#tho he was still speaking to me with written/typed words he wasnt talking)
autistic-katara · 1 year
thinking about how last night i had a dream where my friend (u guys know the one) idk found out the way i feel abt him or smthn and got rlly mad at me for talking abt him behind his back (i haven’t been saying anything negative irl or in the dream, all of it has been pining 😭) and then got further mad at me for liking or reblogging some of his vent poetry bcz i didnt understand what it means/didn’t properly relate to it ig and in the dream it was true (kinda) but for some reason i didn’t wanna tell him that so i was like “no i do get it” and he was like “oh yeah? what does this one mean?” and i got it wrong bcz i interpreted the word “drew” wrong and yeah when i woke up i felt rlly weird in the way u do when u have a nightmare and u have to remember that no, that person didn’t die u don’t have to grieve them dw or whatever and yeah when i turned my phone on i saw this “while in do not disturb” thingy that said he texted me which scared the shit out of half-awake me 💀
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hazeddelirium6669 · 4 years
I HAD TO ADD THE ZOUIS VIDEO ELEANOR MADE IN THE COMMENTS ANYWAYS Before I start ranting I just wanna point out that I’m still in the process of collecting all the photos of Eleanor making a homophobic racist trans Phobic slurs so I will be adding them on the post once I collect them all anyways
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So I’ve seen so many posts about Eleanor lately & I’m honestly sick of it I want to make this post to see if anybody else agrees with me because I’ve seen so many people blindly follow into her bullshit lies. So what I wanna know is why the hell do people stan her? how do you stan her after all the shit she’s done? Also l How do you stan somebody that literally does fucking nothing she has no tribute to your life I just don’t understand why people paint her as a goddess that is being praised because she’s “Louis’s girlfriend”aka JUST A BEARD. but people act so blinded by the shit she does & they don’t want to accept everything, WHY? After all the wrong fucked up shit she said/done to people.
She AGREED WITH STAN LOUIS’S childhood friend when he was calling us Larry believers awful names! SHE SAID SHE WAS TEAMSTAN WTF
Body shaming a stranger as a JOKE!
eleanor playing Zayns song during the zouis fight (even tho I think it was a pr still fucked up) the fight just happened! This throws the theory of her as being always supportive & loved louis out the fucking window! She never even defend her “boyfriend” 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️(even tho it’s PR the fight) SHE SIDED WITH ZAYN NOT HER own “boyfriend” Bs🤦🏻‍♂️
I mean honestly the fact that she blatantly talk shit about Harry to his face & behind his back & called him fucked up names is so fucked up on so many levels, this is A PERSON who preaches treat people with kindness and you have this WOMEN, who is such a shitty fucking individual & thinks that she’s on top of the world because she’s “Louis’s girlfriend “& she’s such a nice person. But She does shit like that & on multiple occasions has she done worse shit for example-Y’all so quick to praise her but everybody fucking mute when she LIKED A COMMENT ABOUT LOUIS’S SISTER DEATH the comment said we get it she dead but nobody wants to hear your opinion on it! but y’all still wanna pin her as this caring sweet person bullshit!!
I’ve seen multiple posts about people saying she’s supported all the boys in their careers particularly Louis career, where the fuck in any aspect of LOUIS’S career that wasn’t management writing it! has Eleanor shown any spark of support what so fucking ever when things got hard for Louis? Where Something in bold written letters that was Eleanor herself Not management going on her account and tweeting Louis and being supportive?? I wanna see as a person herself where the fuck has she ever supported Louis in any of his fucking life or hardships? enlighten me because I’d like to fucking know because as far as I know and I’ve seen and I’ve been here since the beginning there’s none..
not once has she fucking tweeted about his album. not once has she promoted any of his songs. not once did she say anything about his fucking mom and sister (besides her liking a COMMENT saying nobody cares his sister died That was it!)passing away! Not once was she there for Louis when he was getting loads of hate from “fans” that one has she ever publicly defended him whatsoever..
Everybody so quick to jump in this bandwagon that she’s friends with louis & Harry fucking WHERE? Because I know for a damn fact that Harry & Louis wouldn’t be friends with somebody who’s racist homophobic trans phobic. She’s just a horrible person & the fact people like her sickens me y’all all act like she’s innocent why y’all acting so blind to everything she does/did. She never even apologized for any of it or acknowledged shit. It’s just ridiculous how people try to defend her after all that shit like really .
she’s homophobic as fuck she’s made multiple homophobic slurs at fans & at random people she’s made fun of harry the fact she made fun of fucking Harry a person who spreads treat people with kindness honestly shows her as a person. who makes fun of somebody that preaches nothing but kindness for everybody?I highly doubt any of the boys fucking like her do you ever see any of the boys interact with her? No I don’t as far as I’m concerned.
