#tho i still prefer my oc who is also the quiet nervous type
sexysilverstrider · 1 year
i guess why i enjoy pokemon masters is because my fav protags--despite being blank slates in their main games--have personalities that match my hcanon
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kittykatconundrum · 6 years
all the questions for main trio :D
HOOOO boy long post ahead. it was fun tho.
1. What is your character’s greatest secret?Does your character have good aim?
all 3 of them do, but ray’s aim is probably the most precise.
2. What would history remember your character for?
wink wonk
3. Does your character prefer to work in silence or with noise and of what kind?
Moiren and Ray: silence
Hayve: Quiet ambience, but it doesn’t really matter what type. As long as it’s quiet, cause otherwise he’ll get distracted.
4. Has your character ever been handcuffed or tied up?
Moiren and Ray: no
Hayve: He’s been “handcuffed” but it was rope, not a handcuff. “Tied up” isn’t the right word for it tho lol
5. Can your character cook?
all of them can, but none of them are good at it. Hayve is probably the best but he’s still not great.
6. Do any of your characters have depression?
Yea. Of the “main three,” Ray definitely has it but Moiren probably has a much more minor case of it.
8. Who has the worst luck?
It’s probably safe to say all 3 of them, but prob Moiren or Ray. Of all my ocs, Aisa and/or Alistair.
9. Could your character win an arm wrestling competition? How well would they do?
Moiren: She could, unless it’s against a really strong person. She’d do okay– she’s strong for her age but not like, super strong.
Ray: He isn’t as strong as Moiren, but he’s still decently strong so he could potentially win. He might not even try to win though, so he’d lose.
Hayve: He could definitely win. Especially if he could earn money out of it.
10. Would your character give up the chance to come back to life as a god so that someone else could be saved?
It’s a yes all around the board– though, it depends who the other person would be. Ray would be the most likely to do it regardless of the person, and Moiren the least.
11. What is your character’s favorite historical or fairy tale figure?
ray’s would be the witch and warrior duo from a legend  his mom told them when they were kids.
12. Would your character marry someone their family didn’t approve of?
i mean, all of them probably would, but considering they are each other’s family it would take a lot for one of them to not approve of someone
13. Do/Did any of your characters have large ears they had to grow into as a kid?
moiren and ray: not particularly
hayve: no, but his head was Big as a toddler
14. Are any of your characters nonverbal?
not as of now, though in an early draft of the story, ray was
15. Did your character ever want to be a cowboy?
moiren and ray: no
hayve: no, he wanted to be a pirate
16. How does the way your character present themselves in public differ from how they are in private?
moiren: she comes off as very cold/mean/uncaring/apathetic in public, and tho she isn’t the NICEST person out there, in private (aka mostly with her brothers) she does genuinely care about things and she can be gentle. or she can be mean but it’s with love.
ray: he is unbelievably shy but in private he can get more.. mouthy. like, he doesn’t really hesitate to shut someone down if they’re being dumb (looks @ moiren).
hayve: he acts very confident about everything but he Is Not
17. How petty is your character?
moiren: Very Petty
ray: he’s not really petty
hayve: moderately
19. Does your character like carrots?
moiren and hayve are indifferent to them, Ray does not like them but he tolerates them because it’s Food
20. How self-confident is your characters?
moiren: meh. she has some self-confidence, but she also looks down on herself a lil too much.
ray: he barely has any
hayve: he underestimates himself a bit
21. Do any of your characters have heterochromia?
nope. i was considering giving nile heterochromia for a little, though.
22. Do any of your characters have someone named after them? Or are they named after someone else?
moiren was almost named after someone, but in the end she wasn’t.
23. Do any of your characters have facial markings?
ray has an old scar on his forehead, but it’s barely visible and also hidden behind his bangs.
24. What is your character’s opinions on squirrels?
moiren: she believes that they are all low-key evil
ray: he feels guilty the times he has to eat them
hayve: he doesn’t really care either way. sometimes they hunt em
25. Does your character experience sexism for the job/title they hold? (ie: she’s a girl, she can’t be x,y,z because only boys can be)
moiren’s probably experienced some, but like not a LOT. she’s more likely to get comments based on being a young (16 year-old) girl doing some tougher jobs than ray is even though they are literally the same age
26. Are any of your characters missing fingers?
no but that’s a Good Idea
27. Does your character know how to tie different kinds of knots?
yes, but ray is probably the best at it.
28. How much does your character giggle?
moiren and hayve: they both snicker more than giggle
ray: a pretty decent amount and it’s Adorable
29. Are any of your characters nameless? (In that there is no legal record of them existing, they just don’t have names in canon, or history remembers them but not their name?)
technically there wouldn’t be any legal record of moiren and ray, i have some characters that probably won’t get names in canon because they are minor, and there’s some characters that are nameless to history
30. How independent was your character as a teen?
moiren: she’s pretty independent, though she does do a lot of things with ray (or hayve, but typically if she’s doing things “alone” it’s with ray.)
ray: same as moiren
hayve: he basically took over the role of guardian for moiren and ray when he was a teen so he was pretty independent. he had to be.
31. How much does your character care about their appearance?
all of them care a little, but there’s only so much they can care when on the road
32. Do you have any characters who are twins?
moiren and ray are twins. there’s one more set of twins, but only one of them is actually gonna be a character in the story. The other one does come up, though.
