#this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't started liking me or acted non bro like with me 😭
seungyeonnie · 2 years
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sor-vette · 3 years
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four, circus!! (index/description)
☜ three, an all-out fight club!!
☞ five, dots!!
t/w: dead bodies, mention of overdose
"This has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen," Yoongi thinks to himself as he blankly stares at Jimin, transferring the PPT file to the projector.
123 slides in "Reasonable arguments as to why we should date, _̵͚̾͌_̶̢̛̘̅͛̕_̶̡̧̝͗̒̋̌̚_̴̮̒̍̿̃͠ .
"Wrong PowerPoint bro," Jungkook grunts with closed eyes. No doubt the idiot had tried to stalk you throughout the night. It's been three days since Erik had officially enrolled.
Namjoon also has his eyes fixed on the projector, his expression giving nothing away.
"Resigned to death, poor bastard, as you should."
Jimin momentarily looks behind him to see why Jin had started to snort in laughter before scrambling to choose another file.
56 slides in "What do we know about Erik and what to do about it?"
"The title could be less verbose," Jin remarks, spinning his chair around the room.
"You're one to talk, literally," Jimin sneers but, there is very little malice in his voice if any. Besides Namjoon, V and Hope, who actually stuck to his word of minding his business, Yoongi didn't know anyone personally in the room. Though he sure has heard of the connections they had with you. Each weirder than the other.
Namjoon, the CEO, the one who went overboard in commitment and scared you off. Rumour was he offered marriage before the first "I like you." But that as well could be bullshit.
Hope, with the most cordial contact out of all. And also the most distant. You two had fundamentally different perceptions of how the world worked. Incompatible match, as the saying goes.
Jin. Despite the grandeur of his character, Yoongi knew very little of him. Even less as to why you left. He presumed the lack of commitment on both sides.
Jimin, the almost. For five months Yoongi had to hear nothing but coy whispers of just what good friends you two were. What good time you both had jumping back and forth from Paris and home. And then with zero explanation, you weren't. Every once in a while, he'd see the two of you in the hallway. Working hard to suffer through an exchange of pleasantries between long awkward pauses. The whispers had been effectively stomped to death, with no one the wiser as to what the hell had happened.
V, the one you hated and the one who hated you. How the two of you even met was beyond anyone's understanding. How you didn't rip each other's throat out even more so. Why he was here? God only knew.
And the last one, JK. Your trainee before Erik. The one who'd shamelessly bounced, leaving you in the dust when the enrollment came with a nary of thank you. After that, you officially joined the cleaner department and largely went missing from the public eye.
And, of course, Yoongi himself. The only official boyfriend. The one who officially broke both of your hearts.
"If all of you could please focus!" Jimin snapped, standing with a wad of paper in hand, waving it like a teacher in front of particularly annoying group of students.
"He even made notes," Namjoon whispered faintly.
"More like a manifesto," Yoongi snickered, letting his eyes wander over the sheer thickness of the file.
"Silence!" For a split second, Yoongi wanted to make a jab about a chihuahua being able to bark, but having considered his own height, he chose to be silent.
"So, let's start with basics. Erik Genyer. Joined two and a half years ago through a recruitment agent. He's 24, lived in Seattle before moving here. No known parents or siblings." Jimin recounted with ease.
"I hope you didn't look through his records," Namjoon frowned at the screen. "Because I did not authorize that."
"Does it count as looking if it's a brief glance?"
"And yet here you are benefitting from it." Namjoon could only breathe through his nose a tad harder.
"Why are you telling us this?" Jin interjected. "Mr CEO here could just give us his file - we'd read for ourselves."
"I will not. That's against company policy."
"And what you're doing here is completely legal and non - invasive." Jin raised his eyebrows, not phased even in the slightest that he was much below Namjoon's position.
"Silence!" Jimin yelped again at the front. "Has anyone here worked with Erik?"
