lightininglydia · 2 years
I Wish I Was Her - Jonathan Byers
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Synopsis: Steve wasn’t the only one who got hurt at Tina’s Halloween party... Turns out unrequited feelings can be a bitch
Warnings: Unrequited Love, Jonathan and the reader not knowing how to handle their emotions, some curse words, mentions of drinking + Minor character death and not proof read lmao ( My Bad ) 
WC: 2.9k
A/N: Showing Jonathan Byers a little love on this app because there’s like NO fics for him! Anyways feel free to request some fics ( especially Jonathan ones because I’m determined to become THE Jonathan fic writer! ) Hope y’all enjoy this one! Open to a part 2 for it as well!
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You stood by yourself in the crowded room- you have no idea how Nancy actually managed to convince you to come with her and Steve to this stupid party. You would much rather be at home, curled up next to your cat watching Halloween movies or out with the boys as they wandered the streets trick or treating.
She promised you that you would have a good time and that she would stick by you the whole time but something had very clearly happened to her earlier that day that made her want to get wasted and forget about whatever was troubling her so now here you stood alone and ready to leave.
At first the idea of coming to a party and letting loose with your friends seemed like a good idea especially considering the one year anniversary of Will going missing and everything with The Upside down was coming up and it would do everyone some good to have some fun but as of right now you were not having any fun whatsoever. 
You let out a sigh of relief when you watched Jonathan walk into the crowded house, quickly b-lining towards him. You knew he wouldn’t want to stay for long so you secretly hoped he would take you home or that the two of you would go and do something- anything would be better than the party at this point.
What you didn’t notice while making your way towards him was Carol who stood with a small smirk on her face as she outstretched her leg just as you were about to pass her.
You fell forward but two strong arms caught you before you could hit the ground. When you cast your glance upwards you were more than happy to see that Jonathan was your savior.
“ Hi “ you beamed up at him
He laughed as he pulled you up right “ Hi ” he greeted, his voice soft and welcoming like it always was with you.
“ I didn’t think you’d come “ you admitted softly, your hands still holding onto his arms 
He shrugged “ Nancy really wanted me here “ 
“ I did too “ 
He smiled at your words, blushing slightly. It warmed your heart knowing you had a small effect on the boy, it gave you the tiniest bit of hope that he felt the same way that you did.
“ I gotta say when I saw you from across the room you looked miserable “
You laughed while nodding “ I’ve been ditched and I am not having fun- My original plan was definitely the better choice but of course I let them drag me here “ you mumbled while nodding your head towards Steve and Nancy who were dancing in the crowd. 
“ Ahh I see... wanna get out of here? I've been here for a total of two minutes and I already hate it “ 
“ I knew you’d come and save me! “ You exclaimed, finally realizing that your hands were still holding onto his arms and his hands were still holding onto your waist. 
He laughed and opened his mouth to respond but the sounds of Steve and Nancy arguing pulled your attention away from each other and towards them, both of you turning to face them. 
You gasped when the red punch spilled all over Nancy’s white shirt, watching her storm away from Steve and into the bathroom. He sighed before following after her. You went to go after the couple to ensure they were okay but Jonathan tightened his grip on your waist.
“ Just let them sort it out “ he mumbled in your ear 
You sighed before leaning back into him, allowing him to wrap his arms around your waist and lean his head on top of yours “ I’m worried about them... somethings been up with Nance these past few days and things feel off with her and Steve “ 
“ They’ll work it out and if they don’t then who cares? I really don’t think they are making it past high school and I think there’s someone more suited for Nancy out there anyways “ 
Your face scrunched up in confusion at his words “ What do you mean by that? “ 
“ I don’t know I mean- I just never really thought Steve was right for her “ He explained 
“ Yeah well who is then? You? “ 
When you were met with silence a violent wave of emotions washed over you. You had been so wrapped up in your own feelings for him you hadn’t realized him slipping out of reach as he fell for Nancy. 
