#this whole bullshit has had me bleeding money for the past 2 months why does my body have to hate me
djsangos · 1 month
//oh in case anyone wanted like. a Health Bullshit Update
was able to get my appt moved all the way up to yesterday afternoon, only to find out the doctor also has no fucking clue what's wrong with me so she's sent me for imaging for which i have an appointment on the 21st and will cost me fucking
almost 200 bucks, at a discount because i don't have insurance
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Good Boys Like Bad Girls (Final Part)
Summary: Taehyung has proven to you just how much you need each other, now it was time to get Jungkook out of the picture once and for all.  Genre: Angst, Smut Word Count: 4.7 Warnings: Character death and generally unhealthy relationships and sick minded people.  Author’s Note: The final sex scene is “inspired” by porn this vid (shoutout to @kitten-dont for exposing my ass) GIF NOT MINE. CREDIT TO @bwipsul
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part, 5 Tonight was the night. The metallic heaviness of the blood that was about to be spilled tonight stinging your nose and churning in your stomach. Guilt, that’s what you felt. It wasn’t fair and you knew it. Jungkook may have done a lot of terrible things in his short time on this earth but he certainly didn’t deserve this. You felt like a traitor, like you were selling out one of your own. You were no better than him. He just happened to take one too many wrong turns that lead to this exact moment. Serpentine scales crawl all over your skin as you’re reminded that you can’t even pretend to be innocent in all of this when the entire thing hinges on your participation, and you weren’t bowing out. The rising smell of seared meat fills the room, making the entire would-be butcher scene all the more gruesome. “Are you sure it’s not burned?” The dead man himself rasped, standing over you and surveying the dinner you were making.
“Yes, Jungkook, now stop hounding me and make yourself useful.” You said in a perfectly normal voice, casual and a bit irritated, just appropriate for the situation. What a wonderful actress you are! “Take that black knife over there and make us a bowl of salad.” Jungkook does as you tell him, washing the individual vegetables and starting to cut them into little pieces using the knife. Fool. It’s getting closer now and soon enough you receive the text you were waiting for. Your father is home. You hear the sound of his shitty pickup truck pulling into the driveway. On cue, you jump away from stove and shriek, “Oh, shit, I think the bastard is outside.” You speak of your father, still refusing to call him that. “We need to get the fuck out of here.” You make him drop the knife on the table and abandon the salad that was never meant to be eaten, then you tug him hurriedly towards your bedroom, just barely dodging your drunken father. “Man, I was really hungry,” Jungkook grumbles as soon as you close the door behind you. “Don’t worry he’ll be gone soon. He’s probably here to get more money for beer anyway.” You roll your eyes before fixing Jungkook with a heavy look and say lustily, “But I bet I have something in this room that you can eat.” Like Pavlov’s dog, he immediately starts drooling at the sound. Idiot. “Come here, baby boy. I want you to fuck me so hard, I wouldn’t be able to keep from screaming.” He’s on you in a second, his kiss pressing you tightly against the door. You let yourself enjoy the kiss. By all means, sex between you and Jungkook shouldn’t be good. He is a selfish lover and so are you, but this past couple of months haven’t been as hellish as you’d thought. You found relief in the fact that you didn’t have to constantly pay attention to his pleasure. He knew how to get what he wanted and so did you. Sex with Jungkook was always a battle that left you drained but mostly sated. You both had to fight for your pleasure, and sometimes you failed but that only made it that much better when you managed to get it. It felt so natural with him. That was the life you were meant to be living, and you’d begun to get used to it too. Get used to Jungkook’s loud and demanding personality, his reckless and often illegal behavior, his abrasive words and uncaring treatment, all things you repaid with equal fervor, turning them into explosive fights and a few new scars for the both of you, but he remained loyal and he always found his way back to your side. Jungkook was the more suitable man for you. Someone who knew and shared your history, was good in bed and could protect you. And you soon got caught up in your new routine until Taehyung, seething, told you that it was time to put the plan in motion, and you remembered that you were too greedy to settle for him. You snake a hand between your tightly pressed bodies and palm him through his pants, “Fuck me.” “Someone’s eager.” He smirks against your neck. Oh, he had no idea how eager you really were. “Now, Jungkook.” You demanded. He bites your neck and slips his hand under your tights and panties to cup your pussy, checking to see if you were really ready this fast. “You’re not even wet.” You could hear the confusion in his voice. You and Jungkook were no strangers to having sex when you weren’t fully ready for him, due to his impatience and your new found fetish for all things rough now that