#this...was from february im so sorry kfhhjfdjfg
eorumverba · 7 years
hi can you write a youtuber au with taekey??? something like a boyfriend tag or something cute and fluffy like that. i'm really enjoying reading all of your writings :D tysm
i love youtuber aus…………….
“So after the last live, there have been tons of requests for me to properly introduce Tae, and since I just hit a million - which, thank you by the way - I figured, why not now? So we didn’t really…plan out anything, so we’ll just see how this goes.”
Kibum is kind of famous on Youtube. He’s close to hitting a million subscribers, and while he’s not that focused on the number of subscribers, he is extremely grateful, and has been thinking about what to do for a million for weeks, but he doesn’t figure out what to do until he’s busy doing a live on Instagram (he’s kind of famous there) and Taemin stumbles into their bedroom, flopping down onto bed and nuzzling into Kibum, eyes still shut.
“Make me breakfast?” he mumbles, evidently not realizing that he’s live for thousands to see, more than half asleep, soft and sleepy around the edges.
“In a minute, I’m kind of in the middle of something here.”
Taemin grumbles under his breath and presses his nose into Kibum’s shoulder, letting out a long yawn before squirming closer and holding Kibum close. The comments that are flying past the screen are all saying variations of the same thing now: asking who that is, saying that he’s really cute, some asking if he’s single.
“This is Taemin,” Kibum decides to say, quiet in case Taemin is drifting off again, “my boyfriend. So no, he’s not single. And yeah, he is pretty cute, when he’s not being…well, Taemin.”
Taemin looks up and only then connects the phone in Kibum’s hand to Instagram and to Youtube and, “Oh.”
“They’re all talking about you, Tae.” Kibum passes the phone to Taemin, who squints at the comments and then blinks rapidly as he tries to read them all.
“There’s too much.”
“Just pick some questions and answer them, silly. It’s not that hard.”
“Or you can give me the phone back?”
Taemin pouts at Kibum before sitting up and focusing on the comments. He giggles under his breath at some before saying, “How did Kibummie and I meet? That’s a good story…we had dance together back in high school, and I was super intimidated because - have you seen him dance? He’s amazing, and I wanted to talk to him, but he always had this bitch frown on his face so it took me months to go over to him and I don’t even know what I said, but he just looked at me and I ran away, and well. I was mortified and I almost didn’t go back to dance the next day, but he came over and asked to stretch with me and we kinda just…got closer. I don’t think we started officially dating until college? But no one was surprised when it happened. Jonghyun-hyung-”
(“Jonghyun.948 on Youtube, check out his stuff.” Kibum interrupts, mostly out of habit.)
“Jonghyun-hyung,” Taemin starts again, “lost a bet over it actually. He-”
Kibum looks up when Taemin stops abruptly, but it’s only because Taemin is covering his flustered smile with his hand. Someone probably called him cute then, or something like that. Kibum’s followers are all super sweet like that.
“Kibummie’s still here, yeah. Uh, no - I don’t have a channel. Will we ever do a dance for you guys? Maybe? I’ve never thought about it actually. I do still dance, yeah.” Taemin hides another smile and shakes his head before thrusting the phone back to Kibum, but his eyes are sparkling and he looks like he’s thoroughly enjoyed himself.
“Your followers are all really nice, Kibummie.”
“I know, they’re the best. Although, I do have to end this so I can make Tae something to eat, so say bye, Taeminnie.” Kibum tilts the phone and Taemin smiles and waves, leaning into the frame as Kibum says his goodbyes before ending the live.
“That was fun, I see why you do these so often now. Now, breakfast?”
Kibum nods and follows Taemin to the kitchen, but instead of thinking about what to make for them to eat, his mind is on what he’s just decided to do for one million subscribers.
That one million comes not two weeks later, and once Kibum explains what he wants to do, it’s all too easy to get Taemin to agree - so once Taemin comes home from teaching his last lessons and is showered, they set up in the living room where the lighting is best. Kibum runs through his usual intro before taking a breath and saying, “I don’t know how many of you managed to catch my last live, but as you can see, we have a special guest here - introduce yourself?”
“Uh, I’m Taemin, and I’m Kibum’s boyfriend. It’s nice to meet you all?” Taemin breaks out into a laugh and Kibum knows then that this will be a good one.