“ So you do think it’s you “ 
Jonathan sighed “ look I know it’s wrong to pine after a girl whose already taken but- we had something last year... I could feel it I mean I waited for her but then she got back with Steve and it’s just been this awkward cycle of will we wont we... so I’m sorry for hoping they break up and I know it’s selfish but I just want a shot- just one to see if I’m crazy or if Nancy Wheeler could really fall for a guy like me “ 
You could feel the tears burning in your eyes as you listened to him and really took in what he was saying. Of course he would fall for a girl like Nancy Wheeler- she was beautiful but she was also so much more than that. She was smart and kind and an absolute badass if you were being honest so it made perfect sense that he would love someone like that. 
“ Well then you should go for it- if they break up I mean “ You told him as you fought back the tears and tried to push through the strain in your voice.
“ yeah? “ You could hear the smile in his voice and it broke your heart
“ yeah “ you confirmed, pushing him towards happiness knowing what it meant. 
Loving someone wasn’t always easy and in situations like this it felt like the hardest thing in the world but all you wanted was for him to be happy and if Nancy Wheeler was the person who could do that then it was what he deserved. He deserved someone who would love him unconditionally for who he was and all that he stood for. Loving someone came with sacrifices and heartaches but you would gladly take all that pain just to see him radiate the happiness you hadn’t seen from him in a long time. 
There was a silence that lulled over the two of you, Jonathan radiating happiness at the idea of him and Nancy while simultaneously feeling grateful for your support while you stood there already wallowing in self pity.
You were comfortable in his arms and imagined what it would be like if the two of you were something more than just friends. 
Steve suddenly stormed out of the bathroom and towards you and Jonathan “ Please make sure she gets home safely “ he muttered before continuing to walk away
Your eyes followed Steve as Jonathan’s settled on the bathroom he had just come out of. Your heart hurt a little as Jonathan let go of you and rushed towards the bathroom.
You weighed your current options- you could go after Jonathan and see if Nancy was okay, Walk home or go after Steve and see if he was alright.
After standing there for a second you quickly made your way outside and over to where Steve had parked his car. Thankfully he was still there, sitting on the hood with his head in his hands.
“ Hey “ you whispered as you climbed onto the hood of his car, sitting next to him
“ Please just go away “ he mumbled without even casting his glance towards you.
You sighed at Steve’s request- in no way were the two of you best friends but in the last year you had grown to really care for him.
“ I’d be a pretty shitty friend if I left you here all by yourself… if you really want to be alone I’ll go but if you want someone to listen then I’ll stay “
He looked up at you and your face dropped at the sight of tears falling down his face
“ oh Steve “ you whispered before pulling him into your arms. His sobs vibrated your body as he clung onto you for support.
Never in your lifetime did you expect Steve Harrington to be clinging to you as he sobbed- a year ago you would have laughed at the idea of your high school tormentor allowing you to comfort him in his most vulnerable moment but somehow right here in this moment it made perfect sense.
“ Wanna tell me what happened? Or do you wanna just sit here and calm down? “ You asked, your voice soft 
He nodded before beginning to explain what had been happening these past few days and what lead up to tonight.You listened intensely as he explained to you what had happened and Nancy’s “ everything is bullshit “ rant.
“ She’s hurting Steve and I know it’s not fair for her to lash out on you but Barb died and it was just brushed under the rug... her parents are driving themselves into debt trying to find out what really happened to her and it’s probably so hard for Nancy to carry that burden- you didn’t know Barb like Nancy did so I understand that you don’t feel it like she does but you also have to understand how it must feel for her “ 
“ I want to I really do but it’s not my fault- It’s not her fault either I mean none of us knew what was happening... I feel so guilty that I can’t feel how she does but like you said I didn’t know Barb like she did- I talked to her twice and then she was gone “ 
“ I know. “ 
“ And now I just gave Byers the perfect opportunity to play the hero and win her heart- god I’m such an idiot... I love her so much and I don’t want this to be the end “ He admitted 
“ Listen... Sometimes you have to let the people you love go knowing they may never come back “ 
“ Is that what you’re doing with Byers? Letting him go? “ His voice was soft and void of any judgement as he asked you this- it was comforting that the two of you could talk so openly and vulnerably with one another. 