Jungkook was your sub, but during those times you were wet enough to at least enjoy the pain, now you were just plain dry. “That’s the point. I want it really rough this time.” You drawl, eyes sparkling. “At least let me eat you out a little first.” His reluctance was evident. You needed to shut it down before he thinks about it too much. This whole thing was time sensitive and you cannot allow him to get you wet or else the whole plan might fail. “No, just this once I was to feel what it’s like to really be taken by a man.” You run your hands over his arms, not hiding the thrill in your eyes. “Show me what all these muscles are good for.” “But…” “Enough! I may be asking you to play the man this time but don’t ever forget who is really in control here. You’ve been chasing after me for months. Don’t make me regret choosing you.” That shut him up. You only had a fraction of a second to admire the delicious way his jaw clenched before you were thrown on your hands and knees on the bed with Jungkook right behind you. He didn’t bother pulling your tights down, he just ripped them in half over your ass before you felt the head of his penis against your unyielding entrance. “Are you sure about this?” “Oh for fuck’s sake, Taehyung would never have made me repeat myself this–” You didn’t get to finish your sentence because, at the mention of his rival, Jungkook thrust inside you so hard it made you go mute from the pain. He hated when you mentioned Taehyung, the same as the other man hated when you mentioned Jungkook. Men were all the same, no matter if they were strong and rash like Jungkook or smart and needy like Taehyung, and you used it to your advantage now as well as then. “Move.” It was a ghost of a whisper but somehow Jungkook heard you and he started pumping his length in and out of you, with no small effort on his part. You were entirely too dry and tensed up which bordered on painful even for him. After a while, you realized that this wasn’t working out, not for the plan but for you. This was your last time with Jungkook and you were too selfish to let it pass without savoring it so you stop him. He gratefully complies only for his face to fall back into dismay when he realizes you’re just changing positions. Just then a sharp scream is heard from downstairs followed by a thud and a series of pained moans and Jungkook looks around in alarm, “What was that?” “It’s my piece of shit old man. He must have slipped and hit his head or something. He’s constantly too pissed to function. Forget about him.” You lie on your back with your legs spread wide then you run your hands over his broad back, pulling the boy close to you until his hot length was lying over your pussy. “Come on, baby boy. I heard all the stories about how you’d wreck the girls brave enough to climb into your bed. I’ve seen girls dare each other to survive a night with you. Show me how cruel you can be. Be a good boy for me.” That seems to grab his attention and he forgets about the suddenly quiet man downstairs, not that he could’ve been bothered to care long about him anyway. Jungkook wouldn’t care even if the man had cracked his skull and was now lying on the floor bleeding his life away, not when his pleasure was on the line and he had you underneath him ordering him to go as hard as he can. Fool, Fool. “Those girls were easily scared. They were used to gentle missionary fucking while the boy whispered romantic bullshit in their ear. They weren’t you.” “And that’s why you have to go the extra mile to impress me. You have to do things you didn’t even know you were capable of. Prove to me you really deserve me.” “You narcissistic bitch.” Jungkook spat, pushing himself inside of you and picking up his pace right away. “Why the fuck do I have to keep working to convince you that I deserve you, huh? Just because you had one pathetic suburban boy who wanted to escape his mind-numbingly boring life by slumming it down with you and now you think you’re hotshit? Wake up, ___! You’re trash just like me.” You grit your teeth, “If I’m trash then why are you so intent on being with me?” He throws his head back laughing, and you can’t help watching the thick muscles of his neck ripple beneath his skin, “Haven’t you heard? Misery loves company, babe. If I’m doomed to live my life as the scum of society then dammit I deserve a hot piece of ass who would do to me all the twisted things I could ever dream of.” His expression suddenly turns wrathful and his thrusts become almost too punishing inside your bruised pussy, “And that’s why the Kim bastard should’ve never laid his greedy hands on you. He can’t just get the prize without paying the price.” Envious and angry though his words they may be, they struck a familiar cord. Those were your exact thoughts just a short while ago when you weren’t thinking big enough. That’s Jungkook’s problem, for all his brazenness, he has never dared to go for the things he coveted so much. That’s what you and Taehyung had in common, and it is this one thing that proved detrimental to Jungkook’s survival. “Oh, you dumb, pretty boy.” You whisper so faintly you aren’t sure you even said anything but he hears you and it has the desired effect on him. His large hand wraps tightly around your throat, dangerously restricting your air flow and his hips fuck you into the mattress. And yet you’ve never felt more