#this week's episode didnt occur in the way i expected it to
hereforthe911buds · 5 months
I think one thing buddie shippers (I say as a hardcore buddie shipper) have to remember is that while this feels like a 6 season long slowburn, technically it isn't. Fox didn't have an intention of following that path. While there was lots of coding, it wasn't with the point of a romantic storyline. yes it was revealed the idea was floated at the end of season 4, but never as a performed intent. it was still a love story in my opinion, don't get me wrong, but a platonic one.
so while it can get frustrating "why isn't it happening yet? does any potential storyline mean Buddie won't happen at all?" we more gotta think of this like a slowburn starting in season 7. we don't know if that is ABC's intent either, but they have appeared more pro the possibility than Fox ever did. So if we think of the current plot like their intent is a slow burn, then it's only starting this season (if not possibly just the last 3 episodes). we are no where near a resolution or finality.
I don't mean to come off "don't lose hope" I'm more saying we aren't at a point to consider losing hope because technically this storyline is at the start. Fox's 6 seasons provided ABC a lot of material to build off of, but this is ABC's own narrative, and they're taking it in a different direction, romantic or not. they don't need to rush into anything because for ABC this is season 1, and we aren't sure how many seasons they intend to make.
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idoobeg · 2 years
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I was messing about with one of those AI art apps, putting in various Amazing Devil lyrics and I present to you The Old Witch Sleep and The Good Man Grace
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9 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
Spoilers for Critical Role Campaign 3 Episode 34
After watching episode 33 last week, I knew tonight's episode was going to ruin me. But I didn't expect it would the way it did. Watching Imogens face as she dealt with the death of her best friend and someone she loved and treasured was horrible. Laura seemed truly heartbroken as she played it out. It never even occurred to me that Marisha would roll a Nat 1 on her death saves and Laudna would actually die. I was just so scared and worried about Fearne and Orym.
I also truly felt so sorry for Ashley, making the choice on who to save between 2 of the party members. If only some else had revify or if Sam had any spell slots left.
But most of all, I commend Marisha. Not once did she try to sway anyone in making the decision to bring her character back. In fact, she didn't even say anything about it. She just told everyone that she wanted to stay out of the groups decision.
And while I am extremely relieved that Fearne and Orym survived, I really am gonna miss Laudna. It's gonna be hard not seeing Marisha at the table next week until the party either find someone who can bring Laudna back or a new character gets introduced. The undead is now dead.
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13 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
Hi! I’ve watched a lot of dimension 20 and never watched an episode of critical role, but I’m really curious about the cr miniseries with lou wilson, aabriya Iyengar, and brennan et al, will it make sense if I watch exu as a stand-alone? Is it more of a “you’ll enjoy it more if you know the world” or do I absolutely need to have watched some other stuff to even grasp what’s going on?
Hi! I had a similar situation when I first wanted to watch CR having not seen Campaign 1 and 2 but after doing some research I learned I didnt need to have watched any before getting into it. And fortunatly, EXU Calamity is technically a prequal to all the other CR main Campaign stuff so you dont really need to know much in order to watch. All you need to know is that the Calamity was a War fought hundreds of years before the begining of Campaign 1 and no matter what happens in the miniseries, its still gonna happen cause if it doesnt then the whole history of Exandria (the wonderful World created by Matthew Mercer) technically wont exsist. I will say there is a few nods to somethings that happen in Campaign 1 that I didnt completely understand but it in no way took any enjoyment or understanding from this particular storyline.
So in conclusion, no you dont have to have seen anything from past CR episodes to watch Exu Calamity. If you really want to, there are many videos, blog posts, articles, and even a whole Wiki dedicated to Critical Role where eveything can be explained in further detail if you really want to know more.
I'm also going to say that if you love Dimension 20 and its cast members, you will love CR, and youre gonna absolutely fall in love with Travis Willingham, Sam Reigal, and Marisha Ray.
Hope this helps and makes sense! If you have anymore questions, feel free to drop me a message and Ill help any way I can!!
(Edit: just going to add as well that CR streams first on Twitch at 7pm PDT on Thursdays and then up loads the episode onto YouTube on Mondays at 12pm PDT. I wait until the Monday upload cause of timezones 🙂)
16 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
Critical Role Campaign 3 Episode 33 Spoilers Ahead!
Not me just quietly sobbing for the past hour from the most recent episode of Critical Role. The thought of losing both Orym and Fearne is leaving me heartbroken. They're both my favourite characters in the party! I don't wanna say goodbye to them yet! I also don't want to wait a week to find out what happens. I cant imagine how Liam and Ashley are feeling about all of this either.
And what if they do both stay dead. Whos gonna tell Dorian?? Or even the rest of the Crown Keepers?? Or Fearne's family?? Or Keyleth and the Air Ashari??
But all that aside, it was otherwise a fantastic episode. It kept me at the edge of my seat for nearly 4 hours. And it was such an emotional roller-coaster, what with the seige and getting Treshi out and then the horrible boss fight with Ottahan. Matt Mercer, I salut you. You are one incredible Dm!
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24 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm only recently getting into Critical Role but I've been a fan of Dimension 20 for over a year now and watching Brennan GM for CR is amazing. His style is so obviously different from Matt and Aabria, who are both very talented GM's in their own right. But theres something in the way each player at the table gets so enthralled by what he's saying that is just so beautiful. The way Brennan tells a story, how he pitches his voice, every inflection on his words is just pure talent. He really is a born storyteller and I'm glad those in the Critical Role fandom who aren't apart of D20's and arent familar with Brennan get to experience it
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121 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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zhuhongs · 4 years
Here’s my long ass review of TGCF that literally no one asked for it i have opinions and I have no one to tell them too so i must write them out and post them. (also part of this is abt the mdzs novel bc i can’t not compare them and I have a lot of thoughts abt that too)
This is very very long so it’s going under a read more. Spoilers ahead!!
Okay so first off this book was a fucking behemoth i can’t believe i read all of that (minus the extras) in under a week.. what the fuck. I definetly got reading fatigue halfway thru book 3.
I’m gonna separate my thoughts into sections bc i  have a few points that don’t all relate
firstly, overall writing and organization:
I said it earlier but tgcf is a lot more structurally sound than mdzs imo. My biggest criticism of the MDZS novel (minus the bad sex scenes, homophobia, and general I hate mxtxness of it) was the way the flashbacks were presented. 
Like OH MY GOD they were presented so badly. I hated that the flashback was told intermittently and only when one of the characters invoked the past. For example, when WWX meets Jiang Cheng and a second time, Jin Ling distracts JC to release “Mo Xuanyu” bc he saved his life in the Nie Ancestral hall earlier. WWX then proceeds to be the self sacrificing dude he is and take away Jin Ling’s curse and put it on himself. When he escapes and returns to LWJ, LWJ offers to carry him.
 If you watched CQL, you know exactly what LWJ is referring to when he says smth to the effect of “You once offered to carry me too, remember.” HOWEVER in the novel you don’t know what he’s talking about. This is because the flashback wasn’t been revealed to you yet. The next chapter goes to tell the flashback. I think that this takes away all of the emotional depth away from the scene. But in CQL, having the flashback already be known, you make the connection on your own and are like “awww wangji remembers that.. even 16 years later.“ Its a lot sweeter bc you know what the two have gone thru. At this point in the MDZS novel its barely the 30th chapter or so and you have no real idea what wangxian have been thru together or what reasons wangji has for loving wwx. You just think, well obviously they like each other bc this is a danmei novel and they are the two leads, ofc they have to like each other. But in cql, you learn through watching them that they’re in love. It’s not just like”well they have to be!! its a bl!!”
Okay that was a rlly long side tangent but it makes me so angry. So what did any of that have to do with TGCF?? well tgcf doesn’t have this issue. In fact, i believe that it gains a lot from having the flashback withheld from the reader. 
I really liked how the flashbacks were contained to books 2 and 4 respectively because it adds a layer of mystery. Hua Cheng is a very secretive man so it makes sense for us to not know everything about him upfront. The way that the author teases and hints little things at you make you want to know more, making it all the more satisfying when the truth is revealed. Because in a way you Know that Hua Cheng meets Xie Lian before and you know that he’s the child XL saved during the God Pleasing Ceremony but you don’t know all the details. Like obviously since Hua Cheng is a ghost you know that he’s died and it was likely for Xie Lian or Xian le’s sake but you probably never expected that he actually died twice. Once on the battle field and second when he took the human face disease. I think the difference between these flashbacks and the flashbacks in MDZS result from the length. In TGCF you get two long concise flashbacks that make sense to be placed where they are. Book 2 because you already have a feel and hint at what the characters have been through and book 4 because the White No Face appears again so then you learn how he and Xie Lian met before. It wouldn’t make sense to place book 2 any earlier bc there is no emotional impact. And it doesn’t make sense to place book 4 earlier because you don’t know what the white no face’s deal is so it’d be confusing. In MDZS, you get numerous short flashbacks happening alongside the main story and it makes it hard to piece together the timeline in a way that feels satisfying. Ik a lot of ppl grill cql for having a confusing intro episode and having a rlly long flashback but its much better than the mdzs novel. However the mdzs donghua handles the flashback in the most concise way imo.
Overall i think the way the story is structured is very good and is a step up from mdzs. Also the horror aspects of tgcf are rlly enjoyable and honestly i think mxtx should just write short horror stories at this point. like enough long ass novels chock full of fetishization. just write some fun horror with no romance and call it a day.. pls
Side Characters:
okay so straight up, i think the side characters arent used as well as they were in mdzs bc mxtx wanted to focus on hualian and didn’t want to give the side characters as much focus. This is a weaker point of the novel.
I’ll get into it more below but i think hua cheng was done dirty as a character by having him rlly only care abt xie lian. Since he doesn;t have any real relationships with others outside of xie lian this takes away from having more depth in the side characters. They’re really only related as far as xie lian’s relationship with them. Though thankfully xie lian gets rather close with a few officials and the ones we get to see more of are rlly interesting. I especially loved the reconciliation of mu qing, feng xin, and xie lian at the end of book 5. honestly their relationship was one my favorites and i’m glad they finally said what they had to say to each other after 800 fucking years. Also Shi Qingxuan is a delight. we stan sqx in this house.
The characters i wish we had seen more of were yushi huang (although she didnt rlly want to be there, good for her), Quan Yizhen and Yin Yu. I very much wish yizhen and yin yus story happened earlier on and we had more time with them. It felt strange to have their subplot occur towards the end and it was sort of out of place but i liked them a lot!! i wish there was more to it. and that there was a reconcilation but mxtx hates happy shidi’s doesnt she, (glares at novel jc). Also man yin yu did NOT have to die like that i’m sad.
Also, honestly.. i don’t think qi rong added to the story whatsoever and i have no clue why he and guzi were there. qi rong just pissed me off the whole time and added literally nothing.
going back to yushi huang, i’d like to say for the millionth time that i hate how mxtx uses any of her female characters. like we get it.. u hate women being useful... im still pressed but what i want to say has been said many times before so ill leave it at that.
I really really did like hualian at the end. They had a truly epic love story and it was so beautiful, especially when hua cheng repeated his words as wuming to xie lian as he started to disappear. But, I said it once and i’ll say it again. I don’t think Hualian is a super healthy relationship. As fiction its fine (i firmly believe fiction impacts reality but let me finish), i guess bc literally nothing about their situation can be replicated irl and none of it ended up containing manipulation or abuse or anything bad but there was a potential for it to and i’m really glad it didnt go that route.
Hualian is a highly idealized and romanticized relationship full of some truly troubling feelings of self worth. While its “beautiful” in a way that hc really was xls most devoted believer, it wasnt healthy for him to live for xl like this. Nor was it healthy for xl to feel so unworthy of hua chengs love.  
Hua Cheng’s devotion to Xie Lian is a little too extreme and it bothers me. When the truth was revealed abt the Temple of 10,000 Gods I had the same reaction as Mu Qing and Feng Xin. I was like... HEY WHAT THE FUCKK that’s a little uh... thats NOT HEALTHY,, dianxia PLEASE say smth. But ofc Xie Lian didn’t say fucking anything and and i was so pissed. Like the whole thing of Hua Cheng living his life solely for XIe Lian is really kinda fucked up and not romantic. I was holding out hope that at some point XIe Lian would sit him down and be like “Hey! I love you and i’m really grateful that all these years you’ve still believed in me when no one else did. But you can’t just live your life for my sake. You deserve love from many other other people and deserve to have a life and happiness outside of me. I still want to spend the rest of my life with you, but you need to not only think of me.” or something to that effect
It bothers me that after Xie Lian learns the truth he doesn’t once reassure Hua Cheng that he didn’t have to make Xie Lian his reason for existence. Like.. idk i just think that’s rlly kinda unhealthy. Like I understand why Hua Cheng is so deeply devoted to Xie Lian-- he saved his life twice and was the only one to ever show him kindness and he’s seen xie lian suffer a fate worse than death multiple times. I get that he wants to protect him and make his life easier, but to not let anyone else into his life and spend 800 years looking for xie lian is just overkill. Like if the whole 10k statues thing never happened i’d be 100 percent fine with hualin but the whole devotion to that extent... uhhh yea.. no that put a bad taste in my mouth. Obsession should not be romanticised. I don’t think any reader of tgcf is going out and deciding to live like hua cheng obviously but still.
Also Side note, the whole 100 swords scene.. bro i felt for hua cheng, the way he screamed seeing that, i don’t blame him. I was so horrified reading that chapter. i don’t think i’ve been so horrified by a piece of media like that in a while. Poor fucking xie lian.. oh my god. I understand the intense reaction he had and how seeing that prompted such a degree of loyalty but still.. 10k statues?? the cave that mu qing and feng xin saw... thats a little too much obssession... like please.. dial it back.. im begging u.
I was talking to mary (liviahyes) and she said smth abt how Hua Cheng doesn’t have a character outside of xie lian. And she’s right, he kinda doesn’t. If Xie Lian didn’t exist neither would Hua Cheng. I get that that counds kinda romantic but in practice i don’t think its a good things. Especially because Xie Lian has a story outside of Hua Cheng, hehas goals, he has friends, he has something. Hua Cheng said it-- his only dream is Xie Lian. Which is romantic but very very unbalanced. 
THAT BEING SAID, i still rly liked their relationship and i think theyre cute they just have issues they need to work through. I mean they have time but yea. It wasn’t perfect but eh. overall i’m bitter bc they couldve been THAT COUPLE but theyre so many bad implications as mentioned above and i.. smh. They still have amazing moments. Like the lantern scene, the alter scene, the “what matters is you, not the state of you”, the end when hua cheng helps release the shackles on xie lian, the scene where hua cheng disappears, the way xie lian waited for him, like they were so close to being THAT COUPLE but then mxtx and her fujo ass just had to make it uncomfortable like that. i’m so bitter. Like the reason why i wrote out all of this is bc this novel could’ve been great but so many little things added up and made the experience far more sour than it shouldve been.
MXTX did hua cheng SO DIRTY by not giving him a character much outside of loving xie lian and being good at everything. Like when I first learned abt how Hua Cheng beat 33 heavenly officials at what they excel in best i was like WHO IS THIS LEGEND but honestly.. he rlly doesn’t have any motivations outside of helping xie lian and I wish he had more to him . Like if we had more situations like the one where hua cheng dug out his own eye to save the group of mortals on mount tong’lu then he’d have been a much more well rounded character. Honestly, that’s rlly the only instance where he seems to have taken xie lians ideals to heart. I wish we had more of that bc that scene was so cool. i wish it hadn’t been revealled so late and there was more than one occasion where he defends others (minus xie lian ofc) without anything for himself to gain that.
To contrast hualian with wangxian, i think wangxian work so well bc at their core, they have the same life goals and same ideas about people and the world. Where in hualian, xie lian has core principles and morals and hua cheng is just like, anything for xie lian. SMH they couldve been great but overall i think hualian falls flat for me because of my own fear of dating someone who doesn’t have a life outside of dating me. Moreso, my parents had this sort of unbalanced relationship towards the end of their marriage and it ended very badly and yea, i just can’t whole heartedly love relationships that in any way resemble this, even if it ends differently. that’s a personal thing tho.
I don’t think Hua Cheng has ANY bad intentions towards Xie Lian or ever will. I don’t think he’s ever manipulated xl or tried to force him to love him. But again, it’s my own personal feelings that makes me feel kinda.. ehh conflicted abt hualian. There was potential but again.. fujoshis ruin everything... smh. Overall i think the way it ended redeemed the issues it had but still there were issues and i really wish xie lian like,, reassured hua cheng about living his life freely at some point but whatever. 
TGCF had the potential to be better than mdzs, it rlly did but it was bogged down by the authors own toxic mentalities abt love, and mlm relationships, and treating women like ppl and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I enjoyed this book, truly i did (otherwise i wouldn’t have stuck through and read 750k words of it) but there are some flaws that cannot be glossed over. I hope that tgcf when it does get adapted, goes through the same miracle that cql did and makes the characters more like ppl and less like tropes but i doubt it. Also i highly doubt that a live action tgcf is feasible given the supernatural aspects of the series but we shall see. I’m excited for the donghua when it eventual comes out but i will continue to be critical of the novel bc..well.. you see why. idk if i’d reccommend this book tbh bc like yes i would, no i would... well.. </3. yea. overall, it sure was something that i enjoyed in spades. especially the last 5 chapters. I generally liked it but had many issues with it at the same time, but honestly, yea thats the standard fair for a mxtx novel. 