"Hope definitely has," V piped up from his seat, looking as uninterested as one could. Yoongi narrowed his eyes at him. V took the piercing glare in stride, haughtily turning away.
"Well, yes but..." Jimin shuffled on the stage almost awkwardly. "He has strictly declined the invitation to our little... boy band."
"Wait does that mean he could tell _̸̢͉̦͔̣͈̱̅́́̓͊̇̂̓́̕͝ͅ_̸̨̙͚̻̬͖͉̻͔̑̓͐͜ - I mean R.D.?" Jungkook suddenly asks, eyes wide. Even Yoongi blanched at the thought. Everyone straightened in their seats. This was all fun and games until the moment you knew. Oh, you'd rip each and every one of them a new asshole. All of them could kiss goodbye to any attempt of trying to mend bridges. By that point, there wouldn't even be a river stretching underneath.
"I sincerely hope not." Jimin whispers and they sit in a moment of silence, weighing the risks.
"Heh, hope not." Jin suddenly gives a breathy laugh solely to be met by a general aura of disapproval.
"It's not funny." Namjoon scolds slightly but, Jin being Jin, openly looks him into eyes and goes -
"I know."
Amidst the banter, JK raises his hand shyly.
"I trained with him for a short while."
"And what is he like?" Jimin's eyes almost sparkled at anyone giving an actual insight.
"He must be wearing contacts or something," Yoongi mused, pushing the cap of his water bottle around the table. He knew Jimin to be attractive. No one in the entire company would shut up about it, nevertheless, something about him seemed almost supernatural.
JK shrugged in response.
"A bit rude and careless but talented. He finished training early."
"Did it seem like he was particularly going after her?" Namjoon interrogated further. There was a deep scowl of resentment on his face.
"Uhh, no. I think he was interested in the cleaner department in general. Apparently, he spent most of his orientation there."
"He also spent a month in surveillance. Did you speak with him...V?" If V was surprised by Jimin addressing him personally, he didn't show it as he continued to inspect his nails.
"Didn't even know he was there."
"Why did he stay so long in the cleaner department?" Yoongi asked as he ran over the information on the screen. Besides the already mentioned month in surveillance and a week in networking and relations, this Erik hadn't even tried to apply anywhere else.
"Poor communication skills. I had to throw him out. That's why he was only there a week." Jin explained.
"So you spoke to him?"
"Well, no, Irina," he was interrupted by a hollow thud. Without prompt V had dropped his steel thermos onto the desk, tea splattering everywhere and staining JK's jacket in the process. Both of them fumbled to clean it up with anything they could. V dabbed the desk harshly, the wood creeking at every aggressive wipe. Yoongi saw Jin looking sideways, the same confused expression echoed on his face.
"Well, as I was saying, Irina, R.D.'s friend, I'm sure you're familiar, came to me, said he was causing trouble and asked to refer him."
"And you sent him to R.D.?"
Jin gave a deeply suffering sigh.
"No, I did not send him. I referred him to general management and they gave him to the cleaners ."
"Ok, I get all of this. But what are we supposed to do about him?" Namjoon interrupted, jaw set in a tight grip.
Jimin fell silent at the front of the room.
"Yeah, this was the main question." Yoongi thought bitterly.
It was all a question of ethics, wasn't it? JK could pretend all he wanted to be above it all, to be respectful but then he trailed secret circles around you. Whether from guilt or perhaps a sense of entitlement. Yoongi didn't know or really care. Nevertheless the kid clearly had a hard time differentiating between what he said and what he did. Yoongi was however surprised to see Namjoon be so eager. He quite fancied making himself bald from worrying about the nature of evil. Just how easy it was to hide it behind big aspirations of providing aid. But it seemed as of late all of that was tossed aside.
Jimin was the one who orchestrated this in the first place, and so naturally, everyone looked at him for guidance. He was still shuffling around, nervously fiddling the blue pen.
