#this will be a sticker at sakuracon lol
eternalbattoru · 7 months
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cmon everybody !✨
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softgrungeprophet · 1 month
Actually, posting that motivated me to move the rest of my pins onto the wall hanging so I can actually look at and admire them—
So here is my little pin collection, in no particular order:
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The Fool, The Sun and Death from Kevin Jay Stanton's Botanica pin collection
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Dark Entomology European Stag Beetle pin by Emily Cannon. Her shop is currently closed for maintenance and this was a kickstarter pin so it is probably not available
"I Am The Gay Agenda" rainbow pin is from dom+bomb (a local size inclusive queer indie clothing brand) to support Spectrum Center — I got it at the local pride event recently 🏳️‍🌈 Currently out of stock but maybe they will restock it in the future
Harpy pin by Samantha Mash whose store currently does not have any pins but does have a lot of pretty stickers and prints
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Ball python pin by Aspen Eyes — no longer in stock but they still have some eyes pins plus some other pins... The eyes glow in the dark, just FYI.
Star Servings constellation pin by Chan Chau — store is currently closed
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Froggy pin from the Froggy Plush kickstarter by Allie Mehner/grind3h — again, another kickstarter pin, so likely not available, and I'm not sure the artist even has a store
Mars: Iron pin by vipi.ink (weirdly enough their store pictures don't look like my pin, because the texture of the planet is like, screenprinted or something? but this is where I got it because it's in my email receipts lol)
Queer enamel pin by lychgate aka mr. kittys
Green Peas pin from the Produce Pin Series I kickstarter by Katie Berntson — another KS pin, and the creator doesn't appear to have a shop linked
Tiger skull pin — I can't find my email receipt for it, nor a backing card. It's not from etsy so there's no past order there... It does glow in the dark, though, and there's text hidden in the lines above the skull that are only visible when it glows...
Those little round things next to it are just some random earrings I got to hold a shirt closed btw
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Flower bee pin by crowlines (currently sold out)
Mushroom Twins pin by sugarnova (not available but other mushroom pins are)
Egg ghost pin is another one I'm not... sure... can't find the receipt lol
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Pansy Pride Flowers Pin by doki rosi (another kickstarter pin)
Funny Lil' Guys Garden Eels soft enamel pin by QuailteaGoods
Octopus Medusa pin was an add-on from eightfish's Puppeteer kickstarter
Saggitarius sparkly Zodiac pin by JackalandhareArt
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Sword and shield pins from Emily Cheeseman's armory series (the sword and shield are sold out but there are some other armory pins still available)
Moon and cloud enamel pin was an add-on from the World Roulette kickstarter, by Light Grey Art Lab who I'm not sure are still like... in business
Bat pin by zombieisok (no longer available/shop is closed but reopens in like a week)
No idea what company made the Fay and Kurogane rubber pins, I got those at Sakuracon or something like 15 years ago, if not longer lol
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Shaggy Inkcap mushroom pin by place called bliss/broadfootlenny
Okapia "Rainbow Sunset" pin by faunwood (no longer available)
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Zelda pin was from a zine I'm not sure is still available
Carmico strawberry letter pin (no longer available)
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Diver enamel keychain by Verena Loisel
Here they are all together:
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Still plenty of room!
I don't buy pins super often because they're a little pricey for the size (but, also, if you think of it like jewelry, $15-$20 per pin is very reasonable), but every once in a while I do see something that's too pretty, cute or interesting to pass up.
When I was in high school I had a shitload of regular pins, like, the circular kind, pin badges, whatever you wanna call them—idk I'm American, they're pins—and I would put them all over my sweatshirt. Which is... a little unwieldy and less than elegant LOL but those were also crappy cheap aluminum pins that eventually got rusty, broke, etc.
Obviously the nice pins I want to be set up in a nice way, and also not potentially risk losing them... lol
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midnightchewing · 7 years
Thunderbolt Fantasy Panel Sakuracon 2017  Summary
It’s been a couple days and my memory’s a little fuzzy, but here’s what I remember from the Thunderbolt Fantasy panel and some tidbits of Q & A that I recall!
-we watched the first episode on the big screen
-lots and lots of time was spent on the process of filming 
-for a couple minutes, a couple puppeteers took out Betsutengai and Lin Xue Ya and went around doing a little performance (mostly just fight moves) for the audience
-Gen Urobuchi became interested in PILI and puppetry when he went to Taiwan and saw some PILI shows; he then proceeded to buy a ton of blu-ray dvds and binge-watch them in his hotel room
-they wanted to avoid making a spin-off/sequel to PILI’s existing universe since it’s like 1000+ episodes; they compared it to like trying to watch Star Trek from the middle
-the two season 2 characters were revealed; the pictures are already out on twitter I believe
-one of the writers noted that the man was a megane character even though glasses are rare in Thunderbolt’s Wuxia world (lol)
-a hilarious reaction to the female puppet’s designs was when everyone saw her and was immediately impressed, making a “OOOOOH” sound from the audience; the producer then leaned into his mic and exclaimed: “KAWAII DESHOU?” (”CUTE, right??”)
-they told the audience to note that her design is based heavily off of scorpions (I can’t really see it) and thus there’s more to her than just a pretty face 
-they announced the light novels/side stories but there was an awkward silence in which nobody cheered/clapped....I mean, assuming these novels won’t be translated, it’s not too thrilling for a Western audience
Q & A (from the fans)
-Q: How does Urobuchi’s writing process go?
A: He said that he likes to start with a death scene for some characters and write his way backwards from there. So sometimes he’s ‘nicer’ (not sure what he means) to certain characters he knows are doomed from the start. Urobutcher seemed almost gleeful saying this.
Q: Any possibility of having a puppetry show in space?
A: Wooden puppets are actually composed of just their heads and hands (or man-cleavage like Setsumushou) because their actual bodies are the puppeteers’ arms, so a space-themed show would have to have long robes like the Jedi (Yes, they said Jedi) and no form-fitting spacesuits.
Q: Is the dragon in the opening literally Setsumushou? Does this have any bearing on the plot? (Asked by a fan curious on this certain fan theory as dragon=setsumushou was stated earlier by Urobuchi)
A: Urobuchi said that indeed the dragon in the opening is based off Setsumushou’s design, but not literally part of the story itself. From my take of it, it’s more of a cool symbolic thing than anything else; I doubt our Screaming Phoenix Killer is coming back, sadly. =(
The other questions were pretty typical/I can’t remember; someone requested if Touken Ranbu could be adapted to puppetry form, and Urobuchi and his staff kinda had to break it to them to look up the April Fool’s crossover. 
I was waiting in line to either ask about what other ideas they had for April Fool’s/what drug is Lin Xue Ya smoking  but they ran out of time. I did get this nice set of stickers, though.
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zeitara · 7 years
Ayyy @ anyone going to SakuraCon 2017 -- HMU I’ll be working at the Manga Library and I’ll prob give you free stuff if you know my tumblr (OR if you’re cosplaying as a mp100 character) lol. 
Will be cosplaying as Mob from Friday to Saturday and give you a mp100 sticker (if I get them printed in time! :^) )
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eternalbattoru · 6 months
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hey everyone, i'll be at Sakuracon at table 3720 this friday! (for those who have been to sak before the Tahoma floor is where the old badge pickup used to be)
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