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ddontyyoukknow · 5 years
I find myself in a vicious circle. my own personal little hell. now thats a little overdramatic to be honest, its not all bad. today has just been particularly trying. I fall into these mini depressive episodes where I do nothing for weeks at a time. It’s been happening forever. Wether I beat myself up about it or not ,they still occur. The only difference is wether ill come out the other side a stressed mess or not. Lately I've decided to make peace with it and go quietly into the night. When I finally do something positive for myself like I finally shower, I finally workout , I finally clean my room, I finally make some art I feel immensely proud of myself. I’ve been putting away my expectations for myself and I accept where I am at the moment. Now this vicious cycle I noticed again today. My parents are not accepting of my frequent off time, obviously.  During this time no-one can rely on me. I am not there and everything is overwhelming for me. I don't even quite know if I am in or out of it right now. Anyway my parents quietly begin to judge and resent me. Today I've noticed they both have it out for me and their attitudes usually doest align in that way but it did today and It made me feel sad. I use to want to become successful to prove them wrong but their opinion of my is so skewed in my opinion that that it doesn't concern me anymore. It pains me to know that they will probably never see the damage they unknowingly caused me but that goes along with the pains of life. here’s another thing, we write our narratives putting ourselves in the victims position on order to be able to cope. but what if I'm not. what if I'm really the asshole daughter that hates them. well that just wouldn't be true. I they get thing angry with me they must be thinking I am doing what I am doing on purpose. that I don't respond to them that I don't clean everything they want m to clean that I down do everything I want to do perfectly because I have it out for them. bc I wrongly hate them. they always act suspicious around the things I do. when my mom does it I laugh and try and makes her see that I love her and that it was only a mistake and that I didnt mean to disobey her. my dad isn't so easy. once he has something in his mind about you and beings to question you about it in a hostile way its because his displeasure with you has been brewing for a while, theres not easy way to get him out of it. in heated moments he does not respond well to criticism and gets violent when he feel disrespected or doest get his way. I have been living in an emotionally abusive household and its ok if I'm not ok with them or if in don't accept my parents and their behavior. my mom has adopted some, of my dads antics throughout the years and can sometimes be incredibly toxic. I do not want to continue living like this, but I can't just leave and be miserable somewhere else. please, this is a plea to the universe! via Tumblr! this is a cry for help, a prayer, help em get there. help me be self sustaining. help me not need them. help em bloom. help me cope with these moments of depression and help me rise above them. please, ill put in as much of myself. ill do anything. please I just need to get out and do my own thing. please help them resolve any issue they have within them and help them see with more compassion. help them see, feel and give unconditional love. 
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comicteaparty · 6 years
January 14th-January 20th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from January 13th, 2019 to January 20th, 2019.  The chat focused on Sunstrike and Bluemist: An Origin Story by ShaRose49.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Sunstrike and Bluemist: An Origin Story by ShaRose49~! (http://sunstrikeandbluemist.thecomicseries.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until January 20th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Who do you think Kairo being a double agent for and for what reason? What are the organization’s goals? How does Kat and Evan’s training factor into the organization’s goals to the point it’s an advantage?
QUESTION 4. Do you feel the secret police are a force for good or a force for evil? How might Kat’s dad’s return to investigations play a role in the story, especially considering he’s investigating super-human traffickers?
Kat is definitely my favourite character. Hey what's not to love? She's fiery, driven, sweet, and wild. And she has green hair... I love that she doesn't let anything stop her. Not the prosthetic leg, not the challenges of being a mutant, not anyone else's fears. She courageously stands up for what she believes is right.
QUESTION 5. Why do you think Evan wants to keep his true self hidden, even from Kat? Do you think Evan will open up more as time goes on? How might his work for the secret police help or hurt him where this is concerned?
I’m encouraged that some people really like Kat. She’s a real outlet for me
These are really interesting questions, some of them I haven’t really thought of
Idk if I’m allowed to answer a question since I’m the author, but I think my favourite scene so far is the scene in the bedroom
I think Evan has a lot of pain and scars and he's afraid to open up and create attachments because he might lose them. To me he seems equally scared of getting hurt and hurting others. That's a theory anyhow.
And I think he will open up more, especially with someone like Kat around.
As for secret police..I think it will force him out of his comfort zone, and that's probably in and of itself going to be very good for him...can't wait to see where it all goes.(edited)
Favorite scene was the fight with the mugger. It was a great showcase of the two's powers, and also the mugger was kind of funny.
my favorite is dad. he's not perfect, but he tries his hardest, and i love him for it
Awwwwww! That is so cool @snuffysam!
Usually people like the teens best so it’s refreshing to hear a different perspective but you’re totally right
@DeNay well you’re not wrong, but hiding your true self is probably more fear of what others will think if they knew his true self
@DeNay And yeah, his comfort zone is like a cage
QUESTION 6. Do you think working for the secret police will be everything Kat dreamed of? What unfortunate obstacles do you think might interrupt Kat’s dreams of living openly as herself?
1) my favorite scene is probably the bedroom scenes. if only cause shallow-ly, i really loved evan just walking through the damn wall. hes so dang casual about it that i can help but admire how normalized the powers are to them in comparison to other ppls reactions. 2) the dad because he walks that fine line between looking out for the kids' safety and acknowledging that they are ppl who need room to grow and become their own ppl. that honestly a really rare depiction that i feel we dont get to see enough of in comics. 3) i want to assume its for an agency that is trying to disstablize the use of things like secret police. and the advantage comes in that if they can show the secret police are dangerous and have super powered ppl working for them, they can convince others to shut it down. 4) i have mixed feelings on the secret police. i assume its a bit of both. the little guys just want to do good things for the world. but the larger entity has probably slowly corrupted or something. become riddled with office politics. something like that. i feel the dad returning to investigations is significant to the story since hes probably gonna find leads the kiddos are gonna follow. 5) i think evan wants to keep his true self hidden cause he doesnt trust anyone and kind of hates everyone secretly cause he hates himself. i actually think working for the secret police is gonna hurt with him opening up. cause i feel hes always gonna get into trouble doing with kat wants instead of developing as his own person and its gonna get overwhelming. 6) i dont think the secret police will be everything kat dreamed of XD cause i think kat is gonna find when an organization doesnt have huge oversight, bad things tend to happen. not to mention, i feel like she has this delusion shell suddenly be accepted with open arms by the world when more likely theres gonna be some levels of discrimination.
I love how in thought out these answers are
Thought out I meant
yeah i think the secret police aren't going to be as rosy as kat expects. there's levels of bureaucracy, or she isn't allowed to be open the way she wants, or something...
Well I guess we’ll see. I do think @RebelVampire is the most accurate when describing Evan’s internal struggle so far. And I love how many people favour the dad, Derek. And it sounds kind of like you guys think the Secret Police is like S.H.I.E.L.D. or something lol
And yes, while Kat is a beautiful gem she is too accepting to the point where she is naive and even clueless. But what else would you expect from someone who’s grown up kind of in hiding with no or few friends? It’s actually amazing that Evan is more cautious and less trusting, but to be fair he’s had some traumatic experiences with people, much more so than Kat, but I won’t spoil it
I didn’t expect people to think so highly of Derek I thought I was better at writing younger characters so thanks you guys🥳
QUESTION 7. In general, what tasks do you think Kat and Evan will be doing for the secret police? Do you think Kat and Evan will run into other people with abilities? Do you believe the two will be able to handle it, or will they be outmatched?
Hmm that's an interesting question...
I'm not really sure what they'll all be up to, but I'm definitely curious to see. I'm guessing they will run into some other mutants down the road...although I can't really see them fighting one of their "kind."
Oh reaaaally?
You can’t imagine the, fighting, say, a mutant SUPERVILLAIN??
I’m not saying that’s gonna happen this episode, but keep in mind this story has superhero themes
As for other mutants showing up this episode...let’s just say there may be a cameo
Well, maybe I could imagine that... Sounds pretty awesome.
I'm not sure what the secret police will be willing to let Kat & Evan do at first. Because even though they are supermutants, they're also children. Maybe they'll be sent to deal with parking violations at first?
Whoo, finally caught up with work, so I can read comics again! I'm really enjoying the family dynamic in this one and probably like Kat the most. She's very earnest and energetic about her goals, and I'm looking forward to seeing if the secret police will encourage that or just add layers of moral grey.
I'm assuming Evan's parents died in a tragic mutant-power-related accident that he blames himself for and he was trying to attempt suicide back there before Kat called out to help with her prosthetic leg. I would hope he learns how to overcome his feelings of guilt and shame, but that seems like a long road and I could also see him giving in to those dark feelings and becoming an antagonist. Too early in the story to really tell!
(The banner at the top with Kairo and Kat in the foreground and Evan's eyes menacingly in the background indicates the latter from a design choice standpoint though. )(edited)
@snuffysam Parking violations XD I’m dying
@Delphina wow you are perceptive. Not 100% right but you’ve noticed a lot of subtle details
You’re really good at examining Evan
@Delphina and yeah, work’s been a little nuts for me too recently
lol parking violations. XD somehow i dont think being children will make them go easy on them. cause they already didnt care about the children fact when they hired them. and if them being kids bugged them all that much thats probably when they wouldve decided it wasnt a good idea.
I think you’re sorta right
But technically they’re not hired yet they’re just in training
QUESTION 8. How exactly do you believe Kairo ends up working with Kat and Evan, and what is the mess he supposedly gets them into? Do you believe they’ll manage to get out of it?
(the archive for the chat on MoonSlayer is now available~! https://comicteaparty.com/post/182104413735/january-7th-january-13th-2019-ctp-archive)
7) i assume theyre going to be handling super powered ppl and perhaps other situations where the situation is easily solved with their powers. like evan's walk through wall ability could come in really handy for doing the sneaky sneaks. but i assume super villains cause this is why you get ppl with superpowers, to fight the super villains that regular civilians cant. as for their ability to handle it, they are 1000% going to be outmatched i think for a while. mostly because youth breeds arrogance and cavalier attitudes while their inexperience breeds clumsiness for lack of a better word. not the best combo. 8) i assume kairo specifically requested it, and im going to guess that the situation is them having to fight a super powered bad guy or something. cause for kids just starting out in the secret police, thats not a situation youd want to be involved in right off the bat. i assume theyll manage to get out of it though. just cause if they dont the comic ends cause everybody be dead.
Yeah everyone dies XD
People who weren’t familiar with anime kept asking me why Kairo had no eyes on that one panel. It was a little hard to explain lol
QUESTION 9. Overall, how do you think being “superheroes” will change Kat and Evan, both in regards to their own personalities and their views of the world?
Kat's been strong-willed and taking risks and doing things she's not supposed to because she feels it's right, so I expect that'll get her into a fair bit of trouble when going after bad guys is her job. Evan is less risk-averse, but also prone to being pulled into trouble by Kat. I expect their problems are going to get a little more complex working with double agents and sides may become more difficult to choose, but I'm curious where becoming less sheltered and open to the world about their powers will take them, since we haven't seen many other examples of how people with powers are treated in society. Is it an X-Men "everyone knows they're around and hates them" thing or a Superman "superpowers are rare and letting people know my secret will be a huge hassle for me"?
It’s probably more like X-Men
And yeah, Kay and Evan have a lot to learn, but I think they really balance each other out, or they will eventually
Kat stupid autocorrect
i think both good things and bad things will happen to kat & evan due to be more open with their powers. but it'll end up with kat seeing the good side of people being helped by them, and evan will focus on all the people who look at them funny.
Haha!! That’s so sweet
@Delphina Were you the one who came up with the Evan turning evil theory? I spent a few seconds scribbling doodles based on this. I think I scared myself
I think it’s the last day, so I just wanted to thank everyone who took the time to read this comic and for chatting about it (and listening to me geek out). I also wanna thank Comic Tea Party for hosting this!
'bout 26 hours left, yeah. Thanks for offering your comic up! Discussing stuff has been really fun so far!
@snuffysam Aw, thanks!! Yeah I’ve had so much fun too
Also, as for whether or not Evan turns evil...that depends on what you define as evil
welp i showed up to this discussion late but nevertheless i have things to say that are pretty similar to what others have said
first off my favorite character is kat. i decided this when she was like "by the way, you disgust me :)" to that criminal in the beginning of the story. great moment! i also like her design a lot, and the comic's use of bright colors in general
kat and evan view their role in the world v differently and i don't think they'll change easily. maybe evan will come around to accepting that it's okay to be in the spotlight, but i think it's more likely he'll keep wanting to hide away and that'll interfere with their work. even if he doesn't become a full on villain i think he'll at least want to do his own thing
as for kat, i'm worried for her, because i always worry about upbeat characters lol. what if being a Hero isn't what she expected huh, what if it sucks at first? i think evan would handle a reality shock better than kat since he isn't that enthusiastic about it to begin with. but kat might end up being really disappointed until she can adjust.
i really hope evan doesn't turn evil (or, like... evil adjacent?). then turn into a sibling vs sibling fight and ahhh oh no ;_;
Beef Liver
I hope being super heroes won't change Kat and Evan TO much... I really love who they are!
@ShaRose49 Thanks for writing the comic so we could discuss it!
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
9) i think for kat she's going to learn that doing the right thing is less black & white than she wants to believe. and that sometimes ppl do bad things with good intentions. so playing superhero is complicated and not just this 100% awesome thing. and i think shes really going to have to come to terms with the fact powers dont make her invincible and that ppl can get hurt as bystanders. as for her personality, i think overall itll mature her and make her more conscious of how her actions affect others at the end of the day. as for evan, i think hes gonna have an internal conflict about his personal feelings on his powers vs. the world showing him he can make a positive impact. and so while not evil, i think its gonna make him super angst for a while until eventually he chills out and learns to care about himself. i also think hell learn some independence and that he doesnt just have to follow kat everywhere. 10) im actually most looking forward to more world-building. seeing things like how the secret police are generally regarded, how powers are regarded, who kairo might be working for, etc. i think these are some elements thatll really set the stage for the future for kat and evan.
@Beef Liver My pleasure!
@khkddn I’m so glad you like the bright colours!:
@RebelVampire You’ll See more world building soon! Kim looking forward to it as well. And as for Kat and Evan changing, @Beef Liver don’t worry, they won’t change drastically right away. However I think they both need to change, perhaps especially Evan. We’ll see why later on
Evan is my favorite. I'm sorry I'm not very good at elaborating (I did terrible in high school english class xl )
One thing I'm really looking forward to is Kat & Evan's first day at the secret police. Just seeing how various people there react to their powers and stuff.
@EhNeli no worries mate.
I guess I’m looking forward to drawing more of the awesome sibling relationship and going into depth with Kairo. If he doesn’t seem like an important character yet get ready...
@snuffysam I’m really looking forward to that too. I don’t think it will be too long from now (I less it takes me ages to draw cause of work or something)
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Sunstrike and Bluemist: An Origin Story this week! Please also give a special thank you to ShaRose49 for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Sunstrike and Bluemist: An Origin Story, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://sunstrikeandbluemist.thecomicseries.com/
ShaRose49’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/KadachSharon
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facialgirl2017-blog · 6 years
Kala and Wolfgang: Why they were supposed to be “Ride or Die” (and why Love Did NOT Conquer All)
I know there is war right now among the fandom: those who loved every bit of the finale, and those of us who are bitter, angry, and feel betrayed over what happened with 1 of the 2 left unresolved story arcs going into the finale.
As we all know, the two major story arcs going into the finale that still needed to be finalized were: The takedown of BPO/Freeing Wolfgang/Revenge on Lila and Whispers. You could possibly break these into 3 sep arcs but I consider them to be 1 since Wolfgang was being held hostage and tortured by BPO and Lila and Whispers although working for their own self interests, were also working for BPO.
Overall, I think the resolution of this was good, I give it a rating of 7/10. There were a few things I was not crazy about: First, who was the chairman? When his face was revealed, he was no one we had ever seen, so why the big reveal? Second, before we could possibly find out who exactly he was and what his true motivations were, his brains were blown out. Really, we couldnt have gotten some info there, first? Also, I felt the killing of Lila and Whispers was somewhat anti-climatic. Though I love that Will/Wolfgang ended them together and I love the reappearance of Wolfgang’s rocket launcher, I was expecting or would have preferred some dramatic words exchanged first between them, some words of goodbye before killing them. Or even better, for Kala/Wolfgang to have killed Lila together. That would have been poetic. And 3rd, I felt the reason given behind Whispers zombie project, his motivations was weak and didnt make sense to me, JMHO. Though IMO what did happen wasnt the best, it was still decent.