"Well, first of all, I think we should talk more to R.D." A huff passed around the room.
"Talk to her?" V asked sceptically, mouth set in a straight line and heavy wrinkles carved between brows.
"Do you have any idea how difficult that would be?"
"Certainly it would be for you," Yoongi snarled, earning a harsh glare.
"Listen, at the end of the day, it's not really about us trying to force her into something. It's just to make sure... she's living a safe life. Well, the safest that's possible." Jimin said with enough sincerity to trigger certain insecurities within Yoongi and by the look of it also Namjoon.
It was no secret that between the seven, they were the most possessive over you. Both having the wrong idea that you were theirs. Which is why you left and why you probably were so caught up in Jimin. The purity and sheer selflessness of his sentiments acted like a punch to the gut. The genuine care that he reflected like a sun made the raw wound in Yoongi's chest seep even more. To be loved like that would be a dream come true. Yoongi shifted his attention to the laminated floor.
"We talk to her, find out what her life is like, keep a close eye on what Erik does. Talk to other cleaners about him, and once we find out, she's happy. That's. The. End. Of. That." There was no uncertainty. Jimin was dead serious.
The meeting was adjourned, quite amicably actually, but Yoongi knew that the rest of them had ulterior motives and plans. He had them too.
Jin and JK were no threat. Both were too uncertain of what to do with you.
Jimin had some deep-seated self esteem issues. Despite his 123 slide presentation, the way he spoke made it clear. That's probably why the abrupt parting, Yoongi mused. Both of you most likely shared the same anxiety about not being good enough for the other.
V was just V.
Namjoon was the only one Yoongi was truly worried about. Even from looking at his back, walking headstrong up the stairs, Yoongi could see how stubborn Namjoon was. In a way, it was like looking in a mirror. The possessiveness, the mulish mindset. They'd saw you, all of you and had decided that this was it. Yes, Namjoon would certainly be the toughest rival. However, Yoongi was very good at playing the long game. Especially if he wanted something so bad it felt like his thorax slowly being ripped out.
All that was left was Hope. But he wasn't even a viable player. After all, he hadn't even shown up.
"Why the fuck is he so heavy?" Erik grunted, swaying left and right and holding onto his dear life to the bagged pair of legs.
"Rigor mortis...set in," you huffed in answer, from the upfront of the body. "At least he wasn't rotting already. That's just nasty. 1, 2, 3."
Both of you lift the body into the van and let the poor bastard drop with a soft thud. Sweat pooled underneath your white hazmat suit with plastic glasses digging straight into your brain. You banged hard against the "EMT" van, and it drove away, carrying Dr. Martin Leyster to the morgue.
Should the neighbours see anything, it was a sad story of a depressed psychiatrist accidentally overdosing on his own meds. The evidence of him manipulating his most vulnerable patients into bankruptcy erased in you any stray feelings of sympathy though.
"You have the peroxide?" You rifled through the cleanup bag, but instead of answering, Erik began to actively point somewhere behind your back. A cold chill ran up your spine as you realize someone has been watching you stuff the body in the trunk. It quickly dissipates when you see a familiar smile.
"Hard at work, I see," Hope whistled, bounding towards you more like a kid on a school trip, rather than what the reality was.
"May I borrow your mentor for a bit?" He asked politely, still smiling up at Erik. There was no warmth in his expression.
"You are after all now an official member of the cleaner crew. Surely you can handle this on your own."
Erik looks at you for a moment before giving a loud sigh and trudging back to Leyster's office, the white toolbox angrily swishing back and forth in his hand.
Without hesitation, you remove the glasses from your head, revelling in the ease of pressure. Hope had stopped smiling altogether, looking quite pensive.
"What brings you here?" You ask lightly. To see him here is not worrying per se, but certainly interesting. He gives a quick shrug.
