#tho tbf hes a wee bit more unhinged
"We have to defeat Dunstan!"
Garion's eyes slowly blink. He knows this song and dance.
It's like this, every time. If a timeline gets this far without an alteration, this is always where it leads. So few actually stayed on the straight and narrow good vs evil. Which makes sense, humans rarely, if ever, believe in a truly black and white.
He was lounged out on a low concrete wall, the good douji having their gathering in the small courtyard of the abandoned hospital.
He redirected his eyes from them, spinning his cane in his hand boredly. Trickery's parrot voice giggled, and spat out a mockery of them.
It incited anger in the young man who was the master of the Ultimate Good. Garion just kept quiet as his douji heckled Yamato.
"That's enough, Trickery." His voice is sharply stern, "Help me up." The mimic douji snapped his jaws shut, returning to his master's side. Garion holds an arm out and Trickery pulls him to his feet. His bad leg has gone weak, sitting on the hard surface, and he leans heavily on his cane. He knows the others have noticed his change in attitude, and doesn't plan to stick around long.
"Well, you all have fun on your wild goose hunt. I think I'd rather spend my time with more reasonable people." He put on a smile and waved a hand before beginning to walk away.
"It's the only way we can end this crap! Unless you have a better plan!"
Fury shoots through Garion and he has to stop himself, knuckles going white around the snake head of his cane. Trickery flicks his eyes between his master and Yamato. Garion takes a breath, steadying himself. As he turns around, the happy, nonchalant, almost dopey smile is back in his face.
"Oh, no, Mr. Yamato, don't mind me. You have your fun trying to defeat a man who's omnipresent and able to change timelines at will. You enjoy that. I'll simply have no part in it." He waves a hand dismissively. Though he can tell they know something deeper is in his words, he doesn't care. The deviation will soon tear them away from that plan entirely. It's only a matter of time.
He turns to continue down the road leading away from the hospital and back to his car. Trickery is skipping along beside him, giggling, "Dunstan makes you really mad, huh?"
"Yeah..." A sigh, "Yeah, he really does. Let's go check on Vice, hm? I wanna see how close he is to making Paresse snap now." He opens the driver's door and slips in.
"Oooouh, yeah!! Should be any time now." Trickery never opened the passenger door, but is sitting there beside him, phone open and clicking through texts, "The evil douji are meeting tonight, too!'
Garion makes a knowing hum, smiling to himself.
He liked these timelines.
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m0th-gh0st · 2 years
GUESS WHOS BACK (this time with less headcanons and more thoughts about wf)
after taking these past few days to rewatch wf, i have many thoughts that could actually fuel a small village for several years. i think wf is the only sv series that legitimately scares me since it pulls off everything it’s trying to do so well, like you start off with lee investigating strange noises inside of his walls??? that shit is terrifying no matter who you ask
speaking of, each act scares me for entirely different reasons, which i guess is the whole point lol but i love how it focuses on different premises while still keeping the idea and protagonist fresh. it’s also the only sv series that made me cheer for the protagonist somehow, because lee is smart as hell, and the other characters aren’t just shells of people, they actually have personality
that goes into why i absolutely love sean, since so many characters in the sv, especially side ones, get pushed away, their plot line is never finished because they’re not important enough. sean shows up early on in the series, and you’re not really paying much mind to him but rather focusing on lee being safe, before the interrogation, and how you so badly want lee to punch sean in the face lol (srsly tho mo please be a bro and let lee release his anger after being stuck in captivity for a while)
i will update you with more as i finish my notes but i hope you’re having an amazing day
- seanlee anon
Honestly that's a very interesting interpretation! I've always kinds thought wf js cheesy as hell ngl (as much as I love it I can't help but find a lot of faults with the series) but the visual affects for the rake from act one genuinely scared me on my first watch and jts a bit of a Shame we don't see them more as the series progresses
Lees not the dumbest protag but I've always been charmed by his attitude of "if it works it works but if I die at least its over" attitude (which sean throws back in his face later which js *chefs kiss*)
as for sean, I wish he wasn't forgotten about entirely before his eventual reveal as shiney, I feel like if pennysylvania trip was longer, or he was around for a bit longer thsn he was or at least mentioned a bit throughout the series (lee bringing up how he feels guilty for "getting him killed" or smth) the reveal would of hit harder
because going through the comments it seems a lot of people actually forgot about him lol (though tbf they also seemed to forget lexx after 3 episodes which... how.)
as for other characters while they all have very distinct personalities I feel like everyone except Lee ends up being a bit... one note. which is fine for characters like Lexx and Steve who never rlly got a chance to be developed more but it kinda leaves a lot to be desired for characters like Sean , Mo and especially Kaitlyn who die or get written off lol.
that being said I love how Lee is written and how he noticeably gets a bit more unhinged after the whole kidnapping affair (even being a bit unhinged before that)
I have a lot of criticism for the series but also a lot I like, It's still my favourite series despite all its flaws lol (quality wise I think I like keratingarden just a wee bit better tho tbh) I feel like my conflicting opinions is part of what makes me like it. it's cheesy sure but it doesn't rlly need tk be anything more yk?
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