33. Does your character like math? How good are they at it?
hayve probably likes math the most, but none of them are good at like. complex things. they each know enough to survive in the world tho
34. Do any of your characters collect sea-shells or wear shell jewelry?
hayve collects sea-shells a little. he did more-so as a kid.
35. Naptime, yes or no?
moiren: no.
ray: In Theory
hayve: nope.
36. Would your character prefer to sit around and chill or be up and moving and doing something?
moiren: Definitely doing something
ray and hayve: a little of both
37. Did any of your characters have a fever they almost died from as a child?
technically not a fever, but moiren and ray were premature and moiren’s lungs were weak so as a newborn she was bouncing back and forth a little
38. Does your character worry about breaking the rules and getting in trouble?
none of them really do, though ray is the most nervous about it.
39. Do any of your characters have the responsibilities of an adult despite being a child, or did they when they were?
they all do, but hayve the most. I mean, at 14/15 years old he basically became the caregivers for his younger siblings and had to figure out everything so…
40. If a loved one died, how long would they stay in mourning?
all of them would struggle with it and mourn for a VERY long time.
41. Do other people around your character dictate their life or do they get to choose for themselves?
i guess you could say that moiren, ray and hayve each impact each other’s lives but to some extent they choose for themselves? A lot of it is just based on survival, though.
42. Did/do any of your characters have an arranged marriage?
43. Do you have any widows/widower characters?
the troye mom™ was technically widowed but she’s dead now too so like. does that count?
44. Are any of your characters overshadowed by other siblings? Or have parents who clearly have a favorite? (ex: Boromir and Faramir)
ray sometimes feels overshadowed by moiren and hayve, but not always
45. Would your character kill someone to get what they want?
moiren and hayve: depends
ray: no
46. Does your character prefer to lead or follow?
moiren: lead
ray: follow
hayve: lead
47. Has your character ever stolen anything?
all of them have, but hayve has The Most
48. Are any of your characters apprentices?
technically ameryli is? was?
49. Are any of your characters certified Bird Nerds ™?
nile could probably be considered a bird nerd but she’s also just a Nerd
50. Are any of your characters Good Dads ™?
in theory.
51. Do any of your characters have grandparents who are named and living in canon?
52. Would your character prefer to have history know the truth or have many different versions of their life?
moiren: different versions
ray: truth
hayve: he honestly wouldn’t be sure
53. What if the furthest your character has ever walked in a given stretch of time?
considering they’d sometimes travel for a day at a time, pretty far. i don’t know an actual distance though, that’s too much work.
54. Would your character prefer to visit a new city or stay at home?
all three of them are tired of new cities and want a Home
55. Do you have any characters who despite trying their best ended up being horrible parents?
56. Do any of your characters have step-family?
I guess you could call Moiren and Ray’s biological dad Hayve’s stepfather? He never really considered him that, though. It was more like he was just his dad, or at the very least his adoptive dad.
57. Do any of your characters consistently wear hats? 
58. Does your character prefer the ocean or the mountains?
moiren and ray: mountains
hayve: ocean
59. What kinds of things does your character use as paperweights?
moiren probably wouldn’t use anything. Ray would probably use pens, and hayve would use seashells
60. If faced with certain death, would your character continue to speak out against injustice?
moiren and hayve probably wouldn’t, ray might
61. Have any of your characters struggled with addiction?
yea (some of these “have any of your characters” aren’t talking abt moiren/ray/hayve but just. other characters from disintegrating. including this one. doesn’t ask who tho-)
62. Have any of your characters adopted anyone?
i mean moiren/ray’s dad basically adopted hayve. also you could argue aisa technically (temporarily-) adopted someone?
63. How far would your character go to help those in need?
moiren: it depends on who that person was
ray: pretty far, if he could
hayve: far enough that it didn’t put anyone else in danger, including himself
64. Do your characters know any old blind swordsmen per the trope?
65. Is your characters energetic?
moiren: nope
ray: nah
hayve: kinda
66. How much of a disappointment/scandal to their family is your character?
67. Would your character be willing to do something they consider morally wrong in order to achieve their goals?
moiren and hayve might (though depends on what said goals were), ray wouldn’t.
68. Are any of your characters intimidatingly beautiful?
gaelin thinks nile is intimidatingly beautiful
69. Has your character ever found themselves in with the wrong crowd and had to attempt to break from it?
not really but kinda?
70.  Does your character have any guarded/secret guild knowledge or family recipe?
71. How good is your character at reading people and navigating social situations?
moiren: not the best
ray: he will self destruct
hayve: he’s great and the lifeline of this family
72. Would your character care for someone who needed it if it meant being ostracized from their society?
arguably, they’re not part of a “society” but ray probably would try, hayve may if it’s safe for his lil bro and sis, and it’s all situational for moiren
73. Has your character been to/ ever explored any ruins?
not ruins in what this question is probably meaning, but they’ve passed through the remnants of towns and such that don’t exist anymore.
