#just a little garion drabble
"We have to defeat Dunstan!"
Garion's eyes slowly blink. He knows this song and dance.
It's like this, every time. If a timeline gets this far without an alteration, this is always where it leads. So few actually stayed on the straight and narrow good vs evil. Which makes sense, humans rarely, if ever, believe in a truly black and white.
He was lounged out on a low concrete wall, the good douji having their gathering in the small courtyard of the abandoned hospital.
He redirected his eyes from them, spinning his cane in his hand boredly. Trickery's parrot voice giggled, and spat out a mockery of them.
It incited anger in the young man who was the master of the Ultimate Good. Garion just kept quiet as his douji heckled Yamato.
"That's enough, Trickery." His voice is sharply stern, "Help me up." The mimic douji snapped his jaws shut, returning to his master's side. Garion holds an arm out and Trickery pulls him to his feet. His bad leg has gone weak, sitting on the hard surface, and he leans heavily on his cane. He knows the others have noticed his change in attitude, and doesn't plan to stick around long.
"Well, you all have fun on your wild goose hunt. I think I'd rather spend my time with more reasonable people." He put on a smile and waved a hand before beginning to walk away.
"It's the only way we can end this crap! Unless you have a better plan!"
Fury shoots through Garion and he has to stop himself, knuckles going white around the snake head of his cane. Trickery flicks his eyes between his master and Yamato. Garion takes a breath, steadying himself. As he turns around, the happy, nonchalant, almost dopey smile is back in his face.
"Oh, no, Mr. Yamato, don't mind me. You have your fun trying to defeat a man who's omnipresent and able to change timelines at will. You enjoy that. I'll simply have no part in it." He waves a hand dismissively. Though he can tell they know something deeper is in his words, he doesn't care. The deviation will soon tear them away from that plan entirely. It's only a matter of time.
He turns to continue down the road leading away from the hospital and back to his car. Trickery is skipping along beside him, giggling, "Dunstan makes you really mad, huh?"
"Yeah..." A sigh, "Yeah, he really does. Let's go check on Vice, hm? I wanna see how close he is to making Paresse snap now." He opens the driver's door and slips in.
"Oooouh, yeah!! Should be any time now." Trickery never opened the passenger door, but is sitting there beside him, phone open and clicking through texts, "The evil douji are meeting tonight, too!'
Garion makes a knowing hum, smiling to himself.
He liked these timelines.
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ladyfluffbutt · 4 years
Okay so I THINK I got this somewhat
Just as a warning this is gonna be lllooonnngg and I’m not sure it’ll make sense. Putting my thoughts into sentences is difficult but here goes.
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This be about Vernette, her Mother, and their bond with my salty nutcracker boi Garion (who originally went by George as you’ll soon see)
Vernette and her mother, Bayarmaa were returning to their village after gathering firewood. Vernette spotted something on the riverbank not far ahead of them. It turned out to be a man made of wood.
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     Seeing that he was unconscious and “injured”, they put him on the wood wagon and brought him back to their home where Baya quickly tended to the damages. There was little that she really could do given he was wooden but she at least filled the large cracks in the left side of his head with resin to bind and strengthen the damaged wood.
    When he finally awoke though is was clear that great damage had been done. He couldn’t recall any memories or even his own name save for the first letter of it being “G”. Baya was unsettled by this along with the fact that he’d been armed at some point given the two sword holsters attached to his waist. His left eye unsettled her even more. There’s was something...otherworldly about it.
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Despite her uncertainties she didn’t have the heart to turn him away. Vernette had become so attached to him in a matter of days and had even started calling him Georgie, much to the wooden grump’s dismay.
     Personally Baya would’ve went with something a bit more classy but seeing the first reaction to Vernette’s choice broke her. Thus George stayed with the two Jerboas.
   It was a blessing really. Baya had been ill for a long time and grew weaker with each passing month. Vernette’s father had died before she was born and once Baya became too weak to travel with her people across the mountains she was forced to settle and take up work in the village.
      George’s presence and surprising strength certainly helped out with gathering firewood and hunting. Despite his grumpy disposition Baya felt very attached to him after a while. He brought some new life into their little farm and Vernette pretty much became his shadow. He even agreed to teaching her how to sword fight once he regained his own swords.
Baya was initially very weary of this since he had no memory but apparently that didn’t damper his skills with his duel blades. She eventually gave him permission to train Vernette. She took to using her father’s sword, which in all honestly was too big for her but Baya couldn’t afford to get her daughter a new sword.
Their peaceful life wasn’t meant to last though as Bayarmaa’s illness progressed and she became bedridden. In her final days she asked for George to take care of her daughter. Vernette was too attached to him and she knew the little jerboa wouldn’t want to go back to her tribe once her Mom passed.
George agreed and promised to take care of her. Not long after Baya passed away and he gave her a pyre funeral. Vernette took it hard but they had little time to mourn as some of the Rat King’s troops descended upon the village and pillaged it.
They attacked George specifically and the two were forced to run from their home as it was destroyed. Now on the run they move from place to place. They try their best to stay under the radar of the Rat Kind but every so often some of these troops need a good ego bashing.
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Hope this little drabble was a bit informative about some of my characters. I have a feeling it’s a big ol hot mess but it’s the best I can do for now.
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floweryfandomnerd · 7 years
So, this is a schoolboy!arslan au drabble for @thelazyfanartist (set in Japan so the new school year is april, not September)
Next —>
Elam was late for school. Very, very late. Sleeping through his alarm because he worked too late yesterday? Not good. Making them late by forgetting to take his siblings to school? Even worse. To top it all off though, some random kid had to fall on his head (but hey, at least he didn’t get a concussion). The first time Elam met the white-haired boy he dubbed “The Klutz” had been mid April and two weeks into the new school year. Arslan (he later found that was his name) had been climbing a tree to help a baby bird he’d found. It’d fallen out of its nest so he kindly tried to help it, cautiously scaling the tree with one hand and two feet. The chick was protectively clutched in the other. Proudly, the boy deposited it amongst its siblings and smiled at it. Unfortunately for Elam, the boy was clumsy and lost his footing just as he was walking underneath the tree.
