#this whole week has been horroble
just-some-trans-nobody · 11 months
Female Yautja x Trans Reader During a Period.
Thank you @silverclawz for some of thr great ideas for this one all suggestions are greatly welcomed.
Reader is afab but it's trans or nonbinary no prounons used though.
Minors do not interact
Warnings: blood, swearing, aggressive behavior
If I missed any please tell me
Writen on phone light spell checking but things might fall through the cracks sorry.
Female Yautja
She was with you from the start, you had finally come to the realization that you were trans a little while after starting your relationship ship with her. Being there before you started transitioning she saw how absolutely horroble your period's were. Especially if you had endometriosis. She was absolutely horrified seeing you curled into a ball screaming in agony from the pain.
Every time this happened she would always craddle you in her arms trying to sooth you with her purrs and praises. If they got really bad she would bring you to her ship so she her medicines on you, even bring you to one of her doctors if it was really bad. She hated seeing you in so much pain but it really did make her see just how strong you were going through that esch and every month.
So when you start to transition she immediately thinks the period's have ended. She doesn't seem to grasp the concept that you have to be approved by a therapist AND a doctor to get on testosterone or have a hysterectomy. She thinks because you have declared you are no longer female that it will simple stop. That's why she absolutely panics when you have your first period after telling her your trans. She thinks something else is wrong there's no way you can be on your period your not a girl.
Wanting to do everything for her tiny ooman mate will rush you to her ship so she can get ypu to the healers thinking your dying. Words won't work right now she can't her you over her growls, she's not growling at you honey don't worry she's growling at the situation and at herself.
Once at the healers she demands they fix the problem immediately, she still doesn't understand it's only your period again and the healers are very confused but get to work anyway.
After she will be so embarrassed about how she acted, comfort cuddles for you both are absolutely needed. She'll purr as she gently nuzzles your face with her mandles. When your on your period she is much softer to you than she normally is, she knows how bad it is for you and just wants to show her support and make things easy for you. If you don't live with her on her planet then she'll bring things from her home. You'll wake up covered in the pelts of animals she had killed to keep you warm and safe. If you let her she'll feed you all your meals and bed. She'll dot on you even more than normal. This is a big deal as yautja males are the ones doting on the females and the other way around. She loves you so much that she will break the social norms for your comfort.
Get ready for the best baths ever she's pulling out the whole bath kit and absolutely spoiling you woth it. You'll smell like flowers from her planet for weeks before the scent fades, your skin has never been softer. She was very happy about that part, she couldn't get her hands off you constantly wanting to touch your soft skin. She always pulls her fancy bath kit out when your on your period for a special treat.
She'll spoil you more when your on your period but she'll also be far more possessive of you durning this time. Even more so if you live with her on her planet. You give of pheromones of needing to be breed of course males will be sniffing around. She's far more aggressive around this time constantly working on protecting her ooman mate. This is a good opportunity for her to show off how strong she is and how well she can protect you though. Please watch her beat someone up for you, she'll be purring in your arms after her victory.
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idoballet · 5 years
Another episode of "hyperextension is not fun":
So, I've been having some tension-not-really-pain in the back of my knees since last week I worked on production (we make ads at my job) for about 18hours straight from Monday to Wednesday standing up, and well, I had legit pain on the back of my knees. So I went to the doctor, he said it's some hamstrings tendonitis (since I felt tension when I tried to straighten my legs fully) and I need physio, and said I could go to class but just don't over do it. So, that's ok.
I've had 2 physio sessions and after the second one my pain went really down, almost gone. That was on Tuesday.
Cut to to today when I couldn't even finish my ballet class because I felt that same tension again. And it freaked me out. Pointing my left foot made me feel a little pain. Relevé is kind of painful too. And on top of that I had a super stressful day at work.
I wanna cry.
I've had exactly one day pain free after the production when I stood up for hours. And now this. It's just fucked up. I mean, I take ballet for me, it's my "me" time, the time of the day that I enjoy the most (honestly I only enjoy eating more than ballet XD), and today straightening my leg just does not feel right.
Tomorrow I have my 3rd physio, and I guess I should not take my weekend class. I hope I'll feel better (I mean I have to take 8 sessions), but I'm just so tired.
Here's a gif of the kind of stuff that simply seeing makes me feel pain:
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