camp. A few weeks ago you wouldn’t have cared but between working in the sanctuary and working out here you’re heart broke. If they left then the deal would be broken and everyone would suffer. But something didn’t sit right though
“Who’s Beatrice?” You asked.
“She’s from Oceanside.” Carol replied.
“And she was fine? When you found her” You asked.
“Yes. Why?” Carol asked, stepping closer to you.
“It’s weird.” You admit, facing Carol. “All the other saviours went missing all together. The first one who isn’t a saviour is left perfectly fine?”
“A lot happened before you showed up, Y/N.” Carol explained. Sounded like pure excuses to you. Through out the entire conversation she had been staring at you with feigned worry, making your blood boil.
“Get out.” You snapped. “I need you out.” Your voice trembled, showing your upset.
That night you could hardly sleep, your mind was reeling. ‘How did dad deal with this bullshit’ you thought to yourself. You quickly stopped that train of thought when you remembered ‘murder’ was the answer.
That morning you were woken by one of the saviours. “C’mon Doc, we’re leaving!” She shook you. You groggily got out of your bed and went to investigate. Outside was the saviours, with half the camp packed up. You locked eyes with Laura across the camp who just shook her head with defeat.
Jed walked up to you and handed you an empty rucksack. “Grab your shit we’re leaving” he said.
“No,” You replied, pushing the bag back. “I’m not.”
Jed looked at you incredulously, then threw the bag to the ground with temper. “You’re gonna stand by these fucking murderers!”
‘Look who’s talking’ you thought to yourself. “We need this deal, Jed!” You yelled back. “We need the food that the other settlements can provide!” Your yelling caught the attention of a couple of saviours. “I ain’t going back to The Sanctuary until that bridge is done!”
Jed pulled a face then spat at your feet. “Suit yourself.” He retorted then left. In about twenty minutes they had all packed up and were marching out.
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@felicismor @bodeckersbitch​ @lauren-novak​ @aestthete
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sky-fortress · 6 years
oc masterpost
uhh so with the oc question thing i reposted i realized i’ve never actually made a masterpost of my characters, so here it is! it’s going to be a long one, so everything of importance is under the keep reading. 
each character will have their own little info blurb (length depends on how developed they are and how much i have to say about them)
this post will also be linked in the bio of this blog and on my art blog (( @sazand0ra )) so if i reblog an oc question post and you want to ask something, you can just pop back and look! ❤
Phika “Phoenix” Artemovich 
Phika is an Interpol agent, rank Superintendent, who lives in Jubilife City. She started on her Pokémon journey around Sinnoh when she was 10, traveling for about six-seven years and visiting Johto and Kanto in the process. She joined Interpol when she was 17 and has been working there for 12 years (she’s 29 as of right now). 
She’s not the most mentally strong (she cries very easily), as work leaves her stressed and sleep-deprived, though she always tries to perform her best. On top of that, she also believes that she was cursed by Darkrai when she was 19 -- though she doesn’t dare let anyone in Sinnoh know because of how superstitious people are. Phika is very kind and gentle, earning her the codename “Agent Mother,” and is very protective of her friends, family, and Pokémon. 
PKMN Team: Infernape (starter), Luxray, Gengar, Milotic, Togekiss, Steelix
Bella Émilie
Bella is a Pokémon trainer from Courmarine City in the Kalos region. She ran away from home at age 14 after receiving a Froakie from Professor Sycamore (he made a special visit to Courmarine City to talk to her about being a trainer w/o her mom’s knowledge). As a result, Bella is fiercely independent and almost unbearably stubborn -- she’s also carrying along quite the superiority complex with her, hiding deep-seated feelings of inferiority with a cold and aggressive exterior. 
She ended up taking on Team Flare as per the plot of X/Y, though she never really got along with the main friend group (Calem, Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor). Her and Calem also had their own rivalry, though she never thought of it as one because of how easily she beat him down every time they battled (her superiority complex shone through whenever they interacted). However, as of now, nine years later (she’s 23), she’s mellowed out some, though those feelings of inferiority haven’t quite gone away. Bella’s also close friends with Phika and may or may not have a small crush on her (she does), though she does tend to worry about how little Phika takes care of herself.
