#this will be my new pinned post sorry saturn smoking a fat dart
ourobororos · 2 years
it has occured to me that i havent really explained my whole au well enough like in a contained post SORRY IF THINGS ARE CONFUSING! i talk about it a lot. this post will serve as a summary of everything with some links lol ill try to organize things better one day
Rainbow Rocket: Retribution (RR Retribution for short. RRR?) is a rainbow rocket au i made in which most of the bosses have been basically supernaturally or cosmically Fucked Up and cursed for their hubris! giovanni and ghetsis have joined to form rainbow rocket in secrecy after the failure of both of their previous missions, and with assistance from colress and the aether foundation they have used wormhole technology to locate timelines containing the leaders of other (once) powerful criminal organizations- with unusual supernatural power sources! if a new team is formed uniting all these evil guys with cool powers, they can take over the world easy peasy! right? well everyone sucks and is a loser and they all hate each other so no. it sure is funny though
BRIEF OVERVIEW OF EACH BOSS BELOW THE CUT !! this might be a long ass post ill try to keep it brief
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GIOVANNI: there he is theres our guy <3 a year or so prior to the formation of RR, team rocket had recaptured mewtwo and was being used in experiments to calculate its psychic power and to possibly extract it and transfer it to other organisms- giovanni wanted that power for himself, to see if it was possible to make himself as strong as mewtwo, so after lots of tests his brain was connected to mewtwo and the experiment went underway- it also went really badly. mewtwo overworked the circuitry and broke free, escaping the hidden rocket facility and blowing a lot of it up in the process! gio survived but was in a brief coma he was preddy badly injured by the shrapnel and like. the psychic powers. hes fine though AND he has some of those abilities himself now! some of his motor abilities were impaired and getting around is harder so he uses a cane, but now he has telekinesis and other cool psychic powers- he has his limits though, and gets killer migraines... and his lifespan was halved. oops
MAXIE: in another timeline, maxie had woken groudon with the red orb and it underwent primal reversion- however it refused to listen to his commands and went berserk, causing mt. chimney to erupt and the cavern to be destroyed and flooded with lava- killing maxie and anyone else in the vicinity. groudon was eventually quelled by may ofc, but maxie’s body fused with the red orb and came back to ‘life’, fully powered by the orb’s essence and essentially undead. his body temperature is hundreds of degrees and rises with his temper, and he can raise the temperature of things in his vicinity at will- he’s potentially very dangerous. he spent months in hiding, frustrated and regretful of everything that happened- and later when hes dragged into a wormhole and into rr headquarters, it does not get any better.
ARCHIE: in a different timeline, but coincidentally the same situation as maxie wow! kyogre was woken with the blue orb, went primal and flooded/destroyed the seafloor cavern and everything around it in a horrible storm, flooding sootopolis. archie and others present were swept up and killed in the waves, but archie’s body fused with the blue orb and he woke up in the aftermath undead and able to breathe underwater. he can manipulate water around him and even make its temperature drop to a freezing point, and can swim crazy fast. if he goes too long without swimming or being in water, he dries out a little! for some time he was hiding in the seas of hoenn, feeling so much guilt and grief for the destruction and deaths he caused- but like maxie, hes then dragged into another timeline with a bunch of other insane ppl lol
CYRUS: after the events of platinum, cyrus was trapped in the distortion world for years on end and essentially lost his mind, giratina saved his life and decided to make a deal with him- giratina would send cyrus back to his world, but essentially taking giratina along with him in his body and serving as a vessel for this god to reside in (giratina can’t have a physical form in the main reality unless it has the griseous orb, in which it becomes the altered forme- its goal is to make cyrus search for said orb so it can exist on this plane and not rely on cyrus as a host anymore) cyrus returns to his normal timeline for a while post spear pillar, exhausted trying to readjust to gravity and time flow AND housing a powerful god in his mortal body as they are bound together by the red chain. cyrus himself has no powers, but when in sync with giratina it can use its abilities through him- phasing through objects and walls, phasing into shadows and reflections to hide for brief periods, distorting reality around him... it takes a lot out of cyrus though, the intense pressure and presence of an incomprehensible god makes his eyes and nose bleed and wipes him out quickly. after a year of searching alone for the griseous orb, he is taken into the RR timeline with the other bosses... unfortunately.
GHETSIS: ghetsis is... actually the only one with no powers LOL he and giovanni are also the only ones from the base timeline! after losing to 10 year olds twice in unova, ghetsis is on his own with no team ... and travels to johto to find team rocket and strike a deal with giovanni to unite and form a bigger, better team (and to eventually take it over himself and control everything and take over the world bc its ghetsis) giovanni does agree so he works as the second in command and oversees a lot of the process of bringing all the bosses over and all that other stuff... also hes got a whole new team of rlly strong pokemon AND ALSO he trained a lot on his own to be a really good swordsman. dont fuck with ghetsis if you value your life
LYSANDRE: lysandre comes from a timeline of the events of x, where the ultimate weapon is powered by xerneas’ life essence and ends up destroying both itself and the entire flare hq. not many in the hq were able to escape in time, and most were killed by the crushing debris- lysandre himself as well, but due to being directly connected to the ultimate weapon and xerneas’ powers of life, it revived him to a state of not-quite-living but not-quite-dead. he now has the ability to harness the life energy of other organisms, mostly effective on other people, and can sap their energy to refuel himself. he can do it in concentrated powerful bursts and wipe out multiple people, but even in a relaxed state he is constantly slowly siphoning life force from those around him. as the only ‘survivor’ of the flare hq incident, and seeing so much death and destruction by his own hand, he strongly regrets his actions and wandered the empty corpse of the flare hq like a ghost... before being taken to the RR timeline with the others eventually </3
COLRESS: colress is an honorary member, not quite a boss but the lead scientist- hes in charge of testing all the bosses and putting them through experimental procedures (which most of them hate bc they are Not Fun) but its for science!! its fine... pushing them to their physical and mental limits is fine its finding their true power!! its fine
there is a general plot that happens, involving several of the members secretly working against RR with outside help to take the operation down from the inside. it is not easy though. lots of funny and fucked up things ensue but the main thing is everyone fighting all the time LOL hope all of this makes sense *bows*
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