“So after the last live, there have been tons of requests for me to properly introduce Tae, and since I just hit a million - which, thank you by the way - I figured, why not now? So we didn’t really…plan out anything, so we’ll just see how this goes.”
A long pause (that will be edited out) before Kibum starts again, “So we’ve known each other since high school, and we had dance class together. Do you wanna…?”
“Uh, yeah okay. So-” Taemin laughs again, “Kibummie is really sweet, but I was really intimidated by him at first? He would always frown at dance and he was so good and I wanted to…I don’t know, I guess I just wanted to learn from him? But yeah, it took me months to talk to him, and I said something stupid-”
“Something about my shoes, actually.”
“Shut up, I was nervous. Anyway, I almost didn’t go to practice the next day because…well, Kibum can be very intimidating. But he came over to me and asked to stretch with me, and we kind of just…kept talking.”
“I actually thought Tae was amazing for a freshman, so I was a little intimidated by him. But he was so silly when he came up to me that I wanted to get closer to him. And we hit it off almost immediately-”
“We did this dance performance together at the end of the year and this one was so excited at how well it turned out that he kissed me. Which was crazy? Because we got close quickly and it seemed obvious that we’d eventually start dating, but…yeah. It was nice.”
“Nice as in he blinked and stammered something for a few seconds before his parents came backstage. He looked like a startled deer, it was pretty cute.”
“Listen, if we’re doing embarrassing moments, nothing will top the way - remember at Jonghyun’s birthday?”
“Oh my god, I hate you.”
“So for Jjong’s birthday - it was his last year at college and Kibum’s third? And my first I think. But yeah, we went to Jeju, and the place we were staying at had three floors, and the stairs to the third were really small and steep, so no one really went up there, but there was this huge tv up there so the five of us were watching movies before bed, and Kibum and I went to refill the popcorn and I was in front of him, and all of a sudden I hear this bang and I turn around and Kibum’s just on the floor on his butt, and his eyes were so wide and-” Taemin breaks off into laughter and Kibum rolls his eyes, shoving him to the side and giving into the apologetic, giggly kisses that Taemin promptly begins to press to his cheeks.
“I think I tweeted about it, actually.”
“But yeah, we didn’t actually officially date until like…Kibum’s last year of college. At this point, everyone thought we were dating already, but girls still kept coming up to him-”
“You as well!”
“But mostly you, Kibummie. And like…we’d kissed already and we’d been on what I thought were dates, but he’d still flirt with these girls even if I was there, so-”
“You thought I was flirting? I was just being nice!”
Taemin’s lips fall into a pout and Kibum rolls his eyes again before facing the camera again. “Anyway, what else? Our first kiss was kind of anticlimactic, so our second kiss…”
“That was at Jonghyun’s party too, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, on the stairs, not the ones I fell on. Do we have any cute kiss stories?”
“I mean, that time we went ice skating was cute. We went during winter break and Kibummie can’t skate, so we held hands the whole time and at one point, I was skating backwards and tugging Kibum along, and we were holding hands so I just…stopped and when he bumped into me I grabbed him by the waist and kissed him. It was cute until one of our friends bumped into us at full speed, totally on accident.”
“We fell down and Tae had to sit down for a while so we shared some hot cocoa, so it turned out well.” Taemin pauses, then frowns a little. “What now?”
“I think we can end it there, don’t you?”
“Yeah, it’s good.”
“Then…Tae will be around if you guys want to see more of him, maybe I’ll record some of his dancing for you all. Which I guess means we’ll have to choreograph a duet, doesn’t it?”
Kibum leans over to kiss Taemin’s cheek, but as he pulls away, Taemin catches him and drags him back in for a proper, albeit chaste kiss. And after that, Kibum runs through his usual outro with Taemin’s hand warm on his thigh, before turning off the webcam and ending the video.
“That was fun, we should do it more.”
“You could make a channel yourself.”
“That’s too much work though, and I’d forget the password. Kibummie, please?”
“Okay, we can. Come on, get off of me so I can edit this.”
“I’ll start on dinner-”
“I’ll…order pizza.”
“Better.” Kibum mutters, mostly under his breath. Taemin immediately begins to sulk, so Kibum leans over and kisses his cheek before saying, “I love you so much.”
As expected, Taemin melts into the touch before mumbling, “Love you too.”
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