PKMN Team: Greninja (starter), Talonflame, Sylveon, Haxorus, Lucario, Meowstic 
Lyssa Ahreiz-Ridecki
Lyssa is a mechanic from Goldenrod City in the Johto region. She wasn’t really that interested in Pokémon battling when she was growing up, and preferred to spend time in her dad’s workshop, helping him to tinker with and fix machines, and go around the city with him fixing appliances and other things for people. As a result, she became a mechanic herself, establishing a name for herself in Goldenrod City and the surrounding area (her father is very proud of her for that). 
However, her talent unintentionally got her caught up in organized crime. Lyssa was recruited by the Pokémon Pinchers to work as a mechanic for them, fixing their Control Gauntlets and Z. Z. Flyers. Though she wasn’t told at first everything about the devices she was fixing, Lyssa eventually figured out what was going on and tried her best to throw a wrench in the works (figuratively) whenever she could. Eventually, as the leadership of the Pinchers began to break down, she left -- and ended up getting a little more into Pokémon battling, after realizing that she might need to be able to defend herself better in the future. Right now, she’s caught up with an android named Robyn and Silph Co, but that’s still developing. 
PKMN Team: Pidgeot (starter), Ambipom, Drowzee, Honchkrow
Robyn is an android created by Silph Co. that currently resides in an apartment in Goldenrod City. Her main purpose is to spy on residents in the city and steal their info, then transmit it back to Silph Co for their own purposes. She also goes out and gambles with the money she steals from people -- while no one has figured out yet that she’s actually a robot, there are some regulars at the Game Corner who are starting to get suspicious of this short, white-haired girl who’s apparently some sort of gambling genius. 
Her apartment room was discovered accidentally by Lyssa, who followed her home after seeing her in the Game Corner, and soon figured out that she was in fact, some sort of robot. She tried to mess around with Robyn’s circuitry, not knowing who made Robyn, and now has a target painted on her back by Silph Co. 
PKMN Team (for defense): Porygon-Z, Meowth, Espeon
Nicky Griffin
Nicky is from a large, large, large performing family in Castelia City, Unova. She grew up playing the violin and learning to dance, taught by her grandmother and two older sisters. She’s the fourth out of eleven siblings, and has too many cousins, aunts, and uncles for her to keep straight. Because she’s not the oldest, or the youngest, or the best performer, Nicky turned to street art to try and distinguish herself -- her alias is Nee-Coletti -- and while her family doesn’t know about her “other hobby”, at least not totally, they probably wouldn’t mind (at least she hopes so). She also does a lot of street performance, playing her violin while her Pokémon dance -- something they’ll also do in battle. 
She left on her journey initially to return a Pokédex that Bianca lost when she was visiting Castelia City, and went to Aspertia City, since she’d heard that’s where Bianca was heading. By the time she got to Aspertia City, Bianca had left, though she was able to get some mentoring from Cheren, and ended up getting her first Gym Badge from him. They’re still friends, and will call on the X-Tranceiver when they have the time. Nicky’s also friends with Bianca, who she met after finally returning the Pokédex -- they get along great! 
PKMN Team: Lopunny (starter), Mienshao, Scrafty, Emolga, Roserade, Floatzel
Alexandra “Alex” Rye
Alex is a Pokémon Trainer from Lentimas Town in Unova and is the third oldest out of five kids (she’s the exact middle child and she’s not super happy about that). She grew up putting on puppet shows for her younger siblings and other kids in town with dolls she made herself, and eventually started making her own clothing as well. She was hurt in a landslide when she was about 13, delaying the start of her journey for a year, and now walks with a slight limp as a result. 
She loves ghost and dark pokemon (her team is made up of conventionally “scary” pokemon), from time she’d spend in the Strange House outside of Lentimas Town. In fact, that’s where she met her first Pokémon, Banette, who just followed her home one day. They’ve been friends ever since. However, to other people, she’s not as nice -- Alex is perpetually bored with her life, and will usually mess with other people (stealing their things, scamming them with magic tricks, etc) with the help of her Pokémon for a little bit of excitement. 
PKMN Team: Banette (starter), Mismagius, Hydreigon, Galvantula, Drapion, Zoroark
Nova Roscoe
Nova’s a coordinator from Slateport City, in the Hoenn region. She’s still a little inexperienced, since she’s young, but more than makes up for it with enthusiasm! She also loves coordinating her Pokémon’s outfits with hers when they perform -- sometimes she’ll buy plain dresses and sparkle them up a bit just for fun. (i don’t have that much for Nova,,, she’s one of my least developed characters so there’s that) 
PKMN Team: Dustox (starter), Froslass, Skitty, Natu 
Juno Xe
Juno is a florist who took over running her parents’ flower shop in Konikoni City. She’s not much of a fan of battling, but did take on the island challenge with her twin brother, Yarrow, at the urging of their parents -- it’s tradition, after all, so they should at least do it (they couldn’t stay in the shop forever)! For the most part, Juno’s very good with handling customers, though her phony-sweet “customer service” voice will start slipping out when she gets annoyed -- with customers or her brother. 
