#this will require diplomacy delicacy and patience
icryyoumercy · 2 years
i feel like a lot of takes on criticising the valar's decisionmaking and their judgement of the elves are very... careful? elaborate? like slowly taking apart a complex bit of mechanics one screw at a time until the entire thing falls apart, and while i appreciate it, and it's neat to read, i feel like it's putting far more effort into it than any of it deserves
especially when we could just take up the metaphorical sledgehammer of their treatment of círdan
one of the very few people who has been unfailingly loyal, faithful, and obedient to the will of the valar, and their 'reward' for him is... leaving him stranded on a besieged shore for more than three ages of the world, and 'blessing' him with foresight about halfway through, and just generally expecting him to deal with the mess that was very much their own damn responsibility, and at absolutely no point offering him any sort of actual assistance or showing any sort of recognition for his work
hell, it would be fairly easy to argue that they knowingly and quite possibly deliberately tried to make his task harder if not downright impossible
like, it doesn't matter how irreplaceable círdan is, it doesn't matter just how badly it would have gone without him, it doesn't matter just how desperately needed he was. he had no hand in any of what happened. there was absolutely nothing whatsoever he could have done to avoid the disaster. it was not his duty to help fix it, and no one had any right whatsoever to order him to do so. and the fact that the valar nevertheless did order him, and then doubled down on that order while allowing literally everyone else to sail means their judgement isn't worth shit and they deserve absolutely zero authority over anyone or anything whatsoever
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emeraldrosequartz · 5 years
Chapter 13 of “I Will Always Test You” has been posted to AO3!
Yes! It’s Test Thursday, and @latent-thoughts and I have got another chapter for you! Iona and Loki are married...happily ever after, right?
Click here to reserve a good seat from which to watch these two burn...
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As always, dear readers, an excerpt to whet your whistles!
Frigga leaned over to whisper once Iona’s most recent well-wisher took their leave, hoping to lighten the mood.
“So...did you like the outfit I selected for your wedding night?”
Iona was glad that she wasn't eating or drinking anything right then, for she'd have choked on it. The question, asked so plainly, set her thoughts ablaze. And with warring emotions.
"I did," she answered in a whisper, still keeping a wooden smile on her face. "Your son liked it as well, perhaps even more so than me."
She knew that she was being cheeky, but what could she do? She needed to focus on something amusing. Otherwise, her internal struggles were threatening to overflow, considering the veiled jibes she had had to endure in the two hours or so.
“Yes, well, I’m certain it was a similar reaction to when Odin saw me in it on our wedding night, rest his soul. I thought it would be an appropriate homage.”
Frigga primly picked up her teacup and took a sip while Iona composed herself following that tidbit of information.
Dear Norns.. . Iona wondered how Loki would react to that bit of information. Might just burn the nightgown down to dust...
She kept a straight face in response, knowing that Frigga had lobbed her attempts of cheekiness back at her. Well, she had been her mentor for so long... she was far better at these verbal tricks than her.
"I'm certain that His Majesty will be quite pleased to learn about it." She picked at the delicacies on her plate, still not feeling up to eating much. "Well, at least when he gets the time for it."
Frigga sighed knowingly, and she gently placed her hand on Iona’s in a gesture of comfort. “A king’s duties do not necessarily respect a well-planned schedule, dear. Did you know that Odin was four hours late to our wedding? He was negotiating a treaty on Muspelheim when the discussion turned heated...no pun intended...” She laughed a bit at herself, impressed with her own wordsmithing. “We were wed with him bedecked in singed hair and a missing eyebrow.”
She smiled, remembering. “He was already an established ruler at that time. And I wasn’t his first wife. Though I like to think I was the best one.”
Then her gaze fell on Iona, a calm expression gracing her ethereal features. “Despite their differences, I do believe Loki respected Odin’s abilities as a sovereign, if not as a father. One does not maintain the position of Allfather for over 4000 years without mastering the intricacies of diplomacy and politics.”
Iona nodded, biting her lip to keep her expression even. "You indeed were his best wife, for you brought up two rambunctious sons with ease, and handled the kingdom alongside him. You were his strength in many ways; he didn’t rule alone. And neither should Loki be required to do so. I’ll try to support him as best as I can. If I’m able to replicate your strength and temperance even by half, I’d consider myself an accomplished queen."
As the feast finally began to wind down, Iona breathed a sigh of relief. It was over now. She could go back to the royal chambers and hide away for a while; hopefully, take a little nap. They always improved her mood.
"I recognize the responsibilities of a sovereign, queen mother," she said finally, once she was left alone with Frigga. "I'm sorry if I appeared cross or moody. I'll try to be better."
“Dear, your reaction is justified. But among the many powers you will gain as Allmother, unwavering patience will be your greatest. That, and a keen sense of humor. I’m certain you will be a wonderful Queen to Asgard and to my son.”
With that, she kissed Iona on both cheeks and took her hands. “Now, go relax. I’m certain you’re tired after last night.”
Click here to read the whole chapter!
ALSO: BIG NEWS! We’re doubling your pleasure...from now on, new chapters of IWATY will be posted on Thursday AND SUNDAY!!! Happy Holidays, everyone. 😊
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