savingbuckyb · 5 years
about a boy
your crooked smile,
I favored more than your eyes
not of the way you smiled at me,
but the way a grin tugs on the corner of pulpy lips
at a blues song or the taste of your favorite drink
your large, calloused hands gripping my thigh
while i preferred them wrapped around my neck
skilled, playing me like worn out guitar strings,
how i wish to be held between your two fingers
and ashed out when you’ve had enough
“I do like you.” he said.
a wild stare and a stern line
“Don’t look at me like that.”
i wish i said but i didn’t before i fell
face first for the crooked smile,
cold brew and the guitar strings,
the scar on your hip and your thumbs against my cheeks
to be every story you tell,
to be every word tumbling off your tongue
mine, you called me,
a sojourn that lingered a while longer
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