She has a huge fear of losing people/saying goodbye after her older sister was caught in an accident involving Team Skull. Her parents never told her the entire truth of what happened (that her sister was actually part of Team Skull), though regardless, the incident left her terrified of losing people close to her. As a result, she can be unintentionally controlling and toxic -- something that Yarrow experienced first hand while he was still back at the family’s flower shop. 
PKMN Team: Dartrix (starter), Stoutland, Oricorio, Espeon, Liligant, Alomamola
Yarrow Xe
Unlike his twin sister, Yarrow abandoned the family’s flower shop in favor of wandering aimlessly through the various regions in the Pokémon world. He enjoyed taking on the island challenge and relished the freedom that he was given while traveling -- making coming back to the flower shop incredibly difficult. The expectation of their parents is that the two of them would complete the island challenge and then come back to manage the shop, and while Juno was fine with that, Yarrow was completely opposed to it. 
However, he was easily taken advantage of and manipulated by Juno when he tried to leave. Yarrow had (and still has) emotional trauma left over from when their sister died that he never worked through properly, or even acknowledged, leaving him emotionally unavailable and unable to express himself properly (though that last part goes back to when he was a child). He eventually broke away after the two of them had a huge fight, and never looked back -- he doesn’t even like going back to Alola, if he can help it. He’s stubbornly independent and tries his best to keep people away from him (emotionally and physically), and is a fierce competitor in battle. Yarrow’s noticeably gentler around his Pokémon, and sometimes opens up to them -- though this is only because they can’t actually say anything back to him that he would understand. 
PKMN Team: Decidueye (starter), Tsareena, Umbreon, Alolan Raichu, Bewear, Komala
MYSTERY DUNGEON (they’re all gijinkas btw)
also spoilers for all of the mystery dungeon games below 
Merrie (Psyduck)
Merrie is the hero of Pokémon Blue/Red Rescue Team (i’ve only ever played blue but i’d assume the two are the same) and the co-leader of Rescue Team Feathers! She’s a a bit of a glutton, and will sometimes snack on apples while she and Chica are exploring dungeons together. Because she’s a Psyduck, she’s prone to getting bad headaches, especially if she doesn’t use the move Confusion a lot in battle. She’s also incredibly clumsy and forgetful -- she sometimes forgets that she used to be a human in the first place. 
Moveset: Water Gun, Scratch, Ice Beam, Confusion
Chica (Combusken)
Chica is the sidekick of B/R Rescue Team, though because of Merrie’s forgetfulness, she manages a lot of the team stuff and job requests. It was her idea to form a rescue team, though sometimes she wonders if joining forces with Merrie was such a good idea. She can come of as very brusque and guarded if you catch her at a bad time, but she is very protective of Merrie (though this usually shows through her rolling her eyes and scolding Merrie for getting into whatever trouble’s going on this time). 
Moveset: Flamethrower, Attract, Brick Break, Peck
Siobhán // Soren (Charmander)
Soren is the hero of Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky, and the co-leader of Team Chikomander. She carries around a bat with a few odds and ends stuck in it as a weapon, and is usually very quick to anger, especially if those she’s close to are threatened. For the most part, she’s sweet and helpful, and genuinely enjoys her job as a member of Wigglytuff’s Guild -- though she does argue with Chatot about the whole money thing from time to time. 
The reason she has two different names is because when she was in the future, her name was Siobhán -- she also wasn’t a human, but a weird mash of Darkrai after the Dimensional Hole he was traveling in was attacked by Palkia (this video is where this whole thing comes from and since i personally really like this theory, it’s now soren’s backstory). When she arrived in the past and met Rita, she didn’t want to give her name to a complete stranger, so she said her name was Soren. This caused some confusion when Grovyle was introduced to the mix, and it was revealed that the two of them used to work together in the future. 