You nodded “ How’d you know? “
He almost laughed “ Anyone within a twenty mile radius can see how in love with him you are- everyone except him “
“ Well this fucking sucks “ you mumbled as you leaned your head on his shoulder
“ yeah… yeah it does “ he grumbled back as he wrapped his arm around you
The two of you were silent for a while but the sight of Jonathan practically carrying Nancy out of the party made both of you sit up straight.
You listened as he softly spoke to her, desperately pleading with her to get into the car
“ The universe loves twisting the knife “ you muttered before hoping off of Steve’s car and beginning to walk home
“ Where are you going? “ He shouted after you 
“ Home “ you called back as you began walking faster 
“ At least let me drive you “ He pleaded
You turned around shaking your head “ I live next to the Wheeler’s Steve... I don’t think you want to drive me home- Hell I don’t even want to go home but I’ve got a pint of Rocky Road in the freezer and a cat waiting for me “ 
“ Let me drive you home... Maybe split the pint with me because if I’m being honest right now I could really use a friend and some cat cuddles “ 
You laughed “ yeah okay... I could really use a friend right now too considering the only others are a bunch of kids and my best friend who I’m in love with “
Steve grinned at your response as he hopped off the hood of his car and raced to the passenger side and opening the door for you
The drive to your house was a rather short one that was filled with a comfortable silence. While your situations weren’t exactly the same the two of you had come to an understanding- you loved people who did not love you back and it hurt.
When the two of you got out of the car you locked eyes with Jonathan who stood in the doorway of the Wheeler’s house. You handed Steve your house key “ Go on in... I should probably talk to him “ You mumbled while nodding your head towards Jonathan. 
Steve gave a slight nod before walking up your front steps and letting himself in your house.  
“ What are you doing with him? “ Jonathan asked as he made his way out of the Wheeler’s house and over to you
“ Same thing you’re doing with Nancy... I’m being a friend “ You explained 
Jonathan scoffed “ I took Nancy to her house not mine and he’s the one that just left her there!  “ 
His change in tone almost gave you whiplash as you struggled to understand what the issue here was. 
“ you’re the one that wanted him to and why does it even matter that I’m with him right now?“ You shot back
He bitterly laughed “ And what exactly do you think is going to happen here? You think now that Nance is out of the picture you’ll somehow end up with him? “ His tone was harsher than you had ever heard.  
“ Excuse me? I don’t know what you think is happening here Jonathan but it’s most definitely not that- I went out to check on him and he offered to drive me home because I was going to walk! He needs a friend right now- You don’t even know what happened between them!“ 
“ Is this why you told me to go for it with Nancy? Because you wanted to be with Steve? God I thought you were being a good friend and being supportive but no... You’re just like everyone else- Always in it for yourself “ He spat
You really didn’t understand what was happening right now and why he was so angry that you were with Steve and you most certainly did not understand why he was accusing you of having ulterior motives with Steve. 
“ Are you kidding me right now Jonathan? Listen I get it- You and Steve have an ugly history but he’s my FRIEND! My friend! That is it! If you weren’t so fucking focused on Nancy you would realize the only person I’ve ever wanted is YOU so no I’m not like everyone else because most people would be selfish! They would be selfish and tell the person they are in love with NOT to go for it but instead I told you to because I love you and I want you to be happy “ Your voice was strained from yelling and you could feel the tears streaming down your face but you didn’t care
How dare he accuse you of only caring about yourself when you were more than willing to have your heart thrown into a blender just to see him happy.
Jonathan felt like he was frozen solid, unable to move at your confession. A wave of guilt surged through him as he realized what he had said to you, putting aside your secret feelings for him you were always a good friend and you had always put him first no matter what and even if you had feelings for Steve that didn’t justify or excuse what he had just said to you
“ I- I don’t know what to say “ He confessed, refusing to meet your eye
You scoffed “ Of course you don’t “ 
Jonathan’s eyes finally met yours “ You can’t just dump something like that on me and expect me to know what to say “ 
You crossed your arms over your chest and looked down at the ground, no longer feeling comfortable with being vulnerable with him “ Okay Jonathan” You whispered before turning around and making your way towards your house 
“ Wait so that’s it? “ He called out after you
You turned around to look at him, Tears spilling out of your eyes “ What else is left for me to say? Do you want me to tell you that it’s okay? That we can just forget about this and move on? Or do you want me to tell you how badly I wish I was her? How I would kill for you to look at me like that- Just answer this one question... If it was her standing here right now would you know what to say? “
When you were met with silence you knew you had your answer “ Goodbye Jonathan “ 
You felt a terrible feeling as you walked away from him- almost as if this was the end of something. You wanted desperately to turn around and apologize but there was nothing to be sorry for... You wouldn’t apologize for loving him and you wouldn’t make him apologize for not loving you. 