When Louis’s is paped with her he can’t even walk by her because he doesn’t fucking like her actions speak louder than words he doesn’t even acknowledge her half the time they have to be paped together so if that doesn’t fucking speak volumes that he doesn’t like her then I don’t know what to tell you. but none of them fucking get along with her she’s racist homophobic and trans phobic she made multiple fucking comments about Louis’s sister fucking passing away somebody that supposed to be their “friend or somebody they “get along with” would never fucking do that to somebody.
It’s just blatant disrespect because she don’t give a fuck about anybody but herself all she cares about is fucking money. So don’t give me this bullshit wrap that oh they support her & she supports them! Where’s one time she ever supported any of the boys in any aspect? None exactly because she doesn’t give a fuck she’s there to get paid for a job and that’s it.
All you people that praise her as being the sweet individual innocent girl how the fuck do you not realize all the shit she’s says and done? & if so everyone just throws it on the rug like it’s no big deal. The shit she says isn’t just something that should be forgotten about like nothing. That right there honestly is HER SHOWING her real fucking personality and character. She’s not a good fucking person. & I’m a Larry shipper and I can say that I don’t like her because of her AS A PERSON & it has nothing to do with Larry. Sure I hate the fact that she willingly agreed to have this fucking job title knowing it’s going to affect the lives of people that are fucking innocent. but besides that she’s just not a good person. Also It’s not just something that you could just throw under the rug because she’s just popular” influencer ”
The thing that pisses me off the most about her is what she’s doing right now! she keeps constantly posting about all these black lives matter movement like she actually generally gives a fuck about it!! she’s racist as fuck!! Like why the hell are all you people acting like she’s so Miss fucking innocent? she doesn’t give a fuck about any of that. she’s only doing it because it benefits her. it’s just completely sickening & disgusting that she takes advantage of a movement that actually is important & fucking relevant to our futures just to get more likes & attention. Y’all don’t believe me look at it this way. All the protesting that’s been going on all over the world right now & she could’ve chose to go to any fucking protest but no instead THE ONLY TIME! she fucking shows up is when she’s Suppose to be cause she had to go with with Louis like if that doesn’t speak enough volume the type of person she is then I don’t know what to tell y’all! It’s just a bunch of bullshit she could’ve went to any other fucking protest but she only went when she was supposed to go because she had to be seen with Louis to get paid to do that by the way because she’s his beard like it’s just disgusting how can you SUPPORT somebody that’s so fucking insensitive INHUMANE people it’s beyond me..
She doesn’t even have a real fucking job. Why does everybody honestly forget the fact that her dad is a big-time boss with their management her own fucking father hired her to be Louis’s beard & she took the job NO question asked & I’m sorry but any person that’s a caring individual would never put somebody else through that for fucking money. Money isn’t everything and the fact that she bluntly does all this with no remorse for anybody is completely insensitive and disgusting in my opinion. I mean she AGREED TO THIS JOB WILLINGLY.& she knew what she was getting into & still did it. and people still like to think that she missed fucking wonderful & she’s put on this highest pedestal for what?
She’s not a good fucking person all y’all act like she’s a godness that deserves to be praised & honestly its truly sickening & beyond me how anybody can fucking defend her for anything? I would understand it more in a sense if she was a good person and didn’t WILLINGLY agreed to sign up for this job and wasn’t racist homophobic trans phobic but she’s fucking not please stop with this shit cause it’s ridiculous Not once has she supported Louis IN anything in his fucking career besides being his “girlfriend” to the public for money she’s not good friends with any of them sure they might have to fake a smile here & there for camera that doesn’t mean a good fucking friends. Harry and Louis themselves would not tolerate or be friends with somebody as disrespectful and insensitive as she is a especially Harry who preaches treat people with kindness practice what he preaches bitch because you don’t do any of that!
If some of you don’t like people having their opinion on Eleanor because of how she is as a person I suggest you don’t look on this page because not everybody fucking likes her & honestly there are MANY valid reasons it’s not because she has to cover up Louis sexuality and hide Louis!
it’s how she treats people as individuals which is completely fucked up and not right and the fact that she never acknowledges it or apologize for any of it speaks fucking volumes. she doesn’t give a fuck all she cares about is herself and money point-blank. Maybe if she didn’t act the way she does she wouldn’t get all the hate coming her way maybe if she apologized and acknowledged her fuck ups and DIDNT CONSTANTLY POST/ do fucked up things. & maybe if she actually gave a fuck and wasnt a stuck up bitch she wouldn’t be getting as much heat as she does but she doesn’t because she doesn’t fucking care.
Everybody saying she’s helping Larry hide is bullshit, she’s never helped hide the relationship she’s a fucking beard she got hired by her dad to fucking work for them and she agreed willingly to fucking do it for money.
she’s insensitive disrespectful & just a plain stuck up snobby bitch & all she cares about is money so if anybody wants to go posted a rant & rave about Eleanor & how much you support her & love her I suggest just going to an actual Eleanor support page! Ok I’m sorry this is so long but I needed to say this! I’m done now!ALWAYS REMEMBER LARRY IS REAL & MARRIED💚💙 I’m planning on making a part two soon just gotta collect all the other posts she’s made!!
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