“Watch out!” Elam would have, he really would, if a foot hadn’t connected with his head a second after. Sprawled out on the ground, glancing to his left Elam could see the boy rubbing his foot, groaning quietly in pain. “I’m so sorry I fell on you! I was just trying to help that baby bird but I slipped…” Elam nodded, it was okay, really. His head hurt a bit and he’d been knocked over but he was fine; he couldn’t be so sure about Arslan though. Slowly standing, the boy reached out a hand to help Elam up even though his ankle was throbbing. Taking his hand, Elam stood too. “I’m Arslan by the way. We’re late though so I really should run!”, he waved goodbye at him then tried to rush off to school before the bell rang. Although, Elam noticed it was more of a limp with the guy favouring his right foot. Ah, “Wait!” he always kept bandages in his bag; they were handy for clumsy little brothers and sisters. Despite the shout, Arslan didn’t look back - either he hadn’t heard it or hadn’t wanted to wait. That had to hurt though.
Luck, perhaps, wasn’t completely against him since his homeroom teacher was even later than him. Gieve-sensei walked into the classroom ten minutes late with a Starbucks; when asked why he took so long he simply said “Wooing the love of your life (the Starbucks barista) sometimes it takes longer than you expect”. Elam was just glad that there was no detention for him; thank goodness his teacher was so eccentric. Eccentricity, however, did nothing to keep him interested in maths. Solving the equations on the work sheets was easy, so Elam finished quickly, letting his attention wander across the room to the boy he met earlier. Arslan didn’t really seem to be concentrating, it looked more like he was doodling and staring out the window instead of doing maths. So, he was a daydreamer, huh? So am I, Elam thought before he put his head down and napped till the end of class. Gieve didn’t comment since he’d done the work, silently taking it to grade it (96%) before returning it.
A prodding to his side was what woke Elam at lunch, someone very annoying was poking him. “Hey, wake up, you’ll miss lunch…” Wearily opening his eyes, Elam glanced up to face the white haired boy and the otherwise empty classroom (what was his name again? Arslan right?); he was sort of leaning on his desk, as if to keep the weight off his feet. Reaching into his bag, Elam held up a finger and pulled out a bandage, gesturing for him to sit on the desk next to him. Confusedly, Arslan obliged and sat down. “For your ankle, you twisted it right?” Elam noted the surprised look on Arslan’s face without saying anything, instead grabbing his leg, choosing to bandage up the injured foot. Smiling brightly, Arslan jumped up from the desk, asking if Elam wanted to come to lunch with him. They walked down the hall quietly, footsteps echoing in the silence, though Arslan didn’t seem to be leading them to the canteen.
He could see why Arslan would prefer to eat outside, it was peaceful. Warm rays of sunlight were warded off by cool breezes here, on which cherry blossom petals fluttered to the ground - here was more comfortable than the loud chatter of people inside. Settling into the grass Arslan pulled out his lunch, Elam copied. Only he found that his was flattened to the point of being inedible, the bento box cracked (figures it would be, he’d landed on it). Fingers feeling in his pocket, he found it empty just as expected; with no money to buy any lunch he guessed he’d have to just skip the meal. Wordlessly Arslan broke his sandwich in half, offering it to Elam (along with some cookies and a drink as well). Maybe he wouldn’t have to go hungry after all…
The second time Elam met Arslan was almost a week later (he’d been busy). This time he was at the park with his two younger sisters and little brother, keeping an eye on them as they played. He didn’t really get to spend much time with them due to his job, but his parents worked hard too so he saw it as his responsibility to take them places like the park. Across the green space Elam could see his friend (were they friends?) sitting reading a book. Entranced by the book, Arslan was detached from the world around him, except the football that hit his side. Garion hadn’t meant to aim the ball at anyone, when Elam jogged over he hadn’t much enjoyed being told off either. “Well, are you going to apologise?” Garion nodded, bending over to pick up the ball, then mumbling out a small apology. Arslan simply laughed, wrinkles creased around his eyes. To an exhausted Elam, it seemed kind of strange but he didn’t give it much thought. Visibly deflating with relief (Arslan wasn’t mad), Elam flopped down into the grass next to him. Resting against the same tree as his friend, he closed his eyes for what was only meant to be a minute.
Arslan looked at his tired friend, could hear his stomach rumbling and knew that he hadn’t eaten dinner yet today, nor had he slept long. Elam’s sisters and brother seemed a bit worried too, stopping playing over looking at their brother in concern. In a whisper (so as not to wake him), Arslan called Daryun, asking if he could bring a picnic for five and a few blankets. It was still warm when Elam was woken once again by poking, though the sky was beginning to change colours; he found he was covered by a blanket with a picnic basket to his side that contained a note. Opening it, it read I fed them and watched them for about two and a half hours, I hope you had a good nap. I had to go home though so I told them to wake you.
Elam smiled a soft smile as he took his sister’s hands and walked his three siblings home. Although Garion was still sulking about being told off.
I’m sorry about how long it took me to write this for you given the length. I loved the idea and enjoyed writing it though, even if I for the life of me I couldn’t sit still to write it out(probably would have taken less time if my laptop were working but I had to stick to my phone). It’s not exactly how they become best friends in the au but it’s how I think they’d have met. Thank you for the request. Oh, and @inoki-mikan I believe you said you’d want to read stuff for this au so this is for you as well ^-^
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