74.  Are any of your characters associated with flowers?
for some reason, i associate lilies with moiren, carnations (specifically pink) for ray, and chrysanthemums with both of them. basically, funeral flowers lmao
75: Do any of your characters wear glasses, sunglasses, goggles, or monocles?
nile originally had goggles, but i doubt i’m keeping that because i wanna redesign her outfit
76: Would your character like to live on a farm and raise sheep?
All Three Of Them Would
77. Have any of your characters had to kill a friend?
uhhhhhhhhhh technically yes. (again, not moiren/ray/hayve).
78. Have any of your characters been exiled from their society? 
again technically yes???
79. What is a humanizing thing about a villain/antagonist/generally horrible person character that you have?
it’s what they were raised to believe
80. Was your character ever considered shy?
moiren and ray: yes (and it’s true tbh)
hayve: Nope.
81. Does your character look like what others think they should from their reputation?
moiren: probably? but hayve teases her that she looks nicer than she is because she looks like ray
ray: yea
hayve: Definitely
82. Describe your character’s handwriting.
Moiren writes with small letters, but they get jumbled together sometimes because she writes quickly. Ray also writes with small letters but they are very narrow and he has very deep curls that loop on themselves on letters like g/j/y. Hayve has large lettering that are very wide and circular.
83. Did/do any of your characters start a dynasty?
84. Do any of your characters have gaps in their teeth or are missing teeth?
not really
85. Has your character ever been led down the wrong path because of their anger?
moiren: probably
ray: not yet
hayve: no
86. Is your character’s fear reaction to fight, flight, or freeze?
moiren: fight
ray: freeze
hayve: fight or flight, depending on if he’s alone or with others.
87. What are your character’s nails like?
all three of have like. at the very least slightly chipped nails that aren’t gonna be perfect ever because they… live out in The World, but Hayve’s are probably the worst.
88. Are any of your characters part of a spy network?
89. Would your character throw themselves in harms way to protect a loved one?
moiren: yes
ray: yes
hayve: Definitely
90. Can your character start a campfire?
they all can, but surprisingly despite being the only one doing it for a few months in the past, hayve is Terrible at it. Moiren is probably the best at it
91. Does your character engage in gossip?
nope, and even if they did there’s not really much to gossip about lmao
92. Have any of your characters started and/or led a revolution?
93. Do you have any characters that are stuffed animals? Or characters who have them?
ci has a stuffed bear named fluffypants (not her name lmao) that she picked up after the kid who had lost it.. lost it. he was named as such because one of his legs was replaced so he has two different colored legs, and also he’s fluffy (tho less now after 6+ years)
94. Are any of your characters mechanics?
there isn’t really machinery so that doesn’t exactly…exist
96. Which character is The Proudest ™ of their kids?
Hayve Is Proud of his brother and sister who he like technically raised for the past 6 years
97. Do any of your characters have a tendency to dislocate joints?
idk if it’s a “tendency” but moiren’s done it before. Also, Ameryli.
98. Has your character ever had to question their beliefs and realized they were wrong?
wink wonk
99. Do any of your characters have social anxiety?
yes. Ray has it Bad and honestly Moiren has it a lil too. Klement probably has a minor case of it
100. Are any of your characters queer?
yes, but i’m still debating showing most of em in the comic itself (mostly bc of the nature of the comic..) but gaelin and nile are a canon queer couple!
101. Which character is The Most dramatic?
102. Are any of your characters d/Deaf or HoH?
no but maybe one will be by the time i finish the comic?
102. What is your character’s greatest source of guilt?
moiren: a Thing that she did when she was 9
ray: he feels like he put moiren and hayve through a lot when he was at his lowest point and that makes him feel rlly guilty (despite also knowing its stupid to feel guilty abt it??)
hayve: in general he just doesn’t feel like he’s done enough for ray and emmy
103. How well does your character deal with their anger?
moiren: Not Very Well. she lashes out
ray: Also not well, but his is more internal
hayve: honestly he’s one of the best of my oc’s at managing his anger
104. Do any of your characters have pottery as a hobby?
no but ameryli discovered it she would probably Love it
105. Favorite winter activity?
moiren: she would probably enjoy sledding
ray: Snowman building
hayve: All Of It
106. Do any of your characters have noticeable acne?
i mean like probably but i can’t draw it so
107. Do any of your characters feel confined by their lives and the expectations placed upon them?
you could say that all 3 of them do? not so much expectations but none of them really wanna be traveling around as much as they do just to survive. at this point though, it’s all moiren and ray know.
108. Are any of your characters dogs?
No, but there’s a Cat. Originally she was a demon cat but that doesn’t really fit into the current mold of the comic so now she’s a normal cat. Her name is still Demon tho 109.
109. Would your character blackmail a god?
moiren: i mean like.. probably
ray: probably not?? he’d be scared
hayve: it depends on why he would need to
110. What color is associated with your character?
moiren: darker neutral colors, but also a light green
ray: dark red
hayve: blue
111. Do any of your characters have dogs for pets?
no but Maybe Soon
112. Does your character believe in wishing fountains and shooting stars?
moiren: not anymore
ray: he wishes he could
hayve: nope
113. Would your character commit treason if the law was wrong?
moiren: probably
ray: treason? maybe not
hayve: yea
114. Do any of your characters insist on going by their fullname rather than a nickname?
Moiren insists but also she really doesn’t care, she’s just embarrassed by “Emmy.” she won’t comment if she’s called “M,” though
115. Do any of your characters have an honorary father figure?
would hayve’s (adoptive/step) father count??