This was something that was either going to slowly work itself out or something that would cause the two of you to be nothing but a childhood memory in the others mind as life continued on. 
Love was many things but tonight it was nothing but pain and regret.
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imhisknife · 4 years
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-   FANCY DATE (pt. 1/?) (Javier x Fem Reader)
WC: 2,800
You and Javier have a fancy date planned, but unlike him, you haven’t always been the best dresser. He takes you to the Saint Denis tailor to “help” you out. (BASICALLY... SHOPPING WITH YOUR BF JAVIER)
- fLUFF!!! - but ummm... a bit more hOT AND STEAMY THAN MY OTHER STORIES WILL BE 
NOTE:  some parts of this is lowkey inspired by the AO3 story HorseFeathers... (sorry, but I loved that shit, js)
 ··   °      . •    .   .          . °  ✸* .   ✶         ° °°            "What's wrong with what I'm wearing, huh?" You rested a hand at your hip, while your other hand held a silver pail. You were in the middle of chores when Javier pulled you aside to discuss his weekend plans with you. You were touched that he thought of it all, but you were suspicious about needing ‘fancier attire’.
        "Oh, nothing, nothing—but um..." He tilted his head, talking carefully as if he didn't want to offend. You had a grey shirt on with the sleeves rolled at your forearms. It had a simple design embroidered into it — but that was all it was — simple. You wore a long, silk skirt along with it. It had been a pretty thing... once. It was red, hemmed up to your knees to show a bit of your black leather boots beneath; but now it was faded by the sun, worn by the work, and in some areas there were small tears and rips. 
        "I can get these stitched in no time," You say, following his eyes and feeling a little embarrassed. "There's really no need to—,"
        Before you could object, he was scooping at your waist and pulling you close to him. You dropped your pail and it rolled away on the floor. You were about to complain, when Javier suddenly held your face so you couldn’t look away. His touch was gentle though, just like his tone. "Although you'd look beautiful wearing old rags, mi amor, what man would I be, to not spoil you? Hmm? And you can't say no to me this time,"
        Lost in his brown eyes, you knew you really couldn't say no. Besides, you remembered all the different occasions he had offered to buy you things. To take you places. To dote upon you. You were just so difficult. 
        "Well, Javi...” You still tried to protest, “I do have other dresses, you know—?”
        He spoke over you, as if he didn't hear. "Hmm, you would be so stunning with a new ensemble. So stunning with pearls at your neck. Matching earrings... a shawl over your shoulders. I could you get in a white dress too someday—,"
        "Alright, alright," You say, flushing a deep red. "Let's just get it over with...”
        Javier smiled wide. "Vamanos, mi hermosa,”
*        *        *
        When you and Javier get to Saint Denis, your heart ached for him. You noticed all the staring, heard all the racial slurs being whispered as you and him passed. You glare back at them, grinding your teeth in your mouth. You want to do more, however. You want to turn back and throw up a-not-so subtle gesture but it's almost like Javier could read your mind, sense your distress, because he grabbed your hand and squeezed it tight. You felt comforted, and paid a lot less attention to it everyone else. Though it might've worked for a little while... you had just about reached your limit when you two walked into the tailor.
        "Are you lost, sir?" A voice said, colored with disgust.
        You hardly looked at the guy who said it, before you spoke up, loud and curt. "No," You answered, before Javier could. You pulled him close to you. "We're not,"
        The man was old with a bald spot at the top of his head. He looked shocked by your words. He studied the both of you, still doubtful. "Well... a lot of what we have in stock here is quite expensive, are you sure that—?"
        Having dealt with these kinds of things all his life, Javier might have known how to keep his cool. But you didn't. You pulled a revolver from your satchel and held it in front of the man's face.
