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Name: Bronwyn Bennett Age: 25 Sex: Female Birthdate: November 17, 1989 Place of birth: Los Angeles, CA Height: 5'5" Weight: 115lbs Hair: Brown Eye: Blue-green Nationality: American Ethnicity: Italian, unknown IQ: 142 Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Russian
Meet Bronwyn Bennett, an off-the-books undercover FBI agent charged with infiltrating the Men of Mayhem Las Vegas Originals MC in order to obtain intel and evidence to take down both the MC and their arms supplier, the Russian Syndicate.
Born Mia Giordano in 1986, putting her real age at 28, she had a rather difficult home life while growing up. She never knew of her father and her mother was a junkie who couldn't even take care of herself, no less her daughters Mia and Lila. Because of this, she had to grow up entirely too fast as a child so that she could take care of her mother and younger sister. Determined to get as far away from 'home' as possible, she worked very hard in school to get good grades so that she could be accepted to any college she wanted and qualify for the scholarships that would fund her higher education. All of her hard work paid off when she graduated Valedictorian from her high school and was accepted to Yale. 
She didn't slow down a single bit once she was in college, a comfortable distance away from the only place she had ever known as 'home'. In fact, she only pushed herself harder, allowing her schoolwork to take over her life. She opted for academics over having any sort of social life. Double majoring in law and social and behavioral sciences, she attracted the attention of FBI Special Agent in Charge Eric Mischke who paid her a visit in the middle of her third year after one of her law professors had forwarded her information to him. Her gave her his card and told her to keep up her hard work in school and to give him a call once she had graduated. The visit motivated her to not only work more assiduously, but to also pick up more courses than were required. After six years, on May 24, 2010, she graduated from Yale magna cum laude with a J.D./M.P.H. in hand. 
In the fall, following her college graduation, she gave Eric a call. Within a few months, she found herself in Quantico, VA at the FBI academy. She approached everything she did at the academy with the same amount of tenacity, if not more, as she had shown throughout her university years and it showed when she graduated top of her class. It was at her graduation from the academy that she saw Eric again. He offered her a position on one of the undercover operations that he oversaw. After several months of specialized training, she was taken off the books, given her new identity - Bronwyn Bennett, born November 17, 1989 in Los Angeles, CA - and introduced to her partner, Jack Rockwell. 
With Jack, Bronwyn - or Bron as she likes to be called - has taken on some pretty big cases and helped to take down several criminal operations across the US over the last three years. The biggest - and the one that garnered Bron respect among her colleagues who didn't take her seriously because of her age - was that of Petros Sevacherian, known Armenian drug runner working out of Miami, FL. It was her and Jack's work on that case that revealed a human trafficking operation also run by Sevacherian that put a stop to the disappearances of many young high school and college aged women vacationing in the area. 
Their current assignment fell into their hands a months ago - to take down the Russian Syndicate and their ports into America through one of their biggest and strongest ports, the Men of Mayhem MC in Las Vegas, NV. This would be the deepest Bron has ever gone undercover, with Jack serving as her Bureau contact and her support person. Her in would be through Pussykatz, a strip club whose owner was friend to the MC and in which patch members could be seen steadily frequenting. She spent four months taking dance lessons and learning to swing around a pole like she had been doing it for years in preparation for this assignment. 
In the week between Christmas and New Years, Bron spent her time settling into one of the shittier trailer parks in town that she would call 'home' as part of her cover and acquiring her gig at Pussykatz honestly. Now she is biding her time, working full-time at the strip club and living the life of a struggling single 25 year-old woman while waiting for one of her primary targets (the higher ranking patch members) to come in so that she can begin her infiltration. 
Random Facts: 
Was actually born Mia Giordano on July 27, 1986 in Hayward, CA and grew up in the San Francisco Bay area. 
Is truthfully rather shy and introverted, but puts on an amazing act of outgoingness. 
Has never had a relationship because of her devotion (bordering on obsession) with her work first in school and now presently. Just as well, the only real friendships she has developed is with her partner, Jack Rockwell, and her supervisor/handler, Eric Mishke. 
Has not spoken to her mother or sister in over three and a half years as they think she is missing and/or dead, but she keeps tabs on them distantly, making sure that they (particularly her sister) are okay.
Extremely loyal and unwavering in her moral alignment (lawful good), which makes her a good candidate for her deep undercover work.
Addicted to learning, no matter how trivial the bit of information or skill might seem. Knowledge is power.
Picked up uke during her downtime on an assignment in Hawaii and soon after taught herself to play guitar. 
Highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
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