116. Have any of your characters (almost) drowned?
no, but moiren and ray have experienced it through the Friendly Neighborhood Ghosties
117. Could your character build a house or possess the knowledge to build one?
none of them really could……….
118. Have any of your characters come from a position of privilege that they’ve never had to examine?
i mean like……………probably??
119. If someone made a statue of your character, what would it look like?
it would look like… them? I don’t really get this question
120. Do any of your characters have PTSD?
technically, moiren has it but i need to read into it more before Really setting on that
121. Do any of your characters have prosthetics?
122. What is your character’s greatest secret?
wink wonk
123. Did any of you characters have nannies or governesses growing up?
124. Does your character workout?
you could argue that all 3 of them do because they work on or practice their magic 
125. Who is your token cis, straight, (optional: white) male?
i mean. Alistair? maybe.
126. Are any of your characters on good terms/still friends with an ex?
127. Has anyone ever stolen your character’s identity or impersonated them?
128. Has your character’s home ever been destroyed?
129. Has your character ever had to compromise on what they thought was right in order to maintain peace?
moiren: she Will Not
ray: yes
hayve: he will be stubborn about it but maybe
130. Do you have any characters who are retired?
in theory but not in practice
131. Who is redhaired and has a mustache?
??? gaelin has red hair but. not a mustache?
132. Who is the precious cinnamon roll?
133. Have any of your characters ever been caught in a fire or explosion?
mara died in a fire
134. Has your character ever been alone in a hostile environment and been forced to travel a long way to reach a safety that wasn’t for sure?
not alone, but moiren, ray and hayve have definitely experienced this (probably multiple times since they’ve been aimlessly traveling for,… 6 years)
135. Would  your character be content to go back to a normal and quiet life after going on an adventure?
honestly that’s all they want now. Hayve might eventually get bored of it, though
136. Has your character ever been forced to deal with the ‘I want to speak to your manager” kind of person?
they’ve worked for a lot of people so like yeah probably lmao
137. Are any of your characters bipolar?
not explicitly but i’m bipolar and i wrote them so maybe rip
138. How good is your character with money and accounting?
moiren: she’s decent
ray: he’s decent
hayve: he’s Good
139. Has your character ever survived a fatal wound?
“fatal” usually means that it wasn’t survivable at all, but since i know what the question means the answer is no for all 3
140. Can your character play an instruments?
nope, none of ‘em learned how
141. Who has a weapon collection?
probably.. ameryli?
142. Do any of your characters use wheelchairs, transportation devices, or mobility aids?
143. Has your character ever had some part of their culture made illegal?
not really
144. Are any of your characters adventurers by trade?
by trade? no
145. How much first aid and medical knowledge does your character have?
enough to deal with minor-ish injuries, but hayve probably has the most experience between them
146. Were any of your characters disowned or abandoned by their parents?
technically, maybe?
147. Do any of your characters have albinism?
not albinism technically, but aisa has white hair
148. Do any of your characters have an eating disorder or food contamination phobia?
not really
149: How good is your character at lying?
moiren: so-so. she has some tells that are really obvious to ray, and sometimes hayve
ray: he’s good when he wants to be, and really bad otherwise
hayve: he’s pretty good
150. Do any of your characters have to deal with family being concerned more about appearances and reputation than personal wellbeing?
some did
151. Would your character ever go cliff diving
moiren: oh probably not
ray: Definitely not
hayve: ……….potentially
152: Do you have any characters with the jr. sr. I II or III thing?
no, mostly because it Confuses Me
153: Do any of your characters embody the spirit of a flapper? (Bonus points for style and or lifestyle)
i mean. probably not but im too tired to remember what that would mean…
154: How much does your character care about other people respecting their authority?
none of them really have authority so they.. don’t… expect anything.. .
155: Does your character cut and/or color their hair for any specific reason?
not currently
156: Were/Are any of your characters under less pressure and fewer expectations than their siblings?
technically you could say moiren and ray are under less pressure than hayve simply because… well, he was a lot older than her
157: Do any of your characters live on their own?
Klement lives completely alone
158: Have any of your characters even been bit by a zombie or rabid animal or otherwise exposed to a deadly pathogen? (Did any of them survive?)
if you wanna classify rot as a pathogen, then papa troye had it and he did not survive
159: Does your character have any tattoos? And are any of them symbolic or significant?
160: Do any of your characters have asthma?
moiren and ray technically do, but it never acts up anymore.
161: Your character’s opinion of pineapple?
moiren and ray love it, hayve hates it
162: Has your character ever thrown a tantrum over things not going their way?
as kids, all three of them probably have
163: Are any of your characters autistic? (If so, do they have special interests and what are they?)
164: Are any of your characters tinkerers or inventors?
nile is probably the closest thing to a tinker
165: Who is a “girls just wanna have fun” character?
none of them really, but ci is probably the closest
166: Are any of your characters blind or visually impaired?
perhaps a future character might. haven’t decided yet
167: Are any of your characters fat?
168: Is your characters easily embarrassed?
moiren: in theory no
ray: y e s
hayve: he pretends not to be and that helps
169: Are any of your characters married to the sea?
what does this mean. hayve.