Anyway, moving on, the other story arc going into the finale: Wolfgang and Kala finally truly being together at last and Rajan discovering the truth! Being that I am a GIANT Kalagang fan (literally my favorite tv couple of ALL TIME), I must say that I do love EVERY couple in Sense8, but Kalagang reigns supreme. And from everything I have seen on social media, they seemed to be THE MOST POPULAR COUPLE ON SENSE8. Surely Lana had known this, even though she doesnt do social media. They were also the only couple (except for Sun and Mun) that were not a solid couple still yet going into the finale. We had no worries of all the solid couples breaking up. Which in a way, is refreshing for a tv show cause so often couples are constantly torn apart and if you are lucky, put back together or always in angst. It was great that Nomi/Neets, Hernando/Lito, Will/Riley, etc never were in jeopardy. So I, like myself, expected a HUGE payoff for Kala and Wolfgang in the finale. They were the only couple that were in constant angst throughout all of season 1 and 2. And bravo to Max and Tina, for being able to keep that explosive chemistry alive throughout all 2 seasons.
Why should there have been a huge payoff for this couple you might ask me? Well, because of their character dev throughout both seasons. From the moment they saw each other for the first time, just like Will and Riley, they were in love (that is because in sensate world, some cluster mates are predestined to be together, I think so anyway) BOTH of these couples were predestined to be together in this cluster. Why was it so much more difficult for Kala and Wolfgang to be together than it was for Will and Riley? Because Kala was already about to be married to someone else, and Wolfgang was entrapped in a life of mob danger and a life of being treated like garbage by his crap abusive and violent family. Like he said in the finale, he always thought he was not worth it. Which is the main reason why he never loved a woman before, until Kala.
Kala was a woman who was afraid of herself, afraid of all the facets of herself and what and who she wanted in life. she was a people pleaser, and a very moral person (nothing wrong with that!). A person of faith (I really liked btw that at least one of the sensies was religious, though in reality more than 1 of them should be. And I am by no means a religious person, but that would have been more realistic since 95% of the worlds population is, but I digress).
These two characters could not be more opposite, but yet were perfect compliments of each other. From the very beginning, they were constantly drawn to each other while (in season 1 esp) having not much sensate connection with the others in their cluster. They each gave the other what they were lacking. And through this growing love and attraction to each other, Wolfgang was opening up to being more of the good person he truly was inside while Kala was growing more into being the brave, firey woman she truly was inside.
The only logical and expected conclusion to what was going to happen in the finale was that they would save Wolfgang. Kala and Wolfgang would finally meet in person, they would finally consumate their love in person, and after Rajan found out everything that was going on, Kala would nicely break up with Rajan, ending their marriage but probably remaining friends. But nope, that is not what we got.
At the end of ep 2x11, we had Kala finally CHOOSE WOLFGANG CHOOSE THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER. She was brave, and she was totally going to tell Rajan except that Rajan didnt give her a chance to say anything and shipped her off. Never once during any episode did Kala ever tell Rajan that she loved him. It was obvious she cared for him, but we were never led to believe she was also in love with him as well as Wolfgang. Everytime she was conflicted with her choice, what she was always saying about this conflict was: choosing between her love for Wolfgang, or choosing the life and obligation she had with Rajan. Also that she doesnt like to hurt people and felt bad about hurting Rajan because he was a good man. Never once did Kala EVER say she was in love with both and that was her dilemma. Had that been the case, then I could totally understand her in the finale, choosing both. But that was not the case.
In the finale, Rajan was such an after thought to her that in the first couple of weeks they were in Paris trying to rescue Wolfgang, she NEVER CONTACTED RAJAN IN ANY WAY. It apparently didnt even occur to her, nor did she care enough to do so. Rajan had to contact her, and when he did, she panicked. He shows up, and is very understanding of the whole sensorium reveal, but now suddenly Kala does not have the courage to tell him about her love for Wolfgang? When she was going to tell him before she left for europe?
When Rajan arrived and Kala talked to him, we are left with the impression that she left out that her and Wolfgang were in love with each other. Then later as we see, Rajan seems to know what is going on, though we dont know how. Did she tell him but that part got cut from the ep. or did he figure it out on his own by watching everything that was playing out? Or did Will or Riley or someone else tell him? We dont know, but I assume he either figured it out on his own or Will or someone spilled the beans, cause in that moment of opportunity, Kala choked. This was the start of Kala inexplicibly reverting back to her season 1 self.
Rajan decides to stay and help (or more like tag along) with the cluster to help them on their mission. During this time, are we supposed to believe that Kala has somehow quickly fallen in love with Raj as well? She still never tells him that she loves him, and he has done nothing extraordinary for her to do so. The only thing I see is Kala developing more appreciation and admiration for him for being so understanding, supportive, and taking everything in stride. And Raj should be commended for that. but that is not true love. Sorry but it is not.
Kala again has the opportunity to really tell or show Raj her true heart for Wolfgang, to truly reveal her truth and herself to him. When she arrives at the chateau to greet both him and wolfgang. She could have and should have redeemed herself here, and give Wolfgang the greeting he truly deserved. But nope, cowardice completely consumes her again. But I have to ask: WHY? There is no reason for this cowardice. Rajan already knows (somehow) at this point about Wolfgang. It was nice that she hugged and kissed Raj, but then she gives Wolfgang the kiss she wants to give him via visiting instead of in person. This made me so angry I wanted to throw a shoe at the tv! (I almost did!) yes she did give Wolf a really great hug in front of Raj, but she should have kissed him as well (and maybe at this time also tell Raj adios? In a nice way, of course). But she didnt. Second opportunity gone.
After that we get no real life physical love-in between Kalagang until Kala is shot and almost dies. Finally she and Wolf kiss in real life. But Raj is there (seriously?) and she has to make him feel good and important. To me that ruined the entire intimate moment of love between Kalagang. (another imaginary shoe thrown at the tv)
Last real opportunity for Kala to find her courage was at the wedding. I really expected it to happen here. I expected there to be a romantic scene between Kalagang, a grand gesture of love for everyone to see. Nope, didnt get that. All we got was them dancing together in the distance, Kala holding hands with Raj during the ceremony, Will asking Kala what is her choice and Kala shrugging her shoulders as if this is just a silly little choice (A CHOICE SHE ALREADY MADE BEFORE LEAVING FOR PARIS) and then one of the other clustermates ( I forget who) asking Wolfgang about it and him shrugging his shoulders as if it is no big deal to him who or when Kala finally chooses! WHAT??? This makes ZERO sense! This honestly ruined the whole wedding for me. It really did which also makes me mad!
This is long so I will briefly touch on why Raj and Wolf were also out of character for this whole thing. Wolfgang throughout the season is a Ride or Die kind of a guy. Extremely loyal and will do anything for the people who truly loves. he shows this over and over. He is like that with Felix, with his mother(in the flashback)  with all of the cluster, and with Kala. He is so ride and die that he has killed several of his close relatives for justice. He pressured Kala into choosing at the end of season 2. He basically said to her “stop playing games, now or never” (not a quote from him, just the feeling behind what he actually said) and he even told Kala “pretending isnt a life” this man has NEVER pretended who he was EVER in his life. But now he is going along with this pretend threeesome? Umm no that makes ZERO sense. The love between him and Kala was so deep, they were both willing to Romeo/ Juliet duo suicide for each other, but suddenly “meh, she can stay married to Raj and I will share her on the weekends”? No, I dont think so, that completely goes against everything Wolfgang is and always has been.
And I also dont believe Raj would go along with this. Yes he has always loved Kala even though he has always known that she did not reciprocate the same intensity of feelings for him and he just went along with it anyways. But we must remember, he did try to give her an out a couple of times in season 1 and also during their honeymoon. he also even said in 2x11 that he fully understands the future of their marriage is uncertain and he is fine with that. Also, I am pretty sure that indian men are not accustomed to sharing their wives with other men. Not to mention, I think Raj has enough self esteem to want a better and more complete love from a woman for himself. And being he loves Kala so much, he should love her enough to want her to go with her true love. I honestly think he would want that. Raj would not settle for this limbo, either. He could not be happy in the short or long term, taking turns with Wolfgang for Kala’s affection and attention.
So this shotty conclusion is just so wrong in so many ways and goes against all 3 characters and their entire story arc. Lana throws all of that away that she did with these characters previously, just so she can shatter societal norms by saying “why should a woman have to choose?” If that was your true intentions all along, Lana (which is obvious it was not) then you would have written their story development A LOT differently throughout the two seasons. Kala left immediately to go rescue Wolfgang, she cared less about her husband until he showed up. She broke through blockers and sedatives to connect with Wolf, she was willing to kill herself for him, Wolfgang felt he was not worth it and Kala assured him that he was, but yet despite all of that she cant find the courage to tell Rajan I want a divorce, I need to be with the man that I love? You titled the episode “Love Conquers All” yet you contradict yourself in the finale with this story, but showing that love does not conquer all. It was not even able to conquer a silly fear of speaking the truth and letting another person down. In the end you did a great disservice to all 3 characters, but Kala in particular. You who say are a champion for strong women, made her weak, cowardice, and selfish in the end. You had her basically show Wolfgang through her actions (or lack of actions) that he actually was not worth it. Shame on you, Lana. And that is why we kalagang fans are really let down by the finale.
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survivorgalaxysedge · 4 years
Episode 6 | Your Social Game Is On 0! - MJ
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also just realized that at final 13 i know well over half of the people in the game..... love that for me!! -close with ali, jonathan, and zoe over here both separately & together -mj obvs -cindi and jay are known quantities -jules is great too -so only ones i don’t know.... silver, zach, asya, nathan & jessie i know i can work with at least half of the ones i know, probably more - only real question mark is cindi cuz she was a little sus originally, and jay i hope is still good but i think he and keegan were close so might have to work on explaining that one. but overall, i feel pretty well set for merge whenever it gets here, and hopefully the next couple votes can get rid of some of those ones i don’t know. onward and upward! we’ll see!!!
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I don't really do much text confessionals but I just ranted in my host chat so I'm sending it here. ~~This Round~~ this round is gonna be fun, so much fun, and I won't have to do like any gameplay because I think regardless the trian tribe is going to tribal and I wanna see how that plays out, and then if my tribe goes to tribal I'm gonna dip out using my safety without power and let silver kill an og circi since he's gonna pull out that extra vote however, if asya or jules have an advantage / if mj flips that's fine with me too. I'm still debating playing the solar eclipse. I want to cause chaos, and for what? For no reason. *Moments Later* I spun a wheel to determine what I will do this round, and it landed on not playing the solar eclipse and noping out. that's what I'm doing. now you may ask for the strategic value of letting a circi die? Well, if a Circi goes (or two circis go if it's an andro/circi tribal), I'm suddenly 1/2 of my OG tribe left. People may want to pick me up and use me as a number since I will have no allegiance to anyone. This puts me in a lowkey kind of decent position if I lie and say I was gonna be voted out if I didn't safety w/o power. Also playing a safety without power and claiming the magnet would statistically mean I am less likely to have other advantages since other people had searches stockpiled for the swap I'll probably test the waters for a bit after immunity results and then play the magnet to make it look like it wasn't planned and I just got a bad feeling. In other words: I'm turning the crackhead dial-up, it's time for fun! I swear to god if we don't merge after this round I will scream. ~~Planning for the Future~~ oh my god it could be a 10 person merge. because the merge episode is usually episode 8. we're on 6 but that wouldn't make sense to prevent a 5 > 1 person tribe from occurring and 5 votes in a swap seems like a bit much. I feel like at this point I know I probably won't win this game but I'm gonna give them hell while I'm here playing well is boring People on this cast that will probably try to kill me: Cindi, Jay, Nathan, Maybe Jesse? I haven't really spoken much to MJ or Silver, chances are my closest ally is going home this round, Zoe Jonathan and Ari may pick me up if I'm from a minority tribe but dump me very quickly. From my POV the cards are not in my favor, all I have are my advantages so the path of chaos is more beneficial plus I'm sure it's spread I'm pretty good at immunities in merge so they're gonna try to take me out early on like round 1 or 2, So if I want any chance I need to play the following way Since I cannot depend on social connections as much as I normally would 1. Make sure my existing social connections are voted out so that I am not in the group where I don't have the best social connections but I have enough that it is worrisome 2. Play my advantages early in merge if I don't win immunity, cementing myself as a big target 3. Convince people that nobody will take me deep into the game because I have placed myself in the position of a big target 4. Try to get the people that would be 100% against me voted out, while also watching Andro tribe majority. Basically making Andro and Trian fight each other 5. Win immunities near the end and somehow make it deep??? That's my best case scenario at this point in my opinion.
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So like we won immunity . Wow see what happens when we actually try? Isn’t that nice . Idc who goes really I can make new bonds or whatever with people if silver goes but in the ideal scenario he will stay. But tbh I have no power over what happens tonight so I don’t care. Hoping merge happens next 
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ok so i have a little cute vote chat for me jules and mj. mj is spilling EVERYTHING abt his OG tribe including how they blindsided my wife pippa... rude. also abt his idol searches. he's a smart cookie and one to watch for but i also like him and need friends so<3
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Having to remind myself that is entirely okay to be vengeful and even be blinded by revenge in these games. I've become way too soft for these things in the past couple of years. As of right now, tonight's tribal council should be 2-1-1, since Zach is skipping -- 2 votes for Silver (Asya, Jules), 1 vote Jules (Silver), and 1 vote Asya (me). If Silver's 50/50 coin lands on SAFE, the it’ll tie between Aysa and Jules and I think I’ll get auto-eliminated if it’s rocks instead of a 1v1 tiebreaker, and I’m OK with that I think! If it lands on NOT SAFE then Silver is leaving, period! And Silver deserves to leave, and I shouldn't feel nervous about taking this shot, no matter if it backfires or not. It makes me feel icky to think that Nathan, Jessie, and Silver were in cahoots from the very start and I didn't care enough to control my own game because I've become too accustomed to jellyfishing my way through ORGs to avoid being pinpointed as a leader or strategist. I'm putting my foot down tonight. I'm taking this shot and if it works, then it's merely the beginning of the end for half of the remaining cast as far as I'm concerned. If it backfires, then oh well, at least I tried something here. NO REGRETS! Anyway, just had the first alliance call with Aysa and Jules and it was great! Good vibes! We just chit-chatted and discussed strategy and previous dynamics. It will be a shame if we don’t get to push forward together after tonight. I’m also telling Silver right now not to play the 50/50 befcause if it doesn’t land on safe then the vote will be 3-2 if Aysa is lying; and if Aysa is telling the truth then he’s wasting a power that he could have later on. It kinda makes no sense for him to use the 50/50 considering the information he’s being told. I’m fine with pitching this to him because he said he was 100% gonna use it anyway, so me telling him not to will either leave things the same or result in him not using it at all. There’s no losing there. The only way to lose is if it lands on safe. The savage in me is saying, no MJ don’t let yourself get auto-eliminated if things go south, CUT JULES! And I realize that that’s exactly how I should be thinking given the first two lines of this confessional!!! But I wanna be a risk taker. I’m fine with this blowing up because the potential reward is greater than me being auto-eliminated. + Jack was rocked out last season so it would be cute to match that if it comes down to it! I hope it doesn’t, but it’s fine either way. I feel like this game owes me. Silver's 50/50 will not land on safe.
ALSO on this alliance call, I was informed that the adventure reset?!?!?!?! AND I HAVEN'T DONE THEM IN A WEEK???? LMFAOOOOO anyway.
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AHHHH why did I volunteer to go first in the challenge ugh I remembered the wrong shit lol. But this tribal I dont think I have to use my 50/50 since asya doesn't wanna go to rock so she'll vote Jules with us. So yeah I think I'll be ok. Asya told me Jules is voting MJ. I'm just hoping this isnt gonna be a big blindside towards me but yeah wish me luck 
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okay, here's the plan. silver has the glowing orb 50/50 coin thing. i expect him to play it. silver's voting me. im voting silver and so is asya. mj is king of the key here. if mj votes silver and the orb makes him safe, then im gone. if mj votes asya (hang on, ive just had a realization and just had to sit in silence for a while whilst i process it.) okay. if mj votes asya and the coin makes silver safe, it'll be 2-1-1, with a tie between me and asya. which im just now realizing could send it to rocks where mj would be the one leaving............. boy howdy, sure wish i knew how to count. okay, yeah. we'll just hope that the coin lands on NOT SAFE -or- he doesnt play it at all. mj and asya are telling him that they're voting me out, so maybe he'll feel comfy enough not to use it. i dont WANT asya to be voted out, but it's better than me or mj being the vote. if mj gets rocked out by default because i didnt realize how to count....... oops!!! but silver has a bunch of advantages, so him getting voted out would flush those out. asya has an immunity shard and id like to think that she'd will it to me if she gets voted out, but eye dee kay!