"Nothing much. Wanted to see how you were doing after that runt's little stunt." You only laugh at the shallow animosity. Erik's talent to drive people out of their patience was truly remarkable.
"I'm doing fine. You know... working. What about you?"
"I've been working as well."
You both fall silent.
"You ever thought about leaving the BH?" He suddenly asked, and you quirk a brow at the question.
"Not particularly. Have you?" Hope focuses a blank gaze at the grey walls of the multi-story apartment complex.
"A little bit. Last few days especially." You stand in muted shock. Hope was the last person you thought would quit. He was, without doubt, the most devoted, the most passionate out of all the hundreds of employees. He lived for the cause, he himself said so. And yet now he stood uncertain in front of you. Not really the bright and friendly Hope everyone knew, not really the strict and somewhat terrifying training teacher. He was just...quiet. It was an upsetting scene.
"Do you want to go for a drink or a lunch, maybe?" You offer, reaching for the zipper of the white suit. Yes, Erik could handle this on his own. He was a big boy. Hope hastily placed his hand atop of yours, pausing the movement. Even through the fabric, it radiated warmth. No wonder people called him sun. He frowned at the conjoined hands, lightly stroking his thumb over your knuckles before lighting up like a Christmas tree.
"No, no. I don't want to burden you with my problems." You didn't believe his smile for a second.
"Well, I won't steal you away for much longer, the pup might get anxious." He turned around, by the looks of ready to sprint off.
"Hey, wait!" He paused, not looking back.
"Do you why JK has been stalking me?"
"He has?"
He had. The first time you noticed a shifting figure in the background, you wrote it off to the combination of hangover and exhaustion. The second time he'd run off into the night faster than you could catch up. The third time you nearly flung yourself off the roof when seeing a pair of doe eyes staring back at you from an empty apartment building.
"There isn't like an alliance going around between some of my... acquaintances?" Truth be told, you found the very idea ridiculous, but it had wormed its ugly way into your brain and was now near impossible to get out. JK, Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon wouldn't even get along with each other. Even though those four were most likely to meddle in your business. However, if looking realistically, it was probably just your paranoia taking an intensive round. Seeing suspicious cars, watchful eyes and snooping noses where there were none. Hope threw you a sardonic smile.
"That would just be stupid."
In this story people have their names and codenames and will be often used interchangeably. It all depends whether in the story the POV character knows the names of others or not.
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shra-vasti · 4 years
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Series : To all the boys
Pairing : Lee Chan x reader
Type : non idol au, ex-couple au
Genre : angst, drama, fluff, romance
Warnings : none
Word count : 1k approx
Synopsis : You decided to write some letters to every boy who was a part of your past as your last message after getting diagnosed with chronical disease.
[Received, 03.10.2020] | one | two | three | previous
A laugh escaped his lips as he finished reading your letter, throat dry and emotions wild. He thought back on the time he was with you, yes you were loyal but leaving someone just because of a single embarrassing moment? He guessed you just didn't care enough.
He clearly remembers the week after the incident happened, all eyes on him as he walked towards his class.
Wonwoo was the first person to talk to him that day, eyes hard glaring at him. Seokmin soon joined and Chan's eyes landed on the hand wrapped in bandaid of the latter.
"We want to have some talk with you."
Those were the only words which left Wonwoo's mouth as he turned his back against him, taking few steps ahead.
Seokmin gestured him to follow them, the solemn look in his eyes which Chan saw almost made him forgot about his own condition and ask him what was bothering him instead.
"Yuna broke up with me."
Seokmin softly whispered as he walked beside Chan, his eyes on Wonwoo's back who was leading the way.
"I guess I wasn't enough for her."
Chan wanted to laugh at that, Seokmin was perfect he was more than enough. Chan's thought drifted to you, he had called you several times and texted you but after some point you blocked him completely.
He didn't even get to apologize for the ruckus he created.
"They don't want to be in relationship with you."