170: Are any of your characters infamous?
171: Are any of your characters hallmark villains in terms of personality?
hopefully not lol
172: Do any of your characters hold a grudge against someone?
173: How loyal is your character?
moiren, ray and hayve are all really loyal, but moiren probably more-so
174: Does your character get homesick?
all 3 of them do, but at the same time none of them can clearly remember what their home was like
175: Are any of your characters badass (lesbian) pirate queens?
God I wish, but no. I did once have an au where hayve was basically a badass (gay) pirate… captain? though
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lightningcola · 7 years
((I said I’d post info on my ocs eventually so here it is lol. Also here’s a link to all art I have posted of them.))
ღBasic Infoღ
Full Name~ Sommy Childs/Booker Meaning~ none
Nickname/Preferred Name~ Sommy
Age~ 24
Age They Look~ 17-19, they age way slower than they should
Birthday~ February 13th Zodiac Sign~ Aquarius
Gender~ nonbinary/agender Pronouns~ they/them Sexuality~ aro/ace
Ethnicity~ generic white
Voice~ nasally, annoying. Loud when they're trying to be Extra™, no particular accent
Known Languages~ English
Theme Song(s)~ Young and a Menace - Fall Out Boy, Monster - Imagine Dragons
Theme Color~ bright green
ღPhysical Appearanceღ
Species~ human Skin color~ pale, pallor, a little sickly
Birthmarks~ none
Hair color~ black and green Hair length~ right above their shoulders, slightly curly and choppy, it grows super fast so they’re constantly trimming it, sometimes they get lazy and it grows out pretty long
Hair Texture~ generally kinda greasy, the dyed part is fried
Hair Dye(s)~ green streak on their left side Eye Color(s)~ dark purple Height~ 5′2 Weight~ 120 lbs but it varies pretty drastically
Body Build~ they’re short but they’re pretty strong
Blood Type~ AB-
Freckles~ none Tattoo/Scar/Piercings~ scars below left eye, right cheek, and hands from being thrown out a window. Scar on neck from getting their head almost chopped off by a couple cult weirdos. It gives them a raspy voice and affects their breathing, they just start wheezing sometimes. Scars on palms from themself. Scar on right shoulder from getting shot and scar on left thigh from getting slashed that causes their arm and leg to get stiff if it gets cold or if they don’t move it for a while. Glasses/Contacts/General Eyesight~ no glasses, good eyesight
Dominant Hand~ right
Scent~ coppery or metallic, hair bleach
General Description~dark clothes with collars or scarves
◇Formal◇ Switches between dresses and suits. They prefer dresses that they can run in, normally with long sleeves and a collar to cover up scars. ♧Pajamas♧ T-shirt and boxers usually, their favorite sleep shirt is an old Fogbank one ♤Usual Clothes♤ Turtleneck with black jeans and their usual trench coat, also their terribly edgy boots
Smoker?~ heavy Drinker?~ yes Drugs?~ used to do party drugs, due to their healing factor though drugs affect Sommy less and less as the time goes on. Endigo still affects them, though they only take it occasionally since it heightens their abilities then wipes them out for like a whole day, also they get pretty sick afterward, like the world's worst hangover. Issues?~ boi u bet
Allergies~ none
Mental Disorders~ none diagnosed
Physical Disabilities~ none Medication?~ sleeping pills, they have to take like way more than the recommended dose
Addictions?~ smoking, drinking Diet~ whatever's cheapest and closest. Since they use a lot of energy healing, they have to eat a lot more than the usual person.
Sleeping Habits~ They really don’t sleep well ever, they have a lot of nightmares. They actually need more rest than the average person so the lack of sleep double affects them. Sommy lives off mostly coffee and energy drinks. They can really only sleep comfortably when they’re around other people they trust. Because of this they always fall asleep when people hang out with them. Most people think it’s pretty rude, Rinnah especially. Sommy never explains why they fall asleep like that either so that doesn’t help anything. Void and Azariah do their best to accommodate this and often just hang around Sommy so they can actually get enough sleep. Neither really mention that they go out of the way to do this because Sommy would probably get super defensive. Sommy secretly really appreciates it though.
Bus?~ sometimes Train?~ sometimes Car?~ if they can steal one Others?~ would Love to ride a motorcycle
Neighborhood~ Usually a sad motel or a shitty apartment Upper/Middle/Low~ middle? I guess?
Education Level~ didn’t finish high school
Occupation~ hitman, works for Adelaide, professional older sibling to a bunch of mutant kids
Past Occupations~ bodyguard, courier
Dream Job~ FBI agent
Income~ $30,000 minimum each job
Goals~ not be such a terrible person, make a difference in someone’s life, help all the kids their parents fucked over, kill Adelaide 
Living with~ their own self-destructive ass, later they sorta kinda move in with Void.
Optimistic or Pessimist~ pessimist Dangerous or not~ dangerous Daredevil or Cautious~ daredevil Introvert or Extrovert~ extroverted introvert Unorganized or Organized~ unorganized Logical or Emotional~ wants everyone to think they're very logical but they actually get emotional quite a lot Workaholic or Relaxaholic~ neither Confident or Shy~ tries to present themself as confident but it's just false bravo Stressed or Relaxed~ can get overwhelmed easily especially if they’re tired, which is all the time. Normally they’re pretty good at compartmentalizing stress but not all the time.  