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AHHH sorry this is coming so late but I've had a busy busy few days, and luckily I've avoided tribal during this time lol So before I was feeling a bit shaky on this tribe, I felt like everyone was more connected to each other than to me. But as it turns out, that's completely untrue and I feel very at the center of this tribe. Nathan and I have had multiple long talks recently where we've decided that we want to stick together deep into this game, and he's given me some info about how he and Silver gave up their immunity shards to Jessie, so she has an idol now. Cindi and I have a connection from our original tribe too and I've been keeping up on that relationship too. I gave her a clue I found during an expedition but nothing really came of it since it's, as far as I can tell, impossible to decipher. If we did end up going to tribal, I would have made a push to take out Jessie TBH, even though she has the idol. I feel like even if Nathan wasn't for it, they'd go for Cindi and not me. But luckily that doesn't matter because we're immune and likely heading for a merge in the next 30 minutes. And if not a merge, than another swap bc I think y'all hosts anticipated that one tribe could have lost all of the last 3 immunities and I don't think you want a 2 person tribe at the f11. But yeah I feel really good about my place in the game, I want Nathan to be my shield for the time being bc he's so vocal and strategic that he will always be a target ahead of me.
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I have put so much work in to stay
All this fighting for nothing smh <3 it is not looking good
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chimerojeon · 7 years
You can either read it or leave it hanging, I just need to rant lol.
Okay first of all, back then I adore Mnet very much because they always pay EXTRA attention to BTS (I mean they send BTS to America, er is that on Mnet, oh well it is because they were one time BTS lowkey diss Mnet tho) They somehow help BTS to climb up and cherish them. BTS love Mnet and even the ball head PD (I forgot his name because I have amnesia suddenly if its about MNet nowadays). But after the Billboard Music Award, hm... I know Mnet made the whole episode of BTS countdown and BTS comeback show but thats it I think. K-Armys, our beloved K-Diamonds, werent given any proper rest the whole recording and BTS were the one who feed them (Poor bbies) just to support the boys.
I have been with BTS eversince debut (cant you believe I grew up with BTS together for about 5 years? trust me, I was shocked to know that Kook is only a year older and I still cant believe until now lol) and its actually an emotional roller coaster ride.
I am a huge and loyal since 2009 YGstan and also a cute loyal ARMY since 2013. Why do I relate this two? Because Mnet have issues with my favs. First with the YGFams and now BTS ?
YG and Mnet problems are in another level, okay lemme ignore that but Mnet and BTS? I mean you took away our votes like by millions, blocking the hastags, the sudden voting apps without captcha (how do u spell it im dumb) and not telling us properly about the missing votes when suddenly now, nearing MAMA2017 you use BTS to promote MAMA ? I see BTS everywhere at your channel Mnet. You know you are about to go down didnt you Mnet? You messed up with ARMYs with their votes, messed up saying E/XO name during AMAs (cough*by accident*cough) and when you're about to go down, you use BTS again to gain attention ergh.
Dont you learn anything from GD diss in 2014? GD clearly said Mnet and MAMA in his diss rap you dummies. Dont you stupid Mnet know why he diss you? Rumors said the diss was made because of the voting in MAMA. Back in 2013, GD win the Best Solo Dance for the song Crooked and he didnt expect it at all. GD knew that song doesnt have any proper choreography thats why. He feel he should stand up and correct this unfairness. He want Mnet or MAMA whatever to be fair in the way they give out the awards so no fights will occur. (This is my opinion and based on rumors, dont hate me okie) Next year in 2015, Taeyang manage to win Song Of the Year (which I think kinda fair because everyone seems to he singing thay song) and BigBang won Artist of the Year (when E/XO had always snatch that award so yeah, maybe its fair too because E/XO is quite popular?)
I am not hating on that particular group, I was a huge fan back then before the group lost its members making me lost interest. The thing is I hate it when people say Mnet is giving Big3 some gold tickets or passes to snatch the awards easily (You get me?) but its not. I mean YG have issues with Mnet sheesh.
Why suddenly we're here? Oh yes, because I just wanna rant about it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I am stressing out on my finals before I graduate college next week and I am tired to see our votes always missing or suddenly dropped too much. BTS should receive proper recognization (?) in their own country and K-Diamonds should really be loved by us i-Lovely and BTS for their massive support. And love yourself dear ARMYs because we made it together this far no matter when you joined the fandom and reached 11th 100M views MV yey!
If you read it this far, spend another 10mins to vote okay! Oh and I know I keep annoying you ARMYs with this but please vote for Suran. Shes such a lovely woman, have eargasm kind of voice and basically our Yoongs close friend. Oh and if anyone out there is an ArmLink or anyhow support BlackBangtan (BTS and Blackpink) either ship them or just support those two as idols, please vote for Blackpink too okay! I knew many of ARMYs are Blinks too (no dont get offended please, I just state what I see on media social but I do know not all ARMYs like both group)
Thats all from me, your lovely chimerojeon ♡
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amiraxbdullah · 5 years
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- i’ve been away for almost a month. yup, i remember my words saying tht i would get back to tumblr. i did. just tht, over a month, i had alot of episodes tht kinda left me w no choice but to isolate myself from expressing at tht moment.
- so, i lost a grandfather, from my maternal side. it was kind unexpected. th fact tht (somehow) my aunt separate my grandparents, and tht makes us visiting atok once a year. family issues, hence th odd story. ooh, mind yall tht i have complete 4 grandparents until tht date i lost one. i was visiting my mate cos her grandma was in a critical state and i genuinely cant imagine losing any of my grandparents and yup, its all written and poof, few days later w a news abt my atok. i was shock, i didnt knw how to react, wht to do, how to go about(like i was finding for a manual??) i was legit lost. 
- few days later, Adam met into an “accident” causing him to have a laceration over his right thumb. (imma skip this story cos it kinda remake me mad thinking abt th scenario.)
- papa asked me to join him to Vietnam but guess who had purchased Ed Sheeran ticket for th fiance and a bday gift and had to blew tht vietnam trip? ME. so yup, i still enjoyed my first virgin concert w Syaz and we bought a top together as memories. heheheh. i recorded all th songs, too pictures and of cos, we werent lucky to snap a photo w him. hahah, whts new? (its just my luck, i guess?)
- school is really taking a toll on me tho its only coming to week 6! or maybe its just nursing course? heh. we had to squeeze our time and juggle projects. of cos, i am a juggler, so i juggle projects and jobs too. haha.
- sidetrack: my mental health havent been at my best over all th problems im having but thank allah, i have a good support system like papa/mama/mak and syaz. hehe. of cos must include his family, theyre a gem!
- somewhere last week, nenek was complaining abt breathless but i was schooling and only to end at 6pm. so i told nenek, i will company her th day aftr, which i had to rush from a class to her place and we grab over to ttsh a&e. to my suprise, 3 consecutive nebs given, yet still chesty??? wht on earth is my nenek lungs doing? long story short: i suggest nenek to get admitted and get treated rather than be discharged then th same problem would occur again. 
- ohya, ytd, i kind had a feud w my one of my sibling. (its over a micro issue anw!) like it could be solved w just an action tht would take less than 5secs. but now, she chose to text me and tell me off in a harsh way and say a phrase which i least expect to read. tht phrase caught me by suprised, got me shook, i was taken aback by th words i read, it practically pepper-sprayed my eye and squeeze my heart achingly. it was too much. - im a lil sensitive recently. either cos of wht i see or bcs of her hormones. i really cant, been crying recently and my eyebags are even tired of me??? i need space, hence th hiatus for a while.. xoxo, mira.
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makumii · 5 years
Answers to last rb - End of Year Meme
First things first, did you have a good year? kinda???? it sure was interesting and the first half sucked balls..
How old did you turn this year? 21
Do you feel your age? I feel 14 and 36 at the same time - it sure is fun to be alive
Did your appearance change in anyway? finally dyed my hair again! (currently blue) Also ears pierced in december
Post your favorite selfie. jokes on u i dont make selfies
If you traveled, where did you go? spent a week in cologne at a friends place for gamescom and another week in the middle of austria on a farm! (vacation - wooohoo)
Which fashion trends did you love? i dont even know any trends that occured this year help
Which fashion trends did you hate? see above
What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible? very recent but that one fancy black coat i got myself for christmas (https://www.emp.at/p/malphas/397063.html)
What song sums up this year for you? Breathin - Ariana Grande but the Thomas Sanders cover
What album came out and has been on heavy rotation since then? i dont even know what got releassed this year what is timeee
What was your favorite movie of the year? HOOOO boy okay: Klaus, Frozen 2, Joker and that’s about all that i remember
Did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year? not really, i didnt have my eyes on many new faces this year
Favorite new TV show? She Ra probably?? Again, nothing overly new on that side |D Also not rly a TV show but I super got into critical role
Which new ship/fandom has taken over a lot of your time, attention, and tears? Entrapdak all the way - those two basically killed me Also Critical Role (thanks B.) -> I’m only 40 episodes in the second campaign but BOY am I deep in
What food did you try for the first time? none as far as i’m aware?
Did you make any big permanent changes this year? uhhhhh i think my confidence got a boost in the second half of the year so i think that counts? Also ear piercings
What was one nice thing you did for someone else? sponsored an entire Christmas market visit for my best bro (Food and souvenirs included)
What was one nice thing you did for yourself? as cruel as it sounds, i broke up with my boyfriend which was quite freeing Also finally dyed hair again and I am LIVING
Did you develop a new obsession? Critical Role |D
Did you vote? Yeap
Did you move? Nope, but I might move out in 2020
Did you get a job? already had one, but thanks for asking <3
Did you get a pet? nope, only plushies
Do you regret not doing anything? OH Y E A H - there’s a bunch of things (not dancing with my maybe-crush at the christmas party, not breaking up sooner with my bf, and some other things i won’T remember rn but I am the master of not doing things and regretting it afterwards)
Do you regret doing something? probably, but i currently don’t remember; I’ll probably think of it during my next breakdown
Have you done anything that scared you? nope, didn’t do it because i was scared and now I regret not doing it |D
Did anyone/thing make you so mad it stayed with you for days? I don’t really get mad? But the biggest ball of negative emotions was caused by my breakup
Did you lose anyone close to you? my ex! we broke up and he didn’t want to stay in touch so there’s that
Did you fall in love? actually i might have; still working on figuring that shit out
Did you fall out of love? nope; even tho we only broke up this year it’s been over for me since the end of 2018
Did you start a new relationship? no, but there might be something in the works???????? IDK what to make of this situation
Did you go through a break up? ohhhh yeah - and it wasn’T as bad as expected (we already had a big major breakup at the end of 2018 so i already was prepared for the ‘final’ one)
Did you have to cut ties to someone? It wasn’t my choice unfortunately
Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year? the first person that came to my mind was important last year too so idk? no new people in my life
Who wasn’t as important to you this year as they were last year? my ex (I love how he’s in most of the answers lmaoo)
If you could have a do over on one thing you did, would you take it? heck yeah! if i had the chance to dance with that one dude?? I’d say yes immediately (he was kinda disappointed i said no so I SHOULDVE SAID YES)
What was the best moment of the year for you? have to name a few actually: - christmas party at work (including a mario kart tournament) - gamescom (and staying at a good friend’s place for a week!!) - christmas dinner at my granny’s bc i finally got to get back to my second half of the family) - my almost 1.0 GPA at school
What was the worst? - breakup (even if it wasn’t as bad, it still sucked) - my almost 1.0 GPA (SO CLOSE sklhgfsdköfjhskdö)
Did anything happen that you were sure would change you as a person but it really didn’t? - the break up -> but i guess since i saw it comming it didn’t have as much power over me - a certain thing i might’ve done last year around christmas but wasn’t as bad as it seemed?? it’s all chill and just showed me some things about me that i wasn’t as certain of
Did anything happen to you that you were sure wouldn’t change you as a person but it did? actually no?? not that im aware of - okay maybe the maybe-crush accidentally helped me with my self confidence but uhhh idk if that counts or sth
What are you most proud of accomplishing? some sort of SELF WORTH got out of a toxic relationship
What have you learned about yourself this year that you didn’t know in the years prior? idk next
Did your opinion of anyone change for the better? honestly i don’t know, i still love my friends and no one is better off all of a sudden? idkkkk
Did your opinion of anyone change for worse? nope not that i’m aware of
If you make resolutions, did you complete them this year? even if i did make some I don’t remember them oops
If you make resolutions, what will your resolutions be for the coming year? maybe draw more? get back into piano playing? something like this also v important: 2020 me, dont let others ruin your self worth any further!!!!!! GO AND ROCK THOSE CLOTHES!!!!!!!!
If you could go on an adventure during the remaining days of the year, where would you go and what would you do?  Who would you go this? I’m perfectly content here at home - the most adventurous I’d do is going to a friend’s place or something
What do you wish for others for the coming year? Lot’s of love and happiness, I wish for everyone to find their family and being able to surround themselves with people they love and that care about them!
What do you wish for yourself? That I stop being such a scared lil shit Srsly, if smn cute wants to dance with you u better say yes!!!!! Also that I can find more parts of my true self
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whittlebaggett8 · 6 years
‘The Walking Dead’ star Katelyn Nacon was surprised Sunday’s big moment from the comics didn’t include iconic characters, Defence Online
Enid’s “JSS” motto did not preserve her on Sunday’s “The Walking Dead.”
Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Warning: There are big spoilers in advance for “The Walking Dead” time nine, episode 15, “The Quiet Just before.”
AMC’s “The Going for walks Dead” brought a substantial moment from the comics to lifetime in which Alpha (performed by Samantha Morton) shockingly kidnaps a bunch of people from the exhibit and puts their heads on pikes to sort a border to her land.
INSIDER spoke with Katelyn Nacon, whose character Enid, was among the 1 of the greatest fatalities on Sunday’s episode.
Nacon said she “was surprised” more collection regulars other than herself and Alanna Masterson weren’t killed off in the legendary scene.
Sunday’s “The Going for walks Dead” introduced a tragic instant from the comics to everyday living. Alpha kidnapped, killed, and shown the heads of 10 people on the show on pikes for Daryl, Michonne, Carol, and more to uncover as King Ezekiel held a celebratory trade good to convey the four communities together.
Although a significant volume of people had been killed off, the majority of them weren’t mainly important cast customers. Only two of them, Enid (Nacon) and Tara (Alanna Masterson), had been sequence regulars. The biggest death on Sunday’s episode was Carol and Ezekiel’s son, Henry (Matt Lintz). Lintz has been on the present for 10 episodes.
If you weren’t surprised by the majority of the deaths on season nine’s penultimate episode, you weren’t alone.
“Honestly, I was stunned that it was not anymore collection regulars other than me and Alanna [Masterson],” Katelyn Nacon informed INSIDER of her reaction to learning of the people on the pikes.
Katelyn Nacon instructed INSIDER she figured it was going to be her or Alden (Callan Mcauliffe) on the pikes. Sorry, younger love.
Gene Web page/AMC
“When we very first mentioned it in the beginning of the time, it had sounded like there was going to be a whole lot of big men and women with their heads on pikes, but I was truthfully form of stunned that it was just me and her out of all the series regulars. I thought there was heading to be far more,” she said.
Enid’s demise was not a full surprise to Nacon. The actress stated she experienced a basic conference with showrunner Angela Kang past spring about the probability of her character leaving by the close of year 9. Nacon did not know Enid was having killed off the present for selected until about a week just before they were filming Sunday’s episode. She explained to INSIDER she wasn’t positive what was heading on with her character so she sent out an electronic mail and then finally acquired a get in touch with to permit her know her time on the demonstrate was certainly coming to an stop.
“I was a tiny surprised, due to the fact it came so very last minute. But possibly way, I now realized it was a likelihood, so there’s not considerably I could have finished,” she reported.
Nacon experienced played Enid on “The Strolling Dead” given that year six. Originally, a member of Alexandria, she was Carl’s unofficial girlfriend before he was killed off the display.
Katelyn Nacon and Chandler Riggs on “The Strolling Dead” year 7.
The majority of the people killed off on Sunday’s episode were new and recurring figures that haven’t experienced considerably display time on the exhibit, which include the newly released Highwaymen, Ozzy and Alek. Two extra fatalities belonged to adolescents who interacted with Henry and one more duo had been former Saviors in Negan’s group.
Tammy Rose (Brett Butler), an more mature member of the Hilltop community, was the only loss of life brought to existence from the comics.
Brett Butler joined “TWD” on year 9.
Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Nacon said other actors on the present envisioned to be killed off on Sunday’s additional-extended episode.
“A good deal of people today had been surprised to hear that it was me,” Nacon said of Enid’s loss of life. “Even Khary [Payton] and Christian [Serratos], they thought that it was heading to be them up right up until the episode came out for all of us to examine. They sort of actually went the full yr, way too, just asking yourself irrespective of whether they ended up going to die or not till they basically acquired the episode and noticed it was not them.”
Most enthusiasts probably expected to see Payton or Serratos’ figures, King Ezekiel or Rosita, go. In the comics, they are among the 12 figures who get piked.
Rick is floored by the deaths of Rosita and Ezekiel in the comics. That 1st guy is a gentleman named Oscar. He’s not on the present.
Impression Comics/Skybound
The episode even provides many very clear misdirects to make the audience imagine Rosita and Ezekiel might wind up on the pikes by the episode’s conclude. Alpha has a discussion at duration with Ezekiel and then he goes lacking. The Whisperer leader also can take a glance at Rosita and Eugene at 1 stage.
Rosita is expecting on the present and in the comics.
Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
But as the big expose occurs, viewers see Tara choose more than Rosita’s comic loss of life. Henry will get substituted for Ezekiel so Carol does not reduce both equally her husband and son in 1 instant. It is a main twist on an iconic scene, but the switcheroo does not ultimately maintain the very same psychological excess weight as the comedian expose because of the obscurity of the greater part of the character deaths.
How did you come to feel about the end of Sunday’s “The Walking Dead”? Have been you expecting to see much more significant fatalities all through the pike scene? Permit me know @KirstenAcuna on Twitter.
“The Strolling Dead’s” time nine finale airs following Sunday on AMC at 9 p.m. You can abide by along with our show coverage below.
The post ‘The Walking Dead’ star Katelyn Nacon was surprised Sunday’s big moment from the comics didn’t include iconic characters, Defence Online appeared first on Defence Online.
from WordPress https://defenceonline.com/2019/03/25/the-walking-dead-star-katelyn-nacon-was-surprised-sundays-big-moment-from-the-comics-didnt-include-iconic-characters-defence-online/
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
The forever fallacy
Last week, Ben Carlson from A Wealth of Common Sense published an interesting article about how staying rich is harder than getting rich. He writes: Research shows over 50% of Americans will find themselves in the top 10% of earners for at least one year of their lives. More than 11% will find themselves in the top 1% of income-earners at some point. And close to 99% of those who make it into the top 1% of earners will find themselves on the outside looking in within a decade. Its great that so many people get to taste what its like to earn a lot of money, if only for a little while. Whats not so great is that as most people earn more, they spend more. But if you spend all (or most) of what you earn as youre surfing an income bubble, you can find yourself in trouble when that bubble bursts. Carlson quotes a story about a couple that lived a lavish lifestyle because they were making a lot of money. When the income dried up, they realized they had nothing left. They were broke. Says the husband: The money was just coming so fast and so easy that my ego led me to believe that, Oh, this is my life forever.' Ive been thinking about that last line for a week now: This is my life forever. This couple fell for a common (but seldom examined) mental trap: the forever fallacy. The forever fallacy is the mistaken belief that you will always have what you have today, that youll always be who you are today. The Forever Fallacy Its easiest to see the forever fallacy at play in extreme cases. Take professional athletes, for instance. In a 2009 Sports Illustrated article about how and why athletes go broke, Pablo S. Torre wrote that after two years of retirement, 78% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress. Within five years of retirement, roughly 60% of former NBA players are in similar positions. Fundamentally, the problem here is the forever fallacy. Athletes (and popular entertainers) tend to enjoy a few years during which they earn great gobs of money. The challenge is to figure out how to make five years of income last for fifty years. This never occurs to most of them. As the money is rolling in, it feels like the money will always be rolling in. When the income stops, the pain begins. [A pro athlete] cant live like a king forever, says Bart Scott in ESPNs Broke, a documentary about pro athletes and their money problems. But you can live like a prince forever. [embedded content] The forever fallacy doesnt just trap athletes and entertainers and lottery winners. It snares average folks like you and me too. Im sure weve all had friends who found themselves flush, whether from a windfall or from a raise at work. They succumb to lifestyle inflation, spending more as they earn more. They buy a bigger house, a new car, a boat. Then, without warning, something awful occurs and theyre no longer rolling in dough. It felt like the good times would last forever but they didnt. The forever fallacy manifests itself in lots of little ways too. When you choose not to keep an emergency fund because youve never needed one in the past, youre succumbing to the forever fallacy.When you take out a large mortgage, one that pushes the limits of your earning power, youre giving in to the forever fallacy.When you fund your lifestyle through debt, youre living in the forever fallacy. The forever fallacy doesnt apply only to positive expectations. People also give in to the forever fallacy with negative expectations. Theyre trapped in a minimum wage job and project that theyll always be working minimum wage. Theyre in a shitty marriage and let themselves believe that theyll always be trapped in a shitty marriage. And so on. The key thing to understand is that everything changes. You change. Your circumstances change. The people around you change. Nothing is forever. The challenge then is to balance this concept everything changes with living in the present. You must learn to enjoy today while simultaneously preparing for possible tomorrows. Negative Visualization One way to protect yourself from the forever fallacy is to play what if? games. In A Guide to the Good Life by William Irvine, the author advocates a psychological exercise he calls negative visualization. Learn to ask yourself, Whats the worst that could happen? The Stoicsrecommended that we spend time imagining that we have lost the things we value that our wife has left us, our car was stolen, or we lost our job. Doing this, the Stoics thought, will make us value our wife, our car, and our job more than we otherwise would. Sounds a little gloomy, right? Irvine says thats not the case. Youre not meant to dwell on these things, but to occasionally ponder them as a thought exercise. In my own life, I used to imagine what it would be like if I lost my job. I could always go to work at McDonalds, I thought. And I grew up in a run-down trailer house. Worst case, I could always live in something like that again. This line of thinking drove my ex-wife crazy but gave me comfort. I knew that if disaster struck, Id be fine flipping burgers and living in a trailer park. Ive done it before and can do it again. Nowadays I challenge myself by thinking about what might happen if the stock market crashed or our house burned down. What would I do if I lost everything? Where would I go? How would I earn money? The Stoics took this exercise even further. Seneca the Younger encouraged followers to live as if each moment were their last. But thats not to say that he wanted people to descend into debauchery. Heres how Irvine explains it: Living as if each day were our last is simply an extension of the negative visualization technique: As we go about our day, we should periodically pause to reflect on the fact that we will not live forever and therefor that this day could be our last. Such reflection, rather than converting us into hedonists, will make us appreciate how wonderful it is that we are alive and have the opportunity to fill this day with activity. This in turn will make it less likely that we will squander our days. Negative visualization is useful because it forces you to look beyond the here and now, to imagine other possible realities. It encourages you to consider that the future might not be a linear projection of the present. I think it can also help nudge a person to think about whats truly important in their life. Too many people squander their days and their dollars. They spend their time and money on things that dont matter, not even a little. When you die, will you be glad you watched every episode of Game of Thrones? Or will you regret not having used that time for something better aligned with your passion and purpose? Be Prepared
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Perhaps the best way to protect yourself from the forever fallacy is to become proactive. Like a Boy Scout or a Girl Guide, be prepared to do the right thing at the right moment. In the realm of personal finance, there are plenty of things you can do to be prepared. Get out of debt and stay out of debt. As somebody who was deep in debt for almost twenty years, I now see that carrying debt is a classic expression of the forever fallacy. Its blind faith that youll be able to repay what you owe in the future.Maintain an emergency fund to handle unexpected problems such as car accidents and broken bones.Start an opportunity fund so that you can take advantage of the unexpected good things that come along, such as a chance to travel with friends or a great deal on a used pickup truck.Carry adequate insurance to protect yourself from catastrophic loss like earthquake, heart attack, or giant fire-breathing monsters from the sea.Boost your saving rate, the gap between what you earn and what you spend. This has a two-fold effect. A high saving rate helps you set aside more for the future, but it also makes you more resistent to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune today.Build social capital by creating a web of friends, family, and colleagues that you trust and support and who trust and support you. The truth is youre never going to beat the forever fallacy and neither am I. Not completely, anyhow. Its simply human nature to extrapolate our present and past into the future. The best we can do is mitigate the trouble caused by this tendency. Be Like Bond Recently, Ive been reading the original James Bond novels by Ian Fleming. I like the books because the literary Bond is more realistic than the cinematic Bond; hes less of a superhero and more of an everyday person (who happens to be a secret agent). He eats too much, drinks too much, and can be a bit lazy at times. Where Bond excels, however, is preparation. Hes always thinking a move or two ahead of his foes. He tries to anticipate what might go wrong so that he can take steps to prevent trouble. This doesnt mean that he always evades trouble thered be no drama if he did but his dedication to preparation helps him avoid some scrapes while also allowing him to sometimes survive certain death. Bond does not suffer from the forever fallacy, neither in the short term nor the long. (He often wonders if hes near the end of his career, too old to continue working as a spy.) Wed all have greater success in life if we were more like James Bond, if we took precautions, if we didnt give in to the forever fallacy. Accept the inevitability of change. Prepare for an uncertain future. Plan the best but be ready for the worst. Dont obsess over what might go wrong, but be aware of potential problems and plan for what youll do in a worst-case scenario. https://www.getrichslowly.org/forever-fallacy/
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etnanotvshows · 7 years
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❤ Veronica Mars ❤ Big Binge(Re)watching on one of my favourite series. ❤ It's summer, in this moment of the year usually the empty tv schedules lets me some holes in my (limited) free time and so i decided to do something that was rolling in my mind for quite a while now: rewatching veronica mars conpletely. This serie is one of my favest ever and i rewatched it a lot of times through the years but since the movie came out i never rewatched the whole thing all together. When i went to watch the movie at its release date it had been quite a while since i last saw veronica mars and so i'm sure i missed a couple of references here and there. Now i wanted to catch 'em all. XD With that said, after a few weeks spent on rewatching this pearl of a serie i have a couple of thoughts and question marks i have to note down. As a refresh of memory season three left us with many questions: - Veronica was with Piz at the end of the serie but when Logan beat up the ass of the scumbag that released her "sex tape" out in the open she smiled at him like a thanks (or something that could be seen as more for the LoVe fans) so we do not get to clearly see who she ends up with. - The Sheriff election: with Don Lamb now dead Keith was temporarily filling the place but only an election could make him permanent. However at the last minute his investigator and rival Vinny Van Lowe joined the "race" and emerged as his counter part in the fight for the job of the sheriff of Neptune. Since Vinny has been cooperating with the criminal family Fitzpatrick during all season 3, and was also plenty supported by them during elections, it was going to be a hard fight for Keith to win; however we do not get to see who the winner is, we are only left at the final scene of the last episode with Veronica voting for her dad. - Veronica's "stage" for the FBI is plenty mentioned during the serie, although when she misunderstands her Criminology Professor's intentions she makes a stepback in the will to join this stage but after that, when all is cleared, she still shows greatly interest for this opportunity. We are left with her happy about the acception from the FBI for her internship in virginia and Piz's face not exactly excited. - Wallace was joining the summer program of the group helping the child-soldiers in Uganda in the 18th episode of s3. - Mac left animalist Bronson (whyyyyyy?????) for helper-cheating-in-exams Max but in her last scenes wasn't too happy of Max's total lack of interest in college since his extra curricular activity was more than good for his wallet. And that's about it.. Probably some other minor stuff but that's what strikes out my attention the most. So here we go, beware for anyone that didnt see the movie yet from here on there are SPOILERS. Now we go to the 2014 movie of Veronica Mars. Set around 10 years after s3: - Veronica's lovestories have a hole from "9 years ago" to "1 year ago". The movie starts off having her together with Piz but it's been mentioned by Piz that they have not been together for these past 10 years. Veronica and Piz are back together only since 1 year and he mentions they had a relationship in college (that we know in fact) 9 years ago, but that's it. Logan also is surprised to find out that she is currently with Piz, but anyways they didn't stay in contact with eachother for these past years. - The current sheriff of Neptune turns out to be another Lamb, Don's brother, however more corrupted and less "capable" than the Lamb we know of. (wtf a brand new brother pulled out of a magic hat) A question mark remains: who won, years before, the election? Keith or Vincent? Nothing has been clearly stated about this in the movie; however when Veronica refreshes the viewers' memory with a brief description of the characters, at the moment to introduce Vinny she just says "private eye" and nothing else. She could have added "former sheriff" or any of her classic subtle comments to let us know his incapability to do the Sheriff but she did not. This leads me to think that Vinny didn't win the election. Just speculatively speaking, Keith could have won and stayed in her Sheriff job for the 5 (? Correct me here, im just guessing) years as the rules/laws say, so i can suppose that Neptune got worser after Keith's sheriff career finished. Right now he's returned to his private eye job with newer and technologic spy stuff. He is still mentioned as "former Sherif" by random characters but it's not specified the period of time they refer to (if when the Lilly Kane's murder occurred or if it was years later post elections). - The famous FBI internship.. Was blandly forgotten in the movie. Back then, after s3 finished, the staff produced a teaser trailer known as 4×00 where Veronica was FBI (letting us assume that the internship went well and that, possibly, after college she became an FBI agent, giving a pretty decent idea of what season 4 would have been about. Sadly as we all know, that never happened due to low ratings), but as of now, in the current storyline of the movie that important opportunity, that was also overly stressed in s3, was like never happened. What's more is that when we get to see our sweet former cop-agent Leo D'Amato he asks Veronica about the famous FBI thing but she says something like "you have heard wrong" or something. It's officially never happened. Moreover, according to Veronica's inner monologues she has left her investigative career (which we could guess it includes the possibility of the FBI internship) because -and here a brand new line of stortytelling starts- it was too addictive to her like drougs are with toxic-addicteds or like alchool is for alcholists. I have to say: this complete "take over" of the serie's main soul transformed into "something bad" it disappointed me. Now we get to see an apparently changed Veronica who has totallt left the private eye career and is now facing the chance of a Lawyer career. Wow. That is some change. Isnt it? Im not disappointed in the idea of change of interests for our protagonist, im disappointed instead in the "change of personality" the movie gave her and in the "exorcising" process of her private eye experience which was like her whole world. Her being. On a side note we get to see someone else changed: Logan is in the military now, aviation if i must guess. - Wallace's experience in Uganda: never spoken of. Well not that we can demand that 10 years later they are still talking of what they did so much time before, but even a super small slight mention wouldn't have hurt anyone. Well, let's talk abou Wallace a bit more: he was an extremely talented athlete and his dream was to become an engeneer. He wasn't super smart at was having some difficulties in his engeneer class but he was trying hard and it seemed he was achieving enough results to pass the class but who knows what happened. In this department as well nothing has been said anymore. For what regards his athlete talents it looks instead that he didnt pursue a professional athlete career but remained in the "same field" acting as a coach now, completely different from what fans might have expected. - Mac. She is always been a nice character, now we see her adult version working for Kane industries, a short cut of hair and woth no mentionable-worthing love stories currently. She is alone, i was sorry to see her with no one (well Wallace also is still single), of course no comments about her previous boyfriend/s be it Bronson or Max here either. Now to a new point to discuss that arised: - Weevil. Personally i always loved his character, probably almost as much as i love Logan. Thankfully they didnt make his character going out of the stage with the arrival of Herst college in s3, and since his arrest at the end of s2, made a sensed storyline that he strived to find a job that hired former inmates therefor he was hired as the janitor in Herst college to wisely keep him in the cast. Back in s3 he was interviewed in criminology class and confessed that it was hard for him not to go back to his old bad habits but that he was also trying hard to pursue the right path. Now in the movie he is surprisingly changed a lot: he is married with a beautiful wife which he visibly loves, in addition he has a lovely daughter whom he adores. He has a proper job now, he has his own car workshop. He dresses with normal clothes and is 100% legit. Doesn't touch a bike since 5 or so years (which is when his daughter was born). I loved how he changed. However he can still be a badass if needed (see when he joins Logan in the fight to protect Veronica's honor at the high school reunion) and also brave and selfless (see when he helps that car assaulted by the new generation of PCH bikers band). However that is exactly where i want to go: the scene where he helps the "poor person" in the car (which we later find out was the damn Celeste Kane). In her panic the stupid rich woman shoots at Weevil who was just going to help her and not only she hurts him but she also doesn't say anything when the Sheriff fabricates evidence and place a gun in Weevil's hand. The thing goes on and he's at the hospital and has to face assault accusation and the Kane bitch still doesnt say anything. Now. I don't know if it was just the damn Sheriff's fault (but i don't think she would get easily intimidated by him, since she is way more powerful than him) or if it was her idea to blame Weevil just to avoid any news of her shooting at her helper, but still what the hell man. What the hell. Concerning Weevil's case, later we see Keith in car with agent Sax that was willing to testify about the illegal behaviour of the sheriff and his men but he get murdered with a planned car incident. So we have no evidence to help Weevil's case. Keeping on with this his storyline we jump ahead to the end of the movie: we see him at Keith's office and they say he is still not out of the woods. Damn! The video esposing Sheriff's illegal behaviour of willing to pursue Logan as murderer just because he didn't care, didn't proof his illegal corrupted behaviour as well regarding the arrest of innocent people falsily accused like Weevil. So that video didn't proof Weevil's innocence and his charges are still on. I was hoping for the movie to solve that part of the story too but they just did not. They left it there. C'mon! This thing pissed me off. Poor Weevil, he deserves more love! He has a family now, he cant face false charges.
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survivedeathvalley · 7 years
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Paul tried it.............. he really did huh!!! Its funny how even though I helped 0% in the challenge I still stayed. I've got the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad with me and that's all I need. As long as I have those numbers, I feel great. If we end up losing again.. bye bye Mattie! 
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honestly at this point of the game my alliance is intact and hopefully we make it to merge or in a good place if there's a swap but im not worried whatsoever
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Well, I stuck with Misty and Bianca, and Mattie is going to draw the flag, I think.  So this will be exciting, i'm perfectly okay with handing over the reigns to someone else during this challenge, hopefully it will earn us our first win! 