Wonwoo wasted no time in getting to the point. Chan was his good friend but he could fight anyone who hurt you or give you the slightest discomfort.
"They didn't discuss that matter with me."
"They blocked you though, isn't that enough?"
"They're just angry and aren't talking to me."
"Well cause they don't want to, they don't want to see your face, you've embarrassed them enough."
Wonwoo's posture was stiff as his fingers ran through his locks. Chan shook his head looking towards Seokmin for the answers.
"See, I know you must be shock and everything but they don't like such behaviour and it's better to breakup rather than getting ignored and forgotten."
Seokmin smiled apologetically at him patting his shoulder with his good hand.
"I need to talk to them."
Chan was about to leave, to find you but Wonwoo stopped him and pushed him to the wall. Seokmin was quick to hold him back, the main reason why he was there was for holding him back indeed.
"Leave them Chan. It isn't like they had feelings for you at all."
"If they didn't had feelings for me why were they with me after all this time?"
"Well maybe because they were bored and liked your attention and just wanted to have fun?"
Chan was aware of the breaking of his heart but he didn't bulged, he wanted to see through Wonwoo, of what was going on inside his mind.
Wonwoo was never good with his feelings and Chan wondered if this was just one of his acts to make you his now that he had a chance.
He looked at Seokmin silently asking him if it was all real cause he trusted Seokmin more, the guy was soft hearted and wouldn't dare to lie to save his life.
"It's true, they really don't want to face you after what you did and the school was pretty bad after the incident, they were attacked with many questions and accusations and they felt really overwhelmed with that. I'm sorry bro."
Seokmin patted his shoulder with his good hand, sympathetically smiling at him.
"Stay away from them from now on."
Wonwoo warned before making his way out of the door only to be stopped by Chan.
"Who are you to tell me that? How are you so sure about what they feel?"
Wonwoo turned around, smirking in his direction.
"How am I so sure? Wouldn't I be sure when I am the one who owns their heart?"
Wonwoo didn't know but that day two heart broke after his confession. But Chan didn't know too.
"You're lying."
"Well I maybe, but they don't. I just let them have their fun cause I know their heart belongs to me and they'll come back to me in the end, so don't act like you own them, they blocked you cause I told them so."
With that Wonwoo left the room, Seokmin glanced at him briefly before making his way out of the door leaving Chan in his lonesome.
Days after that were hard, he tried to talk with you but either you ghosted him or ignored him or either Wonwoo or Seokmin were there to stop him.
After one point, he could clearly see that the breakup hadn't affected you even the slightest and he started hating you.
He started spending time with new people to avoid confrontations which lead him to know about you and Soonyoung and your breakup and he concluded, you just loved playing with people's feelings.
He gave you love, so much love but it wasn't enough for you, you never wanted his love, just his attention. As the time passed he could clearly see that you never really loved him.
The thoughts of the past stabbed his heart once again and how after all this time he was still wrapped around your fingers. The thing about you having feelings for Wonwoo were true so he ultimately believed that other things were true too.
He looked at the letter on his hand as he shredded it into many pieces. You may have lifted the burden on your shoulders by apologising to him but he was still far from forgiving you.
You broke him in a way, he questioned if he would ever get fixed. He threw the envelope and sticky note in the trash can along with the pieces of letter and made his way towards his bed.
"I am not mad at you but I'm mad at myself for giving you my heart to play with it."
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thatsdemko · 5 years
Treat you better- C.Caufield
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Requested: yes|no
A/N: this is another non-requested I have started writing requested imagines they are works in progress so in the mean time you might see some of my works from wattpad that have been published to give people something to read while I work on the requested!
Your boyfriend had cheated on you. It's not something you certainly expected coming from that you had been dating for almost two years now, and he decided to be stupid and do that. So there you laid in your billet brothers bed sobbing. What made it worse was that he told you over text that he cheated on you, he didn't love you anymore, and wished you were a whole lot different than the way you were.