Moveset: Flamethrower, Slash, Shadow Claw, Sunny Day
Rita (Chikorita)
Rita is the partner of EOTDS and the other co-leader of Team Chikomander. She’s a big bookworm, and likes to keep books in their bedroom at the guild (though she sometimes worries that Soren will set them on fire by accident). Her weapon of choice is a green tome that she uses to summon grass attacks -- she doesn’t really need it, but it makes her more confident in battle. Rita can be a bit of a coward sometimes, and is known for being bossy, but she does try her best as an explorer (and to keep Soren out of trouble). 
Moveset: Solar Beam, Magical Leaf, Light Screen, Synthesis 
Úrsula (Dewott)
Úrsula is the hero of Gates to Infinity, and the co-leader of The Hydroclaw, handling most of the jobs and other requests (her weapon of choice is a naginata). She came to the Pokémon world from Venice, Italy, though at this point she doesn’t remember much about her life in the human world. Soon after she came to the Pokémon world, she convinced Axel to go and talk to Quagsire about buying the land he wanted even though his money had been stolen a hours ago (this is all a different au where Quagsire is still part of the underground so some things are a little different). She’s stubborn and incredibly loyal to her friends, almost to a fault -- she’d do anything for them, so she can be easy to take advantage of if you get close enough to her. One of her favorite pastimes is cooking, and she’ll sometimes get up early in the morning to cook breakfast for everyone, just to show she cares. She expresses a lot of emotions through cooking and food. 
Moveset: Water Pulse, Razor Shell, Pursuit, Fury Cutter
Axel (Fraxure)
Axel is the partner of GTI, and the other co-leader of The Hydroclaw, handling the development and building of Paradise. He comes off as intimidating to many -- partly because he’s a dragon type, partly because he carries around an axe with him. However, as a surprise to some, he’s actually gentle and kindhearted for the most part, though he still does have some lessons to learn in terms of friendships and other emotional connections (and Quagsire’s going to make sure he learns those lessons at some point). He also really likes Úrsula. Like, really, really likes her. The two of them are practically joined at the hip. 
Moveset: Dragon Dance, Dual Chop, Pursuit, Dragon Claw
Ramona “Rara” (Treecko)
Ramona is the hero of Super Mystery Dungeon, and the co-leader of The Ash-Roses. She’s mute and communicates through her own form of sign language, as well as written notes. Between her and Cinders, she handles a lot of the logistics of the team, including packing travel bags and planning their explorations. She still struggles with the aftermath of the Dark Matter incident, and blames herself for not seeing what was going on with Nuzleaf sooner. 
dark matter au ramona: in this au, ramona ends up falling under the control of dark matter along with nuzleaf. dark matter is able to take advantage of her insecurities about her place in serene village and feelings of resentment towards some of the other villagers. it’s found out she’s being controlled by dark matter on the top of revelation mountain, and instead of going to the voidlands with cinders, she works with nuzleaf, yveltal, and the beheyeem going around and turning Pokémon to stone. 
Moveset: Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Dragon Breath, Pursuit
Cinders (Cyndaquil)
Cinders is the partner of PSMD, and the other co-leader of The Ash-Roses. He’s cheerful, chatty, and has a tendency to get himself and Ramona into trouble very often. Cinders is also really passionate about exploration -- like really, really passionate, to the point of near obsession -- and will sometimes get ahead of himself when it comes to exploring new places. Since he’s also the reincarnation of Mew (or whatever that whole thing was it was a blur for me tbh), he also has the ability to read people’s minds, though this happens sporadically. He’ll usually say the thoughts he hears from others out loud, or respond to them as if it was part of the conversation. This usually freaks people out quite a bit. 
dark matter au cinders: cinders is pretty much the same throughout this au until it’s revealed that ramona is under the control of dark matter. from that point on, he’s more frightened and desperate than normal cinders, and becomes much more subdued after the whole dark matter incident blows over. he and ramona don’t really have the same kind of friendship that they had before, either. 
Moveset: Flame Wheel, Double Kick, Quick Attack, Ember
these two are from a world that i was working on with a friend a while back. we aren’t doing anything with said world anymore, but i decided to keep these two around and develop them (and hopefully their world) a little bit more, because i was already attached to them by the time we stopped working. 
for some basic background info: polaris and gabriel are from a nomadic tribe up in the north of the world called eira-taith. one of the traditions of the tribe is that, to be considered an adult, you have to travel on your own for one year and then return. when polaris went out on his journey, he came back to find everyone dead. gabriel was technically the only survivor because he had ran away in search of polaris before everyone else was wiped out. as of right now, they just wander around the world together -- they don’t really have a place to go. 