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Alright, so the vote actually went as planned. Tanner went home unanimously while voting for Alex. This is great because it means that if I'm on a tribe with snakes that they have yet to embrace those negative tendencies. https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-11-2015/cVGFpC.gif Also, after getting voted out Tanner got online to message me (and everyone else according to the hosts) the word "fake". I'm just... https://img.memesuper.com/3bc6766bbe76cc8447a30d21e851df82_1000-images-about-gifs-on-gif-meme-guy-blinking_624-352.gif 
Tanner literally said nothing to me yesterday except what's up? I even gave him a response which I count as a chance for him to respond, no? Like... if you don't say anything to me during the day then: 1. How are we supposed to strategize if the vote is going to fall any differently 2. How are we supposed to vote for the same person - at all 3. Why would I want to play with you - that makes for a very unreliable alliance http://rs207.pbsrc.com/albums/bb263/slimkid_buckeye/animations/bang-head_zps471ffe0c.gif~c200
Also, our immunity challenge is flag making. Which... I'm a shady ho and I'm gonna say, works better as a reward challenge. Given the amount of people who claim not to be creative in this community making a challenge dictate safety based solely on creativity is a "no" from me. http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb4x3nlrJh1rt2432.gif 
Our challenge is fun though because it's kind of "themed" based on the sorting hat's opinions of us. And the sorting hat decided our tribe was full of the goody-goodies or is it goody-two-shoes? I don't even know, honestly. Anyway.. so I was thinking angels because when I think good I just... think of heavenly bodies? I dunno https://m.popkey.co/a7fc03/e09Oo.gif 
And then Alex, gem that I adore suggest superheroes! And I'm on board completely. These super powered people and all the good they do for the world are perfect. Also, potential for something really cute. Now, if I were an artist this would be absolutely perfect... but I'm not. And Alex already made something so that's neat. I think I'm gonna see what I can do to make it more high quality or something (maybe change it around a bit) since it looks a little pixelated, but yay!  It's adorable. http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/legacy.images/smosh-pit/122010/Batmanlovescookies.gif
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I actually... lowkey hope we lose this challenge LOL "When bitches vote for me, bitches go home" Sound familiar Mattie? And just THINK how iconic it would be if Bianca, Gabby, and I were the sole members of Panamint and slayed the tribe swap
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I'm still doing nothing this week and that makes me happy, i hope they don't need me, disconnecting for awhile is nice, i wish i could do it with my main account. 
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I honestly don't know what I expected out of this experience, but it wasn't this. When I played Divergent, the cast was about 70-80% active throughout an entire day. But this time, it's only active about 25% of the day. The only two people who even say or do anything are Giruga and Dianna, the two people I dislike the most. I have to work from ground up with building relationships with these people because I haven't been present to do that from the start, and I'm worried that my window of opportunity has closed up already. I wanna get the two of them into a chat where we can stick together as the active people of the game (so far). If I have it my way, we can vote off William or whatever his name is. Even though Layla and Kat are more useless than he is, I think he's trying to be deceptive about everything (saying he's NEVER played orgs before, or how he has NO idea how to make alliances) while most people just conceal their personal lives. I find it difficult to socialize too and I have shared these laments with Dianna in the past because we both know it's difficult to engage in proper conversation with others without unintentionally giving ourselves away. I hate that. And also, this game is helping me finally go over the bridge for ORGs. I truly think this will be my final experience, and so far I don't have hopes that it'll be a good one. I'm at a crossroads with these games and my personal life, because I can only take one path, no turning back. I want to say that at the end of this, I'm ready to move on. I'm ready to be happy again. I don't know if I'm here for the right reasons, but let's just try to make it right.
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I'm actually... very happy with the flag I made. Imagine if I win this challenge for our tribe after not being here for the last 2? Come on redemption arc!
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I wish I knew what was happening. I've gone days without being able to get on Skype bc of the toilet incident. It wouldn't surprise me if they just vote me out lmao
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Going to tribal sucks but hopefully the outcome favors my game. 
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WHEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won for our tribe.... and now I'm gonna get them to send me to the devils hole so I can search out some idols bicth yes!
Alex? Barely know him but an Icon! My time at the Devils Hole was short. I found nothing, but my main goal was to find new potential alliances if we swap. As I said.. It was short so idk if I was allthat successful. 
Tribe swap has occurred...
This is so ICONIC!! I got Bianca to pick Alex.. who I'm good with from Devils Hole I got Alex to pick ME I got to pick Gabby.. my ally from my tribe I got HER to pick Giruga who seems like I could get him on my side I LOVE BEING A MASTERMIND!
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We swapped last night while I was away which is fine I'm still with Jenny. We've got work to do since everyone else comes from the same tribe but that's ok bc I found an idol! My first ever idol in my org career oh boy. I'm not telling anyone yet bc idk if I really trust Jenny or Alex completely yet, we'll see 
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I'm really nervous about tribal if we go or we lose bc if we win Giruga could go home but if we win there's a chance the other 3 might have an idol
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So Giruga and I were talking He seems pretty cool and someone I could work with. He's the only one from his old tribe on this tribe so I think I could easily swoop him up. I am worried about the other 4 on our tribe noticing that us 3 Panamint members are close. I wanna work with Alex but I'm worried about his bonds with the other Zabrinskie members. Sooo yeah I'm just trying to make a deal with Giruga rn and hopefully if we go to tribal I'm in majority and my edit stays good! (I'm hoping CP4.... Last episode I better have gotten a positive edit and the one before that I probably got a negative one when Paul went home)
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so i was late to the merge party... oops. i like the newbies on my tribe and i also like that now we're at one world, i can get to know everyone now! 
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So one world, huh? That's a thing. Interesting to finally meet all these people and see what their like. I need to start making alliances, otherwise I'm screwed.
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I...  Giruga and I are flirting by sending dog memes to one another I'm----   anyway, maybe this means that we can swing him over to our side to dominate the vote. ;) 
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A fucking tribe swap, and one world. Imagine that. At least now I can start getting a feel for everyone that wasn't originally on Panamint. I've been talking to Dianna a bit because I remember going to DH with her, but sadly she isn't on my tribe so I can't really align myself with her. The bright side is that my alliance with Misty and Gabby (queens!) is all on the same tribe as me. If we can pull in another member of our tribe we could have the numbers to control votes if we ever have to go to tribal. Bless random.org for making me a captain <3 <3 <3
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Dianna HAS to be either Dom, Nick or Nic.  Or Ashley but I'm betting it's Dom.  Dianna and I worked close together in Festive BB, and then it was revealed that she was a catfish played by Ashley >.>.  I don't think Ashley would play her again but Dianna's handwriting looks a lot like Dom's now and Dianna, then Ashley and I were a duo until she cut me at final 3 after winning the final HOH!   but I've played two games with Dom, hosted him once and he's hosted me once, I KNOW HIS TYPING STYLE AND the putting 'ME' after everything anywhere, that has to be him and I'm taking notes.  
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So we lost.. it sucks. However it gives me more air time so? I love a good bright side! Anyway, of course Gabby/Bianca and I start talking. Apparantly Alex/Kai are pulling her into an alliance. Alex is cancelled. I mean.. how dare he not include me. But anyway. Adelaide may not have spoken to me yet but... Kai, I've got my eyes on you. For now I'm gonna work on Giruga wish me luck!
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my alliance didnt want to throw this, but I did. so I performed poorly. I submitted a score of about 3000, which isn't great by any means. If my tribe loses, I'll claim that my second submission (of about 5000) was not scored and I'll make a very public argument over it. of course, the hosts cannot do anything, and effectively send my tribe to tribal council :) then, I'll flip on the old titus bitches and send one of them home (PROBABLY Kat because I don't like the game she plays) I want to go the distance with William and Dianna and Giruga, but Kat is way too unknown for me to ever trust her enough to keep her around. I'll start talking to the three other people on the tribe and hopefully get them to turn their sights from the bigger threats of Will and Dianna. For my strategy, Will and Dianna will be the perfect shields to take into another swap but also the merge. They've got numbers swarming them and I want to minimize our status as threats by having five of our original tribe members going into a merge, and I know that I'll be deceiving them bad, but I hope they don't hold a grudge. Although I'm turning over a new leaf as a player by truly wanting to stay loyal to big threats, I'm still playing the same, old, jaiden way
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At this point I don't even have to try at challenges bc I'm always on the winning team *giggles*
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Giruga just told me he wants to work with me and the other neutrals Which is the best news I could've heard right now!!!!! I trust him a lot and him plus us three makes four. Tbh I don't really care who goes home between Kai or Adelaide or Alex at this point. I'm just excited to have numbers 
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IT ONLY TOOK LIKE 800 TIMES AT THE DEVILS HOLE BUT I FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING GAME CHANGING. I have the ruby idol, which could automatically makes a rocks situation if I feel festive enough for it. Hopefully I won't be in a position to use it for a while since I now have an alliance with Misty/Gabby/Giruga in addition to my alliance with Misty and Gabby. I feel good about having majority on the tribe, but I'm trying to stay close to Dianna since she's on the other tribe. I think I'm gonna give her my glow stone when I'm done with it, so that way I can prove that I trust her. I just hope I'm not making a huge mistake.
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Aaaa whatwhat isit haopening?!?!!?
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I can't make a video right now, but in the event that I get voted out tonight I just wanted to say a few things. So far I've aligned myself with the Neutral tribe and I'm really hoping I'm not being screwed over... because I seriously want to work with them, especially if it means down the line I can flip the game on old Titus. Please just let me survive my first actual tribal!!!!
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Help I am being held hostage and the only way to get my freedom is if I make a confessional.
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0 notes
comicteaparty · 5 years
April 11th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on April 11th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Kitty Kitty Bang Bang by Moe.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Kitty Kitty Bang Bang by Moe~! (https://tapas.io/series/kkbbcomic)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
hey super~!
Coming in and I'd like to give a big shoutout to that header image on the comic's Tapas(edited)
I dunno, I thought it looked badass
it is a nice header image. although what sells it for me is the logo design. its a really nice logo.
for favorite scene, hmm. ya know, i cant not pick it. the convention scene. that scene legit almost made me cry at how touching it is both with its message about how anyone can cosplay whatever they want regardless of how they look. not to mention the themes of reaching out to others. all wrapped in a nice package of no dialogue so that its the emotions at the center forefront.
Also this guy's hair.
i like his hair and his smile combination. like both scream cocky little shit design wise and i love it cause he kind of is a cocky little shit. XD
Oh yes XD
Cocky little shits are my favorite
another scene i want to show some appreciation too is the scene where we first meet kit's mom. like, i knew it was coming from the chapter title. but i enjoyed the twist it was her step-mom and theres a deeper issue going on. it turned what was easy to guess to something surprising again just by how the story plays out the reveal
https://tapas.io/episode/1370747 This is a pretty good page.
Hm, Doug McClure sounds a awful lot like this chap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUg6e072vgA
anything in particular you like about it super?
The last two panels.
And the followup
dat backside
i really love the back shot composition. like what a great way to show overwhelming odds
Evening. Made it as far as the start of the Bully arc, so late 2018.
Yeah. Also ello
I love also how Doug's got like, a million pouches on his belt
I dunno it's a detial I like
Yeah, the convention stuff was good. Some of those real-life scenarios that made you want to shake people are good when done right.
I'm not sure if I have a big favourite moment, but I have some little ones. Like when that "pinball wizard" thing played as Kit was taking on that nozzle in the gaming store, and it turned out it was the coworker.
The guy at the school in the knight suit, who had the fascination with corndogs. Weird background detail, added some humour to an otherwise tense scene.
i love the corndog knight
i want a spin-off comic of just them
cause i want to know about them
why are they a knight
why corndogs
so many questions
Heh. Made me think of that other bounty hunter, pointy-ears, who also couldn't speak.
Also, did not expect the female reveal there.
And I liked how the scientist flipped out over his research having the higher bounty than himself. Like, that trumped everything else he was in the process of dealing with and he went on a rampage. Amusing.
yeah the scientists in general was fairly hilarious in everything he tried to prioritize. although i enjoyed that at the end of the mission the crystal wound of broken anyway. cause i felt it was fitting given everything it had been through
I thought it was really clever how the rock was used to blind the scientist. Kitty is this weird mix of hyper competent (like when she used the snack habits of that one guy to track him down) and absent-minded (like when she then didn't make a grab for the compound).
I'm not saying that's unrealistic or anything, I can totally see it.
Very "living in the moment" with a dash of forward thinking.
nah i agree shes a really interesting character. like at first i wasnt sure id like her but some of her plans have been pretty spot. and to be fair a lot of the absent-minded ness you could write off as it her being a kid. so of course shes expected to be a kid and not always think through with her actions.
a more comedic moment i liked was at the end of Mor where Kit and Mary both have to stand there awkwardly making their false apologies to the whole school. this page especially cracks me up just cause of the sheer height diff between the two. i think that makes it extra hilarious https://tapas.io/episode/1215017
It's true. And I'm still wrapping my head around the kid thing.
QUESTION 2. One of the comic’s focuses and highlights are the action sequences found within. Of the characters Kit has pursued so far in her bounties, which has been your favorite? Why is that? Likewise, which bounty did you think had the best fight choreography? What do you specifically think makes the choreography the best one? Do you think we’ll see any of the criminal characters again? If so, what could that mean for Kit? Considering many of the villains parody stereotypes and similar things, what other sorts of characters do you think or hope we might see? Lastly, do you believe Kit will encounter more of her professional rivals? If so, what do you think will happen?
its okay i had my struggles wrapping my head around but the convention scene really cemented it for me for some reason. but that might just be personal association of conventions being largely for the youth.
Incidentally, I wondered initially about the use of "der"... and then when Kitty used the term "Hoser" I thought she was Canadian. That proved incorrect, what with the Norwegian thing.
Ahh... yeah, I went to a certain convention for 20 years straight soooo...
Like, I want to ship, but it feels wrong. Normally if they're young I just think of it as cute, or picture them as older, and neither of those things kinda work here.
I wonder how big Kitty's gonna get when she's 20.
i didnt start going to conventions till i was an adult but at the same time my experiences is that theyre largely dominated by the youth. not to say there arent older adults there. but the youth are the ones always around drawing attention to themselves being loud. but i digress, just wanted to give context for why it worked for me
That's fair.
tbh i just assumed she was full grown. cause i was actually only an inch or two shorter than my full height at 13 cause i sprouted up early
As to the question of the moment, I admit I'm not huge on seeing action and choreography, tending to be bigger on characters anyway. Which is probably why that scientist one sticks out so much, since we got his whole backstory and everything.
I am gonna be in for such a shock when my little one grows up, aren't I.
That short gangster guy who stole the boat might return. It was implied.
and i legit cant imagine kit taller cause she literally towers over everyone. although is she still shorter than her dad? cause if she is, shell probably be his height.
I think she is. I'm equally bad at noticing that sort of thing.
id have to look again just cause it wasnt something i was looking for and her dad was only in so many scenes XD
im torn on my answer to this question of the moment. i think i agree i like the scientist the best cause he got a lot of backstory. not to mention when kit was doing their dialogue for them from the roof i was like "nah shes gotta be exaggerating" then we meet the scientist and nope, he really is just that arrogant and she was spot on. so overally he was definitely the most entertaining
but for fight choreography, im picking the first bounty with the spin off kool aid man. i really enjoyed the use of the environment and just the sheer level of destruction that was visited upon that grocery store
She knows her business. I wonder how long she's been at it.
Oh yeah, almost forgot about that one. I liked when Kitty roped the random customer.
i liked when after the fight ended, the old lady asked if the employee who was buried under rubble basically could get her a new box
And that was most difficult one to come up with
The one with the orcs going after cows was also good, not for the fight (which I think was offscreen) but world building. Until then it was sort of, like, what's reality here anyway.
Oh, hello creator.
Hello there all ^^\
Rebel: That was a good scene for setting the tone.
Hello Moe!
Thank you. It's always a challenge to come up with a beginning for a series.
Thanks for this cool comic of yours.
No probs
And yeah all this talk about conventions is reminding me of all the ones I've been going to lately. Comic focused ones and hugely commercial conventions are easily the most populated-by-youth ones.
"Annie" con was a clever name.
It was a little play on words. I always like to make those little puns when I can(edited)
i did enjoy the orcs with the cows. probably just cause of the extreme accent going on in that dialogue. but i also just love this concept that someone would think clearly humans are only good cause they drink milk. like someone really watched those got milk commercials too much.
I very much approve of puns. Also Senshi Kitty.
The head orc was milking his time in the spotlight.
Puns are always good
i do agree with you math that i got the impression well see the gangster who got away from the scientist again at some point. what it means for kit? i could see her being extra determined to catch him since he got away last time. but then maybe thats when well see buff elf chick again who is out for revenge.
Defintely. Orcs have always been my favorite fantasy race to play around with
i do appreciate orcs getting some love in a way cause in my experience theyre really underutilized in a lot of fantasy settings. can find elves everywhere, but nobody wants the orcs.