Your billet brother, Marshall, had to leave for his game in two hours, and he knew you were in no condition to leave the house, especially since you and your boyfriend before this all happened had plans to go to the game together. He wanted you to be there, as did one other person on the team. He hadn't told the guys that you weren't coming as well as hadn't come up with a lie yet to hold off for a bit from telling the truth.
"I'm so sorry, he's an idiot anyways, y/n." Marshall hugged you as your phone started buzzing like crazy. You hadn't replied to your ex by now, figuring that there was nothing to say. Once you read the text you immediately made your way to Marshall's room. He was someone you actually did treat as a brother since he got so close to you over the years, and you both were going to be attending Boston college next year.
"I just wish this didn't happen to me." You sobbed into his chest as he held you tighter picking up your phone from the bed reading that somehow jack had found out. And then Alex. Then case. And Cole. Cole was Marshall's best friend and the guy who had a crush on you. Yeah sure, you had small feelings for Cole, but you were in love with your boyfriend at the time. What were you going to do anyway?
"I know, but think of it this way, it's better off like this. Now you can be yourself and not worry about someone else. That's what you wanted anyway, right? After all the times he's let you down?" Marshall was right. For once a guy was right. You had told Marshall, and sometimes Cole, thousands of times crying to them you weren't going to let another guy control your life. You wanted to just be single, although you hated it, you wanted a slight bit of freedom or opportunities to be free while in a relationship not entirely tied down.
"I suppose," you whispered wiping away your tears from your cheeks as Marshall got up from his bed about to start getting ready. "Why don't you come to the game, yeah? The guys will be happy to see you, plus you can get your mind off this." He suggested and you nodded your head getting up off the bed, "I'll just go get ready." You said as Marshall handed you one of his u17 jerseys on your way out.
"How did you all find out anyway?"
"He told us all."
"All of you? Except for me?"
"Well I'm sure he imagined you were going to find out since y/n always runs to you and Cole to begin with." Trevor rolled his eyes, he was right though. You told Cole and Marshall everything. If something was going on in your life they knew about it. You knew your boyfriend was jealous about that, but you just had a better bond with them anyways, it never meant anything.
"That's not always true." Cole announced and jack scoffed, "oh please you're happy when she talks to you! You love her! Just admit it!" He joked and a few of the guys laughed expect for Marshall. Marshall knew about Cole liking you, and he wasn't going to say anything.
"No I don't! Maybe you like her." Cole suggested, at one point you knew jack did have a crush on you, in fact half the guys did expect for Marshall. All of their crushes went away as time went on, but Coles stuck with him.
"False, man, I don't."
"look if any of you were to act on your crush on her she wouldn't want to date you anyway. But Cole he's the only one who's suited for her on this team."
You sat alone near the parents. Jacks mom was excited to see you, but when she asked where your boyfriend was you just came up with a lie saying he couldn't be there, you would assume jack would just tell her later of what happened. So there you sat. Your parents weren't coming due to being out of town visiting your older siblings at college, so it was just you and Marshall for the weekend until they got back.
The puck dropped and you were now consumed into your text messages seeing your ex had texted you asking if you both could just be friends. But how could you? After what he did to you? There was no way you could possibly ever want to just be friends.
And then it had gotten worse when he actually showed up to the game sitting rows away from you. You didn't want to see him. It was way too soon after a break up and this was bad. Extremely bad since he wasn't alone. No, he took what was supposed to be your ticket and is now with the girl he cheated on you with. You felt tears threatening to spill as you couldn't help but keep looking at them both being really happy together. You knew you weren't always the best girlfriend, but this was still horrible. The fact that she was still with him?
You couldn't take it any longer deciding to just get up and leave the game now. You didn't need to see them being all happy up in your face. It was like he was doing this to you on purpose.