Polaris Eider
Polaris is the oldest out of six in his family. Because he was the oldest, he was treated as a “third parent,” and given the responsibility of looking after his younger siblings before he left on his year-long travel. He would force down his own feelings and problems to properly be able to take care of everyone else, and as a result, isn’t the most emotionally expressive. He’s not very talkative, and usually has a stern expression on his face. Polaris is also a skilled archer -- however, that’s about all he can do in terms of weaponry. 
Gabriel Eider
Gabriel is the second oldest out of six -- meaning that after Polaris left, he would be the one in charge of taking care of all of their younger siblings, at the age 14. He ended up cracking under the pressure and anxiety of Polaris not surviving on his own, and ran away, fortunately right before their tribe was wiped out. At some point, he was attacked by a group of bandits and was blinded, losing both of his eyes. His anxieties only worsened afterwards, though he tries his best to hide that and his blindness through being combative, stubborn, and overly-dramatic at some times, much to Polaris’ chagrin. Before losing his sight, he could use both a bow and arrow and daggers, though he’s not able to do all that much now. 
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aristocratlegacy · 7 years
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The Aristocrat Bachelorette Challenge: Meet And Greet
The Aristocracy Chapter Forty Three: Lonely Hearts Club
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Roscoe: Hey, Bea- I saw your latest youtube vid and it was ah-MAZING!
Beatrice: “Oh thanks, man. That Barista totally had it coming.
Roscoe: “I don’t doubt it. I have just one question for you- do you want to find true love?
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Beatrice: “Excuse me? Are you hitting on me? Because that is so not ok.”
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Roscoe: “God, no, of course not. I have been hired to find the star of my network’s newest off-brand Bachelorette!”
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Beatrice: “You want me to be on it? Star? On television? Not just youtube? You’re gonna make me a star?”
Roscoe: “Ok, you might be getting a little ahead of yourself there, but you’re interested?”
Beatrice: “Hell yes I am!”
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*2 Months Later*
Day 1: Meet and Greet
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Beatrice: “Hi guys! I’m Beatrice Aristocrat, scion of a wealthy family, an internet celebrity, basically the whole package. But even though I’m a spectacularly accomplished woman, there’s one thing I have yet to master, that’s it. Love.”
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Beatrice: “You see, as I came into adulthood, I dated a lot of guys, but couldn’t decide which one would be best to marry. Who would make my babies pretty? Who’s the best at woohoo? Which one won’t mind that I’m the worst girl in any room that I’m in? These are questions that I need answered before I settle down.”
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Beatrice: “Am I nervous? Please, you ask that live I’ve ever been nervous in my entire life. Of course I’m not nervous, those guys out there, they should be nervous. I envy them, getting to meet me for the first time. That’s  feeling I’ll never know.”
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Beatrice: “Do I want to see some info about the guys before I go out there? Pfft, why bother- like anybody's watching for them anyway. But sure, if you like. Let’s meet the contestants!”
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Jaxson Jonson- Unemployed, Plays Guitar
“I’m Jaxson, and I  I’ve got 2 cats, and I think you’re Purrfect!”
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Chip Strong- The strongest guy at his gym
“I’m Chip, I’m the strongest guy I know, I’m a contractor- can I nail you?”
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Sergio Romeo- Telemarketer, self-proclaimed nice guy
“I’m Sergio- I haven’t even met her yet, but I can already say with 100% certainty that Beatrice is my soulmate.”
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Akira Kibo- Thinks a man bun replaces a personality
“I’m Akira- I’m in IT, so I’ll hook you up, then hook up with you!”
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Lorne Post- Mixologist, Jazz Hands Enthusiast
“I’m Lorne! I’m a bartender, and I find you intoxicating.”
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Diego Lobo- Art Critic, Constantly Quotes Oscar Wilde
“Hey baby! I’m Diego! Can I buy you a drink, or should I just give you the cash straight up?”
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Johnny Zest- “Future Celebrity”, Funny once you get to know him
“I’m Johnny- I’m a comedian, though some people would call me a waiter. My burger was great, but YOU are rare and well-done at the same time.”
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Sergio: “I just cannot wait until she gets here.”
Me: “The camera’s off you don’t have to say things like that anymore.”
Chip: “Hey, who is the girl again? I heard she was some kind of celebrity?”