powerful than when you pressed your hand against the chest of the boy hulking over you to find his heart about to burst forward. You couldn’t help getting a little wet but that shouldn’t matter at this point. “Cum inside me, baby boy. I know you’re dying to.” It doesn’t take much convincing before his release fills you up, the salty fluid hitting your damaged walls and sending pain signals up to awaken your hazy brain. Jungkook falls on the bed beside you and you don’t give him a second to calm down before you’re yelling at him to go downstairs to turn the stove off, finally acknowledging the burning smell that was gradually filling up the entire house. “What about your father?” “He probably left by now, just go! The house is gonna burn down.” You shout and he finally gets up and leaves. As soon as he’s out of earshot, you quickly get out of the room and lock yourself in the bathroom. Putting on a hushed, scared voice you call the police and cry to the operator, “Please help me, he’s killed my father and now he wants to kill me. Please, please, help me!” You hear footsteps running outside in the hallway and go into the room adjacent to yours and you know that Jungkook has gone into your bedroom to find you. When he realizes you aren’t there he starts searching around for you and shouting your name. You speak more urgently to the woman on the phone, “Please, hurry up. He’s gone crazy!” Jungkook hears you and tries to open the bathroom door only to find out that it’s locked which makes him even more frantic, and soon he’s pounding on the door, screaming your name, “Open the door, ___. What have you done, you fucking bitch!?” You scream too, for the woman to save you, “He’s going to break down the door, oh god, he’s going to kill me!”
Things go smoothly from that night on. Smoothly enough to leave a permanent bad taste in your mouth. The cops arrive minutes after your call to find your father dead in the kitchen from multiple stab wounds. Jungkook himself is found in the hallway after having busted your bathroom door open, delivering punches and kicks to your knocked out and crumpled form in a fit of blind rage after he realized that you had set him up. It was easy to pin him as the main suspect. A father catches his daughter in his home with her abusive, thug boyfriend. He strikes up a fight with him, things escalate and the boyfriend kills the father, evidenced by the black kitchen knife found sticking out of the man’s back bearing Jungkook’s fingerprints all over it,  then in his fit of insanity, he drags the daughter upstairs and rapes her, evidenced by her torn clothes, the handprints dug deep into the skin of her neck, and of course the sexual injuries and semen found on her. The whole town knows Jungkook to be volatile, and it doesn’t help him that the true story of what happened, you having set him up, makes him sound even more unstable, but he really hammered the nail into his own coffin when he rightly declared Taehyung as the accomplice who did the killing while you distracted him. Despite how painfully right he was, people stopped listening to him after that. There was no way the star student, the pride and joy of this town, could’ve been capable of something like that. Additionally, people were highly suspicious of Jungkook trying to implicate Taehyung in this, seeing as they had seen Jungkook beating up Taehyung on multiple occasions before. The police still questioned him, that for sure, but it was only for show, and they accepted Nayeon’s word about him being with her on that night as his alibi, especially that there was no evidence of him being at the scene of the crime when it happened, Taehyung was meticulous about that. After all, who would you believe, the fucked up son of a druggie mother and an alcoholic abusive father or the two most loved kids in the whole town? Jungkook probably lashed out against your father because he reminded him of his own, or so they say. The Jeon family couldn’t afford a lawyer, not that they cared to, so he was represented by a public defender. The only time one of Jungkook’s parent’s visited him in jail was when his father went by to hurl insults at his incarcerated son for making the town’s people harass them for raising a murderous child. To them, this whole trial was an inconvenience and a headache. They left town even before the final sentence was announced. All of that passed by in a blur to you, but one thing didn’t. One thing you’d never let yourself forget, and it was how your image in the eye of the town had drastically changed overnight. Suddenly they’d forgotten all the shitty things they used to call you and how badly they used to treat you. Now you were the sweet girl who was so misunderstood, in so much pain, who fell prey to a dangerous man who took her father away from her and almost took her will to live, if not her life. But let’s not forget the heroic rule the golden pair, Taehyung and Nayeon, played in saving that poor girl. After the ridiculous accusation from Jungkook, Taehyung and Nayeon grew closer to the poor girl. They bonded together in their need to survive such a senseless tragedy, and the two, ever selfless teens guided the poor girl through her dark time. Taehyung’s parents approved of this new development despite their not-so-subtle hatred of you in the past. Now that being friends with you meant that their son