Well nothing is off the table.^^
Orcs have always been treated as the bad guy or the henchman merely due to their monsterous appearence.
speaking of not elves, i really like that this guy turned out to be the real villain from bully bully https://tapas.io/episode/1348464. partly cause it was a good twist that it was a bully victim becoming the bully. since that is very true to life. but also, selfishly, i noticed this character immediately in the background one time and i was like "ah man what an interesting looking side chara too bad well never learn about him" and then we learned about him.
QUESTION 3. Even in Kit’s dynamic world, she still has some unique mysteries surrounding her. Why do you think Kit is the only female in her family to receive Freyja’s blessing/curse, especially after it’s been so long it’s almost a myth? What do you think the story is behind Kit’s rage modes that seem to take over when she gets mad? What do you think happened to Kit’s mother, and why is Kit so sensitive about the subject of her mother in general? Additionally, why did Mary calling her mother a whore set her off in particular? Lastly, how do you think Kit got involved with being a Bounty Killer? Why do you think her family lets her pursue the career given how dangerous it all is?
Oh yeah the Goblin. I thought it was a perfect opprotunity to not just introduce the Goblins , but I was also playing around with laying out clues in plain site for the reader to notice.
That's smart thinking/writing
There are plans for future stories that are straight up mysteries Kit will have to sovle.
that sounds exciting and like a good challenge for her character too.
in regards to the current question, i want to dissect the fact that kit's specific phrasing about her mother was that mary hadnt even cared who her mother was as a person. and to a degree, i kind of feel like it was projecting that set her off. that kit herself didnt know a whole lot about her mother. so it might not be so much that her mom was called a whore that did it, but that someone would make a bold claim about her mother when kit herself didnt even know her that well and has since lost the chance to get ot know her. but thats just me theorizing.
Back, little one's asleep in the crib again. For now.
Mm hm, It would show that Bounty Killers in the world aren't used for just nabbing a bad guy with a hefty sum on their head. Sometimes folks need someone to investigate with the police's involvement and not ask any questions
Was Kitty maybe given up for adoption? (Is that what makes her worthy of the cat ears?)
The police were handy against the scientist too, for a little while.
That's a good way of expanding upon bounty hunters.
i dont think given up for adoption fits cause mor said shes the step mom which implies kit's father is her biological dad. that and there is one pic where the dad is with the mom
Oh, right. We did see her biological mom in that holiday special though, didn't we? And Kitty must remember enough to have taken up violin playing (on the roof). So... yeah I dunno.
thats interesting to know that the bounties arent just for nabbing bad guys. although makes me wonder what kit is going to do when shes told to do something shady and just not ask questions
Or was that not the biological mom, was that a younger Dar?
I can't see Kit not asking questions.
that was her step-mom. her bio mom we only see briefly in a pic
I wasn't sure if it was her dad remembering another time in that scene though. Like, the previous stuff was a memory.
(I also don't get enough sleep these days.)
i could see how youd get that interpretation but pretty sure it was the step-mom and the bio mom was just in the picture
There are a lot of things I don't want to say because of spoilers and I'll be answering those kind of questions down the road. But to answer the question pretaining to Mary, they do indeed have some History as hinted.
Mary is actually the younger cousin of the short boat-stealing gangster.
It's why her dad went into law.
heh. that is a pretty interesting theory.
(I need to have at least one insane theory and one ship per comic chat. I think it's in my contract.)
puns are also in your contract math. although you already fulfilled that one.
mary's dad kind of spooks me. like hes a really domineering presence and idk if i want to believe hes good or bad.
Truth is, when I created Mary, she was developed as just the rich girl who presented herself as Ms. Perfect while also having the spoiled brat persona as well
Oh right. Well, those come naturally. I wonder if her dad is part orc.
That's one of many ways to describe that
Best way to describe him is that he's a Lawyer... a very wealthy lawyer.
Oh no, he's part Dutch lol
Incidentally, I kind of like that Kit's got both cat ears and human ears, it tends to be how I draw my characters too (even if mine are just headbands). But it does make me wonder how the curse might have rewired her brain to deal with the extra input.
Oooh, a flying dutch man.
all the dads just drink lots of milk
What about Doug.
to be fair if kit's cat ears are more sensitive than her human ones the extra input probably doesnt matter cause one would hear it better than the other anyway. at worst i imagine things just sound even louder XD
It's that special beer.
Maybe it's partly why Kat's so on edge at times.
mm, beer
Wait, what kind of beer we talkin
It's kind of a mix bag with it comes to her ears. Internally they do connect to her regular ears and she can hear through them, but only if she concentrates. Mostly they just act like a short range radar or a sixth sense. Something like spidey's spider sense.
Ah yes, I've notice some folks like our esteem adventurer. Others not so much
QUESTION 4. Besides the action, there is still a lot of slice-of-life material to be had in the comic as well. Do you think Kit will eventually tell Bia about her career? How do you think Bia will react to finding out about it? What challenges do you foresee awaiting Bia and Kit as their relationship continues to develop and secrets reveal themselves? Further, how do you see Kit balancing her school life in general with her job? Will she manage to maintain her grades and everything, or will things prove tougher than she expects? In terms of Kit��s regular life, what things are you hoping to see be explored in how she lives her day-to-day life? Lastly, are there any themes (like bullying) that caught your eye from the slice-of-life segments? What about them did you enjoy?
It's cool that youv'e thought about that.
Honestly, the bounty-hunters clashing, while not necessarily slice-of-life, felt realistic and added depth to the idea of the job. Also revealed how their methods are non-lethal. And was the first ship I considered.
Ah yes, I had a lot of folks doing a double take when I revealed her age.
unrelated to the current question, i really hope we get to see more bounty killers in the story just cause they cant all work out as well as buff elf chick. also id really like to get a feel for the age range cause its concerning the gov was like "nah a 13 year old bounty killer? thats fine"
That's a good point. Did she register under an assumed name?
Seconding Rebel.
Well due to Kit's size, she may or may not of lied about her age when she took the job
Also, I feel like the construction job field gets a lot of work in this universe. We only see Kitty's exploits but there have to be other incidents in the world as well.
Actually, magicians too must be a thing. And mimes.
Did not expect the mimes.
Their are plans to explore other parts of world. One in particular is the Bounty Pick Up units sent to pick up the bounties and make out the reports.
Yes, beware the mimes ^^
I will be exploring a lot more of the Magis and how the magic works as well.
Silent but deadly.
That short magic comic did a good job, I thought.
And I liked the money van guy critiquing the pun.
Hm Hm, well not everything can be a homerun for our little cat girl
yeah i really liked the short magic comic. cause it was funny and really did some good world-building
i also loved the cowboy bank robber
just cause he was a cowboy
and that was ridiculous
Oh yeah, forgot about him.
I wonder how Kitty practices her quick draws.
Where do they lock these guys up, anyway? Regular jails seem like they wouldn't be sufficient.
Yes, you don't see that many cowboys these days. But it was a perfect nod for one of the inspirations of the comic
Cowboys are fun.
Um, they go to regular prison and go through the same process as the law provides^^
Always love one with an appealing design when one shows up.
Very much so
what sort of lawyer is mary's dad?
How do you lock up an orc so that he doesn't just bend the bars?
He's a defense lawyer
He lawyers der fence.
ah so i can say maybe mary's dad defends all these criminals kit tries to send to jail.
It's a possibility and her dad is very much against the Bounty Killer and the Bounty Board in general
ooh, is that so(edited)
Circling back to Bia, it'd be amusing if someone in her family was also a bounty hunter. Kitty admits it and she's like, "oh, okay, I can see how you'd be good at that too".
just to talk a bit about the current question, i do feel its inevitable kit has to tell bia about her job. cause i mean...kit isnt the most undestructive. just takes one time of showing up burnt to a crisp to school to give it away. but i think bia is gonna take it better than kit thinks shell take it. cause tbf, if i was bia i would not be surprised.
tbf i kind of agree with mary's dad. they might be catching criminals, but holy shit that property damage
I feel like Bia might find out not through Kit though. Like maybe even via Kit's brother. Which could strain the relationship.(edited)
especially the property damage caused by the scientist
cause even if they have the money to fix it, it still takes time
Or magic.
Bia finding out Kit is a Bounty Killer is inevitable, and it might happen happen sooner than you think
it could strain their relationship too. though for some reason i feel for bia itd be more about the age thing than the danger thing if that makes sense. cause the career suits kit. just maybe not when kit is still 13, in school, and all that
'Cept her dad is okay with it.
I feel like I'd totally be that dad by the way. Who makes concessions. Then ends up in trouble with mom too.
It is going to a very unique exploring the relationship Kit and Bia have. In many ways, Bia will act more like the straight man of the relationship
Well Edward looks at it more like she's hunting game. expect the part of gutting it and cleaning it for food^^
i just want to say i really love kit's dad and i hope we get to see him more. he seems just so utterly likeable. like a gentle giant
Just want to give a shout-out to the school nun badass. Possibly like the opposite to dad.
He is indeed^^
Since the CTP is wrapping up in a bit, I'd like to wish @MoeAlmighty the best of luck with Kitty Kitty Bang Bang, it's got a great artstyle, story, and some good humor.
Oh right, pretty good stuff done with only black and white too.
Yes, Beatrice is indeed a beast^^
Thank you so much^^
You're welcome! ^^
yeah i loved the nun. especially her epic entrance and this page https://tapas.io/episode/1188530
like everything about that page is perfect
"Keeper of the Lunch Period"
God help the guilty
Probably a bumper sticker on her car.
I'm sure everyone here remembers that one teacher that kept everyone in check at lunch period
best bumper sticker ever
Kitty has some nice exclamations too.
Anyways, cya till next time, and thanks for dropping by @MoeAlmighty
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Moe, as well, for making Kitty Kitty Bang Bang. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Moe’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/kkbbcomic
Moe’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MoeAlmighty
Moe’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/theMoeAlmighty
0 notes
comicteaparty · 5 years
April 4th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on April 4th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Kamikaze by Alan Tupper, Havana Nguyen, and Carrie Tupper; Edited by Rachelle Udell and D'Andrea Seabrook.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Kamikaze by lan Tupper, Havana Nguyen, and Carrie Tupper; Edited by Rachelle Udell and D'Andrea Seabrook~! (https://kamikazeanimated.com/comic/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
my favorite scene so far is probably the huge long sequence that follows the bomb explosion and markesha is running away. i love just how real and down to earth that scene is. like markesha doesnt magically come to her destiny or just treat what happened is nbd after suddenly becoming a ninja. nope, shes runs, like a normal person would do regardless if they were a runner or not, and is pursued. everthing about this sequence really carried this tension. cause in this moment she was not some future superheroine. she was a young woman terrified for her life. and it just felt so relateable.
I have several favorite scenes. One of them is Markesha's confrontation with Franco. The intro to that scene is thick with tension; I love the juxtaposition with the radio/music and could see it play like a movie in my head! http://kamikazeanimated.com/comic/kamikaze/pg-2-gatekeeper/ Not to mention how it ends. It's the first time something works out right(ish) between Markesha and Orson. Due to the circumstances, the scene leaves a lot of distrust to be resolved, but it was nice to see that first step of working together. It struck a good balance of tension and a truce.
another scene im particular to is that scene where markesha is standing on the rooftops debating whether she should work with orson or not. not only is it beautifully illustrated, but i really like the juxtaposition in the story. like showing her other opportunity leaving the city without her. cause once that caravan leaves, its really a no way out declaration. markesha is trapped whether she wants to or not.
i do love the franco scene for how it painted the world. cause in the opening sequence i was like, "come on this is the post apocalypse he seems the type to be packing a gun." and then boop, he pulled out a gun and i felt vindicated XD
but i just really appreciated how the character really acted in the worst way possible per expectation of the world
Carrie Tupper
I think this is the first time I've EVER heard any compliments toward Franco, period. xD
i mean the dudes dead. so umm, no sense on spitting on his grave
Carrie Tupper
Fair enough, but I'm sure Markesha wouldn't mind.
nobody should mind hes dead. especially the runner who originally was supposed to take the package. now theres a person who lucked the heck out.
Carrie Tupper
Ha, as Orson would say: "Indeed."
Also not exactly a scene, but one detail I really liked was the "fresh wild meat" store with the live rabbits. It's a nice nod to the rabbit... metaphor...? thingie, but I loved it for the little mundane worldbuilding bit it was.
Carrie Tupper
I'm so glad you notices that Keii4ii!
It helped that I saw such stores near me when I was growing up
Fried chicken places with live chickens in cages
Carrie Tupper
That whole bit was thrown is as a bit of a metaphoric way of saying, "Markesha's releasing the story into the world herself whether she realizes it or not."
i appreciated too the subtle world building it did too. cause it both demonstrates in a small way how desperate everyone is for food while at the same time showing how theyve made everything work and are still able to operate somewhat the same as before
Carrie Tupper
I think it's interesting that y'all zeroed in on the tension/action bits. Most people tell me the parts they remember the most are those between Markesha and Toshi.
i like seeing markesha and toshi interact, but at the same time theyre father and daughter. so at the end of the day theres probably gonna be love and hugs and theres kind of a safety net there where their relationship is concerned.
meanwhile everyone else is ready to put a bullet in markesha's head
minus like 3 people
I'm partial to child-parent conflicts so I've been more interested in Markesha's situation with her missing mom than with her dad.
and one of those whose name is orson i dont trust
yeah i do like the tension between them regarding the mom. that definitely is a highlight since theyre both handled it so differently
Speaking of her mom.... that little problem they ran into with her DNA clearance thing (forgot what it's called/ what page it was on) is totally not suspicious at all, no sir.
ill be more keen on their interactions later cause toshi was the one who really wanted markesha to take orson's job. but he also seems the most likely to go "wait shes doing what i didnt approve of that"
Carrie Tupper
Hahah "blacklisted bloodline"
so that seems like a potential argument later
nah nobody did nothing at all
just a typo
never heard of the nin family
QUESTION 2. After avoiding it for a while, Markesha does agree to help Orson’s group. Do you think Markesha is finally settled on helping the group, or will she continue to panic and try to run for it? How do you think her first mission will go? Do you believe the first mission will help cement her motivations for helping Orson, or will it scare her away again? What do you think will happen when Markesha’s father finds out exactly what she’s doing for Orson? Further, do you think the Razors will figure out Orson covered for Markesha and was actually the one to deliver the bomb? If they do, what will they do to both Orson and Markesha? Finally, how do you think Markesha will mature and grow over the course of the story?
I'll be here to comment shortly...
hi math! take your time~!
Carrie Tupper
I think my personal fave scene is the one where Audrey and Orson butt heads in the 2nd episode. She's totally not down for this, thinks it's a bad idea, and I think it says a lot about Orson that he'll take that kind of talk around him. Like...he's not so iron fisted he won't hear someone drag his ideas for the desperate moves they are.
Hi, hi, Math!
Yeah, Orson never struck me as controlling, just really adamant
orson is one of those characters where i dont know if i should love them or hate them. but like in the good tense way that keeps me on edge. hes this perfect blend of being a cool dude while at the same time kind of being a jerk.
Only made it through the first two episodes, but of those, I think my fave scene is actually when Markesha rubs the rabbit talisman and leaves, and beat panel, and then Toshi does after she's gone. The sort of thing that you could have totally skipped over, but gave much more weight to his character early on, in my mind.(edited)
yeah that was a beautiful pause
cause it really said so much about toshi in that moment
and just non verbally explained why he was so insistent she rub it
cause its more a thing for him and his heart
than it is for her
i want to believe that markesha's panicking is kind of done in the sense shes just gonna run forever. i think though in that first mission she's going to be moving forward on adrenaline and saying shit a lot to get through it. however, i think once orson is back he can explain things better, and that will cement in her desires more. that and i think shell see the opportunity as a way to improve toshi's life at the end and stick with it for that reason.
i 100% think when toshi finds out he wont be happy tho
and then theyll have that argument
where toshi is like how could you
and markesha is like "hey you pushed me into accepting his deal"
Okay, more or less here, catching up on the start. I guess I went for the more traditional. Though the bit with the mother is kind of heartbreaking. Though at the same time inspirational what with how close Markesha's become with her dad. And I totally missed the metaphor of releasing the rabbits.
A couple runner-up scenes... right at the beginning, where the elevator opens and it's full of security guys by accident. I thought that was funny. Also, well played, setting up this guy as the main character and it's actually his team that are the key ones moving on.
Second runner up scene... welp, if you know me, you KNOW I'm shipping Kamikaze and Flare, so yeah.
Carrie Tupper
Yeah... I may or may not get a lot of people mad at me about Jackal...
Shipping already? Wow xD
Mad at you? I thought it was clever. A way of showing no one's safe, in a way.
I go for all the yuri ships, hinted or not.
i do miss jackal. the character well never really get to know. but nah, not mad. i mean this is the post apocalypse and you cant have post apocalypse without showing the world can be...unforgiving
plus it raises the stakes for orson
cause now everything is riding on markesha
but like
no pressure or anything there markesha
As to Orson, here's a crazy theory. His "trial run" was actually to see if a bomb could be delivered fast enough to not explode in transit. He's in league with the bomber, presumably indirectly.
(Did we ever find out what that trial was about?)