Timid or Assertive~ assertive but in the most asshole way possible
Loud or Silent~ loud Naughty or Nice~ naughty (not sure how I feel about this wording tho) Bookworm or Not~ not Philosophical or Realistic~ realistic Believer or See to Believe~ see to believe but boi have they seen some shit
Usual Mood~ Tired™, grumpy, existential despair Habits~ scratching their skin off because they like to watch it heal, falling asleep around others, nail biting (like their hair, their nails grow super fast as well)
Values~ really skewed sense of justice, everyone is bad in some way, they blame themself for their parents' mistakes and do their best to try and fix it at all times Social Skills~ bad, like really bad. They usually come across as arrogant or sarcastic though they can act pretty well if needed. So it's more like they can fake social skills if they care enough but normally they don't
Strength~ good fighter, loyal, very rel8able if you get to know them, would die for you if they could actually die Weaknesses~ bad, mean, addictive personality, won't take their problems seriously ever, blames themself for too much shit, would fight you over nothing Soft Spots~ people who actually care about them, fuzzy socks, cats (they like to feed the stray cats that hang out in the alleys where they stay) Angry when~ someone goes after their friends/family (cliché, I know), being mislead, gaslighted Relaxed when~ with friends, in quiet places, cats Nervous when~ in large crowds, asking people for things, talking about themself
Phobias~ crippling loneliness, the inevitability of life, people they care about hating them
Pet Peeves~ people misgendering them, people hitting on them, people touching them in general, loud drunk guys
Likes~ fighting, funny socks, sitting around with people they like, when they actually get real sleep, cats, they love cats
Dislikes~ nightmares, themself, most of the people they work with, Murder Mom
Natural Talents~ fighting, being weird
Skills~ being the unwilling older sibling to a bunch of random mutant kids
Secrets~ they’re kind of a depressing open book if you ask the right questions, they would tell you most things about themself, they just get really anxious and nervous when they do it
Biggest Secret~ the fact that they’re still alive and who their adopted parents are (they’re hiding from Booker)
Does Anyone Know?~ Void
Regrets~ their entire life
Color~ bright green, black, muted greyish colors
Season~ fall
Holiday~ Halloween
Food~ anything home cooked
Animal~ cats
Book Genre~ mystery/thriller
Movie Genre~ horror
Music~ emo bs, Fogbank but only on the dl
ღLeast Favoritesღ
Color~ any bright color that’s not green
Season~ Summer
Holiday~ Valentine’s day
Food~ gas station sushi, they keep buying it and it keeps making them wicked sick
Animal~ rats
Book Genre~ romance
Movie Genre~ romance
Music~ sappy love songs
Type of Power~
Hemokinetics: they can control their own blood and any they touch. Usually, they form stake-like weapons since they're the easiest to make though they can make sharp edged weapons as well. Anything complex takes more energy and focus. They can only lose so much before they pass out from blood loss though they can absorb other people’s blood. Sommy can also sense injuries and illness in others and track people. They can also warm and cool their body temperature which allows their emo ass to wear their trenchcoat in the middle of summer.
Healing Factor: they heal faster than a normal human, but not at Deadpool or Wolverine levels. A cut or scrape takes anywhere from a minute or two to an hour or two to heal, bigger wounds take maybe a couple days. Cracked bones take about a day and broken bones can take up to a week depending. The problem with their healing is they can heal wrong very easily, like shattered bones can cause bone fragments to get lodged in muscle or joints which cause a lot of pain and they’re really hard to get out, bones can heal crooked which means Sommy has to re break them. When they were younger, they healed by producing a lot of scar tissue which is why old injuries still affect them/get stiff and stuff. They assume they got some bad internal injuries when they were a kid because they just get stabbing pains or they cough up blood. They know they can’t die from this but it scares the fuck out of Void. Sommy also can’t really have surgery or anything unless they counteract their healing ability, which they can do but since they still have old internal injuries they get pretty fucked up from that. They’re immune to blood borne illnesses but they can still get colds, the flu, stuff like that, they just recover faster. If they get too injured and don’t have enough energy to heal, their body starts to eat away at itself, if it gets too bad they go into a coma like state.
Other: They’re immune to mental manipulation from other anomalies, often the result is the feeling like someone is scraping at their brain. It’s not unbearable just uncomfortable and annoying. This goes for all anomalies.
Flaws~ they have to keep account of how much blood they've lost or else they will Die™, their healing factor will fuck them up if they’re not careful Accuracy~ relatively accurate? Control~ they're really good at the crude stakes and blades but anything too complex is difficult even if they're not fighting, though they get better with practice, they’re working on a claw thing
Choice of Weapon(s): •hunting knife •handgun •shotgun, if they wanna get fancy Favorite/Main Weapon~ handgun Control~ pretty good Accuracy~ they are a great shot Flaws~ they always frickin run out of ammo because they never bring enough, they usually have to use a gun or something if they don’t plan on killing the person because they’d rather not show them their freaky blood power
Carol Childs. Sommy's birth mother, she was not ready for a kid and didn't want one either. She mostly liked to watch Sommy react from her yelling at them. She wasn't pure evil but she didn't have many good qualities either. She was the enforcer and the business part of the family business.