was the hero of the town, they treated you like a long lost daughter. And so that’s how it went, you, Taehyung and Nayeon, the three of you prevailing despite it all until the sentence was announced. A life sentence without possibility parole. Justice has been served. They never even gave him a chance. You cried for him that night. For the boy who deserved just as much and as little as you did, but who landed himself right into the hands of the beast. Taehyung thought they were tears of happiness. It was the first time he had ever read you wrong. But it was over, you had made your choice, and there were bound to be losses either way. The star student laid beneath you that night, like he did countless times before, only this time the dark chocolate of his brown eyes didn’t hint of the sweetness of his soul like you had always thought, instead, it was just darkness, no chocolate. And his voice, released in sobs of pleasure, echoed around the room enough times that the sinister whispers hidden underneath the depth of his honey voice were magnified as they reverberated between the walls and were hurled at you. You fall on the bed and pull him up, switching your positions and looking up at him expectantly. “I can’t, please. Let me calm down.” “But I want to feel your cock inside of me. Right. Now.” You grasp the base of his cock in your hand, trying to stave off his orgasm while simultaneously arching your back and pushing your chest against him, your eyes holding his and screaming of lust. “I’m tired of denying myself of you. You’ve earned this. Now take your reward.” You bring you knees further upwards on the bed, spreading your legs wider, and you could see him practically salivating at the sight. “But I’ll cum the second I put it in.” “Then you’ll just have to make sure you do it outside because if you cum inside of me, this will be the last time I ever let your dick near my pussy again.” Taehyung was shaking above you, glowing with sweat. How can you ask such an impossible task of him? He’d been dreaming of this moment since you’d first cornered him in a classroom and made him go down on you. He’d seen all the pain that you’d been through, watched helpless as your father abused you and the town tore you down but now he has finally proven his worth to you, and seeing the way you were so readily offering yourself to him, body yellow with the healing of the last bruises you’ll ever receive and bones slowly receding from your previously malnourished body, he takes a deep breath and commends himself for even lasting this long. He pushes slowly inside of you and you arch further into him, fingers and toes curling and a long whine escaping your lips as you finally feel the drag of his cock along your walls. Your mind is wiped blank and you can’t remember a time when Taehyung’s dick didn’t fill you up and you didn’t feel this mind-searing pleasure. Which makes it all the more maddening when he only manages a couple of thrusts before he is pulling out and whimpering in your ear, “I’ll cum. I’ll cum, oh god!” You pull on the leash in your hand, tightening the collar around his throat and he chokes, “Isn’t this what you’ve always begged me for? Now that you have it, you’re going to pussy out? Are you a fucking virgin? Didn’t I train you so you wouldn’t embarrass yourself like this?” Tears start escaping Taehyung’s eyes, “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be a disappointment. It’s just that no matter how many times you touch me, it never gets easier.” You soften at his sincere words and loosen the punishing choke of the collar around his throat, “It’s ok, puppy. I’m just tense because you felt really good inside of me. I thought you charmed Nayeon by your pretty cock and your pretty face but you feel so so good puppy. I need more. Can you give it to me?” Taehyung curses and wills himself to gather all the self-control and stamina he’s built over the months he’s known you then, putting on his best iron resolves, he begins to fuck into you again, and this time he lasts much longer. This time you get a couple of minutes of mind-blowing fucking. Taehyung surely picked up a few tricks over his time with Nayeon and Jungkook and who knows who else. He did all he could to get you to cum before he did, from groping your breasts to rubbing your clit to kissing every sensitive spot on your body, and he was helped greatly by the mere fact that you were attracted to him like no other boy before and every single noise he let out made you lose your mind… but still he was farther gone than you were and soon he was almost collapsing on you because he was using both of his hands to stop his orgasm. “It’s ok, baby, shhh.” You run your hands gently across his back, feeling the vibrations from the mix of sobs and moans that were shaking through his body like an earthquake. “I c-can’t do it. I’m so sorry.” “That’s ok, baby. You did so good already. You made me feel so good. You’re such a good boy.” You hum to him and wait for him to calm down then you pull him up to face you, “I want you to cum baby. Get it all out so you can relax then you can fuck me again and give me what I want. Ok, baby?” “Ok.” “But remember no cumming inside of me.” He swallows and nods, positioning the head of his cock against your entrance and pushes in, thrusting a few times before he pulls back and grabs himself, reading to stroke