#this will fuck with the natural order of the bensons ofc. and if Nina’s involvement isn’t made immediately apparent
saintlesbian · 1 year
okay so we all see the pieces lining up for ELQ to cave in on itself yea? stocks tanking due to valentin faking his death, insider trading charges on the horizon, the Qs about to oust valentin, etc. personally I’m glad they’re bringing the insider trading charges back since. oh my god I’ve been rooting for a Carly Faces Consequences era for months now.
I think though, while nina is contemplating reporting Crew to the SEC, she shouldn’t be the one to report them herself. this would once again antagonize her against the rest of the bensons/quartermaines, and the only way for Nina to reach Willow involves playing nice with the rest of her family as well, since Carly is about to be willow’s mother in law. no, it would be smarter to place this information in the hands of someone who can use it more decisively, I.e. valentin. If the Qs try to push him out of ELQ then he can weaponize the insider trading info against the rest of them, either to keep his shares or to go full scorched earth and tank ELQs reputation. nina and valentin are still on good terms, so if she gives valentin the info then he gets to be the one to make the call to the SEC, all while nina keeps her own hands clean and has some plausible deniability in the situation…
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