Joyce Booker. A police lieutenant, Joyce turned to adopting kids after witnessing too many shipped off to foster care. She tried her best in raising Sommy and Ophelia, giving them all the help she could think of, though she could be too over enthusiastic and overbearing at times. Sommy regrets not telling her how much they appreciated her. She was the kind of mom that the kid thinks is a little embarrassing but everyone else thinks is really cool.
Lyle Childs. He was a master scientist, the creator of the drug that caused Sommy’s powers. Sommy would have loved to hate him but he didn't interact with them long enough for them to know anything about him. Though Sommy did look him up after they were adopted, reading up on all of the terrible stuff he did.
Craig Booker. He was a quiet man, always worried about saying something wrong. However, he did love his children and tried to express that as much as he could, even when Sommy had gotten into Another fight and he had to go pick them up early from school again. Sommy liked just sitting with him because they felt like they didn't have to talk or say that everything was great.
Ophelia Booker. She was 3 years older than Sommy, however, they both got along like they had known each other forever. They could talk to each other about all the stuff that had happened to them. Ophelia supported Sommy any way she could and Sommy did their best to lend a hand in Ophelia's cyborg rights activism. Even after they ran away, Sommy still donated to her cause every year. People would try to convince Ophelia that they were dead but she wouldn't listen and continued to look for Sommy for years. She was eventually rightfully pissed off when she found out they were still alive and had been hiding from her for years.
Connie “Void” Greenglass. Sommy and Void didn't really talk outside family get together's before Sommy disappeared. To be fair, Void was 3 years younger than them. However, they reunited after Sommy found them 7 years later. In that time, Void was working as a reporter, mostly writing fluff pieces, waiting for a big story. Sommy brought them the story of a criminal empire that had its fingers in almost every facet of the city. After minor convincing, Void agreed to write the story as long as they managed to dig up enough evidence. In their “investigation” time they saw more shit than they ever wanted. One of the worst times was when Sommy got their side ripped open by the guy they were supposed to be following. Void is a bit of a doormat and doesn't really call Sommy out on a lot of the shit they probably should. They also promise Sommy not to tell Ophelia about what they've been doing, which really does not go over well when Ophelia eventually finds out.
Rinnah Iyver. Sommy and Rinnah don't get along due to their clashing personalities and the fact that Sommy's super annoying. Also due to the fact that Rinnah knows they’re involved with Endigo. Since her father was killed due to her mother’s inability to pay back her debt owed to Loorka, and her mother was in debt because of her drug addiction, Rinnah tends to blame the substance and anyone related to it. However, they both kind of have to get along because Sommy is best friends with Rinnah’s brother and Rinnah is dating Sommy's sister.
Cypher Nox. Sommy has a weird feeling around him, like someone’s scratching the back of their brain every time he talks, also they can't shake the feeling that he looks really familiar. Despite this they both get along well enough, often bonding over traumatic childhoods which Cypher is really cryptic about.
Viper Anguis. Sommy deemed Viper the “coolest” of the group. They often join him and Cypher for a drink. They also like to spar with him because he's a skilled hand to hand fighter due to his experience in an underground fight club.
Lacy Rosecrans. Sommy met her after hearing reports of weird mass mood fluctuations. After investigating the area they found Lacy, an anomaly with empathic abilities that she couldn’t control. Since she was one of the first anomalies Sommy had found at that point, and the most understanding and, well, normal, they bonded pretty quick, Sommy being like an older sibling to her. They both talk often and Sommy will do whatever is within their power to help her when she occasionally loses control over her abilities.
Asher Iravit. One of Void’s closest friends, after he told them about his ability to turn invisible, Void introduced him to Sommy. Ash is a bit too goofy for Sommy but they get along well, especially with having Void as a sort of buffer. He’s often called to “babysit” Sommy by Void when they’re especially worrying them.
Margot Mentior. She’s a counterfeiter who provides Sommy with passports, fake IDs, and other documents. They both met when she tried to ask Sommy out at a bar, after declining, Sommy and her began talking. They found out both their jobs were outside the law and Sommy did their best to warn her about Adelaide. Margot appreciated the advice and offered Sommy a discount if they ever needed her services. They stayed in contact and she is one of the few people Sommy trusts almost absolutely.
Best Friend~
Azariah Iyver. Sommy saved his life after he was attacked by a couple assholes. He lost an eye but probably have lost more if Sommy hadn't stepped in and kicked their asses. After recovering, Azzy realized he had never thanked the person who had saved his life. Using his computer skills and connection to other hackers, he tracked Sommy down. They didn't remember saving him and he didn't bring it up. They talked for a long time online. They told him about Adelaide and he convinced them to do something about her. Azzy is probably the only one who believes Sommy has the capability to change for the better.
Adelaide Creed. Originally Sommy viewed her as a parental figure. She taught them the ins and outs of the criminal business and started to groom them to be the second in command of her empire. After a while though, Sommy realized that she really wasn't as nice as she had originally seemed. They realized she was a monster. Adelaide had made Sommy her project and spent her time gaslighting and manipulating them into what she wanted.