himself off the edge, but you slap his hand away, “No, you’ll cum only from my pussy. Or is it not good enough for you?” You challenge. “No, it’s fucking perfect.” Taehyung rushes to clarify even though he knows you were just fucking with him. You know how hard it is for him to cum using your pussy but not cumming inside it and not touching himself, but did he really expect anything less from you? You watch him as he tries several times to thrust into you and pull back to try to cum outside your pussy, only to fail and try again, all the while moaning and whimpering for you to help him, but the sight was too delicious for you to have mercy on him. But the tantalizing push and stretch of his cock inside of you and the way he would rub the head of his cock against your clit when he pulls back to whine and beg for you with his big puppy eyes and his tongue almost hanging outside his mouth to constantly wet and bite his lips, has you as frustrated as him in no time. So when his thrusts turn shallow with only the head of his cock teasing in and out of your entrance and he’s begging you to “Please, make me cum, make me cum, please, please”. You push him off of you and drag your nails along his thighs, leaving bright red marks in their wake, “I won’t make you cum, Taehyung. You’ll obey me and do it yourself. I want to watch you cum without anything touching your pretty cock. I want to see you cum just to sound of my voice. I want you to prove one last time how whipped you are for me. You can do that can’t you, puppy? Yeah, be good and cum for me. Now.” Finally, his hips shoot upwards and a long stream of cum shoots out of his cock.  He freezes in place, only his hips working up and down as his load is tortuously milked out of him. The moment he begins to calm down, you push him down to lie back on the bed and straddle him, sitting on his softening cock and riding him, rapidly bringing it back to life. “Ah, fuck, fuck!” Taehyung screams from the overstimulation but he doesn’t protest. He’s been through this dozens of times before and soon enough the pleasure starts to kick in again, and the pain is entirely replaced by bliss from the fact that you’re finally fully fucking him.  Your pace is wild as you feel the full push of his cock into you, and you lean back so the head of his cock can hit you in just the right place. You look at Taehyung and you find him staring down at the place where you are joined, you follow his gaze and you see white strings of his cum being formed every time you slam into his pelvis then stretched and broken as you bounce up. “Do you like this, puppy? You like seeing your cum on me?” “Yes, ___. It feels right.” He looks up at you, gauging your reaction. “Doesn’t it?” You lean down and capture his lips in a hungry kiss. It was wet and messy but the feel of his tongue in your mouth goes straight to your core, and your orgasm shoots through you unexpectedly. “Yes, Tae, baby” You grunt against his lips, “It feels right.” You slip his drenched cock out of you and start rapidly stroking him until he spasms into your hand. His seed feels way too hot in your hands and you can see that his bangs were completely soaked with sweat so you brush them aside and press a kiss to his forehead, whispering, “It feels just right.”
The night of the verdict was your first in a long time with Taehyung and your last. You hadn’t been able to be together in that way under such intense scrutiny but today you were allowed a reprieve from the watchful eyes. A day to process all that you’ve been through, they said. They didn’t like that you were spending it in your house where the crime happened, but you had insisted saying it would give you closure before you’re set to leave a few days later, far away from this town and looking for a fresh start.
Taehyung would follow you at the start of the new school year, that was the plan. He’d apply for a college near you and you’d be together at last. Taehyung would gradually distance himself from his parents until the only contact left between them are holiday visits and birthday calls.
There was only one loose end, Nayeon.
As you stare at the boy in your arms, the killer humming contently in that deep timbre of his and nuzzling into your chest, you’re reminded of a misbehaved dog cuddling up to his master, and you can’t help but wonder is it the dog’s fault if he lashes out and murders someone, is it an inherent fault in him or is it the master’s fault for not reigning in his violent nature?
“I’m worried about Nayeon.”
“We’ve been through this, ___. She doesn’t know anything. All she knows is that I went out to get something and that coincidently that happened at the same time of the crime. She’s already testified that I’ve never left her house. Stop worrying.”
“What if she retracts her statement. I don’t feel safe knowing that she knows even that little. I can’t let her ruin all that we’ve worked for. I can’t let her take you away from me.”
Taehyung looks up and studies you for a second before smiling peacefully, “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of her.”
Author’s Note: I honestly feel sorry for Jungkook. I think I got into the character of the OC too much :’D Anyway, let me know what you guys think of the ending :) I hope I didn’t rush this too much and that it’s actually coherent.
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