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Lorne: “I think she’s that girl in the clickbait youtube videos.”
Sergio: “Oh.”
Johnny: “Yikes.”
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Beatrice: “Hey there boys! I have finally arrived, the new object of your affections. I’m Beatrice.”
Akira: “Hey there, beautiful.”
Beatrice: “You look very trendy, how long did it take to do your hair this morning?”
Akira: “Oh I was braiding all night long, baby.”
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Beatrice: “Wow, you’re awfully...strong, aren’t you?”
Chip: “It’s mostly due to my workout routine and all these protein shakes I drink every day. Hey have you ever heard about Crossfit?”
Beatrice: “Wow yeah really interesting, wanna make out? Can I see your abs?.”
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Chip: “Naw, babe, you gotta work to earn these muscles.”
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Diego: “May I cut in?”
Beatrice: “Uh, yeah, sure.”
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Chip: “No worries, I’ll just do some pushups.”
Diego: “I am a very important art critic. I hear you're a blogger?”
Beatrice: “Cool, me too.”
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Diego: “What?”
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Beatrice: “I’m sorry, were you saying something?”
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Beatrice: “And what about you?  Your pants remind me of my dad’s, I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing-”
Jaxson: “Alas! But your voice is nye as sweet as your face, but alas the words that come out are nought but rambling!”
Beatrice: “Rude, first of all. Second of all- oh he got up.”
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Beatrice: “Hi, nice to meet me. Its Sergio, isn’t it?”
Sergio: “Oh, yeah, sure.”
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Beatrice: “What is the deal with this turnout, right? Aren’t we all psyched to be on tv? Guys?”
Akira: “Your eyes are beautiful.”
Beatrice: “Thanks.”
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Beatrice: “This isn’t really going as well as I thought it would.”
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Lorne: “Hey, Serg, can you guys canoodle somewhere else? I haven’t gotten any time with her yet.”
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Lorne: “Those to sure were hitting it off.”
Beatrice: “I have no idea what you’re talking about, everybody here is already in love with me.”
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Lorne: “It’s surprising, most guys would kill to fall for a girl so pretty?”
Beatrice: “Aw, I’m so glad you noticed.”
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Beatrice: “So, let me get this straight, you’re a standup comic?”
Johnny: “Well, I only did it once, but I quit my job to pursue my passion.”
Beatrice: “But you’ve only actually performed once?”
Johnny: “Correct.”
Beatrice: “Next you’re gotta tell me that you’re wealthy in spirit.”
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Beatrice: “Alright everybody! Times up! Go and get ready for the first rose ceremony!
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Beatrice: “We’ve all been through a lot together over the last half an hour, and I’m starting to feel like I really know you. All of you, blanket term. Unfortunately, one of you will have to go home, and will not be getting any of this.”
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Beatrice: “The first rose I’d like to give is to Lorne, who kept complimenting me, which is pretty much all that it takes to win me over.”
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Lorne: “It’s so hot the way you say that.”
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Beatrice: “You won me over with your sophistication, so this rose is for….”
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Beatrice: “Jaxson”
Jaxson: “Damn right.”
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Beatrice: “Now I come to you, Sergio, I really like you, but what I don’t like is giving other people flowers. I’m afraid that you won’t have what it takes to pamper somebody as high-maintenance as I am.”
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Sergio: “Well then...what if  I gave you a rose?”
Beatrice: “Presents! That’s much better!”
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Beatrice: “And Chip, handsome, handsome, Chip. Do you have anything for me?”
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Beatrice: “A rose! What a surprise! I certainly wasn’t expecting that!”
Chip: “But...you just handed it to me and said to give it back? Are you feeling ok?”
Beatrice: “Moving on.”
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Beatrice: “Diego, you seem like kind of a dick, but you have way more money than everybody else here, and I have a lot of respect for that.”
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Beatrice: “So this is for you. Sike! This one is still mine. I mean, you’re staying, fuck- just, just take the rose and give it back to me.”
Diego: “Here you go.”
Beatrice: “Oh! Thank you so much!”
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Beatrice: “I only have 1 rose left and I want to give it...to Johnny.”
Johnny: “Aw shucks, thank ya puddin”
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Beatrice: “And that Brings me to you, Akira. Looks like you’ll never get to see what’s under this dress, sorry for you loss. Later!”
That’s all for now! Remember to like/reblog and leave a comment if you enjoyed it!
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