        "Just close the shop and give us fifteen minutes,"
        When you did it, Javier sighed. He couldn't help but grin a little though, seeing you so stoic and resolute. A part of you wished you were like him in more ways that one... sure, at the end of the day you may come out dressed significantly better but there was no changing your ill-temper and boldness. He knew it himself.
        "Knowing us, mi amor," He chuckled lightly, "I'd say we need a little longer than that," He didn't try to stop you as he passed, instead he was already scanning the place.
        You agreed with a shrug and looked at the cashier. The man had his arms thrown up in the air and was staring at you with wide eyes. You smiled fleetingly. "Just keep quiet until we're done, please?" You looked to his side and saw a door. It must have been a closet. 
        While gesturing with your gun, you told him to get in there. The man nodded more than once, gulping as he obeyed you, twisting open the door and vanishing inside.
        "Alright..." You say, stuffing your gun away. “What’s this expensive stock?”
        Your eyes glossed over the mannequins. Ridiculous hats stood on display and you flicked your fingers at a long feather sewed onto one of them. You rarely ever went shopping much — and never in a fancy place like this. Seeing the options, though, a part of you felt like you weren't missing out too much. 
         “Javier,” You groaned in annoyance. “I don't know about this...” 
        "Ah, be quiet,” He said over his shoulder. “This’ll be fine,”
        You went on for a few minutes struggling to find something you liked. It didn’t take long for Javier, though. 
        He had something in his hand and he was waving you over to him. “C’mere and try this for me,”
        “No, the tailor... yes, you!”
        You walk over and look at what he was holding with a grimace. When you made no move to take it, he cocked his head.
        “Do you need me to put it on for you, or—?”
        Half-annoyed by his teasing, you snatched the dress and set it beside you as you began to undress.
        You had to crane your neck to the floor every time you undid the ties of your corset. But once it was off and your blouse dropped loosely at your shoulders, you felt yourself being pulled away. Without warning, your back was against the wall and Javier had his arms at your sides, keeping you there.
        “Or...” He said, smiling at the sight of you trapped by him. 
         “Do you need me to undress you...?” His voice trailed. And so did his hands. He went from kissing your open mouth, to grazing your bare shoulders.
       “Javier,” You said, stiffening behind his touch. Although you didn’t want him to stop, you couldn’t bring yourself to match his building aggression. “I pulled a gun on the tailor to be in here... I think we should be quick, don’t you?”
        He laughed against your neck. “Oh, I can be quick—,”
        “That’s not what I meant—,”
        “No?” Your blouse fell lower and he started kissing your collarbone. 
        ”Javier!” You hissed.
        ”Ay, I’m just toying with you,” He withdrew, turning on his heels. He was chuckling to himself while you rolled your eyes, flushing with heat. You held the dress close to your chest as you watched him look through the store, whistling.
        He threw two more dresses your way and you sighed, taking them into you arms as you went to head into the changing room. 
        "Why don't you just change in here?" You heard him say. 
        "It would be too much excitement for you, it seems,"
         He made a tsk sound but let you go. 
        You went to the other room. You had no trouble... until you slipped inside the new dress and found that you couldn't tie up the laces at your back on your own. With pursed lips you shuffled out to get his help. He smirked devilishly when you did. And boy, did he take his time with it. He was humming, his fingers brushing the bare skin of you back. It sent tingles down your spine, but you tried not to show it. You knew what he was doing. Knew he was stalling. After a few seconds you folded your arms across your chest impatiently. 
        "Having trouble?" You huff, your voice thick was sass. Just as you said it, he took the strings and gave them a tug - one so sudden and forceful it made you yelp.
         "Fun—actually," He corrected, tying a knot and speaking close to your ear.  "Now turn around,"
        You did as he said with a deep scowl. When you turned, Javier had a hand at his chin and his eyes moved over you lazily. 
        "Mi amor,” He drawled after some time of silence. “You’re so sexy when you're angry—,”
        "Oh, save it. Is it good enough or what?"
