#tho i think i did her way too similar to how violet looks smh
nexo-nex · 5 months
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i made lilly twdg on tomolife teehee
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violetmsu · 4 years
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it’s a me a mario!! aka your local mess ( brett ) back at it again ! this is violet and she is this and honestly? it may just be best if you experience her first hand. like this up for plotting and what not! her app is here, musing tag, about , pinterest, LITERALLY NONE OF THIS IS DONe and i’m still fleshing her out, but enjoyyyy. under the cut are some vi things and some plot ideas <3
she’s is an sort of average wizard, who wants to be extraordinary.
does not have the motivation to actually do so
a slytherin with a energy free ambition..smh
loves divination, has many hobbies within it
oddly calm, almost too calm
creepy calm, that saying cute but creepy? violet.
it takes a lot for her to get angry, but when she does there are those who swear they may have seen horns
is horribly lost in life, no idea what she truly wants to do
transfiguration queen? she transforms into a mink which ALSO happens to be her patronus
is obsessed with, tarot cards, books, long romantic strolls through a graveyard, lounging, making out, dressing in all dark colors, not having to start conversations, droobles best blowing gum, finding new excuses to not do something
always seems to have a lollipop with her
became estranged from her family at 16/17, she wanted out of their dark and negative space and prepared to leave. they have never got on anyway. only she got caught when her father found her packed bags, that was the last night she’d seen either of them. they kicked her out and cut her off, not that they had that much anyway. her aunt swooped in so she could finish her final years at hogwarts and be taken properly care of when she wasn’t at school.
after hogwarts the plan was to start working and becoming a functional magical citizen, her aunts plan, anyway. violet had other ideas. mokseong. it was the first time she had actually asked something from her aunt, to help her pay the tuition. this was her chance to change her fate.
her aunt agreed and violet promised to work, thus her journey here began.
she joined in the places she did well in, alchemy and transfiguration
just getting by in the other classes, but does put out some effort to study she mostly likes reading instead of it though
being the way she is bothers her and has stemmed from the way her family made her feel other. feel like she wasn’t horrible enough, didnt talk loud enough, didnt want to bow to everything they said. her sense of reality got sort of warped from them, she refuses to let them corrupt her magic too
her family pretended to be a lot of things they weren’t when the doors were open, behind them was a family who didn’t harbor any love at all
had tried to convince her brother to leave with her so he wouldn’t be left their alone, but he wouldn’t go 
all and all..she doesn’t talk about her family
she works as a bartender at nightowls, is horrible at it but the owner has a soft spot for her. often likes to creep out the customers or tell them they have so many days till they die. all lies, all quite funny in her opinion
actually she lies a lot
SELF DESTRUCTIVE !! woo, let’s go suffering
something good happening? better ruin it
making progress? can’t have that
feelings? yikes
goth gf
if you get into her bubble she does open up a little more
will have to be dragged to parties
does not dance to the song..she dances to her spirit
so many
she’s very witchy, from the way she dresses to just being her.
she’s part of the volleyball team, transfiguration club, divination club, literature club, defense against the dark arts club.
sometimes thinks the walls say things??? still hasn’t figured out what that is about
if you’re looking for her usually search dark, dimmed light corners.
a spooky babe
she prefers actions over words when it comes to people
if you can make her laugh you’ll have her attention
into knives
can be grumpy every once in awhile
likes to join study groups and pretend she’s studying just so she can say she went
even tho she doesn’t give herself any credit, she’s actually more self sufficient that she thinks 
writes her to do lists on her hands
frequently loses her phone
plot ideas, 
an angsty ex, violet is prone to ruin things and their relationship was one of them
a best friend or two, violet needs a support circle and she loves them for putting up with her weird ass <3
hogwarts relations
club / team relations
an enemy, they hate each other for reasons we can plot or they just DONT get along 
are we forming a book club right now?
a crush, cause surprisingly she does get those
someone who has a crush on her, she doesn’t know how this one happened 
someone who drags her to parties and encourages her to get out there!
a fling
a light to her darkness
they annoy each other so much but they are still frieNDS kfjfkf
a person who pushes through her barriers and she’s can’t help but care about them
a brother??? maYBE idk 
other people who work at nightowls??? 
similar interest acquaintances ?
a responsible person that constantly is like WHAT ARE YOU DOING ????
um im honestly so bad at this i can’t lIE i’m down to brainstorm or just go off stuff too!! if you’re interested in anything or have anything in mind feel free to just shoot me a message 
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