"Can you tell Marshall I'm going to be in his car? I'm just not feeling too well." You said to mrs. Hughes who nodded her head, "sure thing, sweetheart, I hope you feel better." She offered a smile and you nodded your head rushing out of the arena now.
"She didn't leave, she's just in your car she started to not feel well." Mrs. Hughes explained to Marshall and he nodded his head thanking her now seeing your ex boyfriend waiting. It was like he was waiting to talk to you, Marshall, or Cole, but Marshall just kept walking not even taking a look over at him and headed out the door, and right behind was Cole.
"where was y/n?" He asked and Marshall explained to him what he assumed happened during the game.
You were still sitting in the car. You had practically cried yourself to sleep in his car so you were in one of Marshall's sweatshirts he had in the back and you used his jersey as a blanket to keep yourself warm.
The sound of the door unlocking scared you causing you to jump up frightened seeing Marshall opening the drivers door and Cole got into the backseat.
"Why'd you leave?" Marshall asked and you shook your head not wanting to talk about it. As you looked back to see Cole sitting there.
"Hey," he smiled pushing some of your hair out of your face and you smiled softly at him before looking back at Marshall as now the backseat door opened and jack came in, "hey, want me to beat him up?" Jack asked causing you to laugh lightly shaking your head, "no it's okay."
"You sure? We can." Cole suggested and you shook your head now looking at Cole. And there it was. It was so clear to you now. But you couldn't now. Not after a break up so quickly.
"Thank you guys I appreciate it, but he wants to be friends." You said with a slight eye roll and Marshall scoffed, "that can only mean one thing. He just wants to get back at you."
"Bro, if this motherfucker doesn't leave the arena I'm going to beat his ass." Trevor said as he and Patrick came into the car now as they were squished together in Marshall's backseat.
You laughed, Trevor always knew how to make a situation light hearted and you loved that about him. He was just a guy with a good sense of humor, "you guys, it's okay." You admitted although it wasn't. Cole could tell it was not okay, he could tell you were trying to make it be better than you wished.
"I'm still serious though, y/n, I'll beat his ass." Trevor said hopping out of the car now coming up to your window shouting, "I will beat his ass! Swear to God! Period!" He said as Patrick shoved him telling him that he would get beat up in a millisecond.
"Offer still stands on the table." Jack stood up slightly reaching out to hug you as best as he could in the car, "thank you, j. But I'm really okay." You lied again as jack pulled away messing up Coles hair before getting out of the car as you now watched Patrick drive by, "I will beat his ass!" Trevor shouted causing you to laugh watching them drive off as Patrick cranked up the music to tune Trevor out.
"I umm I have to ask jack for something actually I'll be back." Marshall got out of the car leaving you and Cole alone now.
"You don't have to lie to me." Cole said reaching out and grabbing your hand as you accepted it intertwining your fingers together like you always did with him when you were nervous.
"I know I don't." You admitted as he moved closer to you now on the edge of the seat, "then talk to me," he said as you sighed, "Cole, I don't know. I saw him tonight this was just way too soon to be seeing him and the fact that he was happy? Gosh I thought I just hit rock bottom. What did I do to deserve this?"
"Nothing. You're a perfectly good person and you didn't deserve that from him. You deserve a guy who will treat you better than what you've been treated like." Cole said, he wanted that to be him badly knowing he'd treat you so good. But he knew it couldn't be him and that you wouldn't go for a guy like him.
"Are there guys even out there like that?" You asked and he nodded his head, "yeah," he said stroking your hand with his thumb making your heart go crazy, "you know any of them? Want to shoot them in my direction?"
"Me." He said not even making direct eye contact with you. you weren't even shocked that he said that, but he was more than you could imagined.
"I knew that." You said with a smile appearing on your face as he looked up from the floor at you, "what?"
"Come on, ask me out." You giggled and he blushed as a big smile appeared on his face, "will you go out with me, y/n?"
"Yes I would love too, Cole."
"See you Friday?"
"See you Friday."
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