        "Sure, it’s beautiful... but all I want to do is take the dress right off you again—,"
        Before he could touch you, you stormed back into the changing room to see for yourself. In there, you realized the dress looked a lot better than it did when handed to you. Javier had an eye for this kind of stuff, and you couldn’t deny it. But the longer you looked, you found that you didn't feel comfortable in it. It seemed to much. Too cluttered. It just wasn't you.
        You told him that — and he was more than happy to help you out of the dress and keep looking. Every now and then, though, you’d feel him from behind you, pulling you back against his own body. Sure, he was a lot more helpful you could’ve hoped — but he also had a habit of getting carried away, too. You had to cut him some slack though. It wasn’t every day you two could be alone. You yourself wanted something more than the simple pecks you would give each other at camp, but still you knew that someone had to have an ounce of restraint. You had to remember... your goal was to tease him just like he was teasing you... and this date tomorrow? You wanted it to be special. You couldn’t spoil all the fun now.
        The next time he made a move on you, he had taken you in by the waist and slumped into a chair, bringing you down with him. He had you in his lap, your legs hanging over the arm rest. He kissed you long enough to leave you breathless and when you felt his hands moving over you, you heart was racing wildly. Before he could get too far, however, you stopped them.
        “Javi,” You whispered into him, drawing back.
        “What is it? Am I hurting you?”
         Far from it. But you didn’t tell him that. Instead, you sighed, turning away from a kiss — knowing fully well how that drove him crazy — and tapped your fingers lightly against his chest.
         “Javi, if we were to... you know...”
         “Yes...?” He asked, the slight impatience in his voice making you crack a smile.
         “Well... I...”
         “Yes, Y/N...?"
         “Well, I wouldn’t want to in place where an older man is an earshot away,” You slipped off his lap and stood in front of him, shaking your head like you were talking to a child. "Can you control yourself, please?"
        Javier lolled back into the seat, looking upset, but huffing in agreement. "Fine,"
        Though he finally stopped trying to grab at you, it didn’t lessen that lusty look he had in his eyes whenever you put something new on and went to show him.
         You tried on a few more dresses, skirts and blouses, some you picked, some he picked — but you still felt yourself getting more and more annoyed.
        “You can’t just say you like them all,” You chided Javier, yanking at the skirt of your dress so it laid straight against your legs as you stood before him.
        He looked confused. “But I do,”
        “Oh, please, that last dress had pink ruffles—,” You grimaced incredulously, but he cut you off. 
         “On anyone else I’d say no. But you — you can pull it off," Javier gave a shake of his head. "Y’know... I don't think you're aware of your own beauty, mi amor. You’re always trying to hide it, but there's just too much. And dressing modestly like you usually do... it isn’t gonna stop people from looking... it never stopped me,"
         You start to argue, but stammer and shut your mouth. You found it hard to believe him when he said things like that. You never thought of yourself as beautiful, let alone all that attractive. You knew, however, that if Javier caught you doubting his compliments or being critical of yourself and your looks, he’d go on an even longer rant of flattery and praise, with sadistic threats in between. Then he'd end it off with saying he ‘was only trying to make you love yourself just as much as he loved you’. Your heart fluttered and not wanting him to have to go off again — you sighed.
         “Alright, fine... but eventually you’ll have to make up your mind up and help me pick just one. I—I don’t want to go back to camp with 10 pounds of clothes.”
         “Fair enough,” He said. “But you be honest with yourself, alright? You’re saying no to these dresses because it’s not what you’re used to. But if you know you like it, then hermosa... it’s all yours,”
         A few more minutes passed until you had finally pulled into something that made you stop and stare at your reflection. It might’ve been the one... but a part of you was still unsure. 
         When you came out, Javier was sitting down at the table, rocking back in the chair. Once he turned to you, he stopped rocking and let the chair fall hard against the floor. 
         “That’s it. That’s the one,” He said, pointing at you. 
         “Oh, c’mon," You started to blush. "You’re just saying that because you want to get out of here...”
         He snorted. “You’re kidding, right? You’re over here strutting around half-naked and you think I want this to be over with?” He stood up and dragged you over to the mirror again. 
        "Look. You know it, too. I see it in your eyes. You like this one... admit it,” He was beside you, brushing his fingers through your hair as you looked at yourself again. You started to smile with him.