Carrie Tupper
Hmmm, there's a flavor of that theory I haven't seen.
The trial run in the beginning?
I prefer chocolate over vanilla. Right, that one, the one Markesha was 27 seconds late for.
Carrie Tupper
Yeah, there's a page where Link asks Orson how the "courier angle" went
see, the way i feel about orson, i cant say no to that theory. orson is a shady dude even when im cheering for him.
Carrie Tupper
The idea there was that Orson was throwing a hail mary that a courier could be hired to do the job, but her parameters were a little high for untrained runners.
But what was he couriering, eh? Secret bombs, maybe?
Rebel: It's true. The guy removed the evidence of his gun and everything.
Carrie Tupper
Orson's a professional, he's not perfect, but he's defintely been in the game for a loooong time.
As to Rebel's questions, I think Markesha's instinct is to run. I was honestly inclined to smack her upside the head for disobeying her father the way she did, when he was making sense. Can kinda see her point of view, mind.
He knows his priorities. Gotta respect that even if I may not agree with him sometimes
Carrie Tupper
One of the hard realities Orson has to constantly deal with is the fact that he can't control everything in the outer city. Doing his jobs a lot easier when you can leverage everyone, but the chaos of Outer Trinity is almost a force of nature that he's just kinda...gotta make the best of.
I think she's destined to grow though, from what we've seen in the special later storyline bits. (cough Shipping cough )
i like that mix where orson cnt control everything yet gives off this attitude that sure he can, hes orson. gotta admire that confidence.
Incidentally, real interesting format, what with giving some tidbits about the city or characters underneath the page. I didn't get a chance to read them all.
Carrie Tupper
Charisma seen from outer space
Orson seems very sure of himself - and his coworkers. Probably why, as Carrie said, he can tolerate things like Audrey's challenges.
Handy trait given the position he's in.
tbf its not like audrey's points are invalid anyway. shes making good points even if she chooses to express them very aggressively.
though between the three i like link the best cause hes a breathe of fresh air who brings sunshine and comedy to the bleak and serious world.
She is. Though given she seems to be the one who needs to activate the kill switch, she's got a more personal stake.
Link spies on young girls though.
Carrie Tupper
That's a unique viewpoint, Rebel! We don't have many Link fans.
Are there any moments in particular you like with Link?
If I had to pick a favourite character, it might be Toshi. Not just because he's a writer, but because he's doing his best under crazy circumstances. And doesn't let his blindness stop him. (Also, my God, all the pathos for the issue with his wife.)
biab, little one's fussing.
i dont know whether to applaud toshi's dedication to his wife or not. cause i mean loyalty is an admirable quality, but theres also a point i agree with markesha and its time to smack him into realizing she probably isnt coming back.
as for favorite link moments, probably the scenes at markesha's house. especially where he critiques audrey for how strong shes coming on...and then proceeds to come on very strong. besides being funny, i think its a good moment that shows he does basically just kind of his own moral compass for better or for worse.
but i also really liked the dialogue sequence between him and audrey that markesha could here
cause it really showed the vulnerability everyone is in atm
QUESTION 3. Despite having to work for Orson, there are many questions surrounding Orson’s work. Who exactly are Audrey and Link, and how do you think they wound up working with Orson? Who exactly is Orson? What are Orson’s personal motivations for participating in the project? For that matter, why is Orson so hated and blamed for what happened to the Cornerstone family? What do you think happened to the Cornerstone family exactly, and how might it tie in to the story? Also, who is Orson’s boss? What are they trying to accomplish as far as changing the balance of power goes? How are they trying to accomplish it? Lastly, what do you think was in the canister seen at the beginning of the comic?
Idk what to think about Orson, I can’t tell if he’s good or bad. Leaning more towards good though. My fav thing about this is that it looks like an animated series and the father-daughter relationship is a pretty good one and I feel like I don’t see that very often so kudos to you guys for that
Carrie Tupper
Thanks @ShaRose49
No prob!
Back briefly. I feel like Toshi not wanting to leave isn't simply due to his wife though. When you're blind, and living in a place, you kinda know where everything is. Having to leave would suuuck.
It’s inspiring to me cause I’d like to be involved in animation as well someday
@mathtans I agree
but not wanting to leave when your daughter is being hunted by the local gang is borderline insanity XD
Oh yeah
(I'm not at the bit where Link/Audrey go to Markesha yet, so no comment on that.)
Except dude was providing an alternative to that. Just saying.
Carrie Tupper
@mathtans You're quite right. It's complicated for Toshi. There's most DEFINITELY an edge of "I won't leave her," but there's also the complications of leaving in both a mental and physical way. He's lived there forever, had memories built with his family, and leaving means he'd have to re-learn layouts all over again. That can be stressful and painful for someone who can't see.
As to the latest question, maybe Orson's boss is one of those people vying to fill the vacant seat at the council chambers.
but toshi wouldnt even consider leaving till markesha super forced his hand. and to me thats the point where it reaches obsession cause hes willing to trust is some rando stranger and risk his daughters safety just on the .000001% chance his wife is coming back and because eww change. and while i empathize with toshi, that is a moment where i felt hes just being a bad dad. cause his own pain is more important than the life of his daughter
And as to the canister, I'd say it had seeds or something, but it was apparently super heavy without the suit, so that doesn't jibe.
Rebel: Fair point about the stranger trust thing. But there were some logical arguments in there too. I guess there's layers of opinion.
biab again
I like Orson. He seems like he genuinely believes what he's doing is the best option for many in a crappy world, and accepts the shady aspects of it as a necessary price. There's a lot about him that's yet to be revealed, so maybe I won't agree with his endgame, but I still see an inherent value in that... belief in a non-self-centered goal.
@Respheal yeah he’s definitely not perfect
Got some issues
i definitely think hes a good guy and has a non-self centered goal. that being said, bending the rules can...corrupt your moral compass. so if at the end hes an antagonist, i would not be surprised
also wrong tag there @ShaRose49
I musta slipped
My bad
lol, s'ok
Oh heeey, we were just talking about you!
Carrie Tupper
seeds would make the most sense there where the cannister is concerned. as for the heaviness, well that couldve been more from the cannister itself than whats in the cannister.
I am very sorry because this is a terrible, terrible idea, but "if at the end he's an antagonist" just made me imagine him becoming a Final Boss a la that nanomachine boss from the Metal Gear Solid series.
Carrie Tupper
Oof. I gotta keep my mouth shut here, but y'all got some interesting ideas about Orson. xD
maybe whats in the cannister are the secrets to weather control cause you never have to worry about the crops again if you can control the weather
Back, mostly. That's a good take on Orson, keii4ii.
Incidentally, I notice we're only, like, 15 years from the "end of the world" as far as the story chronology seems to go. Yikes?
Carrie Tupper
its okay keii i pictured him in about 20 different video game boss forms when i said that XD
Carrie Tupper
Just put glasses and a half vest on EVERY boss xD
The tag line says "what happens when the world's first superheroine shows up two hundred years after the end of the world"... and I thought I saw a date marker of, like, 2227 somewhere.
(Someone's birth year? Mirage? I dunno.)
Carrie Tupper
Year is 2235
2235 - 200 years is 2035
Okay, so wasn't totally imagining it. That means 200 years ago was, like, shortly in our future.
Carrie Tupper
We're in trouble.
Carrie Tupper
Da da da daaaaa.
tbf this is not the worst of post apocalypses
i mean there is some semblance of order
and cities
There's still bureauocratic jerks too. That whole "you're blacklisted but hey, keep applying and giving us money" shakedown annoyed me. In the good way of clever writing because I can see it happening and they're jerks.
yeah i really like in general political bs hasnt gone away. cause thats very true to life.
Related, kudos on establishing that Logan guy in the council as a total waste of oxygen within, like, two panels (as he went off about girls asking for it). Get bent.
Carrie Tupper
Logan is basically every jerk I've ever known brought to life.
It's cathartic in a way.
im gonna take a stab in the dark at orson's motivations. i think the cornerstones essentially got murdered in a mysterious raid that im sure no other high ranking family had anything to do with. and that for better or for worse, orson got blamed because someone always needs to be blamed. and orson blames himself but he also recognizes how the system is flawed. so he wants to change the power dynamics by changing hte food system or something. cause food does seem to be the controlling factor here.
It's nice to have a clear villain character somewhere. The kind that's too moronic to actually take over the world though.
maybe thats what logan wants you to think. that hes too dumb to do anything. when really he is the shadow puppet master
Carrie Tupper
Hmmm! All interesting ideas
Rebel: That's a good theory. Maybe being the scapegoat also twisted his morals a bit, he figured I might as well do some of the shadier things like killing people.
Rebel: Logan could be a puppet, that's for sure. But not a master, unless the real master wants him to think so.
you know who i dont trust? lionness heritage. if i had to pick anybody who ruined the cornerstones, itd be her.
Carrie Tupper
Oh? How come?
Rebel: The fact that the world ended with "the Withering" implies to me that food is definitely a key element.
Carrie Tupper
Quite right, @mathtans
Hm, don't think I've got to the lionness yet.
Carrie Tupper
She's a trip.
because she seems smart enough to know how to politics and is so far the one most interested in changing the power structure. and just the way she offered the crop things in a backhanded blackmail way makes her rub me in all the wrong ways. like, she kind of gives me the same impression orson does. where shes doing good while also being shady af. but in her case her motives are way more self-interested, so the self-interested plus the shady are a dangerous combonation(edited)
Carrie Tupper
Makes sense.
tbh i would not be surprised if she was orson's boss, but actually fooled orson into thinking she wanted to do good things for everyone.
Oooh, interesting theory.
Carrie Tupper
She's not a person to trifle with
Constance will have to be careful.
but i do like constance. i hope she and markesha meet and become the ultimate duo. the one who politics and the one who works in the shadows.
QUESTION 4. Besides the major plot points, there are quite a number of politics and world issues about. Who are the Outlanders, and why are they disliked? Assuming Markesha’s mother was an Outlander, how did she wind up with Markesha’s father? What do you think ultimately happened to Markesha’s mother? Do you think Markesha and her father will find out during the story? How might it affect them? Less personally tied to Markesha is what’s going on in Halo. Do you think Orson will get out of his captivity? If so, how will it come about? Will Lionness Wright take Cornerstone’s seat High House seat? What is Lionness’ Heritage interest in Lionness Wright taking it? At last, do you think there is a chance one of the Cornerstone’s lived?
Carrie Tupper
@mathtans I have to admit I hope you'll comment through the next bit of story. The team and I would very much enjoy seeing yours or anyone else's reactions in realtime
(Is there more Kamikaze and Flare? )
Carrie Tupper
(It's coming I promise, but it'll be a bit!)
All very good questions you've posed @RebelVampire
im hoping we get to learn more about the outlanders. cause i mean namewise, obviously they are ppl who live outside the city. but at the same time, they mention that yellow eyes are a trait. and you dont have a shared trait if youre just ppl outside the walls.
I admit, I'm real bad with geography in real life. It's worse in fantasy novels and comics for me. I remember there were three gates. That's... kind of all I got.
Oh yeah, the eyes. Though not all Outlanders.
i didnt study the geography that hard this time, admittedly.
maybe toshi met his wife via some writing work? like doing some journalistic investigation on the lives of outlanders
Started looking at Episode 3. Clever way of having the storm info playing in the background. Reminds me of how Toshi was looking at the news to give us backstory in an earlier bit.
Carrie Tupper
The geography of the city is pretty basic, but for reference...
oh thats nice they have a river
very smart
Carrie Tupper
For reference Markesha's mom = Cassie
Markesha really likes jumping to conclusions, doesn't she. Also, selective memory.
ok cassie. i knew shed been named but i couldnt remember it
Carrie Tupper
Hey many she just got kinda blown up give her a break xD
to be fair markesha is i think 19? thats basically still a kid and that is kid-like behavior
Carrie Tupper
Yep, in the scene with Rio she said she turned 20 in a week.
Happy birthday~ Markesha
Oh, I'm not faulting it. Just, perhaps especially as a teacher, I roll my eyes.
Carrie Tupper
One of the things I have to catch myself in a lot when reading anything is the memory of the character doesn't always match our own, especially if said character wasn't present at or had certain information communicated to them
Also kind of impressive how every page has it's own title. That's attention to detail. (I do it, but that's only because they're all 4-panels.)
Carrie: Truth.
maybe cassie was involved in some espionage. like maybe she married toshi just to have a cover so she could spy for outlanders. and then when her mission was done she left. or ya know, was viciously murdered. which i would be amazingly surprised if she was alive. i dont buy into the characters' hopes. i feel shes just been gone too long for it to have been anything else.
Carrie Tupper
lol, Alan and I beat our heads against the wall EVERY WEEK to make sure we haven't reused those titles. xD
biab, little one fussing.
Carrie Tupper
Cassie's fate is at this point unknown to everyone, but I definitely know her fate and do my best to sprinkle it in
In fact there's a lot of things I sprinkle in through the series. Like the fact Julain shows up WAAAAAY before book 3.
Carrie Tupper
Back. Yeah, I have a text file of titles. If I think of one I'm not sure of, I simply do a search.
omg thats such a sneaky appearance too
Cassie was actually a time traveller!
Carrie Tupper
hahaha xD
but also makes me picture on one page somewhere theres a hidden newspaper article that readers "many year long cold case of murdered woman in alley still not solved! read the story on page 4!"
Damn. Nice foreshadow.
Carrie Tupper
One of my goals when writing this is to leave little things for return readers to find and enjoy
that way when they re-read they notice new things, and the experience is fresh in a different way
thats always a good thing to have. especially when it things like that where you smack yourself in the forehead cause you didnt realize a character had already appeared before
Yeah, that's awesome.
off topic to that but like http://kamikazeanimated.com/comic/kamikaze/pg-1-moving-day/ how can anybody not like link after looking at this page? look at those beautiful and jovial expressions minus the adorable pout
Carrie Tupper
Orson's little sneer at the tablet being waved in his face always makes me smile
Interesting about a panic switch, didn't expect that arrest. They didn't even read his rights.
Carrie Tupper
...y'all have a really positive view of the Trinity justice system
I live in hope. The romantic in me.
yeah i think thats math there. im even surprised they didnt just gun them down and go "whoops they slipped into my bullets"
oh we're talking about something that i do not know
Markesha staying in one place for calibration? Yeah, good luck with that.
Rebel: Point.
Carrie Tupper
Hiya mika!
this is the channel for our thursday book club chat. were talking about kamikaze http://kamikazeanimated.com/comic/ @mika
especially orson. i for sure orson would get shot cause man is there a lot of hate for orson.
so really insofar
their treatment has been better than i expected
Carrie Tupper
That's fair
Orson looks really different without his glasses.
Carrie Tupper
I guess ultimately the HSF knows if they do anything to hurt Orson they'llhave to answer to the High House LEOs and...well
He's got some pull still.
Carrie Tupper
I'm not sure who I'd want to answer to less in that situation
Fun note: The shot where we see the other inmates via Orson's view is directly related to how blurry people look w/o my glasses on.
Okay, one last theory... the canister at the start held some of the "Withering" disease in storage, that people were studying. They want it in order to create a vaccine/cure, but others are fine with the world the way it is.
I am very with you on that. My prescription is high.
im going to try reading it! im always looking for more webcomics to snatch
Carrie Tupper
I hope you'll enjoy it @mika and feel free to comment on the pages! The team loves chatting with our readers
(Made it to the end of Act 1 atleast.)
Carrie Tupper
haha xD
oof im guilty of not commenting enough
Carrie Tupper
Act 2 is insanely long, so I'm sure it won't take any time for you
i really loved that blurry shot. as a glasses wearer, that is a detail so many comics do not capture. that yeah, without glasses, ppl cant bloody see that well.
Carrie Tupper
Yep. I also needed to establish that for later shenanigans
(I'm actually a pretty slow reader. I'm also bad at keeping up with things. Even my own websites.)
and the cannister containing a copy of the disease is interesting, math. although sounds extremely dangerous. like...jackal did not treat that cannister with enough care if thats whats in it XD
I wonder if we'll get much from Toshi's point of view then. Could save the artist some time.
Carrie Tupper
omg right?
I have thought about having a dream sequence for Toshi
where all wee see are the 'sounds' he hears
Jackal seemed pretty sure of himself and not inclined to listen to advice though.
(I wonder if that was a code name, like "Rabbit"?)
Carrie Tupper
It was.
Well played.
Carrie Tupper
If you look at the "list of affiliations" on Orson's file that we did, you may find him hidden in the list
Good job all around, as far as final words go. The amount of worldbuilding behind the scenes is damn impressive, you get the impression that it's only the tip of the iceberg being shown.
that would definitely be an interesting experience. to see the world as toshi sees it, metaphorically speaking.
(I'm baffled about how it could have been goofy in the conception, it's pretty serious now, I think.)
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to lan Tupper, Havana Nguyen, and Carrie Tupper; Edited by Rachelle Udell and D'Andrea Seabrook, as well, for making Kamikaze. If you liked the comic, make sure to support everyone’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://kamikazeanimated.com/comic/
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Carrie's Twitter: https://twitter.com/mermaidshells
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