Needlehands. He's a back alley monster doctor who does as much experimentation on his patients as he does actually fixing them. After his creator died, Needlehands tried to continue his work. He met Sommy when they were bleeding out from, what looked like, a half decapitation. He was amazed how they were still alive and patched them up. After finding out about their abilities, he just wanted to study them further. Needlehands made a deal with Sommy, he'd fix them up and help them out and they would let him look into what actually happened to them in regards to their abilities. After a while, Needlehands began to get really protective over them so now Sommy has a monster dad. He also helps Sommy research Endigo, its effects and a way to counter it.
Lewis “Trace” Harvey. He's a mediocre hacker employed by Adelaide. Sommy started blackmailing him to get him to do things for them. He's a disrespectful, insensitive asshole but Sommy has to put up with him if they want anything techy. However, after they meet Azzy they planned on killing Trace to make sure he didn't spill any info on them. Lucky for him, Void stepped in to watch him which they later regret.
Hydrea “Drea” Vannie. She is obsessed with Sommy, constantly trying to be their girlfriend. Too bad for her, Sommy absolutely despises her. They would love to kill her but Drea’s dad is a high ranking politician and she's also employed by Adelaide. Sommy assumes she was hired just to annoy them as Adelaide has said she finds her “very amusing”.
Johnny Clayborn. He also works for Adelaide and is one of the few people that genuinely scare Sommy. After he first got hired, Sommy was tasked to follow and observe his methods. Turns out he’s a cannibal that eats most of the people he kills and dissolves the rest. His love of zombies and weird, quiet nature really doesn’t help the unbelievably creepy vibe he gives off at all times. Sommy tried to hide the fact that he scared the piss out of them, especially when he kept inviting them for dinner.
Past Relationships~ none
Current Relationship~
Relationship Status~
single, forever
Birth/Infancy~ Sommy's birth parents were about as criminal as you could get. Involved in drug cooking, they were both hailed as geniuses due to their creation of a new drug, named Endigo. Taken as an adult, the side effects could vary from sleep paralysis type hallucinations to seizures. However, children exposed before birth and who have suffered traumatic events can develop brain anomalies leading to strange abilities and for some reason, strange eye color.
Childhood~ Sommy was involved in their parents' drug manufacturing, doing small tasks like packaging and the like as soon as they were able. They saw more than their fair share of shit during that time though they don't remember much. When they were 9, their parents were caught and arrested. Sommy seemed to be headed for an orphanage when they were adopted by a couple, the Bookers. Mrs. Booker was the Sergeant involved in the arrest of Sommy's birth parents. Along with new parents, Sommy now had a sister as well, Ophelia Booker, she was 2 years older than them. The Bookers did their best to take care of Sommy and help them recover. Teenhood~ Sommy was a handful as a teenager. They were rebellious and often lashed out at those around them because they didn't know what else to do. Their parents tried to curb this behavior by signing them up for fighting classes, hoping that they wouldn't have to fight other kids then. In this time Sommy's powers were also developing, though they keep this mostly to themself in fear of being seen as a freak, especially by their new family. They didn't want their irrational fear of being abandoned because of being so terrible to come through. At the age of 16, both Sommy's parents were killed in a home invasion gone wrong. They were out with their sister at the time. They always suspected there was more to it than that though. A lot of evidence just didn't add up. Infuriated by everything getting swept under the rug, Sommy ran away hoping to find out the truth. AdultHood~ After killing the man who was directly responsible for their parents' death, Sommy realized that they couldn't go back home to Ophelia like this. They viewed themself as a horrible person and was at a loss of what to do with their life. They felt like they didn’t deserve their adopted family’s love so they started using the Childs name again. Spiraling down, they started taking jobs as bodyguards for low lives and then that escalated to doing hit jobs. During that time, they made friends with a monster of a back alley doctor nicknamed Needlehands who did just as much experimentation on people as he did actually patching them up. Obviously, Sommy raised him up to be their father figure. They also fell into business with a woman named Adelaide Creed. She ran an empire on the backs of criminals, getting her hands on anything she could use to further her power and wealth. As more of a personal project, she warped Sommy's sense of purpose and self-image and gaslighted them until they couldn't remember the person they used to be. She wanted Sommy to be her successor, especially after finding out about their abilities. Eventually managing to snap out of the bloody haze they had been in for seemingly years, Sommy realized how much of a monster Adelaide really was. They decided they needed to tear her down from the inside. It was around this time that Sommy started to notice vague reports about kids with strange abilities. Realizing there were more people like themself, Sommy started looking for answers, eventually realizing it was their parent’s drug that was causing the anomalies. They took it upon themself to help these kids and keep them out of the government’s, or anyone’s radar. By blackmailing a chemist with reports of him falsifying results causing children's deaths, Sommy managed to get a sort of reverse version of Endigo that nullified abilities for a short while. They still had all their parents research that they had stolen years ago. Sommy killed the chemist after he gave them instructions on how to make the stuff. They then set out to help as many kids as they could because if they weren’t gonna do it who was? They also saw it as fallout from their parents, which fell on them to clean up.
OldHood~ Sommy continues to deal with the anomalies even after they outlive everyone they had known. Due to their healing ability, they can’t really die and just focus on moving forward and doing what they can.
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