        “Aha! Eres una preciosa mujer, lo sabes también,”
        You tried to force the smile down as he planted kisses all over it. “But vanity is a sin, Mr. Escuella—!” (You knew bringing that up always drove him crazy too).
        “Oh, shut up. Killing's a sin too, but it’s just part of our lives, ain’t it?”
         He gave you another kiss. Then you went out picking the smaller things, shoes and accessories, to complete your new ensemble. When you were done — you found that Javier was still browsing as well. 
        “Wait—why are you looking for more clothes?”
        He almost looked offended. “We have to match,” He said to you, before continued. Soon Javier had found a black suit, with a tie and vest that went beautifully with the colors of your own outfit
        And finally; the two of you were done. A part of you was against the idea of bothering to wake up the tailor at the front of the store, but the better of you had you doing it anyways. You knocked on the door with your revolver and let the man out. You had found him in the fetal position and you almost felt bad. 
        “Sorry,” You tell him, "but we’re ready to pay now,”
        The man looked baffled, walking back to the register as you smiled sweetly.
        Javier pulled a wad of cash out of his vest pocket and slapped it onto the counter. You weren’t sure of how much it was, but you did know it was enough to get the owner drooling and Javier grinning as smug as a peacock. 
        He hit the guy's shoulder. Although it was nothing more than a teasing hit, the man looked like he had jumped out of his skin. Javier smirked even bigger. “Why don't you keep the change?"
        You kept your gun on the man as he collected the money. "Oh, and... this never happened, understood? You never saw us,"
        The man only nodded.
        Then Javier hooked you by the arm and hauled you out of there. His smile grew bigger as you both hit the streets. 
        “Look at that... they’re already staring,” He whispered close to your ear.
        “I know. Thanks a lot — it’s all ‘cause of your skin color,” You said sarcastically.
        He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and snatched up your hand. Your fingers interwove with his and he planted a kiss on them.
        “Te amo, mi amor, even though you are difficult,” 
        “I know I am,” You smirked. “Por eso te amo, Javier..."
⤹⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽˚⁀➷。˚⸙͎۪۫⋆ ༄ 
  AN: if my Spanish is wRONG, I AM SO SORRY & please correct me.  but anyways, thanks for reading! Please let me know if I should write about the date ;)
​​​​​​​ ⤹⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽˚⁀➷。˚⸙͎۪۫⋆ ༄
ig / wattpad: @imhisknife 
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waeku · 8 years
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have this really badly drawn HIbiscus as I try to get used to drawing digitally again.
belongs to @photovoltaick​ 
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tranquil-artxst · 8 years
I swear I was just talking to myself during the final Resident Evil Video, and the reaction right after- thisisbadimsorry-
Audio Source: @markiplier ‘s Resident Evil 7: Part 9
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That it was common for Sinner to bestow gifts unto people as tokens of endearment or appreciation was perhaps a surprising tact for the unfriendly, inhospitable god, although for him, it was a normality in the mundane life of one living in exile. No present was ever given without serious contemplation on what may suit the receiver and what Sinner intended to convey. False's gift was no exception, and in the late afternoon before the day of lovers, he stewed over his thoughts on the couch and began to grow frustrated when he could think of nothing appropriate. That was until an attractive idea sprung to mind and Sinner felt his spirits uplifted, almost laughing to himself for his ignorance on such a perfect gift.
'Of course.' Thought he, 'Tis both a reflection of him and I. Yes, I think he shall like it.'
So after a visit to the library to research the whereabouts of an active breeder, Sinner visited the aviary where the specialised bird was bred and chose False's new companion. The bird was no bigger than his hand, although quite glorious in its colourful, shimmering plume. It reminded him of something exotic like a reef for its colours were of a brilliant blue and green, flecked with the tinges of purple. The bird was worthy of his appreciation, and Sinner had to tear his gaze away from its perched form within the cage he had purchased to carry him in. He would have liked to marvel at the bird for a while longer, although the thought of seeing False's face once he presented him with his new companion was more appealing for Sinner to delay further. So with a smile, Sinner threw his jacket over the cage and teleported to the front door of False's apartment where with a few eager knocks, he awaited his twin to greet him.
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